Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-12-20 Thread the_arm

philippe_44 wrote: 
> The polarity marking should now be correct, it was a mistake that one
> user mentioned for previous batch.

Philippe - thanks for the info on the voltage! Regarding the speaker
polarity - I just want to make sure I'm understanding. On the previous
version ones that I have the pinout that is printed on the board matches
what is listed here
1: L+ (square pad)
2: L-
3: R-
4: R+

The one I just received has a printed pinout like this:
1:  R- (square pad)
2:  R+ 
3:  L+
4:  L-

Which is the correct one?  It's funny - the two I have connected to
speakers (instead of using optical) are connected to a single speaker
and set to mono output so it dawns on me that I wouldn't even know if I
had R/L switched on those :-)

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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-12-19 Thread the_arm

Hi there! I built up my 3 new SqueezeAmps and so far so good while using
them to play when connected to unpowered speakers. I haven't checked out
the other outputs yet; that's on the to do list. The IR is working
great, which is super fun!

One question - all 3 of these new SqueezeAmps report out ~8V on the LMS
Settings->Information page when plugged into a 12V power supply. My
SqueezeAmps from the previous run (which were boosts, I think?) all
report ~12V on the same interface / same supply. I'm guessing that's
expected and maybe a difference between basic and boost, but thought I'd
check in just in case. 

Other than that the only difficulty I had was the initial connection to
the SqueezeAmp. For whatever reason my windows laptop, when connected to
the SqueezeAmp's squeezelite wifi just would not resolve the one time it did but then it just sat with a spinning
wheel as it was trying to load up the page with the wifis available
locally. I don't recall this happening last time, but it's also a new
laptop. I forgot to try the "laptop won't connect to airport wifi" trick
of using incognito mode so no idea if that would work, but instead was
able to connect to it on my phone by joining that wifi (with the default
password) and then selecting the notification that I needed to log in.
So, if anyone is struggling, that worked for me.

Also, I noticed on the printing on board that the order of the polarity
for the speaker wire connections is different than the last run (or
maybe that's a boost vs basic thing?) - I assume the labeling is


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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-12-13 Thread the_arm

same here! (Minneapolis, USA) Looking forward to checking them out!!

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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-11-13 Thread the_arm

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I've sent an email for all who expressed interest for the new batch as
> it will be here this week. If you have not received anything from me,
> please send an email to squeezeamp at outlook dot com. Here is the
> content of the email I've sent. I don't have final price, but should be
> around 80USD.

How exciting!! I didn't receive an email from you, so I just wrote you
directly; we've emailed before when I bought from your original batch.
Thanks! -Aaron

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Re: [slim] New modified SqueezeAMP batch?

2022-09-17 Thread the_arm

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Build has now started

That's exciting!! Thank you!

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Re: [slim] Some SqueezeAMP remaining.

2021-10-05 Thread the_arm

Hi Philippe - I was trying to reach you via private message regarding
the SqueezeAMPs you sent but it appears your inbox is full. If you see
this can you let me know? Feel free to email me directly as you have
that email if that's preferable. thank you!

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-30 Thread the_arm

chill wrote: 
> Have you seen player volume dropping to zero during playback, or was it
> already at zero when you started playback (making it the former case)?

Hello again - just jumping back into this thread. I've personally not
seen the volume drop to zero during playback. I believe it's
predominantly when turning the player (SB Touch as part of a sync group)
back on, but I can't say for certain that the player was always off,
sometimes I'm lazy and leave it on pause. All I can say is that when I
come back to the player and press play (via the LMS app) I notice the
volume is zero. 

I was going to say I don't have ipeng but I realized I actually did on a
very ancient ipad. The app is never used, but the ipad was on. I just
uninstalled ipeng just to see if that does anything. Was your log
captured by using player.sync at debug like you mentioned earlier in the


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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-24 Thread the_arm

chill wrote: 
> Wracking my brain for other 'new' things that might be responsible..

With the exception of increased reliance on Material Skin and the
Android-app version of it (phones, Kindle Fire) as well as keeping my
LMS up to date nothing has changed in my setup in ages that I can think

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-24 Thread the_arm

d6jg wrote: 
> I asked about other players as I have seen it when using a upnp player
> and switching back to a Pi

Got it. I don't have any non-branded-oldschool-logitech players on my
network. (Yet!). 1 Boom, 3 Radios, 1 Squeezebox3, 1 Receiver and 1

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-24 Thread the_arm

chill wrote: 
> Actually that's not true - I have noticed it once or twice during
> playback.  I wasn't anywhere near any of the controls, and the volume
> just reduced without me doing anything.  I assumed the radio station had
> accidentally turned the playback volume down.

Good point, and I honestly don't use the group enough to say one way or
another. The group is not in use WAY more than it is in use...

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-24 Thread the_arm

I'm happy to do the same - any advice on what I should enable to capture
the info?

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Re: [slim] Spontaneous volume reduction

2021-03-24 Thread the_arm

Wow, hey, I've been noticing the same thing! I have a sync group
consisting of one SB Touch, one SB Radio, and one SB Duet-Receiver. 
It's always the SB Touch that is spontaneously at 0 volume. It's never
happened to me during playback but it just seems that randomly I'll come
back to the group, hit play, and two players "work" and the touch is at
zero volume.

I try to keep everything up to date and it's a relatively recent
phenomenon. I do use Material skin, and I have an android tablet
(actually a kindle fire) that is more or less permanently running the
android material app (sideloaded) with the SB Touch selected as what's
being displayed/controlled in the group. I had recently power cycled the
Touch hoping that would fix it (it didn't) and was next going to just
power off the tablet for a while to see if that had anything to do with
it? It doesn't seem likely though since I've been running that app for
quite some time and it pre-dates this phenomenon.

I'm running LMS on a mac on Mojave.


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Re: [slim] New configuration utility

2020-05-15 Thread the_arm

that is a good sign, then! If there's any specific tests you want me to
run on the mac side of things, I'm happy to help. This Duet is weird -
it doesn't seem to like DHCP, hence all the settings. I was able to get
it on my network with a static IP using the android udap configuration
utility found elsewhere, but I'm happy to test yours as well. Thank you!

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Re: [slim] New configuration utility

2020-05-14 Thread the_arm

Hi! I have a Duet Receiver that I picked up on ebay and was trying to
use this utility to configure it. I'm pretty amateur at configuring
these "the hard way". I do have a controller that is currently linked to
another receiver, so I can fall back to that solution if I need to, but
thought it'd be fun to try this out.

I'm using a mac (on Mojave) and you said you'd like feedback. 

The utility seems to be working to set the LanIPMode, LanSubnetMask and
SqueezeCenterAddress appropriately. But, when I've tried to set the
LanGateway it instead populates that value into LanSubnetMask - so I'm
unable to set LanGateway. 

I'm new at configuring this way, so perhaps I'm doing it wrong, but I
can successfully save the other values, but as soon as I set LanGateway
it instead populates LanSubnetMask.


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Re: [slim] Improved Squeezebox config availible for Harmony users.

2010-03-01 Thread the_arm

thank you! I appreciate it.

I assume you can still use the right arrow and scroll down and make a
mix that way, right?  So, it probably won't kill me not to have it, if
that's the case :-)

BUT, it'd be cool!

Any other gotchas to be worried about?  Reviews seem to be generally
positive for the Harmony One.  If not, I think I'll go ahead and get

Many thanks...


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Re: [slim] Improved Squeezebox config availible for Harmony users.

2010-02-28 Thread the_arm

hi - I'm considering purchasing a Harmony One for my living room
setup...I've confirmed it works with all of my equipment, which is
pretty cool.  One question remains:

I have a SB3 in the living room that I want to control with the Harmony
One and noticed earlier in the thread that someone mentioned the
push-and-hold-Play for MusicIP mix making doesn't work, but I couldn't
tell if that was still true or not?  I use MusicIP all the time and that
would be a bummer.

Can anyone comment?



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