Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-24 Thread blscorp

Just in case you see this in time to save you the effort-- Inguz a
non-starter with Triode Spotify plugin, per below

Many thanks again for your help though

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Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-18 Thread JohnB

Pity about that - but it was a bit of a long shot.

I'll convert a FLAC file to ogg and then see whether Inguz (as is) works
on ogg files (rather than Spotify streaming ogg).

Touch, Meridian G92, Meridian G55, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
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Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-17 Thread blscorp

An intelligent and observant approach, but unfortunately it did not
work.  Neither deleting the -w entry nor changing it to -v had any
effect, which may confirm your theory that it's a non-functioning
parameter.  Regardless, thanks for digging deep enough for the
suggestion, if anything else occurs please let me know.  And if I get a
solution elsewhere I'll pass it on just to satisfy your curiosity.

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Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-17 Thread JohnB

I'm glad that you have got Inguz working for ALAC files.

As far as Spotify's ogg files are concerned this is a bit like the blind
leading the blind, but as nobody else has taken this up: I've been
looking at the ogg entry in the Inguz custom-convert.conf. It uses
sox.exe to convert the data to wave format but there is a "-w" parameter
which the LMS convert.conf doesn't use, which doesn't seem to be
included in the sox help, which I can't find any documentation for and
which (when I try to test it) sox doesn't like.

One possibility is that the "-w" is a typo and it should be "-v" which,
when used with resampling, indicates "very high" (quality).

I am not a premium Spotify subscriber, so can't test things, but one
thing you could try is to delete the "-w" from the ogg sections of the
Inguz custom-convert.conf file. Once again making sure that you take a
backup of the file before trying this.

If that worked you could try replacing the "-w" with "-v". (Again taking
a backup.)

I should mention that the Inguz custom-convert.conf file is generated
from the data in the Inguz file, so once you get things
working satisfactorily it would make sense to amend the file
(after taking a backup of course) - but first things first.

Touch, Meridian G92, Meridian G55, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
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Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-16 Thread blscorp

JohnB, your edit worked for ALAC files, marvelous!  Thank you very much
for that.
I was not able successfully to bypass one of the players: deleting the
section for the player's mac address caused squeezebox to generate a new
section for that player in the custom convert file.  And adding # in
front of each line didn't seem to make a difference.  But that is really
a minor hurdle-- being able to process ALAC has made the plugin usable
for me for the first time, which is a major benefit.

What do you think about the Spotify streaming?  The stream identifies as
OGG Vorbis, and there are Inguz DSP entries in file types for OGG Vorbis
converting to FLAC, but Squeezebox doesn't seem to be transcoding it. 
For whatever reason the DSP doesn't process the stream.  If you have a
theory let me know, but otherwise thanks again for the help.

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Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-14 Thread JohnB

blscorp wrote: 
> Running a Duet setup with two players (sync'd), LMS 7.7.5 and have Inguz
> successfully installed.  Need EQ only, not DRC.  I've scoured these
> boards pretty thoroughly for info but some big issues remain and am
> trying to get some firm current answers in one place.
> - File types:  My library is made up of mp3 and ALAC files, and I stream
> Spotify.  So far I've got the DSP working only on the mp3s.  Anyone got
> ALACs working (have to use custom conf files)?  Spotify (even possible)?

>From memory, the custom-convert.conf that Inguz installs contains an
error regarding the ALAC files. Some years ago LMS went over to using a
tweaked faad.exe to transcode ALAC files but the Inguz
custom-convert.conf was never amended to reflect that change. I am
assuming that the change happened before 7.7.5 as that would explain
your ALAC problem.

I don't use ALAC files myself but once helped another forum member out
over this issue - but it was many years ago and I can't find the post or
the necessary edit. However, you could try the following.

I use LMS 7.9 and Windows 7 64 bit. In this setup the Inguz
custom-convert.conf is in folder C:\Program Files

Before trying out any edits I strongly suggest you make a backup of the
Inguz custom-convert.conf file.

If you open the file in Notepad you should see a section something like


alc flc * 00:04:20:23:9b:46
# F
[alac] $FILE$ | [InguzDSP] -id "00:04:20:23:9b:46" -wav -wavo -d 24 | 
[flac] -cs -5 --totally-silent -

Where 00:04:20:23:9b:46 is the MAC address of the player.

You could try editing this to:


alc flc * 00:04:20:23:9b:46
# F
[faad] -q -w -f 1 $FILE$ | [InguzDSP] -id "00:04:20:23:9b:46" -wav 
-wavo -d 24 | [flac] -cs -5 --totally-silent -

(The changes are shown in red.)

You will need to do this for each player in the custom-convert.conf

As I said, I don't use ALAC files so I can't test this - so it is very
much suck it and see. (And do make sure you make a backup copy of the
original file before doing any edits.)

Touch, Meridian G92, Meridian G55, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
Microserver/Ubuntu, PC/Windows 7, iPad 4, iPeng, Squeezepad.

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Re: [slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-13 Thread Apesbrain

If you can't get Inguz to target one player another option is SoX:

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[slim] Inguz EQ w/ 7.7.5 help?

2016-01-11 Thread blscorp

Running a Duet setup with two players (sync'd), LMS 7.7.5 and have Inguz
successfully installed.  Need EQ only, not DRC.  I've scoured these
boards pretty thoroughly for info but some big issues remain and am
trying to get some firm current answers in one place.

- File types:  My library is made up of mp3 and ALAC files, and I stream
Spotify.  So far I've got the DSP working only on the mp3s.  Anyone got
ALACs working (have to use custom conf files)?  Spotify (even

- Strange boosting behavior when cutting frequencies:  On the mp3s where
the DSP is usable, I noticed that cutting frequencies seems to result in
a compensating BOOST in the rest of the spectrum, as if there were a
normalizing or compression effect on the signal.  As a test I created a
preset in which I cut every band 12db (did a 3-band version and a 9-band
version).  The result is LOUDER than a flat setting, rather than
dramatically softer.  WTF?  Thought replay tags/Track Gain might have
something to do with it but I've set the players to "No Volume
Adjustment" and the issue persists.  Very strange, and kind of a
dealbreaker unless I can resolve, as precise or subtle adjustments
become impossible if pulling one lever in effect moves all the others in
a way not shown or acknowledged by the UI.

- Player isolation:  The inguz website info is pretty unequivocal that
customizing different players/rooms is impossible-- the plugin is
applied in the server and streamed identically to all players.  But some
(not so recent) posts I've read seem to indicate that you can edit
custom conf files in such a way as to apply the eq to one player and
bypass the processing on another.  This would suit me beautifully,
assuming that both the affected and unaffected players could still
stream in sync and share crossfade and replaygain volume settings.  Any
wisdom there?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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