Re: Design decision for #1625 - Adding traceback to return value from send_robust when error occurs

2011-09-20 Thread Jim D.
Awesome, great suggestions both. That's a cleaner API and the implementation 
itself is even slightly cleaner.

I updated the patch and uploaded it to the ticket. If you or anyone else 
wants to review it and ideally move it forward, that would be excellent.


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Design decision for #1625 - Adding traceback to return value from send_robust when error occurs

2011-09-20 Thread Jim D.

Here's the quick summary:

send_robust() as you know is a special case of send() in the signals 
framework, which wraps each signal trigger in a try/except block so that an 
exception in one signal doesn't prevent the rest from firing.

This is great, but I've run into a problem when using this in production. 
The problem is that send_robust() does not capture the traceback at the 
point of the exception. As a result, though you can see which exception was 
raised, you can't see the traceback assocaited with that exception. This 
makes debugging exceptions that occur during send_robust extremely, 
extremely difficult.

I've contributed a patch to resolve this. In order to preserve backwards 
compatibility, my patch adds a kwarg append_traceback to send_robust() which 
allows one to optionally ensure the traceback is included. This seemed like 
the most straightforward solution that steps on the fewest toes, though in 
my opinion the traceback should be included by default and the old way 

The patch includes full tests and documentation. Right now it's stuck in 
design decision needed. Hopefully someone wouldn't mind taking a moment to 
review the ticket and patch and move it to ready for checkin. If there are 
concerns or questions or the patch need work I'd be happy to do what is 

Many thanks...

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New feature: Customizable get_queryset() for django.contrib.comments comment_list template tags

2011-08-25 Thread Jim D.
I understand that we're supposed to suggest new features here on django-dev 
first instead of opening a ticket, so here goes:

Presently in django.contrib.comments, there are two template tags that 
output a list of comments:

{% render_comment_list for [object] %}
{% get_comment_list for [object] as [varname] %}

There is a method on BaseCommentNode called get_query_set() that composes 
the queryset for these tags and returns it.

At present, there is no way to customize the queryset. I propose that we 
provided a mechanism allowing a custom comment app to define its own 
queryset for the list of comments that can be retrieved.

What's wrong with the present way?

* You can't use a custom manager. It assumes you want to use the manager 
defined on the objects attribute.
* It assumes you want at all times to apply the moderation fields if they 
* It doesn't allow you to define custom moderation filters, e.g. if you had 
a custom field with a score on your comment model and you didn't want to 
show comments below a threshold, or if you wanted to exclude comments that 
had been flagged as spam.

Is there a workaround?

You can subclass BaseCommentNode and override its get_query_set() method, 
and then implement your own template tags. Basically your just having to do 
a lot of copying and pasting to get what you need. If there is a more 
obvious or easy way of defining this that I have overlooked, do let me know.

Proposed feature

Two possibilities:

1. Define a new function as part of the present Custom comment app API. Call 
it something like get_comment_list_query_set(). Implement the present logic 
from the get_query_set() method there, and allow it to be overridden in the file of the custom comment app.

2. Extend the template tag to allow a custom queryset to be passed to it. 
Something along the lines of:

{% render_comment_list for [object] with [custom_comment_list] %}
{% get_comment_list for [object] as [varname] with [custom_comment_list] %}

Neither of these two are mutually exclusive (i.e. they could both be 
implemented). I would think the second provides the most flexibility, but at 
the same time I think the first is in strong alignment behind the present 
custom comment app API philosophy.

Please let me know your thoughts/concerns/criticisms/etc. I'd be happy to 
work on a patch if there is consensus that it's a worthwhile idea. Thanks.

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Deferred constraint checking causing problems during test runs

2011-07-09 Thread Jim D.

I'd like to share some findings I made recently with regards to deferred 
constraint checks during test runs. There's a bit of background here 
( and 
here(, but this is the gist of 
what's going on now:

As you all know, when the Django test suite runs it executes each test 
within a DB transaction, which is opened during setUp and rolled back during 
tearDown. This works great for testing, but there is a problem, which Ramiro 
brought up the other day on IRC and I observed as well.

The problem is that by default in most of our backends, a transaction runs 
with constraint checks deferred. This means that foreign keys are *not* 
checked for integrity until a transaction is committed. But here's the rub: 
we never commit a transaction during tests, we roll it back instead. 
Therefore, none of the queries against the DB are being checked for 
integrity. (The exception is MySQL InnoDB, which I'll get to in a sec.)

As part of the work I was doing recently to disable and re-enable constraint 
checks during fixture loading, I realized that we were handling this sort of 
incorrectly across our backends.  Postgresql in fact does provide a facility 
for enabling constraint checks: SET CONSTRAINT CHECKS ALL IMMEDIATE. This 
statement causes Postgresql to behave as it normally would, when it was 
executing queries outside of a transaction.

So I tried this out on Postgresql, and what I got when I executed the test 
suite was:

Ran 3947 tests in 570.399s
FAILED (failures=53, errors=233, skipped=16, expected failures=2)

Interestingly, this looks familiar. Here's the result of the test suite on 
MySQL with Innodb:

Ran 3948 tests in 5171.412s
FAILED (failures=67, errors=213, skipped=21, expected failures=2)

Pretty darn close.

Anyhow, as I started to dig a bit deeper I realized something I considered 
to be quite important: MySQL, which has sort of been dismissed as being 
unable to handle constraint checks like a "real" database has in fact been 
running like a real database all along. The bugs that have accumulated 
during MySQL tests are in fact real bugs. When Postgresql is configured with 
constraint checks set to immediate -- and as a result behaves as it would in 
production -- these very same bugs are revealed.

The good news is there are really just a few minor problems triggering all 
these errors, and most of them are bugs in the test suite rather than 
production code. As a matter of fact, with a bit of hacking yesterday and 
today, I managed to get most of this under control. As of right now, when 
running the test suite in a fixed branch I have, I get:


Ran 3993 tests in 946.555s
FAILED (failures=3, errors=6, skipped=17, expected failures=3)


Ran 3994 tests in 4857.777s
FAILED (failures=8, errors=7, skipped=25, expected failures=3)

In other words, we're in striking distance from getting all tests to pass on 
all backends, and I uncovered a handful of issues (again, mostly bad test 
code) which were hidden from sight because constraint checks weren't being 

Right now I've got everything on an experimental git branch, which is still 
somewhat a work in progress: 
. As I said, I was mostly hacking away to kill the bugs and cut through the 
fog, so at this point I don't think what i have is ready to be proposed as a 
patch. Note that this is a branch off of the work I did on #3615 to fix 
fixture loading, which is sort of an important underlying piece that had to 
come together to be able to flush everything out.

In brief, here are the issues I uncovered, running with Postgresql.

* Content types get flushed from the DB after each test. However, they 
remain cached in the manager. When constraint checks are working, certain 
tests were failing because the a Content type wasn't being created in the DB 
in get_for_model(). Fix was to clear the contenttype cache at the start of 
every test run.

* Some deletion tests were erroring because constraint checks needed to be 
temporarily disabled during batch deletes.

* Big sneaky one that I pulled most of my hair out on until I finally found 
it...this bad boy:
 . This is the reason why there are hundreds of errors on MySQL when the 
test suite is run on master right now. Basically the monkey patched routers 
were not being restored properly. As a result, the 'other' database was no 
longer being used. Tests were failing all over the place for every test that 
ran after this one. Fixing this single type caused about 200 tests to start 
passing again in MySQL, and Postgresql as well with constraint checks 

The above are the issues I was able to patch up. Other fixes might be 
desired on the above, but again my goal was just to get tests passing again.

There were some 

Re: Thoughts on solution to forward references in MySQL (#3615)

2011-07-06 Thread Jim D.
Are any core devs interested in taking a closer look at the current patch on 
this ticket ( It's been through 
several rounds of revision after discussion here and on the ticket comment 

As of right now the patch should apply cleanly and pass tests in 
fixtures_regress. It solves the problem of IntegrityError exceptions when 
loading a fixture in MySQL, and it also applies foreign key constraint 
checks for both MySQL and SQLite to ensure valid data is being loaded. Last, 
it offers two hooks for other backends to implement constraint checks after 
fixtures are loaded.

The issues I still had questions on:

* There is a test error in 
if a backend does not implement a solution to check for foreign keys. 
Basically I have MySQL and SQlite covered, but not postgresql or Oracle. As 
I mention in the ticket,  the work done 
here covers Postgresql, so all 
it needs is an implementation from an Oracle user.

* There's a DB feature can_defer_constraint_checks .  I couldn't find much 
by way of documentation or or usage of this feature. But I was trying to 
figure out if the work we are doing here is what this feature refers to, and 
if so, if we should be marking this as True for MySQL and SQLite with this 
implementation. I'm not sure there is other behavior that is required or 
expected in that attribute. Anyhow, that might also be a path forward for 
the issue I raise above (ie. we could skip the test if 
can_defer_constraint_checks is not True).

I know there is other very similar work being coordinated elsewhere, so 
hopefully someone with an an eye on the big picture can help me see this 
through the last mile. Aside from the minor details above, this should be 
ready for checkin.


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Resetting cache gracefully at the end of every test?

2011-07-01 Thread Jim D.
This issue came up again for me recently: Because the cache is not reset or 
flushed after every test, cache values linger there. This can create 
headaches when writing tests.

I would like to propose that we treat the cache backend(s) like database 
backends during the test run. Specifically, I propose that we:

* Prefix "test_" before the KEY_PREFIX in each backend during global setup. 
This is equivalent to adding the test_ prefix to DB names. In doing this we 
prevent cache calls during test form overwriting possible legitimate values.
* Monkey patch cache.set() (and cache.set_many()) such that we record all 
keys used to set values during a test.
* Use cache.delete_many() on the list of keys we record being set during 
test teardown. This will restore the cache to its previous state after each 
test run. It's better than flush() which clears the whole cache and is too 
destructive to be run during testing.

I don't think it needs to be more complicated than this.

I checked around to see if anyone had opened a ticket related to this or had 
previous discussions on the subject but couldn't find anything. I did 
briefly touch upon this with Russ in a comment thread 
on and I noticed he made a 
comment in this vein on Django 
Users:!topic/django-users/OOGO-3MIO_c . If 
there is something already open on this or a decision has already been made, 
please do feel free to point me in the right direction.

Otherwise, if there is interest I'd be happy to open a ticket and get a 
patch started.



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Re: Thoughts on solution to forward references in MySQL (#3615)

2011-06-27 Thread Jim D.
On Monday, June 27, 2011 7:04:09 PM UTC-7, Jim D. wrote:

So that caveat aside, I will try later to find a large data set I can run 
> the query on to get an idea of what kind of performance hit the check 
> entails. If anyone else has a large data set with two related tables, you 
> can try it out as well and report your results.

Okay, I just ran this on an InnoDB with 228k rows that's about 8.5MB in size 
("REFERRING"), with a related table of 248 rows to join on ("REFERRED"), 
with no invalid records:

SELECT REFERRING.`id`, REFERRING.`id_pointing_to_some_related_table ` FROM 
`some_table` as REFERRING
LEFT JOIN `some_related_table` as REFERRED
ON (REFERRING.`id_pointing_to_some_related_table` = REFERRED.`id`)
WHERE REFERRING.`id_pointing_to_some_related_table ` IS NOT NULL

I'm getting this consistently under 1 second, around 700 or 800 ms 
generally. Not great but not horrible. I didn't do any sophisticated 
profiling or setup for this or anything.

I'm not sure what kind of performance we might think is acceptable, but for 
the dominant use cases of load data I think it's fine.

My thinking at this point would be the performance is "good enough" for the 
scope of the current ticket, and that if better performance were required or 
desired, that could be facilitated under a separate ticket, assuming there 
was community demand for it.

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Re: Thoughts on solution to forward references in MySQL (#3615)

2011-06-27 Thread Jim D.
On Monday, June 27, 2011 3:08:03 PM UTC-7, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> I left some comments on the patch on the ticket.

Excellent just saw those. I'll take a look.

> > I'm using django-threadedcomments on a project, which has forward
> > references in one of its test fixtures, so I'm reminded of this issue
> > every time I run my project tests. I hate test errors! I'm hopeful the
> > latest patch is sufficient to get this issue resolved.
> Does this patch work for you (I'm assuming so)? A "this works for me
> in production" goes a huge way towards me feeling comfortable checking
> things in.
Does it work in production is a hard question for me to answer, if I 
understood your question properly. In my projects, I really only touch the 
loaddata command when I'm running tests (I guess loading data via 
initial_data.json into a production DB sort of counts as running in 
production). I don't think anything in my proposed changes touches 
production code with possibly a few minor exceptions. I know that I can run 
the full Django test suite with MySQL in innodb and I do not get any fixture 
loading issues related to forward references.

It'd be great if some others could test this patch out as well. In 
particular, I can't be sure how well ti works on older versions of MySQL. 
There's no crazy magic at work here but, well, you never know.

If it works for others and we're all in agreement with the philosophical 
approach of the solution, I think it should be a fairly uncontroversial 
commit, since it's really primarily a fixture loading issue at its core. 

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Thoughts on solution to forward references in MySQL (#3615)

2011-06-27 Thread Jim D.
Hi all,

I spent some time last week and over the weekend nailing down a
solution for . This is the
ticket about allowing forward references when loading data on the
MySQL InnoDB backend. My patch implements the proposed change
(disabling foreign key checks when the data is loaded) as well as a
straightforward SQL SELECT check for integrity after the data is
loaded, which if I understand it is the missing piece that has
prevented this ticket from moving forward for the last 4 years...

Anyhow, the patch should be 100% there so I'd love if someone could
check it out and either push it along or let me know if any changes
are required. It should be easy enough for me to address any issues
while the whole problem is in my head.

I'm using django-threadedcomments on a project, which has forward
references in one of its test fixtures, so I'm reminded of this issue
every time I run my project tests. I hate test errors! I'm hopeful the
latest patch is sufficient to get this issue resolved.


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Re: Re : Re: #1342 Allow customization of MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED. Reopen or new ticket?

2011-05-12 Thread Jim D.
On May 11, 9:47 pm, Mathieu AGOPIAN  wrote:
> Just to make sure i've understood the topic here: you need to change
> MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED, but only for a specific model?
> Otherwise you could just add something like that to, say, the root urlconf:
> from django.contrib.admin.views import main as admin_views_main
> admin_views_main.MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED = 1000

Thanks Mathieu. That's actually a fine little hack for overriding the
default site-wide. If I'd thought of that in the first place I
probably wouldn't have gone through the trouble of bringing up this
issue. :)

As it were, I ended up opening a ticket submitting a patch that
converts it into an configurable attribute on ModelAdmin:

The patch I attached there also adds some documentation and test
coverage for the show all feature, which is lacking at the moment, so
hopefully it represents an improvement on what we have now.

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#1342 Allow customization of MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED. Reopen or new ticket?

2011-05-10 Thread Jim D.
I'm looking at a five-year-old ticket here (http:// that suggests MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED
in the admin be configurable. As of now it is hard coded at 200 in
contrib/admin/views/ .

The ticket is, in my opinion, somewhat erroneously marked as "fixed",
as someone pointed out 14 months ago. The patch that supposedly fixed
it is the one that added the list_per_page attribute; however, that
patch only addressed half of the issue (ability to configure results
per page) and not the other half related to the show all.

Clearly this is not an issue of overwhelming importance or I'd imagine
it would have already come up in the last five years. Be that as it
may, I have an important use case where I'd like to preserve
pagination but allow for a show_all link to appear, which can only be
accomplished gracefully by changing the MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED. It also
strikes me as bad form to hard code an arbitrary value like that
without providing any recourse to amend it.

First question is administrative -- should I reopen this old ticket or
start a new ticket?

Second question is how to approach the patch. Is it acceptable to move
this to global_settings under an "Admin" section at the bottom and
leave it undocumented? Given that it's already undocumented and there
are other settings in global_settings that are also undocumented, this
would seem to be the quickest approach that would hopefully ruffle the
fewest feathers. If that's not kosher, I'd be happy to contribute a
patch with full documentation if need be, or to take a different
approach, e.g. make this configurable at the site or model admin

Third question, is there some reason this issue has not been fixed
before or should not be fixed? Mostly I just want to make sure this
issue has not been discussed before and some conclusion reached that
I'm not aware of (searched, but couldn't find anything).

If anyone has any thoughts regarding any of these questions I'd
appreciate hearing them. My main objective is to find the most direct
path to something that you guys will find acceptable. Thanks.

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Re: Questions about possible regression in recent changeset addressing cache

2011-01-23 Thread Jim D.
Thanks for the detailed explanation Russ. I was mainly concerned about
jumping into to attempt to rework a few things without a better
understanding of what the code is supposed to be doing.

If I find a few minutes today, I was thinking about writing a few
tests specifically against the __init__ method of CacheMiddleware to
ensure the right attributes are being set in the right way going
forward, and then perhaps proposing a few minor tweaks to to the code
to straighten things out. I'll put up a patch if I manage to get


On Jan 23, 3:33 am, Russell Keith-Magee 
> On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Jim D.  wrote:
> > Howdy,
> > I reported a bug earlier today (
> > 15144) related to a possible regression in changeset 15021 (http://
> > The apparent regression is
> > that as of this changeset, the cache middleware no longer respects the
> > timeout value passed to the @cache_page decorator.
> > I found some time this evening to further research this. I was able to
> > create a regression test that demonstrated the bug. However, in trying
> > to create a patch which addresses the bug I'm having a hard time
> > making sense of what changeset 15021 set out to accomplish.
> > For whatever reason, I am unable to find any discussion related to it
> > on this discussion list or in trac. If someone would be kind enough to
> > direct me to discussion surrounding this changeset or the ticket(s)
> > associated with it, I would be most appreciative.
> To fill in some of the blanks here; r15021 was an attempt to improve
> the testing of some of the features introduced in r15005, when
> multiple cache backends were introduced.
> In particular, I was concerned about the argument handling in the
> cache_page decorator. The cache_page decorator is just a wrapper
> around the combined cache middleware; my concern fell into two areas:
>  * options passed to the decorator wouldn't be used correctly by the
> underlying implementation
>  * Unspecified options on the decorator would fall back to the wrong
> defaults (middleware-specific defaults, rather than decorator
> defaults)
> The test cases that are contained in r15021 cover the areas that I was
> concerned about.
> > Anyhow, that said, it appears to me there are some minor issues with
> > the code in the __init__ method of CacheMiddleware and there does not
> > appear to be adequate test coverage around some of the code.
> Entirely possible. Like I said, I added a bunch of tests that covered
> cases that I could see would be a problem (or were problems, and were
> fixed by the rest of the patch). I make no claim that the rest of the
> test suite is adequate.
> > * The cache_timeout value is being passed along to the cache, but
> > self.cache_timeout is not being set. This is the problem I identified
> > in the ticket I filed. The value was previously being set prior to
> > changeset 15021. Why was this removed and why is it now being set to
> > the default_timeout of the cache?
> As I noted in the ticket, it wasn't removed; the logic just gets
> invoked in a different way.
> It appears that you've now provided a test case, and Jag has
> volunteered a patch; I'll be sure to take a look at both in the near
> future.
> > * There appears to be an attempt to determine which alias and prefix
> > to use in the try / except blocks. The problem is that the key is
> > being accessed via a dict get() method, which will never raise a
> > KeyError (, it
> > will only return None. So basically the except blocks are never going
> > to be raised. This could probably be resolved by passing a default
> > value of e.g. False as the second arg to get() in each instance, and
> > then changing the try/except block to a condition. It also does seem
> > like some tests are needed here to properly run these various code
> > paths and make sure they are being set correctly.
> This is probably a case of code evolving against a deadline. At the
> time r15021 was committed, I was working against the alpha deadline,
> and I wanted to make sure that the feature added a couple of days
> earlier didn't have any major bugs. As a result, the implementation
> evolved quickly, and it's entirely possible a couple of facepalm
> errors slipped in.
> > * It seems kind of weird to me that if a 'cache_alias' is set
> > explicitly, then we don't fall back to CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS if a
> > cache_timeout is not found, but if it's

Questions about possible regression in recent changeset addressing cache

2011-01-21 Thread Jim D.

I reported a bug earlier today (
15144) related to a possible regression in changeset 15021 (http:// The apparent regression is
that as of this changeset, the cache middleware no longer respects the
timeout value passed to the @cache_page decorator.

I found some time this evening to further research this. I was able to
create a regression test that demonstrated the bug. However, in trying
to create a patch which addresses the bug I'm having a hard time
making sense of what changeset 15021 set out to accomplish.

For whatever reason, I am unable to find any discussion related to it
on this discussion list or in trac. If someone would be kind enough to
direct me to discussion surrounding this changeset or the ticket(s)
associated with it, I would be most appreciative.

Anyhow, that said, it appears to me there are some minor issues with
the code in the __init__ method of CacheMiddleware and there does not
appear to be adequate test coverage around some of the code. Namely:

* The cache_timeout value is being passed along to the cache, but
self.cache_timeout is not being set. This is the problem I identified
in the ticket I filed. The value was previously being set prior to
changeset 15021. Why was this removed and why is it now being set to
the default_timeout of the cache?

* There appears to be an attempt to determine which alias and prefix
to use in the try / except blocks. The problem is that the key is
being accessed via a dict get() method, which will never raise a
KeyError (, it
will only return None. So basically the except blocks are never going
to be raised. This could probably be resolved by passing a default
value of e.g. False as the second arg to get() in each instance, and
then changing the try/except block to a condition. It also does seem
like some tests are needed here to properly run these various code
paths and make sure they are being set correctly.

* It seems kind of weird to me that if a 'cache_alias' is set
explicitly, then we don't fall back to CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS if a
cache_timeout is not found, but if it's not set then we do fall back
to that setting?

If someone can shed some light on these questions, I can hopefully set
aside some time to write a few tests and rework the code a bit if it
does turn out that is needed.

Many thanks...

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Quick review of #15026

2011-01-13 Thread Jim D.

Just wanted to see if anyone wanted to do a quick review of the patch
I submitted for #15026:

The ticket in question refers to a failure in contrib.session tests
when memcached is specified as the cache backend.

i had suggested clearing the cache as a solution, and Russell had
moved the ticket to "Ready for checkin" in response. However, upon
further reflection I realized that clearing the cache clears the
entire cache and this probably wasn't desirable behavior for the test
suite, so I proposed an alternative.

This is not a super critical bug, but I just wanted to make sure it
gets reviewed before the 1.3 deadline and hopefully queued for checkin.

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Re: Proposal: Add signals test_setup and test_teardown to Django test suite runner

2010-09-20 Thread Jim D.
Cool, thanks

On Sep 20, 3:30 pm, Carl Meyer  wrote:

> Thanks for your work on this! The usual Django workflow doesn't
> include patches to the mailing list: rather you can go ahead and open
> a Trac ticket and attach the patch there (even if you aren't sure of
> the approach yet), and reference the ticket number here.

Cool, thank you Carl. I'll go ahead and submit it as a ticket and let
it take its natural course from there.

> So where this would break is if someone is doing a bit too much at
> import time of their tests module (like in the class body of a
> TestCase subclass): for instance, saving something to the database. I
> have to admit (gulp) that I have actually done this before and it
> currently works fine, but it's not really good practice and it's
> certainly not documented anywhere that you can do that, so personally
> I'm not sure it would be a problem to break it.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Maybe other people will have
examples where it might cause some critical issues, I guess we'll see.

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Re: Proposal: Add signals test_setup and test_teardown to Django test suite runner

2010-09-18 Thread Jim D.
I found some time this evening to work this out, and have included a
revised patch for this proposal at the end of this message.

I tried to keep changes to an absolute minimum, but here are a few
notes about the changes and decisions I did make:

* The addition of this feature required what I imagine to be a
significant change to test suite runner. Namely, I switched the order
of the build_suite() and setup_test_environment() methods in
run_tests(). The reason for this has to do with what i suggested in my
earlier reply in this thread, namely that there isn't a feasible way
to connect to the signals from application code until after
applications have been imported. I also wanted to attempt to implement
Russ's suggestion of having Django itself use the signals for setup
and teardown. The most logical and clean way to do this (and the only
way to organize things such that Django could use the code) was to
construct the run_test() sequence such that test suites are first
built, then setup, then run tests, then teardown. The Django tests
suite passed when the order was inverted, but I am quite certain it is
a huge assumption on my part that the order can be switched here. Does
anybody have any opinions on this, or reasonings as to why the
setup_test_environment() stuff would need to be called before
build_suite()? I imagine this would be the greatest concern with my
proposed patch.

* The test utility methods setup_test_environment() and
teardown_test_environment() are now connected to the respective
signals and are executed when those emit, rather than being called
directly from the test suite runner. The **kwargs was added to their
signature so that the they could be executed via the signal.

* Aside from adding the code to create the signals and to emit them in
the test runner, that's all the changes that were necessary to
implement this feature.

* I have included documentation changes in the patch in what is
hopefully a tolerable first stab.

I welcome any additional feedback or suggestions. Provided there are
no serious objections or deal breakers pointed out in this discussion,
I'll submit a ticket for this, which I assume is the best way to move
it forward in the official discussion and review process.

Here's my revised proposed patch:

Index: django/test/
--- django/test/   (revision 13861)
+++ django/test/   (working copy)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from django.test import _doctest as doctest
 from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment,
 from django.test.testcases import OutputChecker, DocTestRunner,
+from django.test.signals import test_setup, test_teardown

 # The module name for tests outside
 TEST_MODULE = 'tests'
@@ -230,7 +231,7 @@
 self.failfast = failfast

 def setup_test_environment(self, **kwargs):
 settings.DEBUG = False

 def build_suite(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@

 def teardown_test_environment(self, **kwargs):

 def suite_result(self, suite, result, **kwargs):
 return len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
@@ -308,8 +309,8 @@

 Returns the number of tests that failed.
+suite = self.build_suite(test_labels, extra_tests)
-suite = self.build_suite(test_labels, extra_tests)
 old_config = self.setup_databases()
 result = self.run_suite(suite)
Index: django/test/
--- django/test/  (revision 13861)
+++ django/test/  (working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 from django.dispatch import Signal

 template_rendered = Signal(providing_args=["template", "context"])
+test_setup = Signal()
+test_teardown = Signal()
\ No newline at end of file
Index: django/test/
--- django/test/ 13861)
+++ django/test/ copy)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 return self.nodelist.render(context)

-def setup_test_environment():
+def setup_test_environment(**kwargs):
 """Perform any global pre-test setup. This involves:

 - Installing the instrumented test renderer
@@ -71,8 +71,9 @@
 mail.outbox = []


-def teardown_test_environment():
+def teardown_test_environment(**kwargs):
 """Perform any global post-test teardown. This involves:

 - Restoring the original test renderer
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@
 del mail.original_email_backend


Re: Proposal: Add signals test_setup and test_teardown to Django test suite runner

2010-09-18 Thread Jim D.
Thanks for the suggestions and guidance Russ. I'll work with it a bit
more and see if it pans out.

My main concern with this working smoothly in the core has to do with
when and how application code is loaded in the process of setting up
tests. It turns out the earliest we can realistically send the
test_setup signal is in the build_suite() method, right after the
get_app() / get_apps() functions have executed, i.e. the applications
themselves have been loaded. Prior to this any attempts to connect()
to the signal won't get picked up, because no applications have been

There's also a related issue, which is that if you run individual
tests or sets of tests for an application, it doesn't appear that
other applications get loaded. This means that, in a given
application, I might add a hook and expect it to run whenever tests
for the project are run, but it wouldn't in fact run unless that
application was included in the test. So e.g. if I wanted to disable
certain behavior whenever tests were run, that might not in fact
happen. That said, I guess if another application includes the
application where the hooks live, those connect() calls would get set
up at the same time. Not sure if what I'm saying is totally clear, but
I guess the point is there are a few more complexities here in the
setup process than might first meet the eye.

Also, given the above, it might not be realistic to configure the
existing setup code to run via this signal, since the signal happens
so much later in the process.

The solution is probably for me to think this through a bit more and
see if there isn't a way to send the test_setup signal where one would
expect it should be sent (i.e. at the end of the
setup_test_environment() method in the suite runner) and at the same
time ensure that applications have a way to connect to the signal.
I'll give it some thought.

Thank you again for the support and suggestions.

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Proposal: Add signals test_setup and test_teardown to Django test suite runner

2010-09-17 Thread Jim D.
I recently asked a question on Django Users related to executing
certain code during the global setup and teardown routines that run in
Django's test runner. In my particular use case, I was looking for a
hook where I could disable some third party API code when tests
execute, in much the same way that Django itself swaps out the email
backend during testing to ensure no emails are actually sent.

Anyhow, it seems the only solution at the time being is set up a
custom test runner, which is what I ended up doing. However, it
occurred to me that a more elegant approach would be to use signals
that run during setup and teardown, which applications could hook into
if they needed to do any global setup or teardown actions. To me, this
seems like an excellent solution to the problem (it's actually what I
implemented in my custom test runner I ended up using).

I wonder if this is something that would be considered for addition to
the core? I at least wanted to throw it out there for discussions.

I've included a patch I wrote to implement this in the core test
module, at the bottom of this message. It should be mostly self
explanatory. Note that the call to send the test_setup figure has to
occur after get_apps() has executed in build_suite(), since
applications aren't loaded until then and any signal connections would
not yet have had a chance to be set up.

Just a few arguments to throw out in favor of this idea:

* Requiring a custom test runner to implement this behavior makes it
(nearly) impossible for reusable applications to modify global setup
and teardown behavior, since it would become the responsibility of the
project itself to specify the custom test runner.
* The current setup gives the Django core "privileged" access to
disable certain features during testing, it would seem that
application should be given the capability as well.
* Signals are non obtrusive...if they are not used they don't really
harm anything.
* None of the proposed changes would impact production code, since
they are all restricted to the test suite. In fact the patch is really
only about 5 lines of additional code.

Anyhow, hopefully this is something you guys would be interested in
considering. Apologies if this topic has been discussed or proposed
before, but in searching I could not find anything related to it.

Proposed patch:

Index: test/
--- test/  (revision 13861)
+++ test/  (working copy)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from django.test import _doctest as doctest
 from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment,
 from django.test.testcases import OutputChecker, DocTestRunner,
+from django.test.signals import test_setup, test_teardown

 # The module name for tests outside
 TEST_MODULE = 'tests'
@@ -246,7 +247,11 @@
 for app in get_apps():
+# This signal can't come any earlier, because applications
are actually loaded
+# in get_apps()
 if extra_tests:
 for test in extra_tests:
@@ -284,6 +289,7 @@

 def teardown_test_environment(self, **kwargs):

 def suite_result(self, suite, result, **kwargs):
Index: test/
--- test/ (revision 13861)
+++ test/ (working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
 from django.dispatch import Signal

 template_rendered = Signal(providing_args=["template", "context"])
+test_setup = Signal()
+test_teardown = Signal()

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