[slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-07 Thread mortslim

Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties 
By JOELLE TESSLER, AP Technology Writer - Tue Jul 7, 2009 2:41PM EDT

WASHINGTON - The future of Internet radio appears more secure after a
handful of online stations reached an agreement Tuesday to head off a
potentially crippling increase in copyright royalty rates.

The deal is the product of two years of negotiations between webcasters
and copyright holders. In March 2007, a ruling by the federal Copyright
Royalty Board dramatically raised the rates that Internet radio stations
must pay artists and recording labels — leading many online radio
stations to warn that the new rates would put them out of business by
eating up as much as 70 percent of revenue.

At least one popular online radio service — Pandora Media of Oakland,
Calif., which derives much of its revenue from advertising — said the
new agreement will help ensure its survival.

"For us, it's hard to overstate how significant this is," said Pandora
founder Tim Westergren. "It was either this or an ugly alternative."

The revenue-sharing deal announced Tuesday is between SoundExchange, a
nonprofit that collects royalties for recording copyright owners from
digital radio services, and three smaller webcasters: radioIO, Digitally
Imported and AccuRadio.

Westergren said Pandora plans to sign on to the new royalty terms too.
And Jonathan Potter, executive director of the Digital Media
Association, which represents webcasters and other online media
companies, predicted some of the association's other members will also
join the deal.

Under the agreement, large commercial webcasters will pay copyright
owners up to 25 percent of their revenue or a "per-performance" rate
that is below the rates set by the Copyright Royalty Board. Smaller
webcasters will pay either a percent of revenue or a percent of

In a statement, SoundExchange executive director John Simson said the
deal will give webcasters a chance to "flesh out various business
models" and give artists and other copyright holders the opportunity to
"share in the success their recordings generate."

Lawmakers also praised the agreement. Congress has already passed
legislation making any deal reached between webcasters and SoundExchange
legally binding. Because Internet radio companies operate under a
government license, these deals need congressional authorization.

Already this year, SoundExchange struck new online royalty agreements
with the National Association of Broadcasters and the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting.

Traditional AM and FM broadcasters are exempt from copyright royalty
rates for over-the-air radio play, because that airplay is thought to
provide free promotion for artists and labels. But the broadcasters are
subject to the new rates for any songs streamed over radio station Web


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2010-04-14 Thread zstarsales04

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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-09-02 Thread MrSinatra


> Follow the money: If LAUNCH is interactive, then Yahoo (and thus,
> Pandora, and any damn webradio service in the world that lets you create
> “stations” or “channels”) would have to pay individual performance
> royalties for every song played. Big bucks for the RIAA! If not, they
> get “only” the statutory royalties set by the Copyright Royalty Board. 
> They lost at trial but Sony appealed. And lost


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-09-17 Thread MrSinatra



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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-09-19 Thread mal808

All these articles are all well and good from the end users perspective,
but copyright holders ARE getting shafted by the likes of iTunes who are
continually trying to devalue music. 
Just because it isn't a physical product doesn't mean you shouldn't
have to pay for it. 
If you can't afford the costs your business model is flawed. 
If you don't want to pay what's owed for the "BillyJoes favourite
songs" station then don't set it up. 
I agree there needs to be a reworking of the rights involved, and this
appears to be happening, but there's a minimum value applied to music
and if you you can't pay it then you need to reconsider your business

If I decide tomorrow that I want to sell computers, but I don't want to
pay the wholesale price, I wouldn't get to throw a tantrum and demand
dell or whoever supply me the pcs at half price coz my business can't
afford them. 
this royalty argument is a joke, music has been devalued enough, these
companies are creaming it in profits, Music industry costs have dived in
the past ten years, record labels wont even look at new artists unless
they hand them an album that's 99% complete and yet the industry is
still bitching and moaning about copyright holders fees.they need to pay

Rant over! :-D


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-09-28 Thread gbruzzo

I agree with you



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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-09-28 Thread MrSinatra

i don't.


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-09-29 Thread rrgmrg

Long live Pandora.


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-10-29 Thread mark-e-mark

Many fees for use of copyrighted material, especially music, have been
too high for too long.  Historically, owners of copyrighted material
could charge high fees because the distribution was tightly controlled. 
This is called exclusivity.  The revenue potential is so high that the
history of the music industry is rife with stories of theft and
squander.  It's understandable that many owners complain that they loose
money in a new world of free information and open networks of sharing. 

I for one, do not have compassion for those who lament disappearance of
the old ways of commanding control of distribution. It's time for new
business models that embrace the openness of the net.  

Here's an example: www.cdbaby.com.  You'll notice that the musicians
set prices and label fees are set up front, and the musician retains


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2010-01-16 Thread goldenseller01

For more detail,pls try www golden-seller com


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-08 Thread toby10

Thanks mortslim, I've been wondering where this situation was at.

What is not clear, and what I fear, is that this only resolves the
issue for the bigger streaming operators and the smaller operators may
still end up getting pushed out of the market.   :(

I love the big boys in the market (Pandora, Slacker, Sky, DI, RadioIO,
181, AVRO, etc) but probably 50% of my Internet Radio listening is
from small single stream operators that may still get the boot.  :(


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-10 Thread Labarum

Here is a view on the subject




Squeezebox 3 Classic and Virgin Cable Box
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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-10 Thread autopilot

Some recent good news from the UK too -


Cheers, auto.

-"don't call me Shirley."-

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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-18 Thread MrSinatra

i think that article is factually incorrect.

over the air FM/AM stations are NOT "exempt" from royalties, (what
laughable hogwash!) they DO pay them, and pay them AGAIN if they stream,
albeit under different terms.  one doesn't cover the other.

secondly, i know of NO "gov't license" for interent only stations, but
there may be something to that; i'm not 100% on that, but i doubt its
the way the article portrayed.


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-20 Thread NFLnut

mortslim;438842 Wrote: 
> Lawmakers also praised the agreement. Congress has already passed
> legislation making any deal reached between webcasters and SoundExchange
> legally binding. Because Internet radio companies operate under a
> government license, these deals need congressional authorization.

Wow! Do you mean that PRIVATE enterprises could POSSIBLY come together
and solve problems WITHOUT GOVERNMENT help?!! Say it isn't so!  I
thought we were just too dumb to do things on our own!


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-21 Thread snarlydwarf

NFLnut;442274 Wrote: 
> Wow! Do you mean that PRIVATE enterprises could POSSIBLY come together
> and solve problems WITHOUT GOVERNMENT help?!! Say it isn't so!  I
> thought we were just too dumb to do things on our own!

Depends on how you look at it: the rates set originally were
impossible.  (Especially for "on the fly" stations... Pandora has a
stupidly large number of "stations", as does last.fm, rhapsody, etc..  
Each would have had to pay an expensive base rate.  ("BillyJoes favorite
songs!" would count as a station, even if only one person listened, and
even if he listened to it only once...)

Several congresscritters actually intervened and put the new rates on
hold, forcing them to reconsider the rates

So, yes, it was Government Intervention that deferred the original rate
changes and forced a reconsideration.


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Re: [slim] Online radio stations strike big deal on royalties

2009-07-30 Thread Locuth

Internt stations will eventually end up paying the same kind of
royalties AM/FM stations are paying now.
And theses fees will be payed for by commercials or listeners fees. 

At the latest when internet radio takes the place of traditional AM/FM


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