Re: Re: Can I call my Restlet classes without a Web container?

2007-06-01 Thread Bryan Loofbourrow
 For example:

Thanks, this is just what I was looking for. The sample code is much
appreciated. I'll give it a whirl.

I am certainly in agreement with the wisdom of separating business logic from
the vehicle used to convey it, where feasible. I'm dealing with existing code
here -- but also there are things that are interesting to test other than the
underlying business logic, such as proper handling of the parameters to a
restlet. Unit testing the Restlet itself thing seems like a value, although I
suppose the ideal isolation would consist of unit testing the Restlet, with the
Restlet invoking a mock for the business logic. 

Can I call my Restlet classes without a Web container?

2007-05-30 Thread Bryan Loofbourrow
I'm interested in adding a unit test for certain aspects of the behavior of my
REST service, one that can execute outside the confines of a Web server. It
would be sufficient if there were merely a way for me to call the Restlet
classes directly, then examine the response.

What's not obvious to me is how one would go about this. I'd need to create
Request and Response objects, obviously, but what's the best way to do that, and
what would I need to put in there? Is there a Factory somewhere I should be
using for this? Or is this the wrong approach; is there some other way to
accomplish this (short of decoupling the code underlying the Restlet and testing
that by itself)?


-- Bryan