Re: [slim] never been sooo disappointed

2010-09-20 Thread wakey

This has happened to me when I've rebooted my computer and for some
reason it automatically connected to some neighbor's wireless network
rather than mine. Since SB server and my computer were no longer on the
same network, the server couldn't see the players. Manually reconnecting
to my network solved the problem--good luck.


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Re: [slim] Runaway LAME

2009-11-03 Thread wakey

Yeah, that's why I installed it. I just wish I could make it let go of
my system when it's not being used.



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[slim] Runaway LAME

2009-11-02 Thread wakey

I hope this is the right place for this...

I use Squeezebox Server to play my iTunes library from my Mac (Snow
Leopard) to my Squeezebox Classic (it wasn't classic when I got it...)
over a wireless network. I have LAME installed because I understand I
need that to play my AAC tracks. But I've noticed recently in Activity
Monitor that the 'lame' process can take up something like 50-60% of my
CPU. Even if I'm not playing anything at the moment, even if the
Squeezebox is turned off, 'lame' will still be there using up lots of

So I guess my question is twofold: do I still really need to use LAME?
And is there a way to set the server software to quit LAME when it's not
needing it anymore?


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[slim] access to upgrade on Mac

2009-10-23 Thread wakey

I keep getting a Growl notification (a Mac thing) that there's an
upgrade available for my Squeezebox Server, and that I should go to the
System Preferences pane to access it. But I don't see anything in the
Preferences pane about getting updates. I know I can just go to the site
to download it, but I just wonder what the Preferences procedure is.


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Re: [slim] access to upgrade on Mac

2009-10-23 Thread wakey

No, the Pref Pane just opens (after System Preferences relaunches in
32-bit mode). I have version 7.4.0/r28672.


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-20 Thread wakey

...for anyone who's still following this: apparently if you put your
iTunes Library file (not the song files, the 'Library' database file)
someplace other than the default location--for example, on an external
disk--the .xml file is renamed 'iTunes Library.xml' rather than 'iTunes
Music Library.xml.'

Even if you rename it, when you next use iTunes, it'll make a new
'Library.xml' file to record your changes. Unless tech support at
Logitech has a workaround for this, I guess I need to either keep the
Library file in the default location rather than on the external, or
rename the file every time I add music and rescan the playlists.


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-19 Thread wakey

I discovered that I had both an 'iTunes Music Library.xml' and an
'iTunes Library.xml' file in my iTunes folder. (How that happened, I
don't know--I have a suspicion, but I'm not going to try to re-create
the problem to see if I'm right.) Looking at the files in a text
editor, I realized that the former had the out-of-date information,
while the latter had the current info. So I moved the out-of-date one
into another folder, renamed the other one 'Tunes Music Library.xml,'
and rescanned the whole library. And that seems to have done it!

Thanks for the suggestions--they got me poking around in the XML files,


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-19 Thread wakey

Not in iTunes, as far as I know. The playlist info is stored in the
Library the way alZmtbr described it: with references to the songs,
whose locations themselves are hard-coded. When you tell iTunes to move
the Library to another disk, it rewrites all the path statements. If you
move your song files yourself--as I did once--you need to do a
search-and-replace on the XML files to fix all the paths. Much better
to let iTunes do it.


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-17 Thread wakey

Glad I searched for other instances of this problem...I recently
migrated to a new laptop as my primary Mac. Since the hard disk is
smaller than the one on my old iMac, I transferred my iTunes library to
an external disk. (I also transferred the actual Library files, not just
the music, to make sure I could use the disk with both computers during
the transition.)

Now I'm set up on the new computer. iTunes finds my library and
playlists with no problem. The SqueezeCenter, told to use iTunes and
that the files are on the external disk, has found all my songs,
albums, playlists, etc. And it can find the songs by album or artist,
and play them. But while it lists all my playlists, they all show up as
empty when I try to play them. I've rescanned the whole library and also
just rescanned the playlists a couple of times, but no dice. Help!


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-17 Thread wakey

...where's the m3u file?


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-17 Thread wakey

...iTunes creates separate files for playlists? I don't see m3u files
anywhere, and there are entries in the iTunes Library.xml file that
identify the playlists and reference the individual tracks. The
playlists don't have a path statement, but if I follow the reference to
the individual tracks, their path statements are correct.


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Re: [slim] Problem with itunes playlists

2008-07-17 Thread wakey

...for iTunes to make separate playlist files. I didn't know it did
that. I guess on the Mac it just keeps them in its native Library file,
which is gibberish if opened in a text editor.

As you describe, the XML file opens with descriptions of the playlists
that reference the included tracks by number. And if I find the entry
for the track number, it has the correct path statement. I can play the
track if I navigate to it in SqueezeCenter via artist name or album
name; it's just that the playlist shows up empty.

But I've just noticed that the list of playlists in SqueezeCenter isn't
right. I've changed the name of one playlist in iTunes, but even though
since then I've run Clear Library and Rescan Everything more than
once, the old name keeps showing up in SqueezeCenter. So it seems like
my real problem is that I can't get SC to truly read in my playlist


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Re: [slim] SlimServer won't index AAC files

2007-08-29 Thread wakey

I stumbled on the answer last night--the answer which had eluded all my
previous searches of the resources here, just waiting for me to ask for
help publicly. It turns out that SlimServer ignores songs that are
unchecked in iTunes. I leave the re-ripped versions unchecked so only
one copy winds up on my iPod--I hadn't realized SS would pay attention
to that.

BUT at the same time, finding that one song and playing it does seem to
have enabled SS to find the album. I did a rescan last night, and now I
can see all the songs from the Squeezebox--even though they're all
still unchecked.

So thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'm glad I apparently don't
need them, because I have no idea what it means to retag the files. The
other thing:

 Don't worry about the bit-rate limiting... unless you are trying to
 stream across the Internet.

That page says it's worth doing if both your computer and your
Squeezebox are connected to your network wirelessly, which mine are. I
do often get pauses when I'm playing AAC files, so I think I'll try the
bitrate thing--I downloaded the LAME plugin yesterday.

Thanks again.


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[slim] SlimServer won't index AAC files

2007-08-28 Thread wakey

I have songs in iTunes in AAC format that the SlimServer can't seem to
find. They started as songs I bought from iTunes, so they're in my
iTunes Library as Protected AAC files; but I've burned them to a CD and
re-ripped them, so they're also in my Library as regular AAC audio
files. I can see them if I go into the SlimServer Web access and browse
my Music Folder, and once I find them I can play them through the
Squeezebox from my computer (Mac, OS X 10.4). But no matter what I do,
I can't get SS to add them to its list of songs so I can play them from
the Squeezebox itself.

I thought the fact that they were duplicates might be the problem, so I
changed the album name on the regular AAC files, but that didn't help.
I've cleared the entire library and rescanned, but still no dice. Any
suggestions? Like I said, if I browse my Music Folder I can find them
and play them--any way to force SS to add them directly?


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Re: [slim] SlimServer won't index AAC files

2007-08-28 Thread wakey

Oh, and while I'm here: while I was searching for some clues, I found
this page about playing AAC files:

It says in Player Settings for your Squeezebox, set a Bitrate Limit of
320. I can't find the place to set that--where is the Bitrate setting?


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Re: [slim] Slimserver Scanning But Finds Nothing

2007-03-30 Thread wakey

I'm having the same issue. Is it because my iTunes library and music is
on an external drive? iTunes finds it with no problem. But I've told
SlimServer to scan and use iTunes, and it never finds anything. I don't
want to just point it to the music folder, because then I bet it won't
find my playlists. Is anyone successfully using SlimServer with iTunes
with the music on an external drive? (Mac OS X 10.4, newest SlimServer,
drive attached directly to Mac with iTunes and SlimServer installed on


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[slim] Empty playlist

2006-04-09 Thread wakey

I'm trying to listen to an iTunes Smart Playlist. It shows songs in it
in iTunes, and in the Slimserver Web interface. But when I try to play
it via the Squeezebox, the screen just says EMPTY. My other playlists
work, including other smart playlists. Any ideas?

Mac OS X 10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.4, Slimserver 6.2.1, Squeezebox 3.



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