Re: Twitter API

2009-12-28 Thread Kevin Renskers
I am using on my own Django
website, works like a charm. Are you sure you are using the API

api.PostUpdate(username, password, 'I love python-twitter!')

By the way, updating a tweet is impossible, as Twitter doesn't support
that. You can delete and insert a new one though.

On Dec 27, 10:15 pm, Mario  wrote:
> Thank you for you suggestions. Btw, I created a mocked-up app and was
> testing the functionality of the python-twitter.  I read the docs as
> posted at
> I did a small unit testing and could see the results immediately, but
> I could not create or update a twitt via Django. As I pointed out in
> my early email, I want to create/update/delete a twitt in django in
> lieu of the Twitter front-end.
> I guess my choices at this point in time are either:
> 1. Twyt
> 2. Write a wrapper within the model.
> Thanks again. _Mario
> _Mario
> On Dec 27, 3:37 pm, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
> > On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Mario wrote:
> > > Thank you for replying. Yes, I reviewed python twitter API, but the
> > > model or the app is designed to pull down the "twitt". I would like to
> > > upload a twitt via Django in lieu of using the Twitter front-end. Any
> > > thoughts or suggestions?
> > Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your issue, but the code running in  
> > Django is just Python.  There's nothing magic about it.  If you want  
> > your view functions to access Twitter via a Python Twitter API, it's  
> > no problem to do so; you can also wrap your calls to Twitter inside of  
> > a Model class, if that's a better fit.
> > --
> > -- Christophe Pettus
> >


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Re: JavaScript function call

2009-12-28 Thread Kevin Renskers
What you are doing is not valid html, you can't put a script tag
inside a tr tag. Try something like this:

showDomainTable('{{v.publisher_id}}', '{{v.country_id}}');

But even then, inline javascript is something better avoided. I would
just create a function that is run as soon as the document is loaded,
find all tr's inside your table, and use their id's to call your
showDomainTable function. If you also need the country id, something
like this could work:

And then in your javascript code just split on the underscore.

I have no clue if you know jQuery? But this would be very easy if you
would use jQuery. If you need it, I could give you some mockup code to
help you along.

On Dec 27, 7:42 pm, "gilbert F."  wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wonder if somebody has met this problem. I need to call a
> javaScript function within "".
>                       {% for v in data %}
>                              id="{{v.publisher_id}}"
>                                      language="JavaScript">
>                                         showDomainTable
> ('{{v.publisher_id}}', '{{v.country_id}}');
>                             >
> This works well with Firebox but not with IE 8. IE just prints
> "showDomainTable(...)" instead of calling it.
> Any help? Thanks so much.


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You are already login...I want to get this message when a user is already login to my site(two different location)

2009-12-28 Thread NMarcu
Hello all,

   I want to let only one same user to be login in the same time. If I
connect from Paris with admin, and other user try to connect with
admin from other location, to get a message like it is already
connected. How can I do something like this?


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Re: You are already login...I want to get this message when a user is already login to my site(two different location)

2009-12-28 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Dec 28, 11:26 am, NMarcu  wrote:
> Hello all,
>    I want to let only one same user to be login in the same time. If I
> connect from Paris with admin, and other user try to connect with
> admin from other location, to get a message like it is already
> connected. How can I do something like this?

That's not easy. 'Logged in' status is not something that is stored on
the server, but on the client (in the session). So the server does not
actually know who is logged in at any one time. It does record the
last time a particular user logged in, and I suppose you could create
a user profile that records the last time the user performed an
action, but it's not clear how you would determine that a user had
logged out or that the session had expired.


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eric ide for support django working

2009-12-28 Thread typhoon
hi man
ı use the eric ide for django development at start. but ı don't work
the django project.
ı install django plugin then
new django-python project
and ı  edit the file urls
the choose project a select screen
and startproject a
Django project created successfully.
then ı add the exist file for my project
and ı saw url,view,int ext..
but ı dont know then.
can anyone  help me ?


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Re: JavaScript function call

2009-12-28 Thread Masklinn
On 28 déc. 2009, at 10:26, Kevin Renskers  wrote:
> But even then, inline javascript is something better avoided.

Especially, in this case, because there is no garantee whatsoever that  
the element has already been created and added to the document's DOM.


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Re: You are already login...I want to get this message when a user is already login to my site(two different location)

2009-12-28 Thread rebus_
2009/12/28 Daniel Roseman :
> On Dec 28, 11:26 am, NMarcu  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>    I want to let only one same user to be login in the same time. If I
>> connect from Paris with admin, and other user try to connect with
>> admin from other location, to get a message like it is already
>> connected. How can I do something like this?
> That's not easy. 'Logged in' status is not something that is stored on
> the server, but on the client (in the session). So the server does not
> actually know who is logged in at any one time. It does record the
> last time a particular user logged in, and I suppose you could create
> a user profile that records the last time the user performed an
> action, but it's not clear how you would determine that a user had
> logged out or that the session had expired.
> --
> DR.
> --

Actually i think it is stored on the server. You only get cookie in
your browser with the sessions key and session is stored in
django_session table in your database, and each record has session key
and expire time (providing you use SessionMiddleware).

You could override the login view to check if the user is logged in or
not and has the session expired. Though i _think_ you would need to
modify/hack the django.contrib.admin to use your login view rather the
the one built into django.

But all this seems a bit clumsy. I had a case where we should let one
type of users login only after the correct amount of other type of
users had been registered. But this was only for site login and none
of the plain users could use admin. So we just overrided built in
login view.

It looks something like:

def login(request, template_name='registration/login.html',

users = User.objects.filter(user_type="some_type").aggregate(Count('id'))
if users['id__count'] > 50:
 from django.contrib.auth.views import login
 return login(request, template_name, redirect_field_name,
raise SomeError # Or mess with POST data so the auth fails

This could be done much more elegantly with lower level API but this
was "just make it work" solution.

Instead of counting users you could say

if request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home'))

In this example if the user is authenticated he gets redirected to
some home page of his/hers.

You can look in from django.contrib.auth.views.login source and see
how the developers do it and then copy the login function and work
your magic there but still you should hack the django.contrib.admin to
use that new login AFAIK.

It's not a perfect solution but it's all I've got ATM.



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Re: Binary Post Data to ImageField

2009-12-28 Thread Markus T.
After some digging, I finally worked it out. In case anyone is
interested, here is the code for Django:

from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile

def set_user_image(request, img_id):
  set/update a user's image
  if not request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponse(status=403)

  # get the profile for the logged on user
  profile = get_object_or_404(GenericProfile, user = request.user)

  # instantiate an uploaded file to be passed to the model
  upfile = SimpleUploadedFile("%s.jpg" % img_id,

  # update the user profile"%s.jpg" % img_id, upfile, True)

  return HttpResponse()

This code lacks important functionality though, e.g. check if the file
is a valid JPEG image, check if img_id is valid, etc.

So basically all you have to do is create a new SimpleUploadFile
object and initialize it with the raw POST data. Of course the client
has to use the correct format; in Flex, I did something like this:

  var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(baseURL + "setimage/" + _field);
  req.method = "POST"; = jpData; /* this is the ByteArray containing JPEG data */
  req.contentType = "image/jpeg";

  var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
  loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, uploadOK);
  loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, uploadFault);

To all you Django gurus out there: is this a sensible approach?

Thanks and happy holidays!



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Re: JavaScript function call

2009-12-28 Thread gilbert F.
Hi Kevin,

Thanks so much for your replies. Following your suggestions I have
moved tag  out of .