Re: [slim] disable volume change during pause/resume?

2021-04-25 Thread wildgoose

philippe_44 wrote: 
> For UPnP, try dev version 1.49.14-dev3

Worked! On pause no change to the volume. Resume worked fine as well.
Thank you for the prompt update!

So this is a player side thing and not something LMS does.

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Re: [slim] disable volume change during pause/resume?

2021-04-25 Thread wildgoose

I am running LMS 8.1.1 on PCP 7.01. The playback is simply a flac
playlist to the players.

Yes issue is readily reproducible on a few of my players.

- SqueezePad (iPad)

Before I discovered Material skin, I was using this to playback on the

- start playback
- change volume to comfortable level using squeezepad (When adjusting
  volume, I see both the squeezepad's popup (number), as well as iPad's
  build-in volume indicator change)
- pause. I see ipad volume indicator drops to 0, then back to 1 tick.
  however, SqueezePad volume bar remains unchanged (bug).
- resume. playback starts at very low level, after a few sec, I see
  SqueezePad volume bar drops (to reflect correct actual level).
- at this point, I have to manually adjust volume to desired level.

At the time this looked like a bug on SqueezePad.

After discovering Material Skin, I was like a kid who discovered Lego.
Been trying various device (computer, phone, etc), as well as the UPnP /
AirPlay plugins to see what I've been missing in the last few years.

- UPnP Bridge on Yamaha receiver.

In UPnP/DLNA bridge setting in Advanced, under "Player volume
management", for "LMS Volume changes": set to "ignore all changes".

- start playback
- pause. I see volume drops back to -76 (sometimes it shows mute,
  sometime it shows -75)
- resume. no change to volume, remains at very low level.

The problem looks exactly like the SqueezePad case, hence I thought
maybe this is something LMS itself is doing (rather than each player).

The issue is on the "Pause". Who is dropping the volume to 0? (or tries
to, sometimes receiver shows MUTE, sometimes receiver shows very close
to 0, but not 0).

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[slim] disable volume change during pause/resume?

2021-04-25 Thread wildgoose

Is there a way to *permanently* disable/ban any/all volume adjustment
during pause/resume on LMS?

I still want to be able to adjust volume normally when music is being
played back. I just don't want it to reduce volume to 0 during pause.

Looked through the various settings but didn't see anything specific for

The problem is this behavior almost 100% of times does NOT restore the
volume to what it was before the pause, which is quite annoying. I
honestly don't know what problem this feature is trying to solve. (I
don't know if this is something each player is doing, or whether the LMS
server is doing this by default. I am hoping there is a way to just ban
this outright from the server side).

On some players, I can disable volume adjustment all together (fixed at
100%), but I don't want to do this for all players (and can't for some


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Re: [slim] lost apps

2021-04-17 Thread wildgoose

Another vote for pi and PiCorePlayer setup. :)

My pi4 uses about 3.0w of power (measured using Emporia Smart Plug)
while doing stuff (1.55w while idle). It's actually overkill for LMS.
For that I use my pi3+, with a directly attached 256GB ssd (and a 16g
microSD). CPU is basically idle when streaming flac directly to my
multiple squeezeboxes. When transcoding hi-res to CD 16/44.1 wav (for my
original squeezebox sb1), cpu is just around 30%. Best of all, it's
completely silent, and rock solid. I leave it on 24x7 because its energy
usage is like noise compare to the rest of the house.

my windows i7 on the other hand uses about 160w at idle. 200+w when I am
doing stuff. Despite buying "quiet" components, it's not silent. I was
running LMS on my windows box couple of years ago. I swear when I
switched to PCP, LMS GUI response felt snappier.

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Re: [slim] SB1 and 24bit flacs, how to configure LMS to downsample to 16-bit?

2021-04-16 Thread wildgoose

I have a follow-up question, these rules are based purely on file types,
not file format/content.

ie, I can't write a rule that says, "only do this for 24bit flac, use
the regular rule for 16/44.1 flac".

ideally, I want to skip the sox step if file is plain 16/44.1, and only
do the extra sox step if it is a hi-res flac file. 

Perhaps the convert.conf file can be expanded to support an additional
quantifier (about the audio bits/sampling rate?)


flc aif * SB1-MAC [some-kind-of-spec-for-hi-res: 24+ bit and|or > 44.1khz]
# IFT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
[flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t raw -r 44100 
-c 2 -2 -s -B -

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Re: [slim] SB1 and 24bit flacs, how to configure LMS to downsample to 16-bit?

2021-04-16 Thread wildgoose

Got it working via the *flc aif* route!


flc aif * SB1-MAC
# IFT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
[flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t raw -r 44100 
-c 2 -2 -s -B -

CPU utilization observed via htop is (on Pi3):

-  when streaming 16/44.1k file: flac 1%, sox 2%
-  streaming 24/48k file: flac 2%, sox 30%

Skip works properly.

The below also sort of works, using only sox, but skip doesn't work
(reverts to regular "flc aif" rule, which gives hiss):


flc aif * SB1-MAC
# IFD:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
[sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -t raw -r 44100 -c 2 -2 -s -B -

CPU utilization:

-  3% when streaming 16/44.1k file.
-  30% when streaming 24/48k file.

sox options used for the curious:

-  *-t raw*: output format to sb1 for aif style output
-  *-r 44100*: fix sampling at 44.1k (ie, 48k will result in 'slower'
  playback, so sb1 really only supports 44.1)
-  *-c 2*: 2 channel (required since output is raw?)
-  *-2*: alias for "-b 16" (16-bit output)
-  *-s*: alias for signed output
-  *-B*: big-endian (for aif?)


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Re: [slim] SB1 and 24bit flacs, how to configure LMS to downsample to 16-bit?

2021-04-16 Thread wildgoose

Enabled player.source debugging.

Saw this when playing 24bit flac. Looks like it's picking AIF path...


  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5509] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (264) 
Checking formats for: flc-aif-*-*
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5520] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (231) 
Checking to see if flc-aif-*-* is enabled
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5531] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (272)
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5541] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (274)   
Found command: [flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=big --sign=signed 
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5559] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(488) Matched: flc->aif via: [flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=big 
--sign=signed $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5588] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (264) 
Checking formats for: flc-aif-*-*
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5599] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (231) 
Checking to see if flc-aif-*-* is enabled
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5609] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (272)
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5619] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (274)   
Found command: [flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=big --sign=signed 
  [21-04-15 23:20:50.5636] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(488) Matched: flc->aif via: [flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=big 
--sign=signed $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$

It now make sense why my "flc pcm" rule is not being used..

Briefly changed my rule to "flc aif", and I see the processing being
invoked, but it didn't work (still hiss, but a different kind of hiss)


flc aif * XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
# IFD:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
[sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -t wav -b 16 -r 44100 -

Will play with it more tomorrow.

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Re: [slim] SB1 and 24bit flacs, how to configure LMS to downsample to 16-bit?

2021-04-15 Thread wildgoose

bpa wrote: 
> What are you trying to play.  What is the source.
> What format have you designated for your custom rules ?
> Show your full custom-convert.conf file as leading space are also
> significant.
> edit: Confirm your custom rule have been processed by looking at
> Settings/Filetypes.

I am trying to play a 24bit flac file on my squeezebox v1. 

When I stream regular 16bit 44.1k flac to my sb1 (which plays it
perfectly fine), PiCorePlayer (htop) shows a flac decoding process, so
likely the sb1 does not have native flac capability, so LMS decodes and
sends it the PCM/wav file. When a 24bit flac is played, I only hear
hiss. So the sb1 cannot handle 24bit PCM audio.

I want to down sample all 24bit flac -> 16bit flac @ 44.1Khz. 

The custom-convert.conf I tried are


# my custom flac to wav converter for sb1
  flc pcm * *
# IFB:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}
[sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -t wav -b 16 -r 44100 -
  #flc pcm * *
  # [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav 
- -t wav -b 16 --buffer 8192 - rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 44100

Neither block works. I don't see 'sox' process being kicked off on the
LMS server. Only the default flac decoding process being kicked off.

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Try incorporating that FLAC decode step into your conversion.  I think
> the contents of your custom-convert.conf would look something like
> this:
> > 

  >   > flc pcm * 00:00:00:00:00:00
  > # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}
  > [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 16 -r 
44100 -

> > 
> Or
> > 

  >   > flc pcm * 00:00:00:00:00:00
  > # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}
  > [flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed $START$ 
$END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 16 -r 44100 -

> > 
> It's been a while and that may not be right, so you may need to
> experiment.  The "00:00:00:00:00:00" should be replaced with the MAC
> address of your SB1.

I initially tried my SB1's mac, but after not having the setting take
effect at all, I simply changed it to "* *", even commenting out the
equivalent block in convert.conf. Still I never saw sox process being
kicked off.

I did verify on the command line (on the PCP server) that the sox
command does transcode the 24bit flac file to a 16/44.1 flac file. So in
theory the sox and sox command alone should be enough. I don't need to
have flac decode the stream as WAV to stdout, and pipe it to sox.

But I also tried using both flac/sox, as above. Also didn't work.

I did notice later in Settings / Advanced / File Types, I have 2 entries
under FLAC, so this means the custom-convert.conf file is being

Just not sure why it did not do what the file says it need to do.
Nothing interesting in LMS log either. How do I debug this further or
enable more logging?

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Re: [slim] SB1 and 24bit flacs, how to configure LMS to downsample to 16-bit?

2021-04-14 Thread wildgoose

For some reason I can't get my custom-convert.conf to take effect.

I put it in /usr/local/slimserver/custom-convert.conf (next to the
existing convert.conf), and put in there:


  flc pcm * *
# I noArgs, R noArgs, D RESAMPLE=-r %d, F noArgs
[sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -t wav -b 16 -r 44100 -

But it doesn't seem to be taking effect at all. when I stream it always
seem to run the command:


/usr/local/slimserver/Bin/armhf-linux/flac -dcs --force-raw-format 
--endian=big --sign=signed -- -

I restarted LMS, replaced original convert.conf entry with the above,
all same... Probably missing something obvious...

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[slim] SB1 and 24bit flacs, how to configure LMS to downsample to 16-bit?

2021-04-14 Thread wildgoose

Hi, how do I configure my LMS server so that it'll automatically convert
24bit flacs down to 16bit 44.1 flac/wav when I am playing on my SB1?
(firmware v40).

Right now when I play 24bit flacs, I just get hiss (on both digital out,
and analog out). I looked through all the settings in LMS, the only
thing I saw was "bit rate limiting", which is not what I want. I don't
want to limit the bitrate, I want to convert based on source file type.

I have piCorePlayer 7.01 and LMS 8.1.1 running from a Pi. I also
installed pcp-lame.tcz and pcp-sox.tcz extension, but it made no
difference. Still getting hiss. Also looked at *Advanced* / *File Types*
page, but couldn't figure out if there's anything I need to do there.
(What is *I*, *R*, *F*, in the "From" column stand for?)

Ideally, LMS should know the capabilities of the various Squeezeboxes
right? Is this a bug? Is no one using SB1 anymore? It is a fine player.

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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2021-04-02 Thread wildgoose

Been happily using SqueezePad for quite a few years now. I sincerely
hope this is not abandoned. :) 

Here are some app feedbacks, I hope it’s not too late.



When using the ipad itself as playback device, SqueezePad goes through
this routine of lowering the volume to 0 on pause, and tries to restore
it on playback. This is not necessary. Pause/resume should be a simple
toggle with no change to volume. This is how most music apps works, and
generally what people expect.

The issue is the volume restore during resume doesn’t work most of the
time, and I have to manually increase the volume to what it was before.
This lessens the enjoyment of using the app.


When I open SqueezePad again after a period of inactivity, it first
shows the last device that was active (for example, the iPad player),
this is good! But, within a few seconds, it refreshes the devices list
from LMS, and changes the device to the first one in that list (ie, not
the last device anymore). To continue operating on my last device, I
have to explicitly select the device again.

It would be better if after getting the new device list from LMS, it
doesn’t select the first one, but re-select the current/last device in


When the playlist side window is open (by tapping the tab on the right
edge of the screen), you can interface with the playlist, great! But, if
you tap anywhere else not in the playlist pane, the underlying page gets
the tap, and changes to full screen view (and hiding the playlist). One
has to tape the home button at the top edge to return back to previous

This is not optimal. It would be very natural to tap somewhere else on
the screen to close the playlist pane. The current behavior also means,
the only way to close the playlist view is by tapping the small playlist
tab again. This again lessens the enjoyment of using the app.

I think all of these are pretty simple changes, for the author. ;)
Anyone know if he is still active on this forum?

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Re: [slim] is rsync available

2021-03-14 Thread wildgoose

Wow, I never knew there were extensions. Not sure how I missed it!


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[slim] is rsync available

2021-03-14 Thread wildgoose

I have a ssd hooked up directly to the rpi. One of the biggest
task/challenge is to sync the content of the ssd with my music archive
on the pc.

Is there a way to get rsync binaries on the picoreplayer? rsync should
be very lightweight, and I no longer need to install all the samba

Don't necessarily need to add GUI support for it in the UI, just make
the binary available.


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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-08-15 Thread wildgoose

mortslim wrote: 
 Music access, not ownership, is the future

I don’t know. I’d rather pay the $120 every year to buy songs off iTune
rather than waste them on some music rental services. I have so many
monthly payments that, despite my love for music, I have not signed up
for any music rental services. Music accesses are definitely changing.
Consumers have more choices now than they ever did before. But I don’t
believe the vast majority will pay a monthly fee to listen to music. I
do however believe a far more majority will pay for video services. 

My guess is the original Slim devices people, those who had vision and
roadmaps of where they want the devices to go, are long gone. Logitech
just doesn’t quite know what to do with the product besides coming out
with incremental products/fixes/changes. The way the product has evolved
over the last few years is consistent with someone’s earlier comment
about 3 different generations of management for this at Logitech. No one
in charge has a good vision or bold enough to make big changes.

This is different from Sonos. For Sonos, it’s their main product. Either
they make it, or they die. So they put much more effort into it than
Logitech (advertising, RD, etc..). The survival of Logitech does not
depend on SB, the survival of Sonos depends on their products.

As for specifics, there are quite a few things Logitech could’ve done to
improve the SB experience, in no particular order:

- Replace Perl in SBS with Java or something less heavy. Perl is picked
because it allowed Slim devices to originally bring the product to
market fast, but it has far out lived its usefulness. Something more
lightweight and efficient will enable better product development in the
future and allow more efficient use of resources when SBS is run on less
capable hardware. Basically a SBS re-write focusing on

- Improve music library management. When you have lots of music, how do
you organize them? You can label them for example, my music, wife's
music, baby music, with ratings, smart playlist, etc. Something that
will enable more intelligent music playback that will impress the user.
Yes, I can do some of it with addons, and I can manually create
playlists. But what I really want is some integrated solution. Don’t
make the mistake of Palm which provided a basic OS and hopes 3rd party
software vendors will fill all the holes. You need to make improvements
to the products itself like Apple does.

- Switch to a common platform such as Android (heck, is there anything
else?). Provide video features. The first thing my brother in law asked
me when I gave him a SB Touch is, can I hook this up to my TV and watch
Netflix? ;) Can I see the playlist on the TV, etc..

Honestly, I think Logitech is the wrong home for SB. Google might be a
better choice. I’d love to see a combo device of Squeezebox and SageTV.
The SageTV server is a much better server and it shouldn't be that hard
to add SBS features to it.

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Re: [slim] iPeng now your audiophile App-Squeezebox for iPhone and iPad

2012-08-14 Thread wildgoose

I am very interested in this. I was just thinking about whether I can
use my ipod touch and iphone I have around the house as a squeezebox
player. I already have a touch and classic player for my main stereo,
and would be very neat if I can bring the music to my other devices that
have ipod connectors.

A few questions:

1) what is the hardware requirement of ipeng for ipod touch? I have a 1G
and 2G ipod touch. It will be really nice if this can work with the
original ipod touch..

2) The playback feature is an in app purchase. What exactly does it
mean? I looked on your site and see some reference to iphone version +
ipad version = discounted playback. It's kinda confusing.. ;)

- If I buy iPeng for iphone, do I get the playback feature?

- If it costs extra to get this feature, how much extra? Do I need to
purchase this for every ipod touch, or purchase once (ipeng + playback)
and I can use it on all my iOS devices?

- My understanding is the standard iPeng can be purchased once, and used
on all my iOS devices correct? (like other Apps..)


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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2012-08-13 Thread wildgoose

bluegaspode wrote: 
  just do a long press on the folder name. A context menu will appear
 with a 'Play' option, so you can start the folder and all songs in it
 right away.

Ah, worked beautifully. Thank you!

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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2012-08-11 Thread wildgoose

Just bite the bullet and purchased SqueezePad. Nice app!

One question though. In Music Folder view, where I navigate to a
specific folder in my music collection, is there a way to simulate a
'play' button at a specific folder level like I can do with the
Squeezebox? I can find specific songs and play it, but I can't seem to
find a way to play a folder or folder with subfolders.

Here's a sample directory structure


What I do with my regular SB is, I'll navigate to the Baby folder, turn
on shuffle to enable shuffle by song, and press 'play'. It will shuffle
and play back all music under the current folder.

Did I miss something obvious? In album view, I can press the album art
to play the album, or press the album name to go into the folder, but
not in folder view.

If such feature is not available, I'd like to request to have it added.
Being able to play all files under a specific folder is essential to the
SB experience. How about add an item to the top of the folder list
called All Tracks (similar to how Sonos do it when you navigate


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Re: [slim] Defining custom labels/category for songs?

2010-10-15 Thread wildgoose

Yes I tried it. However it doesn't work with songs with non-english
artist/filenames (shows up garbled). The song did show up correctly in
regular SC web interface..

It will be nice if rating/category is an integral part of SB.


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[slim] Defining custom labels/category for songs?

2010-10-14 Thread wildgoose

Does the SB or Sonos offer any ability to categorize your songs into
user defined category? I am talking about being able to label a song
belonging to multiple category (similar to the 'label' concept in
gmail, or the groups for contacts)

For example, I want to define

* my music
* my wife's music
* baby music

Within each category one can define sub-categories. A song can belong
to multiple categories. I would like to be able to do this without
touching the mp3 file itself. (for example, a squeezebox.ini file in
the directory where the songs reside with with this information for
each song. ok, wishful thinking, but this is a lot better than some DB
entry that get's wiped on a full-rescan)

This, plus rating information for the song, would allow me to partition
my music into different sets, disjoint or not, and playing back certain
category easily..

* play baby-sleeping songs of 4+ rating
* play my-classical music-random

Do such things already exist? I am trying TrackStat, but I can't rate
the songs using the remote on the Touch, and I can't figure out how to
rate it in the WebUI.


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Re: [slim] More intelligent suffle play?

2010-10-05 Thread wildgoose

Ah, thanks!


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[slim] Newbie SC and iTune question

2010-10-04 Thread wildgoose

If I install Squeeze Center on a Windows machine with iTune installed,
will SC automatically finds music that are in iTune?

I am going to setup SC for a friend. Their music is in iTune. They will
be using the SB Touch. I would like to know what I need to do to have
their iTune music show up in SC. 

I will only be there for a day. I want to set it up so they can enjoy
the system and not have to mess with the setup. (I rip my music to flac
and use SC to play it back directly, so I have little experience with SC
and iTune.)

Any pointers/tips for setting up SC with iTune on the same machine? If
they add music to iTune, will SC automatically find it at the next
database refresh?



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Re: [slim] Playlist with Chinese filenames?

2010-10-04 Thread wildgoose


Does SC support playlist with filenames containing east asian

On a related problem, on the Touch with r9009 firmware, if I navigate
to a song with chinese name and press play, it will show an empty
playlist. If I press 'play' on the folder, it works.


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[slim] More intelligent suffle play?

2010-10-04 Thread wildgoose

Is there a way to get more advanced shuffle play on the SB?

What I am thinking about is the following:

* I have a large collection of CDs ripped to HD
* There are songs I really like, songs that I am ok with, and songs I
don't mind hearing once in a blue moon.
* The standard shuffle/random play do not take this rating into
consideration, treats all songs with equal probability.

What I would like is a shuffle mode that takes into consideration my
rating of a song. For example, even though only 10% of my songs are
5-star rated, I would like to hear those songs with more than 10%
probability. Say 40%. Even though 1-star songs may be 50% by volume, I
only want to hear those 10% of the time... I could create different
shuffle mode with different profiles and threshold for the

Do such things exist? It would make playback one's music collection
more enjoyable.


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Re: [slim] Which NAS?

2010-08-19 Thread wildgoose

I have a Netgear ReadyNas DUO and I find the performance of SC to be
quite disappointing. It can play music, but a lot of operations are
just slow. My 8 year old PC (Pentium4 2.2ghz system) runs SC really
fast and I would be very happy if the NAS can perform at this level. I
don't have a large music collection, about 30G of flacs/mp3s.

Reading this thread, I am curious about the performance of the Synology
and the small form factor PCs such as fit-pc and vortexbox comparing to
the ReadyNas Duo. Amazon is currently selling the fit-pc (older model?)
for $199. I am wondering whether it's an adequate system to run SC. I am
really intrigued by the 6 watt power usage (my computer in OFF mode
consumes 6 watts!).

How does the fit-pc, synology, and vortex compare with the a standard
P4-2.26 system (single-core, no HT)?


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Re: [slim] Which NAS?

2010-08-19 Thread wildgoose

Just tried vortex 1.4 in a VM, very interesting, like it a lot, would be
perfect to run it on my old computer. Unfortunately my computer takes
100w of power at idle which is a bit too much.

I want to look into building my own low powered PC. Any
recommendations/pointers? Thanks!


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[slim] Playlist with Chinese filenames?

2010-03-03 Thread wildgoose

I am having some trouble getting playlist to work on files with Chinese

I am using foobar2000 to create the m3u playlist, which is basically a
text file that lists the individual files. This works fine for standard
English files, but it doesn't work for Chinese files. Squeezecenter
found the playlist, but the content is empty.

I open the m3u files in a text editor, and I see the complete filename
in Chinese, so the text file is written properly by foobar2000, but the
file is not read correctly by squeezecenter? I tried .m3u8 files in
foobar200 too, same result.

I am running 7.4.2 on a XP box. Chinese is working correctly on my
squeezebox v3, I can see the Chinese song name, as well as the Chinese
song info. Just the playlist feature is not working. (playlist feature
works for playlist that have only English filenames)

How many different playlist format does squeezecenter support? Is there
a better format I should be using for Chinese songs?


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2009-01-29 Thread wildgoose

I am looking into buying a player such as the SB to play CDs that I have
ripped to the HD as flac files. If SB can act as a DLNA client and can
receive streams from other DLNA servers, be it a fully featured
computer, or a simple NAS box, then it would make my decision to get
the SB much easier.

I don't really care about SC. It's just a piece of software running on
the computer that is needed to run the SB. I am NOT asking for the
other way around, updating SC to support DLNA clients. Why would I do
that? It's not like SC is the best piece of software ever. ;) It's a
server written in perl, it's big, its slow.

The key point is, SB-SC talks to one another using a non standard
protocol, while the rest of the industry is standardizing on this DLNA
stuff. If the SB, where Logitech makes its money from, can work with
DLNA servers, then it will make the device more useful as there will be
more and more DLNA devices in the future that SB can interact with (ok
just play music from). Otherwise, the SB will forever be tied to the SC
running on a PC, and that just seems too limiting.

For example, if the SB can be a DLNA client, then it no longer depends
on the computer running SC. I can simply leave the NAS box (many
supports DLNA stream) and SB running to listen to my music, without
leaving my computer on 24x7.

Leaving the computer on 24x7 is not a big deal for a lot of people, but
it is a big deal for the majority of non-geek people. I am using a SB
proof of concept at home using a desktop and a laptop wirelessly (I
really like it). But my wife keeps asking me, why I need to leave the
computer on to listen to music? Personally I also prefer to turn the
computer off if I can. This is one of the appeal of the Sonos. I have
the option of using a NAS and keep the computer out of it. I want to
use the computer to do the work of setting up the device and ripping
music to NAS, but I want it OFF when I am just listening to music.
(Let's not get into the argument that NAS is a computer. By the same
argument, everything you have is a computer, your TV, your receiver,
your DVR..)

If DLNA becomes the standard, then it will only be a matter of time
before SB supports it. It's better to do it earlier than later. Think
about it, 5 years from now, when all TVs or receivers or game consoles
or whatever starts to support DLNA, and DLNA server software on
computers becomes better and better and NAS and receivers universally
supports it. Who's gonna buy SB?


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