Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Playback comes to iPeng

2013-02-15 Thread Honva


Just want to say thank you for the good work.  I was using ipeng when it
was just an plugin for the squeezebox server and when your ipod app
first came out, I bought that since the first version.  When you first
added the playback function, I didn't think that was very useful as I
was mainly using the ipod for controlling all my other squeezebox
devices.  Recently, I found out that Logitech had discontinued the
squeezebox line and I can no longer get any squeezebox in my local area
or anywhere in the world for a reasonable price.  After days of
search, I realised that ipeng may be able to turn an ipod into a
squeezebox receiver.  I then pulled out my old 1st generation ipod and
enabled the ipeng playback option.  When I connected it through a
charging line out cable to my Audiolab amp, the quality is surprisingly
good!  Sound quality of Flac playback is as good as a mid-level CD
player.  Better yet, on the server, it appeared as just another
squeezebox player that I could control remotely.

Now, I no longer need to worry about not able to get another squeezebox
hardware.  When I need a new player, just get an ipod and pick a nice
dock or connection to fit the need.  Much more freedom for hardware
combination.  To me, Logitech had just handed over one of their great
product to Apple.

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Re: [slim] What is missing from your Squeezebox experience ?

2012-07-13 Thread Honva

What I really miss and want is the ability of squeezebox to pause and
rewind live internet radio and to schedule recordings.  Hope that it
will do radio just like what a PVR could do to TV channels.  It should
be easy for logitech to add that function to the media server.

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Re: [slim] New Boom on the Horizon?

2010-08-09 Thread Honva

As a user, I was very disappointed with the product line in the last
couple of years.  My feeling is that Logitech is destroying the very
good slimdevices line in the last few years.  To we end users, we just
want a device with good audio quality, simple user interface and
reliable software.  The old classic dump squeezeboxes just did the job

What Logictech did was:
1. Unnecessarily changed the devices to linux computers to increase
complexity that their company's programmers can't handle.
2. Dropped the important digital out on most of their products except
top of the line.  Consumers ended up with not much choices.
3. In this age of global village, Logitech dropped support to display
international character sets.  (need users to do their own mods to
4. Discontinued useful functions when their programmer cannot solve
their own problem.  eg. Remote number keys for favorites; constant
digital out level while having variable analogue out, etc.
5. Newer software even less stable than older version.

I was a happy user when I bought my first squeezebox feeling the
product was so much better than competition.  My recent purchases ended
up with a lot of time spent on finding workarounds.


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Re: [slim] Hi everybody,i'm new here,i've got a question...

2010-03-16 Thread Honva

amit145;525534 Wrote: 
 I have a problem regarding my squeezbox..
 the problem is that i CANT play DTS/DD/AC3 sound format audio files on
 my audio system under this situation:
 My Squeezbox is connected Via coax cable to a DAC (valab nos),
 the DAC is connected to my 7.1 AV receiver,HK AVR 255 (via analog
 interconnect into an alalog input).
 Now the only problem i have is playing audio files (that are on my PC)
 that are in 5.1 format (such as DTS audio cd etc'...)
 P.S: if i remove the DAC and connect the Squeezbox straight to the AV
 receiver,i have NO problem at all hearing any kind of audio formats what
 so ever... so i guess the problem has to do with the 5.1 to 2.0 decoding
 that is not possible in the VALAB dac (it never ment to do so..)
 ANY suggestion you guys have for me?

Correct me if I am wrong.  Valab NOS uses a very old chip for CD audio
only.  It only has dts/ac3 pass-through, not decoding.  This is why you
cannot play dts/ac3 with it.

Squeezebox when playing dts/ac3 outputs the original coded stream to
the digital out.  It relies a dts/ac3 receiver to decode them.


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Re: [slim] remote access to my library?

2010-03-08 Thread Honva

If you are streaming through the internet, I would suggest you to
consider setting up connection through ssh rather than just opening the
ports on your router.  You are running into serious security risks.  If
people gain access to your squeezeboxserver, they could do a lot of


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Re: [slim] Save on Logitech stuff

2010-03-01 Thread Honva

The codes appears to work in Canada as well.  Didn't go through the
check out but the cart accepted both codes bring the radio down from 219
to 168.


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Re: [slim] Announce: New Squeezeslave 0.9 Release available on sourceforge

2009-12-22 Thread Honva

ralphy;497019 Wrote: 
 Try ./squeezeslave-lnx26 -r10
 Note the ./ at the beginning.  In unix the current directory is not
 searched for executables unless it is in the PATH.
 You may also need to add the hostname of your Squeezebox Server after
 the -r10 separated by a space if the server is not running on the same

I have some more questions hope you or someone could answer.  I am
running squeezecenter 7.3.4 on ubuntu 8.04.1.  I saw that there is a
patch file for 7.3.  What is that patch for?  If needed, how do I apply


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Re: [slim] Announce: New Squeezeslave 0.9 Release available on sourceforge

2009-12-19 Thread Honva

ralphy;497019 Wrote: 
 Try ./squeezeslave-lnx26 -r10
 Note the ./ at the beginning.  In unix the current directory is not
 searched for executables unless it is in the PATH.
 You may also need to add the hostname of your Squeezebox Server after
 the -r10 separated by a space if the server is not running on the same

Thank you very much!  Forgot this basic linux rule.


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Re: [slim] Announce: New Squeezeslave 0.9 Release available on sourceforge

2009-12-18 Thread Honva

Please bear my stupid question.

I downloaded the file squeezeslave-0.9-95-lnx26.tar.gz for ubuntu.

However,after unpacking, I do not see the usual squeezeslave program.
The previous version I am using has this executable.  All what I got
are: .lircrc, license.txt, squeezeslave-lnx26,
squeezeslave-lnx26-display, squeezeslave-lnx26-i64,
squeezeslave-lnx26-i64-display, and 2 patches.

I tried to run squeezeslave-lnx26 but it gave me command no find error.
I checked permission and they are properly marked as rwx

What am I missing/doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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[slim] Squeezebox won't play certain asx stream.

2009-12-08 Thread Honva

I was trying to play this radio stream:

The stream won't play natively on squeezebox 3.  It will only play when
using squeezecenter to do wma transcoding.  Could anyone tell me what is
so special about this stream?  It would be great if future player
firmware release could include the handling of this type of wma stream.



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Re: [slim] Report on powerline ethernet (five weeks later)

2008-11-22 Thread Honva

For those with powerline adapter, I have a question.  
Does the adapter work if plugged in a UPS(uninterrupted power supply)? 
My area has short power outage every few days.


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[slim] Alarm to stop or turn off squeezebox at preset time?

2008-10-21 Thread Honva

The 7.2 version alarm allow me to set alarm to turn on squeezebox at
preset time.  However, is there a plugin or a way to turn off or stop
the squeezebox at a preset time?  



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Re: [slim] Powerline network question.

2008-07-23 Thread Honva

Thanks for all the replies.  Not able to continue working during a power
outage seems to be the weakest point about Powerline network plugs. 
Looks like a wireless bridge or pulling another cable are my only
choices.  (my area on average has a power failure once a week.)


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Re: [slim] Powerline network question.

2008-07-23 Thread Honva

Mark Lanctot;322436 Wrote: 
 Umm, maybe I missed something, but how would the SB/SBR and your stereo
 work if it had no power?  Not getting network connectivity would be
 inconsequential at that point.

All my current equipments are on UPS.  Computers, servers, DVR, SB3,
TV, AMP, switches, and cable modem all have backup power for at least
45min.  In my area, most power failures are from a second to a few
minutes only.  Therefore, those powerfailure are transparent to me
right now.  

Was trying to put another network link to the basement and checking if
those powerline adapter is an option or not.  Looks like I will need to
pull another cable.  (don't like WiFi bridge as I try to minimize radio


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[slim] How to turn off player at specific time?

2008-07-22 Thread Honva

This question must be asked before but I couldn't find the answer with
the forum search.

There is an alarm option to turn the player on at scheduled time. 
However, how to I schedule a off time?  Say, for example, I want the
player to automatically play an internet radio station at 10:00pm and
then turn off at 8:00am the next morning.  Is there a way to do it?



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[slim] Powerline network question.

2008-07-22 Thread Honva

Anyone using powerline network adapter?  I have a question that no
vendor mentioned.

If I plug the adapters on a UPS, will it still work?  If yes, will it
still work during a power outage?  (i.e. the adapter getting power from
the UPS).



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[slim] mms stream: SB3 vs squeezeslave

2008-07-17 Thread Honva

In my course to set up the server, found one surprising observation.
When I set wma to native in squeezecenter and try to play a mms
stream, the SB3 displayed time out error.  However, squeezeslave on
the server could connect and play the stream with no problem.  

Is this normal?  So...Squeezeslave not just emulate SB but improved
over it?

Some of the example streams that only plays on squeezeslave:

Is there any way to play these streams using SB3 in the native mode?



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Re: [slim] Energy saving thoughts and tips

2008-04-24 Thread Honva

dsdreamer;295254 Wrote: 
 I have been enjoying my pair of SB3s for quite some time without
 thinking about the energy costs (financial and environmental) of
 running an old PC 24/7/365 to act as a dedicated server. Now I want to
 do something about it, and wondered what options people have employed
 Some ideas of my own, that I have implemented or tried to:
 1) Underclock the PC CPU and Memory in the BIOS
 2) Remove unwanted hardware such as graphics accelerators (since the
 machine is running headless)  
 3) Auto standby after some hours of inactivity
 I would really like to combine #3 with Wakeup on LAN, but I couldn't
 get that to work (yet).  Does the the firmware that comes with SC 7.0
 still support the WOL magic packet?
 Do other people have different ideas that they could share here? It may
 help a few people and save a few mega Joules of energy aggregated over
 the SD community :-)

On newer CPUs, underclock may not give you saving because the CPU will
underclock itself during idle anyway.  Undervolt will save you a lot
more.  How much power saving depends on how old your CPU is.  Older
CPUs without speed step or cool  quiet will burn you a lot more
energy.  My old Athlon XP 3000 burns 102W during idle.  My Athlon x2
3600 only burns 45W when idle and 39W after undervolting.

WOL will save you the most energy and is easy to do.  Most computers
only use 1-5W during S3 sleep and wake up time is typically 20s (of
which 15s was waiting for hard drive to spin up).

If you are really concerned about power saving but want to maintain
performance, forget about desktop boxes.  Get a cheap old notebook with
something like a Pentium M.  While I spent hours trimmed and tuned my
desktop server down to the impressive 39W, my Gateway notebook used
only 12W after 5min of tweaking.

If you want to put together a new SFF box, wait for the upcoming (May)
Intel Atom CPU and Centrino 2 chipset.  Expectation are that they are
really good on performanc/power ratio.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-11 Thread Honva

DanielTheGreat;277272 Wrote: 
 I can't include my DTS files because SlimServer corrupts them when
 replay gain is enabled.  

Slimserver has no problem handling DTS files.  As mentioned before, DTS
files need to be sent to the receiver straight through without altered. 
You do not need to turn replay gain off for other files.  Just make sure
that you do not include replaygain info in your DTS files.  If
slimserver does not find the replaygain tag, it will not apply
replaygain to them.  Just remove the replaygain tags on those DTS
files, set digital out to 100% and you will have no problem.


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Re: [slim] Looks like Blu-Ray has won

2008-02-20 Thread Honva

Physical media is going to stay.  More so for movies.

1. Bandwidth does not catch up fast enough.  By the time you could
download a Blu-ray disc fast enough, Sony will have Blu-ray Ultra with
2TB media supporting 4320p HD format.

2. Hard Disk size not catching up fast enough.  A 500G drive could only
store a dozen of movies.  You also need to back up the hard drive
otherwise you eventually lose it.

3. A typical movie you will watch it once every a few years.  Why
bother to use expensive online storage (Hard Disk) for it?

4. A typical movie will last about 2 hours, inserting a physical disc
is not a incovenience.  (Music is different, songs last 3-4min which
would trigger a lot of disc swap.)

5. A lot of online movie purchase has time limit.  That is you can
only watch it over a something like a 24-hour period.  This is very
wrong.  It is more like rental only.  When I buy I Blue-ray disc, I own
it and can watch it later, give it to my friends or even sell it at a
later day.  It may even have investment value.  (A lot of my LP
collection could be sold for a price a lot higher than when I bought

6. Physical media helps sales.  A physical media on a shelf display in
shops has advertising effect and could trigger more sales.


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Re: [slim] Looks like Blu-Ray has won

2008-02-18 Thread Honva

bigfool1956;270604 Wrote:
 Blu-ray has the potential to give us higher-than-cd quality music, of
 course we would want to be able to get that off the disc and onto the
 hard drive
 Guess this thread is for non-US citizens only, as even making a post
 would be illegal, as I understand it.. Oh dear.

Saw a similar RSS feed last night from Reuters.  It is good for Toshiba
to make the announcement before their last partner Paramount makes the

It is good for all of us with only one format.  Blue-ray sales should
go up fast and price should start to drop to the $150-$200 level soon. 
However, for most people, the main cost of the switch is not buying the
player, but to upgrade the Receiver.

I was surprised last year not seeing music industry using the HD
format.  Hope this will encourage them more.  96/24 in 7.1 channel
sounds very attractive, especially in concert recordings.



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Re: [slim] Looks like Blu-Ray has won

2008-02-18 Thread Honva

Looks like Paramount Pictures missed the opportunity.  As the last film
producer in HD DVD group, Paramount could have use the opportunity to
strike a good deal with the Blu-ray group to end the war. Now that
toshiba made their move first, Paamount no longer has this advantage.


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Re: [slim] Any way of doing this?

2008-02-14 Thread Honva

MadScientist;269303 Wrote: 
 Is there any way I can get SqueezeCenter to run a script when its starts
 up?  It would need to do this when it starts up again each time my
 server comes out of standby.   My server being a Dell PC running XP
 The reason for this rather unusual request is that I want to have the
 server in standby mode when not being used and to be able to control
 the time between SB3 ceasing activity and the machine going back into
 standby (several good reasons for this which I won’t bore you with).  
 At the moment this is not possible since the PC goes back to standby 2
 min after SB3 activity ceases and it does not appear possible to change
 this.   If I can run a script to simulate a key press on SqueezeCenter
 start, then the time to standby should come under control of the
 Windows power management settings which I can modify to suit.
 Any help appreciated

Just curious.  The time interval you described could easily be adjusted
with the Windows Power management setting in control panel.  Why do you
need a plugin to do that?


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Re: [slim] Should I switch to SlimServer 7?

2008-02-14 Thread Honva

alstein;269405 Wrote: 
 I am currently using SlimServer v6.54 on my Vista PC. I also have the
 Sirius plugin which works well. Is there any reason for me to change to
 version 7? Its weird, but whenever things run too smoothly I get the
 urge to fiddle!

Isn't that fun!?.nowadays even working smoothly without problem is
not enough.  :-)

I found it actually part of the fun with SB is that new plugins and
updates are showing up every day.  For me, SC7 is a must.  It fixed the
following problem for me.  
1. some internet radio stream not playing until I hit pause twice.
2. Chinese large font display top 2 pixel cut off.
3. Some album art in unicode directories not showing up.
4. More reliable wake-on-lan.


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[slim] Surprise!

2008-02-13 Thread Honva

I bought the SB3 about 4 weeks ago.  Spent some time to configure
everythingfinding the perfect spot, connect to hi-fi, hiding wires,
set-up server, config library, wake-on-lan, harmony remote, favourites,
plug-ins, etc...

After 3 weeks, everything is finally set-up perfectly.  I had then
showed my wife once (in about 60 seconds) how to use the thing with the
harmony remote.  Realising that she is techno-phobia, I have little
hope that she will be able to use it or will use it.

Came home last weekend it really surprised me.  She was listening to
internet radio with the SB3, switching channels and later on plays
musics from the library.

I think it does prove one thing.  Although the setting up and
configuration of the slimdevice is a bit more complex due to the large
number of configuration options, plugins and settings, the user
interface in fact is very simple and user friendly.  Once set-up
properly, even a non-geek like my wife is not afraid to give it a try.

This is completely out of my expectation!  Just the fact that she is
feeling comfortable using it would justify buying another one for the

(Of course, this is also partly because of the Harmony remote control
which automatically switch everything on and set my receiver to the
correct input.)


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Re: [slim] Surprise!

2008-02-13 Thread Honva

Phil Leigh;269001 Wrote: 
 Hooray - you win the happy user award!
 Your post comes as such a relief  - it warms my heart.
 Since you have just been on a 3-week crash course on how to configure
 everything perfectly, would you mind helping some of the newbies
 Me and my friends are a bit tired...
 (sincerely - well done and congratulations)

Hi Phil,
I used the word perfect just in the context of my situation.  My
set-up is relatively simple and straight forward compared to a lot of
other people here.  
Wireless SB3 connected to Yamaha Receiver with digital out.
SqueezeCentre on Windows XP box (AMD3600x2 and ASUS M2A-HDMI).
(Thought about a small NAS but did not go that way.) Computer set to
sleep (STR) when not in use.  After changing the poewr supply, my
computer is fairly efficient.  45w while serving and 1.5w when
sleeping. Waking up takes ~20s.
CDs are in flac.  (No iTunn or other stuff)

I have to say Logitech staff in these forums are very helpful.  I got
answers from them here very fast.  They helped me on a lot of things in
these few weeks like sorting out unicode problem, album art display,
chinese display clipping, wake-on-lan questions etc.  I am glad that I
picked the SB3 rather than the Roku.  The SB3 has continuous
improvements every day.  In the last 3 weeks, there were already a lot
of improvements compared to the day I bought it.



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Re: [slim] Logitech Losing an Opportunity

2008-02-07 Thread Honva

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- In the middle

Initially I also had the impression that a stand alone NAS to handle
slimserver would be great.  However, after looking deeper into the
situation, I think a NAS is not the best option.

The reason is: I (and most people) already have a computer, why buy
another hardware to do the same thing?  Energy consumption is also not
a big deal as the computer will be sleeping most of the day when not

I would rather see logitech to focus on improving the SB in 
1. more smooth wake-on-lan handling (no need to press power again.  Or press power and wait for a good 2
minutes.  Should be press power once and auto-connect as soon as server
is up)
2. Improving SqueezeNetwork streaming.  Currently some radio streams
must be played through computer rather than SqueezeNetwork.
3. Make it able to play the audio track of video stream.



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Re: [slim] Logitech Losing an Opportunity

2008-02-07 Thread Honva

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Although I don't agree with a NAS type device for slimserver, I do see
an opportunity for Logitech to join venture with other companies

A better solution would be to join partnarship with other companies to
incorporate the slimserver in their products.  Examples are:
1. With Scientific Alantic to produce a Cable PVR with slimserver build
in.  Then even with cable companies to sell music directly to the box. 
(what apple was doing)

2. Hard disk DVD recorder with build in slimserver.  Users can rip CD
directly on the drive.  (a 1TB drive could be enough for most users)

3. With Sony to produce a PS4 that has Blu-ray, slimserver, picture
station build in.

These are devices that could became must have in every home. 
Logitech will be selling SB for these homes like they are selling
keyboards for computers.



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[slim] A question on wake-on-lan

2008-01-23 Thread Honva

I have searched the forums but couldn't find a definitive answer.  Hope
I could get some tips here.

Wake on lan works fine on my setup when connected to Squeezecenter. 
When I power up the SB3, it will wake my server as well.  However, if I
switched to SqueezeNetwork and later switch back to Squeezecenter, the
player won't send a wake-on-lan signal.  It just keep trying to connect
to the still sleeping server.  

Is this normal behaviour?  If yes, is there a way to send a wake-on-lan
signal in this situation?




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Re: [slim] A question on wake-on-lan

2008-01-23 Thread Honva

fcm4711;261816 Wrote: 
 Hi Biu
 No, this is not normal or at least not as it is supposed to be.
 Switching to SN and then going back should still wake up your local
 What is the SB firmware version you are using?

Hi Felix,
I was using firmware 84 when I had that problem.  I have just tried it
on version 86.  In version 86, it is working now.  Was something
changed between 84 and 86?

Now I feel better that I can use SqueezeNetwork more often and let my
server sleep more (saving another 70W while listening to internet




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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2008-01-15 Thread Honva

Besides using ASIO or KS to pass stream directly to digital out, there
is one more important setting people often missed.  Set the wave input
and mixer output to 100%.  Even KS won't bypass volume control (it just
prevented the 44/48kHz conversion).  Any volume adjustment will alter
the DTS waveform and not regonised by receiver.


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