Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-25 Thread danny041

Think i was one of the first to download it, but been away now for 48h
so have not been able to test it. Just want to go home, download it to
my other iphones and play around. If it is as good as I hope, i will
buy an ipod touch as well to use as a dedicated remote, leaving the
original remote to be placed in the bathroom or something.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-25 Thread danny041

Ok, just got home and have had 20 mins to test the application. As
stated for Squidgy, I'm no fanboi of this product either, but gotdamn!

To be a little more precise. You start the program, and that's it. It
works 1 second later. Ok, i only have +900 albums, but there are no
initializing time, no scanning time, no nothing. Furthermore, iPeng has
the smartest multiplayercontrol feature I have seen. This is exactly the
way it should look like. All menus and controls feels intuitive, the
only thing i have to complain about, and it is not an actual
complaint, is that i had to read the help file to understand how to add
songs to the playlist. My intuitive way of trying to add was to mark and
hold the song, but then it obviously starts playing.

Not much more to say actually. Try it yourselves and you wont be
disappointed. Great work Pippin, you delivered well beyond my
expectations and as I hoped, i can actually make my iphones my first
choice remotes! Will buy a ipod touch first thing tomorrow!


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-11-15 Thread danny041

I am so looking forward to test this as well since i really liked the UI
in ipengs web-app but seldom used it due to the slow response rate which
comes naturally to a web-app.  Please announce when you get the approval
at as many places as possible so it is not getting missed out!

What price will it go for?


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Re: [slim] Squidgy for iPhone now available in Apple App Store

2008-11-14 Thread danny041

Very interesting. How come no one has said a word about this until


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Re: [slim] Squidgy for iPhone now available in Apple App Store

2008-11-14 Thread danny041

Ok, bought it and tried it. Just so you don't think I am posting as a
bought fanboi or anything for the app or for some of the other apps
competing: I am not.

First impression. Easy to set up, with autosearch it finds the player
and you are alive and kickin in a couple of minutes after the app has
scanned your library. 

The interface works really quick and it is actually a Major difference
compared to iPeng's web-interface. For me, this is The Major Thing for
using a 3rd party remote like the iphone. I think this is the case for
most of us out there longing for the iphone to be utilized as the best
remote imaginable for the squeezebox. 

With this said, and expected from my side, I don't really like the Now
playing interface. First of all i don't like that the controls and
elapsed time is constantly there. My personal view is that the more
similar you can make it to the Itunes interface, the more natural and
user friendly it would be to use the app. My intuitive approach is
trying to sweep the cover to left or right to get to different menues
and trying to tap the screen to invoke/remove the control buttons etc.
Now neither of this works, rather i have to push the playlist or tap
the screen to get a rather not so useful menu as a pop-down.  I also
would like to be able to forward/rewind on the time-progress-bar for
the song in the same way i can increase/decrease the volume by dragging
the volume bar left/right.

I would also like the multiplayer approach to be improved. As far as i
understand this function is not available? I would like to check the
squeezeboxes i want to see simultaneously controls for. (if i for
example have 5 SB's i would like to be able to check/uncheck some of
them to have control over the ones i choose simultaneously). Actually,
when looking around i don't find any setting for synchronizing players
at all, but i have only used the program for 15 mins now so don't take
my points as some kind of 100% accurate judgement.

This was my initial thoughts after short usage of the program. The more
i think of it, the more two points pop up as the most important onces.
Quick navigation and response, which this app is doing great so far.
The other thing is quick and easy support for navigating/synchronizing
multiple squeezeboxes. So far I don't see/understand how this is done
in this app.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller lock up

2008-09-21 Thread danny041

I can just second that you are not alone on that problem. Same firmware,
exact same problem.


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