[Discuss-gnuradio] use of pulseaudio -- some parameters to call?

2010-09-01 Thread Michael Hartje
Opensuse 11.3 uses pulseaudio as a standard audio-io. Gnuradio 3.3.x
offers alsa audiosink and audiosource.

When I put pulse as parameter for the device_name in GRC, with
verbose in the ~/.gnuradio/config.conf I got information about
samplerate and other parameters (see below) -- in my case: the format
S32LE is selected. -- How can I change to use S16LE?

How can I change these audio parameters in GRC? What other parameters
can be changed in ~/.gnuradio/config.conf or by call?
I like to reduce the audio samplerate down to 1000 Hz or up to 192 kHz
-- is there any limit to do this when the hardware supports it?

Are there any changes to do in the pulseaudio default.pa or by pactl /

Where can I find some more infomation on that? -- doxygen does not show
enough information even the audio_alsa_sink.h which is given in the
doxygen object.

Thanks for reading and thinking on answers


By the way -- I made a newer rpm SPEC-file for gnuradio 3.3.0 and
3.3.1-git -- anybody interested obtaining this?

my config.conf is:

default_input_device = pulse
default_output_device = pulse
verbose = true
the verbose output in terminal window of grc is

PCM name: pulse
Access types:
U8   YES
S16_LE   YES
S16_BE   YES
S32_LE   YES
S32_BE   YES
Number of channels
min channels: 1
max channels: 32
1 channelsYES
2 channelsYES
3 channelsYES
4 channelsYES
5 channelsYES
6 channelsYES
7 channelsYES
8 channelsYES
9 channelsYES
10 channelsYES
11 channelsYES
12 channelsYES
13 channelsYES
14 channelsYES
15 channelsYES
16 channelsYES
Sample Rates:
min rate:   1 (dir = 0)
max rate:  192000 (dir = 0)
  8000  YES
 16000  YES
 22050  YES
 32000  YES
 44100  YES
 48000  YES
 96000  YES
192000  YES
audio_alsa_source[pulse]: using S32_LE
audio_alsa_source[pulse]: sample resolution = 32 bits

M. Hartje
Dr.-Ing. Michael Hartje
Labor Hochspannungstechnik / Labor elektrische Messtechnik
Neustadtswall 30;   D-28199 Bremen

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] use of pulseaudio -- some parameters to call?

2010-09-01 Thread Alexandru Csete
Hi Michael,

Unfortunately I do not have any good answers to your questions, but I
have added some comments below that might help.

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Michael Hartje
har...@etech.hs-bremen.de wrote:
 Opensuse 11.3 uses pulseaudio as a standard audio-io. Gnuradio 3.3.x
 offers alsa audiosink and audiosource.

I believe all linux distributions have been using pulseaudio for many
years now, but pulseaudio is built on top of alsa drivers so we have
both systems.

 When I put pulse as parameter for the device_name in GRC, with
 verbose in the ~/.gnuradio/config.conf I got information about
 samplerate and other parameters (see below) -- in my case: the format
 S32LE is selected. -- How can I change to use S16LE?

Can you actually get usable audio in and out when you use pulse for
device? I use Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 and none of my computers are able
to work with that setting. Using the default alsa devices, i.e.
leaving it empty, works quite all right. According to the pulseaudio
docs, alsa applications will automatically be routed through
pulseaudio via the alsa-plugin.

 How can I change these audio parameters in GRC? What other parameters
 can be changed in ~/.gnuradio/config.conf or by call?
 I like to reduce the audio samplerate down to 1000 Hz or up to 192 kHz
 -- is there any limit to do this when the hardware supports it?

The sample rate in GNU Radio is a parameter for the audio source and
sink - I think you can enter any value there.
Are you sure your hardware actually supports all those sample rates? I
suspect the reported sample rates are software rates from the mixer
and not native rates of the hardware. I have hardware that only
supports 44.1 and 48 kHz yet I get the same list as you get.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] No response when using self-compiled FPGA code

2010-09-01 Thread Matthias Schäfer
 Hi List,
I compiled the newest fpga code from the uhd-repository (u2_rev3) with
Xilinx' ISE 12.2. I also used the newest firmware which is available
online (20100901) and also tried some other versions but the USRP2 does
not send a response to arp requests or icmp ping messages. So
uhd_usrp_probe and uhd_find_devices does not work anymore. Is there a
known issue on using self-compiled fpga binaries? Do I need any
arguments to make? I just compiled the code by running make and it
finished successfully and generated the u2_rev3.bin.

Some more informations:
Firmware starts normally and receives ethernet arp packets (debugged via
serial port - eth_pkt_inspector becomes called when the arp package is
The HW seems to be ok because the uhd images from ettus' website work
fine for me.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and external RF tuner

2010-09-01 Thread Luca Pascale
Hi all,

I am working with a usrp2+BasicRx and an external tuner with a 21.4 MHz IF
output and a bandwidth of about 20 MHz.
The same setup but with usrp1 (instead of usrp2) it's working well.

Now I am injecting a tone at 21.45 MHz (-60 dBm) at the input of the BasicRX
and set the usrp2 freq at 21.4MHz (with set_rx_freq() UHD API).
The problem is that:

a) with sample rate  of about 3.125M I have 2 strong spuriouses. The first
in the middle of the FFT (FFTDIM/2) and the second one at about the middle
of the second half of the FFT

b) with a sample rate =3.125 the second spurious disappear but the first at
FFTDIM/2 is still present.

In both case I can also see the tone at 21.45MHz.
To compute the spectrum I use matlab

Am I doing mistakes or someone have the same problem ?
Suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Two different rxpath in one top_block, how to switch between them when the program is running?

2010-09-01 Thread shanki
hi all,
   recently, i want to put two different rxpath in one top_block, and switch 
them when the program is running, but i failed :
class my_top_block(gr.top_block):
   def __init__(self, ..):

   self.txpath = usrp_transmit_path.usrp_transmit_path(.)
   self.rxpath = usrp_receive_path.usrp_receive_path(.)


tb.rxpath = usrp_another_rxpath() # usrp_receive_path() and 
usrp_another_rxpath have completely different blocks connected but the same 
it seems that the rxpath can not be changed when the top_block is running, or 
maybe i did it in a wrong way, could anyone tell me how to do it right?( how 
and when to switch the two rxpath?)
any help will be appreciated!
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2-FLEX2400 Transmit and Receive problems

2010-09-01 Thread Matt Ettus

You are using a very old RFX2400 which is configured with its own 
onboard oscillators instead of using the master oscillator from the 
motherboard.  You can reconfigure it to work with USRP2 by following the 
directions under Synchronizing all daughterboard LOs here:



On 08/31/2010 05:37 PM, Joseph Wamicha wrote:


- I'm now using the uhd firmware and fpga code (txrx_uhd_20100706.bin
and u2_rev3_uhd_20100706.bin images).

- I get some interesting results; when running the examples, it appears
that the daughterboard can not be recognized and is unknown.

- I'm not sure if this in any way will affect the results but due to
firmware/fpga incompatibilities between the host machine code and the
firmware  fpga code (Error: Expected fpga compatibility number 1, but
got 0:), I changed USRP2_FPGA_COMPAT_NUM and USRP2_FW_COMPAT_NUM to 0
and 5 from 1 and 6 in host/lib/usrp/usrp2/fw_common.h.

I was then able to run the host/examples code. The code is straight out
of the repository. Please find the results below:

r...@astrodonius:git-uhd/host/examples# ./benchmark_rx_rate

Creating the usrp device with: ...
Target recv sock buff size: 5000 bytes
Actual recv sock buff size: 131071 bytes

The recv buffer is smaller than the requested size.
The minimum recommended buffer size is 5000 bytes.
See the USRP2 application notes on buffer resizing.

Warning: unknown dboard-id or dboard-id combination: unknown (0x0007)
- defaulting to the unknown board type
Warning: unknown dboard-id or dboard-id combination: unknown (0x000b)
- defaulting to the unknown board type
RX samples per packet: 362
TX samples per packet: 363
Recv pirate num frames: 89
Using Device: Simple USRP:
Device: usrp2 device
Mboard: usrp2 mboard0 - rev 4:0
RX DSP: usrp2 ddc0
RX Dboard: usrp2 dboard (rx unit)
RX Subdev: Unknown - unknown (0x0007)
TX DSP: usrp2 duc0
TX Dboard: usrp2 dboard (tx unit)
TX Subdev: Unknown - unknown (0x000b)

OTesting receive rate 0.50 Msps (10.00 second run)

Received packets: 13813
Received samples: 5000306
Lost samples: 0
Lost packets: 0 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 0.50 Msps

Testing receive rate 1.00 Msps (10.00 second run)

Received packets: 27625
Received samples: 1250
Lost samples: 0
Lost packets: 0 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 1.00 Msps

Testing receive rate 2.00 Msps (10.00 second run)

Received packets: 55249
Received samples: 2138
Lost samples: 0
Lost packets: 0 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 2.00 Msps

Testing receive rate 4.00 Msps (10.00 second run)

Received packets: 110498
Received samples: 4276
Lost samples: 0
Lost packets: 0 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 4.00 Msps

Testing receive rate 8.33 Msps (10.00 second run)

Received packets: 230203
Received samples: 8486
Lost samples: 0
Lost packets: 0 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 8.33 Msps

Testing receive rate 16.67 Msps (10.00 second run)

Received packets: 460190
Received samples: 166588780
Lost samples: 78192
Lost packets: 216 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 16.658847 Msps

Testing receive rate 25.00 Msps (10.00 second run)
Received packets: 683928
Received samples: 247581936
Lost samples: 2418160
Lost packets: 6680 (approximate)
Sustained receive rate: 24.758184 Msps

r...@git-uhd/host/examples# ./rx_timed_samples

Creating the usrp device with: ...
Target recv sock buff size: 5000 bytes
Actual recv sock buff size: 131071 bytes

The recv buffer is smaller than the requested size.
The minimum recommended buffer size is 5000 bytes.
See the USRP2 application notes on buffer resizing.

Warning: unknown dboard-id or dboard-id combination: unknown (0x0007)
- defaulting to the unknown board type
Warning: unknown dboard-id or dboard-id combination: unknown (0x000b)
- defaulting to the unknown board type
RX samples per packet: 362
TX samples per packet: 363
Recv pirate num frames: 89
Using Device: Simple USRP:
Device: usrp2 device
Mboard: usrp2 mboard0 - rev 4:0
RX DSP: usrp2 ddc0
RX Dboard: usrp2 dboard (rx unit)
RX Subdev: Unknown - unknown (0x0007)
TX DSP: usrp2 duc0
TX Dboard: usrp2 dboard (tx unit)
TX Subdev: Unknown - unknown (0x000b)

Setting RX Rate: 6.25 Msps...
Actual RX Rate: 6.25 Msps...
Setting device timestamp to 0...

Begin streaming 1000 samples, 3 seconds in the future...
OGot packet: 362 samples, 3 full secs, 0.00 frac secs
Got packet: 362 samples, 3 full secs, 0.58 frac secs
Got packet: 276 samples, 3 full secs, 0.000116 frac secs


r...@astrodonius:git-uhd/host/examples# ./tx_timed_samples

Creating the usrp device with: ...
Target recv sock buff size: 5000 bytes
Actual recv sock buff size: 131071 bytes

The recv buffer is smaller than the requested size.
The minimum recommended buffer size is 5000 bytes.
See the USRP2 application notes on 

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2-FLEX2400 Transmit and Receive problems

2010-09-01 Thread Jason Abele
 I'll need to do some re-soldering and burn-db-eeprom with USRP1 and hopefully 
 should fix the problem:

Also, since you use UHD, you can change the daughterboard ID of a
daughterboard on a USRP2 from your host PC using:


An example of changing the DBID for a DBSRX is show here:


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2-FLEX2400 Transmit and Receive problems

2010-09-01 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 09/01/2010 12:51 PM, Jason Abele wrote:

I'll need to do some re-soldering and burn-db-eeprom with USRP1 and hopefully 
should fix the problem:

Also, since you use UHD, you can change the daughterboard ID of a
daughterboard on a USRP2 from your host PC using:


An example of changing the DBID for a DBSRX is show here:


So, Jason, is this because the older FLEX-series boards used an on-board 
clock that is
  *different* than the one supplied by the USRP2, and the driver code 
(either Classic or
  UHD) assumes a different clock rate than the one that was previously 
on-board, and thus

  is mis-programming the PLL?

If the two clocks are the same frequency, then I don't understand why 
changing from
  clock supplied on-board to clock supplied by USRP2 would fix 
the problem.

  Inquiring minds want to know...

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2-FLEX2400 Transmit and Receive problems

2010-09-01 Thread Jason Abele
On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 03:08:53PM -0400, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
 On 09/01/2010 12:51 PM, Jason Abele wrote:
 I'll need to do some re-soldering and burn-db-eeprom with USRP1 and 
 hopefully this
 should fix the problem:
 Also, since you use UHD, you can change the daughterboard ID of a
 daughterboard on a USRP2 from your host PC using:
 An example of changing the DBID for a DBSRX is show here:
 So, Jason, is this because the older FLEX-series boards used an
 on-board clock that is
   *different* than the one supplied by the USRP2, and the driver code
 (either Classic or
   UHD) assumes a different clock rate than the one that was
 previously on-board, and thus
   is mis-programming the PLL?
 If the two clocks are the same frequency, then I don't understand why
 changing from
   clock supplied on-board to clock supplied by USRP2 would fix
 the problem.
   Inquiring minds want to know...

There are two problems:

1. When daughterboards were built with onboard oscillators, they were
all 64MHz (presumably to play nicely with the USRP1 64MHz oscillator),
but the USRP2 uses a 100MHz reference.  Thus, when the daughterboard
driver tunes the synthesizer, it is presuming a 100MHz reference on the
USRP2 (actually, the UHD daughterboard drivers ask the motherboard what
clock reference frequencies it can provide, and then chooses the best
option), thus it would misconfigure the RFX synthesizer because it would
not know that the reference frequency was 64MHz.

2. Actually, it never gets to mistuning the synthesizer because we used
the daughterboard id to separate the MIMO B version of the RFX (ie.
uses refclock from USRP motherboard) from the non-MIMO versions (with
oscillator on board).  However, the USRP2 (using either raw ethernet or
UHD drivers) does not implement the daughterboard control for the
non-MIMO versions.  Hence why the burn_db_eeprom command is needed to
change the daughterboard id.

I put an issue in our issue tracker to add a warning to the UHD code and
some notes in the daughterboard documentation to let users know about
converting non-MIMO versions of the RFX to MIMO versions, I expect the
fix will roll into one of the next few releases.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list


2010-09-01 Thread Sam Evans
Hi everybody,

    I would like to ask some questions regarding USRP. I really need some help. 
I got my USRP with a WBX and LP0410. I work on a computer running Windows XP. 
After I read many thing about how to install the GNU Radio in Windows 
environment I could install it using MingW. 

    I used the gnuinstall.py python script like many others but when I tried to 
run my first script in python I got an error message ImportError: No module 
named gnuradio. I don't know what is the problem, the gnuradio is installed, 
latest one GNU Radio 3.3.0.

    Could anybody help me with some ideas, how to make it work, and what I'm 

    The second question would be. I would like to use the GNU Radio for a real 
application. I want to make a .NET application with Delphi Prism and to be able 
to get data from USRP an set data. There are many informations out there to 
emulate python (there are even DLL files) to be able to run python scripts from 
a .NET application. What I want is to exchange data with some devices running 
2 ISM bands (433 and 868). I will make an application with Visual Studio 2010 
and I would like to be abel to read data through python script, interprete data 
and display in the form as some value or a therometer showing the value sent by 
a device. Wireless devices will have ASK, OOK modulation, some simple stuff. 
Anybody have made something like this and could help me to start it, I'll make 
all the work but I need some help from those who already made something like 

    Do you have any other idea how could I implement this, what other solution 
do exists? A alternative would be to use LabView but there are problems, too. 
documentation or some help. It would be very good to have some DLL files that 
would implement functions and interface to the USB data, but even if I was 
searching for a long time, I couldn't find anything.

    I'm opened to any suggestion, because right now I'm stuck, I don't have any 

    Thank you very much for any idea. I wish everybody a nice day.

Best regards,
Sam Evans.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] usrp ets-inband repo

2010-09-01 Thread Eric Schneider
I have forked the Ettus github repo (usrp-fpga-mirror) and added a
branch with my alternate rx-buffer / timestamp fixes.


Use the 'ets-inband' branch, I'm leaving master to follow the Ettus

If anyone uses it, please let me know.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Sam Keene

Sorry if this is a simple question. I'm trying to figure out what 
synchronization is done by the FPGA on the USRP2. Does it perform both 
phase and freq synch? If I want to implement a simple digital modulation 
tx-rx, do I just need to do timing synchronization? Is there a simple 
example of basic digital modulation that is a good reference?



P.S. Sorry if this is a re-post, I can't tell if the other email went thru

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 09/01/2010 06:47 PM, Sam Keene wrote:

 Sorry if this is a simple question. I'm trying to figure out what
 synchronization is done by the FPGA on the USRP2. Does it perform both
 phase and freq synch? If I want to implement a simple digital
 modulation tx-rx, do I just need to do timing synchronization? Is
 there a simple example of basic digital modulation that is a good



 P.S. Sorry if this is a re-post, I can't tell if the other email went thru

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
I'm not sure what you're asking for, but I'll take a stab at guessing :-)

I'll describe what the USRP2 does on the receiver side:

   o  Complex samples the input (which is complex, that is I + Q, 
baseband, typically) at 100Msps

   o  Filters and decimates that complex sample stream down to whatever
sample rate/bandwidth you wish to appear across the
   1GiGe interface (and hence into your Gnu Radio application). 
Your Gnu Radio application then does whatever it does with
   than complex-sampled stream. That stream is a time-series with
fixed and uniform timing, so any discrete-time-series math
   you want to do on that stream will work.

   o Both the sample clock and synthesizer clocks can be synchronized to
an external source, via the 10MHz SMA inputs, or via
  the so-called mimo bus.

   o The FPGA assists in the programming of the various daughter-cards
programmable elements, like the PLL synthesizers and
  variable-gain elements in the gain chain.

The transmit side is the logical reverse, with the D/A sampling at
200Msps, and the FPGA interpolating your application data stream
as appropriate, and presenting it as a complex sampled baseband
stream to the D/A.  From there, it is presented to complex mixers
on the daughtercard to produce the desired final RF signal.

I don't know if this even comes close to answering your question.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?,

2010-09-01 Thread Sam Keene

Thanks for the reply. I guess I am just trying to better understand this 


I understand what the decimating filters are doing, but I'm a little unclear 
about the NCO. Does this component phase and frequency lock for me, or will I 
have to code that myself?



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?,

2010-09-01 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Thanks for the reply. I guess I am just trying to better understand this


 I understand what the decimating filters are doing, but I'm a little
 unclear about the NCO. Does this component phase and frequency lock for me,
 or will I have to code that myself?



No, there is no freq/phase lock in the USRP/USRP2. We have to do this in

You can reference the dbpsk and dqpsk blocks that we have already written or
the newer dbpsk2/dqpsk2 blocks that use newer techniques for the phase,
frequency, and timing locks.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Malihe Ahmadi


I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized 
communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its own 
packetization on information data and we don't like that. therefore we 
are looking into avoid passing our information data to the board through 
Ethernet. We are also fine to make the configuration values for other 
peripherals on the board (such as DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so 
that we still can get away with no Ethernet interface.  so we are 
interested to know if there is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 
pins) that I can use to pass my data serially to the FPGA. That means I 
would like to see if it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in 
FPGA related to handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd 
like to process through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for 
clock and serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of 
Ethernet port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be 
physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a 
digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation for me?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?,

2010-09-01 Thread Sam Keene
Ok, thanks, One more question... So does that mean we control the NCO from the 

I will have a look at those blocks.



--- On Wed, 9/1/10, Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done 
by the FPGA?,
To: Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com
Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 9:03 PM

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com wrote:


Thanks for the reply. I guess I am just trying to better understand this 


I understand what the decimating filters are doing, but I'm a little unclear 
about the NCO. Does this component phase and frequency lock for me, or will I 
have to code that myself?



No, there is no freq/phase lock in the USRP/USRP2. We have to do this in 
You can reference the dbpsk and dqpsk blocks that we have already written or 
the newer dbpsk2/dqpsk2 blocks that use newer techniques for the phase, 
frequency, and timing locks.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?,

2010-09-01 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Ok, thanks, One more question... So does that mean we control the NCO from
 the software?

 I will have a look at those blocks.



No, the NCO is free running. We compensate for it in software.


 --- On *Wed, 9/1/10, Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com* wrote:

 From: Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization
 done by the FPGA?,
 To: Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com
 Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
 Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 9:03 PM

 On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Sam Keene 


 Thanks for the reply. I guess I am just trying to better understand this


 I understand what the decimating filters are doing, but I'm a little
 unclear about the NCO. Does this component phase and frequency lock for me,
 or will I have to code that myself?



 No, there is no freq/phase lock in the USRP/USRP2. We have to do this in

 You can reference the dbpsk and dqpsk blocks that we have already written
 or the newer dbpsk2/dqpsk2 blocks that use newer techniques for the phase,
 frequency, and timing locks.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2, synchronization done by the FPGA?,

2010-09-01 Thread Marcus D. Leech
That's no different than a straight analog receiver though, where LO  
phase is generally not coherent with carrier or modulation phase. So  
you use PLL or similar demodulators to recover carrier phase


Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio
Astronomy Consortium

On Sep 1, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com wrote:

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com wrote:
Ok, thanks, One more question... So does that mean we control the  
NCO from the software?

I will have a look at those blocks.



No, the NCO is free running. We compensate for it in software.


--- On Wed, 9/1/10, Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Tom Rondeau trondeau1...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Newbie question on USRP2,  
synchronization done by the FPGA?,

To: Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com
Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 9:03 PM

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Sam Keene samke...@yahoo.com wrote:

Thanks for the reply. I guess I am just trying to better understand  
this diagram:


I understand what the decimating filters are doing, but I'm a little  
unclear about the NCO. Does this component phase and frequency lock  
for me, or will I have to code that myself?



No, there is no freq/phase lock in the USRP/USRP2. We have to do  
this in software.

You can reference the dbpsk and dqpsk blocks that we have already  
written or the newer dbpsk2/dqpsk2 blocks that use newer techniques  
for the phase, frequency, and timing locks.


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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

RE: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Nick Foster


The USRP2 drivers are designed to abstract the user from the device transport, 
and in normal use you shouldn't have to concern yourself with the transport 
layer at all. You provide a stream of data in gnuradio, and the USRP2 provides 
a stream of data out the device (or vice versa). All the magic that happens 
between should be transparent. To the user, there is no packetization at all on 
transmitted data -- discrete Ethernet data packets are buffered in the USRP2 
and transmitted seamlessly by the device.

If you are seeing gaps in signal when viewed on a scope, you are probably 
experiencing buffer underruns caused by running at a data rate too fast for 
your CPU to handle.

Can you explain the problem you are seeing with your device?


 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 19:07:26 -0600
 From: ahmad...@ualberta.ca
 To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
 Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and 
 pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA? 
 I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized 
 communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its own 
 packetization on information data and we don't like that. therefore we 
 are looking into avoid passing our information data to the board through 
 Ethernet. We are also fine to make the configuration values for other 
 peripherals on the board (such as DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so 
 that we still can get away with no Ethernet interface.  so we are 
 interested to know if there is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 
 pins) that I can use to pass my data serially to the FPGA. That means I 
 would like to see if it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in 
 FPGA related to handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd 
 like to process through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for 
 clock and serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of 
 Ethernet port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be 
 physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a 
 digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation for me?
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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Eric Blossom
On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 07:07:26PM -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
 I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized
 communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its
 own packetization on information data and we don't like that.
 therefore we are looking into avoid passing our information data to
 the board through Ethernet. We are also fine to make the
 configuration values for other peripherals on the board (such as
 DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so that we still can get away
 with no Ethernet interface.  so we are interested to know if there
 is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins) that I can use to
 pass my data serially to the FPGA.

The MICTOR debug connector, J301, has 32 uncommitted pins and 2 clks.
It's currently configured as an output, but you can use it for whatever
you like.  Look in u2_rev3.v and/or u2_core.v.

   output [31:0] debug,
   output [1:0] debug_clk,

 That means I would like to see if
 it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in FPGA related to
 handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd like to process
 through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for clock and
 serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of Ethernet
 port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be
 physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a
 digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation
 for me?



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] GRC's graphical sinks performance issues

2010-09-01 Thread Jack Ott

Hi there,

I'm having trouble getting hardware acceleration to work with grc's
graphical sinks. With the regular sinks the refresh rate is always choppy
and sluggish until it eventually locks up completely. And when I tried the
OpenGL sinks it turned out they're even slower than the regulars, especially
the FFT Sink in which even the buttons can't be pressed with most my
configurations, though I have to mention that with the OpenGL version the
waveform in the middle of the sink's window is drawn fine, it's just that
the buttons are unclickable. That's when I figured it's a graphics issue and
not due to the cpu. All the other graphically intensive programs work fine
on this machine, so I know I got the driver properly configured.

Anyone having the same issues?
Any help is appreciated

P.S. - My configuration: I'm using the latest gnuradio source code along
with a USRP2 and a WBX board, decimation is at 4, the FFT Sink's bin size is
set at 2048 and its sampling rate is at 1,000,000. The computer is a
Thinkpad X61s with a Core2Duo 1.6GHz processor and an Intel GM965 graphics


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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC's graphical sinks performance issues

2010-09-01 Thread Matt Ettus

P.S. - My configuration: I'm using the latest gnuradio source code along
with a USRP2 and a WBX board, decimation is at 4, the FFT Sink's bin size is
set at 2048 and its sampling rate is at 1,000,000. The computer is a
Thinkpad X61s with a Core2Duo 1.6GHz processor and an Intel GM965 graphics

This is where your problem is.  If you are using decimation of 4 then 
you are sending 25 million samples per second to the display.  However, 
you are telling it that its sample rate is 1 Million.  Thus you are 
giving it 25 times as many samples per second as it expects.  Tell it to 
expect 25 MS/s and you won't have any problem.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC's graphical sinks performance issues

2010-09-01 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 09/02/2010 12:52 AM, Matt Ettus wrote:

 This is where your problem is.  If you are using decimation of 4 then
 you are sending 25 million samples per second to the display. 
 However, you are telling it that its sample rate is 1 Million.  Thus
 you are giving it 25 times as many samples per second as it expects. 
 Tell it to expect 25 MS/s and you won't have any problem.


25Msps with a 1.6GHz CPU, with default FFT display update rate?  Aint
gonna happen, in my experience.

Smaller bandwidth, lower FFT update rate (5Hz, instead of the default
which is much higher).

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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