Re: [slim] strange knocking sounds on particular radio station

2014-03-07 Thread toby10

I too hear the knocking/artifact you refer too, so it is likely the
stream itself.  Might want to inform both TuneIn and the station itself.

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Re: [slim] strange knocking sounds on particular radio station

2014-03-07 Thread wus

I tried sync'd and unsync'd now - no difference.

According to LMS, Funk Republic Radio streams in MP3 Format with 128
kb/s CBR. 

The URL:,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice,real&partnerId=16&serial=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

Today this radio station's program also stops playing often, after a
short while. I have expereienced this before with this station, although
not often, and not as persistent. And unlike in earlier cases, today
once it stops playing, it doesn't resume automatically.

When I saw the URL that LMS shows I copied it to my browser (Firefox),
this opened the VLC plugin which played the stream - exhibiting the same
strange knocking sounds! But at least it keeps playing, doesn't stop as
LMS / Softsqueeze does.

When I go to and start the little
player that the website offers, the program plays clear and undistorted.
And it doesn't get interrupted, it plays without outages. I also noticed
that the sound quality of the replay is considerably better when I use
the website with its player, even if I disregard the knocking sounds on
the other methods.

I switched between the website, LMS+Softsqueeze and FF+VLC several
times, it seems repeatable. Today, LMS just doesn't keep playing Funk
Republic Radio.  

As described in the TO, only Funk Republic Radio is affected. Other
stations play continuously, without any strange sounds. I even tried
other stations from Seattle who stream MP3 - no problem, they "come in"
clear and undistorted.

Do these symptoms ring any bells with anybody?

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Re: [slim] strange knocking sounds on particular radio station

2014-03-06 Thread toby10

Are the players Sync'd when this happens?  Tried them un-Sync'd?

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[slim] strange knocking sounds on particular radio station

2014-03-06 Thread wus

Since some time I hear strange knocking sounds, I guess some sort of
artefacts, when I listen to Funk Republic Radio using my slim devices (a
touch, a receiver and softsqueeze). Sometimes it also sounds as if other
stations would squeeze in for a fraction of a second.

Other internet radio stations are not affected. Also when I listen to
Funk Republic Radio using the browser or Winamp, it sounds normal,
without any unwanted sounds. 

Does anyone here know what causes this, and how to avoid it? 

My LMS runs on a QNAP. It is v 7.7.2 - r33893
When I look up the Receiver's, Touch's and Softsqueeze's versions on the
Duet remote control (after first selecting each player) they are all
shown as v 7.7.2 r9663. However Softsqueeze itself (on the computer)
shows its version as 3.9b2.

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