Re: [slim] squeezeslave backgrounding - patch

2007-05-23 Thread curly

Slimserver 6.5.1 is installed on Ubuntu edgy LAMP server and the OSX is
a brand new minimal install using only the first CD out of four in the
full panther box with only US localization.  The library is served up
via NFS mount from a FreeNAS which also has Michael Herger's SlimNAS
installed on it.  I haven't tried to connect to that SlimNAS yet,

I had squeezeslave 0.6 running great for a little while on a little
white g3 ibook 600 dual usb after some bad starts but now it won't play
anymore.  It was great while it lasted using very little cpu @ about
5-10% through several songs.  I left and came back and it had lost the
connection...then no more.  It was an immense improvement over
Softsqueeze as far as cpu usage.  Softsqueeze quickly gobbles up any
spare cpu cycles around the end of the first song and stays there until
it finally freezes the whole machine.  I'm wondering if trying to run
Squeezeslave from my Ubuntu workstation at the same time fully screwed
the whole thing up.  I only did that after the Sslave wouldn't run on
the iBook anymore.

Eureka! I finally figured out how to get Softsqueeze to run headless. 
I found this to be the only way to run the latest versions on XP AND
even Ubuntu since the full UI just doesn't work for me.  For anyone
else trying this the command that worked for me is:

java -Dserver=server ip -Dskins=headless -jar

But, alas, the cpu jumped back up to pegged at the end of the first
song again.  It did seem to last longer this time headless using less
memory at least, though.  And I could actually do some other things on
the iBook while SS was running.  Screenshoot attached.

Java 1.4.2_12 is surely not ideal and isn't really even supported  from
what I see.  But Softsqueeze 3.4 does work well while it works.  I have
a crazy mix of just about every type of encoded file there is but
mostly mp3, flac, ogg, wav and even a few ape and mpc's.  I can't play
mpc yet since I haven't put the codec in the server.

I'm not quite sure what to do with the patch.  It would be a great way
to waste some more time trying to fix this for Panther so I don't
really expect much to come of this.  Although it might give some clues
and help others who may be in the same boat.  I'll probably abandon OSX
and try Xubuntu PPC(again), Fluxbuntu (when it comes out) or Yellow Dog.
Panther is excruciatingly slow on this thing so I'm surely not going to
waste any more time or money with Tiger or Leopard.  I'm saving up for
an iPhone (not).  Leopard will be almost obsolete by the time I post
this anyway.  At least Apple is helping keep the landfill operators

I'm trying to recycle some of these iBooks to use in unfriendly
environs and as demos for the Slimservers I'm giving out to friends
hoping they'll see how great it is and spring for a Squeezebox or even

I'm loving the whacked out mixes from Slims random mix.


|Filename: shdls.jpg|


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[slim] Re: stuttering at the start of each track

2006-10-09 Thread curly

I have also experienced this on several different machines and
installations.  Currently I have the slimserver.deb of slimserver 6.5
insatlled onto Ubuntu Dapper on a P4 2.4G with 1gig of ram running
Softsqueeze 3.2.1 locally.  Since the connection is localhost I
cannot understand how this could be a network issue as seems to be most
commonly suspected.  I could be wrong, though.  As I say this seems to
happen on every single machine I install to no matter the version of
server or softsqueeze.  I think I did overcome this at some point with
squeezeslave on windows but I think there were other issues with
squeezeslave so I abandoned that.  I've upped squeezeslave's buffer
from 128000 to 628000 but now I'm getting more interrrupts.

Here's some debug output that corresponds to the interrupts:
2168 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG player - autostart: fullness=1015808
2169 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG player - start: state 2
2169 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - play line inState=0
2170 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - audio mixer playing
2170 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG player - status=STMs fullness=1007616
bytesRx=1015808 elapsedSeconds=0
2170 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - gain=1.0 replayGain=1.0 dB=0.0
2171 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=61440 lineSize=65536 fillLen=4096 bw=4096 slowStart=4096
2197 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=0 fillLen=8192 slowStart 8192
2199 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=57344 lineSize=65536 fillLen=8192 bw=8192 slowStart=8192
2200 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=0 fillLen=16384 slowStart 16384
2204 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=0 fillLen=32768 slowStart 32768
2210 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=32768 fillLen=65536 slowStart 65536
2223 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=45056 lineSize=65536 fillLen=16384 bw=16384 slowStart=16384
2224 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=12556 lineSize=65536 fillLen=32768 bw=32768 slowStart=32768
12892 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=89ms writeTook=1271ms bufferedData=278ms
75478 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=802ms bufferedData=368ms
112922 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=980ms bufferedData=329ms
271592 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=65ms writeTook=1574ms bufferedData=207ms
303325 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=697ms bufferedData=370ms
334826 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=1293ms bufferedData=327ms


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[slim] Re: superfast playback with squeezeslave 0.5 and low bitrate MP3s

2006-08-04 Thread curly

After finally getting SoftSqueeze and Squeezeslave to run as a service
on my xp sp2 box connected to a different server, I now also have this
problem.  Unfortunately I fell sucker to the mp3pro format a few years
back and have a lot of music encoded as such.  I'm not using it for new
stuff but I wonder if there is some way to make squeezslave play these
files for now?  They play fine through Foobar2K with
http://host/stream.mp3.  I'm using the latest official versions of
SlimSrvr, Softsqueeze and Squeezeslave.


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[slim] Re: 6.2.2. OK now! This is fun! NOT!

2006-04-29 Thread curly

Who was it that said, When you point a finger, three are pointing back
at you.?

All this network stuff can be daunting and confusing for some (many)

Personally, I find the activity of stand-arounders kicking and shaming
a man when's he's down to be extremely distasteful, counter productive
and shows a lack of bawls.

Whoops!  Are three fingers pointing back at me?  No.  I'm pointing all
four fingers and a thumb straight out saving the other hand for 


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[slim] Re: zip and tar reading?

2006-04-27 Thread curly

Somehow my subscription to this thread did not register so a nice
surprise to see all these responses.

I mis-prioritized my reasons, I guess, just rattling them off the top
of my head.

But still nice to corroborate what I kind of expected as far as the
space savings.  Foobar does not actually encode on the fly so it does a
great job with playing right out of the zips.  And since it does this so
well I was assuming that it was fairly easy to do.  I see that this is
not desirable for streaming.

My initial ideal was to avoid encoding on the fly as much as possible
even considering the network cost.  I want it to sound as good as
possible.  So I thought the unzipping could use the time left that
encoding would take.

Let me list as a new #1 reason:
I'm pushing these systems to friends and relatives who are not so
tech-ie and I'm trying to keep the user interface as simple as

I really appreciate the hint about Robocopy! and I will def check it




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[slim] zip and tar reading?

2006-04-24 Thread curly

Excuse me if I seem lazy or ignint but I haven't seen anything about
this, so far.

Does slimserver 6.2 read straight from zip, gzip, tar, etc. files?

My favorite local player, Foobar2000 has a module which does so.  It's
very handy.  Although most of my library is not zipped it would be
great to have this capability for at least 3 reasons I can think of
right now:

1. would save even more storage space.

2. easier to transfer entire artist directories.

3. I won't have to unzip all the files I have already zipped.

If slimserver doesn't then maybe there's a plugin?  Or maybe the module
from FB2k can be adapted...? or...?

Any response appreciated.



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