Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-29 Thread pputzer

chill wrote: 
> I'm no expert, so does this look to anyone else as though the mixer
> volume change request was initiated by iPeng at [21-03-29
> 18:24:00.4061]?  That would be odd if so, because my phone was lying
> untouched on the table.  I don't recall exactly when was the last time I
> had iPeng in the foreground, but it was definitely before I turned the
> Group Player on at around 18:13:51.

I haven't looked at the log file, but it is not unthinkable that iPeng
is involved. I've recently reported 'strange volume changes in
conjunction with iPeng'
Apparently, iPeng is compiled as a music app, which means it has some
special privileges on iOS (resulting, ahem, emergent and non-intuitive
interactions with the system).

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Re: [slim] Reset SB3 without fully working remote?

2019-12-29 Thread pputzer

karlek wrote: 
> When you hold the Left Arrow key, you get to the Settings.
> There under
> #2 Current Settings you'll find
> ##16 Factory Reset
> I think, this should trigger the desired reset (but I didn't try ;) )

Thanks! I was looking under "Settings" after normal boot-up, not in the
initial setup menu.

However, there the SB3 seems to have an issue with the power supply
connector. I bought a replacement PS because it would not work with the
spare SBT power supply I've got lying around, but either the connector
of the new one is slightly too wide or there's something wrong on the
SB3 side (bad soldering?). If it boots up and I don't touch it,
everything fine, but sometimes physical movement makes it switch off.
WIFI itself works fine and the card was not loose. Some of the soldering
did not look shiny (which I think the should, but that's really not my

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[slim] Reset SB3 without fully working remote?

2019-12-28 Thread pputzer

I'd like to sell my old SB3 (classic), but the remote took some damage
from a leaking battery, so the upper buttons (Sleep, Power, Skip/Pause,
Add) are not working anymore (not sure if that could be fixed using
conducting lacquer?). The arrow keys and everything below are working
fine, so I was able to do a Xilinx reset, but not a complete factory

Is there any way to trigger a factory reset without a remote? Do I need
to program an RPi to send the code or can I trigger something via some
network command?

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Re: [slim] John Darko talks about Squeezebox / LMS in 2019

2019-06-07 Thread pputzer

He has added a "Letters to the Editor" article today:

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Re: [slim] Adding custom boot-splash image to picore and remove boot text

2019-05-13 Thread pputzer

SteliosD wrote: 
> Hello,
> I have been trying to remove the text at boot and add a custom image
> instead.
> I couldnt find any similar posts for picoreplayer , only some posts for
> tinycore.
> So far i have managed to remove some of the text and the raspberry pi
> logo via editing the config.txt and cmdline.txt.
> Picore logo and CLI still shows up , and i havent found a way to add a
> custom image for boot.
> Any ideas?

Have you found a solution?

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic (SB3) Repair Considerations

2019-05-12 Thread pputzer

So after building a piCorePlayer with the 'RaspTouch'
chassis (very nice, but costly), I moved the SBT from the living room to
replace the "broken" SB3 in the bed room. Well, it turns out that
blasting the amps remote didn't work either. Either there's an issue
with RC5 codes, my hardware documentation is entirely wrong (doubtful,
got it from the hardware support engineer of the manufacturer) or this
amp has an IR sensor that needs REALLY bright LEDs. 

The amp's remote works fine and is quite bright when viewed with an
IR-sensing smart phone. The IR blaster LEDs connect to the squeezebox
barely show up on the phone, but work fine when glued to the sensor of
the other amp in the living room. Oh well.

Now I've got a spare SB3 that's working fine, but still no IR for that
pesky amplifier. Reasonable offers for the SB3 are welcome (postage
outside of Europe is probably prohibitive, though).

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-12 Thread pputzer

The original wiring I had was correct. The missing piece was that the
gpio-poweroff overlay needs "active_low" to be enabled (either the
posting by Audiophonics contained a typo, or they changed the board
later on). With the wiring according to the Audiophonics pictures and
these settings, everything now works reliably:


Thanks again for the great work on piCorePlayer, and for the help in

|Filename: Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-12 um 18.17.27.png|

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-11 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> The audiophonics documentation is confusing.  And I didn't help, as I
> was referring to this power board.
> But my board has an IR remote on it, so perhaps it was never
> released..the silk screen is messed up on my board too.   The cable
> connected to the "SoftShutdown" (Labeled GPIO4 on the documentation) 
> They had a tag on the connector end that said GPIO17.  I'm really not
> sure how to connect yours.

Interesting. Mine has an extra set of connectors at a 90° angle to the
GPIOs, where one pin is labled "IR". It differs from the images of the
power board at the Audiophonics site (but it looks like that's the only
difference). I've already written to Audiophonics, but have not received
a reply yet.

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-11 Thread pputzer

Here's the actual cabling (when the button triggers a shutdown, i.e.
reversed from what I read from the documented pin layout):


Normal operations:

Shutdown triggered (but not complete):

Shutdown complete (but power not cut):

|Filename: 3 - Shutdown finished (klein).jpg|

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-11 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> the shutdown is gpio 17, active high, and pull down

Same result. According to Audiophonics images, these are the pin-to-GPIO


When I switch the cables around (connecting GPIO.04 from the PI-SPC to
supposed GPIO.22 on the DAC and vice versa), these settings and the
button actually make the pCP shutdown, but the power off is not
(reliably) triggered, although all three LEDs on the PI-SPC are lit at
the end of the sequence.

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-11 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> Poweroff is gpio 22, active high


With this setting, the power button never stops blinking after switching
on power. Pushing it again does not trigger a shutdown. When shutting
down the device from the web interface, it does not power off.

|Filename: Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-11 um 15.38.10.png|

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-11 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> The settings would be what is printed, just add pull down on gpio 17.
> Thanks for letting me know about the getopt issue, there is a hard path
> set in the script.

I'm actually not sure which overlay (corresponds to which "Signal"
(BootOK, ShutDown)?

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-11 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> The defaults should work for the module, as I used that board to develop
> the setup.  But,I’ll check it out.

I've experimented a bit more. When disabling the overlays and instead
using the script from the home directory (after
linking /bin/busybox to /usr/bin/getopt), the script works out of the
box with the default values:


tc@piCorePlayer:~$ ./ 
  No command line settings, Using defaults
  piCorePlayer Power button shutdown script starting...
  Asserting pins : 
  ShutDown : GPIO17=in, High
  BootOK   : GPIO22=out, High
  piCorePlayer shutting down.

Power to the RPi is cut by the Audiophonics board. What would the
corresponding overlay settings be?

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-08 Thread pputzer

If you meant the GPIOs, I‘m using the button/power supply together with
an Audiophonics HAT, which has special pins for this. So I am using the
standard GPIOs, but I don‘t know what the overlay settings should be. (I
think I know, but then the shutdown sometimes only happens after the
next reboot finishes (which I trigger via the web interface), not on its

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-08 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> The GPIO on the rpi has default values for the internal pullup/down
> resistors, we can change them, but not until the kernel finishes
> booting, that can be too late. You need to use a GPIO that matches.  IN
> the case of Audiophonics, use the GPIO connections that they recommend.

Is there an explicit recommendation anywhere? I just tried to model the
settings on that post in the other thread.

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-08 Thread pputzer

I've experimented a bit more. "Pull" has to be set to "up", otherwise
nothing at all happens when I press the button in its operational state.
However, while it has worked when I did a test run, it now appears to
only switch off the RPi after the next reset. Very strange.

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-08 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> The defaults should work for the module, as I used that board to develop
> the setup.  But,I’ll check it out.

I meant the technical default (in the kernel), not the one in the GUI.
I‘d have to check, but I think they at least differed.

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-08 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> Can you let me know how it’s connected and what rpi you are using, I’ll
> setup a test here.

It's an RPi 3B+ connected via WiFi.

When I tried shutting off again last night, it did so only after a
reboot finished. Maybe the overlay settings are not quite right yet?
(Pin 22, active high, pull up). Should the pull up be "off" instead?
>From what I've read, "up" is the default, so that's what I chose from
the raw dtoverlay lines given by the Audiophonics engineers in their
earlier post.

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Re: [slim] Help needed configuring Audiophonics power button shut-off in piCorePlayer

2019-05-07 Thread pputzer

I've got the new Audiophonics PI-SPC II connected with the power button
from the RaspTouch case and after some fiddling, it works - sort of. The
button stops blinking on boot up, and the shutdown handler gets
triggered when there is absolutely no load. As soon as a song is
playing, it takes several minutes (seemingly forever) until the player
gets actually shut down. 

What's the best way to debug this?  /usr/local/bin/shutdown-monitor is
running. (I've got a lot of experience with Linux/Unix, but very little
with the RPi eco system. With pCP,, my investigation has been hampered
by the lack of persistent log files.)

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic (SB3) Repair Considerations

2019-04-28 Thread pputzer

JoeMuc2009 wrote: 
> >   >   > 
  - did IR Blaster work previously? How did it stop? Did it become
  > more and more unreliable, or did it fail at one point?
  > > > 

It did work before, but after a move, the SB3 was set up again in a new
place. When that happened, the blaster did not work. I initially thought
the diode/blaster was bad or my IR codes were wrong, so I bought a new
one. That does not work either, though.

JoeMuc2009 wrote: 
> >   >   > 
  - if you point your smartphone's camera (in video mode), or any
  > video camera, towards the IR emitter diode, do you see faint purple
  > flashes while IR commands are being sent? (please compare to a
  > known-working IR remote control to verify your camera is picking up
  > the infrared light)
  > > > 

Yes, that's how I know it is not emitting anything.

JoeMuc2009 wrote: 
> >   >   > 
  - does the headphone jack of your SB3 work properly when being used
  > as a regular headphone output? If the left channel is missing, that
  > would be the same pin that drives the IR diode...
  > > > 

I have not had time to check with a headphone yet.

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Re: [slim] Is it time to abandon my Squeezebox Classics?

2019-04-23 Thread pputzer

philippe_44 wrote: 
> If you are in NAM, I fix these as a hobby b/c I want to help the LMS
> ecosystem to stay alive as long as possible. Just send it to me

I assume NAM means North America? Thanks, but unfortunately, I‘m living
in Europe. Is there a forum for region-based "adoption offers" for old
Squeezeboxes? It has been well taken care of (VFDs disabled when not
actually playing to prevent burn-in), and I agree it would be a shame to
just throw it out.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic (SB3) Repair Considerations

2019-04-22 Thread pputzer

I've got an SB3 that seems to be in good working order, except that IR
blaster is not able light up IR diodes plugged into the headphone jack.
I'm assuming it's probably the capacitors, but replacing those is beyond
my soldering skills.

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Re: [slim] Is it time to abandon my Squeezebox Classics?

2019-04-22 Thread pputzer

I'm also thinking of abandoning my aging SB3 (late Logitech era, all
black). While the SB3 itself works fine (though the reported WIFI
strength is very low), the IR emitter seems to be fried - no output
generated by IR blaster (checked with a phone that reliably can see the
IR diodes firing). Of course it might only be a problem in the analog
audio path to the headphone jack (probably the usual capacitor death
syndrome). Unfortunately, my soldering skills are severely lacking, so
putting together a pCP is the easier solution.

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