[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP/gnuradio Issues in OS X

2010-08-15 Thread Mark J. Blair
Hi! I'm new to gnuradio, and I just got my USRP several days ago. I'm trying to 
use it with my Mac running Snow Leopard, and I'm having some issues with some 
of the USRP utilities and examples. I've built the gnuradio software from the 
head revision in the git repository, with the pre-requisite libraries supplied 
by MacPorts.

My USRP hardware appears to be working correctly, since I can run many of the 
examples such as usrp_fft.py, usrp_wfm_rcv.py, usrp_nbfm_rcv.py and 
usrp_siggen.py, all with reasonable results. Some of the other examples and 
utilities aren't working for me though. In this message I'll just focus on two 
of them: usrper and usrp_benchmark_usb.py.

I've tried running the test routine (?), and it fails like this:

~% usrper load_standard_bits
Assertion failed: (ctx != NULL), function usrp_find_device, file 
usrp_prims_libusb1.cc, line 184.

I've also tried running the bandwidth benchmark, and it fails like this:

...examples/usrp% ./usrp_benchmark_usb.py 
Testing 2MB/sec... usrp: libusb_control_transfer failed: Unknown error
usrp: failed to get hash
usrp: libusb_control_transfer failed: Unknown error
write_internal_ram failed
usrp: failed to load firmware /usr/local/share/usrp/rev4/std.ihx.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./usrp_benchmark_usb.py, line 106, in module
main ()
  File ./usrp_benchmark_usb.py, line 96, in main
ok = run_test (rate, verbose)
  File ./usrp_benchmark_usb.py, line 67, in run_test
usrp_rx = usrp.source_s (0, rx_decim, 1, 0x32103210, 
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnuradio/usrp/usrp_swig.py, 
line 2067, in source_s
return _usrp_swig.source_s(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: can't open usrp

Some notes on my build environment:

I found that I need to use the native gcc instead of the one provided by 
MacPorts in order for gr-audio-osx to build (it can't find some of the core 
audio headers otherwise), and that I need to pass some flags into configure so 
that the required libraries and headers are found. Also, MacPorts installs 
libtoolize as glibtoolize to avoid a name collision with the native Mac 
libtool program, so I created a symbolic from /usr/local/bin/libtoolize to 
/opt/local/bin/glibtoolize in order to get the bootstrap script to run. I 
configured the gnuradio software this way:

./configure CC=/usr/bin/gcc \
CXX=/usr/bin/g++ \
CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include/qwt 
-I/opt/local/include/qwtplot3d \
LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib -F/opt/local/Library/Frameworks \
--with-fusb-tech=libusb1 \
--enable-gr-qtgui \

The two --enable* flags probably aren't strictly necessary, but they are 
leftover from when I was finding the pre-requisites for those packages by trial 
and error. Everything seems to build OK, and I can use the USRP with some of 
the examples. I tried make check, and it passes a whole bunch of tests and 
then chokes when a test that I haven't identified yet complains about failing 
to connect to a socket. There are other examples which presently don't work for 
me, such as hfx2.py and usrp_am_mw_rcv.py... I'll try debugging those some more 
myself before I ask about them here.

Have any of y'all seen these kinds of failures before?

Thanks in advance for any hints or suggestions.

Mark J. Blair, NF6X n...@nf6x.net
Web page: http://www.nf6x.net/
GnuPG public key available from my web page.

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[Discuss-gnuradio] Installing Simulink_USRP_Blockset

2010-08-15 Thread mehmet kabasakal
Hi everyone,

I have a USRP rev. 4 and i want to install  Simulink_USRP_Blockset on
http://www.cel.kit.edu/english/downloads.php . Is it possible to
install this blockset for rev 4.


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[Discuss-gnuradio] Google Summer of Code: Bridging SciLab with Python (and Gnuradio?)

2010-08-15 Thread Moeller

this could be a good approach for a Gnuradio integration into SciLab:


Simulink import in Xcos
Jerzy Zagorski
Importation of most of the Simulink schemas from Xcos.

Python import
Baozeng Ding
Introduction of a mechanism to load and use Python code (objects in particular) 
from Scilab.

So, Gnuradio blocks could be integrated via Python into a Scilab or 
(Simulink-like with the possibility of Simulink imports).
I'm not sure if this is also possible with streaming data, or just for calling 
single functions.


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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Combining filters

2010-08-15 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Brian Padalino bpadal...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Marcus D. Leech mle...@ripnet.com wrote:
 On 08/14/2010 08:08 PM, Brian Padalino wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Marcus D. Leech mle...@ripnet.com wrote:

 I have an application that's running on some fairly spartan hardware,
 so I'm trying to find ways to make the
  flow-graph more computationally efficient, so that I have more
 headroom for inevitable feature creep.

 Part of my flow-graph has a FIR bandpass filter, which is followed
 immediately by an FFT filter.  The FIR bandpass is simply
  to define my passband of interest (I bring in 1MHz, but only need/want
 700KHz in the middle), and the FFT filter is designed
  to allow me to dynamically notch-out narrowband interferers.   Is
 there an efficient way to combine these two into a single
  filter, that will be more computationally efficient than two filters
 in series?

 You should be able to convolve the time domain taps of both filters to
 achieve the cascaded performance of the two filters in series.

 Oh, I knew somebody would say just convolve 'em, but that yields a
 filter that's
  computationally the some order as the two in series, give or take.  Sigh.

 Glad I could be that somebody.

 I am not sure this would really yield any better computational
 results, but it's the easiest thing that comes to mind.  Switching to
 fixed point for your filtering may be the best bang-for-your-buck as
 long as you don't need a massive amount of dynamic range.

 My impression is that floating-point performance these days, on *86
  is generally better than integer, particular with the SIMD floating-point
  instructions.  The particular platform is Atom based, a D510, which is
  a dual-core CPU running at about 1.7GHz.  The current app is taking up
  about 65% of the combined CPU, and I just want to get a little more

 If you take that approach, you'd get better performance for the longer
 SIMD instructions since you wouldn't be fetching as many instructions
 using the convolved filters, right?  The number of operations ends up
 being the same, but how quickly and how concise you can tell the
 processor to do the operation is what you're fighting now it seems.

 It's a shame it's a D510 and doesn't support DPPS or DPPD dot product
 instruction as described here:


 Either way, you may be able to pack twice as many samples if you use
 16-bit samples instead of 32-bit floats:


 But that ends up as a reduction in dynamic range, which I'm not sure
 you can deal with.

 I'd be interested to hear what solution you come up with.

 Me too :-)

 Actually, something I'd thought of would be to treat the edges as
 multiple contiguous
  notches, and run that in the FFT filter only, and eliminate the FIR
 bandpass filter.  But I'm not sure
  I'll get really good stop-band attenuation that way.

 Not knowing your bandpass FIR filter, but guessing equiripple - you
 could complex mix your center to baseband and do a real low-pass
 filter which should be a lower order than an equivalent bandpass
 equiripple - but I am making a lot of assumptions about your filters,
 your data/dynamic range requirements and all sorts of other crucial

 Marcus Leech
 Principal Investigator
 Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

 In the end, I'm no microarchitecture expert - especially when it comes to x86.

 Good luck.


I've done a fair amount of testing of the FIR vs. FFT filters for
speed comparisons. My main insight here is that you really should be
using an FFT filter for what you're doing. The performance crossover
is around 22 taps for complex filters, and less than 22 taps, the FIR
filter doesn't buy you all that much savings.

If you convolve the taps and get a longer filter, using the FFT filter
won't cost you all that much more in performance. In fact, the
performance is fairly flat between powers of two. By that I mean,
running a 32 - 63 tap filter is _roughly_ the same cost, and a 64 -
127 tap filter is more expensive, but within that range, it is again
_roughly_ the same. At that point, you're doing so much better than
the FIR filter, too.

In summary, make single filter shape by convolving the two filter taps
and then process it with the FFT filter.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Suggested reading order

2010-08-15 Thread Kunal Kandekar

I'll give it a shot. I studied DSP etc. in college, but have worked
mostly in pure software development, so I may be able to guess what
you need to focus on. This may be contentious advice, and I'll defer
to anyone with differing views.

The following may be a good reading order for you:

1. DSP - starting with the basics of signals  systems, sampling etc.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing by Richard Lyons is a really
good reference, but you can try starting off with the free online book
at http://www.dspguide.com/, and see if that is enough for your needs.
It's been a while since I've read through either reference, but I
remember they were both good, although the Lyons book is a classic.

2. Digital Communications: DSP as applied to communications...
modulation, demodulation, coding etc. Personally, I found the MIT
course (Principles of Digital Communications I on OCW) way too
theoretical, so you can skip that. Any of the books may be a really
good reference, but I've only read Proakis. The
http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm website may be useful too.

3.Software Radio in General - once you understand the previous two
sections, you'll see that most signal processing can be implemented as
algorithms on a stream of numbers. The details of Software Radio may
then be intuitive to you as a programmer. So it may be enough to skim
through some of the briefer references in this section, and focus on
the GNU Radio docs / articles.

If you don't need to mess with the FPGA or the hardware, you can
safely skip the Electronics  and Verilog sections. If you don't need
to deal with techniques requiring advanced RF topics or antenna design
(e.g. MIMO etc.), you can safely skip the Radio and RF design section,
although a skim of Wikipedia on the topic can't hurt.

I think http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm may be a decent
starting point for both, DSP basics, and digital communications. I
haven't gone through all the tutorials there yet, but I thought the
Fourier Analysis Made Easy tutorials were easy to read. Keep in
mind, I already had studied DSP previously, so it may not be as easy
for a complete beginner.

Hope this helps.


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Jim sukhoi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Tom:

 Thank you for the suggestion, I'll give it a try.



 Tom Rondeau wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Jim sukhoi...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm a newbie to GNURadio/USRP, I have checked the suggested reading at
 http://gnuradio.org/redmine/wiki/gnuradio/SuggestedReading, but there're
 lot of material there, it would probably take a year to go through all
 sections even if I just read one book from each section. I wonder if
 section is a must read or some can be skipped if I'm not going to modify
 hardware? Also is there an order by which I should go through the
 sections (for example Electronics first, then Radio and RF Design, then
 ...). I have strong background in software development, so
 Programming/C++/Python should be no problem, but I know very little about



 Hi Jim,
 I haven't spent much time thinking about this question before, and I
 suspect from the lack of response to your query, not many others have,
 either. The best I can tell you right now is to take the Wikipedia
 approach. That is, find something to start with and move around when
 you find something interesting or that needs more explanation.
 Probably best to start with reading up on GNU Radio first and see what
 doesn't make sense, then try to fill in those holes first.


 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Suggested reading order

2010-08-15 Thread Jim

Hi, Kunal:

This is great advice, I was tempted to give the MIT course a try, now I 
guess I'll start with complextoreal tutorial, then Lyons and Proakis 
books. Thank you very much!



Kunal Kandekar wrote:


I'll give it a shot. I studied DSP etc. in college, but have worked
mostly in pure software development, so I may be able to guess what
you need to focus on. This may be contentious advice, and I'll defer
to anyone with differing views.

The following may be a good reading order for you:

1. DSP - starting with the basics of signals  systems, sampling etc.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing by Richard Lyons is a really
good reference, but you can try starting off with the free online book
at http://www.dspguide.com/, and see if that is enough for your needs.
It's been a while since I've read through either reference, but I
remember they were both good, although the Lyons book is a classic.

2. Digital Communications: DSP as applied to communications...
modulation, demodulation, coding etc. Personally, I found the MIT
course (Principles of Digital Communications I on OCW) way too
theoretical, so you can skip that. Any of the books may be a really
good reference, but I've only read Proakis. The
http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm website may be useful too.

3.Software Radio in General - once you understand the previous two
sections, you'll see that most signal processing can be implemented as
algorithms on a stream of numbers. The details of Software Radio may
then be intuitive to you as a programmer. So it may be enough to skim
through some of the briefer references in this section, and focus on
the GNU Radio docs / articles.

If you don't need to mess with the FPGA or the hardware, you can
safely skip the Electronics  and Verilog sections. If you don't need
to deal with techniques requiring advanced RF topics or antenna design
(e.g. MIMO etc.), you can safely skip the Radio and RF design section,
although a skim of Wikipedia on the topic can't hurt.

I think http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm may be a decent
starting point for both, DSP basics, and digital communications. I
haven't gone through all the tutorials there yet, but I thought the
Fourier Analysis Made Easy tutorials were easy to read. Keep in
mind, I already had studied DSP previously, so it may not be as easy
for a complete beginner.

Hope this helps.


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Jim sukhoi...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi, Tom:

Thank you for the suggestion, I'll give it a try.



Tom Rondeau wrote:

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Jim sukhoi...@gmail.com wrote:


I'm a newbie to GNURadio/USRP, I have checked the suggested reading at
http://gnuradio.org/redmine/wiki/gnuradio/SuggestedReading, but there're
lot of material there, it would probably take a year to go through all
sections even if I just read one book from each section. I wonder if
section is a must read or some can be skipped if I'm not going to modify
hardware? Also is there an order by which I should go through the
sections (for example Electronics first, then Radio and RF Design, then
...). I have strong background in software development, so
Programming/C++/Python should be no problem, but I know very little about



Hi Jim,
I haven't spent much time thinking about this question before, and I
suspect from the lack of response to your query, not many others have,
either. The best I can tell you right now is to take the Wikipedia
approach. That is, find something to start with and move around when
you find something interesting or that needs more explanation.
Probably best to start with reading up on GNU Radio first and see what
doesn't make sense, then try to fill in those holes first.


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[Discuss-gnuradio] Dynamic range questions

2010-08-15 Thread Marcus D. Leech
I have an application that must operate in the 25MHz to 40MHz region,
with a channel having a nominal bandwidth
  of 50Khz to 700KHz or so. The Rx center frequency may be anywhere in
the 25MHz to 40MHz region.

My question is about dynamic range requirements when operating a
receiver in that neighbourhood of the
  spectrum.  It's not a neighbourhood I've habitually hung out in, so
I don't have any intuitive feel
  for how crowded it is, with emphasis on the Rx being in deep rural
locations.  My suspicion is that
  things like GSM receivers have a much worse time of it, and do OK with
14 bits of A/D.

Is it likely that I'll need to do narrower analog filtering in the RF
front end, to avoid dynamic range issues?  It's more convenient
  if I don't have to do that, but specific Rx locations could have
analog filters installed to more closely match their
  specific Rx frequencies.


Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Suggested reading order

2010-08-15 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Kunal Kandekar kunalkande...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'll give it a shot. I studied DSP etc. in college, but have worked
 mostly in pure software development, so I may be able to guess what
 you need to focus on. This may be contentious advice, and I'll defer
 to anyone with differing views.

 The following may be a good reading order for you:

 1. DSP - starting with the basics of signals  systems, sampling etc.
 Understanding Digital Signal Processing by Richard Lyons is a really
 good reference, but you can try starting off with the free online book
 at http://www.dspguide.com/, and see if that is enough for your needs.
 It's been a while since I've read through either reference, but I
 remember they were both good, although the Lyons book is a classic.

 2. Digital Communications: DSP as applied to communications...
 modulation, demodulation, coding etc. Personally, I found the MIT
 course (Principles of Digital Communications I on OCW) way too
 theoretical, so you can skip that. Any of the books may be a really
 good reference, but I've only read Proakis. The
 http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm website may be useful too.

 3.Software Radio in General - once you understand the previous two
 sections, you'll see that most signal processing can be implemented as
 algorithms on a stream of numbers. The details of Software Radio may
 then be intuitive to you as a programmer. So it may be enough to skim
 through some of the briefer references in this section, and focus on
 the GNU Radio docs / articles.

 If you don't need to mess with the FPGA or the hardware, you can
 safely skip the Electronics  and Verilog sections. If you don't need
 to deal with techniques requiring advanced RF topics or antenna design
 (e.g. MIMO etc.), you can safely skip the Radio and RF design section,
 although a skim of Wikipedia on the topic can't hurt.

 I think http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm may be a decent
 starting point for both, DSP basics, and digital communications. I
 haven't gone through all the tutorials there yet, but I thought the
 Fourier Analysis Made Easy tutorials were easy to read. Keep in
 mind, I already had studied DSP previously, so it may not be as easy
 for a complete beginner.

 Hope this helps.



This is really good. Would you be up for putting this on the Wiki page
for future reference?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Unable to build firmware binary

2010-08-15 Thread Ian Holland

I have recently made some changes to the usrp2 firmware, and tried to build 
according to USRP2 User FAQ.
As far as I could tell from the aforementioned FAQ, this should have resulted 
in a file txrx.bin being created, that I can download to the SD card for the 
However, in the first instance, the build failed due to some unlocated files in 
the linking stage. Hence, I did a fresh make bootstrap/configure/make etc. from 
the top directory, and the make succeeded but I still get no txrx.bin Finally, 
I tried to uninstall old make and clean git as per instructions on gnu radio 
website. Still, I do not get the txrx.bin when I make from gnuradio/usrp2 

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong or how to fix this problem?



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