Re: [slim] Choppy playback on certain FLAC tracks to Squeezebox Classic (squeezebox2)

2021-12-16 Thread psketch

StewLG wrote: 
> I have no idea. I buy a lot of commercial rips, and as far as I know
> there is no way to tell the compression level in a given FLAC file.
> I think you're right - it is!
> I converted a very problematic track to WAV and then back to FLAC
> compression level 0, increasing a 27 mb file to 30 mb. The new, less
> compressed file plays smoothly, while the original file stutters. And
> now that I'm able to A-B the behavior of the two files, I strongly
> believe the proc on the Squeezebox is heavily loaded with the more
> compressed file. The visualizations - in my case, the two bar meter -
> had a very low framerate with more compressed file, but were smooth with
> the less compressed file.
> I think I would have tried this sooner, but there are many historical
> posts in this forum insisting that FLAC decoding can't overload any of
> the Squeezebox hardware, but my experience seems to run counter to that.
> Perhaps the compressors available have gotten even more aggressive as
> processors sped up, obsoleting what was once totally sound thinking.
> If anyone with Classic hardware wants to try to reproduce my findings,
> let me know and I'll find a way to get you the two test files.
> Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 - 1627922070 @ Tue Aug 3 11:37:35
> CEST 2021
> I'm looking at convert.conf and it looks like it can do whatever
> transcoding I need. I actually think it might make sense to convert FLAC
> -> Less compressed FLAC, and just use that setup for only my two
> affected players. I'll have a look at it tomorrow and try to get it
> configured. 
> Thanks everyone for the nudges so far.

Yes, I had exactly that problem with my boom and transporter and fixed
it by just converting flac to flac for those devices, which uncompressed
the files on the lms.  I'm pretty sure that problem's fixed in current
lms these days.  I don't have a custom .conf file now, running 8.2.1.

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Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2013-01-05 Thread psketch

azinck3 wrote: 
 Very interesting work.  How's the sync performance between these
 devices?  How about sync with hardware SBs?

Sync seems pretty decent with my Boom and Transporter :-)

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Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2013-01-04 Thread psketch

Triode wrote: 
 Unfortunately that method doesn't work with my dac - setting
 dwc_otg.speed=1 means it can't connect.  For those dacs using less of
 the usb bus its probably a good step, but I'm hoping they can fully
 resolve the packet loss issue as without doing so its not really
 appropriate for hifi dacs (my target)

Yes - the Pi -should- be a really good solution.  Currently, I'm using
HDMI output using the onboard sound card, and it doesn't have any of the
poor sound quality issues of the onboard dac, but does seem to be
limited to 48K max output.  As Triode says, USB Dacs do seem to have
some basic packet loss issues at the moment - hopefully they'll fix

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Re: [slim] Andriod apps for controlling Logitech devices. (question)

2012-11-29 Thread psketch

Recoveryone wrote: 
 Just in case any window phone users are reading this there is an app for
 us too.  Squeezebox Control by VanZuylen

For WP, there's also SqueezeRemote.  Both are still being developed and
I know the author of SqueezeRemote is also working on a Win8 port of the

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-30 Thread psketch

sbp wrote: 
 Hi psketch
 If you read a few responses above (post no 4) in this tread, you will
 see that Ralphy already answered this question - and there is no plan at
 the moment for an ARM version of SqueezePlay.

Doh - Sorry - don't know how I missed that - apologies for the dumb
post.  Shame though .

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-29 Thread psketch

Hi Ralphy

Any chance of a build of Squeezeplay for RaspberryPi?  I'm happily
running your build of squeezeslave on the Pi - it's running great, but
I'd love to give Squeezeplay a try.


pete S

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Re: [slim] Simple cheap amplifier recommendation please?

2012-09-08 Thread psketch

I agree the second hand receiver route is certainly one way to go, but
if you just want a basic, built like a tank, one input amp, I use one of

I use t as a zone amp, connected to an sb3.  Cheap is relative of
course, but $200 seems like good value.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox without Logitech

2012-09-06 Thread psketch

bpa wrote: 
 A raspberry Pi solution means a case, psu, wifi etc has to be sourced
 and so could be a lot of hassle and not for many end users.

Well, actually all of the places which sell the Pi, also sell them with
cases,psu, sd card etc.. You just pay a few pounds more.  I have a bare
bones raspbian image with squeezeslave running automatically on startup.
Anyone that wants it, just yell.  You can have a Pi based player
running with zero Linux knowledge for probably about £45.  Not for
everyone of course, particularly with no spoof at the moment, but good
to have options.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox without Logitech

2012-09-04 Thread psketch

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
 Yes a raspberrry Pi would make a pretty good SB alternative, but as you
 wrote - there is no good analogue or SPDIF out - yet.
 Also from what I understand streaming services like Spotify would not
 work on the Pi, not even via the Spotify premium addon.
 But, maybe ther is a plugplayer out there that has the  connections and
 Squeezeplug could also be transferred to that.
 At the moment the only fullfunctional alternative I see is an iPod
 running iPeng on a dock with SPDIF out. Adding the cost of the hardware
 it would still be cheaper than a Touch.
 But hopefully soon there will be more alternatives.

Well, you're right that there's no spoof out, but there's nothing to
stop you using a USB dac with the Pi.  I've tried it with an old
creative sound blaster 24 external when I was having hdmi problems, and
it was fine.  A quick search found a USB dac for £7 tonight

No idea if it has Alsa drivers of course, and USB will limit your Rez,
but still a very cheap solution.  Or, just connect directly to a
processor via hdmi, which also works fine.

Mines been running a week or so now with squeezeslave without a hiccup.

Of course, as you say, no premium services, but for the money for local
music, URL radio and triode's plugins, it's a great, cheap solution in
my view.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-25 Thread psketch

ralphy wrote: 
 I'd checked the alsa mixer volume and the player volume in LMS.

Thanks Ralphy - it was the alsamixer - for some reason default was to
mute - no idea why.  Un-muted and all seems to be working nicely now
:-).  I know the LMS side very well, but I'm a Windows guys, so the
Linux world is a little new to me - help much appreciated.


pete S

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-24 Thread psketch

Hi Ralphy

Slightly odd one - I've installed the raspberry build on the current
raspbian OS (which seems to include ALSA), and after a little messing
around, everything seems to install and run fine.  I can see the client
from the web control or from iPeng, turn it on and off, play tracks to
it etc..  Everything seems just fine.  Except, no sound.  No errors that
I can see - just not a peep out of it.  The weird thing is that the AV
processor does see the stream changing - i.e. it sees a PCM 44.1kHz
stream when I hit play, and it sees the stream stop if I power down
squeezeslave through iPeng.  Everything seems to work - just

Any ideas, or ideas where I could look?


pete S

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Re: [slim] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.2 Released

2012-08-12 Thread psketch


I wondered if any progress had been made on xbox360 support with
Whitebear and if anyone had it working?  Most other clients seem to work
nicely with Whitebear, but I can't get the xbox to see the server at all
from its Music Player.  I've been able to see other UPNP servers on the
same server from the xbox, but I really like the Whitebear approach as
LMS is my main server and my main devices are all SBs.

When the xbox tries to discover the servers, in the logs I see 

  11:19:55.190  TUPnP_MulticastListener  138 bytes  v2.4.0.2890 Recv : M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
Man: ssdp:discover
MX: 2
ST: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:MSContentDirectory:1

  11:19:55.190  TUPnP_MulticastListener  131 bytes  v2.4.0.2890 Recv : M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
Man: ssdp:discover
MX: 2
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1

repeated 3 times then nothing.  Any ideas?


pete S

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Re: [slim] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.2 Released

2012-08-12 Thread psketch

AndrewFG wrote: 
 Unfortunately I don't have an xbox so I cannot test it myself. However
 perhaps, if you are willing to help me, we can jointly get it to

     11:19:55.190  TUPnP_MulticastListener  138 bytes  v2.4.0.2890 Recv : M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
   Man: ssdp:discover
   MX: 2
   ST: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:MSContentDirectory:1
     11:19:55.190  TUPnP_MulticastListener  131 bytes  v2.4.0.2890 Recv : M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
   Man: ssdp:discover
   MX: 2
   ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1
   repeated 3 times then nothing.  Any ideas?

  Did you turn on Whitebear's logging for M-SEARCH Responses? If not can
 you please try this?
 Whitebear does not support the Microsoft proprietary
 urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:MSContentDirectory:1 service, but
 you should see it sending a response to the
 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1 request...

Hi Andrew

Yes, happy to work with you on this.  I'll enable that logging later and
come back to you - shall we switch this to PM for now?

pete S

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