Re: ORM funkiness when doing Many2Many to intermediary table with the same source table twice

2005-10-20 Thread Luke Plant


> If I've got a Many2Many relationship implemented via an intermediary
> table (a la
> but in the intermediary table I point back to the same table twice,
> does django's ORM not support this?
> Example: table Node, intermediary table Relationship that wants to
> point back to Node twice (once as attribute 'child' and once as
> attribute 'parent'). It seems like what I get is the ability to see
> just one of the references back (the first one declared in the model
> object), so with a call like
> Node.get_relationship_list(parent__id__exact=x) I get nothing even if
> it is there.

It is supported, but badly documented. You have to use the 'singular'
attribute when defining the ManyToMany field.  Some docs are on this


"Idiocy: Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large 
groups." (

Luke Plant || L.Plant.98 (at) ||

import error

2005-10-20 Thread stava

I'm trying to import a simple from the toplevel of my
application, i.e.

from ttime.utils import *

All I get from runserver is: "ImportError: No module
named utils".

The is there, but the django server can't seem to find it, I
suspect this is a true newbie question: what's the best way to add
simple utility functions usable for all modules to my django app?


Re: Pb with Backwards-incompatible admin changes

2005-10-20 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 10/20/05, Laurent RAHUEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> THX, it was the problem. I guess this should be added to the documentation.

I've updated the docs at .


Adrian Holovaty | |

Re: Pb with Backwards-incompatible admin changes

2005-10-20 Thread Laurent RAHUEL

Le Jeudi 20 Octobre 2005 17:44, Andreas Stuhlmüller a écrit :
> Hi Laurent,
> > Error: The database couldn't be initialized.
> > 'module' object has no attribute 'INSTALLED_APPS'
> Deleting your project/settings directory might help. At least it helped
> when I got this error :).
> Andreas

THX, it was the problem. I guess this should be added to the documentation.

Re: Pb with Backwards-incompatible admin changes

2005-10-20 Thread Andreas Stuhlmüller

Hi Laurent,

> Error: The database couldn't be initialized.
> 'module' object has no attribute 'INSTALLED_APPS'

Deleting your project/settings directory might help. At least it helped
when I got this error :).


Pb with Backwards-incompatible admin changes

2005-10-20 Thread Laurent RAHUEL


I'm trying to move my code after those changes and I can't get 
python init working. I get this error and I can't figure out 
why :

Error: The database couldn't be initialized.
'module' object has no attribute 'INSTALLED_APPS'

I got a good PYTHONPATH and a good DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment 

I read the documentation for upgrading after admin changes and I hope I did 
everything well.

Any idea ??



Error in myapp

2005-10-20 Thread Grigory Fateyev


Wrote polls app from tutorial and it was worked, then write articles app
and see this error:

  File "/home/greg/www/django_src/django/core/", line 77,
in _get_urlconf_moduleself._urlconf_module =
__import__(self.urlconf_name, '', '', [''])

ImportError: No module named urls

now and polls app give the same error. Why?

Всего наилучшего!
greg [at] anastasia [dot] ru Григорий.

Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Sune Kirkeby

On 10/20/05, Robert Wittams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should I add this to the wiki page?

Feel free. But, please don't use @decorator syntax, it's not 2.3-safe.


ORM funkiness when doing Many2Many to intermediary table with the same source table twice

2005-10-20 Thread antrod

If I've got a Many2Many relationship implemented via an intermediary
table (a la
but in the intermediary table I point back to the same table twice,
does django's ORM not support this?

Example: table Node, intermediary table Relationship that wants to
point back to Node twice (once as attribute 'child' and once as
attribute 'parent'). It seems like what I get is the ability to see
just one of the references back (the first one declared in the model
object), so with a call like
Node.get_relationship_list(parent__id__exact=x) I get nothing even if
it is there.



Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Sune Kirkeby

On 10/20/05, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * All app templates assume there's a "base_generic" template and {%
> extend %} it.
> * All app templates assume the  is in {% title %}.
> * All app templates assume there's a {% block extrahead %} within the
> . This is a hook for putting arbitrary things in .
> * All app templates assume the parent templates have defined {% block
> content %}, for the main content area of the page.

I like that very much, except for one little nitpick. Is there any reason
for using underscores instead of dashes? A dash is so much is easier
to type.

I'll fold it into Do's and Dont's.

> I'd even go so far as to say we could include the above base.html and
> base_generic.html in the Django distribution proper, to give people a
> starting point when creating their templates.

In project_template/templates/?
And maybe app_template/templates/base.html which just extends


Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Sune Kirkeby

On 10/20/05, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had this same question: What's a mnemosyne? We should change it to "myapp".

Mnemosyne is the greek goddess of memory, I pulled it out of
the hat, because I think myapp is so boring and impersonal.

But, feel free to change it.


Re: Error in DateFormat

2005-10-20 Thread Grigory Fateyev

Hello Adrian Holovaty!
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 08:46:47 -0500 you wrote:

> Fixed as of revision 976.
> Adrian

Thanks, very much!

Всего наилучшего!
greg [at] anastasia [dot] ru Григорий.

Re: Error in DateFormat

2005-10-20 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 10/20/05, Grigory Fateyev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Install blogs app from django_website, and when whant to see comment of
> blog entrie see this error:
>   File "/home/greg/www/django_src/django/utils/", line 26,
> in formatpieces.append(str(getattr(self, piece)()))
> AttributeError: DateFormat instance has no attribute 'P'

Fixed as of revision 976.


Adrian Holovaty | |

Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 10/20/05, kmh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seeing it in writing got me wondering though if the whole idea of
> application templates "extending" the base site is wrong-headed.
> Because the application knows nothing about the site it is to be
> embedded in, the application writer is second-guessing what base
> template it is supposed to extend.  Say the 'blog' and 'gallery'
> applications need to appear on the same page in different
> columns...what then?

The way we've done things for the past 2 years at World Online, with
dozens of decoupled Django apps, is to have a standard convention for
templates. Here's a short explanation of the convention, which I think
we should promote:

* All app templates assume there's a "base_generic" template and {%
extend %} it.
* All app templates assume the  is in {% title %}.
* All app templates assume there's a {% block extrahead %} within the
. This is a hook for putting arbitrary things in .
* All app templates assume the parent templates have defined {% block
content %}, for the main content area of the page.

Essentially, the convention is to assume these base templates:



{% block title %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}{% endblock %}



{% extends "base" %}


Solidifying a convention like this would go a long way in making
Django apps easily pluggable (via their default templates). Of course,
it shouldn't (and won't) be required that app users *use* the default
templates that come with an app -- they're just a quick starting point
and serve as documentation.

I'd even go so far as to say we could include the above base.html and
base_generic.html in the Django distribution proper, to give people a
starting point when creating their templates.


Adrian Holovaty | |

Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Adrian Holovaty

> great start. just two comments. why use mnemosyne as the example? why
> not something more generic like "myapp" ?

I had this same question: What's a mnemosyne? We should change it to "myapp".


Adrian Holovaty | |

Error in DateFormat

2005-10-20 Thread Grigory Fateyev


Install blogs app from django_website, and when whant to see comment of
blog entrie see this error:

  File "/home/greg/www/django_src/django/utils/", line 26,
in formatpieces.append(str(getattr(self, piece)()))

AttributeError: DateFormat instance has no attribute 'P'

Всего наилучшего!
greg [at] anastasia [dot] ru Григорий.

Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Robert Wittams

kmh wrote:
>>On 10/20/05, kmh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Shouldn't we encourage a model where site templates are able to
>>>explicitly "include" application templates, rather than the other way
>>On 10/20/05, Sune Kirkeby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>That's not how applications and templates work. You can't just
>>include a template from another application, you would be missing
>>the context that the application views provide.
> A more "include" oriented solution would be to let sites rather than
> applications determine which site base template is being extended by an
> application template.  I have just discovered the {% extends variable
> %} tag, which seems to fit this bill.  It should also be encouraged
> that application features that don't depend on the request be made
> templates tags rather than views.
> Kieran

I think what you actually want is for applications to provide you with
template tags that encapsulate most of the functionality of thier views.

Then in your site template, you can compose these template tags to your
hearts content.

Maybe this should be a best practice too?

This is very easy with the @inclusion_tag decorator in #625.
(Predicated on 625 being applied (cough...Adrian...cough) , or using
new-admin branch.)

Should I add this to the wiki page?
Parts of your application that may be useful embedded in site views
should be structured as template tags.

Create a template of just the portion of your view that is reusable:


   {%for choice in poll%}
  {{ choice}} : {{choice.votes}}
   {%end for%}

create a template tag using this template,

def results_panel(poll):
return {'poll': poll}

In your views and site views, use the template tag:
{% load polls %}
{% results_panel poll %}

Sites can override the poll/results_panel.html template to customise
this. It will apply sitewide, including within the app within which the
template tag resides.

(It is of course possible to do this without using @inclusion_tag, but
it is a pain.)


This seems like a pretty good pattern to me, especially for apps to
provide little summary views for aggregation by sites.

Re: site url

2005-10-20 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On Thursday 20 Oct 2005 4:56 pm, Andy Shaw wrote:
> > {{ site_url }}/css/layout.css.
> > how do i do this?
> Um... I don't know the actual answer to your question off the bat,
> but you can use an absolute URI that doesn't contain the site name:

thing is that i have one copy of the app on my local machine and the 
other on the production server. if this is portable i can test out on 
my local machine and then just update on the server without changing 
anything. The only difference between the two is the 
'http://localhost/' part

tally ho!
ಇಂಡ್ಲಿನಕ್ಸ வாழ்க!

Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Sune Kirkeby

On 10/20/05, kmh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On 10/20/05, kmh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Shouldn't we encourage a model where site templates are able to
> >> explicitly "include" application templates, rather than the other way
> >> around?
> >On 10/20/05, Sune Kirkeby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >That's not how applications and templates work. You can't just
> >include a template from another application, you would be missing
> >the context that the application views provide.
> A more "include" oriented solution would be to let sites rather than
> applications determine which site base template is being extended by an
> application template.

If a site wants different application-templates to extend different
base-templates, they should override the application-templates.
Most sites won't need that kind of over engineering mojo, so we
should not burden sites or applications with it.

And, for some applications it's even downright troublesome.
For example, has a blog/base template, which
all the other templates extends. The blog/base template makes
sure all the blog pages contain a common footer and have
the blog-name in the title. Duplicating the title and footer in
all the other templates would be silly.

> It should also be encouraged
> that application features that don't depend on the request be made
> templates tags rather than views.

Yes, definetly. I've put that in.


Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread kmh

>On 10/20/05, kmh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Shouldn't we encourage a model where site templates are able to
>> explicitly "include" application templates, rather than the other way
>> around?

>On 10/20/05, Sune Kirkeby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>That's not how applications and templates work. You can't just
>include a template from another application, you would be missing
>the context that the application views provide.

A more "include" oriented solution would be to let sites rather than
applications determine which site base template is being extended by an
application template.  I have just discovered the {% extends variable
%} tag, which seems to fit this bill.  It should also be encouraged
that application features that don't depend on the request be made
templates tags rather than views.


Re: site url

2005-10-20 Thread Andy Shaw

Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

i know it must be somewhere, but cant find it. How do you refer to the 
site url in a template? Say my css file is in, to make this portable i would have to 
make the template as:

{{ site_url }}/css/layout.css. 
how do i do this?

Um... I don't know the actual answer to your question off the bat, but 
you can use an absolute URI that doesn't contain the site name:

Works for me...


Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Sune Kirkeby

On 10/20/05, kmh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shouldn't we encourage a model where site templates are able to
> explicitly "include" application templates, rather than the other way
> around?

That's not how applications and templates work. You can't just
include a template from another application, you would be missing
the context that the application views provide.

> Say the 'blog' and 'gallery'
> applications need to appear on the same page in different
> columns...what then?

Then you would have to write a site-specific view and template,
because neither the blog or gallery application can have a view
for that (since they don't know of the other.)


Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

great start. just two comments. why use mnemosyne as the example? why
not something more generic like "myapp" ?

for the media directory, mnemosyne/media/ should be sufficient.

Re: Tag library not found

2005-10-20 Thread tomass

Works a treat, thanks!

Wonder if you've had a chance to take a look at this:

Still seems to be bothering me... 

Thanks, Tom

Re: Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread kmh

Hi Sune,

Thanks for getting this thread going.  Your outline is pretty close to
the way I've been doing things too.

Seeing it in writing got me wondering though if the whole idea of
application templates "extending" the base site is wrong-headed.
Because the application knows nothing about the site it is to be
embedded in, the application writer is second-guessing what base
template it is supposed to extend.  Say the 'blog' and 'gallery'
applications need to appear on the same page in different
columns...what then?

Shouldn't we encourage a model where site templates are able to
explicitly "include" application templates, rather than the other way
around?  Though I haven't used it, the 'ssi' tag looks like the kind of
thing I have in mind.


site url

2005-10-20 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

i know it must be somewhere, but cant find it. How do you refer to the 
site url in a template? Say my css file is in, to make this portable i would have to 
make the template as:

{{ site_url }}/css/layout.css. 
how do i do this?
tally ho!
ಇಂಡ್ಲಿನಕ್ಸ வாழ்க!

Do's and Dont's for Application Writers

2005-10-20 Thread Sune Kirkeby


Here is a rough draft of "Do's and Dont's for Application Writers":

I'd be much interested in comments, suggestions and
anything people disagree with, but can we keep feedback
on the list? Wikis have horrible threading ;)


Re: dynamic choices

2005-10-20 Thread stava

stava wrote:
> I'm having a bit of a problem with dynamic choices. I'm working on a
> simple timesheet system where I've extended the auth.users with a
> couple of fields including something I call "primary group":
> def getUsers(group = None):
>   users = []
>   if group is None:
> for u in auth.users.get_values(fields = ('id', 'username',)):
>   users.append((u['id'], u['username']))
>   else:
> for u in auth.users.get_values(
>   fields = ('id', 'username',),
>   tables = ['auth_users_groups', 'auth_groups'],
>   where  = [" = '%s'" % group,
> 'auth_users_groups.group_id =',
> 'auth_users_groups.user_id =']):
>   users.append((u['id'], u['username']))
>   return users
> class Department(meta.Model):
>   department = meta.CharField(maxlength = 10, unique = True,
>  help_text = 'Short name')
>   name   = meta.CharField(maxlength = 30, unique = True,
>  help_text = 'Full name')
>   costcentre = meta.CharField(maxlength = 10)
>   manager= meta.ForeignKey(auth.User, verbose_name = 'manager',
>  choices = getUsers('Line Manager'),
>  help_text = 'Department manager')
> class User(auth.User):
>   primary_group = meta.ForeignKey(auth.Group, default = 1,
> verbose_name = 'primary group')
>   department= meta.ForeignKey(Department, default = 1)
>   country   = meta.ForeignKey(Country, default = 1,
> help_text = 'Country the user belongs to')
>   notes = meta.TextField(blank = True)
> Now comes the problem, and I can't decide if it's a bug or if I am not
> using 'choices' the right way: when initialising a freshly created
> database, I get:
> django-admin init tttime
> Error: The database couldn't be initialized.
> (1146, "Table 'tttime.auth_users' doesn't exist")
> However, if I comment out the 'choices' part of the 'manager'
> definition in the Department class, it works like a charm. Then I can
> uncomment the 'choices' and everything works as expected.
> Please advice anyone? Is there a better way to implement dynamic
> choices?
> /stava

And, of course, if one were to read the documentation properly:| the
solution is to use 'limit_choices_to'.
