Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-12-01 Thread xio

At the risk of stoking up something unpleasant, I don't understand the
pandora in the uk problem. I'm in the uk and it appears (to me at
least) to work fine. I don't have any kind of exotic setup with dubious
ip addresses etc, and when I go to the pandora site I get the 'not in
the uk' message, but it works just fine from the squeezebox, and I can
still log on to the site to see bookmarked songs etc.

Am I just lucky, or is there more to this pandora thing that I don't
know about?


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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-11-01 Thread Bert57

Gave a try and understand why you recommend.  Introduces new
artist with similar styles.  Great resource.  Thanks.
Have been playing with Album Review  Biography and they are also must
haves in my opinion.  Still hoping for a plugin that will display album
liners.  Always enjoyed reading them while playing an album but Album
Review  Biography are the next best.  Wish we could jump from All
music to Wikipedia from the duet remote.  
Thanks for the recommendations.  Lazy Search will be one of my next
plugins.  Just what I needed.  
Multi-library also sounds interesting.  I have some music that I really
don't want included in every day listening.  How does it differ from
just using filters?
Custom Browse?  Could you give examples and explain what the benefit
Appreciat the responses.


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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-11-01 Thread ModelCitizen

Bert57;355601 Wrote: 
 Gave a try and understand why you recommend.  Introduces new
 artist with similar styles.  Great resource.  Thanks.
Don't mention it. is great and does a lot more than Similar Artists radio.
I particularly like the following functionality:

1) Listening to individual neighbours radio. The nearer the neighbour
the nearer the taste to your own.
2) Tag radio. When you just feel listening to generic folk or party (or
whatever) radio
3) Loved Tracks Radio. This is my favourite bit. As I pay to subscribe
to (it's a very paltry amount) I can play others Loved Tracks
radio. A lot of people seem to maintain their Loved Tracks well (and I
believe this might help their general profile) and so listening to
anothers Loved Tracks radio means you generally get some classy tracks
that you'd never normally have come across. You get very few duds
anyway (unless you absolutely hate everything in particular genres).

It does take quite a while to build up your profile though...



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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-11-01 Thread GeeJay

Erland's suite of plug-ins are a must-have for me.  I use SQLPlaylist
(which requires Dynamic Playlist), Trackstat, Custom Skip and Custom

I like random mixes that allow higher rated tracks to play more often,
and skips certain tracks entirely.  The combination of SQLPlaylist,
Trackstat and Custom Skip have given me virtually all the control I
need over such playlists.  I've also used it to narrow down by genre,
time periods, etc.

I couldn't imagine enjoying my Squeezeboxen nearly as much without
Erland's vital plug-ins.


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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-11-01 Thread MeSue

My must have's are most of Erland's plugins. The ones I use are Custom
Browse, Custom Scan, Dynamic Playlists, SQL Playlists, and Trackstat.

With Custom Scan and Trackstat I can do things like filtering my
MusicIP mixes based on ratings and play stats. For instance, my default
filter in MIP is for songs rated 3 and higher that have not been played
in a month.

With Custom Browse I can do a sort of simulated Multi-Library Based on
a tag in the comments. One example is I have tagged all my husband's
favorite music with a special tag in the comments, and set up a menu in
Custom Browse which only shows those songs. Since our music is all mixed
together this works better than the Multi-library plugin for us. It can
do a lot more, like you can browse by years or decades, or ratings, or
a subset of genres, or never played songs, and so on. It's all very
customizable so you aren't restricted to the menus that SC provides.

Dynamic Playlists and SQL playlists lets you make never-ending
playlists based on stats and tag info. For example, Rock Favorites
pulls a random mix of songs rated 4 or 5 from only my rock genres. 

Dynamic Playlists can also make static playlists play dynamically. So
for example, you could have a static playlist of several hundred
workout songs, but when you queue it up as a dynamic playlist it will
randomize it every time. It also adds a limited number of songs to
start and keeps adding one new song at a time so you don't have to bog
down the server by loading a massive playlist and trying to shuffle

Erland's plugins do have a bit of a learning curve to figure out how
they all work together, but they have enhanced my listening so much!
I'd suggest setting aside a full day to figure them out, if you do try
them though.



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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-11-01 Thread Bert57

Thanks to all.
I see once more how much more is available.  Learning curve is rather
steep for a novice.

I'll be installing Erland's recommended plugins.  They sound great. 
Just have to spend the time getting them installed and set up.

Currently trying to get Lazy search installed and will then start on
Custom Scan and Trackstat Dynamic Playlists and SQL playlists.

I pretty much have to set aside a day or two just to get things
installed.  Another day or two trying to understand the functionality
and setup.  Your description of how they all work together makes me
just want it more.  I just have to take small steps and try to learn as
I go.


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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-11-01 Thread GeeJay

And after all that, you'll end up spending WEEKS updating tags, rating
your music, etc.

A heckuva lot of work...but pretty darn addictive, too!


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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-10-31 Thread ModelCitizen

I'd agree with MusicIP but RandomMix can also help you discover your
music collection and it's a lot less hassle to set up (an awful lot

AlienBBC for listening to the unique BBC Radio offerings (esp. Radio 4
and World Service) is my all time top plugin. It's become a bit
superseded by the simpler iPlayer plugin for me now though.

I'd also find it hard to live without Being in the UK I can't
get Pandora which I believe is sort of similar.

Michael Herger (now Logitec employee) has made some seriously good

MusicInfo: Allows you to configure the info you see on your players
Album Review  Biography: Enables you to see info about the music you
are currently listening to on players/controller/web ui. Does suffer a
bit from inconsistencies due to the AllMusicGuide interface but
generally works quite well.

I also really like the various InfoBrowser adds ons, mostly created by
bpa. For instance the UK TV guides, the BBC News browsers and the Slim
Devices forums reader (created by Triode I think).

I also like Radio Feeds plugin which logically organises Radio Feeds
for me.

And then of course there is ShoutCast Radio, but as with (and
MusicIP I guess) I'm not too sure you can class it as a plugin anymore
as it's become part of the main SC distribution.



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Re: [slim] Favorite Pluggins?

2008-10-31 Thread wowo

I use the following plugins on my Squeezebox Classic 3 + Squeezecenter
webinterface (I really do not known if they all work with the duet):
- *Album review* (Michael Herger): An easy plugin. I check the album
reviews often when I listen to the music. Long reviews you can only
read further on the web interface. “You can have full album reviews to
your currently playing songs right on your web interface or on the
player's display. This includes links to separate track reviews (if
- *Biography* (Michael Herger): The same comment as for Album review
“Ever wanted to have more information about the artist currently
playing on your Squeezebox? Get his biography, pictures, links to
related artists and more on the web interface and right on your
device's display” 
- *MusicInfoSCR* (Michael Herger ): It is “only” a settings plugin.
“This screensaver displays information about the music being played,
your player's state and is freely configurable.”
- *Custom browse* (Erland Isaksson ): A more “difficult” settings
plug-in to make it possible to customize the structure, contents and
sorting of the browse menus on the player and web interface. It is a
necessary for the multi library plug-in.
- *Multi Library* (Erland Isaksson ): Also a more “difficult” settings
plug-in. “This plug-in makes it possible to divide your squeezecenter
library into different sub libraries, requires Custom Browse plugin to
be able to browse the sub libraries.” I use this because I have divided
my music collection in 2 library’s: one “normal” and a separate
Blues-music library.
- *Trackstat *(Erland Isaksson ): “A plug-in to store statistics such
as rating, last played time and play counts in a separate table. You
can set the ratings via the Squeezebox interface or web interface” IMO
an must have plugin. I use this plug-in mostly on the webinterface. It
is on my Nas-server a little bit slow, but you can get almost every
statistic information you need.
- *Last.Fm* (James Craig) LastFm is difficult to explain what it does.
It is a different way to encounter music. I will refer you to the
- *Lyrics Display *(Les Smithson): An must have plugin. “Shows the
lyrics or karaoke of the currently playing song on the Squeezebox
display and webinterface”
- *Lazy Search* (Stuart Hickinbottom): Also a must have. You can search
must faster “Lazy Search Music is a plugin that lets you search for
music without having to multi-tap each letter in the search text you're
after, and displays search results as you type “


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