Re: Fwd: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-10-29 Thread Nick Foster

Please look here for schematics.


On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 10:36 -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
 Can anybody help me with this? I need a full schematics of RFX2400,
 the one available on gnuradio's site is not complete!
  Original Message  
 Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is
 that possible to skip the Ethernet
 and pass data through general
 purpose (physically accessible)
 inputs to the FPGA?
 Thu, 28 Oct 2010 20:00:53 -0600
 Malihe Ahmadi
 Nick Foster
 Hi Nick,
 I actually changed the nsgpio module so that io_tx_06 and io_rx_06 have 
 fix value and the board is always configured as full duplex but yet the 
 pin 8 (ENOP, on and off switch for RF output) of the U101( AD8349, the 
 modulator) is switching on and off and I don't know which signal is 
 controlling it (b/c it is not shown in the schematics). Can you please 
 send me the complete schematics of RFX2400 or tell me how to control pin 
 ENOP of the U101?
 Hi Nick,
 I had few interesting observation yesterday.
 First of all, I followed what you recommended, stock FPGA and firmware 
 image and the sin wave at TX. looking at the GRC's FFT, I realized that 
 the 1.1MHz spike is there but not always, it is choppy, I see either the 
 spike or white noise! with this setup, I was probing different points on 
 the RFX2400 db and I found in (please look at the schematic) in U209 pin 
 1 is always 0 and pin 2 is always 1, but in U202 pin 1 is sometime 0 and 
 sometime 1 and pin 2 is its complement. that means TX/RX is not always 
 derived with RF_TX! (and I think that is exactly why the source is 
 choppy and the received signal is choppy ...). Also looking at pin 8 
 (ENOP, on and off switch for RF output) of the U101( AD8349, the 
 modulator), I found that pin is sometime 0 and sometime 1 (it seems it 
 follows the same pattern as pin 2 of U202), but I can't find what signal 
 is controlling that pin on the schematics?! do you know which signal it 
 is? thus my understanding is that the firmware is not translating the 
 full duplex configuration on the GRC to the correct values on U202 and 
 101. I'd like to take the control of those signals (io_tx_06 and 
 io_rx_o6 and whatever else) out of the firmware and fix them in FPGA 
 code and see what happens! but first Id' like to know your comments on 
 these observations.
 On 26/10/2010 7:12 PM, Nick Foster wrote:
  Please run the USRP2 with a stock FPGA and firmware image. Modify your
  GRC flowgraph so the transmit frequency is 2.451GHz, and the receive
  frequency is 2.450GHz with gain 50. Instead of a constant source, use a
  complex sine wave source of amplitude 0.3 and frequency 100kHz. You
  should see a spike at 1.1MHz on your GRC FFT and your spectrum analyzer
  should show a spike at 2.4511MHz. Please let me know what your results
  are. It is impossible to determine if the problem is the USRP2 or not
  while you are running your custom FPGA code.
  On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 17:38 -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
  Hi Nick,
  When I was talking about the spectrum, I didn't mean the FFT, I meant
  the spectrum analyzer we have in the lab, and I can see the spectrum of
  RF1 output which is a carrier at 2.45GHz with some data on top of it. on
  the FFT though, I believe the spike is just the carrier detected in the
  RX path and it seems there is no significant signal coming in on top of
  I captured those ADC and DAC plots more than few minutes after I turned
  on the board and run the GRC.
  I actually run the same GRC with two antenna, one connected to RF1 and
  the second one connected to RF2, yet I am capturing the exact same data
  from ADC and DAC.
  here is the new experiment I am running and it  made me even more
  suspicious to the RX path (the reason I am running this experiment is
  that the DAC gets a continuous non zero flow of data and it lasts enough
  for the receiver to settle as you said it is required) :
  I am generating a 16 bit counter that counts from 0 to 2^16-1. this
  counter is connected to the dac_a while dac_b is always zero. I did this
  experiment with both antenna and also terminated RF1 and RF2 and their
  result was the same.In both cases the ADC data (_a and _b) is very
  small, then I increased the RX gian to 60dB and yet the ADC data has no
  relation with the DAC data (actually with 60dB gain, it seems to be an
  amplified white noise!). Then I decided to check some points on the
  board itself. I looked at the pin 16 of the AD834X and I could see the
  saw tooth wave. then I looked at pin 8 and 22 of the AD8347 and they are
  both constantly high with very small bump at some points! That seems not
  right to me!
  Nick Foster wrote:

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-17 Thread Malihe Ahmadi

Hi Nick,
by FPGA image do you mean the .bit file? Thanks,

Nick Foster wrote:


Use the USRP2 card burner utility, located in the UHD host code as
host/utils/ It is also installed
to /usr/local/share/uhd/utils/ by default. You may have to run the
program as root.

If you only specify an FPGA image when you run the program, the firmware
image will not be overwritten.


On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 12:27 -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
I have changed the FPGA code and I have built the bit file for it. I 
would like to keep the same firmware but just change the FPGA code. What 
should I do now?


Nick Foster wrote:


Your understanding is basically correct. I misunderstood your request -- I 
didn't realize you had an existing FPGA design you were integrating with the 
USRP2, and figured you were going about things the hard way.

Nothing happens to Ethernet packets between the host transmission and GMII_TX 
-- the USRP2 MAC receives the same data that goes out the host MAC. I was 
trying to say that modulation is typically done in Gnuradio, not in the FPGA, 
and so data on the wire is typically baseband modulated and not a data 
bitstream. If you are implementing the modulation in FPGA you are of course 
free to define the data on the wire however you like.

For your purposes you should be able to take your data straight from the MAC 
and buffer and encode it in whatever way you see fit.



Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:30:22 -0600
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet 
and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the 

Hi Nick,

I think I should explain my project better. We are developing a physical
layer protocol for an asynchronous packet based transceiver all in
Verilog. The design has been simulated so far using ModelSim. The target
of the project is the VLSI fabrication of this design. Thus all the
signal processing (digital modulation (for now we are interested in BPSK
digital modulation), packetization, spreading, filtering ) has to be
done in FPGA, and it should be as stand alone as possible. The reason we
picked USRP2 was that it was a compact board with RF specification quite
close to our requirements. Our understanding was that we can get one
computer (host) to transmit stream of bits to the USRP2, do the
processing in FPGA and send the data over air, and the second USRP2
would capture the signal and again FPGA would do the processing and
eventually pass the data (through Ethernet) to the second host
(computer). I thought, if I generate a stream of bits in the first host
(TX) and do BPSK modulation and pass them to the USRP2 using Gnuradio,
the two 16 bit I and Q port that I get at the DSP core of the FPGA are
two bytes of that stream of bits and now I can continue with
packetization and the rest of my processing inside FPGA (basically
replacing the interpolation module with my spreading module) and redo
that process at the receiver to retrieve the generated bit stream.
I have already read through the DSP codes inside the FPGA. What I
understand from your email below was that I can't retrieve the bit
stream (generated at the host) in the FPGA and the 16 bits I and Q are
modulated, shaped sample representation of the bit stream. This is a bit
confusing for me because I thought (assuming the host just generates the
bits and does the BPSK modulation) the Ethernet decoder (DP83865) of the
USRP2 is basically compensating (undo-ing) the processing that was
performed on the bits (by Ethernet encoder) right before they leave the
host (computer) so that the Ethernet becomes transparent. If that is not
the case, my only solution is to pass the bit stream to the FPGA using
the debug port!
Would you please let me know which part of my assumption is wrong?

Nick Foster wrote:



Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 14:19:54 -0600


Actually we are using the USRP2 not for a SDR application, but we are
using it to test our physical layer asynchronous backet based
communication. For that I have to change the FPGA code and remove the
interpolation/decimation and replace it with a spreading scheme.

Assuming your spreading doesn't bring your bandwidth over around 25MHz, you 
should be able to do the spreading operation on the host and transmit the 
spread baseband data to the USRP2 via Gnuradio. The host typically does not 
send unmodulated data to the USRP2; the host side, usually using Gnuradio, 
performs the desired DSP operations on your raw information such as spreading, 
shaping, and modulating, and sends the resulting complex waveform to the USRP2 
as raw 16-bit samples. The USRP2 itself knows nothing about 

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Malihe Ahmadi
Hi Eric, thanks for the insightful reply. I will be using these pins for 
my design. what else is provided to the board through Ethernet? If I 
understand correct, the configuration data for DAC (such as the IF 
frequency, etc) is provided through Ethernet, but we don't really want 
to change those, so I'd like to program those registers one and won't 
touch them again. For that do I need to just change the firmware? Is 
there any other important point I need to care about if I remove the 
Ethernet modules in FPGA?

Eric Blossom wrote:

On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 07:07:26PM -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:


I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized
communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its
own packetization on information data and we don't like that.
therefore we are looking into avoid passing our information data to
the board through Ethernet. We are also fine to make the
configuration values for other peripherals on the board (such as
DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so that we still can get away
with no Ethernet interface.  so we are interested to know if there
is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins) that I can use to
pass my data serially to the FPGA.

The MICTOR debug connector, J301, has 32 uncommitted pins and 2 clks.
It's currently configured as an output, but you can use it for whatever
you like.  Look in u2_rev3.v and/or u2_core.v.

   output [31:0] debug,
   output [1:0] debug_clk,


That means I would like to see if
it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in FPGA related to
handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd like to process
through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for clock and
serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of Ethernet
port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be
physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a
digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation
for me?




Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 09/02/2010 02:48 PM, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
I need 5 mega bit per sec of bandwidth and if I understand correct the 
rate of CMII_TX_CLK is 100 mega bit per second which is higher than 
what I want. The first reason I don't like GiGe is that it chunks the 
data and it can cause delay in its stream (I rather have my own 
protocol to transmit data to the FPGA) but I think I can bear with 
that! The second reason is that I don't know what is the relation 
between the stream of data generated at the source (for example by 
sig_source_i()) and the GMII_TXD input signal to the FPGA and 
eventually sample_tx input of dsp_core_tx. Can somebody explain that 
relation for me?
Also, does anybody have a ready to use Python code for USRP2 device 
which generates for example a SIN wave at the transmitter and captures 
it at the receives?


The rate that data is actually sent over the GiGe depends on your 
decimation/interpolation settings.

The FPGA sees a continuous stream of numbers that represent a signal, 
generally sinusoidal
  in nature.  That stream is a complex-baseband representation of 
your signal, which the
  FPGA will interpolate, possibly digitally upconvert, and present to 
the RF transmitter hardware.
  Similarly on receive the FPGA gathers the complex baseband data from 
the A/D, decimates and
  filters it, and presents it to the GiGe interface for transmission to 
the host as complex baseband


I think you may be confusing the data rate of whatever modulation scheme 
you want to use in
  your application, with the rate that the *waveform data* is presented 
into/out-of your

  Gnu Radio flow-graph.

The packetization is generally not an issue, unless you are running at 
the edge where the
  host computer can't keep up, which produces overruns on receive, and 
under-runs on transmit.

But for modest-bandwidth signals, with a decent CPU, this doesn't happen 
very often.

The GiGe interface is simply a convenient and relatively-cheap way of 
getting complex-baseband
  data into/out-of the FPGA (along with the occasional programming 
instructions for the

  PLL synthesizers, gain controls, etc, on the daughter-cards).

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Malihe Ahmadi

Hi Nick,
Actually  we are using the USRP2 not for a SDR application, but we are 
using it to test our physical layer asynchronous backet based 
communication. For that I have to change the FPGA code and remove the 
interpolation/decimation and replace it with a spreading scheme. for 
that I need to know exactly what is the nature of data I am receiving at 
the FPGA and what is its maximum rate or forget about Ethernet and get a 
separate bus for me to pass the data to the FPGA .
Assuming I want to use Ethernet, let's say I want to send the stream 
'011', and I pick DBPSK as the modulation. can you please explain 
what is the relation of the DBPSK modulated data and GMII_RXD input to 
the FPGA or sample input to the dsp_core_tx? is that FPGA receives 8 
bits per symbol sent over Ethernet?
Also, do you have a ready to use Python code for USRP2 device which 
generates for example a SIN wave at the transmitter and captures it at 
the receives?

Nick Foster wrote:


The USRP2 drivers are designed to abstract the user from the device 
transport, and in normal use you shouldn't have to concern yourself 
with the transport layer at all. You provide a stream of data in 
gnuradio, and the USRP2 provides a stream of data out the device (or 
vice versa). All the magic that happens between should be transparent. 
To the user, there is no packetization at all on transmitted data -- 
discrete Ethernet data packets are buffered in the USRP2 and 
transmitted seamlessly by the device.

If you are seeing gaps in signal when viewed on a scope, you are 
probably experiencing buffer underruns caused by running at a data 
rate too fast for your CPU to handle.

Can you explain the problem you are seeing with your device?


 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 19:07:26 -0600
 Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the 
Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) 
inputs to the FPGA?


 I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized
 communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its own
 packetization on information data and we don't like that. therefore we
 are looking into avoid passing our information data to the board 

 Ethernet. We are also fine to make the configuration values for other
 peripherals on the board (such as DAC, ADC and daughter boards) 
fixed so

 that we still can get away with no Ethernet interface. so we are
 interested to know if there is a general purpose input bus (at least 5
 pins) that I can use to pass my data serially to the FPGA. That means I
 would like to see if it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in
 FPGA related to handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd
 like to process through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins 

 clock and serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of
 Ethernet port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be
 physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a
 digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation 
for me?


 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Malihe Ahmadi

Hi Nick,
Actually  we are using the USRP2 not for a SDR application, but we are 
using it to test our physical layer asynchronous backet based 
communication. For that I have to change the FPGA code and remove the 
interpolation/decimation and replace it with a spreading scheme. for 
that I need to know exactly what is the nature of data I am receiving at 
the FPGA and what is its maximum rate or forget about Ethernet and get a 
separate bus for me to pass the data to the FPGA .
Assuming I want to use Ethernet, let's say I want to send the stream 
'011', and I pick DBPSK as the modulation. can you please explain 
what is the relation of the DBPSK modulated data and GMII_RXD input to 
the FPGA or sample input to the dsp_core_tx? is that FPGA receives 8 
bits per symbol sent over Ethernet?
Also, do you have a ready to use Python code for USRP2 device which 
generates for example a SIN wave at the transmitter and captures it at 
the receives?

Nick Foster wrote:


The USRP2 drivers are designed to abstract the user from the device 
transport, and in normal use you shouldn't have to concern yourself 
with the transport layer at all. You provide a stream of data in 
gnuradio, and the USRP2 provides a stream of data out the device (or 
vice versa). All the magic that happens between should be transparent. 
To the user, there is no packetization at all on transmitted data -- 
discrete Ethernet data packets are buffered in the USRP2 and 
transmitted seamlessly by the device.

If you are seeing gaps in signal when viewed on a scope, you are 
probably experiencing buffer underruns caused by running at a data 
rate too fast for your CPU to handle.

Can you explain the problem you are seeing with your device?


 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 19:07:26 -0600
 Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the 
Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) 
inputs to the FPGA?


 I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized
 communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its own
 packetization on information data and we don't like that. therefore we
 are looking into avoid passing our information data to the board 

 Ethernet. We are also fine to make the configuration values for other
 peripherals on the board (such as DAC, ADC and daughter boards) 
fixed so

 that we still can get away with no Ethernet interface. so we are
 interested to know if there is a general purpose input bus (at least 5
 pins) that I can use to pass my data serially to the FPGA. That means I
 would like to see if it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in
 FPGA related to handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd
 like to process through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins 

 clock and serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of
 Ethernet port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be
 physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a
 digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation 
for me?


 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Malihe Ahmadi

Hi MArcus,
Assuming I want to use Ethernet, let's say I want to send the stream 
'011', and I pick DBPSK as the modulation. can you please explain 
what is the relation of the DBPSK modulated data and GMII_RXD input to 
the FPGA or sample input to the dsp_core_tx? is that FPGA receives 8 
bits per symbol sent over Ethernet?
Also, can I get those occasional programming instructions you mentioned 
to be hard-coded (for example changing the firmware so that it uses some 
default values instead of passing those values through GiGe) if I am 
interested in removing Ethernet and using debug bus to pass stream of 
data to the FPGA?

Marcus D. Leech wrote:

On 09/02/2010 02:48 PM, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
I need 5 mega bit per sec of bandwidth and if I understand correct 
the rate of CMII_TX_CLK is 100 mega bit per second which is higher 
than what I want. The first reason I don't like GiGe is that it 
chunks the data and it can cause delay in its stream (I rather have 
my own protocol to transmit data to the FPGA) but I think I can bear 
with that! The second reason is that I don't know what is the 
relation between the stream of data generated at the source (for 
example by sig_source_i()) and the GMII_TXD input signal to the 
FPGA and eventually sample_tx input of dsp_core_tx. Can somebody 
explain that relation for me?
Also, does anybody have a ready to use Python code for USRP2 device 
which generates for example a SIN wave at the transmitter and 
captures it at the receives?


The rate that data is actually sent over the GiGe depends on your 
decimation/interpolation settings.

The FPGA sees a continuous stream of numbers that represent a 
signal, generally sinusoidal
  in nature.  That stream is a complex-baseband representation of 
your signal, which the
  FPGA will interpolate, possibly digitally upconvert, and present to 
the RF transmitter hardware.
  Similarly on receive the FPGA gathers the complex baseband data from 
the A/D, decimates and
  filters it, and presents it to the GiGe interface for transmission 
to the host as complex baseband


I think you may be confusing the data rate of whatever modulation 
scheme you want to use in
  your application, with the rate that the *waveform data* is 
presented into/out-of your

  Gnu Radio flow-graph.

The packetization is generally not an issue, unless you are running at 
the edge where the
  host computer can't keep up, which produces overruns on receive, and 
under-runs on transmit.

But for modest-bandwidth signals, with a decent CPU, this doesn't 
happen very often.

The GiGe interface is simply a convenient and relatively-cheap way of 
getting complex-baseband
  data into/out-of the FPGA (along with the occasional programming 
instructions for the

  PLL synthesizers, gain controls, etc, on the daughter-cards).

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Malihe Ahmadi

Hi Nick,

I think I should explain my project better. We are developing a physical 
layer protocol for an asynchronous packet based transceiver all in 
Verilog. The design has been simulated so far using ModelSim. The target 
of the project is the VLSI fabrication of this design. Thus all the 
signal processing (digital modulation (for now we are interested in BPSK 
digital modulation), packetization, spreading, filtering ) has to be 
done in FPGA, and it should be as stand alone as possible. The reason we 
picked USRP2 was that it was a compact board with RF specification quite 
close to our requirements. Our understanding was that we can get one 
computer (host) to transmit stream of bits to the USRP2, do the 
processing in FPGA and send the data over air, and the second USRP2 
would capture the signal and again FPGA would do the processing and 
eventually pass the data (through Ethernet) to the second host 
(computer). I thought, if I generate a stream of bits in the first host 
(TX) and do BPSK modulation and pass them to the USRP2 using Gnuradio,  
the two 16 bit I and Q port that I get at the DSP core of the FPGA are 
two bytes of that stream of bits and now I can continue with 
packetization and the rest of my processing inside FPGA (basically 
replacing the interpolation module with my spreading module) and redo 
that process at the receiver to retrieve the generated bit stream.
I have already read through the DSP codes inside the FPGA. What I 
understand from your email below was that I can't retrieve the bit 
stream (generated at the host) in the FPGA and the 16 bits I and Q are 
modulated, shaped sample representation of the bit stream. This is a bit 
confusing for me because I thought (assuming the host just generates the 
bits and does the BPSK modulation) the Ethernet decoder (DP83865) of the 
USRP2 is basically compensating (undo-ing) the processing that was 
performed on the bits (by Ethernet encoder) right before they leave the 
host (computer) so that the Ethernet becomes transparent. If that is not 
the case, my only solution is to pass the bit stream to the FPGA using 
the debug port!

Would you please let me know which part of my assumption is wrong?

Nick Foster wrote:



Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 14:19:54 -0600

Actually  we are using the USRP2 not for a SDR application, but we are 
using it to test our physical layer asynchronous backet based 
communication. For that I have to change the FPGA code and remove the 
interpolation/decimation and replace it with a spreading scheme. 

Assuming your spreading doesn't bring your bandwidth over around 25MHz, you 
should be able to do the spreading operation on the host and transmit the 
spread baseband data to the USRP2 via Gnuradio. The host typically does not 
send unmodulated data to the USRP2; the host side, usually using Gnuradio, 
performs the desired DSP operations on your raw information such as spreading, 
shaping, and modulating, and sends the resulting complex waveform to the USRP2 
as raw 16-bit samples. The USRP2 itself knows nothing about your original 
unmodulated data.

that I need to know exactly what is the nature of data I am receiving at 
the FPGA and what is its maximum rate or forget about Ethernet and get a 
separate bus for me to pass the data to the FPGA .

The data you are receiving at the FPGA is whatever you send to it -- the 
interpolation rate you pick determines the sample rate the USRP2 will run at. 
The interpolator will handle upsampling the raw samples to match the data rate 
the DACs run at. It's up to you (using Gnuradio) to encode your data into an 
appropriate waveform for your application.

Assuming I want to use Ethernet, let's say I want to send the stream 
'011', and I pick DBPSK as the modulation. can you please explain 
what is the relation of the DBPSK modulated data and GMII_RXD input to 
the FPGA or sample input to the dsp_core_tx? is that FPGA receives 8 
bits per symbol sent over Ethernet?

Whatever raw samples you send into gnuradio get sent to the FPGA (I'm 
simplifying here: see the link below for details). The USRP2 itself does not 
know or care that you are using DBPSK or that you are sending '011'. It 
sounds like you might have a misconception of exactly what the USRP2 is doing. 
This FAQ is for the USRP1, but the overall description applies also to the 

Also, do you have a ready to use Python code for USRP2 device which 
generates for example a SIN wave at the transmitter and captures it at 
the receives?

A simple GRC flowgraph would perform this function for you. You can use a 
signal source to feed a USRP2 sink, and then a USRP2 source to feed an FFT sink 
(or whatever sink you like). The parameters for these blocks depend on what 
daughterboards you are using for TX and RX and whether you are using the UHD 
driver or 

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 09/02/2010 05:11 PM, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
 Hi MArcus,
 Assuming I want to use Ethernet, let's say I want to send the stream
 '011', and I pick DBPSK as the modulation. can you please explain
 what is the relation of the DBPSK modulated data and GMII_RXD input
 to the FPGA or sample input to the dsp_core_tx? is that FPGA
 receives 8 bits per symbol sent over Ethernet?
 Also, can I get those occasional programming instructions you
 mentioned to be hard-coded (for example changing the firmware so that
 it uses some default values instead of passing those values through
 GiGe) if I am interested in removing Ethernet and using debug bus to
 pass stream of data to the FPGA?
 Marcus D. Leech wrote:
Well, I'm not an expert in the way the FPGA works internally, nor on the
signals going into or out of if, but the GMII_RXD pin is likely
  the RXD pin from the 1GiG Ethernet Phy.

Your DBPSK modulated bits stream is represented as a discrete-sampled
time-series, those (complex) samples are presented to the
   Ethernet interface, sent over the Ethernet to the FPGA, where those
samples are possibly interpolated by the FPGA up to the
   sample rate of the A/D (200MHz), from the output side of the A/D the
signal is a complex analog baseband representation of the signal,
   which is then typically upconverted to the final target frequency.

The normal way that discrete-sampled time series gets to appear at the
FPGA is that the resulting waveform is created by a Gnu Radio
  flow graph that includes the proper modulation stuff to take a
series of bits (like your 011) and turn it into a complex baseband

Now, you want to avoid the SDR aspects altogether, and do everything
inside the FPGA.  So you want to use the USRP2 essentially as
  your wireless PHY, and totally ignore the SDR aspects of the USRP2
design.  You want to know if there are pins available on the FPGA
  to allow it to take your bits (and related clocks), and have the FPGA
do the necessary modulation and spreading, in a standalone manner.

I think Eric Blossom already mentioned the MICTOR interface, which may
do what you want.

Assuming that the MICTOR or some other interface on the FPGA will do
what you want, and there's enough room inside the FPGA,
  then I don't see that you'll have a problem.  You can certainly
hard-code whatever daughter-card setup you need inside the firmware.

You'll find that if you want detailed help making this work, you'll have
a hard time finding anyone who'll give you that help for free.
   The FPGA and aeMB firmware is freely available, and you'll likely get
some hints and tips from time to time.

But what you're contemplating is a fairly major project that is, to a
first approximation, outside of the strict confines of Gnu Radio.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

RE: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-02 Thread Nick Foster


Your understanding is basically correct. I misunderstood your request -- I 
didn't realize you had an existing FPGA design you were integrating with the 
USRP2, and figured you were going about things the hard way.

Nothing happens to Ethernet packets between the host transmission and GMII_TX 
-- the USRP2 MAC receives the same data that goes out the host MAC. I was 
trying to say that modulation is typically done in Gnuradio, not in the FPGA, 
and so data on the wire is typically baseband modulated and not a data 
bitstream. If you are implementing the modulation in FPGA you are of course 
free to define the data on the wire however you like.

For your purposes you should be able to take your data straight from the MAC 
and buffer and encode it in whatever way you see fit.


 Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:30:22 -0600
 Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet 
 and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the 

 Hi Nick,

 I think I should explain my project better. We are developing a physical
 layer protocol for an asynchronous packet based transceiver all in
 Verilog. The design has been simulated so far using ModelSim. The target
 of the project is the VLSI fabrication of this design. Thus all the
 signal processing (digital modulation (for now we are interested in BPSK
 digital modulation), packetization, spreading, filtering ) has to be
 done in FPGA, and it should be as stand alone as possible. The reason we
 picked USRP2 was that it was a compact board with RF specification quite
 close to our requirements. Our understanding was that we can get one
 computer (host) to transmit stream of bits to the USRP2, do the
 processing in FPGA and send the data over air, and the second USRP2
 would capture the signal and again FPGA would do the processing and
 eventually pass the data (through Ethernet) to the second host
 (computer). I thought, if I generate a stream of bits in the first host
 (TX) and do BPSK modulation and pass them to the USRP2 using Gnuradio,
 the two 16 bit I and Q port that I get at the DSP core of the FPGA are
 two bytes of that stream of bits and now I can continue with
 packetization and the rest of my processing inside FPGA (basically
 replacing the interpolation module with my spreading module) and redo
 that process at the receiver to retrieve the generated bit stream.
 I have already read through the DSP codes inside the FPGA. What I
 understand from your email below was that I can't retrieve the bit
 stream (generated at the host) in the FPGA and the 16 bits I and Q are
 modulated, shaped sample representation of the bit stream. This is a bit
 confusing for me because I thought (assuming the host just generates the
 bits and does the BPSK modulation) the Ethernet decoder (DP83865) of the
 USRP2 is basically compensating (undo-ing) the processing that was
 performed on the bits (by Ethernet encoder) right before they leave the
 host (computer) so that the Ethernet becomes transparent. If that is not
 the case, my only solution is to pass the bit stream to the FPGA using
 the debug port!
 Would you please let me know which part of my assumption is wrong?

 Nick Foster wrote:
  Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 14:19:54 -0600
  Actually we are using the USRP2 not for a SDR application, but we are
  using it to test our physical layer asynchronous backet based
  communication. For that I have to change the FPGA code and remove the
  interpolation/decimation and replace it with a spreading scheme.
  Assuming your spreading doesn't bring your bandwidth over around 25MHz, you 
  should be able to do the spreading operation on the host and transmit the 
  spread baseband data to the USRP2 via Gnuradio. The host typically does not 
  send unmodulated data to the USRP2; the host side, usually using Gnuradio, 
  performs the desired DSP operations on your raw information such as 
  spreading, shaping, and modulating, and sends the resulting complex 
  waveform to the USRP2 as raw 16-bit samples. The USRP2 itself knows nothing 
  about your original unmodulated data.
  that I need to know exactly what is the nature of data I am receiving at
  the FPGA and what is its maximum rate or forget about Ethernet and get a
  separate bus for me to pass the data to the FPGA .
  The data you are receiving at the FPGA is whatever you send to it -- the 
  interpolation rate you pick determines the sample rate the USRP2 will run 
  at. The interpolator will handle upsampling the raw samples to match the 
  data rate the DACs run at. It's up to you (using Gnuradio) to encode your 
  data into an appropriate waveform for your application.
  Assuming I want to use Ethernet, let's say I want to send the stream
  '011', and I 

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Malihe Ahmadi


I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized 
communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its own 
packetization on information data and we don't like that. therefore we 
are looking into avoid passing our information data to the board through 
Ethernet. We are also fine to make the configuration values for other 
peripherals on the board (such as DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so 
that we still can get away with no Ethernet interface.  so we are 
interested to know if there is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 
pins) that I can use to pass my data serially to the FPGA. That means I 
would like to see if it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in 
FPGA related to handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd 
like to process through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for 
clock and serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of 
Ethernet port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be 
physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a 
digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation for me?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

RE: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Nick Foster


The USRP2 drivers are designed to abstract the user from the device transport, 
and in normal use you shouldn't have to concern yourself with the transport 
layer at all. You provide a stream of data in gnuradio, and the USRP2 provides 
a stream of data out the device (or vice versa). All the magic that happens 
between should be transparent. To the user, there is no packetization at all on 
transmitted data -- discrete Ethernet data packets are buffered in the USRP2 
and transmitted seamlessly by the device.

If you are seeing gaps in signal when viewed on a scope, you are probably 
experiencing buffer underruns caused by running at a data rate too fast for 
your CPU to handle.

Can you explain the problem you are seeing with your device?


 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 19:07:26 -0600
 Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and 
 pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA? 
 I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized 
 communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its own 
 packetization on information data and we don't like that. therefore we 
 are looking into avoid passing our information data to the board through 
 Ethernet. We are also fine to make the configuration values for other 
 peripherals on the board (such as DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so 
 that we still can get away with no Ethernet interface.  so we are 
 interested to know if there is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 
 pins) that I can use to pass my data serially to the FPGA. That means I 
 would like to see if it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in 
 FPGA related to handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd 
 like to process through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for 
 clock and serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of 
 Ethernet port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be 
 physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a 
 digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation for me?
 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2, is that possible to skip the Ethernet and pass data through general purpose (physically accessible) inputs to the FPGA?

2010-09-01 Thread Eric Blossom
On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 07:07:26PM -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
 I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized
 communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its
 own packetization on information data and we don't like that.
 therefore we are looking into avoid passing our information data to
 the board through Ethernet. We are also fine to make the
 configuration values for other peripherals on the board (such as
 DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so that we still can get away
 with no Ethernet interface.  so we are interested to know if there
 is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins) that I can use to
 pass my data serially to the FPGA.

The MICTOR debug connector, J301, has 32 uncommitted pins and 2 clks.
It's currently configured as an output, but you can use it for whatever
you like.  Look in u2_rev3.v and/or u2_core.v.

   output [31:0] debug,
   output [1:0] debug_clk,

 That means I would like to see if
 it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in FPGA related to
 handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd like to process
 through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for clock and
 serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of Ethernet
 port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be
 physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a
 digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation
 for me?



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