[slim] Still looking at NAS..... Qnap TS-419P

2010-09-15 Thread loosetooth

It has been an intense few days of looking at NAS units to power the
Slim Server and become the base of my new digital music system

TBH the majority of the research, trawling through reviews,
manufacturers websites and user forums, has been contradictory and
confusing but I have begum to get a sense of what is required.

I started off looking at ReadyNas Duo units and then moved onto the
ReadyNas NV+... however I soon realised that this units were not fit
for purpose unless paired with a Sheevaplug (an extra £100 investment).
I then looked at Synology and Thecus units and decided that Thecus were
not supported too well here (UK) and Synology, whilst solid, were moving
into Qnap price territory.

Looking at Qnap I moved through the two disk units and settled on the
TS-410... then realised that although it proved to be slightly better,
in performance terms than the NV+, it was on a par

I have now decided to blow the whole budget on a TS-419P caddy and then
put 2 x HDD in it next month

The TS-419P has a 1.2 Ghz processor and 512Mb DDR II Memory... (I would
go for one of the new Atom based processor but that adds £200 to the
price and I cannot get up that high) does anyone run Slim Server on one
of these machines?  Does anyone else have an opinion of how Slim Server
would cope... there is no point buying the higher priced product and
then discovering I need a Sheevaplug after all.


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[slim] Thrills, pills and NAS headaches.

2010-09-14 Thread loosetooth

Today I heard that the shop that I bought my abortive Seagate BlackArmor
NAS from is accepting return.  Yay me, the money should be back with me
tonight - 

A word to people researching NAS... Seagate's Blackamor works great...
as long as you do not have a Mac, or are running Vista or want to
use it with Squeezebox server.  So basically if you have Windows 7 and
dislike music, go for it!

This, now leaves the dilemma of what next?  Once bitten twice shy.  I
am moving towards Netgear Readynas as you can install Squeezebox server
on there, so I understand, but is there differences in the RND Duo
range?  For example if I get the entry model RND2000 will that be
sufficient?  I do not even know (nor can find) an easy tech spec which
tells me the difference between the RND2000/RND2110/RND2150 etc.

Or perhaps try and get a secondhand ReadyNAS NV+/RND4000

Help!. help?


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Re: [slim] Thrills, pills and NAS headaches.

2010-09-14 Thread loosetooth

Also would Sqeezebox server work on a Qnap NAS?


loosetooth's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40286
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Re: [slim] Basic Squeezbox Facts.....?

2010-09-04 Thread loosetooth

Okay well lets be clear.  I am not talking about the buying of new CDs
and turning them into FLAC and selling the originals on... it is a bit
of a hassle.  From now I will buy FLACs from Napster or some such

What we are talking about is the turning my present CDs (from the last
20 years) into FLACs and selling them.

Is it illegal?  Probably.  But then it is legal to hang a Welshman in
Worcester if you find him within the old walls and it is after
midnight not all law is particularly sensible or adherred to.

I feel no moral compunction to adhere to the law of destroying
Radiohead's OK Computer after I have changed into a FLAC... I will
sell it for £2-4 at a carboot and if that makes me a criminal then so
be it.


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[slim] Basic Squeezbox Facts.....?

2010-09-03 Thread loosetooth

Okay I am sure that the regulars get absolutely sick of people like
me... I am a newbie to the world of Squeezebox.  I have wanted one for

The dream was always to get some NAS turn my CDs into Lossless files
and then connect (via wireless) my Squeezebox to the NAS and

Well the first step was always to buy the NAS and turn the CDs into
Lossless files.  I can then carboot the CDs and save for a Squeezebox. 
So I have.  The best value NAS that I could get was a 4tb BlackArmor NAS


I wanted to link to the specs but I am not allowed... 

Now having got the NAS I have begun to think about the Squeezebox
end and it is now that I discover about the Squeezebox Server. 
Thinking logically perhaps I should have realised that cars do not run
on fairy dust and Squeezebox will need some software to order and
access massive memory files on NAS.

SBS can run on Windows Home Server and Netgear's ReadyNAS... but not
the Seagate.

Can I make it run (without having a puter turned on)?


What is it going to cost, perhaps I should sell my shiny new NAS and
buy Netgear NAS (expensive)?




loosetooth's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40286
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Re: [slim] Basic Squeezbox Facts.....?

2010-09-03 Thread loosetooth

H the compatible devices list is an eye opener and one thing that I
should have seen before I went a NAS hunting...  It does look as though
the SheevaPlug is the way forward, but it is a pity because I paid about
£260 for the Nas  the SheevaPlug will come in at about £100 I am
sure for £360 I could have gotten a Netgear ReadyNas Duo and 2 x 2tb


loosetooth's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40286
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Re: [slim] Basic Squeezbox Facts.....?

2010-09-03 Thread loosetooth

Okay well neither am I, but I am not illegally downloading, the CDs have
been bougght and if I want to sell my CDs I will unless you are a
police officer? :O


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[slim] Simple question.

2010-09-03 Thread loosetooth

Is the Slim Devices Squeezebox Classic the exact same (save for
branding) as the Logitech v.3?


loosetooth's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40286
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Re: [slim] Simple question.

2010-09-03 Thread loosetooth

JonWill;574102 Wrote: 
 Other way round - the Slim Devices Squeezebox 3 
 is the same thing as the Logitech Squeezebox Classic.

thanks :)


loosetooth's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40286
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