RE: Restlet + Spring + Hibernte + Oauth : Injected Dao is null

2012-07-26 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Thierry,

I had the same issue, IIRC the problem is that Restlet instantiates a Resource 
per request. If that Resource is not managed by spring,your injected DAO will 
always be null. You need to use org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder in your 
Application like so: (be warned, there's more to this than what I just show 
here, and I'm using the WadlApplication class.In short you will need the full 
Spring initialised Restlet paradigm defined)

bean name=rootResource /

bean id=myApplication class=org.restlet.ext.wadl.WadlApplication
util:property-path path=component.context /
property name=encoderService.enabled value=true/
property name=name value=My Server Component /
property name=description value=My Service component /
property name=owner value=My Company /
property name=author value=Ioannis Mavroukakis /
property name=autoDescribing value=true/
property name=inboundRoot
   bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringRouter
 constructor-arg ref=myApplication /
 property name=attachments
   entry key=/
   bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder
 lookup-method name=create bean=rootResource /


Re: Multiple @Get request on one single Resource using Oauth2

2012-07-24 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
You need to provide a separate resource for your single contact call. 

On 24 Jul 2012, at 13:59, Thierry LAU wrote:

 I changed MyApplication code :
public synchronized Restlet createInboundRoot(){
OAuthParameters p = new OAuthParameters(Client ID, Client Secret, 
 OAUTH_BASE, Scopes.toRoles(ContactsResource.API_URI +   + 
OAuthProxy op = new OAuthProxy(p, getContext().createChildContext());
Router root = new Router(getContext());
root.attach(/contactsCallback, op);
root.attach(/contactCallback, op);
return root;
 This is the resources code :
 public class ContactResource extends ServerResource {
public static final String API_URI =;;
public Representation getContacts(){
OAuthUser u = (OAuthUser) getRequest().getClientInfo().getUser();
String token = u.getAccessToken();
Reference ref = new Reference(API_URI);
ref.addQueryParameter(OAuthServerResource.OAUTH_TOKEN, token);
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource(ref);
return cr.get();
 public class ContactsResource extends ServerResource {
public static final String API_URI =;;
public Representation getContacts(){
OAuthUser u = (OAuthUser) getRequest().getClientInfo().getUser();
String token = u.getAccessToken();
Reference ref = new Reference(API_URI);
 ref.addQueryParameter(OAuthServerResource.OAUTH_TOKEN, token);
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource(ref);
return cr.get();
 When I call /contactsCallback, I'm able to fetch my contact list
 but whe I call /contactCallback to fetch One contact, it's the list of all my 
 contact which are returned (the same as the previous call)
 What am I doing wrong ?


Re: Multiple @Get request on one single Resource using Oauth2

2012-07-24 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Sorry my bad , will teach me for trying to reply on a smartphone..:-) that dual 
approach though doesn't seem very clean..what if you have loads more resources?

On 24 Jul 2012, at 14:15, Thierry LAU wrote:

 Thanks for your reply but this is what I have done. I have one 
 ContactResource to fetch one contact and one ContactsResource to fetch all 
 But I have in the meanwhile found the solution. Here it is :
public synchronized Restlet createInboundRoot(){
ListRole roles = new ArrayListRole();
OAuthParameters p = new 
  TWvcKjJPBxyJc0FeC9hW77mt, OAUTH_BASE, roles);
OAuthProxy op = new OAuthProxy(p, getContext().createChildContext());
OAuthProxy op1 = new OAuthProxy(p, getContext().createChildContext());
Router root = new Router(getContext());
root.attach(/contactCallback, op1);
root.attach(/contactsCallback, op);
return root;
 I have to create One OAuthProxy per resource and attach it to the route with 
 the corresponding url.
 Hope this will help others
 Thierry LAU


Re: Restlet thread pool exhaustion

2012-07-11 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Thierry,

Yes with regards to the jetty extension. I don't use the Restlet client for my 
testing, I use loadUI. 


On 11 Jul 2012, at 08:24, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hello Robert, Ioanis,
 did you try to use the simple or jetty extensions? They provide a HTTP 
 server connector that we consider to be more stable than the internal HTTP 
 connector which is fine for development but not for production systems. We 
 are on the way to provide a good one with the 2.1 release.
 I guess the same question applies for the client application : you can use 
 the net or the httpclient extensions. We consider also that these 
 extensions provide a more stable client connector than the internal one.
 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau
 Yes it was. I let Restlet do all the heavy resource lifting and made sure my 
 domain logic was as clean as possible. I do not recall a single instance 
 where I had to explicitly clean up something belonging to Restlet.
  Hi Robert, neat project you have going on there. I will answer a tiny part
  of your question, I've load tested 2.1-RC5 heavily and after careful 
  I've yet to reach the worker limit scenario you detail here.
  My setup is: 150 maxThreads, 10 minThreads, 145 lowThreads, maxQueued 20
  but ofc YMMV.
  Thanks for the reply Ioannis. So did the careful tweaking you did come down 
  to just those parameters above?


Re: Restlet thread pool exhaustion

2012-07-07 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Yes it was. I let Restlet do all the heavy resource lifting and made sure my 
domain logic was as clean as possible. I do not recall a single instance where 
I had to explicitly clean up something belonging to Restlet. 

On 6 Jul 2012, at 20:20, Robert Brewer wrote:

 On 6 Jul 2012, at 06:06:38, Ioannis Mavroukakis 
 Hi Robert, neat project you have going on there. I will answer a tiny part
 of your question, I've load tested 2.1-RC5 heavily and after careful tweaking
 I've yet to reach the worker limit scenario you detail here.
 My setup is: 150 maxThreads, 10 minThreads, 145 lowThreads, maxQueued 20
 but ofc YMMV.
 Thanks for the reply Ioannis. So did the careful tweaking you did come down 
 to just those parameters above?


Re: Restlet thread pool exhaustion

2012-07-06 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Robert, neat project you have going on there. I will answer a tiny part of 
your question, I've load tested 2.1-RC5 heavily and after careful tweaking I've 
yet to reach the worker limit scenario you detail here. 
My setup is: 150 maxThreads, 10 minThreads, 145 lowThreads, maxQueued 20 but 
ofc YMMV. 

On 6 Jul 2012, at 04:40, Robert Brewer wrote:

 Hello Restlet folks. I'm the lead developer on the WattDepot system,
 which collects and stores energy data, and we use Restlet on both
 server and client sides. We recently switched from Restlet 1.1.8 to
 2.0.11 and now have some pretty severe stability problems.
 Our sensor client spawns multiple threads (one per power meter being
 polled), each of which does PUTs to our server. The problem we have
 run into is that after a period of time (about 2-3 days), the server
 stops accepting connections. The ending log file entries on the server
 look something like this:
 Jul 5, 2012 3:48:33 PM org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1
 WARNING: Unable to run the following server-side task: Read connection
 messages: true
 Jul 5, 2012 3:48:33 PM org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1
 INFO: Worker service state: Full
 Jul 5, 2012 3:48:33 PM org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1
 INFO: Worker service tasks: 0 queued, 10 active, 71196 completed,
 71206 scheduled.
 Jul 5, 2012 3:48:33 PM org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper$1
 INFO: Worker service thread pool: 1 core size, 10 largest size, 10
 maximum size, 10 current size
 Jul 5, 2012 3:48:33 PM org.restlet.engine.http.connector.Controller run
 INFO: Stop accepting new connections and transactions. Consider
 increasing the maximum number of threads.
 At this point, using netstat, I can see many established TCP
 connections to the server, and the server does not respond to further
 connections. Terminating the client causes the TCP connections to go
 away (as one would expect), but the server still does not respond to
 new connections.
 I've created a client that sends bogus data very quickly so that I can
 more easily reproduce the problem (and test fixes). The amount of time
 before the problem occurs seems to vary from as little as 5 minutes,
 to 35 minutes (or more) so the time to failure is not deterministic.
 I've searched this mailing list, and found helpful threads like this
 one that explain how to increase the maximum number of threads for
 HTTP listening:
 However, increasing maxThreads from the default of 10 seems like it
 would just postpone the thread exhaustion, rather than solve the
 underlying problem.
 Another classic cause of thread exhaustion appears to be a failure to
 release ClientResources after use, as discussed in this very helpful
 The SimpleServerPut example code given in that thread produces log
 messages very similar to the ones we see, and when a call to
 clientResource.release() is added to SimpleServerPut the problems go
 away. I've read over our relevant client code, and I think we are
 calling clientResource.release() after each use, but it is possible
 there is some path where it isn't getting called.
 So here are my questions:
 1) What's going on when the server gets wedged? If a client was
 holding open too many connections, I could see how the server would
 stop accepting new ones, but when I stop the client, the server
 remains wedged. Is Restlet leaking threads somehow? It seems like this
 should never happen.
 2) Is there a good way to tell if we are failing to release a
 ClientResource somewhere?
 3) Is it legal to call ClientResource.release() more than once? I
 might try wrapping the client methods in a big try/catch/finally to
 ensure that release() is always being called.
 4) Having to ensure that each ClientResource is explicitly released
 seems like a pain. Is there a way to avoid this?
 This stability problem is preventing us starting a beta test of a
 project that relies on WattDepot, so I'm eager to resolve this
 quickly. I'm open to any suggestions on how to debug, fix, or
 workaround this problem. Would upgrading to Restlet 2.1 help?
 Thank you!
 Robert Brewer


Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

2012-06-23 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Well I'm speculating here as I haven't seen the code, but it *sounds like*
a classic producer/consumer scenario, which might be best served with a
blocking queue. So at one end you'd have your NIO selector or whatever
else feeding the queue, and at the other end, a consumer picking up jobs
via either take() or poll() (which blocks if there's no element to be
taken).The cool thing about this, is that it promotes work stealing, so you
could have multiple queues and consumers, which can steal work from other
queues when idle.
As I forewarned, I haven't delved deep into the code, so I may be talking
out of my ass :)


On 22 June 2012 17:41, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi Ioannis,

 Regarding the GC of iterators, I've fixed the one under our control in RF
 2.1 and 2.2/master branches yesterday. The second one is inside the NIO
 selector code so we can't remove it, which leads to the second solution
 anyway. I've also started to implement the notification/wakeup logic but
 haven't got it done yet.

 This takes us back to you remark. The NIO Selector#select method is here
 to allow a single thread to handle thousands of concurrent connections in a
 scalable manner. You register for IO interest for specific
 channels/connections and wait for it to return and tell you the selected
 one that are ready for processing.

 Could you explain a bit more about a blocking queue could help us solve
 this issue?

 Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Ioannis Mavroukakis []
 Envoyé : vendredi 22 juin 2012 01:17
 À :
 Objet : Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

 Hi Jerome ,

 You're welcome, it's an interesting discussion. Is interrupting the
 cleanest way of doing this ? Wouldn't a blocking queue serve better in the
 context of a producer/consumer scenario?

 On 22 Jun 2012, at 00:31, Jerome Louvel wrote:

  Hi Yan, Ioannis,
  Thanks for pointing your finger on this hot spot! The GC overhead is
  clearly an issue that needs to be fixed and definitely worth a ticket in
  A first and easy solution is to replace those two iterator objects
  with regular loops to prevent unnecessary garbage collection.
  The second and harder solution will require to have the controller
  thread sleep by default (as long as possible to prevent unnecessary
  CPU cycles) and indeed interrupt it when an event occurs:
   1) NIO event detected
   2) Connection event detected (new connection/message/entity chunk to
  See this wiki pages to details on this connector and the pending tasks:
  Best regards,
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Ioannis Mavroukakis [] Envoyé :
  jeudi 21 juin 2012 01:05 À : Objet : Re:
  Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds
  Yes it could but you would you not end up having the overhead of
  context switching from the thrown thread interrupts? On a low resource
  device this can't be the best of situations I imagine.
  On 21 Jun 2012, at 00:16, Yan Zhou wrote:
  Any objections if the following is added as a new issue in the issue
  I am thinking that the selectKeys(sleepTime) call below really should
  able to return immediately (thread interrupted, for example) if there
  has been a connection state change that needs attention. The sleepTime
  will then have little effect on how soon or how often
 controlConnections() is run.
  Yan Zhou
  We are noticing that an idling Restlet server has about 2MB of
  collected in 30 seconds.
  I think I tracked it down to the loop in ConnectionController that
  invokes the method below:
protected void doRun(long sleepTime) throws IOException {
  The sleepTime comes from the controllerSleepTimeMs parameter, which
  is 1
  by default.
  So if the loop generates 60 bytes of garbage (2 iterator objects),
  lead to: 60 x 1000 x 30 = 1,800,000 bytes or 1.8MB every 30 seconds.
  Can I ask if this is a known issue? And if there are workarounds?
  I have already tried tweaking the controllerSleepTimeMs and changing
  to something like 3 (30 seconds). Every connection then takes up
  to 30 seconds to close - probably not acceptable as a solution.
  Additional info: Restlet 2.1 rc4 Android edition.
  Yan Zhou

Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

2012-06-23 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Cool, so in essence you wouldn't need to rely on interrupts to serve an
incoming request, is that correct?

On 23 June 2012 21:41, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi Ioannis,

 ** **

 Actually, we use several queues down the road to process the messages
 (requests and responses), so it already almost works like you expect. See
 diagrams here:

 ** **

 Best regards,



 ** **

 ** **

 ** **

 ** **

 *De :* Ioannis Mavroukakis []
 *Envoyé :* samedi 23 juin 2012 13:11

 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds***

 ** **

 Well I'm speculating here as I haven't seen the code, but it *sounds like*
 a classic producer/consumer scenario, which might be best served with a
 blocking queue. So at one end you'd have your NIO selector or whatever
 else feeding the queue, and at the other end, a consumer picking up jobs
 via either take() or poll() (which blocks if there's no element to be
 taken).The cool thing about this, is that it promotes work stealing, so you
 could have multiple queues and consumers, which can steal work from other
 queues when idle.

 As I forewarned, I haven't delved deep into the code, so I may be talking
 out of my ass :)




 On 22 June 2012 17:41, Jerome Louvel wrote:***

 Hi Ioannis,

 Regarding the GC of iterators, I've fixed the one under our control in RF
 2.1 and 2.2/master branches yesterday. The second one is inside the NIO
 selector code so we can't remove it, which leads to the second solution
 anyway. I've also started to implement the notification/wakeup logic but
 haven't got it done yet.

 This takes us back to you remark. The NIO Selector#select method is here
 to allow a single thread to handle thousands of concurrent connections in a
 scalable manner. You register for IO interest for specific
 channels/connections and wait for it to return and tell you the selected
 one that are ready for processing.

 Could you explain a bit more about a blocking queue could help us solve
 this issue?

 Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Ioannis Mavroukakis []

 Envoyé : vendredi 22 juin 2012 01:17

 À :
 Objet : Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

 Hi Jerome ,

 You're welcome, it's an interesting discussion. Is interrupting the
 cleanest way of doing this ? Wouldn't a blocking queue serve better in the
 context of a producer/consumer scenario?

 On 22 Jun 2012, at 00:31, Jerome Louvel wrote:

  Hi Yan, Ioannis,
  Thanks for pointing your finger on this hot spot! The GC overhead is
  clearly an issue that needs to be fixed and definitely worth a ticket in
  A first and easy solution is to replace those two iterator objects
  with regular loops to prevent unnecessary garbage collection.
  The second and harder solution will require to have the controller
  thread sleep by default (as long as possible to prevent unnecessary
  CPU cycles) and indeed interrupt it when an event occurs:
   1) NIO event detected
   2) Connection event detected (new connection/message/entity chunk to
  See this wiki pages to details on this connector and the pending tasks:
  Best regards,
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Ioannis Mavroukakis [] Envoyé :
  jeudi 21 juin 2012 01:05 À : Objet : Re:
  Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds
  Yes it could but you would you not end up having the overhead of
  context switching from the thrown thread interrupts? On a low resource
  device this can't be the best of situations I imagine.
  On 21 Jun 2012, at 00:16, Yan Zhou wrote:
  Any objections if the following is added as a new issue in the issue
  I am thinking that the selectKeys(sleepTime) call below really should
  able to return immediately (thread interrupted, for example) if there
  has been a connection state change that needs attention. The sleepTime
  will then have little effect on how soon or how often
 controlConnections() is run.
  Yan Zhou
  We are noticing that an idling Restlet server has about 2MB of
  collected in 30 seconds.
  I think I tracked it down to the loop in ConnectionController that
  invokes the method below:
protected void doRun(long sleepTime) throws IOException

Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

2012-06-23 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
I see! So if that's the case, is there a real benefit from IO controller
thread? What would stop you replacing it with some other construct that
feeds into the queues directly?

On 23 June 2012 22:34, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 That’s the way it already works indeed! There is just one IO controller
 thread that communicates with a pool of worker threads via a set of message
 queues, managed at the connector helper level. The wakeup issue here is
 only relevant for the IO controller thread to prevent it from spinning over
 and over.

 ** **

 Best regards,



 ** **

 ** **

 *De :* Ioannis Mavroukakis []
 *Envoyé :* samedi 23 juin 2012 13:47

 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds***

 ** **

 Cool, so in essence you wouldn't need to rely on interrupts to serve an
 incoming request, is that correct?

 On 23 June 2012 21:41, Jerome Louvel wrote:***

 Hi Ioannis,


 Actually, we use several queues down the road to process the messages
 (requests and responses), so it already almost works like you expect. See
 diagrams here:


 Best regards,







 *De :* Ioannis Mavroukakis []
 *Envoyé :* samedi 23 juin 2012 13:11

 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds***


 Well I'm speculating here as I haven't seen the code, but it *sounds like*
 a classic producer/consumer scenario, which might be best served with a
 blocking queue. So at one end you'd have your NIO selector or whatever
 else feeding the queue, and at the other end, a consumer picking up jobs
 via either take() or poll() (which blocks if there's no element to be
 taken).The cool thing about this, is that it promotes work stealing, so you
 could have multiple queues and consumers, which can steal work from other
 queues when idle.

 As I forewarned, I haven't delved deep into the code, so I may be talking
 out of my ass :)




 On 22 June 2012 17:41, Jerome Louvel wrote:***

 Hi Ioannis,

 Regarding the GC of iterators, I've fixed the one under our control in RF
 2.1 and 2.2/master branches yesterday. The second one is inside the NIO
 selector code so we can't remove it, which leads to the second solution
 anyway. I've also started to implement the notification/wakeup logic but
 haven't got it done yet.

 This takes us back to you remark. The NIO Selector#select method is here
 to allow a single thread to handle thousands of concurrent connections in a
 scalable manner. You register for IO interest for specific
 channels/connections and wait for it to return and tell you the selected
 one that are ready for processing.

 Could you explain a bit more about a blocking queue could help us solve
 this issue?

 Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Ioannis Mavroukakis []

 Envoyé : vendredi 22 juin 2012 01:17

 À :
 Objet : Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

 Hi Jerome ,

 You're welcome, it's an interesting discussion. Is interrupting the
 cleanest way of doing this ? Wouldn't a blocking queue serve better in the
 context of a producer/consumer scenario?

 On 22 Jun 2012, at 00:31, Jerome Louvel wrote:

  Hi Yan, Ioannis,
  Thanks for pointing your finger on this hot spot! The GC overhead is
  clearly an issue that needs to be fixed and definitely worth a ticket in
  A first and easy solution is to replace those two iterator objects
  with regular loops to prevent unnecessary garbage collection.
  The second and harder solution will require to have the controller
  thread sleep by default (as long as possible to prevent unnecessary
  CPU cycles) and indeed interrupt it when an event occurs:
   1) NIO event detected
   2) Connection event detected (new connection/message/entity chunk to
  See this wiki pages to details on this connector and the pending tasks:
  Best regards,
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Ioannis Mavroukakis [] Envoyé :
  jeudi 21 juin 2012 01:05 À : Objet : Re:
  Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds
  Yes it could but you would you not end up having

Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

2012-06-22 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Jerome ,

You're welcome, it's an interesting discussion. Is interrupting the cleanest 
way of doing this ? Wouldn't a blocking queue serve better in the context of a 
producer/consumer scenario?

On 22 Jun 2012, at 00:31, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi Yan, Ioannis,
 Thanks for pointing your finger on this hot spot! The GC overhead is clearly
 an issue that needs to be fixed and definitely worth a ticket in GitHub.
 A first and easy solution is to replace those two iterator objects with
 regular loops to prevent unnecessary garbage collection.
 The second and harder solution will require to have the controller thread
 sleep by default (as long as possible to prevent unnecessary CPU cycles) and
 indeed interrupt it when an event occurs: 
  1) NIO event detected
  2) Connection event detected (new connection/message/entity chunk to
 See this wiki pages to details on this connector and the pending tasks:
 Best regards,
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Ioannis Mavroukakis [] 
 Envoyé : jeudi 21 juin 2012 01:05
 À :
 Objet : Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds
 Yes it could but you would you not end up having the overhead of context
 switching from the thrown thread interrupts? On a low resource device this
 can't be the best of situations I imagine. 
 On 21 Jun 2012, at 00:16, Yan Zhou wrote:
 Any objections if the following is added as a new issue in the issue
 I am thinking that the selectKeys(sleepTime) call below really should be
 able to return immediately (thread interrupted, for example) if there has
 been a connection state change that needs attention. The sleepTime will then
 have little effect on how soon or how often controlConnections() is run.
 Yan Zhou
 We are noticing that an idling Restlet server has about 2MB of garbage
 collected in 30 seconds.
 I think I tracked it down to the loop in ConnectionController that
 invokes the method below:
   protected void doRun(long sleepTime) throws IOException {
 The sleepTime comes from the controllerSleepTimeMs parameter, which is 1
 by default.
 So if the loop generates 60 bytes of garbage (2 iterator objects), it'd
 lead to: 60 x 1000 x 30 = 1,800,000 bytes or 1.8MB every 30 seconds.
 Can I ask if this is a known issue? And if there are workarounds?
 I have already tried tweaking the controllerSleepTimeMs and changing it
 to something like 3 (30 seconds). Every connection then takes up to 30
 seconds to close - probably not acceptable as a solution.
 Additional info: Restlet 2.1 rc4 Android edition.
 Yan Zhou


Re: Idling app has ~2MB of garbage collected every 30 seconds

2012-06-21 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Yes it could but you would you not end up having the overhead of context 
switching from the thrown thread interrupts? On a low resource device this 
can't be the best of situations I imagine. 

On 21 Jun 2012, at 00:16, Yan Zhou wrote:

 Any objections if the following is added as a new issue in the issue tracker?
 I am thinking that the selectKeys(sleepTime) call below really should be able 
 to return immediately (thread interrupted, for example) if there has been a 
 connection state change that needs attention. The sleepTime will then have 
 little effect on how soon or how often controlConnections() is run.
 Yan Zhou
 We are noticing that an idling Restlet server has about 2MB of garbage 
 collected in 30 seconds.
 I think I tracked it down to the loop in ConnectionController that invokes 
 the method below:
protected void doRun(long sleepTime) throws IOException {
 The sleepTime comes from the controllerSleepTimeMs parameter, which is 1 by 
 So if the loop generates 60 bytes of garbage (2 iterator objects), it'd lead 
 to: 60 x 1000 x 30 = 1,800,000 bytes or 1.8MB every 30 seconds.
 Can I ask if this is a known issue? And if there are workarounds?
 I have already tried tweaking the controllerSleepTimeMs and changing it to 
 something like 3 (30 seconds). Every connection then takes up to 30 
 seconds to close - probably not acceptable as a solution.
 Additional info: Restlet 2.1 rc4 Android edition.
 Yan Zhou


Re: Restlet Framework 2.1 RC5 and 2.0.14 released

2012-05-24 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Dalia, 
Please do not hijack the release thread. The problem you have with ab has 
nothing to do with Restlet, as I've already explained to you in an earlier 
post. Use an alternative load tool like LoadUI or Apache JMeter

On 23 May 2012, at 23:21, Dalia Sobhy wrote:

 Hiii Jerome, 
 I have a problem with restlet 2.0.12,
 When I type this cmd $ab -n 10 -c 5
 This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 $Revision: 655654 $
 Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
 Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
 Benchmarking localhost (be patient)...apr_poll: The timeout specified has
 expired (70007)
 $ curl http://localhost:8182/test/1235/retrievepatient
 info:address = 
 6 Elfanan Ahmed Osman zizenia; info:bloodGroup = 
 O; info:dateOfBirth = 
 Sat Nov 10 00:00:00 EET 3860; info:fullname = 
 Nadia Badawi; info:gender = 
 male; info:maritalStatus = 
 So any info plzz because this is so critical to me, I want to test the
 performance of my restlet web app...
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: How to measure the performance of an app using Restlet 2.1

2012-05-24 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Yes both run under OSX IIRC. JMeter definitely, LoadUI probably. 

On 23 May 2012, at 23:14, Dalia Sobhy wrote:

 Is there one for mac osx ??
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: Restlet Framework 2.1 RC5 and 2.0.14 released

2012-05-23 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Yey! Well done :)

On 23 May 2012 21:53, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi all,

 ** **

 The core Restlet team is happy to announce two new releases of the

 ** **

 The blog post also covers exciting progress on other fronts:

 **· **next 2.2 version

 **· **book in pre-production

 **· **GitHub migration

 **· **JavaScript editions

 ** **

 Best regards,



 ** **


RE: Header-based routing

2012-05-22 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
A quick and dirty way would be to use the request.clientInfo.
agent property as described in . There might be more elegant 
ways though :)


RE: Re: How to measure the performance of an app using Restlet 2.1

2012-05-22 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Dalia,

I personally use LoadUI, I like the connector oriented GUI and architecture. In 
a pinch you can also use ab -


RE: ClientResource, wrap and other best practices

2012-05-22 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Second part of your question, answered here I believe


RE: Re: How to measure the performance of an app using Restlet 2.1

2012-05-22 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Apache/APR combination issue, see here

Use loadUI or even Apache JMeter.


RE: Is it possible to (easily) have authenticated/non-authenticated versions...

2012-05-16 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Yeah the problem IMHO is that you're returning the guard, and the guard knows 
nothing about your URL scheme if I'm not mistaken. This needs something like

router - guard - resource

instead of

guard - router - resource.

alternatively, there should be an easy way to pattern match a guard to routes.


RE: Turning Nagel

2012-05-16 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Look at the HttpClientHelper's isSocketNoDelay() method 


RE: Is it possible to (easily) have authenticated/non-authenticated versions...

2012-05-15 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
I haven't tested this so please accept my apologies if it doesn't work. You 
could use the following form of attach()

public Route attach(String pathTemplate,
Class? targetClass,
int matchingMode)

and attach your guard with a Template.MODE_STARTS_WITH matchingMode.


RE: Re: Re: Issue with restlet 2.1-RC4 under light load

2012-05-09 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Merci Thierry i'll give it a go under my test machine.

I forgot to mention I'm using Spring to wire Restlet together, could this be 
part of the issue?



RE: Re: Re: Issue with restlet 2.1-RC4 under light load

2012-05-09 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
I've attached my spring config, it would be greatly appreciated if you could 
cast a quick sanity check..maybe something in the Spring coupling is causing me 
all this grief.


-- version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
beans xmlns=;
	xmlns:xsi=; xmlns:context=;
	xmlns:util=; xmlns:p=;

	!-- Autowired=on --
	context:component-scan base-package=com.test.tktserver
		scoped-proxy=interfaces /

	!-- @Cacheable support --
	cache:annotation-driven /

	!-- Runtime properties --
	util:properties id=runtimeProperties /

	bean id=cacheManager class=org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager
		p:cache-manager-ref=ehcache /

	!-- Ehcache library setup --
	bean id=ehcache
		p:config-location=ehcache.xml /

	!-- JSR-303 Validator --
	bean id=validator
		class=org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean /

	bean id=component class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringComponent
		qualifier value=main /
		property name=name value=Server Component /
		property name=description value=Service component /
		property name=owner value=Ioannis Mavroukakis /
		property name=author value=Ioannis Mavroukakis /
		property name=client value=clap /
		property name=server ref=server /
		property name=defaultHost ref=defaultHost /

	bean id=server class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringServer
		constructor-arg value=http /
		constructor-arg value=8111 /
		property name=parameters
prop key=tracing#{runtimeProperties.tracing}/prop
prop key=maxThreads150/prop
prop key=minThreads10/prop
prop key=lowThreads145/prop
prop key=maxQueued80/prop
prop key=maxIoIdleTimeMs12/prop
prop key=directBufferstrue/prop

	bean id=defaultHost class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringHost
		constructor-arg ref=component /
		property name=defaultAttachment ref=ticketServerApplication /

	bean id=staticTradeSchema class=org.restlet.resource.Directory
			util:property-path path=component.context /
			bean id=localClapReference
	bean class=java.lang.Package factory-method=getPackage
		constructor-arg value=com.test.tktserver /

	bean name=rootResource class=com.test.tktserver.resource.RootServerResource /
	bean name=businessCustomersResource
		class=com.test.tktserver.resource.BusinessCustomersResource /
	bean name=businessCurrenciesResource
		class=com.test.tktserver.resource.BusinessCurrenciesResource /
	bean name=businessBrokersResource class=com.test.tktserver.resource.BusinessBrokersResource /
	bean name=tradeResource class=com.test.tktserver.resource.TradeServerResource /
	bean name=tradeEnrichResource
		class=com.test.tktserver.resource.TradeEnrichServerResource /
	bean name=tradeGroupRefApprovalResource
		class=com.test.tktserver.resource.TradeGroupRefApprovalResource /
	bean name=tradeRefApprovalResource
		class=com.test.tktserver.resource.TradeRefApprovalResource /
	bean name=checkoutRefApprovalResource
		class=com.test.tktserver.resource.CheckoutRefApprovalResource /
	bean name=securityResource class=com.test.tktserver.resource.SecurityServerResource /

	bean id=ticketServerApplication class=org.restlet.Application
			util:property-path path=component.context /
		property name=name value=Server Component /
		property name=description value=Service component /
		property name=owner value=Ioannis Mavroukakis /
		property name=author value=Ioannis Mavroukakis /
		property name=inboundRoot
			bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringRouter
constructor-arg ref=ticketServerApplication /
property name=attachments
		entry key=/
			bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder
lookup-method name=create bean=rootResource /
		entry key=/v1/trades
			bean class

RE: Re: Restlet Put Method infinite loop

2012-05-09 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Christie, I've tweaked my project's Spring config to add an https listener 
and it worked fine, but Maven is managing all my dependencies.

2012-05-09 21:00:47,653 9676  INFO  [main] [org.eclipse.jetty.util.log] (main:) 
2012-05-09 21:00:47,847 9870  INFO  [main] [org.eclipse.jetty.util.log] (main:) 
Started SelectChannelConnector@ STARTING
2012-05-09 21:00:48,407 10430 INFO  [main] [org.eclipse.jetty.util.log] (main:) 
2012-05-09 21:00:49,233 11256 INFO  [main] [org.eclipse.jetty.util.log] (main:) 
Started SslSocketConnector@ STARTING

This is what my deps look like (using 2.1-RC4)



RE: Re: Re: Issue with restlet 2.1-RC4 under light load

2012-05-09 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Just a few more stats on this. Executed 3599 requests with loadui, ramping 
progressively up to 20 requests/sec. Out of those 3599 requests 121 came back 
with A response with a 200 (Ok) status should have an entity.


RE: Re: File extensions content negotiation for POST

2012-05-07 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Lee,

I'm a little confused, why do you define multipart as a handled extension in 
the @Post ? AFAIK all you need to do is declare @Post(tsv), and your 
converter should take care of the rest.


RE: mounting resources and final slash

2012-05-07 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hi Danielle,

I suppose you can, by setting the defaultMatchMode property on Router to 
org.restlet.routing.Template#STARTS_WITH. But why would you? If your uri after 
/proxy/ defines different resources, you're much better served by defining 
explicit handlers for each resource. What is your rationale behind your 


RE: Re: Issue with restlet 2.1-RC4 under light load

2012-05-03 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hello Thierry,

I've tried Jetty, I'm still experiencing the issue.



RE: Re: Restlet in Action. Error in the listing 9.10.

2012-05-02 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
The example is all wrong IMHO, it should look something like this

ListNumber emails = (newJacksonRepresentationListNumber(rep, new 

The point here is that the constructor is looking for an object of type T.

public JacksonRepresentation(MediaType mediaType, T object) { ...


RE: Re: Issue with restlet 2.1-RC4 under light load

2012-05-02 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hello Thierry,

I'm using the (default) simple server connector, and the soak testing is done 
via LoadUI, which uses Apache-HttpClient behind the scenes. Would you suggest I 
used the jetty connector instead?


 Hello Ioannis,
 could you tell us what kind of client and server are you using?
 Did you try with the simple or jetty server connector (just complete the
 classpath of your app with the org.restlet.ext.jetty.jar, or
 org.restlet.ext.simple.jar and their dependencies libraries, that is to say
 the jars located under lib/org.eclipse.jetty, or
 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau


Spring-Restlet integration issue

2012-03-31 Thread Ioannis Mavroukakis
Hello there,

I am following the examples of Restlet in Action and I've come against a
block with the spring example. I have very conservatively adjusted it to
suite my own Restlet App (which is running fine in standalone mode without
Spring) but when I introduce Spring in the mix , it's as if my resources
are no longer available to serve URI's.

The spring XML

 bean id=componentChildContext class=org.restlet.Context
lookup-method name=createChildContext bean=component.context /

bean id=defaultHost class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringHost
 constructor-arg ref=component /
property name=serverPort value=8111 /
 property name=defaultAttachment ref=ticketServerApplication /

bean id=component class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringComponent
property name=client value=clap /
 property name=server ref=server /
property name=defaultHost ref=defaultHost /

bean id=component.context
class=org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPathFactoryBean /

bean id=server class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringServer
constructor-arg value=http /
 constructor-arg value=8111 /

bean id=staticTradeSchema class=org.restlet.resource.Directory
constructor-arg ref=componentChildContext /
bean id=localClapReference
 constructor-arg value=/com/example/ticketserver /

bean id=rootResource
 scope=prototype lazy-init=false /
bean id=tradeResource
 scope=prototype lazy-init=false /

bean id=ticketServerApplication class=org.restlet.Application
 constructor-arg ref=componentChildContext /
property name=inboundRoot
 bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringRouter
constructor-arg ref=ticketServerApplication /
 property name=attachments
entry key=/
 bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder
lookup-method name=create bean=rootResource /
entry key=/v1/trades/
 bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder
lookup-method name=create bean=tradeResource /
entry key=/v1/newtrade/
 bean class=org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringFinder
lookup-method name=create bean=tradeResource /
entry key=/v1/static/
 ref bean=staticTradeSchema /

The server  will start up , but all I'm getting are 404's for the resources
defined in the XML..Any suggestions?

