[slim] Re: Squeezenetwork access via Slimserver

2006-05-07 Thread cvj

giwatani Wrote: 
> Is there anyway to add Squeezenetwork to the Radio settings within
> Slimserver?   It seems control over the SB via Squeezenetwork removes
> player control from the Slimserver (and vice versa).   It would be
> great if SqueezeNetwork were accessible via Slimserver.   Does anyone
> know if this is possible?
> Thanks in advance.
> G
Assuming that what you want is to be able to control the selection of
your favorite radio stations directly from the Slimserver (in the same
manner as you select your favorite tracks) you can bypass the
SqueezeNetwork altogether and simply create a favorite stations .m3u
file and place it in your playlist directory.

If that's your object I can email you my .m3u file and you can easily
edit that to add your favorite stations...



cvj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2979
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23690

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[slim] Re: Squeezenetwork/Firmware 33 issue

2006-02-27 Thread Jungle

Jungle Wrote: 
> Upgraded to latest nightlies earlier today and to FW35 but the problem
> still persists.
> Any further suggestions to solve the issue would be gratefully
> received.

Having looked through other posts, I have managed to get this issue
resolved. All it took was to manually enter IP details for my two SBs -
they seemed to need direct addresses for DNS servers rather than taking
the details from my netgear router.

Once I'd changed that, everything worked OK. Quite why this was
required, I can't say - there didn't seem to be a problem with address
resolution from any other device on the network - but at least I'm now
happily back on SqueezeNetwork.


They say that laughter is the best medicine but, if you're an asthmatic,
ventolin is probably a better bet.

Jungle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1998
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21339

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[slim] Re: Squeezenetwork/Firmware 33 issue

2006-02-23 Thread Jungle

seanadams Wrote: 
> This may be related to Squeenetwork's IP address changing, although if
> your router is giving Squeebox a valid DNS server, that shouldn't
> matter.
> Please try FW35 which will be in the next nightly.

Upgraded to latest nightlies earlier today and to FW35 but the problem
still persists.

Any further suggestions to solve the issue would be gratefully


They say that laughter is the best medicine but, if you're an asthmatic,
ventolin is probably a better bet.

Jungle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1998
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21339

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[slim] Re: Squeezenetwork/Firmware 33 issue

2006-02-21 Thread Jungle

seanadams Wrote: 
> This may be related to Squeenetwork's IP address changing, although if
> your router is giving Squeebox a valid DNS server, that shouldn't
> matter.
> Please try FW35 which will be in the next nightly.

Wow, that was a quick response! 

I would have thought that if the SB was failing to find SqueezeNetwork,
it would just exit gracefully rather than dying. I'll have a look at the
IP address for Squeezenetwork - I can navigate to www.squeezenetwork.com
quite happily and my router (I'm using a Netgear DG834G) seems to
resolve all addresses OK. Here's hoping that firmware 35 sorts the
problem OK.

Thanks for the tip.


They say that laughter is the best medicine but, if you're an asthmatic,
ventolin is probably a better bet.

Jungle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1998
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21339

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[slim] Re: Squeezenetwork/Firmware 33 issue

2006-02-21 Thread seanadams

This may be related to Squeenetwork's IP address changing, although if
your router is giving Squeebox a valid DNS server, that shouldn't

Please try FW35 which will be in the next nightly.


seanadams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21339

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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork crash

2006-02-18 Thread Philip Meyer
>The ticking coming through the passive speakers sounds like a hardware
>issue that was reported in early SB2s - its something along the lines
>of interference from the wireless connection feeding back out the
>headphone socket. Again there is/was a fix for this, it involves adding
>a cap or two (but you may not want to do this yourself!).
I only notice it when trying to connect to slimserver, so it doesn't bother me.

When I had the sudden problem trying to connect after the crash, I thought 
maybe I had developed a hardware fault.  However, everything seems to be back 
to normal now.
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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork WMA / mms suport

2005-10-25 Thread gingerneil

I love you... I love you all.

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Slimserver - SB2 prefs

2005-10-11 Thread radish

Olaf Wrote: 
> It's just that mine's forever present and I'd 
> appreciate if the two offerings could be integrated beyond a simple
> exchange 
> of preferences.
I'm confused as to why you're using SN if your server is always up?

> Bottom line:  I'd like to be able to browse SqueezeNetwork from my
> iPAQ.
Doesn't your ipaq have a browser?

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Slimserver - SB2 prefs

2005-10-11 Thread CavesOfTQLT

What I'd like to see is this; when SlimServer can't be found it
automatically goes to the SqueezeNetwork to show the clock, and when
SlimServer is available it swaps back over. That is unless you manually
left it on the SqueezeNetwork when you last turned off the SB2.

And I'm not too happy that the dispay dims whilst using the
SqueezeNetwork, when I prefer my display to run at full brightness all
the time.

Other than that, it rocks. Keep up the good work.

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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Fundamental Question

2005-05-26 Thread Mike
So are you saying that when my pc is powered off at night it can still be 
Can my wireless network be hacked by a drive-by hacker if it's off?

Are you _really_ that stupid?=)

So yes, turning the pc/router off does improve security - from directed, 
specific hack attempts. I agree that with the flood of port-scanning going 
on at any one minute of the day, that 24 hours operation is not 1/12th as 
safe as 2 hours.

By the way, when I boot my pc up each day, the first thing it does is get 
the latest virus updates, firewall updates, and checks for Microsoft 
patches. If fast-moving threats developed over night (like SQL slammer) then 
I may have missed the worst of it or be protected by the patch/signature 
released a few hours later, but before I booted up.


wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> seanadams Wrote:
>> I believe the vast majority of people with broadband connections do
>> NOT want to have a home server running 24x7. There is also a huge
>> trend towards households having just a wireless network and one or
>> two laptops - not a convenient setup for serving music all the time.
> I take it the attitude of this vast majority is due to some kind of
> concern for security?  Like if their PC runs 24 hours per day, they
> feel they're 12 times as likely to get hacked as when it's only run 2
> hours? :-)
> Are people are _really_ that stupid?
> -- 
> JJZolx 

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - first thoughts

2005-05-19 Thread JJZolx

vidurapparao Wrote: 
> > 5. Whilst connected to the SN, I looked at my slimserver UI,
> > and my player was no longer listed. Is it not possible to 
> > connect/disconnect to/from the SN from the slimserver? I was 
> > kind of expecting my local slimserver to override the SN on 
> > demand, such that when my local server is not present, it can 
> > fall back to the SN, but when the slimserver is available, it 
> > could switch back to it.
> Currently, you have to make an explicit decision to switch
> between the two. We're definitely open to ideas on how to make
> the transition smoother.

Ideally you could do this from the web interface on the local
SlimServer, which would stay in contact with the Squeezebox even if the
SB is connected to SqueezeNetwork.  I have no idea if Slimproto supports
(or can be made to support) more than one server connection.  But I want
to see all of the Squeezeboxes on my network from SlimServer and if I
queue up a song and hit 'Play', then it needs to play.

If it's not possible to do from the local SlimServer, then maybe:

* A SqueezeNetwork option to sign off after N hours/minutes of
inactivity?  This would just save the user the trouble of manually
doing it if he forgets he was connected to SqueezeNetwork, but normally
uses the local server.  This would have to be an option, and would
probably need to defaul to staying connected to SN.

* An option for behavior after a powering ON.  Either 1) connect to
local SlimServer, 2) connect to Squeezenetwork, or 3) Resume last
connection.  This would essentially be a quick way of signing on or
off, rather than going through the menu selections you just hit the
ON/OFF button twice.

* Have the SB periodically look for a local SlimServer.  If it sees
one, then connect to it.  Continue playing whatever radio stream you
were connected to.

In the same manner that it would be desirable for the local SlimServer
to be able to "grab" the SB connection for itself, with talk of alarms
and notifications coming from the SqueezeNetwork you're going to need
the ability to talk to an SB even if it's not explicitly connected to

Now, I'm sure _that_ suggestion will raise a few eyebrows!  Imagine,
the ability for SlimDevices to talk to a Squeezebox even when it's not
currently connected to SN.  :-)  But if you don't have this ability,
then with people setting alarms and reminders from SqueezeNetwork
you're going to have many of them never going off because the device
wasn't connected to SqueezeNetwork.  Needless to say, this will also
need to be an option - "Allow SqueezeNetwork to connect to this
Squeezebox" or else the privacy advocates will be up in arms.  This
could also be implmented in the other direction by using some type of
polling - the SB when NOT connected to SN polls SN once every 60
seconds to see if there are any alarms or reminders to process.

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - first thoughts

2005-05-19 Thread vidurapparao

Philip Meyer Wrote: 
> 1. I found it easy to connect to the SqueezeNetwork (SN) and
> configure.

> 2. How does the PIN get generated?  Is this id allocated from SN the
> first time a unique SB2 connects?
The PIN is not currently used, but will be shortly. It is meant to be
an identifier that can be used to associate multiple players together
with an account, so that settings such as Favorites can be shared
between them.

> 3. The SB2 feels a lot slower to navigate through menus when connected
> to the SN.  Does each remote control action perform a round-trip visit
> to the server across the internet?
Actually, yes. The SqueezeNetwork is meant to be a
SlimServer-in-the-sky and speaks Slimproto (the same protocol as your
local SlimServer). We're continuing to optimize the protocol to make it
less chatty. As the network grows, we may also have Points of Presence
(POPs) in various locations to improve roundtrip speed.

> 5. Whilst connected to the SN, I looked at my slimserver UI, and my
> player was no longer listed.  Is it not possible to connect/disconnect
> to/from the SN from the slimserver?  I was kind of expecting my local
> slimserver to override the SN on demand, such that when my local server
> is not present, it can fall back to the SN, but when the slimserver is
> available, it could switch back to it.
Currently, you have to make an explicit decision to switch between the
two. We're definitely open to ideas on how to make the transition

> 6.  I couldn't set an alarm time of 7:15am.  It doesn't like 10's of
> minutes - I could set the time for 7:05 or 7:01.  Still, with my
> timekeeping, this is perhaps not a bad thing ;)
Hmm...I didn't have a problem setting a time of 7:15. There is a
SqueezeNetwork category in the bug database
(http://bugs.slimdevices.com/), so feel free to file bugs, ideally with
steps to recreate.

> 7.  As an idea, it would be nice to have some kind of scheduling
> facility - set a time, a short message and a sound effect using the
> SqueezeNetwork website, and the SqueezeBox2 would play this sound
> effect and scroll the message onto the display.  I could then send
> reminders to home from work.  Perhaps the slimserver could periodically
> connect to the SN to get any updates to scheduled reminders, so it would
> work even when the SB2 is connected to the local server.
A great idea. Please file an enhancement bug.


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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - first thoughts

2005-05-19 Thread JJZolx

Michael Haan Wrote: 
> How do I access the SN? I've poked around but can find any info.

Install the latest nightly from the 6.1 trunk.  


You'll be prompted to upgrade the firmware on your SB2.  After you
upgrade the firmware you'll find it on the first SB menu.

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - first thoughts

2005-05-19 Thread JJZolx

Philip Meyer Wrote: 
> 5. Whilst connected to the SN, I looked at my slimserver UI, and my
> player was no longer listed.  Is it not possible to connect/disconnect
> to/from the SN from the slimserver?  I was kind of expecting my local
> slimserver to override the SN on demand, such that when my local server
> is not present, it can fall back to the SN, but when the slimserver is
> available, it could switch back to it.

I noticed that also.  At the very least, there would seem to be a need
to permit the local SlimServer to break the Squeezebox out of its
SqueezeNetwork mode.  It's also a little diconcerting seeing the
"cannot find a Squeezebox" message at the server.  The SB and local
SlimServer should somehow keep an open dialog between them even when
the SB is connected to SqueezeNetwork.

I suspect, though, that this is really just a product of being a very
early version of the software and that more intelligence in dealing
with switching between the local server and SqueezeNetwork is planned
for the future.

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread mcremer

dean Wrote: 
> For the time being, yes.  We expect to turn on this capability very  
> soon.
> Stay tuned!
> > [/color]

Do you consider to give notification once it will be available, by
filing an entry on bugzilla for instance? That would be great!

In fact, SqueezeNetwork always-on functionality for listening to any
streaming Internet radio without being connected to a PC was the
decisive argument for me to purchase SB2, so I would really appreciate
a quick implementation of this feature.

Best Regards, Michel.

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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread dean blackketter
For the time being, yes.  We expect to turn on this capability very  

Stay tuned!
On May 18, 2005, at 2:44 PM, mcremer wrote:
vidurapparao Wrote:
Expect to see in the near future, a web interface for the  

always-on functionality. This will allow you to edit your favorites
a browser.
So you're saying for the time being there's no way for me as a SB2  
to save a MP3 streaming URL [like] for
listening while the computer running slimserver is off?

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread mcremer

vidurapparao Wrote: 
> Expect to see in the near future, a web interface for the SqueezeNetwork
> always-on functionality. This will allow you to edit your favorites
> from 
> a browser.
> --Vidur

So you're saying for the time being there's no way for me as a SB2 user
to save a MP3 streaming URL [like] for
listening while the computer running slimserver is off? 


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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread Vidur Apparao
Expect to see in the near future, a web interface for the SqueezeNetwork 
always-on functionality. This will allow you to edit your favorites from 
a browser.

Unfortunately, the mms: stream that you mention will not be immediately 
available through the SqueezeNetwork. Radio stations currently stream 
directly to your Squeezebox, so we only support formats decoded natively 
by the SB2 - MP3 today (and FLAC, but that's not significant in the 
context of streaming).

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread mcremer

The Computer-Off functionality provided by SqueezeNetwork is exactly the
reason why I had decided to buy Squeezebox2 instead of any other
streaming client -- I simply do not want to be forced to have the
computer running all day just to be able to listen to my favourite
internet radio station. So thanks a lot for turning this feature on

Setup went very quick and well, without any problem to report.

The only thing I could not get sorted out so far is: 
How to set up (save) any own favourites, internet radio stations and
rss sources?

I have a number of particular internet radio streams stored on my
slimserver as playlist files and I am wondering how to save these
"bookmarks" on my SqueezeNetwork account in order to be able to connect
to them with the computer being turned off, such as  ...

-> mms://
-> http://mp3.d-radio.t-bn.de/live_dlr

and so on.

Same problem for RSS feeds, such as ...

-> http://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker.rdf
-> http://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/rss/index.xml

I cannot see how to save these URLs in a way that makes them available
to my SB2 without the computer/slimserver running.

Thanks in advance for any hint on this issue. Hope it will be of
interest for other users as well.


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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Fundamental Question

2005-05-18 Thread kdf

> Not at all.  I was commenting only on Sean's "people with broadband
> connections" statement, which seems to point out a fear of keeping a PC
> powered up and connected to the Internet.  I don't doubt for a minute
> that this is a very common, although misguided, fear.

I believe the statement was meant to discern from those with dialup, who would
be unable to actually use the service without some pc powered up and dialed out
(not to mention not having near enough bandwidth.)

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Fundamental Question

2005-05-18 Thread JJZolx

mherger Wrote: 
> > I take it the attitude of this vast majority is due to some kind of
> > concern for security?  Like if their PC runs 24 hours per day, they
> > feel they're 12 times as likely to get hacked as when it's only run
> 2
> > hours? :-)
> >
> > Are people are _really_ that stupid?
> No. But there are people who think energy consumption is a concern.
> Would  
> you call them stupid?

Not at all.  I was commenting only on Sean's "people with broadband
connections" statement, which seems to point out a fear of keeping a PC
powered up and connected to the Internet.  I don't doubt for a minute
that this is a very common, although misguided, fear.

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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Fundamental Question

2005-05-18 Thread Michael Herger
I take it the attitude of this vast majority is due to some kind of
concern for security?  Like if their PC runs 24 hours per day, they
feel they're 12 times as likely to get hacked as when it's only run 2
hours? :-)
Are people are _really_ that stupid?
No. But there are people who think energy consumption is a concern. Would  
you call them stupid?

Help translate SlimServer by using the
StringEditor Plugin (http://www.herger.net/slim/)
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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Fundamental Question

2005-05-18 Thread sbjaerum

JJZolx Wrote: 
> I take it the attitude of this vast majority is due to some kind of
> concern for security?  Like if their PC runs 24 hours per day, they
> feel they're 12 times as likely to get hacked as when it's only run 2
> hours? :-)
> Are people are _really_ that stupid?

What about noise, heat generation and power consumption?

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork - Fundamental Question

2005-05-18 Thread JJZolx

seanadams Wrote: 
> I believe the vast majority of people with broadband connections do  
> NOT want to have a home server running 24x7. There is also a huge  
> trend towards households having just a wireless network and one or  
> two laptops - not a convenient setup for serving music all the time.

I take it the attitude of this vast majority is due to some kind of
concern for security?  Like if their PC runs 24 hours per day, they
feel they're 12 times as likely to get hacked as when it's only run 2
hours? :-)

Are people are _really_ that stupid?

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread JJZolx

dean Wrote: 
> On May 18, 2005, at 11:14 AM, JJZolx wrote:
> > When it connects it goes immediately into my chosen screensaver,
> which
> > is date/time.  It might be good to have an indication on that screen
> > that you're connected to SqueezeNetwork.  Maybe on all screens.
> Hm, it shouldn't do that.  Were you prompted for your Language and  
> TimeZone?

Yes, I did all that - language, timezone, long date format, time
format, screen saver.  I don't recall if I was 'prompted', per se, or
if I went into Settings on my own.

Just tried it again.  Signed off and then back on.  I see an
_extremely_ brief message in the smallest font size and then it drops
me into the date/time screen saver that I chose.

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Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread dean blackketter
On May 18, 2005, at 11:14 AM, JJZolx wrote:
When it connects it goes immediately into my chosen screensaver, which
is date/time.  It might be good to have an indication on that screen
that you're connected to SqueezeNetwork.  Maybe on all screens.
Hm, it shouldn't do that.  Were you prompted for your Language and  

Are settings and favorites kept on a central server or in NVRAM?  If
the former, how is a network or player identified and will a person  
the same favorites on all of the Squeezeboxes on his/her network?
All the settings are on the server and (for now) are separate from  
your SlimServer settings.

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork Alpha up and running...

2005-05-18 Thread JJZolx


It works well!  Seemed to have a little problem connecting at first,
but after a few tries it got there.

When it connects it goes immediately into my chosen screensaver, which
is date/time.  It might be good to have an indication on that screen
that you're connected to SqueezeNetwork.  Maybe on all screens.

I don't use the remote much, so the interface is fairly foreign, but it
would be nice if the right-arrow button were equivalent to 'Play' when a
radio station is displayed.  I was wondering why I wasn't getting
anywhere until I eventually tried 'Play'.  Duh.

Are settings and favorites kept on a central server or in NVRAM?  If
the former, how is a network or player identified and will a person see
the same favorites on all of the Squeezeboxes on his/her network?

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork?

2005-05-11 Thread nhopton

kdf Wrote: 
> Quoting earthbased  forums.slimdevices.com>:
> > How do I enable SqueezeNetwork on my SB2?  Or is > this computer-less
> mode not implemented yet?
> it is not yet implemented, but should be coming very soon.
> -kdf

How soon is 'very soon'? The adverts for the SB2 strongly implied that
it could be used for streaming Internet radio without being connected
to a PC now, and not at some unspecified time in the future.


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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork dumb question

2005-04-08 Thread daveblazer

do we know when it will

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[slim] Re: SqueezeNetwork

2005-03-13 Thread Richard Titmuss
Steinar Bjaerum wrote:
Will Softsqueeze emulate the Squeezebox2/SqueezeNetwork interaction?
I understand it is a bit strange to request standalone operation of
Softsqueeze since it needs a computer to run on.
But for me as a Squeezebox1 owner, it would be valuable to use Softsqueeze
with SqueezeNetwork to get a hands-on feel of the functionality before I
decide to upgrade to Squeezebox2.
Yes, the plan is to allow Softsqueeze to connect to the SqueezeNetwork. 
At the moment I am not sure when this functionality will be available.

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