Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-16 Thread Tubebox

Mick Seymour;385329 Wrote: 
 Just to confirm my understanding:
 1. The two external HDs are connected to the Mac at the same time?
 2. Both HDs are powered up and spun up when you boot the Mac?
 3. Both HDs are mounted on their same respective mount points each time
 the Mac boots?
 4. An 'alias' on a Mac is the same as a symbolic link?
 5. Your defined SqueezeCenter music folder is in your users directory?
 6. You have two symbolic links from your defined SqueezeCenter music
 folder pointing to the mount points, or sub directories of those mount
 points of the two HDs?
 7. SqueezeCenter starts after all internal and external disk partitions
 are mounted?
 8. When you shut down Mac OS, SqueezeCenter stops before the two
 external HDs are unmounted?
 If the above is not correct, let us know. Meanwhile, a couple of
 A symbolic link won't change to point somewhere else on its own, even
 if the file or directory it points to isn't there, for example, if a
 disk is unmounted. However, if an 'alias' is not a Mac OS/UNIX style
 symbolic link, I don't know.
 Unmounting and remounting your music disks when SC is running is not a
 good idea.

Yeah, all those questions and points might help and have good point.
Let me go answering one by one:
1. The two external HDs are connected to the Mac at the same time?
Yes, they are!
2. Both HDs are powered up and spun up when you boot the Mac?
3. Both HDs are mounted on their same respective mount points each time
the Mac boots?
What is the mount point? If it's simply a place on a desktop I don't
know, I think they are at the same place.
4. An 'alias' on a Mac is the same as a symbolic link?
I think it is!
5. Your defined SqueezeCenter music folder is in your users directory?
6. You have two symbolic links from your defined SqueezeCenter music
folder pointing to the mount points, or sub directories of those mount
points of the two HDs?
To sub directories where the music is stored.
7. SqueezeCenter starts after all internal and external disk partitions
are mounted?
Well NO, it wasn't! I have recently changed that, I will see soon if
anything changes.
8. When you shut down Mac OS, SqueezeCenter stops before the two
external HDs are unmounted?
I think it does, but I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-16 Thread Tubebox

It wasn't starting at all or it was starting -before- the HDs were

If it starts after they are mounted then it probably stops before they
are unmounted. It is worth checking.

No, I think I unmounted and remounted the same HD drive while SC has been
But I will certainly check the  thing with terminal it might help.
In the meanwhile, here what terminal says now on mount and df commands:

Last login: Fri Jan 16 20:24:58 on console
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$ mount
/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
fdesc on /dev (fdesc, union)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, automounted)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted)
/dev/disk0s3 on /Volumes/NO NAME (msdos, asynchronous, local, noowners)
/dev/disk2s1 on /Volumes/My Book 1 (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid,
/dev/disk1s1 on /Volumes/My Book (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$ df
Filesystem512-blocks  Used Available Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s294109696  52522048  4107564857%/
devfs216   216 0   100%/dev
fdesc  2 2 0   100%/dev
map -hosts 0 0 0   100%/net
map auto_home  0 0 0   100%/home
/dev/disk0s322406800  13453312   895348861%/Volumes/NO NAME
/dev/disk2s1   624984640  45656960 579327680 8%/Volumes/My Book
/dev/disk1s1   976529472 420266624 55626284844%/Volumes/My Book
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$ 
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-15 Thread Tubebox

Well so far the problem seems to appear over and over. It is not
dependent at all on anything known, the thing is that even when discs
and folders are named the same, the library is not with right paths,
and the SB3 does not want to play/stream files. It is annoying to
rescan your stored music which takes over 20 minutes for before it
starts to stream songs.

So once again: 
Mac mini with Mac OS 10.5.
One external drive is firewire
Another one is USB
They both have the same names as well as folders with music on them.
Every now and then it looses paths stored in primary Macintosh volume
in users folder where the aliases (shortcuts) are, so you have rescan
the library again everytime this happens.

Please, any clues?


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Re: [slim] repair of squeezebox?

2009-01-13 Thread Tubebox

Hello ,
I would suggest to put some pictures of opened SB with loosed (and
fixed) connectors on our forum to see what could possibly go wrong,
just for knowledge base. 
I also advice against wireless headphones, since SB is used primarily
for lossless files and quality listening which wireless heads are not
able to provide.



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Re: [slim] External HD - PC/Mac compatibility

2009-01-13 Thread Tubebox

FAT32 on external HDs is not the same as on internal drives and is much
more stable than the last one.
So every modern mac will read it. No need to reformat to NTFS (what
might cause problems on macs) or format in Mac OS. The only thing that
might cause problems on Mac OS platforms is aliases problem that get
confused with multiple drives.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-13 Thread Tubebox

Well it seems that the problems with aliases to specified folders are 
repeating itself.
Does anybody have any solution about it or one should rescan huge
library on MacOS platforms over  over?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-13 Thread Tubebox

Imof, yes, they  have already been mounted from the computer startup,
now when problem reappeared. And you are right! The mount sequence
suppose to be a problem. 
I will figure out something, but what?
Dont want to spend more time in mounting and rescaning than listening
to music.


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[slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-11 Thread Tubebox

...despite all the network is OK, from Squeezecenter all starts
perfectly and running (including the songs), but on the playing now
panel of SB3 is written stopped or it is shown as it was about to
start playing but it simply doesnt start.
I run Squeeze center 7.2.1 on a Mac Mini with two external harddisks
Thanks for help 
I am totally unhappy...


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-11 Thread Tubebox

Well, I have just fixed it!
Kind a strange thing happened...
Music is on two external HDs. From another folder on a Mini Mac two
aliases (shortcuts) describe paths from which the music will stream. by
clicking those aliases the one would go straight to the particular
folder. These aliases have been changed. Why, I dont know. 
So many reasons:
- I frequently mount and unmount my discs in Mac OS.
- I keep SC starting as the Mac OS starts...
- ...and frequently reboot to Windows and the other way around
Any of aforementioned processes might influence I suppose.
I created two new aliases (they are both checked and working),
rescanned both of my drives again and voila... It started to work
No firewalls (except built-in Mac OS) no antivirus softwares.
Kind a trivial thing but might happens...


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 simply won't play...

2009-01-11 Thread Tubebox

seanadams;382785 Wrote: 
 Can you play internet radio?

Seems to me that this was the adequate question.
It should work but I didnt check!
Anyway, it would be nice test to check the problem.


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Re: [slim] Power supply for SB3 options

2008-11-12 Thread Tubebox

Just to update myself:
I have found one of Russ Andrews PSU, up to 80 pounds.
How does it score?
Anybody knows?


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[slim] Power supply for SB3 options

2008-11-08 Thread Tubebox

As in a head: 
What options for PSU for SB3 are available other than USA ones (Bolder
Cables, CIAudio and Wlborne labs) particularly for Europe market?
Those units might not have CE certification and the shipping to Europe
(Slovenia) is rather Risky, requiring additional declaration payments.


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