[slim] shorten + mac slimserver

2005-04-27 Thread bill fumerola
i see shorten listed as windows-only support. my slimserver is running
on osx.

although the time it would take to script converting all my shn to flac
would be significantly less than it would take to write osx support,
i'll still bite. before i dig too much thought is there some serious
reason shn support isn't done or is it just a matter of someone writing
the code? am i just missing something and does shorten+osx work?

-- bill

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Re: [slim] shorten + mac slimserver

2005-04-27 Thread bill fumerola
On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 05:07:37PM -0500, Ben Sandee wrote:
> On 4/27/05, bill fumerola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i see shorten listed as windows-only support. my slimserver is running
> > on osx.
> I use shorten just fine on my Linux box.  I think I compiled my
> shorten binary myself and it "just worked".  I'd recommend giving it a
> shot.

shorten version 3.6.0: (c) 1992-1999 Tony Robinson and SoftSound Ltd
Seek extensions by Wayne Stielau; UNIX maintenance by Jason Jordan

the shorten binary is in both my path (the user it's running as) and the
system's path. when i try and play a shorten file:

Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at 
/Users/fumerola/Library/SlimDevices/Plugins//Slim/Player/Source.pm line 1235.

which cooresponds to:
$offset = $track->audio_offset() + $seekoffset;

this is with 'SlimServer Version: 6.0.2 - 3085'.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Command Line interface - X10 Remote

2005-05-11 Thread bill fumerola
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 03:48:36PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> Is there a utility available to send commands to the slimserver via
> a system call?  I know I can connect to port 9090 -- but I'm wondering if
> there's already a program available that will work with my existing
> setup.

you could use netcat[1] to simplify sending commands to tcp/9090.

-- bill

1. http://public.www.planetmirror.com/pub/lprng/TOOLS/netcat/nc110.tgz
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[slim] suggestion: negative nice startup

2005-05-18 Thread bill fumerola
any chance/interest in seeing the script that spawns slimserver on
unix-ish platforms do so optionally with a negative nice value? gui
configurable would be nice but even a hard-coded '-1' would do.

processes with fairly constant i/o (like slimserver) will be prioritized
lower than more interactive processes. normally this works fine,
interactive processes yield a lot and slimserver still gets what it
needs.  however, a process that goes from being interactive to spinning
cpu will initially get more time slices. example: a dvd encoding tool
that goes from a configuration mode to churning through the latest codec.
eventually they'll both be scheduled fairly, but by that time the audio
has already skipped. simpler example: start a compile of something with
a bunch of files (extra fun: use 'make -j').

because i'm truely lazy, i just run a root crontab that renices slimserver
(and eyetv) periodically. it's easier than re-editing the various startup
scripts after upgrades. i can still run slimserver & eyetv reniced as
an unprivileged user with no change to either. regardless of how
right/wrong i am with the scheduler theory: i do see a reduction in the
number of different workloads that can cause a stall with slimserver
running renice'd negatively.

the most straightforward change would to execute sudo with a user supplied
nice value defaulting to zero. nice values are inherited through sudo's

a slightly more complicated way to solve this would be to introduce a
pidfile. using a pidfile makes it easy to renice after startup. as a
bonus, it is more precise for checking if slimserver is running in the
[re]start/stop scripts. the existing use of ps|grep has a few not-so-subtle

i'd prefer someone who could do the corresponding gui change would
champion this. perl and i rarely get along. if there's interest, i'll
take a shot at drafting a patch. if not, i'll just continue to carry my
private little hack.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: suggestion: negative nice startup

2005-05-18 Thread bill fumerola
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 07:17:47AM -0700, jth wrote:
> Take a look at the --priority option. You'll have to start the
> server as root to use this, so also use --user and --group to
> change the effective ids of the server after it starts.

editing scripts that i don't want to have to do every time i upgrade...

> There's also a --pidfile option as well if you prefer.

ok, that brings up a better question: why isn't that the default?

i ask because i pity the poor bastard named 'david slim' (username
'slimd') who gets some random process rolled over by the stop script.
i'd be angry if some user started a process called slimdevicesrules.sh
and then my slimserver wouldn't start because there's already a "server
running". tough luck to someone trying to stop their slimserver running
as user 'grep'!

i could come up with more contrived examples, but the point is that using
a pidfile by default would avoid these and similar problems.

-- bill fumerola 

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Re: [slim] Re: New copy protection and Squeezebox

2005-06-26 Thread bill fumerola
On Sun, Jun 26, 2005 at 11:22:51AM -0400, Damon Riley wrote:
> Why would Microsoft want DRM?  What's in it for them?  Why should they 
> care about casual music piracy?

Cory Doctorow (of the EFF) has an excellent speech on this topic:


-- bill 

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Re: [slim] Re: New Slim Devices product K.R.O.N.O.S.

2006-05-03 Thread bill fumerola
On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 08:33:32AM -0700, dean blackketter wrote:
> We did consider, early in the development of K.R.O.N.O.S., offering a  
> wrist strap for the Squeezebox v3 to make it a portable network time  
> product, but we found that extra weight of the car battery we needed  
> to power it was not ergonomically appropriate.  (Several of our beta  
> testers broke one or more of their arms.)

just as long as their arms broke and not the display...

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: How much longer for a really slim SlimServer?

2006-05-06 Thread bill fumerola
On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 09:09:03PM -0700, Mark Lanctot wrote:
> The device's RAM may be sufficient.  64 MB is what the Linkstation has.
> But the ROM is 16 MB - this has to house the Linux kernel and all its
> associated services.  Trying to stick Perl and SlimServer on top of
> that wouldn't work.

nope. the rom is bootstrap, loader, etc. you don't stick perl et al onto
the flash.

-- bill fumerola 

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Re: [slim] Re: How much longer for a really slim SlimServer?

2006-05-06 Thread bill fumerola
On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 05:59:40AM -0700, Mark Lanctot wrote:
> Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> > Why does all that have to be in ROM?
> It's a flash-based, embedded platform.

at least for the terastation, it boots the majority off of a RAID-1
striped across the four disks.

if the linkstation is dramatically different, you could still put perl,
slimserver, etc onto a ramdisk or nfs mount or usb hdd. my linkstation
is on loan to someone or i'd look.

-- bill fumerola 

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Re: [slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-29 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 02:23:09PM -0700, Mark Lanctot wrote:
> Some devices that are renowned for sound quality are products from
> Tivoli like the 'PAL' (http://www.tivoliaudio.com/home.php?cat=266)
> (scroll down unless you want one in crazy colours) that comes with an
> input jack for the SB, an excellent radio and NiMH battery pack.  Not
> stereo though, but with speakers that close together you won't get much
> of a stereo effect anyway.

i have the tivoli model one and would certainly check out the PAL for
this application. just be careful with any of these when running at full
output. i accidently left my squeezebox alarm clock on full volume with
the model one cranked up and was out of town. the squeezenetwork alarm
sound went for a long time and did a little damage there.

-- bill
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Re: [slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-29 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 06:49:07PM -0700, Mark Lanctot wrote:
> What OS could take suitable advantage of hardware like that?

either freebsd or linux would use all the hardware in the compaq machine
you point out. i worked at a company that used freebsd and a rather large
amount of those proliant machines. i may take the buffalotech terastation
that i've bricked and just hook up the ata drives to one of these machines
w/ drop-in ata card. makes a great power case for them. :)

-- bill
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Re: [slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-29 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 07:37:11AM -0700, staalelor wrote:
> Have you tried this on an ip-address outside your own subnet? My
> squeezbox does not connect to anything outside my subnet.
> I've acutally tried it from three diffent subnets. 
> I have no problems connecting to a slimserver inside my subnet the way
> you describe. Allso: It can't be a firewall or NAT-problem either,
> because I have no problems connecting using winamp. 

set a working default gateway? i use remote connections all the time.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox for me - Softsqueeze for the neighbours

2006-09-08 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 09:45:47AM -0700, aubuti wrote:
> I would think the simplest solution would be for them to run their own
> instance of slimserver (presumably on the same computer that is running
> SoftSqueeze), and point it at your networked music library. That could
> run into throughput issues, but might be worth a try.

this puts the bottleneck in the worst possible place. take the webserver
and password protect it or firewall it or bind the webserver to localhost.

> Question: If you password protect slimserver, can the neighbors still
> try to use SoftSqueeze to sync with the SB? If so, that could cause
> problems, as sometimes slimserver fumbles at the beginning of tracks
> when sync'ing players.

i can't remember if sync'ing softsqueeze w/ hardware players just works
poorly or isn't allowed at all. regardless, if this happens too often,
just shut them down.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: Username and password for SS

2006-09-11 Thread bill fumerola
On Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 08:19:51AM -0700, Michaelwagner wrote:
> CosyCat;134992 Wrote: 
> > So you and other can?t control/listen my SS.
> Where is your SS located?

on a network and that's where the problem begins...

> If, the way most people use it, it's behind a router, and not exposed
> to the internet, this step is unnecessary.

routers do nothing but forward packets. some include firewalls to provide
policy for dropping or accepting packets. nat/rfc1918 space is not a
silver bullet. if you have wireless, your router/firewall/natdevice does
nothing to nosy neighbors.

> There are a few cases where it is necessary - I'm not saying it's never
> needed - I just wanted to be sure you really need to do this. Sometimes
> people think this is a good idea on general principals, and cause
> themselves extra grief for nothing.

security is always a good idea on general principals. ounce of prevention
and all of that.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] a little mac flac help please

2006-10-16 Thread bill fumerola
On Sun, Oct 15, 2006 at 01:06:31PM -0700, David Alexander wrote:
> #!/bin/bash
> find "$PWD" -type d | while read dir ; do
> cd "$dir"
> if [ $(ls | grep "\.flac$" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
> echo "$(date "+%T")  Processing: ${PWD#$BASE/}"
> metaflac --preserve-modtime --add-replay-gain *.flac
> fi
> done

this will fail with many filenames.

find . -type f -name \*.flac -print0 | \
xargs -0 metaflac --preserve-modtime --add-replaygain

-- bill
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Re: [slim] Re: Open Source Dream Falls Apart?

2006-10-20 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 07:28:03AM -0700, Mark Norton wrote:
> It will be interesting to see if Logitech can actually cope with the
> informal structure and slightly anarchic environment of Open
> Source/GPL.

ever heard of a little company called Apple Computer?

-- bill
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Re: [slim] Re: Open Source Dream Falls Apart?

2006-10-21 Thread bill fumerola
On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 12:45:36PM -0700, AndrueC wrote:
> Okay I can accept the arguments about quality (don't neccessarily agree
> but I can accept them). WhatI stil don't see is:
> If I worked on FireFox or Open Office who would be putting several
> thousand pounds a month into my bank account?

- often times companies have a vested interest in the success of a
  particular open source project and allow employees to work on them
  during company time either part-time or as their entire role.

- sometimes people just enjoy hacking on stuff at night for personal
  gain and the project turns into something you can make money from (e.g.
  software that interfaces with a physical widget you can bundle it

- sometimes you can take a existing project and make a commercial
  product out of it (less flexibility with the GPL but still possible).
  people are bundling PCs linux w/ open source routing software to make
  non-traditional routers.

if you have to ask, you're probably not currently in a position to
monetize your contributions to open source. that's ok. programming in
the open source world and making rent are not conflicting goals. however,
people who start writing code for the world and just expect the Equity
Fairy to knock at their door may be in for a rude awakening.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: Open Source Dream Falls Apart?

2006-10-21 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 04:53:38PM -0700, CatBus wrote:
> In fact this whole thread could be said to be founded on a
> misconception.  You are allowed to sell GPL software for money.  You
> are allowed to make a profit from your sales of GPL software.  You are
> allowed to resell software that someone else has licensed to you under
> the GPL for money.  You are not obligated to make your source code
> available for free to the general public.  Etc, etc.  Just because
> people frequently choose to behave a certain way with GPL software does
> not mean that they are legally obligated to do so.

if you release the software in binary format, you are obligated to make
the change(s) you made to the GPL software available to the public. even
linking to GPL libraries has a viral quality to it (e.g. you can't just
make it a kernel module). there wouldn't be a LGPL otherwise.

firmware and such can be made into a blob format. you can try and obscure
the code, but you're still required to release the code IFF you release
the binary.

> The motivations for licensing software under the GPL can be varied, but
> it's pretty wild speculation to claim that those motivations have been
> betrayed when the licensing terms have not been violated--unless you're
> talking about your own personal motivations and your own personal
> software.  And if you feel violated by acts that don't violate the
> license, then you should have chosen a better license.

unfortunately, if someone larger (IBM, Apple, MSFT, etc) chose to violate
the GPL'd software of some tiny project i doubt that project would be
able to get enough traction to do anything.  the GPL's enforcability is
a topic for another mailing list, though.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: Open Source Dream Falls Apart?

2006-10-21 Thread bill fumerola
On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 02:48:07PM -0700, Mark Norton wrote:
> What's interesting about all of this is that there seems to be general
> agreement that Sean deserves his $20m but that the team of developers
> who have played a huge role in getting SD where they are deserve
> nothing at all - aside perhaps from a free SB and continued rights to
> software which may or may not have a continuing life in the Logitech
> world.
> Sure, there's the element of developing your skills and doing what you
> enjoy, but I strongly believe that people who deliver value should be
> paid for it.

you either have precious little understanding of how equity works within
a privately held company or are a very effective troll.

-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: Open Source Dream Falls Apart?

2006-10-21 Thread bill fumerola
On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 03:20:15PM -0700, Mark Norton wrote:
> I do actually Bill. I own half of a privately held software company and
> know all the issues.

why did you say that Sean is getting $20M? surely he is not the only
shareholder. there are developers who work for Slim Devices. there are
investors. you're exaggerating to make your point or missing the boat

it's not like Sean is lighting cigars with $100 bills while the underage
children of the open source sweat shops of the world churn out code for
their new evil Swiss masters.

- the shareholders are getting a return on their investment
- the community still have a resource that can't be taken away
- whatever logitech does: it can't imapct the product sitting in my house`
- slimdevices is getting economies of scale in production, marketing,
  and retail lines that would otherwise take many years to build.

so like i said you don't understand the open source development model,
don't understand what value M&A can add to niche companies (e.g. flickr
acquired by yahoo), or are just being intentionally obtuse to prove
whatever point it is you're trying to make.

whatever it may be: shouldn't you be adding value to your 50% equity
instead of working for free (something you claim never to do) lecturing
this community with your vast wisdom and business knowledge.

over & out,
-- bill

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Re: [slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-23 Thread bill fumerola
On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 05:31:11AM -0700, rhymesgalore wrote:
> Harry G;148941 Wrote: 
> > I know that Mercedes today is made by Chrysler, whose cars we also
> > wouldn't buy, yet, the association doesn't bother me. Maybe because
> > they're so different.
> Ouch, that hurt my german "auto" pride^^..

now you've hurt my detroit auto pride.

> Mercedes Cars are still made by Mercedes, here in god ol' germany.
> Mercedes aquired Chrysler quite some time ago, to form up
> Daimler-Chrysler (and let me tell you, they lost a fortune for doing
> so...)

daimler-benz and chrysler merged. neither acquired the other. 

-- bill

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