[slim] Re: Perfect, I love it

2006-05-02 Thread trebejo

Good. Feeling tuneful correlations with slim figure now. Soon we will be
mashing potatoes before big crowd.


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[slim] Re: Mac Slimserver more resource hungry than Windows?

2006-05-01 Thread trebejo

I was able to get rid of a similar problem by deleting some cache files.
Weird little bug.

The files in question were


More details at these threads:






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[slim] Re: Remind me what I did about slimserver.log

2006-04-17 Thread trebejo

danco Wrote: 
> I had just thought of that answer, and was going to suggest it to you.
> I've just found (using the Help Viewer and looking for Spotlight) a
> document indicating that most of the Library folder is not searched.

That's remarkable. I would actually insist on that as one of the prime
directories to search through. Maybe it's a *feature*.

Oh well. I suppose that after deleting all that the usual search finds,
one can go to terminal and do something like this:

$ cd ~/Library
$ find . -name \*slim\* \;

and take it from there. On a systemwide install, use sudo and go a bit
higher (or lower depending on how you define it) in the filesystem.




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[slim] Re: Remind me what I did about slimserver.log

2006-04-16 Thread trebejo


(User: mazzare) (Dir: ...mazzare/)$ ls -al
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  staff  49 Jan  5 22:27
/Users/mazzare/Library/Logs/slimserver.log ->

So I *did* do that on purpose.

Let's do the easy thing and blame Finder. You go to Finder, type "slim"
in its little search box, and it will find everything... except this
soft link. I don't know why.

Sometimes OS X is not the best unix...


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[slim] Re: Remind me what I did about slimserver.log

2006-04-16 Thread trebejo

Tinkertool! Cool little app, thanks.

Naturally, for us terminal users there are no hidden files, as long as
we use ls -al.

I just ran grep lim .* and grep log .* in my home directory and got
nothing relevant.

The thing is, I could have sworn that it was a line in slimserver.pref,
but no, it's not in there.

btw the log file is indeed monotonically increasing, which also bugs me
as it seems like there should be an easy way to set a cap on it. Once
again, consider the abused example of the older, allegedly
computer-clueless user that uses the squeezebox and one fine day
discovers that his system drive is no longer accepting any bytes. That
would be a very very bad scenario, probably requiring a trip to the
local apple store to talk to someone at the "genius" bar.

Anyway, I periodically cat /dev/null onto the log file and leave it at
that. Last night I made a point of actually reading the thing and I was
able to clean up my music files of unwanted .cue confusers and non-flac
files posing as such. So there is some useful information in it, but
its growth could use better monitoring.


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[slim] Re: Remind me what I did about slimserver.log

2006-04-16 Thread trebejo

> Did you maybe put the --logfile switch in your start script?  That's
> something that people usually don't wipe out in an upgrade/reinstall.

Eh... did I really do that?

I'm on a Mac. I just click and grin. :)

btw I did look at my .*rc files and nothing looked relevant.

It's bizarre. I delete the usual suspects (~/Library/SlimDevices,
~/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane, and
~/Library/Preferences/com.slimdevices.slim.plist). For all intents and
purposes, that results in a brand new install... except for the log

I am beginning to suspect the squeezebox itself...


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[slim] Re: Okay, maybe it's time to call it a day...

2006-04-16 Thread trebejo

keithleng Wrote: 
> The truth of the matter is that the squeezebox software is, and always
> has been, very flakey. It is largely written by enthusiastic amateurs,
> and it shows.

On and off I tend to agree that slimserver is still an evolving
interface whose robustness is not yet where it should be.

However I take issue with your slur against amateurs. I find that
equivalence between "professional" and "better" or "best" to be rather

Schubert was an amateur, while Brittney Spears is a pro in every sense
of the word. Compare and contrast.

I *heart* the open-source approach to slimserver. I know I'll put up
with some grief from time to time, but I don't expect to face the day
when the owner of slimserver (i.e. the universal set) will tell me that
I no longer have access to my music as I desired it. Incidentally, that
is essentially what happened when that lovely and well-designed iTunes
program dropped flac support a few revisions ago.

One more comment on the amateur vs. pro question: when it comes to
making love, do you prefer someone that loves you or someone that you
have to pay for? The answer that you give is what poker players call a




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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-04-16 Thread trebejo

44. I'm another one of those that has to do the arithmetic before


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[slim] Remind me what I did about slimserver.log

2006-04-15 Thread trebejo

Ok, time for you to play Vulcan mindmeld and tap into my sleepy memory

Some time ago, I noticed an outrageous growth in the file
slimserver.log, due to my unwitting attempt to slap id3 tags on flac
files. I was older then...

Among my decisions at the time was to relocate said file so that in
future sneaky inexplicable symptom scenarios, the disk that would be
filled to the brim would not be the system disk.

I'm not sure that I want to change that decision just yet, but I am
puzzled at the fact that no matter how thoroughly I wipe out the
slimserver install (something I've done a few times), the log file
returns to that non-standard location where I relocated it (even when
it is wiped out during those re-installs).

Looking through the files where I expect to find this setting, I see no
mention of slimserver.log. I'm beginning to think that the squeezebox
has even greater control over my conciousness than I previously

If you know the answer, please ease my mind and remind me of how I
managed to relocate slimserver.log. I'm running a Mac, OS 10.4.latest,




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[slim] Re: Anyone running Slimserver on a Mac Mini?

2006-04-03 Thread trebejo

davidcotton Wrote: 
> So a system comprising a mac mini>wired SB3>usb external hd of any
> make/capacity would work fine?

Yes. I would recommend using firewire instead of USB (about a $10-20
markup on cost per external drive) for two reasons:

1. Firewire daisy-chains in a more straightforward manner.
2. USB hits harder on the cpu.

With only one external drive, and with it dedicated solely to music, it
may be a push between usb and firewire. However, I predict that at some
point in the future you will be tempted to expand the external
connection both in size and function. :)

I was looking into this a few months ago (dear, has it really been only
about three months??), and my last post in this thread is close to where
I ended up:


The main difference is that I went with these cases instead,


because of their whisper-quiet and efficient fan-cooling systems.

At the moment I've daisy-chained five of these and the performance has
been excellent. Firewire is quirky so we'll see if it holds up on the
scale of years, but if I decide that it's too flaky, I can always take
out the drives and I'm only out the expense of the cases (for which
there will often be some use).

And yes, I went with a mini instead of linux and it ended up being a
1.5ghz g4 with 1 gig of RAM. It's not just the music server, it is also
my desktop machine and I have to work pretty hard to make it do dropouts
on the slimserver (dvd2onex is usually one of the ingredients). As long
as the app is not keen on hijacking the cpu instructions, slimserver
just keeps on running.

One thing that happens is that the refresh page on "Browse Albums"
takes a while (sometimes a minute or two). However that may have
something to do with the size of my collection. :)

The bandwidth off the firewire arrays is currently at about 100-120
MbPS (i.e. 12-13 MBPS), which is huge compared to what is needed for
music (about 60x-100x for flac files).  What that means in practice is
that even if you are reading off one of the drives as you play songs,
you can use that drive in all the usual ways such as intensive reading
and writing from it and not have a problem.


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[slim] Re: Booting Slimserver in OS X ... from the command line

2006-04-01 Thread trebejo

Ok, it all came down to deleting these two files:


which automatically get re-created when you click on "Start" in the
preference pane button for slimserver.

For some reason, the files as they were were messing things up.

Thanks folks (and good eye kanoot, that was a sneaky one to catch).

So as far as I can tell, when gremlins got your mac and you don't want
to do the windoze approach of wiping the OS and reinstalling (ugh), do

i) run disk utility and verify system drive and permissions
ii) wipe out the files as outlined in this post
iii) wipe out slimserver and reinstall it (I didn't have to do that
this time)

I really, really think this has to go in some obvious place in the
documentation (maybe even the little booklet that gets shipped with the
squeezebox) so that people that are not comfortable with surfing around
the directories in a mac can still use the device "just like a cd

I assume that this is more an OS issue than an application issue
(although I don't know for sure), but it's still a robustness issue
with the device and its server if something upstream breaks  as
mysteriously--and then gets fixed as easily--as this one did.

One plus I'll mention before I go--the staff at slimdevices reads these
posts and pitches in when they know something. They will have less of
that to do if they put this tip somewhere. :)




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[slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread trebejo

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> So, what happens when you realise that you deleted a file just before
> you ran rsync that you didn't mean to delete and that you'd really
> like
> to get back? 

I yell like a stuck pig, or I look at the other N,000 albums in my
collection and cope with it.

Your point is well taken of course. I make a big investment in my
alertness at that moment before the "enter" key is pressed (e.g. no
scotch before that keystroke).

There is also something to be said about the nature of the filesystem.
With scarcely any exceptions, the music files grow monotonically, and
deletions are usually the consequence of having moved something around
or having re-tagged something.

Hence as far as my music collection is concerned, I'm pretty sure I've
made a stable marriage with rsync.

With data of a different nature, my concerns shift, which leads us

> Sure, rsync is cool, but you're not really making a useful backup using
> it like you are.
> Have a look at rsnapshot [1] - I think you'll like it.
> 1. http://www.rsnapshot.org/
> R.

Thanks! The multi-user flavor of that (root password need not be
involved) makes it pretty suggestive for a multi-user system.

There is a "learning curve--hit the next topic" tension in modernity
that sometimes forces me to choose something like rsync rather than the
next step up the chain.

Personal on-topic recommendations are the typical stimulant for me to
go ahead and make that next step (which is how I replaced a  ghastly cp
-R whatever command with rsync). And now if your tip bears fruit (it's
in an O'Reilly so we're on our way), then my friend shall hear back
from *me*.

Unix tennis is a lovely game.




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[slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread trebejo

Please don't resent this unix-only solution, perhaps you might be
interested (e.g. with a linux dual-boot setup where linux is used
solely for system maintenance and debugging).

Instead of simply re-writing the entire directory branch everytime I
need to make a full back up, I only delete the obsolete files and
update or copy the new ones by typing a single line in a terminal:

$ rsync -av --delete /original/ /backup/

where "/original/" stands for the directory that has all the music
files and "/backup/" stands for the place where it's being backed up.

This rsync tool is pretty cool all-around, but in the context of large
filesystems with relatively small changes, it's a godsend. Cloning a
300gb hard drive takes me about 5-6 hours, but that little command up
there executes in a few minutes quietly in the background while I do

Caveat emptor--this is a pretty sharp little blade. You can wipe out
your backup if you make a mistake typing things in there, and if you
are distracted enough to switch the places of original and backup,
well, then you're going in the wrong direction in a one-way time
machine. Come to think of it, Orwell used such a device in "1984".




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[slim] Re: After many months of smooth performance, slimserver won't boot

2006-03-18 Thread trebejo

danco Wrote: 
> Well, as a bit of extra data, I have just upgraded Mac OS 10.4.5 to the
> latest (version 1.1 of update 2006-002) and am using SlimServer 6.2.1.
> Absolutely NO problems. It started at login, and I have been able to
> listen, to stop and restart the preference pane and so on. So it looks
> as if it must be a Tiger issue or some corruption that is causing
> Trebejo's problems.

Thanks for letting me know. It's a bit of a relief to know that there
isn't some generalized problem out there.

>  Trebejo, have you tried standard Mac problem-solving. Repairing
> permissions, deleteingh preferences, etc.

Yes, thanks, I tried the permissions before anything else. Deleting
preferences... I take it you mean deleting any files that I could think
of that are connected to slimserver? In my case that meant the .plist
file, the PreferencePane app, and the ~/Library/Caches/SlimServer
directory--they all got wiped.

I ran ls -al in my home directory and found nothing. It's too bad  that
Apple didn't emphasize the .*rc approach to app configuration, but I
guess that wasn't gooey enough for them.




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[slim] Re: Booting Slimserver in OS X ... from the command line

2006-03-18 Thread trebejo

kanoot Wrote: 
> Just to let you know, I've been using tiger and slimserver with no
> problems at all.
> I will look and see if I can find such a thing on my system too - but
> let me suggest that you look around and try to find a cache file for
> the slimserver preference pane - or for all panes in general. Blowing
> that away might help if there is one.
> I'll get back to you if I find such a beast.

Hmmm... an intriguing suggestion. Apparently I've got some quirky thing
going on because other users with the same OS upgrade haven't had the
same problem. That's a relief.

So what files do you mean? I deleted the usual
~/Library/Caches/SlimServer directory before I started the round of
reinstallations, of course. Do you mean either of these files?


They are the only files in that directory that have recent revision
dates. Is it safe to delete these wrt other apps on the preference

btw this came up in the other thread I started as a result of this
event, but I'll mention it here for completeness--I did the usual round
of repairing permissions and deleting the *slim*.plist file.




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[slim] Re: Booting Slimserver in OS X ... from the command line

2006-03-18 Thread trebejo

netim3 Wrote: 
> My experience was that the command line 
> ~/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server/slimserver.pl
> --daemon
> wouldn't work for me unless I renamed SlimServer.prefPane to remove the
> '.' such that OSX treated it as a regular folder. Otherwise OSX didn't
> seem to recognise the path. I'm curious how you've solved that
> problem.
> Of course, when I do so, the SlimServer preference pane icon
> disappears.
> Could there be somethin common here - if you can run the command line
> above, might the pref pane item be partially diabled somehow?

Well, the plot thickens. I didn't do anything special--just used "show
package contents" in Finder to help move around the directory, but
Terminal always recognizes a directory as a directory.

As for characters in pathnames, I don't think periods are supposed to
be a problem. Other characters, yes--blank spaces are a typical
problem--but that's usually solved by putting a backslash before the
problematic character.

At any rate, the preference pane continues to show up as such both in
Finder and in System Preferences. And--this is a kicker--the "Stop
Server" button works, even though its buddy "Start Server" doesn't.

If you've got all your latest upgrades and things are working fine, let
me know.




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[slim] Re: After many months of smooth performance, slimserver won't boot

2006-03-18 Thread trebejo

dean Wrote: 
> Sorry that it's not working for you, and thanks for taking the time  
> to debug this.

Oh, you know, we love our squeezebox and the people that bring it to
us. *hug*

> On Mar 17, 2006, at 7:42 PM, trebejo wrote:
> > Sooo undocumented.
> Well, it's in the normal place for Preference Panes on OSX.  Regular  
> folks shouldn't have to dig down here, so there was no reason to  
> document the file layout for accessing it via Terminal.

I think the very events that I'm describing justify documenting
alternative boot schemes somewhere, so that people don't waste their
time hunting down phantoms (like I did with my poor network).

For example, I read somewhere (can't remember where) that if your
squeezebox is showing up with an IP address that begins with "169",
then you've got a network problem. That's good to know.

Also, consider this: at the moment, I don't mind one bit using the
terminal to boot slimserver; in fact, I think it may well become the
way I do things from now on. However, I would LOVE to get a refund on
the hour(s) I spent wondering what I needed to do to fix it, but mere
humans don't have access to the rewind hands on the big clock so that's

Open source empowers you to tell the enduser as much as he is able to
handle. I suppose that by leaving /longpathname/Installation.txt in the
distro, you did just that for a guy like me, I suppose, but even a guy
like me could use a "Here is how everything works" paragraph in an
obvious place.

> Please try downloading and reinstalling SlimServer from the Slim  
> Devices website.  It's possible there's some kind of corruption in  
> the original install.  Also, try setting it to not start up  
> automatically, then set it again to do so.

Well, that's what I already did. Tried 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 (the nightly).
Same symptom on both.

The install *seems* to be ok. When booted from the command line, it
works fine. I can see all my albums and do all my usual stuff. I just
can't start by clicking on "start server" in the preference pane, or by
setting that to boot automatically at boot time.

The only change that has taken place that I can think of has been that
wednesday-night Tiger update. I am borderline certain that something
got broken there, probably by Cupertino.

Nonetheless, there is a robustness issue here. Everything is ready to
go--network, squeezebox, slimserver--and it all comes to a halt because
the "start" button is temporarily fritzed out (just to make it that much
easier to question my sanity, the other preference pane buttons that I
clicked on worked as they should).

It's like cancelling a moon launch because the taxi driver taking the
astronaut to the space center gets a flat tire... this merits a
separate thread, I'm sure, but when the box stopped working I realized
that its dependence on "virtual" factors in comparison with a braindead
CD player is still a cause for concern; by putting in little debugging
steps, you can make the experience a lot saner for the end user.

Anyway, I *am* running all that I need to run when I run
/longpathname/slimserver.pl, right?




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[slim] Booting Slimserver in OS X ... from the command line

2006-03-17 Thread trebejo


Ok, I figured out that the current setup is broken in a mysterious way
(apparently since the latest upgrade in Tiger 10.4.5), but not in a
hopeless way. I'd been running slimserver smoothly for about six
months, and then yesterday, it wouldn't boot anymore.

Basically, when I click on "Start Server" in the System Preference
pane, nothing happens. No perl, no nuthin'.

BUT if I go to a command line and type in


then good ol' slimserver is back.

Since slim wasn't booting up, I did a thorough wipe and re-install of
6.2.1. Nothing. So I went up to the nightly 6.2.2. Nothing. Then I
started digging around the directories, found a doc meant for linux
users, and used it to come up with the command-line above.


1) I switched from linux to macs for the effing gooey, dammit--why
won't it work?

2) How about putting in some debugging info so that when this happens,
the user gets something more useful than a non-response from the
system? I got so much of nothing that I began to suspect (shudder)
Network Issues. I even flirted with re-installing the OS. It's going to
take a bottle of scotch to wipe away this trauma.

3) Should I run some other command in addition to or in place of the
slimserver.pl line above, in order for slimserver to run properly?




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[slim] Re: After many months of smooth performance, slimserver won't boot

2006-03-17 Thread trebejo

At the moment, I am able to boot by command-line.

This is, like, SOOO undocumented. I had to dig around


then down to


and then run


(that's all on one line in case the forum editor turns it into two).

Sooo undocumented. 

So now the server runs. The preference pane that you normally use to
start slimserver (you know, the icon in System Preferences) shows the
server as running and gives me the option to stop it.

I still don't know what is broken, but it's as simple as "clicking on
this button does not produce the desired activation".

Just for a lark, I clicked on "Stop Server" and sure enough, it stopped
it. Then I clicked on "Start Server" again (hoping it'd been a bootstrap
hiccup) but no, it still doesn't work.

I don't know if booting up this way neglects some other startup script
that should be running.

These are the things that keep me from giving a squeezebox to my
friends and relatives. My father would disinherit me if I told him to
play his music by just opening up the terminal and typing





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[slim] Re: After many months of smooth performance, slimserver won't boot

2006-03-17 Thread trebejo

danco Wrote: 
> Just to double-check, what do you mean by "the latest Tiger upgrade"? My
> machine works fine on 10.4.5 and I think that is working after the
> Security Update 2006-001. I have tried 2006-002 yet.

I mean to-the-day; that includes 2006-002, which was installed on the
14th. I actually don't know whether I tried to start up the slimserver
since that install, but in particular I don't remember trying to do

The 2006-002 update was primarily needed by me to fix rsync, which is
how I back up my hard drives. However, there is a work-around, which is
to install the darwinport of rsync and use it instead. That's what I'd

I'd be all kinds of surprised if the slimserver-os x connection was so
tenuous, and none of them good.

The diagnostics are non-existent, too--there is no obvious place to
find a record of what is going wrong. The install says that it
succeeded, then I click on the start-up button, and nothing happens.




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[slim] After many months of smooth performance, slimserver won't boot

2006-03-17 Thread trebejo

I've been having one of those "inexplicable" problems and when I came by
here I noticed that there's a bit of this going around. I'm starting to
wonder if the latest Apple Tiger upgrade didn't break something (which
is what happened to rsync a couple of weeks ago).

Basically, I've been using slimserver on a mac since last June, and
yesterday I could not boot slimserver. I tried to find some networking
problem, but no dice.

I tried reinstalling but that doesn't help either. I can't even build
the directory ~/Library/Caches/SlimServer (or was it Slimdevices? I
can't remember but it's the one that contains the database). The usual
perl command never shows up on ps.

To debug the network, I first established a connection to slimnetworks,
and got some bubbles and river sounds through. So the box is not totally

The network is a mini with ethernet at, airport at, di-524 router at, and SB2 at
all courtesy of dhcp. The firewall is set up as it always was with tcp
and udp clear on 3483 and 9000. You know, the usual working rig.

I tried quirky stuff like rebooting, unplugging router and squeezebox,
holding down the "Add" button, etc. I even turned off the firewall but
didn't get a reaction that way either.

I can ping and traceroute to the squeezebox without a problem. I just
can't get the bloody perl line started, or if I can, it dies awfully

Lest we suspect the perl command itself too quickly, its creation date
is August 2005. It's been around.

Oh before I forget, the rest of the network seems to be going as
before. I can do iTunes, downloads, mail, web, etc. It's just the
squeezebox that has gone partially bonkers; but its ability to get to
Squeezenetworks tells me that the router/cable modem series is
functional enough.

I didn't drop a beer on the squeezebox, either. It's just been sitting
in its usual well-ventilated spot, gathering a little dust but
otherwise pampered.

For starters, I'd appreciate being told if I am missing anything from a
standard slimserver 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 install. All I can find right now
after my latest attempt to install 6.2.2 are


which is a 4 kb file of the plist kind and


which is a directory with these stats:

$ ls -lR ~/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ | wc
3334   21644  181974
$ du -sh ~/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ 

In other words, around 3300 files with a total size of about 27 mb.




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[slim] Re: Headless Linux DIY contra turnkey NAS

2005-12-12 Thread trebejo

First of all, I'd like to thank y'all for the very informative thread. I
hope other people find it useful.

On my end, after mulling things over and feeling quite lazy about the
linux rtfm requirement, I've decided to go with a
pins-and-needles-and-mac setup. I'm going to use firewire drives
attached to an apple box (a mini or an old g4 tower would do), and add
drives as needed. I chose firewire over usb 2.0 because of performance
considerations and because it seems that the firewire approach lends
itself more readily to a large external array. There will be a long
firewire cable with repeaters leading to that distant closet if I use
"my box", or an ethernet cable running out to the router if I get a
dedicated apple box to sit in the closet with the drives; the drives
will hang off a firewire hub with 30" cables so as to shorten the cable
distance between any two nodes as well as reducing clutter. Each new
hard drive will be cloned and the clone (sans enclosure) will be kept
in a separate building; I'll deal with the "partially-filled" drive in
some way, but I'm not so worried about the fragility of its data
compared to that of the rest.

Since the music collection consists of a monotonically increasing
filesystem, this fairly brainless backup strategy should be good

One definite shift in my thinking that happened thanks to this thread
is that now I will not assume that RAID protects my data for the
long-term as securely as I'd like.

I've tried to be picky with the enclosures for these firewires; I've
ordered one of each of these to see which one I'll stick with for the
long haul:


The first one is smaller and less expensive, whereas the second looks
like "good engineering" and I like its big fan. I'll try them both and
take it from there. I'm going to need a case that is a kissing cousin
of "hot swappable" for the cloning of the barebone drives; hopefully
both of these can fulfill that function, so that the one that doesn't
get to be the array model can still be the cloner. :)

Wrt other external choices, the pair of seagates that I've been using
are quiet enough to be in the listening room and they have worked more
or less flawlessly for me:


(one of them had the inexplicable dismount a few weeks ago and OS X
wouldn't recognize it initially but a quick look at it with a disk
utility repaired it without a problem). They look pretty, too. However
they do heat up a little bit (I wouldn't stack them as the picture
suggests, but use them vertically and keep a gap between them). I also
began to think that in the long term, if the case fails, I may have a
bit of difficulty extracting the hard drive from within... that's when
I realized that if I go with a barebone hard drive and a
separately-chosen enclosure, I double the points of failure and should
one component fail, I still get to keep the other hardware component
(assuming the failure is not as catastrophic as, say, a fire).

Aside from the brainless simplicity of this setup, I'm hoping that
it'll perform better than the readynas as a slimserver platform, and of
course at about $50/slot it is cheaper than the $600-700 for the
four-drive readynas.

btw if I'd done the linux box in the closet path, I would have picked
this case 


along with these sexy thangs,


Of course this would have busted Pat's $400 budget. :)




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[slim] Re: Did The Boys At Slim Do A Bad Thing By Being So Customer Friendly?

2005-12-06 Thread trebejo

seanadams Wrote: 
> Indeed!
> As a matter of fact, just the other day I called up Steve Jobs because
> Mail was crashing. He tweaked the source and emailed me a new binary
> while we were on the phone, but he told me all sorts of lies too
> about... uh... this that and the other. I am never doing business with
> that company and their Policy of Lies again!!!

Dammit, Adams, instead of pestering him about his version of mail (you
coulda used pine after all) couldn't you get him to fix his iTunes so
that it'd work properly with the squeezebox?



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[slim] Re: Did The Boys At Slim Do A Bad Thing By Being So Customer Friendly?

2005-12-03 Thread trebejo

Poor guy... he probably felt that his only interaction with the company
was going to happen via the UPS truck, and he blew the obvious valve.

There was a time where we required an expert to stand in front of us,
or sit next to us, or in some other way make eye contact before we got
on the ride. Now we see a web ad, maybe even read an online review and
click it on over.

The guy that bellyached is yelping against alienation, and the way that
modern corpos abuse consumers. He just happened to yelp at some people
that are certainly not rip-off artists but his instincts would
all-too-often be right. Maybe he'll learn about online forums someday.

How does a company like slimd explain the length and slope of the
learning curve without losing new customers? I'm sure there are answers
to that question, but it's a tricky question...


trebejo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=730
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[slim] Multi-disc album and track order displayed in slimserver

2005-11-29 Thread trebejo

Ok, I feel a bit lame because I'm sure this has been answered before. A
run through the forum search didn't quite land here though, so off I

I get an album with several CDs. I flac them, I tag 'em, and they sit
in the directory. Sometimes the directory structure is


sometimes it's


where N is the disc number as a single digit. Since I assume that
slimserver doesn't care about where the files reside, but only about
the tags as they are applied to each individual track, I don't bother
to distinguish between the above scenarios.

After careful scrutiny of the tags used, I am rather certain that I
have the same album name for a collection of tracks, and each track has
a track number and a disc number. This is a monomorphism--i.e. each
track has a distinct pair of track and disc numbers. You know, exactly
the sensible thing to do.

Alas, slimserver... well, when I go to "Browse Albums" and click on one
of these multidisc babies, and then I get the track listing, I get one
of three things:

1. Exactly what I want: Tracks in the order 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ..., 2.1,
2.2, ... where the leading digit is the disc number. So it sorts first
by disc, then by track;

2. The other numerical order you might imagine: 3.1, 2.1, 1.1, 3.2,
2.2, 1.2, ...

3. A bizarre one, an example of which is displayed in the graphic
below: random sort by disc, then sort by track;


In that example for the third way, the files are stored in the
dirname/*.flac manner, with several tracks sharing the same "0n" start
in their filename. When I look at their flac tags, however, the track
number is the same but the disc number is as it should be--and
slimserver uses that information but uses it in an excessively
interesting manner.

Try as I might, I don't see where in the preferences or server settings
one can select the order in which tracks are displayed. This seems
rather strange, actually; I would expect that setting to be somewhere
but I can't find it and I've looked. If it's there, please embarrass me
a little bit and tell me where it is; I'll get over it.



|Filename: multidiscbug.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=512|


trebejo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=730
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18645

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[slim] Re: Headless Linux DIY contra turnkey NAS

2005-11-27 Thread trebejo

I've been withholding a reply to avoid thread fragmentation...

Very informative comments to y'all, thanks. Nice backup scripts. LA's
too far away from DC, Pat, otherwise I'd take you up on the offer.

btw I agree about the *BSD v. linux approachable interface issues, but
it should be mentioned at least in passing that I'm currently running a
pretty approachable BSDish interface made by a Cupertino company.

Good to hear that the Readynas is AMAZINGLY quiet. Too bad it dogs it
with slimserver. I suppose slimserver could run on some other machine
on the network and let the Readynas handle the storage only, but not
actually play the tunes. This, for people that delete a thread when it
heads down the linux way.

wrt what I meant by "headless", I meant at the very least that it would
run unattended without a monitor or keyboard. If it can reboot
unattended and so forth that's all the better, since then I can get
ambitious and actually park one of these things at my parents' and
spread the joy. In either case, I'd run the slimserver either from
another computer via a web browser or (and this feels like a stretch)
solely with the remote control.

Sure, it's nice to just put the hardware away from the squeezebox with
good wiring or wireless, but I'm not counting on having a garage or a
basement available. In fact I'm probably looking at a small apartment
in a few months. But it's good to heap on all the arguments in favor of
putting the server far away from the audio, since in the end it's an
imperative that can be addressed. There's always a closet and a long
ethernet cable...

I'm surprised at how little you guys care for the RAID 5 idea. My
problem is that at the moment I've got a couple of those external
seagates (nice quiet gadgets and they look nice btw) and between the
two of 'em they combine 700gb of room (ok 640gb actually) and they have
about 30gb free combined. And that's after I backed up a little onto
some DVDs. Perhaps it's the size of the collection that's the problem
(I'm tagging like a madman so at the moment I only show the usual 900
album and 1 songs but I think that by the time it's said and done
I'll be around the 3000 album line). Rock 'n roll won't take up so much
space, but classical is a toughie because you can always get another
version of symphony X...

Anyway, back to the RAID issue. Doesn't the RAID do something about the
occasional hard drive death? Like, if one dies, I can replace it and not
lose any data? Yeah, sure, the big fire hits and all bets are off, but
otherwise, isn't the RAID 5 setup quite a bit more robust than nothing
at all? You guys make it sound like such a loser.

I suppose that in RAID, the hard drives never get a break, whereas in
"regular" the one that is currently playing a song runs while the
others idle? Ugh.

Ok. Use the RAID on a daily basis, and leave a bunch of these seagates
in a closet in some other county as the data icebox. That means the
same byte is written in three different places(!). Or don't run RAID at
all, backup each drive in the server to the offshore seagate once in a
while but only for the files that have changed; or some more
sophisticated variation on that theme. btw Pat I think I was getting
about 30GB/hour (so it'd take over 30 hours to do a terabyte--yipee)
with the external seagates daisychained over firewire but my memory may
be off; I'd run a test right now but when these guys get low on space
they run a LOT slower so it'd be a bad reference. The box says they 
can do 400 Mbps but I never got close to that.

Ok, RAID or not, I need a box, it needs to run linux, it needs four
hard drives inside it, and I need an offshore closet to sleep soundly
at night. The rough outline is becoming focused.

> Nah, the sweet spot currently is still at 320/300GB or perhaps 250GB. 
> If you don't run a large RAID 5 array, though, it may be worth the
> investment in a larger drive just so you don't have to replace it down
> the line.  I think I'd look at the current size of my collection, then
> at how quickly I expected that collection to grow.

It depends on the fixed cost of the supporting hardware. With Pat's
setup, that cost goes down dramatically and I'll bet the 320gb is
sweetest; with the ReadyNAS, it's a push (I'm using the prices I can
get via pricewatch.com). As a stand-alone, yes, the 250gb is cheaper in
$/gb but your box maxes out at a lower storage total and then when you
want more than a terabyte you have to build another one. I put some
numbers in the spreadsheet and they told me it was so. :)


|Filename: readynas_cost_analysis.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.

[slim] Headless Linux DIY contra turnkey NAS

2005-11-26 Thread trebejo

There is a (computer) case that has garnered some nice reviews and it
can be obtained for less than $100 (I believe "Radish" pointed it out
on these fori):


Other hardware considerations that I've thought about but for which I
have little specific knowledge are:

1. Fan quality makes a big difference; apparently one can invest for
~$10 rather than ~$3 fans and lose a lot of noise. But I've seen ads
for fans that cost $30+ so I'm still working on this clue.

2. Hard drives HAVE to make noise, and the noisy ones make a lot of it.
Specific recommendations for SATA hard drives in the 250GB+ category
would be most apropos. There is a case available that surrounds a hard
drive and curtails its noise, but I am concerned about the hard drive
heating up (even though the merchant claims that that's taken care of
in the design of the case):


3. If the linux box can be made to run without a VGA card, then that's
an extra fan that doesn't have to run (not to mention a savings of a
few bucks). Motherboards seem to have integrated vga now but I don't
know if that means running an extra fan. Running headless is better all
around wrt the "black box" approach to feeding music to the squeezebox,

So adding up the tab, we get motherboard, cpu, RAM, and case for about
$400. Presumably this setup works better than, say, the ReadyNAS
(albeit in a larger package), but one still has to rtfm and assemble
(or hire someone else to do so, probably for another $100 or so).

The hard drives then pop in at one's leisure. The current sweet spot
seems to be 400gb (after taking the fixed cost of the box into
account), but the 300gb are pretty much in the same ballpark in the
$/gb sense so if one wishes to reduce the initial outlay by $200-300
then that option is available. Next year when the 400gbs are cheap (or
so I dream) then I can order another drive and keep it in the closet
for that fateful day. The 400gb's go for a shade over $200 each so four
of them puts the total a bit over $800.

[Aside: when the hard drive is advertised at 400 GB it actually only
means 372 GB. The reason is a marketing one, having to do with whether
one uses 1000 or 2^10 = 1024 as "a kilobyte". The marketing guys use
1000 but the computer uses 2^10 so you need to divide the stated size
by 1.024 to get the actual size).

So $400 + $800 + shipping/taxes brings the total for the dyi to about
$1300. That would of course be a monster storage device at around 1.1
terabytes fully backed up, which is enough room for about 3300 CDs
compressed in flac format. This would plug in quietly, efficiently and
reliably (because we made it so) into your hi-fi rig, and give you
storage for your other data needs. Indeed, this would be a case of the
hi-fi gadget that actually helps out with all the other aspects of your
daily living, which is certainly a reversal of the usual order.

I'll pause now so you can drool a little bit.

To sum up, I'd rather go DIY with the headless linux box for
performance and compatibility/long-term reasons (after all Infrant
could always get bought out by Jobs or Gates and turned into a crap
product for some evil corporate reason). The feared rtfm factor sits
there waiting, however; and the box does end up being bigger than the
ReadyNAS. And who knows, maybe after I finish the DIY it ends up being
noisier too! But I'm pretty sure it would run better... ahem, once the
kinks were worked out.


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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18555

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[slim] Re: Network Storage: NAS or SAN

2005-11-26 Thread trebejo

funkstar Wrote: 
> You don't list a price for something like that. You make an appointment
> for a rep to visit you and then you plan your storage strategy and they
> come and install it.
> Not something you pick up at Best Buy ;)

Right. I remember when these suits would look at me and say "Linux??
Never heard of it!"

So it wasn't actually a realistic or helpful suggestion to bring it up
in the first place, but rather something between a joke and a waste of
one's time. In my case, it was rather little of the former and all of
the latter.


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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18311

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[slim] Re: Network Storage: NAS or SAN

2005-11-26 Thread trebejo

kefa Wrote: 
> sounds like you need DMX-3...
> http://www.emc.com/products/systems/symmetrix/DMX_series/DMX3.jsp

What do their boxes cost? They're coy about putting up the price tags.


trebejo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=730
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18311

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