[slim] question about duet screen brightness setting...

2008-07-08 Thread rdefelice

is there a key shortcut to adjust the brightness control without having
to navigate through the settings menu?  also, is there a document
listing the key shortcuts on the controller?  i looked on the wiki and
didn't see anything.



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Re: [slim] Controller Wireless Reception

2008-06-24 Thread rdefelice

Anyone having signal strength problems may want to try getting their
hands on a Buffalo WHR-HP-G54.  It has a built-in amplifier that boosts
its signal strength dramatically.  I own one and can attest that it is
not marketing BS.  It really does put out a much stronger signal than
any other access point I've ever used, including newer 802.11n APs.



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-17 Thread rdefelice

funkahdafi;312846 Wrote: 
> As a matter of fact I have darwinports installed :)
> But did I get it right that by using faad I will re-encode to MP3? I
> really don't want to do this...
> While we are at it: How does SC decide which entry in the convert.conf
> to use? I can setup multiple decoding entries for a single file type
> (same thing in the SC webinterface, where I have three choices per
> filetype). How do I tell which one is being used?
> Thanks, btw...

I may be wrong (please someone speak up if I am), but I believe that SC
decides which transcoding option to use based on the capabilities of the
player and a few rules.  For players that don't natively support AAC I
think it prefers to go mov->mp3 rather than mov->wav to reduce the
amount of data streaming over the network to the player from SC. 
Streaming uncompressed audio over the network might choke a slower wifi
network, for example.  You can create custom rules for certain players
given the player name and/or mac address if you want to force it to
stream a certain format to a specific player, but I don't really know
how to make a certain format the default.

The easiest way I know of to tell what SC is doing for transcoding is
to look at the running processes while a song is playing.  If faad and
lame are both running, chances are it's doing mov->mp3.  I'm sure
there's an easier way, but I don't know what it is yet.



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-17 Thread rdefelice

funkahdafi;312832 Wrote: 
> Any instructions on how to use faad? Is it even available for Mac?

If you have darwinports installed, you can get it that way.  See 
http://faad2.darwinports.com/ for more info.

If you prefer not to use darwinports and have the developer tools
installed, you can download the source code from
http://www.audiocoding.com/downloads.html.  Once you grab the zip or
the .tar.gz file, you can decompress it and follow the instructions in
the README.linux file.  I just confirmed it comiles just fine in OSX
for me.

Once you install it, change your convert.conf so that it uses faad
instead of mov123 under the "mov mp3 * *" entry.  Also, you might need
to play with the -r and -x flags in the lame usage flags depending on
what byte order faad outputs on your system. 



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-17 Thread rdefelice

funkahdafi;312825 Wrote: 
> @rdefelice: No offense, but could you please open another thread for
> this? I am more than sure that your problem is a different one than
> mine. I am not even using faad or Linux.
> Thanks

Sorry.  Didn't mean to hijack your thread, but I do believe our
problems are somewhat related.  I would maybe try to find a replacement
for mov123 on OSX.  You might want to give faad 2.6.1 a try.



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-17 Thread rdefelice

bpa;312819 Wrote: 
> A lot of people use faad without any problem so it may be a build issue
> rather faad per se. Your version of faad seems to be very old - 2.5 is
> the current version. 
> You should compare the output of faad between command line and pipe
> (i.e binary comapre song.wav and songstd.wav) to comfirm there is a
> difference.
> faad song.m4a
> faad -w song.m4a >songstd.wav

The only reason I had the old version is because that was actually
marked as the current stable version in Gentoo.  Version 2.6.1-r1 was
masked because it was considered unstable, but I forced the upgrade and
it is working great for me so far.

Just for the record, I did compare the output as you described and
while the file sizes only differed by 1 byte, the contents were very
different after the first few bytes.



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-17 Thread rdefelice

rdefelice;312814 Wrote: 
> I've done a bit more research, and I now believe that faad may be to
> blame.  I'm running version 2.0-r13, and while playing around with it
> on the command line I noticed that it outputs differently depending on
> whether you give it the option to write the output to stdout or let it
> write the file to disk itself.  I was able to get a clean transcode to
> mp3 from AAC by running the following commands:
> faad song.m4a
> cat song.wav | lame --silent -q 8 -b 192  - song.mp3
> However, when I run this, I get an mp3 with the aforementioned
> background static:
> faad -w song.m4a | lame --silent -q 8 -b 192  - song.mp3
> So I now believe the problem is introduced when faad is told to output
> to stdout rather than to write to a file.  Can anyone recommend a
> version of faad or an equivalent binary that outputs cleanly to
> stdout?
> -r

After finding faad to be the culprit, I downloaded and compiled a new
version (2.6.1) and it works beautifully even when outputting to
stdout.  This has solved my problem with the background noise/hiss.  I
hope this helps those of you who are experiencing the same problem.



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-17 Thread rdefelice

rdefelice;312569 Wrote: 
> I am also experiencing this issue.  I can second that I believe it has
> to do with the transcoding of the audio on the server side.  In my
> setup, I've got two players:  a duet receiver and squeezeslave running
> on my media center pc that also runs SqueezeCenter.
> Every AAC file I play on the duet receiver sounds fine (no transcoding
> on the server), but I hear a hiss when I play it via squeezeslave
> (which requires the server to transcode the AAC to MP3 before sending
> it to the player).
> I've tried upping the LAME quality setting, but it has no effect. 
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Specifics on my setup:
> SqueezeCenter/squeezeslave:
> Gentoo Linux
> SqueezeCenter 7.0
> squeezeslave 0.7.5
> LAME 3.97
> relevant parts of my convert.conf:
> mov mp3 * *
> [faad] -w -f 2 $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q
> $QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ -r - -
> mov wav * *
> [mplayer] -novideo -ao pcm:nowaveheader:file=/dev/fd/4 $FILE$
> 4>&1 1>/dev/null
> mov aif * *
> [mov123] $FILE$

I've done a bit more research, and I now believe that faad may be to
blame.  I'm running version 2.0-r13, and while playing around with it
on the command line I noticed that it outputs differently depending on
whether you give it the option to write the output to stdout or let it
write the file to disk itself.  I was able to get a clean transcode to
mp3 from AAC by running the following commands:

faad song.m4a
cat song.wav | lame --silent -q 8 -b 192  - song.mp3

However, when I run this, I get an mp3 with the aforementioned
background static:

faad -w song.m4a | lame --silent -q 8 -b 192  - song.mp3

So I now believe the problem is introduced when faad is told to output
to stdout rather than to write to a file.  Can anyone recommend a
version of faad or an equivalent binary that outputs cleanly to stdout?



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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-16 Thread rdefelice

I am also experiencing this issue.  I can second that I believe it has
to do with the transcoding of the audio on the server side.  In my
setup, I've got two players:  a duet receiver and squeezeslave running
on my media center pc that also runs SqueezeCenter.

Every AAC file I play on the duet receiver sounds fine (no transcoding
on the server), but I hear a hiss when I play it via squeezeslave
(which requires the server to transcode the AAC to MP3 before sending
it to the player).

I've tried upping the LAME quality setting, but it has no effect. 
Anyone have any ideas?

Specifics on my setup:
Gentoo Linux
SqueezeCenter 7.0
squeezeslave 0.7.5
LAME 3.97

relevant parts of my convert.conf:

mov mp3 * *
[faad] -w -f 2 $FILE$ | [lame] --resample 44100 --silent -q
$QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ -r - -
mov wav * *
[mplayer] -novideo -ao pcm:nowaveheader:file=/dev/fd/4 $FILE$
4>&1 1>/dev/null
mov aif * *
[mov123] $FILE$


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Re: [slim] music through headphone jack on duet remote?

2008-05-09 Thread rdefelice

Speaking of audio through the controller, maybe one of the developers
can chime in here and answer me this...

When audio out support is added to the controller, is it expected to
play nice with Rhapsody or other DRM'd audio that is decoded in the
firmware of the current players?


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Re: [slim] squeezeslave source availability

2008-05-01 Thread rdefelice

Aha!  Thanks.  I knew it was there somewhere.

I've tried aoss while running the java interpreter and it doesn't seeem
to make a difference for me.  My theory is that since the jre I'm using
has native alsa support it is bypassing aoss and interfacing with alsa
natively.  I might try to get a version of the jre with only oss
support and not alsa and try aoss on that one.



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[slim] squeezeslave source availability

2008-05-01 Thread rdefelice

Can anyone tell me if the squeezeslave source is available?  I browsed
around svn.slimdevices.com and was unable to find it.  I've found it to
have a few problems that I want to try to correct.

>From what I gather, most of the development efforts are going into
softsqueeze.  I would gladly use softsqueeze in headless mode if I
could find a way to get my JRE to play nicely with my dmix device in
alsa and not lockup the hardware sound device.



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Re: [slim] Duet - Alarm not working

2008-03-07 Thread rdefelice

I forgot to add...the daily alarm seems to work fine when i set it from
the web interface, and it shows up correctly in the controller when I
look at the settings there.


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[slim] Duet - Alarm not working

2008-03-07 Thread rdefelice

Just set up my duet last night, and I love it!  However, I've noticed
that the alarm feature doesn't appear to be working for me.  I'll
enable and set the time for the main alarm (not the weekday alarms), do
something else, then go to the alarm settings, and one of two things
will have happened:

1. the alarm time will be set to 00:00 as if I had never set it.
2. the alarm will show up as disabled.

Am I missing something, or is this feature just not finished yet, or am
I experiencing some kind of bug?


SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0 - 17314 - Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C31) - EN -
Controller Version: 7.0 r2090


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