[slim] 6.5 won't stay running

2006-09-20 Thread miguelk

It starts, then stops, then starts, then stops for good.  How do I
download 6.3 again...?


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[slim] Rescan Causes Slimserver to Stop in 6.5

2006-09-22 Thread miguelk

I think I've narrowed the problem with Slimserver stopping to
rescanning, whether scheduled or forced.  Can anyone help me out with
this issue.  I'm running XP...thx


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[slim] Re: Is 6.5 ready for non techies?

2006-09-26 Thread miguelk

I'm running XP.  I've done a complete uninstallation of 6.3 and
installed 6.5, and every time I tried to scan my collection Slimserver
crashed.  I gave up and reinstalled 6.3...working fine again.  Whatever
the advantages of 6.5, they are pointless if it keeps crashing.  Not
quite ready for prime time (but I'm open to suggestions if anyone knows
how to solve the problem...)


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[slim] Squeezebox Touch and Receiver both stopping after one track

2011-04-25 Thread miguelk

Hoping someone can help me with an ongoing problem.  I had been having
this problem with my squeezebox receiver, and just replaced it with a
new Touch as i thought (hoped) the problem might be related to an
insufficient-size buffer.  However, the problem remains with the

The problem is that playback will often (but not always) stop after the
first track of an album is played.  Eventually the second track will
start, sometimes after about a minute or so.  I had thought that the
problem was bandwith-related, as I am playing back FLAC files and my
main wireless router is quite far away from the squeezebox in question,
and I use a repeater to extend the coverage (I get a signal level of
close to 100%, although I realize that using the repeater halves the
bandwith).  However, strangely enough, if I'm in the middle of the
first track and advance to the second track, there's no delay--the
second track immediately starts.  I can also fast-forward within the
first track without delay.  That's why I'm fairly sure that the problem
is NOT a bandwith problem, although obviously i can't be certain and
don't have the option of using an ethernet connection to test it in
that location.

Another thing worth mentioning is that when this happens (i.e., when
the first track ends and during the period of delay before the second
track starts), whatever I'm using as my controller (sometime iPeng,
sometimes a remote laptop) becomes non-responsive--i can't just force
the second track to start.  It seems that at some point the
communication between the server and player is interrupted.  

I should also mention that I had used this setup for years without this
problem.  I believe it began to happen after the the last major Squeeze
Server upgrade (when it went from from 7.3 to 7.4, I believe).

Has anyone else had this problem, and figured out how to solve it?  



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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Touch and Receiver both stopping after one track

2011-04-25 Thread miguelk

A Windows 7 PC.


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[slim] Rhapsody not working on Boom

2011-12-04 Thread miguelk

Rhapsody just stopped working only on my Boom, and only through
Squeezebox server.  I have no problem accessing it, but it shows the
progress bar and won't play.  (The web controller and ipeng show it as
progressing, but no sound comes out.)  My other two squeezeboxes (a
touch and a Radio) have no problem playing rhapsody through the
squeezebox server.  And the Boom will play it fine through

I noticed that when i connected the boom to myqueezebox, it updated the
firmware.  and then when i reconnected to my server, it updated the
firmware again.

Anyone have a clue as to what is happening?



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[slim] Rhapsody doesn't work with 6.51

2007-01-03 Thread miguelk

For some reason, when I upgraded to 6.51, Rhapsody failed to play.  The
Rhapsody library would be found, but when I attempted to play a track,
nothing happened.  I uninstalled 6.51, reinstalled 6.5, and presto, it
worked again.  I am using the newest version of Rhapsody (4.0).

Any thoughts?


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[slim] Re: Rhapsody doesn't work with 6.51

2007-01-04 Thread miguelk

Just checked my firmware version, and it's 64.  How do I upgrade the


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[slim] Fishbone problems with Squeezenetwork

2007-01-28 Thread miguelk

Hi...since Rhapsody came to Squeezenetwork, I've been spending more time
switching between Slimserver and Squeezenetwork.  Great improvement.

I'm having a problem with the Fishbone interface, though.  After I want
to log out of Squeezenetwork (which I can only do via the remote), and
then open the Fishbone interface, it "remembers" the last position in
my drop down menu ("Switch to Squeezenetwork") and insists on taking me
back to the Squeezenetwork start page.  The only way I can avoid this is
by restarting the computer that i'm using as my remote interface.  This
problem doesn't happen with the other interfaces, but Fishbone is by
far the best one, so I'd like to find a way to continue to use it.

Also, I have a question about the other interfaces:  why do none of
them show the artwork for the album in the "player" window, just the
left side window?  



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[slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-17 Thread miguelk

I am a longtime Squeezebox (v3) user, and was thrilled when I could
purchase the new controller.  However, since I've gotten it, I've had
extraordinary difficulty keeping it connected to the server, and when
it does connect, it's extremely slow.

My player is somewhat far from my router, but i have an amplifying
antenna which gets me an average of 60% signal.  Works good enough for
streaming flac files without skipping.  The controller seems more
finicky, and only works properly when i'm in the room with the router,
which of course is useless becuase it's nowhere near my stereo.  When
it does connect, it takes forever to load data...more than a minute to
load the artist list (which is admittedly quite long).  If i use a
laptop in the same room to control the squeezebox, i have no similar

I have tried range extenders and powerline adapters, and nothing really
works with my router.  Can anyone explain why the controller seems to
require a stronger signal than the squeezebox itself to function?



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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-23 Thread miguelk

Can someone from Logitech address our concern?


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-23 Thread miguelk

That is correct; my SB3 works fine, and has no skipping, with a 60%
signal.  At the same time, the controller fails.  It only works when
it's literally next to the router.  

I'm past the 30 days, unfortunately, so it appears i have a useless
piece of hardware that I paid $299 for.  Very disappointing that there
has been no official response from Logitech.  

FYI i tried changing routers...from a D-Link to a Netgear.  Didn't
improve the situation.


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-24 Thread miguelk

Well I spoke last night to Logitech tech support, and they acknowledged
that there is a problem with some of the controllers.  Although I'm
outside the 30 day period, they agreed that i could ship the controller
back to them, and they would determine whether it was one of the earlier
models, and if so, they will replace it. If not, well, then I'm not

At least i'll always know what time it is in that part of the room.


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-24 Thread miguelk

And to the person who suggested the Buffalo router,
thanks...unfortunately Buffalo has been legally enjoined from selling
any wireless networking products in the US (see their website...)


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-25 Thread miguelk

Thanks.  I will try dd-wrt on my old linksys router and see what
happens.  thx.


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-07-07 Thread miguelk

So...since I last posted, I purchased a Linksys WRT54G loaded with
Tomato firmware.  Got the signal strength up to nearly 70%, but that's
with turning the power on the router up to 250 (goes up to 251). 
Controller now works better, and system generally runs now without
skipping. BUT...every hour or two I get the message: "Connection Reset
by Host".  And i have to reboot both the controller and the SB3 to get
it to work properly again.  Anyone have any idea what that's about? 
Besides using the best channel, are there any other settings in Tomato
which might help improve my reception?

Also, is there any danger to running my Linksys with the 250 setting? 
There's no fan on it...will it burn out?

Finally, in an effort to boost my signal even further, I've ordered
another Linksys WRT54G loaded with DD-WRT firmware, which gives the
option of using the router as a repeater.  Has anyone here done that? 



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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-07-08 Thread miguelk

Do you have some suggestions as to where I can get a high gain antenna? 
When I drop the mw below 250 the signal deteriorates significantly (not
only on the signal strength--it skips, and the controller won't stay


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-07-09 Thread miguelk

I am in a fairly large apartment.  My router is at the opposite end of
the apt from where the Squeezebox is located.  Laptops work fine in the
same location, and the Squeezebox itself would get about a 50% signal if
set to the default power setting.  At 50%, I experienced a fair number
of dropouts, and the controller barely worked at all.  BTW, Logitech
replaced my controller, so in theory I am using one without any
hardware issue.

Of course, for the amount of $ I've spent on routers and various
non-functional range extenders, I could have had the place wired.


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-07-09 Thread miguelk

Can you explain how you use homeplug?


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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-07-16 Thread miguelk

I hesitate to jinx it, but I think I've solved my wireless signal
strength issue.  Both the controller and the SB3 seem to be working
smoothly.For the benefit of anyone else having similar problems:  I
went back to my prior router (a d-link dir-635) as my "ap" router, then
I configured a motorola router set up with dd-wrt, and used the repeater
mode.  99% signal strength.

I understand from a prior post that using a repeater halves the
bandwith, but apparently I must have enough to spare, as it's working
well now with no skipping.

Thanks to all who tried to help me solve my problem.


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Re: [slim] Announcement: a new PSP skin

2008-07-21 Thread miguelk

Sorry for the dumb question, but how do you implement the skin once you
download it?


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[slim] Controller can't find Squeezebox

2008-07-22 Thread miguelk

After my controller updated itself and reconnected, it was unable to
find the player.  Has anyone else had this problem?


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Re: [slim] Rhpasody not playing

2008-07-23 Thread miguelk

Same issue here...all day today.


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Re: [slim] Rhpasody not playing

2008-07-23 Thread miguelk

Seems to be working again...


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[slim] 7.4 - some questions

2009-10-07 Thread miguelk

Hoping someone can help me with these questions:

-is there a way to launch the traditional browser interface without
going through the server to launch it?

-It's nice having the "new music" filter, but based on what's appeared
in it after my rescan, it's a mixture of recently added albums and
things that date back to early in my ripping process...i.e., it's not
clear what criteria are used to select what appears in this category. 
is it something that the user can control?



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[slim] Controller Repeatedly Updating

2009-10-21 Thread miguelk

Since installing 7.41, my controller updates to the same firmware
version repeatedly.  Does anyone else have that problem?  Any solution
other than downgrading back to 7.3, which seemed more stable?



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[slim] What is the quickest way to save a radio station for future reference?

2007-08-20 Thread miguelk

I am currently doing this by copying the URL and pasting it into a
playlist I've labeled "radio", but is there an easier way?



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[slim] SS7 and fast-forward/rewind

2007-09-30 Thread miguelk

I have just installed 7 and I am unable to properly fast forward or
rewind.  I normally use the Fishbone interface and can move further
into or back in a track by clicking on the progressive bar.  Not
working now...any thoughts?


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Re: [slim] SS7 and fast-forward/rewind

2007-10-01 Thread miguelk

I've now noticed that this problem happens with Flac but not with MP3. 
Any thoughts on why that might be?


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Re: [slim] SS7 and fast-forward/rewind

2007-10-01 Thread miguelk

I use SB3...don't have bitrate limited.


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[slim] Nightly Build

2007-02-26 Thread miguelk

For non-techies, how does one install the nightly build of 6.52?  After
downloading it, there doesn't seem to be an installer application, but
perhaps I missed it.



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Re: [slim] Nightly Build

2007-02-26 Thread miguelk

Thanks.  Pardon my ignorance, but which of the files available in the
directory does one download for XP?  And then once you download it,
which of the various files do you use to start the installation

Also, as a suggestion (since there seem to be so many posts on this
topic), it would be great if new installations started with an
automatic removal of all prior Slimserver elements.  Even using the
"uninstall" routine doesn't remove everything, and you need to go in
and delete some files manually to insure that there's a complete
uninstall.  Seems a bit clunky...



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[slim] Album Art

2007-05-09 Thread miguelk

Since Album Art Aggregator no longer works (why is that?), does anyone
out there have a recommendation for the best current solution to adding
album art to FLAC files?

I use EZ CD DA Extractor to rip my cd's, and the newest version has a
function to download album art, which it seems to save as metadata
rather than as a separate jpeg file.  Slimserver doesn't seem to be
able to read that metadata.  Even if it did, it wouldn't help with all
of past ripped albums for which I'm missing artwork, so I really need
something which will perform the function that Album Art Aggregator
used to.



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Re: [slim] Album Art

2007-05-09 Thread miguelk

Thanks everyone for your feedback...much appreciated.


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[slim] "Slim.exe must close"

2007-06-14 Thread miguelk

I run xp.  Since installing 6.53 (I gave up on 6.52 because it would
never scan all my albums), every time I restart my computer, I get an
error message saying "Slim.exe must close".  While I can manually
restart it, it's not supposed to work this way.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?



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[slim] How do you get to Squeezenetwork in Fishbone

2007-06-14 Thread miguelk

Under 6.53 with the Fishbone interface, I don't see a way to switch to
Squeezetwork.  Have to go back to the default interface to do it. Any



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Re: [slim] How do you get to Squeezenetwork in Fishbone

2007-06-14 Thread miguelk

How do you insert a bookmark?


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Re: [slim] "Slim.exe must close"

2007-06-14 Thread miguelk

The startup type is "Automatic"


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Re: [slim] How do you get to Squeezenetwork in Fishbone

2007-06-16 Thread miguelk

not sure quite what to do with that, guess I'll wait until the problem
is solved and until then just switch back to the default interface when
I need to.  But thanks!


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[slim] Adding artwork to old flac files

2007-06-19 Thread miguelk

Can anyone suggest the best way to add artwork to old flac files?  I got
about a third way through ripping my album collection when the new flac
version added the new artwork metadata feature.  The albums i've ripped
since then work great on the new slimserver version...and I was able to
obtain artwork for a substantial number of earlier albums by using
Album Art Aggregator, before it stopped working with the newest windows
update (a problem reported elsewhere in this forum).  I am told that the
program "Tag and Rename", which i have purchased, can add this metadata
to old flac files where this data is missing, and can do it in bulk
(i.e., rather than album-by-album, which is too cumbersome for my
thousands of albums still missing artwork).  But if it does that, I
can't figure out how to do it.

Can someone give me some guidance, or perhaps suggest another method? 


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Re: [slim] slim.exe has encountered a problem...

2007-06-20 Thread miguelk

This is happening to me constantly.  I have to manually start Slimserver
each time I restart the computer.  Very frustrating.


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Re: [slim] slim.exe has encountered a problem...

2007-06-21 Thread miguelk

I am running XP service pack 2
Using McAfee as provided by AOL...but firewall's turned off.
Using Slimserver version 6.53.  I upgraded to the nightly version
earlier this week.  I gave up on 6.52 because I couldn't ever get it to
scan all of my albums.



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[slim] Best Audio Jukebox for Flac

2007-06-30 Thread miguelk

I was wondering what people on this forum believe to be the best audio
jukebox for playing flac files.  I don't like using softsqueeze,
becuase it doesn't lay out the library in a good visual way, the way
that Windows Media Player does, including artwork, etc.  Optimally it
would be a jukebox that could not only detect flac files, but would
also include the artwork metadata.  I don't believe that WMP11 can do
this.  Also, one that would automatically update additions to the

Any suggestions?


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Re: [slim] Best Audio Jukebox for Flac

2007-06-30 Thread miguelk

Thanks.  There are plugins to allow WMP to read flac files, but for some
reason it won't organize most of my collection--it simply shows the
tracks as "Unknown Artist".  Not sure why, but seems to happen

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.


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Re: [slim] Best Audio Jukebox for Flac

2007-06-30 Thread miguelk

Tried Moose, and it does just what i'm looking for.  Is there a way to
get it to automatically launch softsqueeze when it starts, or does it
have to be done manually?  Also, I've seen posts here about the subject
of mass acquisition of missing artwork.  Does anyone know of a method
other than Album Art Aggregator, which doesn't work anymore?


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[slim] Squeezebox doesn't see my network

2007-07-04 Thread miguelk

I am running a wireless network from a d link dir-635.  My wireless
settings are set to "visible", and all of the other remote computers in
my house can "see" the wireless network SSID.  But on the Squeezebox,
the SSID isn't listed as one of the available wireless networks. 
However, if I enter the name manually, it finds it, and connects fine.

Not a big deal, but strange nevertheless.  Does anyone out there know
why this would happen?


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Re: [slim] Announcement - ickStream open beta release on Squeezebox !

2015-01-17 Thread miguelk

pippin wrote: 
> If it's right now TIDAL seems to be down, I can't even play it
> through their own App, too, don't get artwork and some pages throw 404s

All day today ickstream has been erratic with tidal.  Impossible to get
through a track without restarting three or four times.  Any indication
when this might get fixed?  When I first installed it a few weeks back,
it worked flawlessly.

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