Re: [slim] Linksys is getting in the game

2006-01-11 Thread Mark Lanctot
Slim has long said that they would like to 
concentrate on one product.  This may seem 
frustrating for users who'd like to see something 
else, but for a small company like Slim, it makes 

- reduced inventory
- greatly simplified sales process
- ease of technical support

They also do not want to expand into the video 
market and want to devote their efforts on audio. 
  There have been many people asking for Slim 
video, but I agree with Slim.  Concentrate on 
getting one thing right.  Not only that, the 
streaming video market is much more advanced than 
streaming audio now.  There are dozens of 
competitors from some very big names.  From a 
personal perspective, I never understood what the 
big deal about video is.  IMHO it's much harder to 
get audio right.

With regards to the Squeezebox display, I'm afraid 
I'm going to have to disagree with you again.  It 
is as good as it gets!  Supremely bright and 
legible from at least 20 feet away with the 
default fonts, 40 feet with the large font...and I 
wear glasses!

Yes, the remote could use work, but since it's so 
easily replaced by a universal remote it's a 
non-issue.  I wouldn't want to pay extra for an 
included fancy remote when the SB doesn't really 
need one.  And if you want one, there are lots of 
good universals out there - and of course the 
ultimate remote control would be a Nokia 770.

You really should try out a Squeezebox with FLAC 
files.  You don't know what you're missing.  This 
is an extremely capable product with excellent 
audio performance, better than most consumer 
equipment out there.

Linksys may be a big name in networking, but audio 
isn't their core competency in the slightest.  I 
would be very surprised if their product was made 
with the same quality and was capable of the same 
performance as a SB.

Sonos certainly pays attention to audio but their 
closed format and extremely high cost keep me 
away.  And I don't like the fact that you don't 
have a digital output and have to use their own 
amplifiers.  I'd like to use my own, thank you 
very much...

In summary, I like the Squeezebox the way it is.  :-)

Slim would be in danger trying to compete 
head-to-head with Linksys.  Apple is entering this 
market too, with a stationary iPod device.  The 
very words "iPod base station" would likely 
revolutionize this product category and get it 
into the mainstream.  Slim cannot hope to compete 
with Apple and Linksys on their own turf.  Apple 
has chewed up and spit out their competitors in 
the portable market.  Slim does have a niche for 
itself - making players capable of extremely 
high-end performance, powered by free, open-source 
software.  Apple or Linksys couldn't and wouldn't 
meet either of those requirements, so Slim will 
live on provided it doesn't try to tackle these 
giants head-to-head.

Sike wrote:
> I am a long time Slimp3 user and now have 9 active
Squeezeboxes around
> my house and connected in different houses via
Wireless Bridges.
> But the market is starting to get interesting. First
Sonos rolls out an
> ugly system with a !WONDERFUL! remote and now
Linksys has entered the
> game with a "WMB54G". Links:
> I know that there are others, but Roku Wireless B
players don't do it
> for me, and if you read the forums on thier web
page, there are lots of
> problems with stability.
> What I want is a Slimdevice system in my house !BUT!
with a really
> really good remote like the sonos. Slimdevices could
also come up with
> a Squeezebox "light" edition without a screen, for
people who want to
> hide it. Maybe a version with less connections?! I
know there are a
> couple of audiophiles out there who would dissagree,
but I (like most
> people here) have a 192kbs collection of MP3's and
only use the analog
> connectors unless the stereo it's connected to has a
spare optial
> input...
> What is the most important is the remote. I don't
even care if the
> remote is a Nokia 770 with software running on it
(not a web
> interface). I just don't want to squint across the
> Please gods of media players, hear my prayers
> PS: What about a slim video player?


  Mark Lanctot

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RE: [slim] Linksys is getting in the game

2006-01-11 Thread Bennett, Gavin (LDN Int)

>> PS: What about a slim video player?
for me the next big thing is a Slim like video player
Unfort. I can't see Slim doing it.  There are already a few players in the 
market (Hauppauge, Pinnacle and now XBOX 360) and there are so many formats.

It's a shame because I love the Slim products and do not want to buy a video 
like device from anyone else, but having waited 2 years I have given up and 
investigating other solutions.

Ofcourse a video version would also solve the remote issues as you could have a 
screen based selection - this would be cheaper than shipping a Nokia like 
remote with the product.  Price is v. important.

As all of the s/w is open source the only solution is for someone to write an 
"after market" program for Nokia etc.

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