Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-02 Thread Mark Lanctot

nano2nd;176159 Wrote: 
> I'm going to sound very old when I say this (I'm just 35 for god's
> sake!) but I get the impression that the time-short/ADHD "next
> generation" aren't as concerned about fair use and their rights to
> "own" media. They are used to paying for ringtones, iTunes etc. The
> ability to get at the media instantly and at -relatively- low costs are
> more attractive than the concept of buying a physical CD. Also, what
> with downloads, single track sales are up and album sales are down. 
> Big Media would love us all to be "licensing" or "paying to use" media,
> video etc. All of this however is dependant on them having control over
> the client device, be it a CD player, PC, console whatever. And the
> kids today don't mind this if they get their instant gratification. 
> "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and you've
> destroyed your own monopoly on fish supply". There are some parallels in
> there somewhere. Big Media want continued revenues, not a one-off sale.
> Over time, releases will migrate to these new controlled platforms.

That's very interesting and quite true.  Yes, there isn't too much of a
big stink about DRM among the general public.  It's interesting to note
what does affect them and does elicit outrage: "why can't I play this
on my iPod?"  Companies have so far been quite careful to keep these
events to a minimum.

The general public don't know and don't really care about DRM - most
don't even know what the acronym means (every time it's mentioned in
the mainstream media, it's always accompanied by a  dumbed-down
explanation).  Unfortunately the media companies with willing
kickback-accepting politicians have moved so fast that DRM is already
in place without everyone realizing the full implications.  It's too
late to fight it, it's already here, and by the time this becomes a
problem for the average person he just has to sit down and take it. 
The media companies will surely find a way to spin it, the public has
swallowed the "rental music" concept without much of a fuss, so they
can probably be convinced this is in their "best interests" as well.

I'm convinced it has something to do with the general technological and
scientific ignorance of society in general these days.  We are willing
users of technology but very few of us understand it.  Media companies
have taken advantage of this situation and put a technolgy in place
that no one in their right mind would accept if they understood it. 
All the public knows is "I load the music in my iPod, it plays, what's
the problem?"

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Skunk

Mark Lanctot;176598 Wrote: 
> There's a HUGE Slim Devices banner here, right at the top of the page:

Thanks Mark! Never thought to look there :-)

Slim Devices deserves a pat on the back.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread rkeeney

ddewey;175828 Wrote: 
> I know it's long and fairly techie, but this is an important read,
> especially for this community.]
> Interesting article. I guess it's no accident I've been buying only
> used vinyl lately or working a little harder to find music I can buy in
> my preferred format (non-DRM FLAC).
> Unfortunately, I think we are in too big a minority to make any
> difference. I see iPods everywhere and most of the users seem
> completely unaware that in a few years (or less) they will have
> difficulty playing their purchased music on anything. When I mention
> that they are only *renting* their music they don't quite understand
> the concept. Oh long as there are used record stores I'll be
> happy.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

bklaas;176160 Wrote: 
> I'm pretty sure they do. When I got my squeezebox, in it was a flyer
> that said that a portion of the profits had been donated to EFF.

There's a HUGE Slim Devices banner here, right at the top of the page:

I don't know how things will change with Logitech at the
helm...unfortunately multinationals tend to toe the media company

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Dewey
Quoting Mark Lanctot ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> desertrat58;175965 Wrote: 
> > Vista, hell. I see Linux in my future after all.
> earthbased;176365 Wrote: 
> > XP is my last MS OS.
> Same here.  Once support for XP is dropped, I won't be going to Vista. 
> Instead I'll be going to Ubuntu Linux full-time.
> Ubuntu is the first Linux distro I can actually see myself using.  I
> tried others years earlier and there was always something broken.  In
> the few years since I first started experimenting with it, Linux has
> come a long way.  By the time XP support is dropped, it'll be even
> better.
> Aside the DRM stuff, all I see in Vista is eye candy.  Big whoop.

And all that eye candy is available in Linux too.  Check out Beryl (which
you can run in Ubuntu).


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-02-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

desertrat58;175965 Wrote: 
> Vista, hell. I see Linux in my future after all.

earthbased;176365 Wrote: 
> XP is my last MS OS.

Same here.  Once support for XP is dropped, I won't be going to Vista. 
Instead I'll be going to Ubuntu Linux full-time.

Ubuntu is the first Linux distro I can actually see myself using.  I
tried others years earlier and there was always something broken.  In
the few years since I first started experimenting with it, Linux has
come a long way.  By the time XP support is dropped, it'll be even

Aside the DRM stuff, all I see in Vista is eye candy.  Big whoop.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread earthbased

ddewey;175828 Wrote: 
> I know it's long and fairly techie, but this is an important read,
> especially for this community.
> Just excerpt to pique your interest:
> "The same deliberate degrading of playback quality applies to audio,
> with the audio being downgraded to sound (from the spec) “fuzzy with
> less detail”"

XP is my last MS OS.  I mostly use Mac OS X now (and linux for
servers).  What ever happened to "fair use" rules?


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread The Smokester

Quoted from MrStan:
"Linn would be wise to issue the material at a reasonable price, under
UK law obtaining any further agreement with their customers will not
make any difference. It is the price that encourages the pirates, if
people think they are being ripped off then they will look for

I willingly pay their price for excellent music at high resolution
where I have no tax or delivery charges. I will have no problem
honoring their EULA.

Having no DRM probably works for them primarily because their market is
so sparce (on a world-wide scale) that there really isn't much social
connectivity (and hence "sharing") between customers. Perhaps also they
cater to a demographic that can easily afford their downloads and value
intellectual property.

Just guessing.

But it is interesting that the conclusion they came to is that DRM
really doesn't work (for them) for a variety of technical reasons. The
only way it works is if you funnel everything through proprietary
software like the iTunes model and many of us really don't want to
stick our heads into that noose.

PS How does one do quotes here?

The Smokester

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread Skunk

bklaas;176160 Wrote: 
> I'm pretty sure they do. When I got my squeezebox, in it was a flyer
> that said that a portion of the profits had been donated to EFF.

Hmm. Maybe I should have looked inside the squeezebox. JK!

All I got was a sticker that said mp3 is not a crime.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread Skunk

nano2nd;176159 Wrote: 
> I'm not so concerned about our equipment being outlawed - it would be
> hard for Big Media/whoever to put the genie back in the bottle so to
> speak. Thinking about it, my concern is more that the older "open"
> mediums such as CD will be replaced over time and people like us will
> be in the minority.

Yeah outlawed was a little harsh, I was thinking more along the lines
of cease production court order. Probably far-fetched, but I did see
Slingbox mentioned on EFF. In my view Slingbox is more than
linguistically related to Squeezebox.

I agree; CD will be phased out in favor of mp3, while people who prefer
tangible media will have the next generation of DRM laden SACD to enjoy.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread bklaas

Skunk;176144 Wrote: 
> You forgot 'fight for change'! For example, or a
> similar organization in the UK. 
> I always thought it would be nice if Slimdevices donated money to them

I'm pretty sure they do. When I got my squeezebox, in it was a flyer
that said that a portion of the profits had been donated to EFF.


"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread nano2nd

Skunk;176144 Wrote: 
> You forgot 'fight for change'! For example, or a
> similar organization in the UK. 
> I always thought it would be nice if Slimdevices donated money to them,
> because draconian measures aren't limited to software (see 'plugging the
> analog hole' at eff). Not to mention Squeezebox, it appears, is already
> bending the rules in some countries. IANAL so grab the salt.
> One day we're likely to wake up and find squeezeboxes are outlawed.

You're right - the EFF and similar are doing a great job and we should
all do more to support them.

I'm not so concerned about our equipment being outlawed - it would be
hard for Big Media/whoever to put the genie back in the bottle so to
speak. Thinking about it, my concern is more that the older "open"
mediums such as CD will be replaced over time and people like us will
be in the minority.

I'm going to sound very old when I say this (I'm just 35 for god's
sake!) but I get the impression that the time-short/ADHD "next
generation" aren't as concerned about fair use and their rights to
"own" media. They are used to paying for ringtones, iTunes etc. The
ability to get at the media instantly and at -relatively- low costs are
more attractive than the concept of buying a physical CD. Also, what
with downloads, single track sales are up and album sales are down. 

Big Media would love us all to be "licensing" or "paying to use" media,
video etc. All of this however is dependant on them having control over
the client device, be it a CD player, PC, console whatever. And the
kids today don't mind this if they get their instant gratification. 

"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and you've
destroyed your own monopoly on fish supply". There are some parallels in
there somewhere. Big Media want continued revenues, not a one-off sale.
Over time, releases will migrate to these new controlled platforms.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread MrStan

The Smokester;176126 Wrote: 
> As you can see from the above it is our opinion that the Microsoft DRM
> system does not work and that until such time that something does work
> our best endeavours  to protect our artists' music will be to include
> the usage rights as above and ask our customers to agree to these
> rights when making a purchase..."

Linn has already answered it's own concerns Actually there is no
necessity for DRM as the content is already fully protected under the
current copyright laws. The only problem is to be able to positively
indentify the ownership of the material. This can be done with
"watermarking" but unfortunately this also alters the content slightly
which to me is audiable.

There was one occaision when a certain well known broadcasting
organisation suggested to the Media organisations that DRM or
Encryption was totally unnecessary and counter productive since there
would always be a ways to defeat it and it would have to be constantly
patched. Much better to watermark the material and use the law courts
which is where any individual cases would end up anyway. Much of the
video programme material broadcast at the moment is watermarked and
no-one appears to have noticed any degradation. They were told in no
uncertain terms that if they wished to continue receiving rights to
broadcast films they would go back and continue researching DRM and

The media companies own the rights to the material and they are not
willing to compromise.

MediaPlayer will play the material perfectly well without restrictions
if there is no DRM and Vista will do no further checks than XP did. In
fact you are likely to notice any performance hit from Vista's checking
since by far the most performance is consumed displaying a 3D desktop.
The only real issue I have with Vista is its price and why are we in
the UK paying the same price in pounds as the States is paying in
dollars? I wasn't aware the exchange rate had reached 1:1.

Linn would be wise to issue the material at a reasonable price, under
UK law obtaining any further agreement with their customers will not
make any difference. It is the price that encourages the pirates, if
people think they are being ripped off then they will look for


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread Skunk

nano2nd;176130 Wrote: 
> Toe the line or bend the rules. I know what I'll be doing.

You forgot 'fight for change'! For example, or a
similar organization in the UK. 

I always thought it would be nice if Slimdevices donated money to them,
because draconian measures aren't limited to software (see 'plugging the
analog hole' at eff). Not to mention Squeezebox, it appears, is already
bending the rules in some countries. IANAL so grab the salt.

One day we're likely to wake up and find squeezeboxes are outlawed.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread nano2nd

Microsoft's motives are pretty simple really. I don't believe they are
worried about not complying and facing lawsuits from copyright owners
for providing systems that do not support DRM. Microsoft want a piece
of the action. Whether it is their Zune music store, Xbox Live TV and
movie downloads, or some future ITMS style product for the PC/Vista -
Microsoft wants to be onside with the music and movie companies so that
they can get at some of the revenues.

Apple did the same - the iTunes music store (ITMS) and (to a lesser
extent, the iPod) only exist because Steve Jobs implemented the
Fairplay (sic) DRM mechanism. If he hadn't, none of the copyright
holders would have allowed him to sell their media.

As consumers, we only have a couple of options.

1. Go along with it and face a future where your purchased music,
movies etc will only play on "Brand X's" hardware (who reserve the
right to change your terms of use post-purchase - look how iTunes got
tighter and tigher).

2. Vote with your wallet. In terms of music, buy the media! Stay away
from the pay-to-use model. If you own the CD, you can do what you want
with it.

3. Fair-use rights. These are being eroded as we speak and Vista/HD is
a great example. In the UK, we still have no fair-use rights and,
technically, it is illegal to rip your own purchased CDs to MP3. If you
have the desire to (and the storage space), HD DVD has been broken now
and you can make your own "backups" too. 

Toe the line or bend the rules. I know what I'll be doing.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread The Smokester

Here's an excerpt from the Linn Records EULA relevant to the current
(pre Vista) SOTA of Digital Rights Protection. (Linn Records is selling
cd quality and "studio master" quality downloads from their site.)For
your interest:

"...We have been testing the only known commercially available system
(Microsoft WMADRM) and come to the conclusion that it is neither robust
nor "developed". The faults and problems we have encountered are: 

The "system" is a two part handshake license agreement that requires
Linn and the customer to meet certain technical requirements. These
requirements include for Linn: 
Check the computer that is downloading the music is "compliant". This
means that we must check that the computer that is downloading the
music has not been hacked (Microsoft DRM has been hacked quite recently
and not for the first time) to remove all DRM information and
We need to interrogate the downloading computer via our web connection
and to do this the contact has to be via Internet Explorer (only) which
needs to have both ActiveX and cookies turned on. (If customers don't
have these system requirements they won't be able to receive the
licence to play the music they have bought). 
By doing this, Microsoft will then be able to update the customer's
computer to remove the hacked files. 
There are versions of Windows Media Player in use and only the most
recent ones can be checked. If a customer doesn't have this, they will
need to download an up to date version of WMP before being able to play
their music. 
There are many operating systems in use and only some are supported in
the test code. Once all three variables (the browser, Media Player and
Operating system) are considered it is easy to imagine that we will
only be able to download music to a very small subset of contacting
Once we implemented the new system we tested it and it fails to deliver
files with the correct "rights". The files we tested did not operate as
Microsoft has dropped support of WMA (the only audio file format that
can have the DRM applied) on the Mac platform. (7% of our customers are
Mac users). Plug-ins are available but they require considerable user
knowledge and skill. These Plug-ins only work on recent Mac operating
systems and are third party support rather than Apple or Microsoft. 
Microsoft DRM does not wok on a Mac meaning that any music downloaded
to a Mac will not play in iTunes even when the Plug-in is used. 
WMADRM'd files downloaded to a PC cannot be imported to iTunes for PC
meaning that customers cannot add their legitimately purchased music to
their iPod. The files only work when imported into Windows Media Player.

There is no other platform independent DRM systems that are
commercially available. 
As you can see from the above it is our opinion that the Microsoft DRM
system does not work and that until such time that something does work
our best endeavours  to protect our artists' music will be to include
the usage rights as above and ask our customers to agree to these
rights when making a purchase..."

The Smokester

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread totoro

funkstar;175928 Wrote: 
> This does not apply to all audio, just to audio with content protection
> that is being played through an non-secure audio device. So this only
> really applied to the audio from HD-DVD and BluRay that is flagged with
> the Image Constraint Token. If the video and audio are not flagged or
> protected than Vista will not restrict the quality. Or if you are
> playing the media through HDCP compliant hardware you are also
> competely fine.
> Simple fix: don't buy restrictive media
> This is no Microsofts or Vistas fault, it is the movie industry that
> has given us this.

That wasn't the point of the article. If you read it, you'll see that
the author's point was that there are much greater problems MS's
decision have caused.


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread DLORDE

As has already been said, audio and video degradation only applies to
protected content. However, as I understand it, there are other aspects
of Vista 'security' - also part of the DRM requirements - such as
hardware anomaly checking, that load the system at all times, causing a
significant performance degradation.

This is particularly annoying to potential users like me, who have no
intention of using their PC for playing protected content, and would
prefer a system that allows such features to be disabled, or better
still, a system that doesn't have them at all. 

If I play protected content, it will be on a dedicated box, not a
general purpose PC.


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Re: [slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-31 Thread MrStan

martman;175937 Wrote: 
> It is MS's fault too. They have no need to play game with the draconian
> mesures being touted by the media companies. MS is far to big to be
> pushed around.

They may be big but non-compliance will cost them large sums of money.

They have already been fined heavily by the EU and whatever side you
take in this by complying with DRM they will not have to fight off a
law suit which they will probably loose. The costs awarded against them
would be based on the potential loss of revenue to the meida companies
and given the amount of copies of Windows in use this could equal
hundreds of millions of dollars!

Bill may be a bit naive over the problems of good security but I don't
think he's totally stupid.

The Media companies also appear to be a bit naive over security issue
therefore whatever measures they put in place will probably be broken.
So far both SACD and HD-DVD appear to have been compromised, others are
likely to follow.


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[slim] Vista and DRM - Important read

2007-01-30 Thread ddewey

I know it's long and fairly techie, but this is an important read,
especially for this community.

Just excerpt to pique your interest:
"The same deliberate degrading of playback quality applies to audio,
with the audio being downgraded to sound (from the spec) “fuzzy with
less detail”"


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