Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-02-02 Thread Mnyb

It migth suffice with an external headphone amp , but I think some of
the USB DAC headphone amps are cheaper ( just avoid nuforce ) .

The problem could be the headphones impedance maybe the circuits in the
laptop could not drive your phones but perfectly well be used as a line
level source .

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-31 Thread d6jg

If not a USB DAC then even some relatively cheap USB Speakers will give
you better sound quality. Or as you want to use headphones you might
like to consider one of the Topping amps - there is one that is a DAC
and headphone amp. Not sure but think its the TP22

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-27 Thread ReValveiT

Is the sound just as bad through other media players, Windows Media
Player, for example?

I highly doubt it's Squeezeplay causing the problem.

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[slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

So I have squeezeplay setup, using the latest beta that is out at this
time. I'm streaming flacs from my house while I'm at work. I have my
headphones on and listening to music.. is it me or is the sound quality
garbage? It's like whenever there is bass the squeezeplay can't handle
it or something? Anyone notice anything? Is this a known issue? It's
like it can't handle a lot going on or something. The sound quality is

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread garym

kllngtme wrote: 
 So I have squeezeplay setup, using the latest beta that is out at this
 time. I'm streaming flacs from my house while I'm at work. I have my
 headphones on and listening to music.. is it me or is the sound quality
 garbage? It's like whenever there is bass the squeezeplay can't handle
 it or something? Anyone notice anything? Is this a known issue? It's
 like it can't handle a lot going on or something. The sound quality is

Something else must be wrong. I use squeezeplay at work listening to
FLAC files on my work computer running LMS (computer feeding better
speakers than typical) and sound is good.  You say you are streaming
FLACs from home. I assume this means that the FLACs are being transcoded
to mp3 on the home side before coming to you over the internet. What are
you settings in LMS for bitrate limiting. Might be set for -v9 or
something (making very low bitrate mp3 files). Change bitrate limiting
setting to -V2 or -V3 and should be much better.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

uhhh.. I dunno, i didn't set anything up to transcode to mp3's. I
thought it was literally streaming flacs. Where do I check everything
for this on LMS?

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread maggior

If you look at the now playing screen on the web page of the server, it
will have an inication that the FLAC and been transcoded to mp3.  Also,
if you look at the properties of the file from the now playing screen on
the web page, it will show it is being transcoded.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

hmmm.. I really don't see anything that says it's transcoding. I'm on
the now playing page of the webpage for LMS, it just has the
tracknumber, title, artist and volume and how long the song is playing
for. From clicking on the song title it brings me to the song info in
which it says..

File Format: FLAC
Bitrate: 801kbps VBR
Sample Rate: 44.1khz
Sample Size: 16bits

I mean I guess the bitrate being so much means its transcoded to mp3? It
still doesn't make much sense or mean that it's being transcoded, it
just means that it's reading it at 801kbps, no? I dunno...

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread maggior

It's not being transcoded.  If it was, you would see something in the
bit rate indicating it was transcoded.  You might also see something in
the file format information.

Are you sure you have the bandwidth to support playing FLAC over the
internet?  You need to have enough bandwidth on both the server and
client side.  I always transcoded until I upgraded to cable from DSL.

OK, I just tried it out myself.  When you click on the song title and
see the song info on the left hand side, it will say something like this
if it is being converted:
Bitrate 930kbps VBR (Converted to 320kbps MP3)

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

Oh yea, I certainly have the bandwidth. I have a 25Mbps connection at my
house and a 200Mbps connection at work. I can stream HD video files over
the internet from my Plex server with no issues. 

Come to think of it, I just downloaded a flac from my house, playing it
locally does the same thing. Apparently this laptops soundcard sucks
ass! Whenever there's bass it makes the sound quality sound like shit. 

I thought it wasn't transcoding.. I was going to say, I'm gunna get
pissed if it's transcoding and i didn't even know it. I'm due for a new
laptop anyways, it must be the soundcard that's doing it, I just noticed
it once I put on my headphones. damn it.. shitty laptop.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread aubuti

Crummy laptop soundcards are hardly surprising. The new one may not be
better unless you specifically look for one with a good soundcard.
Either way, if you're going to be listening a lot through good
headphones you may want to consider bypassing the soundcard entirely
with a USB DAC. There are tons of them around now, many quite reasonably
priced, such as this one:

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread castalla

kllngtme wrote: 
 Oh yea, I certainly have the bandwidth. I have a 25Mbps connection at my
 house and a 200Mbps connection at work. I can stream HD video files over
 the internet from my Plex server with no issues. 
 Come to think of it, I just downloaded a flac from my house, playing it
 locally does the same thing. Apparently this laptops soundcard sucks
 ass! Whenever there's bass it makes the sound quality sound like shit. 
 I thought it wasn't transcoding.. I was going to say, I'm gunna get
 pissed if it's transcoding and i didn't even know it. I'm due for a new
 laptop anyways, it must be the soundcard that's doing it, I just noticed
 it once I put on my headphones. damn it.. shitty laptop.

What an exquisitely articulate way to describe poor sound quality ...

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread kllngtme

castalla wrote: 
 What an exquisitely articulate way to describe poor sound quality ...

Come on, this is a forum, I'm not writing a college thesis here. 

For the most part, to describe what's happening, it's almost as if the
soundcard can't handle the bass. Whenever there's a bassy part to a song
the other parts diminish, the volume, the treble, everything to the song
gets drowned out. That's really the only want to describe it, it has
horrible quality during that time. Adjusting the volume doesn't really
seem to matter, it's like the sound card can't handle certain

Oh well, atleast I found the culprit. I'm not gunna buy a usb dac just
for work. I already spent money on one for my house, I'll wait to see
how the new laptop is with the sound quality before I make that
decision. Thanks for the suggestion though, I love audioengine's stuff!

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread JJZolx

kllngtme wrote: 
 Oh well, atleast I found the culprit. I'm not gunna buy a usb dac just
 for work.

There are some pretty inexpensive USB DACs available that should improve
on your laptop's sound quality. If it sounds even half as bad as you've
described, it would be well worth it.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay: Bad Audio Quality?

2013-01-25 Thread maggior

Could also be compression that is going on in the data path.  Is there a
control panel app for your soundcard?  Some of them will do horrible
things to enhance the sound by default that do nothing but muddy up
the sound.  I seem to recall creative doing this at one point with their
sound cards.  Good news is you've narrowed the problem down.

Otherwise, yes, an outboard USB dac with a build in headphone amp would
serve you well.

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