[ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: Coda

2008-01-16 Thread Peyton Todd
Here is the text of the comment I just posted on Adobe's 'livedocs' comments 

Okay, I admit I should have read the manual more carefully, but, like many 
others I don't really understand how things work till I try to solve a real 
problem in actual programming. So my comment describes a mistake I made with 
submitForm, in hopes a future release of CF can make matters easier for types 
like me. To come straight to the recommendation before I explain what leads me 
to it: 

Please raise a syntax error as soon as you find a parenthesis (signaling the 
presence of parms) inside parameter 3 (the callback function name) of the 
submitForm function!

Having no experience with callback functions, and not reading the manual 
carefully enough (in particular, not seeing that the word 'response' referred 
to the HTTP response), I tried to send parms to the callback function thus:

ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmFormName', 'target_url', callback_function(parm1, 

As I now know, the way to do it would have been to place something like  
#parm1#~#parm2# (where the '~' functions as a delimiter) 
inside the target form, with other code inside the callback function to 
disentangle that from the rest of the HTTP response.

As soon as anyone tries to call submitForm the way I did - and it is a natural 
mistake - you should trap it as a syntax error right away!

As you can imagine, my way of doing it did lead to an error message in both IE 
and Firefox, claiming that 'an exception was raised which was not caught'. 
Firefox was at least nice enough to tell me what it considered the problem to 
be, but it was mistaken, since it claimed that the form did not exist - which 
was entirely false, as Firebug's Verify Generated Source clearly demonstrates.

FUNCTION. I could put them in alert statements, and use them in if(parm1 == 
whatever) statements, etc.

-Forwarded Message-
>From: Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 10:39 PM
>To: discussion@acfug.org
>Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: Problem Solved (No, 
>Yep, it really worked this time. I provide my final solution here for the 
>benefit of any other CF8 newbies who might not have had to deal with this yet:
>One can presumably send whatever url parms one likes to the target page, but 
>for now, I played it safe and combined my two parms into a delimited string 
>(for example 'update~145') and sent only that one parm tacked onto the url 
>after the '?' as follows, where (in case you're curious), action is either 
>'update' or 'insert' and '145' specifies the three jobtypes, 1, 4, and 5, 
>which determine one callback behavior vs. another (this is for a court 
>reporting company):
>ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo','saveGenInfo.cfm?parmstring=' + action 
>+'~'+ '145',GenInfoCallback);
>Then I pulled parmstring apart with ListGetAt inside the target page, and made 
>use of the only parm I needed there (the value of action, which was 'update' 
>in this case), and I ended the page as follows:
>Notice the extra tilde, '~', in front of the url variable. This turned out to 
>be necessary because the HTTP response (or anyway the parts of it which get 
>sent to the callback function) includes not only the simple output I would 
>have intended, but all the comments in my page. So it was necessary to get rid 
>of them first, as follows:
>function GenInfoCallback(parmstring){
>   p=parmstring.indexOf('~'); // find where the comments in the HTTP response 
> end
>   parmstring = parmstring.substr(p+1); // get rid of them
>   p=parmstring.indexOf('~'); // now find where the mode parm ends
>   mode=parmstring.substring(0,p);  // set that part to the mode variable
>   typelist=parmstring.substr(p+1); // set the rest to the typelist 
> variable
>   ColdFusion.navigate('populateGenInfo.cfm','getGenInfo');
>   url = (typelist == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
>   if (mode == 'insert'){
>  ColdFusion.navigate(url,'getTx');
>  ColdFusion.navigate(etc. - omitted here)
>  }
>   }
>This really is working now. But in addition to its ugliness, getting rid of 
>the first part is worrisome. Who knows when some future programmer, if there 
>is one, might put a tilde into a comment somewhere without knowing the 
>consequences. I explain this in another comment, but...
>I seem to remember from my days as a CF5 programmer five years ago th

[ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: Problem Solved (No, really!)

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
Yep, it really worked this time. I provide my final solution here for the 
benefit of any other CF8 newbies who might not have had to deal with this yet:

One can presumably send whatever url parms one likes to the target page, but 
for now, I played it safe and combined my two parms into a delimited string 
(for example 'update~145') and sent only that one parm tacked onto the url 
after the '?' as follows, where (in case you're curious), action is either 
'update' or 'insert' and '145' specifies the three jobtypes, 1, 4, and 5, which 
determine one callback behavior vs. another (this is for a court reporting 

ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo','saveGenInfo.cfm?parmstring=' + action 
+'~'+ '145',GenInfoCallback);

Then I pulled parmstring apart with ListGetAt inside the target page, and made 
use of the only parm I needed there (the value of action, which was 'update' in 
this case), and I ended the page as follows:


Notice the extra tilde, '~', in front of the url variable. This turned out to 
be necessary because the HTTP response (or anyway the parts of it which get 
sent to the callback function) includes not only the simple output I would have 
intended, but all the comments in my page. So it was necessary to get rid of 
them first, as follows:

function GenInfoCallback(parmstring){
   p=parmstring.indexOf('~'); // find where the comments in the HTTP response 
   parmstring = parmstring.substr(p+1); // get rid of them
   p=parmstring.indexOf('~'); // now find where the mode parm ends
   mode=parmstring.substring(0,p);  // set that part to the mode variable
   typelist=parmstring.substr(p+1); // set the rest to the typelist variable
   url = (typelist == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
   if (mode == 'insert'){
  ColdFusion.navigate(etc. - omitted here)

This really is working now. But in addition to its ugliness, getting rid of the 
first part is worrisome. Who knows when some future programmer, if there is 
one, might put a tilde into a comment somewhere without knowing the 
consequences. I explain this in another comment, but...

I seem to remember from my days as a CF5 programmer five years ago that there's 
a way to tell ColdFusion not to send the comments. Does anyone remember what 
that is? I scanned through the administrator and saw nothing promising, though 
I admit  I didn't open every panel. But would that help anyway? There's also 
lots of white space in the HTTP response sent to the callback function (where 
all the  statements were). My fuzzy memory says there's a way to get 
rid of that, too. Hopefully one could specify that on a page-by-page basis?


-Forwarded Message-
>From: Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 9:19 PM
>To: discussion@ACFUG.org
>Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: The Saga Continues
>After running the example code in the livedocs, I think I understand how now 
>how callback is supposed to work: Yes, callback can have one parm, not 
>specified in the within the submitForm call, but rather passed to it by the 
>target page itself. I'm about to test my new understanding, but before I do, 
>I'm sending this quick message to save any of you from wasting time explaining 
>it to me if in fact I'm right that I've figured it out. 
>Watch this space for further developments...
>-Forwarded Message-
>>From: Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 7:46 PM
>>To: discussion@acfug.org
>>Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: Not Fixed After All
>>A thousand apologies. I was mistaken when I said that specifying a single 
>>parm in the callback function as opposed to two parms solved the problem. My 
>>only excuse is I had been working on something else all day, and only turned 
>>half my attention to this. Turning back to this project this evening and 
>>testing more carefully, I find to my chagrin that specifying just one parm is 
>>no better than specifying two. Although the parm does get passed to the 
>>callback function, just as the two parms I was trying earlier got 
>>successfully passed, the form submission requested in the Ajax.submitForm 
>>function does not occur, for the reason that the browser thinks the form does 
>>not exist, which is false, as Verify Generated Source in Firebug can easily 
>>show. I get the same results in Internet Explorer, which tells me only 
>>'Exception thrown and not cau

[ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: The Saga Continues

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
After running the example code in the livedocs, I think I understand how now 
how callback is supposed to work: Yes, callback can have one parm, not 
specified in the within the submitForm call, but rather passed to it by the 
target page itself. I'm about to test my new understanding, but before I do, 
I'm sending this quick message to save any of you from wasting time explaining 
it to me if in fact I'm right that I've figured it out. 

Watch this space for further developments...

-Forwarded Message-
>From: Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 7:46 PM
>To: discussion@acfug.org
>Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: Not Fixed After All
>A thousand apologies. I was mistaken when I said that specifying a single parm 
>in the callback function as opposed to two parms solved the problem. My only 
>excuse is I had been working on something else all day, and only turned half 
>my attention to this. Turning back to this project this evening and testing 
>more carefully, I find to my chagrin that specifying just one parm is no 
>better than specifying two. Although the parm does get passed to the callback 
>function, just as the two parms I was trying earlier got successfully passed, 
>the form submission requested in the Ajax.submitForm function does not occur, 
>for the reason that the browser thinks the form does not exist, which is 
>false, as Verify Generated Source in Firebug can easily show. I get the same 
>results in Internet Explorer, which tells me only 'Exception thrown and not 
>caught', i.e., the same message as Firefox, but without telling me what the 
>exception was.
>What does work (and I tested this carefully - at least it has worked in the 
>cases tested so far) is having a single callback functionname - WITHOUT 
>PARAMETERS - passed in the third ('callback parameter') position in the 
>submitForm call, thus: 
>Not only does the form get submitted in this case (the data updates get saved) 
>- which is further proof that the form really was in the page, despite the 
>incorrect error message - but the callback function performs the behaviors I 
>directed it to perform (but only because the 'parms' are expressly set by 
>assignment statements inside it).
>Since there are four different callback behaviors required depending on the 
>four combinations of my two parameters, I seem to have no other choice but to 
>have four separate submitForm calls, each one specifying a different callback 
>function. Tacky, but it will work. (Which are not famous last words, I hope!)
>Sorry for the mixup,
>-Forwarded Message-
>>From: Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 4:10 PM
>>To: discussion@acfug.org
>>Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>>Many thanks. I tried your suggestion (i.e., I passed the string: action + '~' 
>>+ 145' as a single parm to the callback function and broke it apart inside 
>>that function), and it worked beautifully! That is, both the database update 
>>and the duties specified in the callback function were executed correctly.
>>However, before trying that I tried something else (since I was a little 
>>leery of what asynchronous might mean in this case), and I'm curious to know 
>>why that method did not succeed. Namely, I took the callback parm out of the 
>>submitForm statement, and in its stead, I added the following line to the 
>>bottom of the target form, saveGenInfo.cfm: >ajaxOnLoad("GenInfoCallback(#url.mode#)")>, settling for a single parm for 
>>now (value = either 'insert' or 'delete'), just to see if an alert statement 
>>inside GenInfoCallback (misnamed now of course) would show that it got 
>>called, and received the parm. But no luck. The update to SQL Server 
>>succeeded but GenInfoCallback was never called.
>>Why not? And in general, when would it be appropriate to use the callback 
>>method vs. the ajaxOnLoad method?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>-Original Message-
>>>From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 3:08 PM
>>>To: Web Site 
>>>Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>>>AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string 
>>>and the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit 
>>>the string and parse it though.

[ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum: Not Fixed After All

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
A thousand apologies. I was mistaken when I said that specifying a single parm 
in the callback function as opposed to two parms solved the problem. My only 
excuse is I had been working on something else all day, and only turned half my 
attention to this. Turning back to this project this evening and testing more 
carefully, I find to my chagrin that specifying just one parm is no better than 
specifying two. Although the parm does get passed to the callback function, 
just as the two parms I was trying earlier got successfully passed, the form 
submission requested in the Ajax.submitForm function does not occur, for the 
reason that the browser thinks the form does not exist, which is false, as 
Verify Generated Source in Firebug can easily show. I get the same results in 
Internet Explorer, which tells me only 'Exception thrown and not caught', i.e., 
the same message as Firefox, but without telling me what the exception was.

What does work (and I tested this carefully - at least it has worked in the 
cases tested so far) is having a single callback functionname - WITHOUT 
PARAMETERS - passed in the third ('callback parameter') position in the 
submitForm call, thus: 


Not only does the form get submitted in this case (the data updates get saved) 
- which is further proof that the form really was in the page, despite the 
incorrect error message - but the callback function performs the behaviors I 
directed it to perform (but only because the 'parms' are expressly set by 
assignment statements inside it).

Since there are four different callback behaviors required depending on the 
four combinations of my two parameters, I seem to have no other choice but to 
have four separate submitForm calls, each one specifying a different callback 
function. Tacky, but it will work. (Which are not famous last words, I hope!)

Sorry for the mixup,

-Forwarded Message-
>From: Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 4:10 PM
>To: discussion@acfug.org
>Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>Many thanks. I tried your suggestion (i.e., I passed the string: action + '~' 
>+ 145' as a single parm to the callback function and broke it apart inside 
>that function), and it worked beautifully! That is, both the database update 
>and the duties specified in the callback function were executed correctly.
>However, before trying that I tried something else (since I was a little leery 
>of what asynchronous might mean in this case), and I'm curious to know why 
>that method did not succeed. Namely, I took the callback parm out of the 
>submitForm statement, and in its stead, I added the following line to the 
>bottom of the target form, saveGenInfo.cfm: ajaxOnLoad("GenInfoCallback(#url.mode#)")>, settling for a single parm for now 
>(value = either 'insert' or 'delete'), just to see if an alert statement 
>inside GenInfoCallback (misnamed now of course) would show that it got called, 
>and received the parm. But no luck. The update to SQL Server succeeded but 
>GenInfoCallback was never called.
>Why not? And in general, when would it be appropriate to use the callback 
>method vs. the ajaxOnLoad method?
>Thanks in advance,
>-Original Message-
>>From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 3:08 PM
>>To: Web Site 
>>Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>>AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string 
>>and the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit 
>>the string and parse it though.
>>From the docs:
>>The JavaScript function to handle a normal response. The function must take a 
>>single argument, that contains the response body. This method is used only if 
>>the form submission is asynchronous.
>>Hope that helps!
>>: Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following
>>:  quandary I find myself in?
>>: I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:
>>: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
>>: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
>>: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + 
>>: }
>>: When I do so, the callback function, shown below, executes correctly. It 
>>:  by the alert statements that it received the parameters, and by the state 

Re: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
It took me a while to comprehend your answer since the callback function is a 
javascript function no less than the one invoked via ajaxOnLoad, and both run 
on the client side. But now I think I get it: ajaxOnLoad means exactly what it 
says, namely that the function should execute as soon as the page *loads*; I've 
been treating it as though it meant 'as soon as the Coldfusion code in the page 
runs', and in fact, since everything in my saveGenInfo.cfm page (except for the 
ajaxOnLoad statement itself) consists of  statements, there was 
nothing loaded into the client, so ajaxOnLoad had no reason to execute, which 
explains why it did not, in fact, execute.

What I'm doing with the ajaxOnLoad function which does work is: my 
populateWhatever.cfm pages (where Whatever is some the name of some SQL Server 
table) run CF code which builds an HTML table on the page, and fills one of its 
cells with the results of a  statement. But when the 
query returns no records, a blank form is stuffed into the table cell via the 
code: , where Insert-blank-form (not its real 
name, of course) fills the cell via innerHTML=. So in this case, something did 
get loaded to the page, and that's why it works as expected, i.e., it works 
AFTER the load occurs, which is what you need with Ajax, according to Ben 
Forta's CF8 book Volume 2, bottom of p. 353, where he states that 'when a page 
is made up of multiple forms, it is more difficult to know when a page is 
really done'. 

Thanking you again,

-Original Message-
>From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 4:38 PM
>To: Web Site 
>Subject: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>Glad that worked! I'm not sure about the exact answer to your questions but I 
>can only theorize that:
>1. You're not supposed to call the defined callback function yourself... the 
>YUI/ExtJS code will do that for you. I'm guessing that is because you will not 
>be exactly sure when the server is done processing, so you won't know when it 
>is safe to call the function.
>2. AjaxOnLoad is really meant to kick off a javascript function. Which is 
>client side. Which an action page doesn't really have anything to do with. 
>I think by putting ajax like functionality on your action page, you're making 
>it too hard for yourself ;-)
>: Many thanks. I tried your suggestion (i.e., I passed the string: action + '~'
>:  + 145' as a single parm to the callback function and broke it apart inside
>:  that function), and it worked beautifully! That is, both the database update
>:  and the duties specified in the callback function were executed correctly.
>: However, before trying that I tried something else (since I was a little 
>:  of what asynchronous might mean in this case), and I'm curious to know why
>:  that method did not succeed. Namely, I took the callback parm out of the
>:  submitForm statement, and in its stead, I added the following line to the
>:  bottom of the target form, saveGenInfo.cfm: :  ajaxOnLoad("GenInfoCallback(#url.mode#)")>, settling for a single parm for
>:  now (value = either 'insert' or 'delete'), just to see if an alert statement
>:  inside GenInfoCallback (misnamed now of course) would show that it got
>:  called, and received the parm. But no luck. The update to SQL Server
>:  succeeded but GenInfoCallback was never called.
>: Why not? And in general, when would it be appropriate to use the callback
>:  method vs. the ajaxOnLoad method?
>: Thanks in advance,
>: Peyton
>: -Original Message-
>: >From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>: >Sent: Jan 15, 2008 3:08 PM
>: >To: Web Site 
>: >Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>: >
>: >AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string
>:  and the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit
>:  the string and parse it though.
>: >
>: >From the docs:
>: >callbackhandler   
>: >The JavaScript function to handle a normal response. The function must take 
>:  single argument, that contains the response body. This method is used only 
>:  the form submission is asynchronous.
>: >
>: >
>: >Hope that helps!
>: >/m
>: >
>: >
>: >
>: >: Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following
>: >:  quandary I find myself in?
>: >
>: >: I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:
>: >
>: >: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
>: >: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
>: >: ColdFusio

Re: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
It took me a while to comprehend your answer since the callback function is a 
javascript function no less than the one invoked via ajaxOnLoad, and both run 
on the client side. But now I think I get it: ajaxOnLoad means exactly what it 
says, namely that the function should execute as soon as the page *loads*; I've 
been treating it as though it meant 'as soon as the Coldfusion code in the page 
runs', and in fact, since everything in my saveGenInfo.cfm page (except for the 
ajaxOnLoad statement itself) consists of  statements, there was 
nothing loaded into the client, so ajaxOnLoad had no reason to execute, which 
explains why it did not, in fact, execute.

What I'm doing with the ajaxOnLoad function which does work is: my 
populateWhatever.cfm pages (where Whatever is some the name of some SQL Server 
table) run CF code which builds an HTML table on the page, and fills one of its 
cells with the results of a  statement. But when the 
query returns no records, a blank form is stuffed into the table cell via the 
code: , where Insert-blank-form (not its real 
name, of course) fills the cell via innerHTML=. So in this case, something did 
get loaded to the page, and that's why it works as expected, i.e., it works 
AFTER the load occurs, which is what you need with Ajax, according to Ben 
Forta's CF8 book Volume 2, bottom of p. 353, where he states that 'when a page 
is made up of multiple forms, it is more difficult to know when a page is 
really done'. 

Thanking you again,

-Original Message-
>From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 4:38 PM
>To: Web Site 
>Subject: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>Glad that worked! I'm not sure about the exact answer to your questions but I 
>can only theorize that:
>1. You're not supposed to call the defined callback function yourself... the 
>YUI/ExtJS code will do that for you. I'm guessing that is because you will not 
>be exactly sure when the server is done processing, so you won't know when it 
>is safe to call the function.
>2. AjaxOnLoad is really meant to kick off a javascript function. Which is 
>client side. Which an action page doesn't really have anything to do with. 
>I think by putting ajax like functionality on your action page, you're making 
>it too hard for yourself ;-)
>: Many thanks. I tried your suggestion (i.e., I passed the string: action + '~'
>:  + 145' as a single parm to the callback function and broke it apart inside
>:  that function), and it worked beautifully! That is, both the database update
>:  and the duties specified in the callback function were executed correctly.
>: However, before trying that I tried something else (since I was a little 
>:  of what asynchronous might mean in this case), and I'm curious to know why
>:  that method did not succeed. Namely, I took the callback parm out of the
>:  submitForm statement, and in its stead, I added the following line to the
>:  bottom of the target form, saveGenInfo.cfm: :  ajaxOnLoad("GenInfoCallback(#url.mode#)")>, settling for a single parm for
>:  now (value = either 'insert' or 'delete'), just to see if an alert statement
>:  inside GenInfoCallback (misnamed now of course) would show that it got
>:  called, and received the parm. But no luck. The update to SQL Server
>:  succeeded but GenInfoCallback was never called.
>: Why not? And in general, when would it be appropriate to use the callback
>:  method vs. the ajaxOnLoad method?
>: Thanks in advance,
>: Peyton
>: -Original Message-
>: >From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>: >Sent: Jan 15, 2008 3:08 PM
>: >To: Web Site 
>: >Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>: >
>: >AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string
>:  and the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit
>:  the string and parse it though.
>: >
>: >From the docs:
>: >callbackhandler   
>: >The JavaScript function to handle a normal response. The function must take 
>:  single argument, that contains the response body. This method is used only 
>:  the form submission is asynchronous.
>: >
>: >
>: >Hope that helps!
>: >/m
>: >
>: >
>: >
>: >: Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following
>: >:  quandary I find myself in?
>: >
>: >: I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:
>: >
>: >: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
>: >: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
>: >: ColdFusio

re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

2008-01-15 Thread Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10
Glad that worked! I'm not sure about the exact answer to your questions but I 
can only theorize that:

1. You're not supposed to call the defined callback function yourself... the 
YUI/ExtJS code will do that for you. I'm guessing that is because you will not 
be exactly sure when the server is done processing, so you won't know when it 
is safe to call the function.
2. AjaxOnLoad is really meant to kick off a javascript function. Which is 
client side. Which an action page doesn't really have anything to do with. 

I think by putting ajax like functionality on your action page, you're making 
it too hard for yourself ;-)

: Many thanks. I tried your suggestion (i.e., I passed the string: action + '~'
:  + 145' as a single parm to the callback function and broke it apart inside
:  that function), and it worked beautifully! That is, both the database update
:  and the duties specified in the callback function were executed correctly.

: However, before trying that I tried something else (since I was a little leery
:  of what asynchronous might mean in this case), and I'm curious to know why
:  that method did not succeed. Namely, I took the callback parm out of the
:  submitForm statement, and in its stead, I added the following line to the
:  bottom of the target form, saveGenInfo.cfm: , settling for a single parm for
:  now (value = either 'insert' or 'delete'), just to see if an alert statement
:  inside GenInfoCallback (misnamed now of course) would show that it got
:  called, and received the parm. But no luck. The update to SQL Server
:  succeeded but GenInfoCallback was never called.

: Why not? And in general, when would it be appropriate to use the callback
:  method vs. the ajaxOnLoad method?

: Thanks in advance,
: Peyton

: -Original Message-
: >From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: >Sent: Jan 15, 2008 3:08 PM
: >To: Web Site 
: >Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
: >
: >AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string
:  and the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit
:  the string and parse it though.
: >
: >From the docs:
: >callbackhandler   
: >The JavaScript function to handle a normal response. The function must take a
:  single argument, that contains the response body. This method is used only if
:  the form submission is asynchronous.
: >
: >
: >Hope that helps!
: >/m
: >
: >
: >
: >: Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following
: >:  quandary I find myself in?
: >
: >: I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:
: >
: >: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
: >: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
: >: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + 
: >:action,GenInfoCallback(action,'145'));
: >: }
: >
: >: When I do so, the callback function, shown below, executes correctly. It
:  shows
: >:  by the alert statements that it received the parameters, and by the state
:  of
: >:  the screen that it executed the populateGenInfo.cfm call (I haven't tested
:  it
: >:  for inserting yet). However, the form does not get submitted, and Firebug
: >:  complains with the following error message: 'uncaught exception:
: >:  ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm: Form not found, form id: fmGenInfo'. 
: >
: >: function GenInfoCallback(mode,typegroup){
: >: alert(mode); alert(typegroup);
: >: ColdFusion.navigate('populateGenInfo.cfm','getGenInfo');
: >: url = (typegroup == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
: >: if (mode == 'insert'){
: >:   ColdFusion.navigate(url,'getTx');
: >:   ColdFusion.navigate('populateSpecInstr.cfm?mode=no','getSpecInstr');
: >:   }
: >: }
: >
: >: However, the form most definitely does exist in the page, as Firebug's View
: >:  Gererated Source makes clear. (Thank goodness Firebug has this ability;
: >:  otherwise I could never be completely certain what the  contains!) 
: >
: >: Furthermore, when I do nothing but remove the reference to the callback
: >:  function, changing the submitting function to the form shown below,
:  Firebug
: >:  does not complain, and the form submits flawlessly.
: >
: >: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
: >: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
: >: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + action);
: >: }
: >
: >: What could be going on here? Is one not supposed to send parms to a
:  callback
: >:  function? Or am I perhaps using the wrong syntax for doing so?
: >
: >: Thanks in advance for you

re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
Many thanks. I tried your suggestion (i.e., I passed the string: action + '~' + 
145' as a single parm to the callback function and broke it apart inside that 
function), and it worked beautifully! That is, both the database update and the 
duties specified in the callback function were executed correctly.

However, before trying that I tried something else (since I was a little leery 
of what asynchronous might mean in this case), and I'm curious to know why that 
method did not succeed. Namely, I took the callback parm out of the submitForm 
statement, and in its stead, I added the following line to the bottom of the 
target form, saveGenInfo.cfm: , settling for a single parm for now 
(value = either 'insert' or 'delete'), just to see if an alert statement inside 
GenInfoCallback (misnamed now of course) would show that it got called, and 
received the parm. But no luck. The update to SQL Server succeeded but 
GenInfoCallback was never called.

Why not? And in general, when would it be appropriate to use the callback 
method vs. the ajaxOnLoad method?

Thanks in advance,

-Original Message-
>From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 15, 2008 3:08 PM
>To: Web Site 
>Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum
>AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string and 
>the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit the 
>string and parse it though.
>From the docs:
>The JavaScript function to handle a normal response. The function must take a 
>single argument, that contains the response body. This method is used only if 
>the form submission is asynchronous.
>Hope that helps!
>: Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following
>:  quandary I find myself in?
>: I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:
>: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
>: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
>: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + 
>: }
>: When I do so, the callback function, shown below, executes correctly. It 
>:  by the alert statements that it received the parameters, and by the state of
>:  the screen that it executed the populateGenInfo.cfm call (I haven't tested 
>:  for inserting yet). However, the form does not get submitted, and Firebug
>:  complains with the following error message: 'uncaught exception:
>:  ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm: Form not found, form id: fmGenInfo'. 
>: function GenInfoCallback(mode,typegroup){
>: alert(mode); alert(typegroup);
>: ColdFusion.navigate('populateGenInfo.cfm','getGenInfo');
>: url = (typegroup == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
>: if (mode == 'insert'){
>:   ColdFusion.navigate(url,'getTx');
>:   ColdFusion.navigate('populateSpecInstr.cfm?mode=no','getSpecInstr');
>:   }
>: }
>: However, the form most definitely does exist in the page, as Firebug's View
>:  Gererated Source makes clear. (Thank goodness Firebug has this ability;
>:  otherwise I could never be completely certain what the  contains!) 
>: Furthermore, when I do nothing but remove the reference to the callback
>:  function, changing the submitting function to the form shown below, Firebug
>:  does not complain, and the form submits flawlessly.
>: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
>: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
>: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + action);
>: }
>: What could be going on here? Is one not supposed to send parms to a callback
>:  function? Or am I perhaps using the wrong syntax for doing so?
>: Thanks in advance for your ideas,
>: Peyton 
>: -
>: Annual Sponsor FigLeaf Software - http://www.figleaf.com
>: To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ 
>: http://www.acfug.org?fa=login.edituserform
>: For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
>: Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
>: List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com
>: -
>Mischa Uppelschoten
>The Banker's Exchange, LLC.
>4200 Highlands Parkway SE
>Suite A
>Smyrna, GA 30082-5198
>Phone:(404) 605-0100 ext. 10
>Fax:(404) 355-7930
>Follow this link for In

re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

2008-01-15 Thread Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10
AFAIK the action page you submit to in this case must return only a string and 
the callback function can only handle that one string. You can delimit the 
string and parse it though.

>From the docs:
The JavaScript function to handle a normal response. The function must take a 
single argument, that contains the response body. This method is used only if 
the form submission is asynchronous.

Hope that helps!

: Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following
:  quandary I find myself in?

: I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:

: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + 
: }

: When I do so, the callback function, shown below, executes correctly. It shows
:  by the alert statements that it received the parameters, and by the state of
:  the screen that it executed the populateGenInfo.cfm call (I haven't tested it
:  for inserting yet). However, the form does not get submitted, and Firebug
:  complains with the following error message: 'uncaught exception:
:  ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm: Form not found, form id: fmGenInfo'. 

: function GenInfoCallback(mode,typegroup){
: alert(mode); alert(typegroup);
: ColdFusion.navigate('populateGenInfo.cfm','getGenInfo');
: url = (typegroup == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
: if (mode == 'insert'){
:   ColdFusion.navigate(url,'getTx');
:   ColdFusion.navigate('populateSpecInstr.cfm?mode=no','getSpecInstr');
:   }
: }

: However, the form most definitely does exist in the page, as Firebug's View
:  Gererated Source makes clear. (Thank goodness Firebug has this ability;
:  otherwise I could never be completely certain what the  contains!) 

: Furthermore, when I do nothing but remove the reference to the callback
:  function, changing the submitting function to the form shown below, Firebug
:  does not complain, and the form submits flawlessly.

: function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
: //form validation code (omitted here), then:
: ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + action);
: }

: What could be going on here? Is one not supposed to send parms to a callback
:  function? Or am I perhaps using the wrong syntax for doing so?

: Thanks in advance for your ideas,
: Peyton 

: -
: Annual Sponsor FigLeaf Software - http://www.figleaf.com

: To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ 
: http://www.acfug.org?fa=login.edituserform

: For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
: Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
: List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com
: -

Mischa Uppelschoten
The Banker's Exchange, LLC.
4200 Highlands Parkway SE
Suite A
Smyrna, GA 30082-5198

Phone:(404) 605-0100 ext. 10
Fax:(404) 355-7930
Follow this link for Instant Web Chat:
-- Original Message ------

DATE:  Tue, 15 Jan 2008 14:30:04 -0500 (EST)

SUBJECT:   [ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following 
quandary I find myself in?

I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:

function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
//form validation code (omitted here), then:
ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + 

When I do so, the callback function, shown below, executes correctly. It shows 
by the alert statements that it received the parameters, and by the state of 
the screen that it executed the populateGenInfo.cfm call (I haven't tested it 
for inserting yet). However, the form does not get submitted, and Firebug 
complains with the following error message: 'uncaught exception: 
ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm: Form not found, form id: fmGenInfo'. 

function GenInfoCallback(mode,typegroup){
alert(mode); alert(typegroup);
url = (typegroup == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
if (mode == 'insert'){

However, the form most definitely does exist in the page, as Firebug's View 
Gererated Source makes clear. (Thank goodness Fi

[ACFUG Discuss] Ajax.submitForm Conundrum

2008-01-15 Thread Peyton Todd
Hello all. Does anyone have a suggestion to make regarding the following 
quandary I find myself in?

I'm trying to submit a form from inside a javascript function thus:

function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
//form validation code (omitted here), then:
ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + 

When I do so, the callback function, shown below, executes correctly. It shows 
by the alert statements that it received the parameters, and by the state of 
the screen that it executed the populateGenInfo.cfm call (I haven't tested it 
for inserting yet). However, the form does not get submitted, and Firebug 
complains with the following error message: 'uncaught exception: 
ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm: Form not found, form id: fmGenInfo'. 

function GenInfoCallback(mode,typegroup){
alert(mode); alert(typegroup);
url = (typegroup == '145') ? 'populateTx.cfm' : 'populateTkdnOrApp.cfm';
if (mode == 'insert'){

However, the form most definitely does exist in the page, as Firebug's View 
Gererated Source makes clear. (Thank goodness Firebug has this ability; 
otherwise I could never be completely certain what the  contains!) 

Furthermore, when I do nothing but remove the reference to the callback 
function, changing the submitting function to the form shown below, Firebug 
does not complain, and the form submits flawlessly.

function SubmitFmGenInfo145(action){
//form validation code (omitted here), then:
ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('fmGenInfo', 'saveGenInfo.cfm?mode=' + action);

What could be going on here? Is one not supposed to send parms to a callback 
function? Or am I perhaps using the wrong syntax for doing so?

Thanks in advance for your ideas,

Annual Sponsor FigLeaf Software - http://www.figleaf.com

To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ 

For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com