Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2008-03-04 Thread Raptor

I know this thread is a year old but...I've got just the same
requirement - SB3 connected to the hi-fi in the lounge and want to hear
it in the kitchen/outside for BBQs.

juniper - did you find a satisfactory solution?

I also had a (wild?) thought - I've got Sennheiser RS 140 wireless
headphones, would it be possible to use the transmitter base to connect
to wireless speakers?


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-04 Thread w4rren

This doesn#8217;t really sound like the type of setup you#8217;re
after but#8230; this is how I currently pipe music around the house
(and car):

I already had an mp3 player (Creative Zen) and I convert my .flac to
high-end .mp3 format for use with this. I just move this around the
house with a set of cheap PC speakers (as suggested above). It works
well, and the quality is fine for me as background music. The bonus
with having the mp3 is being able to plug it into my car stereo. The
only downside to this is converting the files, but to be honest
it#8217;s only right-click-and-go in foobar2000.

For serious listening, I have the decent amp / speakers / squeezebox
and .flac files in the lounge. When money permits, I will try to buy up
another Squeezebox, but for now this works for me.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-04 Thread juniper

I have just popped in to check the forum and I just want to say that I
really appreciate the very useful advice that you have all given me. I
will need a little time to digest etc. and when I get anywhere I will
of course report back. In the meantime many thanks one and all.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread Peter
juniper wrote:
 Thanks Aubuti. Sadly extra SBs are out of the current budget. What I
 would really like to understand is how I could technically achieve this
 with wireless speakers. I have read that the Saitek A-250 is a
 reasonable wireless stereo speaker - possibly not at a quality that
 would appeal to Audiophiles but good enough in a busy household during
 the working day.

I'm not an audiophile, but I would be surprised if this was an 
acceptable solution. The sound quality will suffer greatly. I would only 
use wired speakers myself. Please let us know if you're happy with the 
results you achieve. I've already put a separate wireless SB3 in my 
kitchen which works well, but I'm always open to alternatives.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread juniper

These two questions are probably so basic that I apologise. but if you
dont ask you will never know

My 1 x SB3 is currently connected to my old stereo amplifier which
feeds the speakers. Posters here have talked about having multiple SB3s
(lucky them)  - does this mean multiple amplifiers? 

Q1. Must an SB3 be connected to an amplifier or can one connect an SB3
direct to speakers without a separate amplifier. If so disconnecting
the SB3 in Room 2 and taking it to Room 3 and connecting it to the
second set of speakers appears practical. Dragging other equipment
around isn't. 

Q2. Does the wireless bridge function of the SB3 help in any way with
connecting additional speakers  in other rooms?


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread jeffmeh

Yes, you need an amplifier to drive your speakers.  The SB does not have
an amplifier in it.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread Michaelwagner

The SB3 has no amplifier (beyond the headphones amp). However, some
wireless speakers take the headphone jack and use that. So it may be no
amplifier is necessary.

I echo the sentiments about wireless speakers. They're low-fi. If
that's all you want, great. We run them in one installation. But they
hiss and pop and growl as people walk around the room. Luckily, in that
setting, it's background noise to the people listening, not music.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread aubuti

An SB needs to be connected to at least one of (a) an amplifier, (b)
amplified speakers (aka powered or active speakers), or (c) headphones.
Think of the SB like a CD player or tape deck in your stereo setup --
the output needs to be amplified to drive speakers.

So for Q1, the SB can be connected directly to speakers if, and only
if, they are powered/active/amplified speakers. A simple example is the
inexpensive computer speakers that are often connected to desktop
computers. But there are also some very nice ones costing hundreds of

For Q2, the wireless bridge won't help with wireless speakers. It's
used for extending your wireless home network to devices (eg,
computers, game consoles) that support wired, but not wireless,


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread Peter
juniper wrote:
 These two questions are probably so basic that I apologise. but if you
 dont ask you will never know

 My 1 x SB3 is currently connected to my old stereo amplifier which
 feeds the speakers. Posters here have talked about having multiple SB3s
 (lucky them)  - does this mean multiple amplifiers? 

Yes. Most of my SB's use a very cheap but very good little amplifier 
called the T-Amp. It looks as cheap as it is, so I have them hidden away. (available for around $30)

 Q1. Must an SB3 be connected to an amplifier or can one connect an SB3
 direct to speakers without a separate amplifier. If so disconnecting
 the SB3 in Room 2 and taking it to Room 3 and connecting it to the
 second set of speakers appears practical. Dragging other equipment
 around isn't. 

They need amplifiers, but another option is to use active speakers that 
have amplifiers built in. My living room setup uses those. A cheap 
option is to buy so-called multimedia speakers that are meant to be 
connect to PC's. They have amplifiers built in. Check out the Logitech 

 Q2. Does the wireless bridge function of the SB3 help in any way with
 connecting additional speakers  in other rooms?

Nope. Any wireless speakers that use wifi would be as expensive as a new 
SB. BTW, have you considered picking up an older SB model
(SB1/SB2/SliMP3) second hand from Ebay? An SB1 can be picked up for  
$100 AFAIK.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread Rick B .

The SB3 won't communicate with your speakers - it's your amplifier that
does that. If your SB3 is connected to this amplifier then you should
be good to go.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread juniper

I know I will sound v ignorant but how can I enable wireless speakers to
communicate with my 10 year old stereo amplifier - now being fed by the


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread Kyle

Wireless speakers have a transmitter that plugs into your audio-out
connections and sends a signal to the speakers.  I've never heard any
that impressed me.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread cshaida

Well, it depends on what you really want to be able to do.  If you ever
want to be able to play different music simultaneously in different
rooms you need multplie SBs.  Many of us have more than one.  (I've got
4 in different parts of the house connected in various ways--through an
'old stereo', to powered speakers, one connected to a $20 amp which is
connected to speakers).

But if all you really wanted to do was play the same music to speakers
in a different room you could connect an a/b switch from your amp to
the other speakers (wired or wirelessly).  But as the previous poster
says, that doesn't really have anything to do with the SB--that would
all happen between the amp and the speakers.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread cshaida

Well again this is all happening between the amp and speakers rather
than with the SB but you are either buying 'wireless speakers' or I
think there is even a device that can make any speaker 'wireless'
( In either case you would
connect the amp to some sort of transmitter that would transmit to the
speaker.  No idea how well this works practically--ie, whether cordless
phones, wireless networks, cell phones, microwaves interfere with the
'wireless' transmission? 

Again though, none of that would let you play different music in
different rooms.  Your single SB  is still only sending a single music
stream to the amp.

If it helps at all you can get pretty decent quality powered speakers
(speakers that have an amplifier built into them) for around $200/pair.
SO...if you did actually want to be able to play different music
simultaneously in different parts of the house you could accomplish
that for less than $500/room (powered speakers+add'l SB).

Not sure you needed all that info but...


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread juniper

Thanks so far I am mulling over the input to date. I do not want to play
diff music in diff rooms - just want to let the same music to follow me
around in the house without a major upheaval of equipment. I thought a
pair of wireless speakers being easily portable would achieve that.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread cshaida

perhaps you will be the one to pioneer this as a solution(!)  No reason
why what you want to do won't work.  There may be some logistical
issues (I think wireless speakers generally need to be plugged in--but
maybe there are battery powered ones out there) and there are very
likely to be sound quality issues (but maybe that isn't that

You do touch on what has been a widespread interest for a long time
around here which is a SB 'boombox'.  There are a number of threads 
that will get you up to speed on the (as yet unfulfilled) wish...


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread juniper

Thanks Cshaida. I really appreciate the interest and contributions over
the past hour or so. I will look at the other threads and wherever else
is worth looking. I must admit I thought that my need was not unusual,
and was probably quite a key requirement for receiving internet audio
information in a household. The idea of switching the audio feed from
room to room as one moves around sounds quite appealing. The SB3 has
enabled the first key step of enabling one to receive and control
internet sourced audio at a distance from the PC. 

What I think I like is the idea of the wireless router being the prime
transmission coordinator, and the PC being nearly as much a peripheral
as other equpment . I see this is achieved in Squeeze Networks which
can run independent of the PC. Thus I would like the router to transmit
signals to the SB3 and then onward via the amplifier to both local and
wireless speakers.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread CardinalFang

juniper;176986 Wrote: 
 My PC is in Room 1. My new (fantastic) SB3 is in Room 2. It is linked
 to my old stereo amplifier and speakers (also in room 2) and I am happy
 with the sound. I would also like to listen to whatever when I am
 working in the kitchen. How can my SB3 communicate with speakers in the
 Kitchen - room 3 or somewhere else room 4? I do not want to drag the SB3
 + amplifier and speakers around the house every time I want to listen to
 whatever in a different room.

It's a different type of wireless to what you are perhaps thinking, 
the SB uses 802.11g WiFi to communicate with the server, wireless
speaker or headphones use other standards, like Bluetooth.

Why not get yourself a pair of wireless headphones, in fact I believe
LogiTech do some that probably have enough range for you.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread juniper

It is not often that I get to speak with a Cardinal! I have wondered
about wireless headphones only thing is I do not want to isolate myself
from other household sounds like kids arguing - well i do - but i am not
allowed to.


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread aubuti

I thought about getting wireless speakers to transmit music from the
audio system in the living room to the kitchen. But the reviews I read
of various wireless speakers were all pretty negative: interference,
static, difficulties tuning in to the transmitter on the hifi, etc.
That, plus consideration of the hassle of having to go into the living
room to change what was playing made the decision simple: get a
separate SB for the kitchen, along with a pair of inexpensive powered
(active) speakers. 

Tell your kids they did such a great job with this birthday present
that you want an advance on the next one!


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread juniper

Thanks Aubuti. Sadly extra SBs are out of the current budget. What I
would really like to understand is how I could technically achieve this
with wireless speakers. I have read that the Saitek A-250 is a
reasonable wireless stereo speaker - possibly not at a quality that
would appeal to Audiophiles but good enough in a busy household during
the working day.


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