Re: [slim] Original Web site for Slim Devices

2017-08-09 Thread sleepysurf

Where in the world is Sean Adams?

main system:  touch > bel canto dac 3.5vb > conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp
and premier 350 amp > ml expressions. audience au24e cables.  secondary
systems elsewhere in home: 1- boom, 2- sb3's, and 2- sb radio's.  member
of the 'suncoast audiophile society'

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Re: [slim] NY Times Article - New Audio Geeks

2013-07-26 Thread sleepysurf

Read it in it's entirety, including the comments.  One it particular
even laments the demise of the Squeezebox!  Overall, the story gives
hope that at least -some- former iPod/MP3 devotees are beginning to
appreciate listening to uncompressed music with a decent hi-fi or

main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of the 'suncoast audiophile society'

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox control app for Palm webOS devices

2010-05-13 Thread sleepysurf

wt0;546886 Wrote: 
 Try restarting the phone.  That seems to fix random glitches.  And of
 course, make sure wifi is on and connected.

That DOES fix the problem, but I certainly don't want to have to do
that on a regular basis!

BTW, I haven't had time to try streaming from a USB memory stick as
yet, and probably won't until this weekend.


main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox control app for Palm webOS devices

2010-05-12 Thread sleepysurf

Great!  I just downloaded this onto my Pre, but am having trouble
configuring it.  I copied the IP address that shows up when running
Squeezebox Server on my Win7 laptop, but am stymied with what the User
Name and Password are supposed to be.  The Help file is not
particularly explanatory either.  Would appreciate some guidance!


main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox control app for Palm webOS devices

2010-05-12 Thread sleepysurf

Perhaps I spoke too soon!  Running into some glitches now... firstly,
the album art and song title did not change with Pandora streams
(though it DID for my local FLAC streams).  Secondly, I haven't been
able to reconnect to Squeezebox Server since I shut the app down
after initial use (IP address unchanged).  No time to investigate
further tonight.  Anybody else running into issues?


main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox control app for Palm webOS devices

2010-05-12 Thread sleepysurf

OK, I unchecked the box, but it still just hangs while trying to
connect.  I have tried entering http://127.0.X.X:9000/ and
http://127.0.X.X in the Address field, but still hangs.


main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] What product you'd like to see next

2010-05-12 Thread sleepysurf

I'd suggest the Touch Plus which would be a full (or half) rack width
device with a WIDER (and more legible screen), high quality DAC, better
analog output section, and both RCA and balanced outputs.  Price it
below the Transporter (say $600-700), and it will beat the pants off
the Olive, Meridian/Sooloos, and other (forthcoming) streaming devices
in that market segment.


main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox control app for Palm webOS devices

2010-05-12 Thread sleepysurf

Figured out the problem.  I needed to enter in the exact IP address for
my Squeezebox Server from Settings... Information (rather than the IP
address that shows up in my Browser URL).  

Now it's working... BEAUTIFUL!!  Totally eliminates my complaint about
not being able to read the Touch display from my listening position 14
ft away!  Fantastic job!


main system:  touch  benchmark dac-1  conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp  ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-08-18 Thread sleepysurf

Nonreality;449666 Wrote: 
 I think the answer is a big maybe.  You would have to have the right
 system and very good ears and then maybe.

I've downloaded some albums from HDTracks, in both redbook and 24/96
formats.  After volume matching them, the 24/96 tracks (even when
downsampled to 24/48) are audibly and musically superior.  No doubt in
-my- mind!  Granted, I do have a -very- revealing setup.

If the Touch digital end proves as capable as the Squeezebox 2/3, I'll
be a very happy camper.  If, however, they have skimped on
components/design to go after the mid-fi consumer market, I, for one,
will be -extremely- disappointed, and would likely jump ship for a
higher-end manufacturer.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp
driving in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers),
with boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-08-11 Thread sleepysurf

Darn!  Looks like this was also a premature slip.  The NZ site has now
pulled all Touch references, pics, and specs.  Back to the waiting game!


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp
driving in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers),
with boom in home office. member of 'the tampa bay listening society'

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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-06-22 Thread sleepysurf

Here's an interesting idea.  Why not LICENSE the Squeezebox/Transporter
technology to high-end manufacturers to integrate into their line of
preamps (kinda like how Audyssey is being implemented in mid-fi
receivers).  It would be awesome to see Squeezebox/Transporter
capability included with, for example, the Modwright line, Cary Audio,
McIntosh, many others.  

I suspect it would be a LOT cheaper for those manufacturers to license
the technology rather than develop a similar (competing) platform
in-house.  That would also guarantee Logitech a much broader
marketshare, and long-term viability, for the Squeeze platform.

My ideal Squeeze/Transporter product would be one truly designed as a
high-end preamp, with easy switching to other sources, SET and balanced
outputs, 24/192 capability, and home theater bypass.

mherger;434253 Wrote: 
  I am seriously thinking of upgrading from Transporter to Linn/Naim
  If there is a Transporter 2.0 in the works, I will hold off
  until the new one comes out.
 Again: why? What would you expect from it which you can't have now?


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-06-22 Thread sleepysurf

dave77;434359 Wrote: 
 It looks like they already do that, see

Interesting.  Maybe Logitech needs to start marketing that option
more aggressively to higher-end manufacturers, if they aren't already
doing so!


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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Re: [slim] I am leaving Logitech!

2009-06-01 Thread sleepysurf

Wow!  I was offline for a few days, and shocked to read this.  Ditto to
all that has been said above.  I will forever be grateful to Sean for
taking his vision and creativity, and giving the world the Squeezebox. 
I hope (pray) that Logitech continues Seans committment to providing the
-highest- caliber of lossless high-res audio playback (to include a
next-gen 24/96 capable device), rather than catering to the mass-market
consumer who is content with lossy playback.  Best wishes to Sean in all
his future endeavors.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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Re: [slim] RokuLabs - No more soundbridge

2009-04-26 Thread sleepysurf

dennis55;418449 Wrote: 
 sleepysurf,my Transporter's 24/96 bit resolution is all i need in my
 modest setup.
 what do you think the Transporter's already excellent performance would
 gain from this extended bit rate?.

24/192 would be -icing on the cake-!  Frankly, a DAC-less and
display-less 24/96 capable device would be perfectly adequate for
audiophiles who already have a DAC, or mid-fi consumers who use a
receiver.  You could use a Duet Controller, iPhone/Touch, or wi-fi
handheld of your choice for controlling it.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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Re: [slim] RokuLabs - No more soundbridge

2009-04-25 Thread sleepysurf

I'd like to think it was Slimdevices (i.e. Seans) commitment to the
-highest- possible sound reproduction with the Squeezebox, that led to
it's success over the competition.  And I pray that under Logitech's
ownership, that philosophy will continue.  What we need next, is a
24/192 capable device at a price point lower than the Transporter.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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Re: [slim] Ceiling Speakers to Connect to Squeezebox Receiver

2009-04-10 Thread sleepysurf

I forgot about the dual auto-switching inputs!  It's another nice
feature, but I don't use it.

The auto on/off works great.  It has a manual control, so you can
adjust the sensitivity for the Squeezebox signal.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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Re: [slim] Ceiling Speakers to Connect to Squeezebox Receiver

2009-04-09 Thread sleepysurf

I use a small amp, the Russound R235LS, to drive 8 in-ceiling speakers
from my SB2.  You can find it for under $190 online.  It has an
adjustable sensitivity auto-on feature, which works great.  I mounted
mine on the BACK of my master bedroom dresser, so it's completely


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.

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[slim] Logitech cutbacks

2009-01-06 Thread sleepysurf

Just read that Logitech is cutting it's salaried employees by 15%...

I certainly hope that Slim developers/staff aren't on the chopping


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim]

2008-11-29 Thread sleepysurf

vBulletin has capability for a Mobile view of the forum, but apparently
it has not been activated. has implemented it.  I used
to scan the older version of this forum at work, but the latest version
(with the Logitech branding) makes it way too cumbersome.  Definitely
something the webmaster here should address!


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] SB3 failed - advice solicited

2008-07-17 Thread sleepysurf

I'd try a Xilinx reset, as previously discussed in other threads...
Disconnect the power, press and hold 1 on the remote and reconnect the
power. Release 1 when you see the message about reflashing the Xilinx.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] I've just called customer service - no way to get black faceplate separartely

2008-04-28 Thread sleepysurf

Just wondering if Logitech/Slim ever reconsidered selling individual SB3
faceplates.  Another forum member and I are arranging to SWAP a silver
for black faceplate, but it would probably be a lot easier to buy one
direct.  BTW, any tips for EASY removal of the SB3 faceplates?  My
Silver one is the earlier Slimdevices logo model (which had the issue
with the faceplate popping off), but since pushing it back on it has
stayed put, so I never requested a replacement.  For those who have the
newer Logitech models, is it feasible to gently pry off the faceplate
and replace (swap) for another color?


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Throw out all your Monster stuff

2008-04-13 Thread sleepysurf

Amen!  I am a longtime fan of BJC... great products, great value, and
great customer service.  If you read the A'holics thread you'll find
out the owner of BJC is a retired attorney, and former BIG-TIME
litigator, so I'm hoping Monster has bitten off more than they can chew
with their latest bullying tactics!


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox duet powered speakers

2008-01-26 Thread sleepysurf

I would also throw the Swan S200A's (or one of their other powered
models) onto your short list.  I'm using the S200A's in a secondary
setup, and they are excellent.  Unfortunately, they do NOT have a
standby power mode.  I just leave mine on all the time, and power my
Squeezebox on and off as needed.  Here's a review...


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Songs removed from library when hard drive accidentally turned off

2007-12-31 Thread sleepysurf

I've encountered that problem myself a number of times... VERY
frustrating.  Playlist index can also be messed up in same fashion. 
Hopefully it's somewhere on their To-Fix list.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Can't open SC 7 web interface page

2007-12-27 Thread sleepysurf

FYI folks, I uninstalled SC altogether, and just reinstalled the 12/27
nightly... everything is working fine now.  SC opens normally in IE 7.0
browser window, and I have full control access again from my PC.  
Fortunately, SC 7.0 has a cool feature(at least with WinXP), that
PRESERVES the SqueezeCenter preferences (in Documents and Settings)
even when SC is uninstalled, so you don't have to start from scratch
with your settings.  I suspect *MY* problem was a residual issue from
an older nightly, and the fresh reinstall solved it.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Can't open SC 7 web interface page

2007-12-25 Thread sleepysurf

FYI, I deleted my C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\SqueezeCenter directory, and then installed the latest 12/25
nightly, but still hanging.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Can't open SC 7 web interface page

2007-12-23 Thread sleepysurf


I can email you (or attach here) my server.log file


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Can't open SC 7 web interface page

2007-12-22 Thread sleepysurf

I'm having the same issue and have already filed a bug report...

There are also references to this problem elsewhere on the board...

Hopefully they'll resolve the issue shortly.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Can't open SC 7 web interface page

2007-12-22 Thread sleepysurf

Bug reply posted!


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Can't open SC 7 web interface page

2007-12-22 Thread sleepysurf

BTW, maybe this thread should be moved to the Beta section.  Also, looks
like another new posting of the same issue...

Are there additional log files we can post to help troubleshoot this?


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter issues running on Vista

2007-12-19 Thread sleepysurf

I'm having a similar (? same) issue running the latest nightly on WinXP.
SqueezeCenter actually RUNS okay, but it won't open in my browser (IE
7.0) to allow control from my computer.  It just hangs, with the
Loading SqueezeCenter spinning icon. I still have full control via my
three Squeezeboxes/remotes, so I've been reticent to do a complete
uninstall/reinstall as I don't relish the idea of reconfiguring my
custom settings.  I didn't have this problem with an earlier
SqueezeCenter nightly from a few weeks ago.  Of note, I had previously
SAVED the SqueezeCenter Settings URL, for quicker access, and THAT page
still loads fine in my browser.  Has there been a bug report submitted
for this yet?


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter issues running on Vista

2007-12-19 Thread sleepysurf

Michael Herger;250179 Wrote: 
 Did you change your server's port 9000 to something different?

Nope, nothing has changed.  Will file a bug report.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Opinions on Powered Speakers

2007-11-19 Thread sleepysurf

I'm using the Swan S200A's in a secondary setup.  They sound superb, and
look a lot more unique than than the AudioEngines.  That said, I heard
the AudioEngines at RMAF, and they were like-wise impressive sounding.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac-1  modwright
swl 9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).

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Re: [slim] Audiophiles?

2007-11-13 Thread sleepysurf

andy_c;242504 Wrote: 
 Now it says Know everything about Pear Cables v.s. The Amazing Randi?
 This is your forum :-).

Hilarious!  I love it!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Does SlimDevices plan to exhibit at Rocky Mountain AudioFest

2007-10-15 Thread sleepysurf

I just got back from RMAF, which I enjoyed immensely.  Squeezeboxes and
Transporters WERE used in quite a few demo rooms, as were the Sonos
product(s) and various computers for streaming playback.  

There was a panel discussion (Fri and Sat) about music
streaming/servers which featured reps from Sonos, Logitech, a local
Denver high-end A/V installer, and a fourth vendor whom I can't recall.
The Logitech guy was from their Harmony remote division (?), but
represented the line well.  I attended the Fri session, and they
focused on the BASICS of streaming, covering the pros/cons of lossy vs.
lossless codecs, music downloading, ripping, storage, etc. with some QA
time afterwards.  There were no demos given.  Only NEW info I gleaned
from the session was their mention of a free program called URL
Sniffer which identifies the precise URL to use for Internet Radio. If
anybody has a link for the latest version, please post!

As mentioned, various demo rooms had Squeezeboxes or Transporters, in
use.  Modwright had their modded tube-rectified Transporter there (and
the new USB Benchmark DAC) but unfortunately it wasn't being used at
the time I stopped by.

Regardless, it's clear that computer/streaming has truly achieved
audiophile acceptance.  I believe 'The Absolute Sound' plans an
upcoming feature covering this emerging market.  I hope Logitech, while
likely pursuing more of the mainstream mid-fi market, continues to
support RD for the high-end as well.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] RadioIO

2007-07-04 Thread sleepysurf

I'm REALLY bummed with Radioio.  They seem to have (? intentionally)
pulled the plug on all of us.  I also had just started streaming
Radioio through my Treo 755p, so I could occasionally listen at work,
but that link is broken too.  I suspect they are switching to a
subscription ONLY service, which IMHO would be a BIG mistake.  Give us
FREE streams (albeit with the annoying ads) and let us upgrade to the
subscription service if desired.  I'd post this on THEIR website if I
could, but no new contact/feedback link there yet!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] RadioIO

2007-07-04 Thread sleepysurf

Wow, fast work!  Thanks!  BTW, looking at the source code at the website, there's lots of transitional labels, but I don't
understand why they couldn't just keep the old site until the new one
was ready.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2007-05-31 Thread sleepysurf

Thus far, from my personal experience, Slim/Logitech support remains
STELLAR.  Perhaps the OPPOSITE will happen, with the excellent customer
service/work ethic of the Slim team, bringing Logitech UP a notch!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Slick Squeezebox/Transporter Google Ads

2007-05-24 Thread sleepysurf

Happened to be surfing the Stereophile News web page
(, and up popped some very slick ads
for both the Squeezebox and Transporter, in both Banner and Sidebar
Google Ads windows!  I normally ignore those, but these were really
cute, with taunting text rolling across the simulated display,
beckoning me to click for more.  Well done!  (You might need to refresh
the page a number of times before those ads rotate through).

Anybody else seen these?


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-19 Thread sleepysurf

Interesting.  I received an email from Logitech Support today, telling
me they received my SB2, tested it, and it is working perfectly for
them!  Now, I *KNOW* my unit appeared dead, and was totally
unresponsive to EVERY resuscitative measure I took.  Further, my other
two remaining Squeezeboxes kept getting into the endless Factory
Reset loop until I d/l Slimserver 6.5.2  

I suspect the Logitech/Slim tech folks are using 6.5.2 as well, and
that version somehow resuscitated my SB2.  Weird!

Anyways, the GOOD NEWS is that Logitech Support seems to be just as
Customer oriented as the Slim folks were, and I will soon have my
beloved SB2 back in my system!  I hope everybody else facing this, or
similar issues, has such a favorable outcome.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-14 Thread sleepysurf

Sorry to hear you had the same problem.  I've sent mine off to
Slim/Logitech for repair.  Of note, my other two Squeezeboxes have been
going into the update firmware loop with recurring factory resets. but
they didn't die like my other one.  As suggested by others, updating to
the latest Slimserver 6.5.2 nightly solved that problem.  The issue is
CLEARLY software related, but apparently only affects a small
percentage of Squeezeboxes... not sure why.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-09 Thread sleepysurf

Thanks for the reminder about the Xilink reset (hold 1 while powering
up).  Unfortunately, that didn't work either.  I'm waiting to hear back
from Tech Support.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Amplifier that SqueezeBox can turn on?

2007-04-09 Thread sleepysurf

Schindler;193612 Wrote: 
 Isn't the Preamp Volume Control not only for digital output? Does the
 Russound have a digital input?
 I was not able to find a (online)shop where they sell the Russound
 RS235LS. Does anybody has a link?

Preamp Volume Control works on the analog output (not sure about the
digital outputs).  The Russound has analog inputs only. Amazon lists it
for ~$200, and other online vendors for less, but I don't know if any of
them are authorized dealers (the Russound website says they do NOT sell
via online dealers).

I bought mine locally from the same dealer who installed my in-ceiling
speakers (pricing was for the whole package).


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Amplifier that SqueezeBox can turn on?

2007-04-09 Thread sleepysurf

Must be a good omen!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-09 Thread sleepysurf

Deciding to live on the edge, I did the latest firmware upgrade on my
OTHER SB2, and that update went fine.  So the problem was apparently
unique for just my one unit, and not for all SB2's.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-09 Thread sleepysurf

Good News! Slim/Logitech Customer Service remains top-notch, and they
were quick to issue me an RMA. I'll be sending my faulty unit out
tonight, and anxiously awaiting their diagnosis/repair.  Fortunately, I
have two other Squeezeboxes to keep feeding my audio addiction.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Amplifier that SqueezeBox can turn on?

2007-04-08 Thread sleepysurf

Yes, the Russound has sufficient sensitivity adjustments to turn on even
at low volumes.  I also use Slimservers Preamp Volume Control option
for further fine-tuning.  The Russound also has TWO inputs with
auto-switching to whichever source is active.  I haven't tried that
feature yet, but do plan on eventually feeding my TV audio thru it.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Amplifier that SqueezeBox can turn on?

2007-04-08 Thread sleepysurf

Mark Lanctot;193543 Wrote: 
 I assume he means Player Settings - Audio - Preamp Volume Control.

Yep, exactly.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-07 Thread sleepysurf

FYI, when accessing Pandora today, I was prompted to hit brightness to
d/l latest firmware.  It did, then rebooted as usual.  However, upon
restarting, the screen flashed something like factory reset then went
black.  Powering on and off did nothing, nor did the standard POWER +
ADD reset sequence.  It appears the latest firmware totally killed my
Squeezebox 2.  On a whim, I tried the firmware upgrade on my Squeezebox
3 (I have 3 SB's), and it went fine.  There is clearly a problem with
this firmware for Squeezebox 2's.  I emailed Tech Support and am
awaiting their response.  Anybody else encounter this problem?


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Warning, new firmware killed Squeezebox 2

2007-04-07 Thread sleepysurf

Yep, tried that, as well as holding in the ADD button while powering up.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Amplifier that SqueezeBox can turn on?

2007-04-07 Thread sleepysurf

I'm using a Russound RS235LS, 35W (~$180), powering in-ceiling speakers
in my bedroom.  It has a sensitivity switch to control the auto-sensing
power, and works perfectly with a Squeezebox.  Further, I have it
mounted inconspicuously on the BACK of my dresser.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] Slimserver splits albums

2007-04-01 Thread sleepysurf

It's likely you have a spurious variation with your tags (e.g. spelling,
or discnumber, or some other rarely used tag), which Slimserver is
picking up on, but iTunes is not.  Use MP3Tag, or one of the other tag
utilities to check, and correct, such errors.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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[slim] New Music listing corrupt

2007-04-01 Thread sleepysurf

Somehow, my New Music listing got corrupt, and only shows albums I
ripped months ago, but none of the new stuff.  I have tried
Slimserver's Clear and Rescan everything, with no success.  Is there a
hidden file in the Slim directory I need to delete, before rescanning?


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl
9.0se  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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Re: [slim] In the news today

2007-02-06 Thread sleepysurf

Apple/Jobs comments on DRM are a welcome breath of fresh air!  They have
enough clout that record companies just *MIGHT* take notice.  Now, us
consumers, need to rise up and demand the same!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl 9.0
pre  belles 350a reference  ml summits. blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Great video exploring the audiophile mindset!

2006-11-28 Thread sleepysurf

When passion becomes obsession... this video says it all!

I'm posting the link here for all non-audiophiles who don't understand
the endless discussions in the Audiophile section of this board.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl 9.0
pre  sunfire cinema grand  ml summits.  blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Why not Transporter Home Theater Bypass Loop?

2006-10-25 Thread sleepysurf

Given that the Transporter can (theoretically) REPLACE a pre-amp for 2
channel listening, why not include a Home Theater Bypass Loop in the
design?  That is the ONLY missing feature preventing me (and probably
lots of other folks with combined stereo and home theater setups) from
buying one.

I see folks (in the Audiophile section) are asking for a DIGITAL bypass
loop.  From my perspective, an ANALOG bypass loop would be even more

Of course, there would have to be either an analog or digital switch
(if not software controlled) to choose which input's/output's are


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu)  benchmark dac1  modwright swl 9.0
pre  sunfire cinema grand  ml summits.  blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: Do's and Don'ts Running SB Direct to Amp?

2006-08-15 Thread sleepysurf

Just be careful, using the lowest volume setting to begin with. 
Ideally, for best fidelity, you want the SB volume setting to end up in
the 35-40 range.  If you need to attenuate the RCA output, you can use
the Slimserver Pre Amp Volume Control (at least temporarily).  If you
like what you hear, Sean advocates using Rothwell or Endler
attenuators.  Of course, the upcoming Transporter can be safely fed
direct to amp!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[slim] Re: In-wall Squeezebox

2006-05-28 Thread sleepysurf

Do you REALLY want to cut a hole in your walls for the Squeezebox and
wiring?  And what happens when the new and improved Squeezebox 4 comes
out?  Alternatively, why not just mount a shallow shelf on the wall for
the SB?  Regardless, you still need to deal with the wires.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[slim] Re: Sqeezbox turns off when obtaining IP ?

2006-04-23 Thread sleepysurf

I've had a similar problem intermittently.  The solution that works for
me is to power my wireless router off, then on again.  I suspect the
problem is conflicting IP addresses with other wireless devices on my
network.  My router is plugged into a switched surge protector, so it's
easy to flip off and on.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[slim] Re: Audioholics Review

2006-04-15 Thread sleepysurf

Yet another gushing SB3 review!  Not much different from the rest,
except the writer really RAVES about Slim's customer support and this
forum, in particular!  Well said!


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[slim] Re: Radioio Connection problem

2006-03-20 Thread sleepysurf

I've noticed the same thing, and also with Pandora, so the problem might
actually reside with SqueezeNetwork.  I wouldn't be surprised if they
are having bandwidth hiccups from increasing server demand (especially
since bringing Pandora on board).


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-08 Thread sleepysurf

GREAT article.  My kudos as well to Sean, and the entire Slim team. 
Just hoping the upcoming run on Squeezeboxes won't overwhelm the tech
support guy(s) with the usual... Help, I can't connect to my wireless
network cries!


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp, 300gb
buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage), sunfire cinema
grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's,
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'

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[slim] Radioio Connection problem

2006-01-31 Thread sleepysurf

Anybody else having problems with Radioio streams?  I can connect and
stream Radioio via Squeezenetwork, but when trying to play directly via
my Squeezebox2/3/Slimserver, can't connect?  I am using WinXP, 6.2.2
nightly (1/31), and Firmware 29.  Never encountered this before.


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp, 300gb
buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage), sunfire cinema
grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's,
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'

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[slim] Re: Radioio Connection problem

2006-01-31 Thread sleepysurf

I emailed Radioio to inquire if the problem is at THEIR end, and it
appears to be.  This was their response...

We've been having problems off and on at the network end of things
since Saturday.  All I can tell you right now is they are working on


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp, 300gb
buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage), sunfire cinema
grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's,
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'

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[slim] Re: Default player in web interface

2005-12-17 Thread sleepysurf

I simply SWAPPED two of my squeezeboxes, so that the MAC address listed
first in Slimserver is the one used for my Main audio setup.


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp, 300gb
buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage), sunfire cinema
grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's,
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'

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[slim] Re: How to choose a default SB to appear in the web interface

2005-12-03 Thread sleepysurf

I've been wondering how to solve this as well!


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'

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[slim] Re: Open up SlimServer in new window?

2005-11-13 Thread sleepysurf

A simpler solution is to hold down the SHIFT key, while launching


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'

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[slim] Re: Interesting Competitor to Squeezebox...

2005-10-27 Thread sleepysurf

Here's yet another high-end server, with even more bells and whistles,
price yet to be announced...

Streaming media is clearly the future, and it'll be interesting to
watch things evolve.  Slimdevices, offering tremendous value, plus
outstanding customer service, will hopefully survive the looming
marketplace battle.


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: Terabyte Storage

2005-10-21 Thread sleepysurf

Check out the Buffalo Linkstation or Terrastation...

I'm using a 300GB Linkstation, works great, and the price is right. 
Some techies have figured how to run Slimserver directly on the
Linkstation, but I'm happy controlling everything from my office


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: Map of us all

2005-10-21 Thread sleepysurf

Hey, how 'bout making this thread a Sticky and perhaps even posting a
permanent link to the Frapper Map on the Slim Forums home page!


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: I want a Squeezebox boombox

2005-10-19 Thread sleepysurf

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

I just got my 2nd SB2 for my bedroom, and am using an old pair of
powered Sony speakers (SRS-100) via the headphone out.  Sounds
fantastic.  IMHO, a boom box would be too bulky, and not offer much
speaker separation.  There are lots of compact powered speakers on the
market that would work equally well.


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: I want a Squeezebox boombox

2005-10-19 Thread sleepysurf

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

Well, Roku is already offering a table radio version of their
Soundbridge, though I don't believe it currently supports Slimserver. 
Might wander over to their forums to inquire g.

Actually, something like a sled with self-contained
amp/speakers/power that the SB2 docks into would be cool!


squeezebox2 (with elpac wm075-1950-760 linear psu) direct to amp using
slimserver preamp vol control, 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac
audio file storage), sunfire cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically
bi-amped) driving martin-logan aerius i's, blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: Elpac power supply for the SB2

2005-10-08 Thread sleepysurf

Well, after trying the Elpac linear PSU in place of the standard
switching PSU, I can honestly say the improvement is minimal (using the
SB2 analog out). 

However, I downloaded the latest Slimserver Beta, which incorporates
pre-amp volume control to allow direct connection to an amp. 

After connecting the SB2 analog out DIRECTLY to my Sunfire Cinema Grand
200 amp (feeding Martin-Logan Aerius i's), I now have absolutely
INCREDIBLE LUSH CRYSTALLINE sound like I've rarely heard before. I had
no idea my Yamaha RX-V1000 (as Pre/Pro) had such a deleterious effect
on the signal path. 

At least for me, the GREATEST upgrade path for improved audio from the
SB2, was to simply bypass the pre-amp stage altogether! I'm sure some
other mods might tweak the sound even more, but I'm thrilled with the
improvement thus obtained. Now, I just need to figure out how I can
still utilize my RX-V1000 for Home Theater DVD playback.


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: Elpac power supply for the SB2

2005-10-08 Thread sleepysurf

Compared the two PSU's extensively, the linear is (slightly) better in
my system.  Clearly, feeding directly to the amp is the biggest bang
for the buck improvement I have attained thus far.  Gotta rest my ears
a while now!


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: I want a Squeezebox2 T-shirt

2005-10-07 Thread sleepysurf

I second the motion for a Slimdevices/Squeezebox T-shirt.  In the
meantime, check out the link below for FLAC T-shirts.  Maybe Josh and
Sean can get together and market a T-shirt with BOTH logos on them!


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

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[slim] Re: Elpac power supply for the SB2

2005-09-23 Thread sleepysurf

Likewise, just ordered.  Can't beat the price, even just to try it.  

I guess Sean is being tactful (respecting Red Wine Audio and Bolder
Cable's mods) in not commenting specifically about this off-the-shelf
psu.  Guess us early adopters will need to spread the gospel if they
prove worthwhile.


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Received the Elpac power supply today

2005-09-23 Thread sleepysurf

ephemere... just curious what your opinion is after having used the
Elpac psu a while?


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Can you change album or track names after ripping?

2005-08-29 Thread sleepysurf

I use the program MP3Tag, which allows you to view and edit all the tags
in single directory of tracks.  It fully supports FLAC files.  After
making changes, make sure you have slimserver clear the cache, and
rescan your files.
The program is free, and available at


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Small footprint receiver?

2005-08-29 Thread sleepysurf

Check out these offerings from Boston Acoustics... especially the
Receptor Radio which also offers Digital Radio reception (different
from Satellite Radio).  Both models also offer auxiliary inputs, though
I'm not sure which types.  I'm seriously considering the Receptor for my
Master Bedroom, if I can confirm it will accept analog input from my


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Small footprint receiver?

2005-08-29 Thread sleepysurf

You might also consider one of the Cambridge Soundworks offerings...


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Click and drag playlist items in web interface?

2005-07-10 Thread sleepysurf

Uh, where do we d/l this ExBrowse2 skin?  Haven't been able to find it. 
I've also been wanting drag 'n drop playlist sorting.


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Internet Radio streams vastly louder

2005-07-07 Thread sleepysurf

Actually, I was planning to, but it looked too arduous, so I just run
slimserver on my office laptop.  Works fine, plus it's a cinch to
install the latest beta.


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Internet Radio streams vastly louder

2005-07-06 Thread sleepysurf

Sounds like we need somebody to write a RadioioGain plug-in g.


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Internet Radio streams vastly louder

2005-06-28 Thread sleepysurf

Anybody else notice that Internet Radio streams (whether via SlimServer
or SqueezeNetwork), are significantly LOUDER than audio file playback?

Internet Radio streams are about 15 dB louder than playback of my FLAC
music files.  I am currently using Digital S/PDIF out, with the fixed
(max) volume setting.  I do not use ReplayGain or anything like that
with the FLAC playback.

It's rather annoying to hafta adjust my Pre-amp volume when I switch


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Internet Radio streams vastly louder

2005-06-28 Thread sleepysurf

I've been listening primarily to Radioio feeds.  Hadn't thought to check
if other internet radio streams are just as loud.  Turns out, many are,
but some aren't.  I guess it depends on the individual feeds.  Maybe
they really ARE trying to use psychoacoustics to sound better (just
like many commercials on TV crank up the volume).


aerius i, nht sub two, yamaha rx-v1000 (pre/pro), sunfire cinema grand
200 ~five (vertically bi-amped), squeezebox2 (streaming cd-quality
audio), 300gb buffalo linkstation (remote flac audio file storage),
blue jeans cables.

'Click to see pix of my system'
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[slim] Re: Using Squeeze with a wireless network drive ?

2005-05-15 Thread sleepysurf

I am using a Network Storage Device (300 GB Buffalo Linkstation), with
the Slimserver running on my office laptop.  Works great.  Some hackers
*HAVE* figured out a way to load Slimserver directly on the Linkstation
(for earlier v.1 models), but it looks a bit arduous.  I'm fine running
it with my setup, plus it's a breeze to install slimserver updates.

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[slim] Re: Tagging WAV files

2005-04-29 Thread sleepysurf

As far as I know, .WAV files cannot be tagged.  However .FLAC files ARE
tagged, and LOSSLESS.  SB2 works perfectly with .FLAC  Best approach is
to rip CD's to FLAC using EAC, for bit-perfect extraction.  Also, if for
any reason you need to edit tags after ripping the files, and if running
Windows OS, I recommend a freeware program called AudioShell which lets
you edit .FLAC tags by just right-clicking on the file!

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[slim] Re: Building a house server?

2005-04-18 Thread sleepysurf

If you are planning on a wireless B/G router (Linksys or other) consider
using a Buffalo Linkstation network storage device as the media server. 
It can be located in a remote location (mine is in a bedroom closet,
along with my Linksys Wireless Router/Network hub).  It's a lot cheaper
than buying an entire PC for that purpose. I bought a 300 GB one, and am
ripping FLAC files to it.  You'll still need a computer to run
SlimServer... I use an old Compaq Evo N600 which sits in my home
office.  I can rip CD's while doing other work in my office.  So far,
the system is working flawlessly for me.

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