genstatic - Generate and maintain static HTML files with Django templates

2010-06-25 Thread Aaron Maxwell
Hi all,

Here is a GPLed software tool I made recently:

Hope some of you find it useful and interesting.  Please let me know if you 
have any feedback.


Aaron Maxwell

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django-tel new features

2009-08-02 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hi everyone,

django-tel is an app that helps you make "click-to-call" URLs in your mobile 
web apps.  More details are on its github page:

Since its initial announcement here a few weeks ago, a template tag 
named "telify" has been added.  telify will find all phone numbers in a block 
of text and transform them into "tel:" hyperlinks.  So your template can 
include something like this:
  {% load tel %}
  {% telify %}Call 800-555-1212 to get your free gift today! (Not
  866-555-1212, that is something else entirely.){% endtelify %}

...which will finally produce an HTML response like this:

  Call 800-555-1212 today! (Not 866-555-1212, that is something else

I have not tagged any version yet.  But what's up there now will be very close 
to the official 1.0 version to be released soon.  License is GPL version 3.

Hope you find this of value.  Please let me know of any comments, bug reports 
or feature requests.


Aaron Maxwell
Hilomath - Mobile Web Development

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Re: parsing urls with dot

2009-07-10 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Thursday 09 July 2009 05:47:48 am Dids wrote:
> > Why not to add dots to your regexp? For example, [\w\d\-\.]+ ?
> I guess my question should have been: How come \. doesn't appear to be
> matched in
> That's the problem, it doesn't work.

It should.  Are you using raw strings?

Post the whole urlpattern here, including the failed regexp, so we can give 
more specific feedback.

Aaron Maxwell
Hilomath - Mobile Web Development

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Re: django-tel : telephone URL support for Django

2009-07-09 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Thursday 09 July 2009 03:30:18 pm Chris Moffitt wrote:
> How is this different from the built in phone2numeric filter?

The tel filter creates the well-formed tel: hyperlink automatically.  So where 
as {{"800-COLLECT"|phone2filter}} renders as this in the html response:
... {{"800-COLLECT"|tel}} renders as this:

That's the main difference.

django-tel is more about RFC 2806 (tel: urls) than the phone-to-numeric 

Excellent question; thanks. I should put this in a FAQ or the README.

Aaron Maxwell
Hilomath - Mobile Web Development

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django-tel : telephone URL support for Django

2009-07-09 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hi everyone.

I've put up a django application providing a template filter, "tel", that 
helps format telephone URLs.  This is helpful when writing mobile-optimized 
web sites, or other contexts you want "click-to-call" to work.

For example, you can say something like this in your template:

{% load tel %}
Call {{"800-222-CASH"|tel}} now to get free money!

This will render into the following HTML:
Call 800-222-CASH to get free money!

For now, please download from the github page:

Django-tel is currently in development, and does not even have a release 
number set.  But it's featurefull enough to be useful and has no known bugs at 
this time (except for non-USA support; see README.txt.)

Any comments, bug reports, etc. are appreciated, and can be communicated to 
myself.  Or use the github issue tracker.


Aaron Maxwell
Hilomath - Mobile Web Development

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Re: Design a good scrapbook system

2009-07-08 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Wednesday 08 July 2009 09:07:54 am Sonal Breed wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone tell me how to design a good scrapbook system like Orkut or
> Facebook
> where user can scrap or comment on other user's profile. I am trying
> to develop this for a social networking site built in Django..

Well, this is kind of a big question, Sonal.  There will be a lot of steps, 
because it's not a trivial web application.  And it depends on the 
rest of the social site's design.

Pinax is likely to be a helpful library for you.  However, you will first need 
to get clarity about what the precise features will be and how they are used 
(i.e. user interface).  The best approach is starting small, adding one small 
piece of functionality at a time, and proceeding incrementally.

Good luck!

Aaron Maxwell
Hilomath - Mobile Web Development

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Re: changing apache mod python

2009-07-01 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hm.  It involves this module Deportista.  I haven't heard of it, so I'm 
assuming it's either a third-party library you are using, or one a module 
made in house.

You might try this: (assuming unixy environment)

1) At a shell prompt, set PYTHONPATH to the value you included in the attached 
error report page.  (you know how to do this?  If not, look up setting and 
exporting environment variables.)
3) Start a python interpreter 
4) type in "import entrenatech.views"

Does this reproduce the Deportista importerror?  If so, that is a good clue.

On Wednesday 01 July 2009 12:55:05 am Miguel wrote:
> The error is:
> ViewDoesNotExist at / Could not import entrenatech.views. Error was: No
> module named Deportista
> As you said, Django .96 might be incompatible somehow, but I have to keep
> it becasuse it is a little messy to updgrade the django version. Too much
> production code.

Aaron Maxwell

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Re: changing apache mod python

2009-06-30 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Monday 29 June 2009 12:09:58 pm Miguel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I made an mistake of upgrading ubuntu to the last version. This new version
> is running python 2.6 and it has also install the mod python for apache
> linked to this python version. All my code is running django 0.96 with
> python 2.5.
> Now, the developments don't work. It says I have the following error:

Hi Miguel,

More detail about the exact import error is needed.  But from what you've said 
so far, there are a few possibilities.

First, your python code itself should be able to work fine with python2.6.  
Python 2.x is almost entirely backwords-compatible as versions increase, so 
your python 2.5 code should run just fine.

However, Django 0.96 itself might be incompatible.  I know that in the run up 
to the 1.0 release, they had to shake out some unicode and other minor errors 
that reared up in 1.0. 

If that is the case, you would probably want to try running your web app in 
django 1.0, porting it if need be.

Finally: is it possible that the import error just has to do with a change in 
virtual host settings?  I.e., in the Apache (virtual) host configuration, are 
you sure the PythonPath setting is correct?  Perhaps some library location 
shifted, or something related to this changed during the upgrade.

I'm afraid "downgrading" the server itself - even just mod_python - is really 
hard, messy and error-prone. Hopefully something written above points you to 
an easy solution.  If not, I'd say (without knowing anything about your web 
app) your best bet is to port the site to django 1.0.

Good luck.


> ProcessId:  5225
> Interpreter:'x'
> ServerName: ''
> DocumentRoot:   '/htdocs'
> URI:'/'
> Location:   '/'
> Directory:  None
> Filename:   '/htdocs'
> PathInfo:   '/'
> Phase:  'PythonHandler'
> Handler:'django.core.handlers.modpython'
> At the end, it says I have an error importing a module.
> does anybody know how to go back to the 2.5 python module? or how can I
> resolve this problem?
> thank you very much,
> best regards,
> Miguel

Aaron Maxwell

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Re: how to disable URL auto-completion

2009-06-28 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Saturday 27 June 2009 12:16:24 am hugo wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Click this
> I want "Click this" to have hyperlink "myURL". However, the link
> produced by the code above became
> http://mySite/myURL instead of myURL. So if myURL is,
> the resulting link becomes http://mySite/, which is

Interesting.  What version of django are you using?  In 1.1beta, the site URL 
is not prepended in my test installation.  

However, it still does not do what you want; you would only want to encode a 
portion of the url, not the whole thing.  The url encoding 
of ""; is "http%3A//".

Not what you want.  Right?

In this example, you'd just want to say in the template:

Click this

(The safe filter is needed in case there are any query params, 
e.g. ""; - you don't want that "&" to become "&", 
etc.  See the template docs for the "safe" and "escape" filters if you're not 
sure what this means.)

Now, if you truly do need to urlencode a path in a URL, you'd need to apply 
that separately.  E.g. to get the result "";, 
you want to urlencode "who is he?" only, and leave the rest of the URL 

The simplest way is probably to do the processing in the view code.  Use 
python's urllib.quote or urllib.quote_plus functions on the path, append it 
to the toplevel domain url to create the full myURL.  Then pass myURL 
directly to the template as above (again, remember the "safe" filter).  This 
is the best approach for you most likely.


Aaron Maxwell

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Re: Problem with startproject

2009-06-02 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Tuesday 02 June 2009 10:46:03 am Technicalbard wrote:
> OK - newb here (in more ways than one).  I'm trying to get going on an
> Ubuntu VM (inside VirtualBox) and I installed Django via synaptic.
> The problem comes when I try to start the tutorial:
> mor...@morgan-laptop:~/www$ django-admin startproject mysite
> Error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/morgan/www/mysite'
> I made sure that I have ownership of the /www folder (as opposed to
> root having ownership), but that didn't make a difference.

What's the output from each of these commands: (all at the command prompt, one 
at a time)
  ls -dl /home/morgan/www
  ls -dl /home/morgan/www/mysite
  touch /home/morgan/www/TESTFILE

After the last one, does the file /home/morgan/www/TESTFILE exist?

Aaron Maxwell

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Do you use a skeleton for new django sites?

2009-06-02 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hi all,

When creating a new django based website, my first step used to be to 
invoke "python startproject".  The files created would be the first 
or second commit into version control for that project.

I found, however, that I would always make a similar set of changes right 
after: certain configurations and changes to settings, creating an apps 
directory (module), 404 and 500 templates, etc. 

So what I do now is I have a separate project, which I call django-skel, that 
is just a new project file layout with the changes I already want to make for 
every project.  For each new project, I just export from that, copy the files 
into the new project space, and commit.

Over time, I'll discover something new I'll want to add to all my django 
sites.  So I just make that change to django-skel and forget about it.

Does anyone else follow this technique?  Or do you have some different 
approach that solves this problem for you?


Aaron Maxwell

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Re: URL conf question .....

2009-05-27 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Tuesday 26 May 2009 07:21:16 pm tekion wrote:
> Part 3 tutorial from django site, suggest the below method of
> optimizing urls.
> urlpatterns = patterns('mysite.polls.views',
> (r'^polls/$', 'index'),
> (r'^polls/(?P\d+)/$', 'detail'),
> (r'^polls/(?P\d+)/results/$', 'results'),
> (r'^polls/(?P\d+)/vote/$', 'vote'),
> )
> the key factor, is that you must have a common prefix. 


> But what if 
> you do not have a common prefix, would it still work?  

Not with that single statement.  However, you can use this feature with 
different prefixes by making multiple calls to the patterns function.  Like 

urlpatterns = patterns('mysite.polls.views',
(r'^polls/$', 'index'),
(r'^polls/(?P\d+)/$', 'detail'),
(r'^polls/(?P\d+)/results/$', 'results'),
(r'^polls/(?P\d+)/vote/$', 'vote'),

urlpatterns += patterns('mysite.widgets.views',
(r'^widgets/$', 'index'), 
   # etc.

Note that the first call says "urlpatterns = patterns", while the second 
says "urlpatterns += patterns".  This works because patterns is a function 
that returns a simple Python list.

If you do this, be careful that the first mention of urlpatterns is an 
assignment (=) and all subsequent mentions are appends (+=).  Otherwise 
you'll loose all the url patterns that preceded the final assignment... an 
error that can drive you nuts if you don't know to watch out for it.

Aaron Maxwell

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Re: Django version

2009-05-20 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Tuesday 19 May 2009 10:47:05 am VidrSan wrote:
> How can I see django version on my web-server? Just python's code,
> beaucause I can't find any information on hosting

An addendum to others' replies - since I have several django sites still 
around that were made with different releases of django from the past two 
years, I like to put this in my

from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION

(If, for example, this particular django site is expecting version 1.1.)

Aaron Maxwell

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Re: Does a django social sharing widget app exist?

2009-05-18 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Monday 18 May 2009 09:33:39 pm Sam Chuparkoff wrote:
> I haven't looked at this, but here's a link:

This appears to be EXACTLY what I'm looking for.

Thanks, Sam!

Aaron Maxwell

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Re: how to use filter

2009-05-17 Thread Aaron Maxwell

On Sunday 17 May 2009 11:00:15 pm laspal wrote:
> list = Status.objects.filter(someid = 20, value < val2, value > val1)

try this:
list = Status.objects.filter(someid=20, value__lt=val2).filter(value__gt=val1)

Aaron Maxwell

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Does a django social sharing widget app exist?

2009-05-17 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hi.  Is anyone aware of a django app that helps with providing social-network 
sharing buttons to pages?

I'm talking about services like Add to Any (, or the 
Wordpress plugin known as Sociable (  

Ideally this would be a django app you could just add to the installed apps in, set a few config variables, then include something like {% 
social_share_buttons %} in the template.

If this exists, google doesn't seem to know about it.  Maybe I need to write 


Aaron Maxwell

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Re: registration module - log user in upon activation

2008-08-26 Thread Aaron Maxwell

There's an error in my code example.  That "from registration.views import 
activate" should be something like "from registration.views import activate 
as original_activate", and the second line should be "resp = 
original_activate(request, activation_key)" - otherwise this view recurses 
infinitely.  Basic idea is the same though.

On Tuesday 26 August 2008 11:36:54 am Aaron Maxwell wrote:
> {{{
> from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
> from registration.models import RegistrationProfile
> from registration.views import activate
> def activate(request, activation_key):
> '''
> Wrapper around registration module's activate view, which logs in user
> '''
> prior = RegistrationProfile.objects.get(activation_key=activation_key)
> resp = activate(request, activation_key)
> after = RegistrationProfile.objects.get(user=prior.user)
> # The activation key is reset to the string "ACTIVATION_KEY" if
> # the activation is successful
> if after.activation_key != activation_key:
> # user account has been activated
> login(request, after.user)
> return resp
> }}}

Aaron Maxwell

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Test client: how to tell if user is logged in?

2008-08-26 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hi all,

Using django 1.0beta's test client, is there some reliable way to tell if a 
test user is logged in?

It would be nice to do this within the test case code.  However, even within a 
view, using request.user.is_authenticated does not seem to work properly.


Aaron Maxwell

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registration module - log user in upon activation

2008-08-26 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Hi all,

I'm using django-registration 0.6 to handle user account creation:

When the user activates their account (by following the activation link that 
they are emailed), what I'd like is for them to be logged in right away.  As 
far as I can tell, this is not currently supported.  

Has anyone found a way to make this happen?  One approach would be to wrap the 
activate view in a custom view, that also logs the user in - something like:
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from registration.models import RegistrationProfile
from registration.views import activate

def activate(request, activation_key):
Wrapper around registration module's activate view, which logs in user
prior = RegistrationProfile.objects.get(activation_key=activation_key)
resp = activate(request, activation_key)
after = RegistrationProfile.objects.get(user=prior.user)
# The activation key is reset to the string "ACTIVATION_KEY" if
# the activation is successful
if after.activation_key != activation_key:
# user account has been activated
login(request, after.user)
return resp

Unfortunately this does not work: django.contrib.auth.login requires that 
authenticate() be successfully called first.  Within the view here, though, I 
don't have the password - the salted hash is stored in the User database, but 
not the plain password, which is what authenticate requires.

Suggestions appreciated!


Aaron Maxwell

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Re: Django-based forum software?

2007-08-30 Thread Aaron Maxwell

Thanks, everyone.

On Thursday 30 August 2007 09:47:41 Aaron Maxwell wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a django forum app?  I.e., to build a site providing a
> user forum.
> This is kind of hard to search on - try googling for "django forum"...

Aaron Maxwell

Business Owners and Self-Employed:  You're NOT Alone!
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Django-based forum software?

2007-08-30 Thread Aaron Maxwell


Does anyone know of a django forum app?  I.e., to build a site providing a 
user forum.

This is kind of hard to search on - try googling for "django forum"...

Aaron Maxwell

Business Owners and Self-Employed:  You're NOT Alone!
The Business Butler -

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