Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Max Battcher

Eugene Lazutkin wrote:
Look at Dojo. I did a small how-to on creating widgets here: Some people, who 
read it, missed my point: it was not about Ajax functionality (you can 
do it with any library), it was about creation of self-contained generic 
widgets, which don't pollute your html code with unnecessary garbage. 
You can download LiveFilter.js (link in the tutorial) and use it 
literally without modifications with practically any form in your 
project to make it "live". All you have to do is to implement a 
relatively simple view to support it on Django's side (example 
included). No JavaScript knowledge is involved in actual use. But if you 
want to be fancy, you can create your own widgets, and reuse them across 
projects. Additional bonus (useful for medium-to-large projects): such 
widgets provide a clean separation between client-side programmers, 
server-side programmers, and (most importantly) designers --- everybody 
is doing stuff they are familiar with.

Nice example.  I think it points towards the basic direction that a 
Django AJAX framework should take.  Client-side code should be in 
template-vars (ContextProcessor if needed) and template-tags connected 
to client-side "views" in .js files.  Server-side code should consist of 
simple RESTful views (there are several existing generic views that 
could easily be used for that task, and there are probably some good 
ideas out there for other good AJAX-friendly generic views).

I think it points to another idea I think would be nice to see in 
Django: "smart views" (actually, it would really just be a smart 
template loader and a single additional piece of information needed to 
pass to the generic views, in order to pass to the template loader). 
There are several cases where you might have the same view (all of the X 
objects, details of the X object with id=somenumber, ...), but different 
output formats based on circumstance.  You could let the template loader 
handle the format...  I would use the file extension.  For example, you 
could have your HTML templates as myobject_list.html and your RSS 
template for the same object as myobject_list.rss.  Then you could just 
add the proper format setting to your info_dict for the generic 
object_list view and let it choose the proper one.  (Assuming for 
whatever reason you don't want to use the existing RSS Framework, which 
works well, but this is just the first example to come to mind.) 
Another example would then be the "simple" views for use in AJAX/REST 
projects (using .ajax or .rest or .js or .raw.xml depending on the 
content type, perhaps).

You could even design your URLs to take advantage of the format context 
*if you wanted*.  Something like (using an object_detail-style example 
this time):


That would match things like:
/mysite/coolthings/1/  (The typical HTML view for a Django site)

Overall it would be subtle "opt-in" and shouldn't affect the current 
behavior (ie, if the generic view+template loader doesn't know the 
expected output format, default gracefully to the default in

Anyone else see it as useful?

--Max Battcher--
"History bleeds for tomorrow / for us to realize and never more follow 
blind" --Machinae Supremacy, Deus Ex Machinae, Title Track

image field update impossible.

2006-01-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello i created a foo model to expose the problem,

from django.core import meta

# Create your models here.

class Aclass(meta.Model):
question = meta.CharField(maxlength=200)
img= meta.ImageField('Attach Image', upload_to='postimgs',

class META:
admin = meta.Admin(
fields = (
(None, {'fields': ('question', 'img')}),

wiht img behind a normal image field,
when i go to the admin part and add a foo object with the form
everyhting is fine, my image is well saved.
However when i edit this same foo object tu change some data, any
change to the image field, (browsing path to an other image), give a
form checking error in red once saved.

 Please correct the error below. :

Enter a valid filename. 

whats wrong ?
thank you

Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Eugene Lazutkin

Ben Bangert wrote:

Eugene Lazutkin wrote:

A lot of people who use list boxes, radio buttons, and other widgets
don't know X11/Win32 graphics APIs and event systems. My point is there
are many ways to minimize exposure to js.

Agreed, I have yet to see anyone come up with clear cases for widgets
within web programming. Zope has some, and they're pretty decent I
believe, but there's a bit of a learning curve as usual.

Look at Dojo. I did a small how-to on creating widgets here: Some people, who 
read it, missed my point: it was not about Ajax functionality (you can 
do it with any library), it was about creation of self-contained generic 
widgets, which don't pollute your html code with unnecessary garbage. 
You can download LiveFilter.js (link in the tutorial) and use it 
literally without modifications with practically any form in your 
project to make it "live". All you have to do is to implement a 
relatively simple view to support it on Django's side (example 
included). No JavaScript knowledge is involved in actual use. But if you 
want to be fancy, you can create your own widgets, and reuse them across 
projects. Additional bonus (useful for medium-to-large projects): such 
widgets provide a clean separation between client-side programmers, 
server-side programmers, and (most importantly) designers --- everybody 
is doing stuff they are familiar with.

As soon as I deal with never-ending stuff on my plate (sigh), I plan to 
bundle some widgets and corresponding generic views to make it super 
simple to use for simple projects.

I'd suggest taking both approaches, RailsHelpers and something like RJS
now; new thing when its ready. The amount of effort required for
something like RJS is pretty minimal, for an AJAX widget system there
will likely be extensive planning, meetings, etc. As I plan on doing
something like the RJS stuff anyways, Django need only have a single
person who implements it for Django (like Louis did for the

Agreed. "Let 1000 flowers bloom" (c) Chairman Mao. Like I said before 
you did fantastic work porting this stuff over to Django.



Cache issue on Dreamhost?

2006-01-25 Thread Chase

I recently installed Django on Dreamhost, following the great
instructions here: The
installation worked fine, but any change I make to an app takes hours
to register on the Web. It seems to be an fcgi or caching problem,
possibly not reloading myproject.settings upon reload of the page.

To test, I altered the line os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']
='myproject.settings' in django.fcgi, changing 'myproject.settings' to
something invalid. As it should have, the page gave me an error on
reload. I then changed ' myproject.settings' back to normal, and my
changes appeared immediately -- I'm guessing because it was forced to
reload the settings file.

Any idea how to fix this? I'm running Django on a subdomain, with all
the files in the home directory. I'm also new to this. Mercy would be


Re: magic_removal table update

2006-01-25 Thread Max Battcher

Jason Davies wrote:


This was the peculiar incantation I was looking for, thanks.  Now I just 
have a non-fatal, non-blocking error from the django_content_types table...

--Max Battcher--

Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Ben Bangert

Eugene Lazutkin wrote:
> A lot of people who use list boxes, radio buttons, and other widgets
> don't know X11/Win32 graphics APIs and event systems. My point is there
> are many ways to minimize exposure to js.

Agreed, I have yet to see anyone come up with clear cases for widgets
within web programming. Zope has some, and they're pretty decent I
believe, but there's a bit of a learning curve as usual.

AJAX web widgets is a bit different than just putting list boxes and
radio buttons up, its a whole infrastructure thing with backend
responses, etc. Minor deviations in customization of the web widget can
easily involve modifying server-side code to handle the interaction,

It seems like AJAX web widgets is very different from X11/Win32 graphic
API's as far as I can tell.

The real question is, are Django people happy to wait while some new,
super-neat, powerful, widget system is developed using AJAX; or would
Django coders like to use something as soon as possible?

I'd suggest taking both approaches, RailsHelpers and something like RJS
now; new thing when its ready. The amount of effort required for
something like RJS is pretty minimal, for an AJAX widget system there
will likely be extensive planning, meetings, etc. As I plan on doing
something like the RJS stuff anyways, Django need only have a single
person who implements it for Django (like Louis did for the

> Of course it is debatable that the absence of knowledge is The Good
> Thing (tm). ;-) In many cases it is used to dumb down the programming
> tools for dumb down programmers to create dumb down applications.
> Personally I prefer to learn the proper way using proper tools. :-)

Sure, it goes both ways. In the case of RJS and RailsHelpers, I think
the philosophy is, if you just want to use AJAX to swap some elements
or something, that in itself is not enough reason to invest hours into
being a Javascript programmer. There's a lot of tools up and down the
toolchain of web programming, I seriously doubt any of us are
completely proficient at each and every level of it.

> "If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems will look like nails."
> This is what I call "a low-level approach" --- using a crutch instead of
> building a proper web application.

Alternatively, I think RailsHelpers is meant purely for hitting nails.
You can get creative and smash in some screws without much harm, but
obviously you'll need a better tool if your needs are larger.

Anyways, the RailsHelpers are mostly done. The RJS/Javascript Generator
won't take me more than an hour or two to port, then its a matter of
figuring out good practices for using it since our setup is rather
different than Rails. Anyone interested in taking a look at this, and
figuring out how to slot it into Django, feel free to contact me.


Re: rss problem

2006-01-25 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 1/25/06, danylo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is what I'm getting:

Hey Dan,

You need to create templates for the title and description. If your
feed's slug is foo, these templates should be called
"feeds/foo_title.html" and "feeds/foo_description.html". In those
templates, you describe how to construct the contents of the 
and . The templates are passed a variable "obj", which,
in your case, is the WriterFeed object for the current item.

Here's the relevant part of the docs:

Check out the part that begins: "To specify the contents of 
and ..."


Adrian Holovaty | |

Re: several django questions, models, apache

2006-01-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

removing the trailing ^ is the only way so far,

here the httpd where i took ofthe / after "/cefinban
and added a ServerName

then typing in the browser
if link is  (r'^admin/',
include('django.contrib.admin.urls.admin')), give me a 404 error
The current URL, /cefinban/admin/, didn't match any of these.
however taking of the ^ make it work.


SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
PythonPath sys.path+['/home/greg/Projects']
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE cefinban.settings
PythonDebug On

Alias /media "/var/www/cefinban/media"

SetHandler None

Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Eugene Lazutkin

Ben Bangert wrote:

I think its actually rather high level, in that you don't really need
to know any Javascript what-so-ever. Obviously not knowing any
Javascript will be a limitation to exactly what you can do, but the
helpers and RJS meet a lot of people's needs with a very minimal amount
of additional learning required to utilize it.

A lot of people who use list boxes, radio buttons, and other widgets 
don't know X11/Win32 graphics APIs and event systems. My point is there 
are many ways to minimize exposure to js.

Of course it is debatable that the absence of knowledge is The Good 
Thing (tm). ;-) In many cases it is used to dumb down the programming 
tools for dumb down programmers to create dumb down applications. 
Personally I prefer to learn the proper way using proper tools. :-)

If you don't know Javascript, but use Rails style helpers, you'd
instead just update the cart element with the reply from the server,

"If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems will look like nails." 
This is what I call "a low-level approach" --- using a crutch instead of 
building a proper web application.



rss problem

2006-01-25 Thread danylo

As part of my first steps into Python and Django, I'm trying to
generate an RSS feed for a group of individual writers. I'm finally
able to generate an RSS feed, but it's incorrect.

This is what I'm getting:

The link and guid are correct, but I'm not getting the actual title or
description or other data (publication date, etc).  I'm just not seeing
what I need to do differently to pull in the actual values for title
and description.

Any ideas?

Thanks much,


This is the

from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
from django.models.bylines import writers, writerfeeds

class Authors(Feed):
def get_object(self, bits):
 if len(bits) != 1:
 raise ObjectDoesNotExist
return writers.get_object(feed_name__exact=bits[0])

def title(self, obj):
return "Stories by %s" % obj.byline

def link(self, obj):
return "/rss/writers/%s" % obj.feed_name

def description(self, obj):
return "Stories by %s" % obj.byline

def items(self, obj):
return writerfeeds.get_list(,
limit=25, order_by=['-pub_date'])

Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Ben Bangert

I'd think the most reasonable approach would be to have the frameworks
reference the module.

Myghty doesn't require an API, as the names are just imported and
attached to a template global helper object, ie, <%
h.observe_field(.) %>. TurboGears may likely require a bunch of
API's for the various template languages Buffet support, I don't know

For those cases, I'd have no problem including the API glue in the
RailsHelpers repository since it makes little sense to have yet another
package that just contains that API glue.

Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Ian Holsman

That sounds like a great idea (working together), and personally I'm
not too hung up about which AJAX library I use, as long as it can do
the job (which most seem too for my simple things)

I like the idea of having one way of doing this across frameworks, it
makes them all simpler to learn and increases the adoption of all of

my only question is how are you planning on setting this up. are you
thinking that each framework should just reference your module, or are
you planning that you put the API glue into your SVN repo as well?
(alongside a turbogears & myghty version I'm guessing)

Louis has already started integrating django with it, and I'm most
concerned that his hard work doesn't get lost.


On 1/26/06, Ben Bangert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those concerned about the fact that these helpers use ProtoType and
> Scriptaculous, it should be noted that Mochikit 1.3 will include
> equivalent functionality. This should make it seamless to use Mochikit
> instead with no or minimal changes to the helper functions.
> There's several people now working on the RailsHelpers package to keep
> it up with the Rails version, as well as the unit tests. The one big
> thing this package does not include is the Javascript Generator object
> used for the very very new Rails feature (only in svn I think) called
> Rails Javascript Scripts (or something like that, RJS). Here's an
> example:
> page.insert_html :bottom, 'list',
>  content_tag("li", "Fox")
> page.visual_effect :highlight, 'list', :duration => 3
> page.replace_html 'header',
>   'RJS Template Test Complete!'
> As one can see, it makes AJAX so trivial, you can do a ton of stuff not
> knowing Javascript at all. These functions just generate some
> Javascript that does the work for you. I would like to have something
> similar for use in Python, anyone else interested in helping out on
> this?
> Since this is just generating Javascript from a function, I see nothing
> particularly framework specific in it, so we should all be able to work
> together on it. :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- blog: -- PH: ++61-3-9877-0909

If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. -
Mario Andretti

Re: RoR Ajax helpers port to Django tags?

2006-01-25 Thread Ben Bangert

For those concerned about the fact that these helpers use ProtoType and
Scriptaculous, it should be noted that Mochikit 1.3 will include
equivalent functionality. This should make it seamless to use Mochikit
instead with no or minimal changes to the helper functions.

There's several people now working on the RailsHelpers package to keep
it up with the Rails version, as well as the unit tests. The one big
thing this package does not include is the Javascript Generator object
used for the very very new Rails feature (only in svn I think) called
Rails Javascript Scripts (or something like that, RJS). Here's an

page.insert_html :bottom, 'list',
 content_tag("li", "Fox")
page.visual_effect :highlight, 'list', :duration => 3
page.replace_html 'header',
  'RJS Template Test Complete!'

As one can see, it makes AJAX so trivial, you can do a ton of stuff not
knowing Javascript at all. These functions just generate some
Javascript that does the work for you. I would like to have something
similar for use in Python, anyone else interested in helping out on

Since this is just generating Javascript from a function, I see nothing
particularly framework specific in it, so we should all be able to work
together on it. :)

Re: flash

2006-01-25 Thread Eugene Lazutkin

I have problem is that my flash is not working when i used Django 
i am using internet explorer  i don't know why althought i put my swf
file is in the media folder 

1st of all: test with your browser that all required files are 
accessible. E.g., enter .swf's url and see if you get any errors.




2006-01-25 Thread mary . adel

I have problem is that my flash is not working when i used Django 
i am using internet explorer  i don't know why althought i put my swf
file is in the media folder 

Mary Adel
Software Developper
ITrize-Egypt 13 Naguib Hashad medan elhegaz heliopolis
Office: +202 - 6236612 EXT. 102
Mobile: +2012 5241719

repository with apps

2006-01-25 Thread Tim Terlegård

It would be nice with an official repository with django apps. There
may very well exist 1000 roughly equivalent poll app implementations
out there already. Wouldn't it be good if we had a repository of
reusable common apps? I think it would be awesome.

Not sure who should get commit access and stuff. It would be useless
with a repository with hundreds of abandoned and messed up apps. A
repository with commented and documented apps would on the other hand be
extremly useful and would probably make django explode.

Is there such a repository or are there any plans of such?


Re: meta.Admin 'fleids' option

2006-01-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Big thanks!
I'm found error, misprint in field's names..

Re: Template cache which speeded up my setup 25 times

2006-01-25 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 1/25/06, hugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might have written this as a simple template loader - and used the
> basic template loaders as starting point, just overloading the
> get_template functionality. That way you would be able to use the
> standard render_to_xxx functions - you only would have to change the
> TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting. And that way integration with the Django core
> is quite simple, as it is just another bunch of template loaders the
> user can just activate.

I'm not sure that would work, because I suspect much of the
performance savings Wojtek is getting is from the fact that his patch
caches *compiled* templates, not the raw template code. (He has a
template that loads another template within a loop.) I don't see how a
template loader -- in the TEMPLATE_LOADERS framework -- would be able
to cache compiled templates.

I was thinking we could add a CACHE_COMPILED_TEMPLATES setting and
change get_template() to give it a "cache" keyword argument, which
would default to the value of CACHE_COMPILED_TEMPLATES. Any quick
thoughts before I implement this?


Adrian Holovaty | |

Re: magic_removal table update

2006-01-25 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 1/25/06, Max Battcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm living on the bleeding edge (just migrated to rev. 2123) with my
> current development, and followed the suggested ALTER TABLE commands
> from the wiki page, and though I can read from the data (all of the
> views work correctly), I can't save because all of the sequences are now
> out of sync.  I tried renaming the sequences to fit the new naming
> scheme, but to no avail (Django is calling the new sequence name and the
> table itself still refers to the old sequence name).

This is the one lame thing about PostgreSQL -- when you rename tables,
you have to rename the sequences as well. Here's an example:

ALTER TABLE chicagocrime_wards RENAME TO chicagocrime_ward;
ALTER TABLE chicagocrime_wards_id_seq RENAME TO chicagocrime_ward_id_seq;

I will edit the RemovingTheMagic wiki page to add this example explicitly.


Adrian Holovaty | |

Template cache which speeded up my setup 25 times

2006-01-25 Thread WSobczuk


On my hosts doing several hundred requests per second the load was at
100 already, and then Adrian suggested to cache the templates.  So I
implemented a simple cache (which is now a hack but perhaps it will be
included in Django soon) which brought the load down to 5 - so a lot of
speedup at the cost of templates not being reloaded when changed (you
have to restart apache or whatever you're using for Django).

The actual page load time on a non-loaded server went down from 0.17 to
0.07 seconds with the templates cached.

The code is below, all you have to do is call install_loader_cache()
when your app starts (in the urls perhaps) and use render_to_response
from this package when rendering output (the default one has an old
reference to get_template so it won't use the cache until this feature
gets included in Django).


# django template cache by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

from django.core import template_loader
from django.core.template import Origin, StringOrigin, Template,
from django.utils.httpwrappers import HttpResponse

orig_get_template = template_loader.get_template

cache = {}

def get_template(name):
if cache.has_key(name):
return cache[name]
tpl = orig_get_template(name)
cache[name] = tpl
return tpl

def render_to_string(template_name, dictionary=None,
Loads the given template_name and renders it with the given
dictionary as
context. The template_name may be a string to load a single
template using
get_template, or it may be a tuple to use select_template to find
one of
the templates in the list. Returns a string.
dictionary = dictionary or {}
if isinstance(template_name, (list, tuple)):
t = template_loader.select_template(template_name)
t = get_template(template_name)
if context_instance:
context_instance = Context(dictionary)
return t.render(context_instance)

def render_to_response(*args, **kwargs):
return HttpResponse(render_to_string(*args, **kwargs))

def install_loader_cache():
global orig_get_template
template_loader.get_template = get_template
template_loader.render_to_string = render_to_string

Re: magic_removal table update

2006-01-25 Thread Jason Davies

Max Battcher wrote:
> I'm living on the bleeding edge (just migrated to rev. 2123) with my
> current development, and followed the suggested ALTER TABLE commands
> from the wiki page, and though I can read from the data (all of the
> views work correctly), I can't save because all of the sequences are now
> out of sync.  I tried renaming the sequences to fit the new naming
> scheme, but to no avail (Django is calling the new sequence name and the
> table itself still refers to the old sequence name).

Yeah, you need to do something like:

ALTER TABLE auth_groups_id_seq RENAME TO auth_group_id_seq;

...for each sequence that needs renaming.


Re: magic_removal table update

2006-01-25 Thread Andreas Stuhlmüller

On 1/25/06, Max Battcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At this point I'm a bit stumped on how to properly do this.  Is there an
> easy way to resync the sequences in PostgreSQL that I've overlooked?

Did you try " sqlsequencereset"? This used to work for me.


magic_removal table update

2006-01-25 Thread Max Battcher

I'm living on the bleeding edge (just migrated to rev. 2123) with my 
current development, and followed the suggested ALTER TABLE commands 
from the wiki page, and though I can read from the data (all of the 
views work correctly), I can't save because all of the sequences are now 
out of sync.  I tried renaming the sequences to fit the new naming 
scheme, but to no avail (Django is calling the new sequence name and the 
table itself still refers to the old sequence name).

At this point I'm a bit stumped on how to properly do this.  Is there an 
easy way to resync the sequences in PostgreSQL that I've overlooked?

Otherwise, I'm assuming:

* Dump the data to a file
* Drop Cascade everything
* Re-install
* Import back from the file

I made a brief remark on the wiki page that someone should probably 
amplify into some better general migration guideline.

--Max Battcher--