[slim] Players can't see DHCP

2010-09-22 Thread thurstongarden

I am no network buff, and could do with some help.

Since recently being made to change routers by AOL to allegedly rectify
my dreadful broadband download speed, my controller and my sbradio can't
connect to squeezebox server.

Both say they can't find a DHCP address for the network. They still
seem to be kind of connected but certainly can't connect to any radio
streams, live or listen again.

The router thing might just be coincidence - I don't really know what
DHCP is (IP address thingy?) but AOL are of no help whatsoever. Oddly
though my HTC Hero connects fine to the wireless network.

Does anyone have any ideas, cos this is now driving me daft.



Version: 7.5.1 - r30836 @ Tue Jun 1 05:56:14 PDT 2010
Hostname: Ritchie-Griersons-Mac-mini.local
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6.4 - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: x86_64
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - darwin-thread-multi-2level
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-standard
Total Players Recognized: 1


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Players can't see DHCP

2010-09-22 Thread thurstongarden

Soulkeeper if Norway was closer I would come and give you a big hug!

I did many power ups but not with the router AND the players.

How easy was that!

Thanks muchly!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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[slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-13 Thread thurstongarden

My Dell Vostro 1500 is currently taking about 15 minutes to boot up. I
plan during the Christmas break to do a full reinstall and thought that
this might be a good time to create a partition for my FLAC files -
currently 65Gb, but likely to grow slowly.

Is this a good idea, and if so, any tips for a Luddite to make it



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-14 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks for the input chaps and chapesses. Unsure of how to do multiple
quotes, I will add my replies:

1. I might well be able to put in a second drive, but it's a works
laptop so I don't really want to.

2. No, I won't be stopping at 65Gb. That's me just re-ripped all my
CD's having previously had them as mp3. The library will of course get
bigger, but it won't be quick. I am tempted to look at getting a fit-pc
next year and having it as a dedicated music server/storage. That way I
can get all my FLAC off my works laptop. I can also go wired rather
than wireless as at the moment.

3. I agree that there's something bad about my system. It's a very
small firm with a retained IT bod but he's not much good. I prefer to
keep my own machine clean, but I also fiddle... Time for a full

4. MSCONFIG - yes I am familiar and have hoovered it out as best as I
dare. I attach a screenshot of those that I have not had the courage to
uncheck and would be grateful for any more I can get rid of.

5. I do have a 500Gb external drive for back ups and will be backing up
all my music, photos and docs before the reinstall.

6. I have ZoneAlarm running (this actually seems to take quite a while
to lad though), use AVG CCleaner and Spyware Doctor regularly and its
apparently all clean. Any ideas on a light firewall? Or should I revert
to Micro$not's own?

I never considered that the FLAC files were dragging the startup time
down - but tried a defrag last week and I gave up after 14 hours and
23%! This is what brought me to the idea of creating a partition. Looks
like it's a winner when I do the back up and reinstall.

Cheers again for the help - looking forward to more!


|Filename: msconfig.JPG |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6413|


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-14 Thread thurstongarden

Cheers Howard. 

56 processes running. I know our IT bod would complain about me having
Rainlendar, Rainmeter and ObjectDock running to tweak my desktop (the
fad might well pass soon though).

There's actually only 1 SC running - it was my pasting my screen grabs
that was wonky!

Of to look at Malewarebytes now but if anyone has any suggestions of
stuff I can bin from the msconfig, please shout!



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-14 Thread thurstongarden

Malwarebytes is chugging away!

I got all excited about ALL USERS startup items... but it only has a
1kb SC shortcut in it. 

Is it the actual startup folder that needs cleaned, or the programs
one? Startup is clean but programs (below) aint!


|Filename: startup.JPG  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6414|


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-14 Thread thurstongarden

OK - Malwarebytes cam up completely clean. Cookies and temps very few -
I run CCleaner regularly.

I think ZoneAlarm will be binned tomorrow and look at rain stuff and
object dock, both trying to emulate Vista desktop. Time to bin them!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-16 Thread thurstongarden

OK, although I seem to have hijacked my own thread about start-up times
rather than creating a partition, it's all massively helpful.

So - no malware, clean antivirus scan, no cache/temp etc, down to 14
startup items and 42 processes running. Startup time is reduced to,
wait for it 10 mins (including waiting 2 mins for SC).

I think a full re-install (which will sort out my cr4p startup time)
and create a partition (so the FLAC files will go on a clean partition
and not be fragmented, ever) is in order.

Any tips for doing this?


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-17 Thread thurstongarden

Howard Passman;371992 Wrote: 
> I get the feeling you are trying to stay very small relative tot he
> footprint..

It has nothing to do with being a tight Scotsman, more the fact that
the fit-pc only draws 7W and can therefore be always on, and have a
totty wee -Carbon- Footprint :-)


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-17 Thread thurstongarden

Fit-pc plus 160Gb HD would probably run at £300 delivered. Do I/don't

Can I have Ubuntu on the fit-pc and have it talk to my XP laptop on the


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-17 Thread thurstongarden

OK - the nice people at Dell are sending me an OS disk. They also
emailed me a link on reinstalling and creating a partition, so it's all
guns blazing come the holidays!

Best startup time I can get down to is 7 mins, a vast improvement on
15, but 2 or 3 mins is probably the norm. I think having my music on a
clean partition will save a lot of time in the future - I am going to
start the back up to my external HD when I leave for my parents on Xmas
Eve. Hopefully it will all be moved over by my return on Boxing Day.
Then the partitioning can begin!

Thanks all for the pointers. I will update you on progress shortly!



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-17 Thread thurstongarden


It appears the Vostro 1500 has a single HD bay.

I think you are right about having the music on a separate disk
altogether - now I am thinking, should I spend a little of my Xmas
bonus on a fit-pc, upgrade the 60Gb HD, install Ubuntu and have no
music on my laptop at all. It is not mine, but a works one, so I was
wary of buying another drive for it.

I guess I can have the headless fit-pc on my network and rip CD's on my
laptop and copy them over to the fit-pc quite simply?



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] BBC Station Names disappeared?

2008-12-22 Thread thurstongarden

Works fine for me - station names and sometimes programme details.

Alien won't work atm though, but building up to a full reinstall over
the holidays so fingers crossed. Missing my 'listen again'!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-28 Thread thurstongarden

Well, after much sweating and huffing and puffing, I now have a clean
install with a 100Gb partition dedicated to music.

It was not easy I will say that! Perhaps a driver CD would have helped!
Oh well, OH's laptop came into play and all is well.

Gradually getting necessary programs reinstalled and plan to copy my
music files over from my back up disk to the laptop during the night. 

I won't be in a hurry to do that again!

Thanks for all the ponters though. Start up is down to under 2 mins!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] A little thank you...

2008-12-30 Thread thurstongarden

What Kaizen28 said!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] FLAC Download

2009-09-26 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks for the quick reply! Download in progress, although it may take
some time!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

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[slim] FLAC Download

2009-09-26 Thread thurstongarden

I am about to download St Matthew Passion from here
http://www.linnrecords.com/recording-matthew-passion.aspx Silly
question, but with my SB2, should I be buying the 24/88 file or 16/44? I
have had a search around but can't remember what the SB2 is capable of.

Has anyone used Linn Records for FLAC downloads - the prices seen
reasonable (Matthew is probably one of the dearest!)




Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

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[slim] Cyrus Two no worky - fix or upgrade?

2009-09-29 Thread thurstongarden

Some time back I got a free Cyrus Two and PSX off freecycle and can say
I grew to love the sound very much. I have some Mission 773 hooked upto
the Cyrus.

10 days ago, the Cyrus stopped working. Spotting a (newer version of)
Cyrus Two on ebay, with an hour to run,  I jumped and bought it. It
arrived today and hooked up to the PSX, power up and I had sound for a
few seconds... Not happy. On Googling, I relised I should have removed
the two fuses from the Two, but they seem to be OK and removing them has
not made any difference. 

So - do I get either/both of them repaired (Cyrus repair will no doubt
cost an arm and a leg) or do I bite the bullet and pony up for a new
replacement amp? Roksan Kandy K2 is tempting but the nearest shop is 100
miles away...

The replacement C2 was £125 - add in the cost of a repair job and the
money would go quite a way to a new amp.

What to do?? I hate dilemmas!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

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Re: [slim] Cyrus Two no worky - fix or upgrade?

2009-09-29 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks chaps.

Dennis I nearly drove through to Sevenoaks on GW Road this afternoon
and bought the Kandy. I had a wee look at my post office savings book
first and thought better of it.

I am trying a repair shop tomorrow. I think the PSX will be to blame. 

I'm the impatient sort and don't want to be withough a good amp for any
length of time.


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

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Re: [slim] Cyrus Two no worky - fix or upgrade?

2009-10-09 Thread thurstongarden

Good news! I had a call today from  the repair place to say they had
fixed both amps. There was a bust capacitor in the PSX which blew both
the amps. You live and learn.

However, the repair chappie asvised strongly not to hook up the PSX. He
could not see the benefit of itthe power supplies are the same in
each Now, I am a noob to the advantages of the PSX, but the sound
was noticably better with it hooked up (before it blew both amps of
course!). He said the boards that he replaced in both amps were the last
he could source, to a repeat problem would be the end of an amp  in his

But on the basis that the PSX is now repaired, surely it won't blow an
amp again? He put the bust capacitor down to age - dry as he called it.
He said there were 15 in the PSX and if another blew then the PSX would
blow the board in the amp again. 

So, the dillema is, do I hook the PSX up? I have two working amps now,
so I guess one could be a spare... I guess I will need to remove the two
fuses in the amp before I hook up the PSX (assuming hook it up!) -
repair bloke said he had put them back in.

Thoughts would be appreciated!My electrical knowledge extends to
changing light bulbs



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
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Re: [slim] Cyrus Two no worky - fix or upgrade?

2009-10-10 Thread thurstongarden

Phil - the repair chappie, as I understand only replaced the dry cap. I
guess this was TBH I was not hopeful that he would be able to do
anything, but he came up trumphs. I live in the sticks and repair places
are few and far between. This guy was a TV repairer (who actually gets
their telly repaired these days??).

I am very very tempted to take the fuses out of the original (push
switch) amp and hook up the PSX. I still have the ebay (rocker switch)
amp which I could box up and save as a replacement. I am using it on its
own right now and it does sound goodshould I just make do and box
the PSX and push switch amp up?

I hate decisions!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
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Re: [slim] Cyrus Two no worky - fix or upgrade?

2009-10-10 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks Phil. your words 'ticking time bomb' are all I need to hear to
stop me hooking up the PSX. I don't remember the date on the stickers
inside the kit, but it definitely was 80's not 90's.

The rocker switch amp will be the newer of the two so I will stick with
this on it's own for the time being. A good friend is a Chief Artificer
in the navy and he might be the man to replace the caps for me. I would
feel safer putting the kit in to his hands than some unknown shop. I
might text him now to see where in the world he is!

I would need to source replacement caps tho - any ideas where from, and
what I need to look for?


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=68461

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Re: [slim] Cyrus Two no worky - fix or upgrade?

2009-10-10 Thread thurstongarden

Excellent. I have no idea when my oppo will be here. Last time he was in
Scotland was December last year! It could be a long wait

Many thanks though!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
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[slim] 7.4 track info?

2009-10-24 Thread thurstongarden

In 7.3, you could drill through on the controller to the track info with
the centre button. Now on 7.4, the centre button shows the playlist and
pressing again = play.

Where has the track info gone? Maybe I am a dullard, but I can't find



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
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Re: [slim] 7.4 track info?

2009-10-24 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks for the speedy replies chaps.

I did look on the forum honest!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
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Re: [slim] Going from a PC to a Mac...have questions.

2009-11-29 Thread thurstongarden

I too have just transferred from PC to Mac after a 10 year absence. WHY
did I not do this sooner? I love it!

I have always been on the lookout for a good media box, focusing on SB,
BBC iPlayer, 4oD, and watching DVD's and this Mac Mini is the mutts nuts
for all via SC and PLEX. PLEX even copes with FLAC in a kind of iTunes
ish mode. The Mini is also very low power so being partly green minded
and partly tight, I don't mind leaving it switched on 24/7.

Of no help to the OP, I still have my work laptop with dbpoweramp on it
for ripping to FLAC. Perhaps without this, I might have a problem.


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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[slim] My fridge makes my speakers pop...

2010-02-24 Thread thurstongarden

I have recently moved house and am renting while I build a straw bale
house. The place I am renting is quite small with an open plan kitchen
living space. 

Every  time the compressor on my fridge comes on/off, my speakers pop.
I have always used a surge protector but according to this thread
http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/index.php/t-121929.html the
protector is not reactive hence not stopping the voltage spike.

Has anyone had this experience and resolved it? The above thread seems
to suggest a power conditioner and I did look at this one:
http://www.lindy.co.uk/mains-conditioner-power-strip-6-way/30087.html I
would buy this if I thought it would help, but don't have bottomless
pockets so paying more might not be possible.



Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] My fridge makes my speakers pop...

2010-02-24 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks for the replies.

The fridge is brand new and belongs to the landlord. I imagine it is on
the same electrical circuit as my amp etc in the same room.

It's a 240v system (in the UK) and I cannot really alter it as it's not
mine. I am hoping only to rent for 12 months and thought I could get
something to plug between the fridge and the wall outlet to suppress the

If it's radio then I might have to encase the fridge in swathes of
aluminium foil


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] My fridge makes my speakers pop...

2010-02-24 Thread thurstongarden

Thanks Phil. This is the third fridge in as many weeks. The one here
when I moved in was u/s. The landlord replaced with new one which had a
duff thermostat. The third one appears to work fine. All three caused a

I think I will look at a socket tester


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] My fridge makes my speakers pop...

2010-02-24 Thread thurstongarden

Further to my last, I think we can discount an RF spike - the fridge
does not affect my wind-up FM radio in the same location as my amp. Just
done a wee test.


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

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Re: [slim] Portable FLAC Players

2009-07-23 Thread thurstongarden

tommyz;442770 Wrote: 
> Don't use Cowon - they don't support gapless playback (and probably
> never will).

I bought a Cowon S9 and love it but missed gapless playback. 

Lo and behold, the most recent firmware update includes gapless


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) - Mission

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Re: [slim] My fridge makes my speakers pop...

2012-02-10 Thread thurstongarden

Ok, by way of an update...

The OP was made when I was in a rental place. Since then I have lived
in a caravan (with a different fridge) and am now living in the
finished straw bale house (again with a different, but brand new
fridge). Sadly, the popping has not been fixed. The only thing constant
in the process is my Cyrus 2 amp. I used different speakers in the
caravan due to lack of space but am now back with my Mission floor
standers in the new house.

When I built the new house, I made sure the fridge was on it's own
spur, so as to be as far electronically from the other sockets. There
is still a pop/spike, but it is less pronounced.

Sadly I now have significantly less money than when I made the OP so a
power conditioner is out of the question. I have/did, some time ago,
resign myself to the fact that the spike was not doing much/any harm to
my amp/speakers and that it is something I need to live with.

I have filtered the spike out of my hearing, a bit like someone would
do with trains living next to a busy railway line!


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - SB Radio - Cyrus Two & PSX (off Freecycle!) -
Mission 773's

thurstongarden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20903
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=75596

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