RE: Should @post annotation take 2 parameters?

2010-04-15 Thread Ben Johnson
Hi Conor

I haven't tried this, but a quick look at the code seems to indicate that 
xml|json should work (i.e. use the pipe symbol to separate your media types). 
 The code is in and it looks 
like everything after the colon is ignored, so xml:json will be truncated to 
just xml.

Hope this helps


Re: Equivalent of Restlet for C++

2010-01-19 Thread Ben Johnson
Hi Jerome

Not sure if this is what you're after, but I've tried Simple XML (XML only, not JSON) for an early prototype and 
it seemed to work ok - haven't tried it production though.  From memory you 
need to have a default constructor with no parameters for XML deserialization, 

// Needed for deserialization
protected MyObject() {
// Whatever

I was following a builder pattern so did not intend to make the constructor 
public, it was accessed through a builder class, but the XML deserialization 
didn't work unless I defined the constructor.

Hope this helps

From: Jerome Louvel 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 4:51 PM
Subject: Equivalent of Restlet for C++

Hi all,

For a customer project, we have a need to provide a RESTful HTTP client and was 
wondering if anyone had experience to share and recommendations. 

Especially, are you aware of equivalents to XStream and Jackson to handle 
serialization/deserialization of XML/JSON?

I know about NanoGear, an effort to port Restlet to C++, but it doesn't look 
usable in production at this stage:

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


Re: HTTPS trustAnchors error

2009-01-29 Thread Ben Johnson
Thanks Bruno.  Dan, just in case you end up using the latest development 
version of Restlet (v1.2), note that the classes have been refactored: 
DefaultSslContextFactory has moved to 
org.restlet.engine.util.DefaultSslContextFactory, so the sslContextFactory 
parameter would be set as follows:


Also in v1.2, PkixSslContextFactory has moved from 
com.noelios.restlet.ext.ssl.PkixSslContextFactory to 

You'll get an exception when you start your component if you specify the 
wrong one, for example specifying the v1.1 package when using v1.2 results 

WARNING: Unable to find SslContextFactory class: 

If you're sticking to Restlet 1.1 for now, then use 
com.noelios.restlet.util.DefaultSslContextFactory as Bruno indicated.


From: Bruno Harbulot
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: HTTPS trustAnchors error

 Hi Dan,

 It looks like a bug in the code I wrote... I'm going to look into this.
 Can you try using com.noelios.restlet.util.DefaultSslContextFactory
 instead of com.noelios.restlet.ext.ssl.PkixSslContextFactory meanwhile?

 Best wishes,


 Dan Noble wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am new to Restlets, and I am trying to set up a simple server to accept 
 HTTPS connections.  (I'm using Restlets 1.1.2, Java 1.6 on OSX 10.5 and 
 my classpath has the following jars:

 I have been following:

 To generate the keystore, i used:
 keytool -genkey -v -alias serverX -keypass password -keystore 
 serverX.jks -keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA -keysize 2048 -validity 
 and entered password for the keystore password for testing purposes.

 Here is the code I have so far:

 public static void main(String[] args) {

 try {
 // Create a new Component.
 Component component = new Component();

 // Add a new HTTPS server listening on port 8182.
 Server server = component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS, 

 SeriesParameter parameters = 

 File pwd = new File(.);
 String path = pwd.getCanonicalPath();
 String keystorePath = path + /keystore/serverX.jks;


 parameters.add(keystorePath, keystorePath);
 parameters.add(keystorePassword, password);
 parameters.add(keyPassword, password);
 parameters.add(keystoreType, JKS);

 // Attach the sample application.

 // Start the component.
 } catch (Exception e) {
 // Something is wrong.

 The exact exception is I'm getting is:

 Exception in SSLContextFactory
 at org.restlet.Server.start(
 at org.restlet.Component.startServers(
 at org.restlet.Component.start(
 // --- component.start(); line
 Caused by: the 
 trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

Re: thinking about standard rest service api's

2009-01-15 Thread Ben Johnson
Hi Marc

I'll be interested to read through your wiki. A small comment - you've got a 
typo on 'RestService API Allignment'.  'Allignment' should be 'Alignment'.

Ben Johnson

From: Marc Portier
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:10 PM
Subject: thinking about standard rest service api's

 Hi all,

 We've been doing some framework stuff on top of restlet and named that
 kauri (see

 During that work we're seeing some recurring issues popping up that
 could be reflected in recurring or even standardized URI pattern 

 Guessing we might not be alone in this feeling we're looking for other
 people that are likely to share sentiments, feelings, insights,
 critiques on this.

 Some first thoughts are listed on our wiki at:

 Any feedback here, on our list at is welcomed.




Re: Well HTTPS

2008-12-16 Thread Ben Johnson
Hi Mohamed

Bruno and I wrote up some documentation based on this discussion:

This describes the steps you need to take for a client to communicate with a 
server via HTTPS;  'Step 3' describes two ways of getting a client to trust 
the server's certificate.  Personally, I prefer Bruno's suggestion of using 
the Java VM parameters on your Java client program:\\somedir\\serverX.jks

These arguments tell the Java VM where to find your certificate.

As far as authentication goes, I haven't tried doing that yet, but there is 
documentation for that too here:

Hope this helps.

From: Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Bayoumi
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: Well HTTPS

 Hi Ben,

 Thanks for your extraordinary post you really helped me out understand a 
 about HTTPS ... i just wanted to ask  what shall i do if i want a client
 (on a different machine) to access my restlet HTTPS configured Simple web
 server ?? please i need detailed steps/instructions on how to do it cuz 
 new to this ... shall i send him my .cer file ?? or only the public key ??
 if so how can i retrieve it ? ... also what if want to make basic
 authentication to my resources using an encrypted username and password ?
 ... plz help and thanks in advance :)

 All the best

 Ben Johnson wrote:


 I am new to Restlet and web programming, HTTP and SSL certificates in
 general, but hopefully my recent experiences will help.  I spent the last
 several days trying to find a Restlet example using HTTPS (there isn't
 one), and eventually pieced together the following (using Windows XP SP2
 with Java 6, Eclipse, Restlet 1.1.1):

 1) Create your keys and certificate.  I tried both 'keytool' and IBM's
 KeyMan to do this (KeyMan is easier, but more work to obtain, as you need
 to register, etc...).  Using keytool from a command prompt you need to
 enter two commands - the first one creates the keystore file with the
 keys, the second certifies it (self-certification, ok for testing).  The
 most important thing is that the name of the machine you will be using 
 certificate on matches what you specify (in the example below, my machine
 is called 'serverX'):

 keytool -genkey -dname CN=serverX, OU=IT, O=JPC, C=GB -alias serverX
 -keypass password -keystore serverX.cer -storepass password -keyalg RSA
 -storetype PKCS12 -provider

 keytool -selfcert -alias serverX -keystore serverX.cer -storepass 
 -storetype PKCS12

 The keystore file has now been created and self-certified: in this 
 it is called 'serverX.cer' and was saved in the current directory.  There
 are two passwords: one for the keys and one to access the keystore.  I 
 them both to 'password' for testing.  The name of the keystore file
 ('serverX.cer') is not important, I just used that for consistency.

 2) To prevent warnings in a browser, add the keystore to the 'Trusted 
 Certification Authorities' on your computer.  In Windows XP, I just used
 Internet Options (via IE7 or Control Panel - Internet Options).  On the
 'Content' tab, click 'Certificates', then go to 'Trusted Root
 Certification Authorities' tab, click 'Import...' and follow the steps to
 import your keystore file (in my example, 'serverX.cer').  It will give
 warnings about not being verified, which is ok for testing (but it must 
 properly signed for production).

 3) In order for Java security to recognise the certificate, it needs to 
 added to JRE\lib\security\cacerts, which is the Java certificates file.
 This is important when you use a Restlet client to connect to the server
 via HTTPS (but it did not seem to be needed by my browser - it needed the
 IE options update described in point 2).  On my system, 'cacerts' is
 C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts.  I had some trouble
 adding my 'serverX' certificate to it, but the following keytool commands
 work if you know the password for cacerts ('changeit' is the default I

 keytool -export -alias serverX -file serverX.jks -storetype PKCS12
 -keystore serverX.cer -keypass password
 keytool -import -alias serverX -file serverX.jks -noprompt -trustcacerts
 -keystore C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts

 The first command exports the certificate from PKCS12 format into X.509
 (JKS) format, which is what cacerts needs.  In my case, I had to use
 KeyMan to set the password for the 'cacerts' file (I set it back to the
 default of 'changeit'), so when I ran 'keytool -import ...' I could enter
 the correct password.  There may be a better/easier way to do this.

 4) In your Java

Re: Well HTTPS

2008-12-16 Thread Ben Johnson
Thanks for pointing out the security hole John - I should have clarified 
that I like this approach for a dev/test environment, not a production one.

From: John D. Mitchell
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Well HTTPS

 On Tuesday 2008.12.16, at 01:39 , Ben Johnson wrote:

 Thanks for writing that up!  I'm sure that's going to be quite helpful
 to people.

 Personally, I prefer Bruno's suggestion of using
 the Java VM parameters on your Java client program:\\somedir\\serverX.jks

 Um, er, actually it's generally considered bad security practice to
 put sensitive information (like a password) on the command-line since
 it's relatively easy for other users/programs to see it.

 Happy holidays,



Re: Well HTTPS

2008-11-29 Thread Ben Johnson

Hi Jérôme

Sure, I'll try to put it together next week - I'd like to refine the 
certificate / key store instructions so it's clear what needs to be done on 
a server versus what needs to be done on a client.


From: Jerome Louvel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 2:12 PM
Subject:  RE: Well HTTPS

Hi all,

I think that Ben's step-by-step tutorial (with Bruno's remarks) would be a
great addition to Restlet's User Guide!

There is now a shell page Configuring HTTPS, crying for such content:

Ben, I saw that you already registered an account on the wiki and now you
have edition rights (like all registered users).

Would you be open to contributing the content of your post to this page?

Best regards,
Jérôme Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Ben Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : vendredi 21 novembre 2008 18:51
À :
Objet : Re: Well HTTPS

Thanks for the feedback Bruno; I'm still learning about certificates and
Restlet, and I appreciate your clarifications!

From: Bruno Harbulot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject:   Re: Well HTTPS


Ben Johnson wrote:

 I am new to Restlet and web programming, HTTP and SSL certificates in
general, but hopefully my recent experiences will help.  I spent the 

several days trying to find a Restlet example using HTTPS (there isn't
one), and eventually pieced together the following (using Windows XP SP2
with Java 6, Eclipse, Restlet 1.1.1):
 1) Create your keys and certificate.  I tried both 'keytool' and IBM's
KeyMan to do this (KeyMan is easier, but more work to obtain, as you 

to register, etc...).  Using keytool from a command prompt you need to
enter two commands - the first one creates the keystore file with the
keys, the second certifies it (self-certification, ok for testing).  The
most important thing is that the name of the machine you will be using
the certificate on matches what you specify (in the example below, my
machine is called 'serverX'):
 keytool -genkey -dname CN=serverX, OU=IT, O=JPC, C=GB -alias
serverX -keypass password -keystore serverX.cer -storepass
password -keyalg RSA -storetype PKCS12 -provider
 keytool -selfcert -alias serverX -keystore serverX.cer -storepass
password -storetype PKCS12
 The keystore file has now been created and self-certified: in this
example it is called 'serverX.cer' and was saved in the current
directory.  There are two passwords: one for the keys and one to access
the keystore.  I set them both to 'password' for testing.  The name of
the keystore file ('serverX.cer') is not important, I just used that for

Usually, the extension for JKS keystores is jks and the extension for
PKCS#12 keystores is p12. cer tends to be used for X.509 certificates
in DER format (application/x-x509-ca-cert), which are files containing
just the certificate: this is the format produced by keytool -export.
It looks from the example below that you've used jks for that, whereas
it's not actually a JKS file but a cer file.

2) To prevent warnings in a browser, add the keystore to the 'Trusted
Root Certification Authorities' on your computer.  In Windows XP, I just
used Internet Options (via IE7 or Control Panel - Internet Options).  On
the 'Content' tab, click 'Certificates', then go to 'Trusted Root
Certification Authorities' tab, click 'Import...' and follow the steps 

import your keystore file (in my example, 'serverX.cer').  It will give
warnings about not being verified, which is ok for testing (but it must
be properly signed for production).

Since your .cer is in fact a .p12, this might import the private key as
well (that's what you would do if you wanted to use client-certificate
authentication). In fact, the actual .cer exported by keytool should be
sufficient. Just to clarify the extensions:

keytool -export -alias serverX -file serverX.cer -storetype
PKCS12 -keystore serverX.p12 -keypass password

(Shouldn't this be -storepass rather than -keypass by the way?)

3) In order for Java security to recognise the certificate, it needs to
be added to JRE\lib\security\cacerts, which is the Java certificates
file.  This is important when you use a Restlet client to connect to the
server via HTTPS (but it did not seem to be needed by my browser - it
needed the IE options update described in point 2).  On my system,
'cacerts' is C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts.  I had
some trouble adding my 'serverX' certificate to it, but the following
keytool commands work if you know the password


2008-11-21 Thread Ben Johnson

I am new to Restlet and web programming, HTTP and SSL certificates in general, 
but hopefully my recent experiences will help.  I spent the last several days 
trying to find a Restlet example using HTTPS (there isn't one), and eventually 
pieced together the following (using Windows XP SP2 with Java 6, Eclipse, 
Restlet 1.1.1):

1) Create your keys and certificate.  I tried both 'keytool' and IBM's KeyMan 
to do this (KeyMan is easier, but more work to obtain, as you need to register, 
etc...).  Using keytool from a command prompt you need to enter two commands - 
the first one creates the keystore file with the keys, the second certifies it 
(self-certification, ok for testing).  The most important thing is that the 
name of the machine you will be using the certificate on matches what you 
specify (in the example below, my machine is called 'serverX'):

keytool -genkey -dname CN=serverX, OU=IT, O=JPC, C=GB -alias serverX -keypass 
password -keystore serverX.cer -storepass password -keyalg RSA -storetype 
PKCS12 -provider

keytool -selfcert -alias serverX -keystore serverX.cer -storepass password 
-storetype PKCS12

The keystore file has now been created and self-certified: in this example it 
is called 'serverX.cer' and was saved in the current directory.  There are two 
passwords: one for the keys and one to access the keystore.  I set them both to 
'password' for testing.  The name of the keystore file ('serverX.cer') is not 
important, I just used that for consistency.

2) To prevent warnings in a browser, add the keystore to the 'Trusted Root 
Certification Authorities' on your computer.  In Windows XP, I just used 
Internet Options (via IE7 or Control Panel - Internet Options).  On the 
'Content' tab, click 'Certificates', then go to 'Trusted Root Certification 
Authorities' tab, click 'Import...' and follow the steps to import your 
keystore file (in my example, 'serverX.cer').  It will give warnings about not 
being verified, which is ok for testing (but it must be properly signed for 

3) In order for Java security to recognise the certificate, it needs to be 
added to JRE\lib\security\cacerts, which is the Java certificates file.  This 
is important when you use a Restlet client to connect to the server via HTTPS 
(but it did not seem to be needed by my browser - it needed the IE options 
update described in point 2).  On my system, 'cacerts' is C:\Program 
Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts.  I had some trouble adding my 'serverX' 
certificate to it, but the following keytool commands work if you know the 
password for cacerts ('changeit' is the default I believe):

keytool -export -alias serverX -file serverX.jks -storetype PKCS12 -keystore 
serverX.cer -keypass password
keytool -import -alias serverX -file serverX.jks -noprompt -trustcacerts 
-keystore C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts

The first command exports the certificate from PKCS12 format into X.509 (JKS) 
format, which is what cacerts needs.  In my case, I had to use KeyMan to set 
the password for the 'cacerts' file (I set it back to the default of 
'changeit'), so when I ran 'keytool -import ...' I could enter the correct 
password.  There may be a better/easier way to do this.

4) In your Java Restlet server program, in addition to the standard Restlet jar 
files, you also need jar files for HTTPS.  The only HTTPS connector I could get 
to work correctly was 'Simple', which uses these jar files:


(Grizzly compiled and ran, but gave inconsistent results - appeared to be 
missing requests; Jetty threw an error saying it couldn't register 

5) Your Restlet server code should then look something like this:

package com.jpc.samples;

import org.restlet.Component;
import org.restlet.Server;
import org.restlet.util.Series;

public class SampleServer {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create a new Component.
Component component = new Component();

// Add a new HTTPS server listening on port 8183
Server server = component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS, 8183);

SeriesParameter parameters = server.getContext().getParameters();
parameters.add(keystorePath, pathserverX.cer);
parameters.add(keystorePassword, password);
parameters.add(keyPassword, password);
parameters.add(keystoreType, PKCS12);
// Attach the sample application.
component.getDefaultHost().attach(, new SampleApplication());

// Start the component.

The HTTP examples all show 'component.getContext().getParameters().add(...) but 
this doesn't seem to work 

Re: Well HTTPS

2008-11-21 Thread Ben Johnson
Thanks for the feedback Bruno; I'm still learning about certificates and 
Restlet, and I appreciate your clarifications!

From: Bruno Harbulot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject:   Re: Well HTTPS


Ben Johnson wrote:

 I am new to Restlet and web programming, HTTP and SSL certificates in 
general, but hopefully my recent experiences will help.  I spent the last 
several days trying to find a Restlet example using HTTPS (there isn't 
one), and eventually pieced together the following (using Windows XP SP2 
with Java 6, Eclipse, Restlet 1.1.1):
 1) Create your keys and certificate.  I tried both 'keytool' and IBM's 
KeyMan to do this (KeyMan is easier, but more work to obtain, as you need 
to register, etc...).  Using keytool from a command prompt you need to 
enter two commands - the first one creates the keystore file with the 
keys, the second certifies it (self-certification, ok for testing).  The 
most important thing is that the name of the machine you will be using 
the certificate on matches what you specify (in the example below, my 
machine is called 'serverX'):
 keytool -genkey -dname CN=serverX, OU=IT, O=JPC, C=GB -alias 
serverX -keypass password -keystore serverX.cer -storepass 
password -keyalg RSA -storetype PKCS12 -provider
 keytool -selfcert -alias serverX -keystore serverX.cer -storepass 
password -storetype PKCS12
 The keystore file has now been created and self-certified: in this 
example it is called 'serverX.cer' and was saved in the current 
directory.  There are two passwords: one for the keys and one to access 
the keystore.  I set them both to 'password' for testing.  The name of 
the keystore file ('serverX.cer') is not important, I just used that for 

Usually, the extension for JKS keystores is jks and the extension for 
PKCS#12 keystores is p12. cer tends to be used for X.509 certificates 
in DER format (application/x-x509-ca-cert), which are files containing 
just the certificate: this is the format produced by keytool -export.
It looks from the example below that you've used jks for that, whereas 
it's not actually a JKS file but a cer file.

2) To prevent warnings in a browser, add the keystore to the 'Trusted 
Root Certification Authorities' on your computer.  In Windows XP, I just 
used Internet Options (via IE7 or Control Panel - Internet Options).  On 
the 'Content' tab, click 'Certificates', then go to 'Trusted Root 
Certification Authorities' tab, click 'Import...' and follow the steps to 
import your keystore file (in my example, 'serverX.cer').  It will give 
warnings about not being verified, which is ok for testing (but it must 
be properly signed for production).

Since your .cer is in fact a .p12, this might import the private key as 
well (that's what you would do if you wanted to use client-certificate 
authentication). In fact, the actual .cer exported by keytool should be 
sufficient. Just to clarify the extensions:

keytool -export -alias serverX -file serverX.cer -storetype 
PKCS12 -keystore serverX.p12 -keypass password

(Shouldn't this be -storepass rather than -keypass by the way?)

3) In order for Java security to recognise the certificate, it needs to 
be added to JRE\lib\security\cacerts, which is the Java certificates 
file.  This is important when you use a Restlet client to connect to the 
server via HTTPS (but it did not seem to be needed by my browser - it 
needed the IE options update described in point 2).  On my system, 
'cacerts' is C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts.  I had 
some trouble adding my 'serverX' certificate to it, but the following 
keytool commands work if you know the password for cacerts ('changeit' is 
the default I believe):
 keytool -export -alias serverX -file serverX.jks -storetype 
PKCS12 -keystore serverX.cer -keypass password
keytool -import -alias serverX -file 
serverX.jks -noprompt -trustcacerts -keystore C:\Program 
 The first command exports the certificate from PKCS12 format into X.509 
(JKS) format, which is what cacerts needs.  In my case, I had to use 
KeyMan to set the password for the 'cacerts' file (I set it back to the 
default of 'changeit'), so when I ran 'keytool -import ...' I could enter 
the correct password.  There may be a better/easier way to do this.

If for some reason, you can write to that file (which is likely to be 
shared by all users on that system), you can specify your own truststore 
using as JVM parameters.

If you're requiring client-authentication (in which case it makes sense to 
set up a trust store on the server), you can used the truststorePath, 
truststorePassword and truststoreType parameters of the Restlet Server 
when you're