[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-11 Thread seanadams

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 Considering recent events, you might factor in the elevation (above sea
 level) of that other computer.

Yes - like silicon valley! Lots of computers, and no natural disa

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-11 Thread Michaelwagner

seanadams Wrote: 
 Yes - like silicon valley! Lots of computers, and no natural disaVery funny. 
 But you might consider a computer somewhere on the other
side of the san andreas fault. 

And then will your hard disk over to me :-)

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-10 Thread Michaelwagner

dean Wrote: 
 I plan to soon automate this and have that drive in another computer,
 possibly in another state.
Considering recent events, you might factor in the elevation (above sea
level) of that other computer.

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-08 Thread bludragon

Well, dabs have at last shipped my SB2.  They're also showing plenty
extra in stock too.  The price is no longer at its bargain level

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-06 Thread chrisal

I ordered a platinum SB2 from Dabs yesterday and it came this

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-06 Thread JulianL

Sigh. It looks as if I am suffering the same thing that someone else
reported with Dabs, i.e. the stock date being slipped a few days every
time it gets close. The in-stock date for the black SB2 on my order
just moved from 7th Sep to 9th Sep.

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-06 Thread ultra238a

Stock landed with us today but too late to ship to them for tomorrow. So
dabs.com will get their stock on Thursday and ship out to you guys for


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-06 Thread JulianL

Woo hoo! Thanks for the update Paul.

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread cliveb

JulianL Wrote: 
 Yeah. I hear bad things about CD-R backups all the time,
I've been using CD-R since 1997, and it has proved to be a very stable
medium. I think people who have bad experiences with it have been

JulianL Wrote: 
 I have no idea whether DVD media are any better. You've got to hope
 that being next generation that they learned from at least some of
 their mistakes with the CD media but maybe that's just wishful
It's still early days, but in my experience DVD-R (I actually use
DVD+R) is significantly less predictable than CD-R. DVD media seems
extemely variable and there's a huge amount of really poor quality
media out there, whereas CD-R media seems much more stable, presumably
due to its maturity and the less critical tolerances involved.

But having said that, I do in fact back up my FLACs to DVD+R (using
only Taiyo Yuden media) and, touch wood, I haven't had any go bad on me

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread ultra238a

Just to get back on to the original subject.

The dabs.com deal was very successful and cleared out all of the stock
that they had on order from us so they had to re-order.

I believe that we are getting more stock in from SD this week and we
will be fulfilling all back orders as soon as the stock lands with us
from Customs.


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread JulianL

Thanks Paul. I appreciate the update on this. My SB2 is batched up with
a new motherboard and some other stuff which I thought was a luxury but
now that my PC went bang has become somewhat more urgent. I guess I'll
leave it until Thursday to see if the stock is in and, if not, then
I'll divide up the order and just pay double shipping charges. I think
the Slim Devices folks said last Thu/Fri that there was a shipment
going out to you that day so hopefully it'll get here early in the week
and just maybe by Thursday it'll be OK.

Of course now I suppose even my new computer isn't so urgent. My
broadband connection has been out for the last 48 hours and, after 2
hours on a hold queue to customer support, it was identified as a fault
in the exchange (which still isn't fixed).

I think I'm just going to go to bed for a very long time and hope that
nothing else breaks in the meantime.

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread JulianL

For others awaiting Dabs shipments, the order status on my SB2 has just
changed to now say simply 070905. This being England, I assume that
means that they are now expecting stock on 7th September, i.e. this
Wednesday. That sounds consistent with what I've heard from Slim
Devices and Progressive Consumer Electronics so with any luck that
should mean shipment on Thursday and delivery on Friday. As long as
nothing else goes wrong it's looking good for the weekend which is the
earliest I would get a chance to play with it anyway.

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread ultra238a

I will post as soon as we have shipped them to dabs.com

They will get them next day and should book them in the same day they
get them (lmao) and you guys who have them ordered should get them the
day after that.


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread max . spicer

Who are you, please?  It's fairly obvious that your company is supplying
Dabs, but Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd doesn't ring a bell. 
Just curious.


ultra238a Wrote: 
 Just to get back on to the original subject.
 The dabs.com deal was very successful and cleared out all of the stock
 that they had on order from us so they had to re-order.
 I believe that we are getting more stock in from SD this week and we
 will be fulfilling all back orders as soon as the stock lands with us
 from Customs.
 Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd


The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread Fifer

Aren't they the UK Distributor?

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread JulianL

ultra238a Wrote: 
 I will post as soon as we have shipped them to dabs.com
 Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

Thanks Paul, that would be really helpful. The other two thirds of the
parts I need to rebuild my computer are on their way to me from other
suppliers so I'll need to make the decision on Thursday as to whether
to split the Dabs order so that I can get the final computer parts by
the weekend minus the SB2.

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread ultra238a

Yes we are the UK distributor.

Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread Milhouse

ultra238a Wrote: 
 Yes we are the UK distributor.
 Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

Hi Paul - would be interested to read your opinion of the comments in
'this' (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=15769) thread
which discusses the limited presence of Squeezebox in the UK.

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-05 Thread Milhouse

Milhouse Wrote: 
 Hi Paul - would be interested to read your opinion of the comments in
 'this' (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=15769) thread
 which discusses the limited presence of Squeezebox in the UK.

Edit: Hmmm, I'm just re-reading the thread myself and now realise
someone called Lee Harris from the UK Distributor has already posted, I
assume he's a colleague of yours? :)

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-04 Thread cliveb

JulianL Wrote: 
 All in all, based on my personal experiences, I still consider Dabs one
 of the good guys.
Here's another vote for DABS. They are always my first port of call for
computer related gear, and have given consistently good service. That
said, I only ever order things which are shown as in stock - arriving
soon is a pretty vague term. (FWIW, I ordered my SB2 from
broadbandstuff.co.uk, and it arrived the next day).

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-04 Thread JulianL

Of course as of today I'm not really so fussed about getting my SB2
quickly :-(.

My C: drive died yesterday morning so I have bigger things to worry
about right now. It's so wierd though, I've had this computer nearly 5
years and literally next weekend I was planning to commission a
replacement. How did my old computer know this? If only it had waited
just 8 or 9 lousy days before dying then I wouldn't have been concerned
in the slightest, probably mildly amused in fact.

So, no SlimServer for me right now, but luckily all my music archive
went onto a LaCie external 500GB drive (bought from Dabs as it happens;
delivered next day) so this vindicates that decission (to put my FLACs
on an external drive).

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-04 Thread cliveb

JulianL Wrote: 
 My C: drive died yesterday morning 
 luckily all my music archive went onto a LaCie external 500GB drive
 (bought from Dabs as it happens; delivered next day) so this vindicates
 that decission (to put my FLACs on an external drive).
External drives are just as likely to fail as internal ones - they
ultimately use the same technology. So if you don't have your FLACs
backed up somewhere else, do it asap. It's a lot easier than having to
re-rip all your CDs.

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-04 Thread Milhouse

Indeed - there's no way I'd put my music library onto a single hard disk
(internal or external), mine is mirrored in a RAID array.

I'm actually quite interested by the ReadyNAS X6 and would probably go
for a 4-disk setup, although of course this isn't a cheap option. But
then neither is my time spent re-ripping a lost music library! :)

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-04 Thread JulianL


Yeah. I hear bad things about CD-R backups all the time, I have no idea
whether DVD media are any better. You've got to hope that being next
generation that they learned from at least some of their mistakes with
the CD media but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

I might well end up refreshing my archive every 6 months, partly
because of the potential issues you mention (and your warning has
encouraged me to take this more seriously), but also because the
inevitable tagging errors will mean that the backups will get out of
date. Right now I'm keeping a text file where I record any tag changes
so that, if I have to restore from backup, I have a record of what tag
updates I need to apply after I've done the restore. Admitedly
recutting my backups will be a pain to do, my backup set currently
numbers 38 DVD+Rs, but as long as I remember to set a DVD burn going
whenever I pop out for lunch, go to the gym, watch some TV, go to bed,
etc then I think that when the time comes and I set my mind to it I
could probably cut at least 4 a day during these dead times so it would
be a 10 day project to regenerate the backup set, maybe less, and to be
honest it's one of those mindless projects that I find quite
therapeutic (in moderation).

I won't disagree with your statement that Backing up to another hard
disk is probably the most cost effective... because it depends on how
you trade off cost vs effectiveness but, so long as I don't re-cut my
backup sets more often than once every 6 months, it is hard to beat
DVD+Rs on cost alone. My total backup set will have cost me about £7.50
in blank media so I'd have to recut the backup set quite a few times to
get to the cost of an additional 200GB external drive. Also, I have so
many power bricks and plugs in my home office already (I just counted,
I have 27 power cables and power bricks active in my office right now!)
that I am very loathe to add yet another device into my system if I can
avoid it.

My long term plan is that in 2 years I hope to be able to add some sort
of squeezebox-like system for my DVDs so at that point ripping DVDs will
need a total rethink on my storage and I will use that as the trigger to
upgrade my 500GB external drive to a  2TB external RAID array which I
hope will be pretty affordable by then and that Blu-ray blank media
will also be affordable so that the number of discs in my backup set
remains constant or even reduces.

- Julian

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[slim] Re: Alleged (And Possibly Untrue) Shipment Problem From SlimDevices

2005-09-02 Thread JulianL

That's a concern. I really hope this isn't going to be the case with me.
It does sound as if supplies are flowing to the UK in reasonable
quantities though so I hope this is just a brief hicup.

In fairness to Dabs I should point out that I've used them quite a few
times in the past and have found them to be very reliable for all my
other orders, typically next day delivery. Also, on the one occassion
when I had a problem the third-party courier delivered to the wrong
house and unfortunately whoever lived there was a totally dishonest
person who decided to pretend it was the right address and that they
were me. Dabs just arranged signature verification to prove it wasn't
me who signed for the goods and then re-shipped another unit (a hard
drive) to me. All in all, based on my personal experiences, I still
consider Dabs one of the good guys.

- Julian

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