[Discuss-gnuradio] Question about UHD output data type.

2010-10-19 Thread 周亮


I met a strange problem about UHD output data. I write the sampler program 
according to rx_timed_samples.cpp and use int 16 bits as io type as in command:

size_t num_rx_samps = dev-recv(
  buff, sizeof(buff),
  md, uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_INT16,

Then I checked the output data and found that samples seems to be the int 8 bit 
data since the minimum step is 0.0078125, which is equal to 2 power of -7. What 
could be the reason for this?

Thank you for your help!

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] UHD help

2010-10-19 Thread Brett L. Trotter
I have UHD built, burned a UHD firmware to SD, the USRP2 pings,
uhd_find_devices is happy- how do I use usrp2_fft.py for instance with
UHD- or do I need to edit the .py files to change the flowgraph for UHD?

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere already.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Dynamic range of USRP2-XCVR2450

2010-10-19 Thread Jorge Miguel

I am trying to find out the dynamic range of the system USRP2-XCVR2450.

Looking at the schematics it seems there isn't automatic gain control in the
whole RF chain, Isn't it?
Thus the dynamic range of the system would be the ADC dynamic range, which
is 2 volts

Am I right?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD help

2010-10-19 Thread Josh Blum

On 10/19/2010 06:44 AM, Brett L. Trotter wrote:

I have UHD built, burned a UHD firmware to SD, the USRP2 pings,
uhd_find_devices is happy- how do I use usrp2_fft.py for instance with
UHD- or do I need to edit the .py files to change the flowgraph for UHD?

There are grc blocks, drag and drop a UHD USRP source and an FFT plotter 
block. Didnt get around to modifying any examples as of yet.


Sorry if this has been answered somewhere already.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Question about UHD output data type.

2010-10-19 Thread Josh Blum

I met a strange problem about UHD output data. I write the sampler
program according to rx_timed_samples.cpp and use int 16 bits as io
type as in command:

size_t num_rx_samps = dev-recv( buff, sizeof(buff), md,
uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_INT16, uhd::device::RECV_MODE_ONE_PACKET );

Then I checked the output data and found that samples seems to be the
int 8 bit data since the minimum step is 0.0078125, which is equal to
2 power of -7. What could be the reason for this?

The range of an int16 is +/-2^15, the minimum step is 1 because its an 
integer. Did you by any change change the io type to int16, but 
interpret the buffer as a complex float?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Dynamic range of USRP2-XCVR2450

2010-10-19 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 10/19/2010 12:21 PM, Jorge Miguel wrote:
 Hi Marcus!

 How do you get the 85 dB value? Is the Intermodulation distorsion of
 the page 3 ADC datasheet?
In the features list for the LTC2284:

72.4dB SNR, 88dB SFDR

SFDR is spur-free dynamic range.

 I am not an expecienced engineer (I am recent graduated) but I was
 thinking about the maximun and minimum input powers to be linearly
 detected in the USRP receiver.

 I thought the ADC as a good point to start with and then see what is
 going on in the XCVR2450 transceiver

 At the ADC point, it is said that is has 2volts p-p dynamic range.
 This value can give us the maximun power input at the ADC provided the
 input impedance.(Good question. What is the input impedance? I cannot
 see it in the ADC datasheet)


 Is it right? In other post I can read:/ADC's datasheet, we need 2Vp-p
 to fully utilise its dynamic range.  The input impedance of the ADC is
 around 220ohms so this is equal to an input signal level of about
 6dBm.  If you go above this you will get saturation./
 I do the calculations and it doesn't match!!!
The LTC2284 can be configured for either 1VP-P or 2VP-P.  I believe the
USRP2 uses 1VP-P configuration.

Generally, with ADCs, you ascribe roughly 6dB of dynamic range per bit,
this is a 14-bit A/D.

 Before the ADC is the XCVR2450, with all RF components. Each one of
 then has its Noise figure and some of them gain such us the power
 amplifier or the Maxim.

 You said that /The XCVR2450 does have gain control, but it is solely
 under control of  the host software/. Besides the ones I mentioned,
 is there any other place with gain?

The MAX2829 has roughly 93dB of RX gain-control range--that's right on
the data sheet, and is exposed to the API inside Gnu Radio.
  When you create a source, you can specify the gain (actually, you can
change it dynamically as well).

 Is it the correct way of calculating the dynamic range?
 I really need help.


The LTC2284 A/D is a 14-bit A/D.  The maximum input voltage the way it's
configured is 0.707Vrms.  Divide that by the
  2^14, and that's roughly your minimum input voltage.  In general,
though you take a little bit off the top and add a little
  bit onto the bottom of the range.

Google is your friend.  I'd suggest looking up ADC noise floor dynamic
range.  Plenty of articles out there.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Re: UHD:SingleUSRP and buffer allocation, policy

2010-10-19 Thread Andrew Ge


Would you post your flow graph? Also, did you use TUN/TAP?


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 08:37:33PM -0400, Marcus D. Leech wrote:

  I've noticed latency issues with one of the applications I'm working on.
  Latencies of up to tens of seconds
 have been observed, which I tried to combat by specifying
  recv_buff_size in the parameter list.
  Right now, I'm running with 4096 bytes, which at 400Ksps, gives me a

  roughly 1 second latency between
 input and output (where output is both an audio sink, and a couple of
  different file sinks as well as a
 scopesink2, and an FFT sink).  But increasing it beyond 4096 bytes
  causes the latency to go up very
 quickly, and if I drop it to 1024 bytes, I start seeing over-runs.  If
  you do the math, however, 4096 bytes is
 nowhere near 1 second worth of buffer.  One second is 1.6Mbytes
  (400Ksps x 4bytes per sample).

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] noise figure of XCVR2450

2010-10-19 Thread Per Zetterberg
Hi List,

I have previously claimed on this list that I have measured a noise
figure of some 4dB on the XCVR2450. However, I probably made the
following mistake: I used a CW of 2.4GHz as signal. However,there is
spurious at 2.4GHz which I mistook for being my desired signal. The
signal generator and the USRP2 was locked so there was just a single

When I measured today I got a noise figure around 25dB. I wonder if it
can be noise from the transmitter chain which is leaking into the


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP alternatives for CR / DSA application

2010-10-19 Thread Timothy Kain
Hello all,

Currently I am in the opening stages of a senior design project for my EE
degree. My end of the project will be to implement a CR / DSA radio using
the GNU platform but not necessarily using the USRP as the platform of
choice. Looking for alternatives to the USRP, I was wondering if there was
some sort of consolidated list of single board computers / processors known
to be compatible with GNU. If such a list does not exist, any suggestions
would be much appreciated. The only parameters that are necessary to follow
for the design is that the single board computer must have GB 10 Ethernet
and the price is capped to $500.

Thank you well in advance,

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Costas parameter in DPSK2 grc block not in .py?

2010-10-19 Thread Josh Blum

There's an argument to be made for this. It'll go into the thinking
about the refactoring of the code.

blks2impl must be burned

I think the structure in the gr-noaa directory is a good example of how 
to organize a set of related blocks and applications.

There is also the concept of using SWIG's XML output for the GRC
files. I've only played around a bit with them, but it's something to
look into if you haven't already. It looks like it captures _most_ of
the information about the blocks that is exposed in the GRC xml files.
It's fairly expressive output, so we'd have to see if it actually
covers everything necessary for GRC to use with updated parsing.

Have you already looked at, and dismissed, this, Josh?

I have not looked at nor have I dismissed the possibility. There are 
certain visually appealing things you can do like hiding parameters that 
dont matter when another parameter is set, or grouping two similar 
blocks that have different outputs. I believe that there is no general 
abstraction on how to do this and that generated xml files will be 
somewhat lacking. That said, maybe generating the xml files might be 
useful for enough of the blocks that its worth figuring out. Maybe we 
can have a middle ground and find a way to generate the xml and leave a 
place to get extra block specific information into the generator.

Basically, I will take a look at the SWIG XML when I get the chance.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Costas parameter in DPSK2 grc block not in .py?

2010-10-19 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 10/19/2010 05:45 PM, Josh Blum wrote:

 There's an argument to be made for this. It'll go into the thinking
 about the refactoring of the code.

 blks2impl must be burned

 I think the structure in the gr-noaa directory is a good example of
 how to organize a set of related blocks and applications.

 There is also the concept of using SWIG's XML output for the GRC
 files. I've only played around a bit with them, but it's something to
 look into if you haven't already. It looks like it captures _most_ of
 the information about the blocks that is exposed in the GRC xml files.
 It's fairly expressive output, so we'd have to see if it actually
 covers everything necessary for GRC to use with updated parsing.

 Have you already looked at, and dismissed, this, Josh?

 I have not looked at nor have I dismissed the possibility. There are
 certain visually appealing things you can do like hiding parameters
 that dont matter when another parameter is set, or grouping two
 similar blocks that have different outputs. I believe that there is no
 general abstraction on how to do this and that generated xml files
 will be somewhat lacking. That said, maybe generating the xml files
 might be useful for enough of the blocks that its worth figuring out.
 Maybe we can have a middle ground and find a way to generate the xml
 and leave a place to get extra block specific information into the

 Basically, I will take a look at the SWIG XML when I get the chance.


I think having the XML generated automatically (mostly) from the
underlying SWIG/C++ is a very nifty idea.  But I think I agree with Josh
  some of the semantics are going to need to be grafted in
post-facto.  Unless we can come up with some clever way of deriving those
  semantics from the underlying C++ code.

But moving towards a single, de facto location for all of this, and
having the rest be derived by an automated build-time process would be

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] shmat issue

2010-10-19 Thread Philip Balister

I'm seeing this issue on my omap3 install with the dialtone flowgraph:

# python /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/audio/dial_tone.py

gr_vmcircbuf_createfilemapping: createfilemapping is not available 

gr_vmcircbuf_sysv_shm: shmat (3): Invalid argument 

l# python /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/audio/dial_tone.py

In both cases I can hear the dial tone fine. I'm curious why I get the 
shmat error the first time only. It looks like gnuradio falls back to 
another method of creating the shared segment. I'd like to resolve the 
shmat issue though, because I am also trying to run the kalibrate 
program and have the same shmat issue there, but it does not have a fall 
back method.



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 UART use

2010-10-19 Thread bobb

We're exploring the possibility of monitoring the overrun/underrun status via 
the USRP2 UART. 

I'm curious to learn what approaches people have taken to do this (e.g., 
connect the UART to a logic analyzer, use a level shifter - RS232 - host 
serial/USB port, etc.). 

I'd also like to know what other information is available via this port and any 
other information people can share about there experience using the UART port.

I've found some level shifter cables that seem ideal and aren't too expensive 
($30), but I'd like to hear what (if anything) other folks are doing.



P.S. I attempted to send this out several hours ago, but for some reason it 
didn't make it. If the original does resurface, I apologize in advance for the 
duplicate posting.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 UART use

2010-10-19 Thread John Orlando
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 8:14 PM,  b...@sigmatix.com wrote:

 We're exploring the possibility of monitoring the overrun/underrun status via 
 the USRP2 UART.

 I'm curious to learn what approaches people have taken to do this (e.g., 
 connect the UART to a logic analyzer, use a level shifter - RS232 - host 
 serial/USB port, etc.).

 I'd also like to know what other information is available via this port and 
 any other information people can share about there experience using the UART 

 I've found some level shifter cables that seem ideal and aren't too expensive 
 ($30), but I'd like to hear what (if anything) other folks are doing.

We use a UART-to-USB converter board from Sparkfun for accessing the
UART on the USRP2, typically plugged into minicom:


Cheap, simple, and the FTDI Linux drivers work fine at 230.4 Kbps (the
rate of the UART on the USRP2).

We've instrumented the USRP2 firmware at different times with debug
messages to understand what is going on, but that is about it.  It can
be very helpful for the right situation.

John Orlando
CEO/System Architect
Epiq Solutions

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 UART use

2010-10-19 Thread Josh Blum

On 10/19/2010 06:14 PM, b...@sigmatix.com wrote:

We're exploring the possibility of monitoring the overrun/underrun
status via the USRP2 UART.

FYI, the USRP2 under UHD reports underflows as async messages to the 
host that can be accessed through the API. There are no true overflows 
since the implementation drops packets on the ground when the host 
buffers fill. But you can observe packet loss by inspecting the 
timestamps on a packet. This is done in the benchmark rx example 


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] shmat issue

2010-10-19 Thread Eric Blossom
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 08:34:40PM -0400, Philip Balister wrote:
 I'm seeing this issue on my omap3 install with the dialtone flowgraph:
 # python /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/audio/dial_tone.py
 gr_vmcircbuf_createfilemapping: createfilemapping is not available
 gr_vmcircbuf_sysv_shm: shmat (3): Invalid argument
 l# python /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/audio/dial_tone.py

From $ man shmat

  EINVAL Invalid shmid value, unaligned (i.e., not page-aligned and SHM_RND  
was  not  speci-
 fied) or invalid shmaddr value, or can’t attach segment at shmaddr, or 
 specified and shmaddr was NULL.

 In both cases I can hear the dial tone fine. I'm curious why I get
 the shmat error the first time only.

You should see it only once ever, if the program can write to
~/.gnuradio/prefs.  Generally this gets written during make check.

Does make check work?

Why are you running as root?

 It looks like gnuradio falls
 back to another method of creating the shared segment.  

Yes it does.

 I'd like to resolve the shmat issue though,

Set a breakpoint with gdb, or add printfs.

 because I am also trying to run the kalibrate program and have the
 same shmat issue there, but it does not have a fall back method.


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