Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-07-18 Thread unclemat

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Multichannel is going to be a problem, the hardware can handle
> multichannel over HDMI no problem, but the whole squeezebox software
> infrastructure is only two channel. Current techniques such as DTS
> encoding in a FLAC or WAV file should work out of  the box, but a full
> blown discrete multichannel is going to take some form of encoding into
> high bitrate  FLAC or WAV type thing, that will be properly handled by
> whatever your HDMI is plugged into. I'm not up on the current state of
> such  things to know if this already exists or not.
> The current design of  the players does not have a DSD DAC, it was not
> part of the original concept and adding it will take a significant
> amount of time and extra money in each box. DoP over USB to a DoP aware
> DAC will work fine. There is software available that will convert DSD 
> files  into DoP encoded FLAC, these will work fine in the SB
> environment. 
> John S.

Understood. Real multichannel support does not exist in the current
software, hope this can be done relatively easily. Heck, maybe I'll find
sometime to contribute some time to it. 

A built-in DSD DAC would not be necessary (nor even desired) I was
thinking about streaming DSD over HDMI to e.g. DSD decoding receiver.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-07-18 Thread unclemat

I am psyched to see this happening! I got a full house of Squeezeboxes
plus a decent stash of spare ones, but I'd totally pick up a new one. 

The most essential feature I'd look for is multichannel streaming over
HDMI. FLAC PCM would do, but if it also could do DSD from DSF files that
would be frickin awesome.

Needs nothing else, not even on-board DAC, but I'd not mind it (and
could come handy). As far as I am concerned it could be completely
headless as long as it could be controlled from another Squeezebox like
Touch or a mobile app like IPeng.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-13 Thread unclemat

yeomanspc wrote: 
> As a video player there is nothing out there to touch them for format
> capability.

Sure there is. HDI Dune. More reliable and better designed than PCH.

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Re: [slim] How many of you have "spare" squeezeboxes?

2012-09-13 Thread unclemat

I have:

1x Transporter
4x Boom (1 is spare)
2x Touch (1 is spare)
1x Radio
2x SB3
2x SB2

I think I'll pick up another Touch...

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Re: [slim] Logitech Trade-In Program

2011-01-06 Thread unclemat

Yeah, but why would you pay even $1200 for handicapped hacked version of


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[slim] WTB: OEM power adapter for SB2/SB3

2010-10-11 Thread unclemat

Anyone has original one laying around?


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Re: [slim] Separate Libraries for My Daughter and Myself.. How?

2010-10-07 Thread unclemat

bluegaspode;580435 Wrote: 
> The only problem: I think on the Radio you can't remove some menuitems
> which would give access to the whole library.

It is possible to disable remove all menus on Radio and define new ones
using Custom Browse (except Settings, which also can be removed by
modifiying some file directly on the player).

I set up Touch for my kids with their separate music (running from the
same SBS)

> Another way is to setup two instances of squeezebox-server - though I
> don't know what the best way is to do it on the same machine.

In a virtual machine. 

Or in one machine two instances of SBS can be run but would have to be
bound to two separate NICs (can be virtual). There is a how-to about
this somewhere.


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-10-06 Thread unclemat

Indeed, epic fail. They have had an opportunity to revive Squeezebox
line by making Revue a player, yet they missed it.

I guess you can't expect to much from a maker of shitty keyboards and
ergonomically questionable mice.


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Re: [slim] How to change Boom presets from SqueezeBox Server?

2010-09-22 Thread unclemat

>From what I've read they are going further the wrong way by implementing
menu item hiding for SqueezeOS based players on the players themselves.
Again, no way to control that from the web UI or in a centralized


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Re: [slim] How to change Boom presets from SqueezeBox Server?

2010-09-22 Thread unclemat

JJZolx;578145 Wrote: 
> I think you have the quick and dirty part backward.
> When the Boom was introduced, the six preset buttons were simply tied
> to the first six favorites.  That was quick and dirty.  If someone
> changes a preset at any Boom in the house, then they've also
> overwritten one of the favorites.
> When the Radio came out it was determined that _most_ people expect
> presets to behave like, well, the presets of a radio.  When Mom sets a
> preset on the radio in her Accord, it doesn't also change the preset in
> Dad's Explorer.  When Junior sets a radio preset on his bedroom boombox,
> it doesn't also change a preset on the stereo in Sissy's bedroom.
> So the tradeoff was having centralized presets that are set on all
> devices in the house vs. the flexibility to act like traditional radio
> presets and allow each device to have its own set. 

Your argument is week given the system offers NOTHING otherwise to
customize access to different the content for different users, like
e.g. separate libraries (yes, there are 3rd party plugins that try to
address that, but that's moot, plus they way they work is more of a
hack than a solution).

So the reason to single out presets to make them decentralized is not
consistent with the rest of the architecture and what's more they
changed and took away existing feature.


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Re: [slim] How to change Boom presets from SqueezeBox Server?

2010-09-21 Thread unclemat


I don't support or condone bashing the developers/product management
for not delivering certain new features that we would want, but I
seriously take an issue with TAKING AWAY a feature that was present
when the product was sold too me! 

Sure, if I could I'd stick to 7.3.x but since I added Radio to my set
of players (actually NINE now: 2xSB2, 2xSB3, 2xBoom, Transporter,
Radio, Touch on order), I can't.


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Re: [slim] How to change Boom presets from SqueezeBox Server?

2010-09-20 Thread unclemat

toby10;550706 Wrote: 
> Not any more.  There used to be a drop down menu selection for presets
> 0-9, but this was removed a couple of SBS builds ago.

Change I hate the most. F*** you whoever messed this so badly. I
understand desire to have per player presets, but that should have been
made user selectable and formost editable via server weB UI.


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Re: [slim] New Boom on the Horizon?

2010-08-12 Thread unclemat

mherger;567953 Wrote: 
> Not much choices? There used to be two products (Classic, Transporter).
> Today there are five (Transporter, Duet, Radio, Touch, Boom).

Well, Transporter is discontinued, isn't it? So that would be four.

Just saying. The new line isn't bad, but I am partial to the "classic"
I3k line, although I am relatively new to the product - been using it
for less than one year. Started with Classic. Tried a Radio last fall,
but it was a disaster, so I sent it back (just bought another to
evalute and it is looking better, although I am still seeing issues).
Then bought two Booms, another Classic, a used SB2, and yesterday I
bought a Transporter 2nd hand... AMAZING piece and two VFD are just
stunning. I am considering adding a Touch, since my smaller kids can't
quite master the Classic via remote.

My only wish would be that the features aren't removed. For example
inability to customize top level menu is sorta deal breaker with
Radio/Touch. I know there is some work being done in 7.6 but I am
unhappy that these functions are not being made available in the server

I think old timers (or people preferring legacy devices) will embrace
new line and stop bitching if: (1) they work reliably, (2) existing
features are not taken away.

To end my random rambling - thank you for great work. These devices
totally transformed how I (now we) listen to music. Much appreciated.


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Re: [slim] Is the Squeezebox Classic discontinued?

2009-10-14 Thread unclemat

dip;472388 Wrote: 
> When I started this thread I didn't want to start a discussion about
> support of old devices. Sorry about that. I agree that until now in my
> opinion support for all squeezeboxes (even the first ones) is very
> good.
> My point was that almost all my squeezboxes are arranged that I either
> cannot access them directly because they are e.g. positioned on top of a
> cupboard (and I am not carrying a ladder with me all the time) or that
> they are at least several meters away from my normal listening position
> so that I use the huge font 90% of the time. Both facts make the Touch
> useless for me since the squeezboxes are too far away to be touched and
> the width of the display of the Touch is smaller than that of the
> Classic.
> Although I would like to have a display showing album art, the
> relatively small display of the Touch seems not to be reasonable for my
> needs. Thus for me the more expensive Touch is not an option and I would
> prefer that the Classic is maintained for applications as described
> above for which it is (in my opinion) more suitable than the Touch.

My thoughts exactly. That's why I rushed and bought a Classic after
finding about Squeezeboxes and seeing Touch press release. I read tons
of horror stories about Controller so I decided to stay away from it. My
bad experience with recently acquired Radio makes me to send it back and
buy another Boom.

I think all the color LCD interface is more of a distraction from music
listening experience and in many ways downgrade in user experience


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