
2023-01-24 Thread 'Marc Perrin' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
I've been looking at the current support for X-Forwarded headers (cf. 
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30729 or 
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/31354 for example).
Is there any plan to deal with *X-Forwarded-Prefix*? Or is that header not 
std enough?
If not, I'm not sure what would be the best / usual way for a user to 
customize HttpRequest  (get_raw_uri, build_absolute_uri) to deal with it.

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Multiple instances of DjangoAdmin share the same model LogEntry

2023-01-24 Thread Jacob Rief
If someone uses two or more instances of the Django Admin interface,
the sidebar on the right containing the "Recent actions", shares the same
information for all instances of the Django Admin interface.
This is because the model LogEntry is a singleton and shared across all
instances of the Django Admin interface.
As a consequence this may be confusing to some users, since they might
expect that the log entries are bound to the current user interface.

I had a look at the code and although it is possible to create separate 
for those logs, this is really complicated and requires a lot of work. 
I wanted to ask, if it would make sense to allow each instance of a Django
Admin to specify its own model used to log entries? The default would of
course be to fall back on the current behaviour.

I have some ideas on how to achieve this. An instantiation
of a Django Admin could specify its own model similar to LogEntry
which itself should inherit from a class named AbstractLogEntry (which
doesn't yet exist). This would also allow integrators to extend this class 
additional columns for extra log entries.

– Jacob

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Re: Proposal for an "Age" PostgreSQL ORM function

2023-01-24 Thread Jörg Breitbart

Am 21.01.23 um 10:53 schrieb 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers 
(Contributions to Django itself):
A Django wrapper would actually be more complicated. You’d need to 
understand both the PostgreSQL and Django function docs, and you might 
not be sure Django does anything special besides call the SQL function.

Well since this was posted in dev mailing list, thats exactly my 
argument - if datetime range calculations like done with AGE is seen as 
useful in general, it should be done for all db vendors.
But thats much more involved and prolly needs as_db_xy() overloads with 
correct type coersion, so not so easy to extend on individual project 
basis (except for postgres, where it is 2 lines away).

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