Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP1 FPGA modification problem.

2011-06-15 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück

Thank you for your attention.

We know that we are working with old versions and this is a problem. We've
had some previous modifications, and it seemed easier to keep working with
them instead of porting everything to the latest firmware/drivers.

Anyway, we will take a closer look into what is happening on the host.


Em 15 de junho de 2011 14:05, Matt Ettus escreveu:


 It is very hard to help you.  You are basically saying we did something
 different and it doesn't work.  You haven't posted code, you're using
 an old version of GNU Radio, and not using the latest drivers (UHD).
 This all makes it hard to help you.

 If the FPGA is asserting have_pkt_rdy, the FX2 is not setting RD and OE,
 and you haven't changed the code running in theFX2, then it is likely
 that your app on the host has died or closed.


 On 06/14/2011 11:52 AM, Tiago Rogério Mück wrote:
  Have anyone taken a look at this ?
  We are still struggling to find a solution to this problem. Any tip
  would help a lot.
  Em 27 de maio de 2011 16:51, Tiago Rogério Mück escreveu:
  We have been working with an (old) USRP1 and doing some
  modifications in the FPGA code. After our modifications (we added an
  extra layer of DDCs to perform channel separation in the FPGA), the
  things didn't work as expected.
  In some Gnuradio applications the USRP stops sending samples after
  some time. For example, runs just fine all the time, but and work for some secs and then the
  USRP stops sending samples.
  I added some pics of our preliminary debugging. In the figures, the
  yellow, blue and red signals refer to the have_pkt_rdy, RD and OE
  signals, respectively. After some time, the Cypress stops setting RD
  and OE signals in response to the assertion of have_pkt_rdy (first
  figure). Latter, the USB FIFO in the FPGA overflows and then
  have_pkt_rdy goes down (figure 2). So it seems the problem is not
  with our modifications in the FPGA code but with something related
  to the Cypress.
  Have someone ever had a similar problem ? Any clue in how to solve
  this would help a lot. We are using Gnuradio 3.2.2.
  The funny thing is that works perfectly (we double
  checked all *.py to make sure our new bitstream is always being
  loadded and our new DDCs are being properly configured).
  Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP1 FPGA modification problem.

2011-06-14 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück

Have anyone taken a look at this ?

We are still struggling to find a solution to this problem. Any tip would
help a lot.


Em 27 de maio de 2011 16:51, Tiago Rogério Mück ti...@lisha.ufsc.brescreveu:


 We have been working with an (old) USRP1 and doing some modifications in
 the FPGA code. After our modifications (we added an extra layer of DDCs to
 perform channel separation in the FPGA), the things didn't work as expected.

 In some Gnuradio applications the USRP stops sending samples after some
 time. For example, runs just fine all the time, but and work for some secs and then the USRP
 stops sending samples.

 I added some pics of our preliminary debugging. In the figures, the yellow,
 blue and red signals refer to the have_pkt_rdy, RD and OE signals,
 respectively. After some time, the Cypress stops setting RD and OE signals
 in response to the assertion of have_pkt_rdy (first figure). Latter, the USB
 FIFO in the FPGA overflows and then have_pkt_rdy goes down (figure 2). So it
 seems the problem is not with our modifications in the FPGA code but with
 something related to the Cypress.

 Have someone ever had a similar problem ? Any clue in how to solve this
 would help a lot. We are using Gnuradio 3.2.2.

 The funny thing is that works perfectly (we double checked all
 *.py to make sure our new bitstream is always being loadded and our new DDCs
 are being properly configured).



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 FPGA now builds on ISE12

2010-06-17 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück

Have you tried the new Xilinx's FIFOs ?

All constraints were met after regenerating the FIFOs using Fifo Generator

I used ise12 branch and compiled the raw ethernet code.

2010/6/1 Matt Ettus

 The USRP2 FPGA image can now be built with ISE 12.x.  ISE 11.x probably
 also works, but since 12 is a free upgrade from 11, I suggest you use 12.
  Everything still works on ISE 10.1.03 as well.

 One additional change is that both the plain (Raw Ethernet) and UDP
 versions (for UHD) are in the same tree now.  Build the plain version with:

make bin

 in the usrp2/top/u2_rev3 directory, and the UDP version can be built with:

make -f Makefile.udp bin

 This experimental branch is called ise12_exp and you can get it from our
 git repository:

 It does not quite meet timing yet, but it is plenty good for experimental
 work.  We will be working on timing closure in the next couple of weeks.
  Any feedback would be much appreciated.

 Huge thanks go to Ian Buckley for his help in this porting effort.


 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and ISE 12

2010-05-20 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Well, it seems the aeMB guys are working on a new version of the the core.
Maybe the new core will perform better.

Em 14 de maio de 2010 18:17, Brian Padalino escreveu:

 2010/5/14 Tiago Rogério Mück
  It seems that everyone is having troubles with ISE 11.x, but has anyone
  tried the new ISE 12 ?
  We have successfully synthesized the USRP2 fpga code with ISE 12.1, but
  got a timing error and the bitstream didn't seem to work: find_usrps
  find anything and the leds didn't flash.
  We are using the latest code from the repositories for both fpga and
  Is there anyone who has tried ISE 12 and want to share the experience ?

 I am not building the USRP2 FPGA, or have experience with ISE 12, but
 the errors you have are all related to BRAM feeding the aeMB CPU -
 more specifically RAM output - Mux - Adder - FF, mostly with 7 to
 10 layers of logic inbetween.

 Good luck debugging that portion of the CPU.  Hopefully you can
 achieve timing closure.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and ISE 12

2010-05-14 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück

It seems that everyone is having troubles with ISE 11.x, but has anyone
tried the new ISE 12 ?

We have successfully synthesized the USRP2 fpga code with ISE 12.1, but we
got a timing error and the bitstream didn't seem to work: find_usrps didn't
find anything and the leds didn't flash.

We are using the latest code from the repositories for both fpga and

Is there anyone who has tried ISE 12 and want to share the experience ?

 Release 12.1 Trace  (lin) 
 Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 /export/Xilinx/12.1/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/trce -intstyle ise -e 10 -s 5 
 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml u2_rev3.twx u2_rev3.ncd -o u2_rev3.twr u2_rev3.pcf 
 Design file:  u2_rev3.ncd 
 Physical constraint file: u2_rev3.pcf 
 Device,package,speed: xc3s2000,fg456,-5 (PRODUCTION 1.39 2010-04-09) 
 Report level: error report, limited to 10 items per endpoint, 3 
endpoints per constraint 
 Environment Variable  Effect  
 NONE  No environment variables were set 

 INFO:Timing:3386 - Intersecting Constraints found and resolved.  For more  
information, see the TSI report.  Please consult the Xilinx Command Line  
Tools User Guide for information on generating a TSI report. 
 INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths  
option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the  
unconstrained paths section(s) of the report. 
 INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on 
a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model.  For the details of this model,  
and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions,  
please see the device datasheet. 
 INFO:Timing:3390 - This architecture does not support a default System Jitter  
value, please add SYSTEM_JITTER constraint to the UCF to modify the Clock  
Uncertainty calculation. 
 INFO:Timing:3389 - This architecture does not support 'Discrete Jitter' and  
'Phase Error' calculations, these terms will be zero in the Clock  
Uncertainty calculation.  Please make appropriate modification to  
SYSTEM_JITTER to account for the unsupported Discrete Jitter and Phase  

 Timing constraint: TS_clk_to_mac = PERIOD TIMEGRP clk_to_mac 8 ns HIGH 50%; 
  6393 paths analyzed, 1272 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints 
  0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component 
switching limit errors) 
  Minimum period is   7.909ns. 


 Timing constraint: TS_clk_fpga_p = PERIOD TIMEGRP clk_fpga_p 10 ns HIGH 50%; 
  6 paths analyzed, 6 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints 
  0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component 
switching limit errors) 
  Minimum period is   5.987ns. 


 Timing constraint: TS_cpld_clk = PERIOD TIMEGRP cpld_clk 40 ns HIGH 50%; 
  519 paths analyzed, 104 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints 
  0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component 
switching limit errors) 
  Minimum period is   7.390ns. 


  8201 paths analyzed, 1191 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints 
  0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component 
switching limit errors) 
  Minimum period is   7.837ns. 


 Timing constraint: TS_ser_rx_clk = PERIOD TIMEGRP ser_rx_clk 10 ns HIGH 50%; 
  44 paths analyzed, 14 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints 
  0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component 
switching limit errors) 
  Minimum period is   6.747ns. 


 Timing constraint: TS_clk_div_to_dsp_clk = MAXDELAY FROM TIMEGRP clk_div TO 
TIMEGRP dcm_out 10 ns; 
  19534 paths analyzed, 7884 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints 
  0 timing 

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP custom registers

2009-09-17 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Good to hear that.

Thank you.

2009/9/16 Eric Blossom
 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 04:40:33PM -0300, Tiago Rogério Mück wrote:

 We are working on a custom FPGA build that is going to need more then
 the 32 registers available for user's builds. I looked at
 fpga_regs_standard.v/fpga_regs_common.v and
 seems that the registers 96-127 are not being used. Is there a problem
 in using these registers ? Or in extending the registers address space
 beyond 127?

 You should be good up to 127.  The host code, the FX2 firmware and the
 FPGA code limit the register number to 7-bits (1 bit is used to code
 for read vs write in the SPI transaction that is used to read or write
 the FPGA registers).


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using the USRP2 external SRAM

2009-06-16 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Thanks for the answer.

I'm going to start working on it soon and then I'll come back here with the
results (or with the problems :)

2009/6/15 Eric Blossom

 On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 04:59:24PM -0300, Tiago Rogério Mück wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm working on some experiments using the USRP2, and the 32 Kb available
  the firmware won't be enough for my experiments. I'll need to modify the
  FPGA code so I can use the 1 MB SRAM for both instructions and data for
  aeMB, but I'm a bit lost on how I can do this modifications.
  I looked the code and came to some conclusions about what needs to be
  1 - Change the memory map
   - Change the RAM space to 0 - 1 MB
   - Update the mapping of the buffer poll and the peripherals
  2 - Change the logic inside the sys_ram block to forward access to
  beyond 32 K to the external SRAM
  3 - Change the ram_loader parameters so it can load the entire firmware.
  Could someone tell me if I'm going to the right direction? I will be very
  grateful for any hint you can give me.

 Yes, this is the right direction.  You'll probably want to include a
 dcache to get any kind of throughput out of it.  There's currently a
 small icache.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Re: Using the USRP2 external SRAM

2009-06-14 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Anyone ?

2009/6/10 Tiago Rogério Mück

 Hi all,

 I'm working on some experiments using the USRP2, and the 32 Kb available
 for the firmware won't be enough for my experiments. I'll need to modify the
 FPGA code so I can use the 1 MB SRAM for both instructions and data for the
 aeMB, but I'm a bit lost on how I can do this modifications.

 I looked the code and came to some conclusions about what needs to be done:

 1 - Change the memory map
  - Change the RAM space to 0 - 1 MB
  - Update the mapping of the buffer poll and the peripherals

 2 - Change the logic inside the sys_ram block to forward access to
 addresses beyond 32 K to the external SRAM

 3 - Change the ram_loader parameters so it can load the entire firmware.

 Could someone tell me if I'm going to the right direction? I will be very
 grateful for any hint you can give me.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 Timer

2009-06-10 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
I'm having some problems using the USRP2 timer. I tested the timer_test.c
and it's not setting a new time to interrupt after the firsts interrupt is
triggered. It doesn't work if the new time is set inside de timer ISR. If I
try to set the new time inside the main function using something like this:

  while (1){
  int t = timer_regs-time;
  timer_regs-time = t + DELTA_T;
  flag = 1;
And adding flag = 0 in the end of timer_handler.

It works, but I don't think this is the right way of using the timer.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Using the USRP2 external SRAM

2009-06-10 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Hi all,

I'm working on some experiments using the USRP2, and the 32 Kb available for
the firmware won't be enough for my experiments. I'll need to modify the
FPGA code so I can use the 1 MB SRAM for both instructions and data for the
aeMB, but I'm a bit lost on how I can do this modifications.

I looked the code and came to some conclusions about what needs to be done:

1 - Change the memory map
 - Change the RAM space to 0 - 1 MB
 - Update the mapping of the buffer poll and the peripherals

2 - Change the logic inside the sys_ram block to forward access to addresses
beyond 32 K to the external SRAM

3 - Change the ram_loader parameters so it can load the entire firmware.

Could someone tell me if I'm going to the right direction? I will be very
grateful for any hint you can give me.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Missing files in USRP2 ISE project

2009-05-13 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
I tried the makefile in u2_rev3 but got some erros:

 Creating project: build/u2_rev3.ise
ERROR:HierarchicalDesignC:40 - Failed to close Project repository.
   data may not have been properly written to the Project file.
ERROR:HierarchicalDesignC:40 - Failed to close Project repository.
   data may not have been properly written to the Project file.
 Setting: Project[family] = Spartan3
ERROR:TclTasksC - ERROR:TclTasksC:project_041: Internal error. Error getting
   SynthesisOnly default view.
 Setting: Project[device] = xc3s2000
 Setting: Project[package] = fg456
 Setting: Project[speed] = -5
 Setting: Project[top_level_module_type] = HDL
 Setting: Project[synthesis_tool] = XST (VHDL/Verilog)
 Setting: Project[simulator] = ISE Simulator (VHDL/Verilog)
ERROR:TclTasksC:project_095 - project set : Unknown property simulator.
Type [project properties] for more information.

while executing
project set $key $opt
invoked from within
if ![string compare $process Project] {
project set $key $opt
} else {
project set $key $opt -process $process
invoked from within
if $state {
set key $opt
set state 0
} else {
puts  Setting: $process\[$key\] = $opt
if ![string compare $process Project] {
(procedure set_props line 7)
invoked from within
set_props Project $env(PROJECT_PROPERTIES)
invoked from within
if [file isfile $env(PROJ_FILE)] {
puts  Opening project: $env(PROJ_FILE)
project open $env(PROJ_FILE)
} else {
puts  Creating project: $...
(file ../tcl/ise_helper.tcl line 43)
make: *** [proj] Error 1

I've found some info about this erros on , but I wasn't able to make
it work. So I tried the hard way. I created a project and  manualy
configured it acording to the makefile.

There was also another error in the implementation step when I tried to
build the code:

ERROR:NgdBuild:789 -
   /export/tiago/TCC/implementacao/usrp2/fpga/top/u2_rev3/u2_rev3.ucf Line
   326: 'CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE' is an invalid constraint name.

Commenting that constraint solves the problem and the project builds fine. I
uploaded the bitstream to the usrp2 and it seems to be OK.

Are these the errors related to the bugs in ISE 9.1 that you talked about?
Is there some consequence in removing the 'CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE'

Anyway, I'll try to get a more recent version of ISE.


2009/5/8 Matt Ettus

 Tiago Rogério Mück wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to open the ISE project in gnuradio/usrp2/fpga/top/u2_fpga and
 it seems some files are missing.

 Don't use u2_fpga.  Use u2_rev3, which will compile fine.

 I'm using ISE 9.1i and it first converts the project to version 9.1 and
 then I got the annexed error.

 I believe ISE 9.1 has some bugs which affect our design.  You'll want to
 upgrade to 10.1.03.  I haven't tried the new 11.1 yet.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Missing files in USRP2 ISE project

2009-05-08 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Yeah, I know, and I also looked for the files in gnuradio/usrp2/ and found
some of them (strobe_gen.v and extram_interface.v) in another places. But
u2_basic.v and fifo_...v seems to be realy missing. I couldn't find them
anywhere on the trunk (rev 10991).


2009/5/8 Brian Padalino

 2009/5/8 Tiago Rogério Mück
  Hi all,
  I'm trying to open the ISE project in gnuradio/usrp2/fpga/top/u2_fpga and
  seems some files are missing.
  I'm using ISE 9.1i and it first converts the project to version 9.1 and
  I got the annexed error.

 It's just a relative addressing versus absolute addressing problem
 with the files.

 It should be fixed, but it isn't a deal breaker.  Those files exist,
 just not in the place where the Xilinx tool is looking for them.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Using two flow graphs in the same application

2009-04-28 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
I've wrote an application that have two flow graphs as follows: usrp2_source
- fir - file_sink. The only difference between the two are the usrp2
frequency and decimation rate.

As you can see in the annexed code, I start the first flow graph, five
seconds latter it stops and the second one starts. The problem is I'm not
able to set the new frequency on the  second  flow graph. set_center_freq
method returns None.

I tried to use the same usrp2_source for the two graphs, but the problem

Can somebody give me a hint on how make this work?

I'm using USRP2 with RFX2400 db and gnuradio rev 10780

#!/usr/bin/env python

from gnuradio import gr, gru, blks2
from gnuradio import usrp2
from gnuradio import eng_notation
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
import as _threading

from optparse import OptionParser
import os, struct, sys, time, math, random, threading

def get_fir_filter():

taps = [0.50, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0645]

return gr.fir_filter_ccf(1, taps)

class USRP2source:
__instance = None
def __init__(self, interface, mac_addr):
if USRP2source.__instance:
raise USRP2source.__instance
USRP2source.__instance = self

self.shared_usrp2_source32fc = usrp2.source_32fc(interface, mac_addr) 

def get_usrp2_sorce32fc(interface, mac_addr):
instance = USRP2source(interface, mac_addr)
except USRP2source, e:
instance = e
return instance.shared_usrp2_source32fc

class test1(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self):
#self.u = get_usrp2_sorce32fc(eth0, )
self.u = usrp2.source_32fc(eth0, ) 
self.fir = get_fir_filter()
self.sink = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, test1.dat)

tr = self.u.set_center_freq(2.462e9)
if tr == None:
   sys.stderr.write('Failed to set center frequency\n')
   raise SystemExit, 1


self.connect(self.u, self.fir, self.sink)

class test2(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self):
#self.u = get_usrp2_sorce32fc(eth0, )
self.u = usrp2.source_32fc(eth0, )
self.fir = get_fir_filter()
self.sink = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, test2.dat)

tr = self.u.set_center_freq(2.412e9)
if tr == None:
   sys.stderr.write('Failed to set center frequency\n')
   raise SystemExit, 1


self.connect(self.u, self.fir, self.sink)

def main ():
print Running test 1
t1 = test1()

print Stopping test1

print Running test2
t2 = test2()

print Stopping test2


if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] [Douglas Geiger BBN 802.11b] Porting code on USRP2 problems

2009-04-17 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
That's good news.

The code I sent seemed to be working but i realy didn't tested it. We have
only one USRP2 here and we were trying to receive pkts using a 802.11b PCI
card (Realtek RTL8180L chipset), but without success (some problems with the
card configuration).

2009/4/17 Valerio, Danilo

 Hi Colby!

 We have also tried without success.
 We have used the TX path from Tiago and a modified version of the RX path
 (firmware and FPGA at their latest update).
 I also felt confident that the the TX path works, and consequently that the
 RX path had some problem.

 So we have tried to transmit with the USRP2 and receive with a real
 IEEE802.11 chipset (Ralink chipset RT2500).
 This chipset has no firmware and we modified the linux driver so as to:
 - avoid mac CRC (Everything received on the MAC layer is passed to the
 higher layers);
 - set fixed modulation schemes (i.e. DBPSK 1Mbps);
 - set PLCP long preamble.
 - set complete monitor/passive mode.

 The chipset detects some transmitted frames. This could be an indication
 that the PLCP preamble/header is correct (?).
 However the PLCP payload is just rubbish.
 We have also tried to submit stupid payloads (like ) and I have the
 impression that what we receive is just random. :-(

 If we obtain some successful result in the next few days, I'll let you

 Best Regards,

 On Friday 17 April 2009 09:17:38 Colby Boyer wrote:
  Hi All,
  I've been trying to run some hardware tests between two USRP2s, but I
  had no success in receiving packets. I am using the modified TX from
  I feel sorta confident that the TX code works, because when I run the, I see a wave form being transmitted over the channel.
  Has anyone have any success on receiving packets between two USRP2s? When
  RX/TX there is a usrp2::ctor reset db failed error. Could this cause
  problems for the RX/TX? I am using the firmware that was shipped with the
  Colby Boyer
  On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Ben Yahmed wrote:
   Hi all,
   Since I have tested the tx code (, I wanted to
   the inorder to capture the packets sent but I
   this error:
   # ./ Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 179, in module
   main ()
   File ./, line 174, in main
   app = app_flow_graph()
   File ./, line 159, in __init__
   self.u = usrp_rx(0, options.decim, options.rx_subdev_spec,
   options.width_16, options.verbose, options.gain, options.freq)
   File ./, line 97, in __init__
   self.u.set_decim(decim_rate=(decim * 1.5))
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/, line
   in set_decim
   return _usrp2.usrp2_source_32fc_sptr_set_decim(self, *args, **kwargs)
   TypeError: usrp2_source_32fc_sptr_set_decim() takes exactly 2 arguments
   do you have any idea about the origin of this problem? Thank you in
   On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 04:29:20PM -0300, Tiago Rogério Mück wrote:
   / Updated from the trunk and I'm not getting that msg anymore./
   / /
   / Everything seems to be ok now./
   Glad to hear it! Thanks for letting us know.

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] [Douglas Geiger BBN 802.11b] Porting code on USRP2 problems

2009-04-06 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Updated from the trunk and I'm not getting that msg anymore.

Everything seems to be ok now.

2009/4/3 Eric Blossom

 On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 10:45:18AM -0300, Tiago Rogério Mück wrote:
  I fixed the problem. The top_block on bbn_80211b_tx_port was not being
  properly initialized.
  It seems to be working now, but when I use 8 samples per data bit instead
  4 I randomly got the following error:
  usrp2::tx_raw: FIXME: short packet: 7 items (56 bytes)
  Does anyone know what this mean?
  I'm sending the working code.

 Can you update from the trunk and try this again.
 We added what we believe is a work around for this problem on 3/26 in
 r10689 on the trunk.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] [Douglas Geiger BBN 802.11b] Porting code on USRP2 problems

2009-04-03 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
I fixed the problem. The top_block on bbn_80211b_tx_port was not being
properly initialized.

It seems to be working now, but when I use 8 samples per data bit instead of
4 I randomly got the following error:

usrp2::tx_raw: FIXME: short packet: 7 items (56 bytes)

Does anyone know what this mean?

I'm sending the working code.

2009/4/2 Tiago Rogério Mück

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to port the tx code to the usrp2 based on Colby's branch and i'm
 having some problems. The program freezes when the 3rd packet is being sent.

 The program uses a gr.message_source to buffer the packets and convert them
 into a data flow to the modulator, and the problem is that, for some reason,
 the data flow isn't flowing and the packets are accumulating in the
 msg_source. Since the msg_source's queue size is 2, the method to add the
 3rd packet to the queue blocks because the queue is full.

 I didn't figured out whats the problem with my code. The
 woks, so  the problem is probably related to the connection of the modulator
 block with the usrp2 sink or to the configuration of the usrp2.

 I'm sending the files i have modified.

 2009/3/31 Colby Boyer

 Hi all,

 I created a branch on the cgran server for the usrp2 code. If anyone is
 interested in still using the usrp with the hier_block2, just dont use the
 rx/ files. The rest of the files should work with the usrp1.


 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:58 PM, George Nychis wrote:

 Hi all,

 CGRAN's trac has a core dumping issue that I still have not figured out
 how to address yet.  So, if you're using the wiki and get blank pages or a
 500 internal server error, sorry.   I've been trying to sort it out, but no
 luck yet:

 It should not affect the svn server though.

 - George

 2009/3/30 Colby Boyer

  The cgran server seems to be down. I'll let you know when I am able to
 get an account.

 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Colby Boyer

 Sure. I will try to get a cgran account and upload my code to their
 SVN. It would then be easy to see the changes I made.

 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Costantini, Andrea

 Hi Colby,

 I am glad that I am not the only one trying to port the code.
 I guess you are in a more advanced state. I wasn't even able to run
 the ;-)

 Would you like to share your modified code (even if it is not
 finished)? so that I try to understand your modifications.

 Best Regards,

 P.S. For the USRP2 api, I usually compare the USRP2 and USRP swig code
 (e.g. and

 Colby Boyer wrote:

 Hi Andrea,

 I am also working to port the 802.11b code to the USRP2. I have
 finished converting the code to hier_block2, and the
 script works correctly and it can send packets in simulation. I am 
 working on modifying the rx, and tx files to connect to the USRP2, but 
 struggling to make progress. I have not had much luck finding any
 documentation for the USRP2 function calls, so I am sorta lost on what 
 change in rx, tx and tx transmit path files. Does anyone have any links 
 the usrp2 api?

 I would be more than happy to share the modifications I made (built
 largly upon Douglas's work) with rest of the GNU radio community.

 Colby Boyer

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2006 BBN Technologies Corp.  All rights reserved.
# Effort sponsored in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
# Agency (DARPA) and the Department of the Interior National Business
# Center under agreement number NBCHC050166.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

from gnuradio import gr, gru, blks2
from gnuradio import usrp2
from gnuradio import eng_notation
from gnuradio.eng_option import

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] [Douglas Geiger BBN 802.11b] Porting code on USRP2 problems

2009-04-02 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück
Hi all,

I'm trying to port the tx code to the usrp2 based on Colby's branch and i'm
having some problems. The program freezes when the 3rd packet is being sent.

The program uses a gr.message_source to buffer the packets and convert them
into a data flow to the modulator, and the problem is that, for some reason,
the data flow isn't flowing and the packets are accumulating in the
msg_source. Since the msg_source's queue size is 2, the method to add the
3rd packet to the queue blocks because the queue is full.

I didn't figured out whats the problem with my code. The
woks, so  the problem is probably related to the connection of the modulator
block with the usrp2 sink or to the configuration of the usrp2.

I'm sending the files i have modified.

2009/3/31 Colby Boyer

 Hi all,

 I created a branch on the cgran server for the usrp2 code. If anyone is
 interested in still using the usrp with the hier_block2, just dont use the
 rx/ files. The rest of the files should work with the usrp1.


 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:58 PM, George Nychis wrote:

 Hi all,

 CGRAN's trac has a core dumping issue that I still have not figured out
 how to address yet.  So, if you're using the wiki and get blank pages or a
 500 internal server error, sorry.   I've been trying to sort it out, but no
 luck yet:

 It should not affect the svn server though.

 - George

 2009/3/30 Colby Boyer

  The cgran server seems to be down. I'll let you know when I am able to
 get an account.

 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Colby Boyer

 Sure. I will try to get a cgran account and upload my code to their SVN.
 It would then be easy to see the changes I made.

 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Costantini, Andrea 

 Hi Colby,

 I am glad that I am not the only one trying to port the code.
 I guess you are in a more advanced state. I wasn't even able to run the ;-)

 Would you like to share your modified code (even if it is not
 finished)? so that I try to understand your modifications.

 Best Regards,

 P.S. For the USRP2 api, I usually compare the USRP2 and USRP swig code
 (e.g. and

 Colby Boyer wrote:

 Hi Andrea,

 I am also working to port the 802.11b code to the USRP2. I have
 finished converting the code to hier_block2, and the
 script works correctly and it can send packets in simulation. I am 
 working on modifying the rx, and tx files to connect to the USRP2, but 
 struggling to make progress. I have not had much luck finding any
 documentation for the USRP2 function calls, so I am sorta lost on what to
 change in rx, tx and tx transmit path files. Does anyone have any links 
 the usrp2 api?

 I would be more than happy to share the modifications I made (built
 largly upon Douglas's work) with rest of the GNU radio community.

 Colby Boyer

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

# Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2006 BBN Technologies Corp.  All rights reserved.
# Effort sponsored in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
# Agency (DARPA) and the Department of the Interior National Business
# Center under agreement number NBCHC050166.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

from gnuradio import gr, gru, blks2
from gnuradio import usrp2
from bbn_80211b_pkt import *

# /
#  transmit path
# /

class bbn_80211b_transmit_path(gr.hier_block2):
  def __init__(self, interp, spb, use_barker, interface=, mac_addr=None):

gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, bbn_80211b_transmit_path, gr.io_signature(0,0,0), gr.io_signature(0,0,0))


[Discuss-gnuradio] Questions about the USRP

2008-10-07 Thread Tiago Rogério Mück

Guys, I want to start doing some experiments with SDR using the USRP and I
have some doubts.

To begin with, I'd like to replicate the experiment described in this paper: , and would like to
know what hardware you recommend(USRP1 or 2, the set of daughterboards and

Next, i'm planning to build a standalone system using the USRP2 to bridge
802.11 and bluetooth connections, and i have some doubts about the RFX2400.
Can it transmit and receive at the same time? Is there another
daughterboard  set that  is better suited for this job?

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