Re: Order By Calculated Value??

2007-12-06 Thread RajeshD

On Dec 5, 5:17 pm, "Tane Piper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is my blog application, which contains the two models:

Thanks. So, as I said in the post above, override won't
work with your M2M categories. That's because the M2M objects are
saved only after the Entry is saved and rightfully so.

Besides the solutions I had listed in my first reply above, you might
consider another one:

Create an explicit M2M table instead of the one Django implicitly
creates for an M2M field. With your own M2M class/table, you will be
able to override its save() method and launch appropriate count
calculations there.

See here for an example of how this is intermediate M2M pattern is

-Rajesh Dhawan

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Re: Order By Calculated Value??

2007-12-06 Thread RajeshD

Hi Darryl and Tane,

> [untested with Many2Many, but should work, it works for ForeignKeys]

Actually, the approach below won't work for M2M even though it does
for FKs.

> In your Entry save() method call the save method of each of your related
> categories after you do your super().save()
> {{{
> class Entry(models.Model):
> ...
> def save(self):
> if not self.slug:
> self.slug = slugify(self.title)
> super(Entry, self).save()
> for category in self.categories:
> ... is called /before/ the M2M category table is updated by
Django. That means this save()  can not iterate over Categories. This
will work (albeit, incorrectly) when an existing Entry is being
updated because it will already have some old M2M categories but it
won't work when creating a new Entry as self.categories would not be
available during this save().

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Re: Order By Calculated Value??

2007-12-05 Thread RajeshD

> Hope that makes sense, as if I can do it this way instead of
> calculating it on the view, that would make this inclusion tag so much
> easier.

What does your Entry model look like?
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Re: Problems saving values from SelectDateWidget

2007-12-05 Thread RajeshD

On Dec 5, 10:31 am, Stupid Dustbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks for the reply. However, after updating to the latest SVN
> version of django. The same error still occurs. :(

I am using the same constructs with Django rev #6652 in production.
Perhaps you want to downgrade to that revision and try it out one more
time? If that fails, it would be time to open a ticket.

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Re: Order By Calculated Value??

2007-12-05 Thread RajeshD


> I'm wondering if there is any way possible to get this value in my
> inclusion tag?

You can use the "extra" method to bring in your entry counts into the
query set. See the following for an example:

> I had tried before to store this value in a field, but
> couldn't get it to save, otherwise I would just pass in a field
> 'num_entries' so if anyone can suggest anything, that would be great.

Can you describe what you did that prevented you from saving the
computed count?

Another solution is to batch compute your counts using a shell script
at some frequency. The script could iterate over each category and
recompute its counts and store them.

Yet another solution is to convert your cats queryset to a list, loop
over it to get an entry count, and then sort the list in Python to
pass on to your template.

So there seem to be many ways to skin this cat.

-Rajesh Dhawan
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Re: dynamic newforms validation etc

2007-11-30 Thread RajeshD

> This data needs to be saved in Options. A record for each product
> selected with the name and price in it. This is because the product
> name can change in the future and the price can change. So this should
> be stored in Options.
> My problem is that I don't know yet how to do this.
> Can somebody explain me how I should do this with newsforms...

You will need a dynamically generated form as you don't know ahead of
time how many Products you might have.

Here's something to get you started (hastily put together and
completely untested):

import django.newforms as forms
import django.newforms import widgets
from products import models

class MyForm(forms.Form):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
i = 0
for p in models.Product.objects.select_related().all():
  self.fields['product_%s' % i] = forms.CharField(
  self.fields['checkbox_%s' % i] =
  self.fields['name_%s' % i] = forms.CharField(
  self.fields['price_%s' % i] =
  options = p.option_set.all()[:1] # assumes at most one Option
per product
  if options:
self.fields['checkbox_%s' % i].initial = True
self.fields['name_%s' % i].initial = options[0].name
self.fields['price_%s' % i].initial = options[0].price
  i += 1

Note that the above assumes your model class names to be Product and
Option (singular). It's good practice to not use plural names. Also
the above assumes at most one Option per product.

-Rajesh D.

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Re: Problems saving values from SelectDateWidget

2007-11-30 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 29, 4:51 am, Stupid Dustbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi, encountered a problem recently with SelectDateWidget. I'm not very
> sure what I did wrong.

Your usage of that widget is correct.

Note that a recent Django revision (the excellent "autoescape"
feature) had introduced a bug that caused this widget to fail. It's
been fixed in SVN rev. 6723:

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Re: How to make such query with django ORM?

2007-11-30 Thread RajeshD

> I need to get all blogs that belong to certain user and are empty (do
> not have any articles). I can't figure out how to make it with without
> extra() method.

As others have recommended, just use the extra() method. It's not so
bad :)

If you really really want to avoid that, you could add a count integer
field to your Blog model and maintain its value from overridden
methods and Article.delete(). So Blog.count would get
refreshed every time you add/update/delete articles and your desired
query becomes a straight lookup on Blog.

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Re: Use of newforms prefixes in html templates

2007-11-30 Thread RajeshD

> I have a list of forms that I want to pass to my template but I am not
> sure how to include the prefix.

When you are creating each instance of your form, just specify the
appropriate prefix for it:

form = MyForm(prefix='my-prefix')

When you render this form instance, Django will include the prefix in
the name of each field of that form.

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Re: Access urls in template tags?

2007-11-30 Thread RajeshD

> Is there a simple way to do this within the template tag or would I
> need to create a context processor and would this be available within
> the templatetag or only within the template itself?

You can do this inside a template tag. Assuming that you already have
the request available in your views' context[1], your template tag has
access to that context so you will be able to get the request within
your template tag's render method:

request = context['request']


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Re: question about list_display

2007-11-21 Thread RajeshD

> It is about how to use color in list_display.
> When i use it, I didn't correctly get the colored field of
> first_name.
> Only get strings like '%s'  in this
> field.
> Is there anything I misunderstand to make it work correctly?

Your use of "allow_tags" looks good.

A recent release of Django introduced this bug (the auto-escape
update). See this ticket:

The quickest fix is to update to the latest Djagno SVN release as this
bug is already fixed.

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Re: generic views and form templates

2007-11-21 Thread RajeshD

> that work ok, when a user want to create an entry it opens
> komentar_form.html and it's displayed right. but when user clicks
> submit, it always returns a error for slug field. since user doesn't
> write slug field (should be prepopulated, right?),

No. That only happens in the admin and even there if you use the
"prepopulate_from" option. In your own object creation form, slug
fields are not automatically populated by Django.

So, it may be that an empty slug field is getting stored in your DB
and when you try to store a second object (with yet another emtpy slug
field), your unique=True constraint on the slugfield is causing that

One solution is to generate the slug field from another suitable field
of your model (say, title or name). You can do that auto slugification
in an overridden save() method on your model.

If you need slugification code, take a look at the slugify() method in
django.templates.defaultfilters. You can simply call it directly even
though it's primary use is as a template filter.

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Re: Permissions and user.has_perm

2007-11-21 Thread RajeshD

> >>> u.has_perm("person.add_person")
> False

What's your app_label (usually the lowercase name of the app whose contains your Person class")?

The has_perm method should be called with .add_person
and not with .add_person

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Re: Complicated question

2007-11-20 Thread RajeshD

> That's interesting, but I think that leaving the models untouched
> would be better.
> Do you think there is a different way?

There might be. First, you'd have to explain what you didn't like
about doing queries like:

Image.objects.filter( book__library_owner=request.user)

Since you don't want to change your models, only your Library model
maintains the source of ownership and so, by definition, all your
queries would have to lead to a check on the Library.owner field
thereby ending up with filters like xyz__library_owner=some_user.

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Re: local dev them publish out to the real world

2007-11-20 Thread RajeshD

> hey I am new to django?


> so is it possable to devlop a django site on my mac and then publish
> to another webserver or EC2/S3

Yes, not only is it possible but it happens to be the most common
case: develop on your workstation (Mac, Windows, Linux, doesn't
matter) and then push to a production environment.

> would I face any problems along the way?

That depends on your experience with web application development and
deployment as well as how well your ISP supports Python and all other
dependencies of your application.

Start with the Deployment section under here:

You can always come back here if you experience any specific problems.

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Re: Complicated question

2007-11-20 Thread RajeshD

>From what I understand, you want a generic ability to declare an owner
item for any model object.

Django's generic relations work that way. Take a look at the examples

Specially, instead of TaggedItem in that example, you could have an
ObjectOwner model class. And instead of TaggedItem.tag you would have

Your other objects will not need an owner field anymore. They would be
like the Mineral class in the example linked above.

Hope this gives you a starting point.

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Re: prepopulate_from delimiter

2007-11-20 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 20, 1:11 am, Mogga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> great article... very interesting and answered some old questions...
> not using it for URLS...
> i'm developing some file system mgmt tools for software packages that
> don't like hyphens. i'll have to hack the slugifier or create my own
> js...

You could also override the save method of your model and simply
replace all hyphens with underscores there for the slugfield.
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Re: using "select_related" .Does it works?

2007-11-20 Thread RajeshD

> The docs say select_related() does not follow foreign keys that have
> null=True. In your example it would do nothing.

It would. As Samuel points out, select_related's only job is to save
you some database trips. The examples I cooked up above will work fine
with or without select_related(). In this case, select_related won't
save him any DB trips but the image.instrument and
statements would still lead to the related objects (Django will simply
make additional DB calls to follow those relations.)

You can also get the same DB savings as select_related() by explicitly
joining the instrument and channel tables using the .extra method and
its tables keyword[1]


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Re: Problem with date based list_filter in django admin

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

> Does this have something to do with the autoescape revisions that were
> just put out?  I'm working off of the latest revision if that's of any
> help.  Thanks.

It's likely. If you've the time, perhaps revert to a revision just
prior to when the autoescape changes were committed and report back
here if the problem goes away (or even better, open a ticket.)

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Re: prepopulate_from delimiter

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

> is it possible to specify a custom delimeter for the prepopulate_from
> option for slugfields? ie. underscore instead of hyphen?
> thanks in advance!!

The delimiter is part of a hardcoded regular expression used by the
"slugifier" Javascript. So, it's not customizable short of providing
your own JS or hacking Django's.

If you plan on using your slugfields to build URLs, you might want to
first read about the virtues of using hyphens in favor underscores:

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Re: using "select_related" .Does it works?

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

> I just want to make a join through this tables with the select_related
> to be able to print,,

Your query would be something like this:

images = Image.objects.select_related()

You can use this query set in your templates or in Python:

Template example:

{% for image in images %}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}


for image in images:

> And i don't know how to do this

Hope the above helps. Also, you should understand how select_related
works. Ot's main purpose is to save you DB trips but it can cause
performance problems if not used properly. Read on here for further
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Re: validating fields with newforms

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

> I would like to validate a field if another field is defined.  So i
> have two fields (state and state (international) ) -- one of them
> needs to be defined.  How would i do this with newforms?

By adding a clean() method to your form class. See the 3rd cleaning
method described here:

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Re: add/change user via 'Admin'

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 19, 12:25 pm, Nader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have done it: 'python syncdb' and started the server. I
> have got the same error as before.

It seems that your content types and permissions got messed up
somehow. See this thread for a discussion of a similar problem with
some tips by Adrian:

>  I'm in development phase but I
> wouldn't use the "DROP table' sql statements, because I have to
> installed a lot of data again. I thing there has a solution, maybe via
> 'model API'!

You can always backup your current app data with " dumpdata".
Then after a full reset and syncdb, load it back in with "
loaddata". Moreover, if any of this data is required for your app to
run, you can turn it into an "initial_data" fixture (start with the
django-admin doc link I included in my previous response.)

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Re: add/change user via 'Admin'

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 19, 11:14 am, Nader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use the 'Admin' class in my project to do administration of
> applications. For the user I have defined a 'admin' and the other
> user. If I go to the 'user' page and want to do something with the
> 'admin' user and with the other user, I get the next error. I have
> read some documents, but I couldn't find the appropriate answer for my
> question.
> DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/1/
> ContentType matching query does not exist.

Have you changed your INSTALLED_APPS setting after you first set it?
It looks like you may have added 'django.contrib.contenttypes' later.

Try " syncdb" again, then restart your server.

Alternatively, if you are in development mode and don't mind losing
your data, start over again by dropping and recreating all tables
and then running a " syncdb".

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Re: save() doesn't save a removed parent-child relationship to self?

2007-11-19 Thread RajeshD

> The print self.parents.all() line does print a [] line with self
> removed from the parents. Apparently this just does not get saved.

Right. The admin always calls the save on the primary object first,
followed later by saving the ManyToMany "parents". So, whatever you
are doing in your overridden save()  is being overridden again by the
Admin save manipulator.

> Any ideas?

1. Check if the newforms-admin branch has been endowed with anything
in that area (especially, in the limit_choices_to attribute of the

2. Use your own form and view to maintain that object instead of
relying on the Admin.

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Re: Questions about css in templates

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

> MEDIA_ROOT = 'C:/Documents and Settings/Nserc2/My Documents/
> mytemplates/media'
> MEDIA_URL = /mymedia/
> You also mentioned to activate the appropriate context processor.  I
> didn't have any TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSOR in my settings file to
> begin with so I added the lines:
> "django.core.context_processors.auth",
> "django.core.context_processors.debug",
> "django.core.context_processors.i18n",
> ""
> )
> So, I saved and edited my base.html file to have
> http://localhost:8000/mymedia/css/base.css{% endblock %}" >
>  in the 

Once you have the media context processor you can make the above link
tag much cleaner like so:

That way, when you deploy your app to a production server, you won't
have to go back and change that reference to localhost.

> I can view a page that uses base.html fine.  The problem that I am
> having is that when I view a page that uses my base.html file, it
> doesnt have the styling that I laid out in the css file.  I think the
> problem is how I am refering to the path of my css file.

The problem is that there's nothing serving your CSS file :)

Again, see the documentation[1] about how to make Django serve static
files (like your CSS) from your MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL settings:

BIG DISCLAIMER: This static serving via Django is highly discouraged
in a production environment where you are recommended to use a proper
web server (say, Apache or Lighttpd) to serve such files.


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Re: Method 'allow_tags' doesn't work?

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 15, 2:34 pm, wowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Today, after updating django to revision 6678 method 'allow_tags'
> doesn't work. Despite it is set to True I've got html code.

If it used to work previously, this may have to do with the auto-
escaping code commit from revision 6671. See the backwards
incompatibility update[1] and follow links to other references there.

You might also want to revert back to a revision earlier than 6671. If
it works that way, it's almost certainly the aforementioned update.


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Re: No module named views

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

Since the error you are seeing is in '' and the error
says "No
module named views", it seems that the statement that's failing in /
project/app/urls is this one:

from voting.views import vote_on_object

This would mean that voting.views is not a valid Python module:

1. Is there an file in the "voting" directory?
2. Is the "voting" directory in your Python path?
3. Check that /voting/ has no errors and that it defines the
method vote_on_object.

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Re: Deploying Django

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

> Well, just to know. What are you using? This should also be useful for
> my "little" project, the django deployer, still unnamed.

I've been using Lighttpd + FCGI on Joyent containers (my favorite
production deployment enviroment).

In my setups, the Lighty/FCGI combo seems to use server memory more
effectively than Apache/mod_python (in my tests. YMMV)

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Re: Questions about css in templates

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 15, 6:54 pm, Chris Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok,
>   I just got it to work by using the {% include %} tag.  Is this a
> fine way to include css stuff or should I not use this for some
> reason?

Unless your CSS is very short, you should not use this technique
because it inserts the entire CSS into the body of your HTML. Thus, a
user's browser can not cache that CSS resource.

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Re: No module named views

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

> I'm sorry for this long paste.. i could you dpaste.
> thanks, martin

Yes, it's probably better to dpaste it when you have a lot of code
like that. That way, your indentation is preserved and it's easier for
others to review your code. I should've recommended it when I asked
you to paste here.

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Re: Simple save() override not working

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 13, 3:36 pm, "Mike Feldmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know, I've seen a million posts about this, but they all seem to relate to
> m2m fields.  While I do have an m2m field in the table (blog entry <->
> tags), it's one of the simple fields I'm having trouble with.
> def save(self):
> > import datetime
> > if not self.publish_date and self.state == 2:
> > self.publish_date =
> > return super(BlogEntry, self).save()
> This override works when in the shell, but not through the admin interface.
> I am just not understanding why it would fail on this simple field.

You do have a conditional statement there. I would put a couple of
debug prints just before that if statement and one inside the if
statement to see what's going on. May be the condition is not being
satisfied so that self.publish_date is never getting set?

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Re: Questions about css in templates

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

> ...but it doesnt like that.  I've tried typing in the full path name
> and that doesn't seem to work either.

You need to define "doesn't seem to work" more clearly. For example,
if you request that stylesheet URL from your browser's URL bar, does
the stylesheet come up?

Also, serving of CSS (or any other static files for that matter) is
not automatic in Django. See this for more details:

> My template folder path is
> indicated in my TEMPLATE_DIRS in my file for the site.  So
> my big question is how do I pass the appropriate path for my css to my
> template?

A good place to store your CSS is in /css/*.css where
MEDIA_ROOT is whatever you defined it to be in your settings file. If
your settings.MEDIA_ROOT and settings.MEDIA_URL are consistent with
each other, you can reference the MEDIA_URL in your template once you
activate the appropriate context processor mentioned here:

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Re: Flat return list from MultipleChoiceField

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

> When there is more than one form B, the posted data for the 'b' field
> is flattened.

Are the input fields of your two form B's being presented inside one
HTML  tag? If the answer is yes *and* if the two multiple choice
fields have the same "name", then your browser will post all their
selected data in a single list.

You could control the names of the multiple choice fields by giving
each form B a prefix[1].


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Re: No module named views

2007-11-15 Thread RajeshD

> could someone please point me where to look to solve this? since i'm a
> newbie in django, this is probably a stupid question: if i'm getting
> no module named views, does this mean that django can't find
> or is it because is empty (everything is in

Care to paste here your file from the project/apps directory?

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Re: custom forms, models and django 0.96

2007-11-09 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 9, 12:37 pm, schlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am a developing in django 0.96 and therefor don't have the option to
> use form_for_model with fields, so having developed a custom form to
> add users to the database am experiencing minor problems with model
> validation.
> so my form is this :
> class UserForm(forms.Form):
> username = forms.CharField()
> first_name = forms.CharField()
> last_name = forms.CharField()
> email = forms.EmailField()
> password = forms.CharField()
> I process the form by
> form = UserForm()
> if request.method == 'POST':
> form = UserForm(request.POST)
> if form.is_valid():
> a=User()
> for i,j in
> setattr(a,i,j)
> if not a.validate():
> if I remove the validation step, this works fine, how ever trying to
> validate raises the error
> Exception Value:expected string or buffer
> Exception Location: c:\Python25\lib\ in strptime, line
> 328

Set your application in DEBUG mode and paste the entire stack trace so
people can see the sequence of events that are leading up to that

Secondly, you should be using form.clean_data instead of

> caused by the validation step... Am i just being thick?

Actually you're being thin on the info you've provided ;)

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Re: German dates (with date filter)

2007-11-09 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 9, 8:12 am, Florian Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I use this line in my template:
> geschrieben am {{ entry.creationDate|date:"D, j.n.y, H:i" }}
> (geschrieben am == writen at)
> It produces output like "Wed, 26.9.07, 16:49"
> is there any way I can make this output German which means in this case to
> print Mi instead of Wed?

Have you tried the following?

{% load i18n %}
{{ entry.creationDate|date:_("D, j.n.y, H:i") }}

Note the use of _() around the date format to force a locale sensitive

See the following doc where it mentions how translation hooks are
available inside templates:

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Re: strange custome sql

2007-11-09 Thread RajeshD

> 1. cursor.execute( "insert into popo_status( id , author_id , body ,
> type ) VALUES (NULL , '1', body, '1') ")
> no error, but insert nothing

Try committing after that statement:


> 2. cursor.execute( "select * from popo_status where id=21 ")
>   no error, but ok
> i cannot image no error exist, but i cannot insert data into table.

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Re: "You don't have permission to access /doc/lookup/ on this server."

2007-11-09 Thread RajeshD

> "You don't have permission to access /doc/lookup/ on this server."
> Note that /doc/lookup/ is a URL, not a folder, so there are no
> permissions to set. I'm wondering if /doc might mean something special
> to Apache? If not then any other ideas?
> My Apache2.conf can be viewed here:

Your apache config imports additional settings from:
Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

Look there to see if any config files in that directory may have
defined the Location /doc and restricted permissions on it. It's
likely that you've installed the apache2-doc Ubuntu package and that
it's hooked up to the /doc URL path.

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Re: Will there be a django 0.97 release ?

2007-11-08 Thread RajeshD

> as far as i understand it, django applications are ment to be
> pluggable.. how big are the odds that you'll find two applications
> which would work with the same django trunk revision ?

I didn't mean that your app would stop working at all on any other
revisions. Just that you can "officially certify" that it's known to
work with a certain revision (that you've had a chance to test). Your
users can still use it with future revisions (see below for more
thoughts on this.)

> SCT is not (just) meant as a final product which runs separately, but
> as applications which can be integrated into a django project.. i
> can't force people to use a given revision .. having a release which
> holds for 2-4 months would make things easier imho ..

Not every new trunk commit creates a backward incompability problem.
Furthermore, there are around 4 changes a month that are backward-
incompatible (based on the list here:
and not all of them affect everyone who's using a trunk release.

As an example, the change from FloatField to DecimalField in trunk
revision 5302 would only prevent your app from working if your app has
models that use that field.

Perhaps, you want to consult with other app writers (django-tagging,
django-voting, registration, etc.) and see how they handle this issue.

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Re: Best Django Blogs

2007-11-08 Thread RajeshD

A lot of the Blogs on the community aggregator are worth following.

To me, the B-List deserves a special mention for its valuable tips and
tricks -- it's invaluable to newbies, and often has insightful write
ups for the seasoned users as well. Thanks, James!

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Re: context_instance needs documenting on the same page as render_to_response?

2007-11-08 Thread RajeshD

> This page doesn't even show up on the first page of results so it
> isn't surprising people miss it. Worth adding a mention to the docs?

Worth opening a ticket too :)

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Re: Multiple arguments to a template filter

2007-11-08 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 8, 4:49 pm, jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am writing some custom template filters. How does one transmit
> multiple arguments to a filter. eg.
> {{ form.errors|dynamicformfield:"pass",1,"firstname" }}
> my dynamicformfield filter has the following signature:
> def dynamicformfield(value, firstpart, midpart, lastpart):
> I always get a error saying that the filter expects 3 args and I am
> sending in only 1.

Filters always take either one or two arguments but not more. See:

Here's how you can pass in multiple parameters.

Change your filter function to take in just one real parameter that
multiplexes three comma-separated parameters:

def dynamicformfield(value, parts):
firstpart, midpart, lastpart = parts.split(',')
# you've got your three parameters now to run with

The filter usage would be:

{{ form.errors|dynamicformfield:"pass,1,firstname" }}

In other words, you specify all 3 parts as a single string with comma-
separated values that you can then demultiplex in your filter

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Re: Will there be a django 0.97 release ?

2007-11-08 Thread RajeshD

> So are there any plans on releasing a 0.97 ? I hope you understand my
> concerns - django is really great and the trunk is stable but

I understand the concern, but how does having a 0.97 release change
this for you? There would still be potentially backwards-incompatible
changes moving forward from 0.97 to the next official release.

If you just want to be able to announce which snapshot of the Django
trunk your application supports, you could point to the svn release
number (e.g. app supports Django trunk svn release #6650 and that
future releases are not guaranteed to work.)

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Re: Problem with "auto_now_add" in Admin interface

2007-11-08 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 8, 2:17 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a ticket that looks like it describes your problem:
> It's still open but it looks like the last comment might provide a
> workaround, depending on the version of Django you are running.

Just a note: the code in that last comment in this ticket has a bug: should be replaced with

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Re: AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE usable with v0.96?

2007-11-07 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 7, 6:46 am, paulc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to follow the example in the Django book, to make a simple
> extension of the standard User object.
> I'm hoping someone may be able to give me a quick yes or no on this:
> is the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE setting expected to work with Django 0.96,
> or do I need to upgrade to the SVN release?

I have a couple of sites on 0.96 where it's been working without a

> Within a very simple view that I'm using just to try this out, I can
> pick up the User object and access some of its fields (e.g. username)
> and custom methods (e.g. is_authenticated);  but if I call the
> get_profile() method, I see the following error:
> Exception Type: AttributeError
> Exception Value:'NoneType' object has no attribute
> '_default_manager'
> I'm pretty sure I have AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE set correctly (I do not get
> the `too many values to unpack' error).
> I do not see the SiteProfileNotAvailable error, which again seems to
> suggest I have all the necessary middleware and settings present in
> the configuration.

Actually, it would help if you would paste here your
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE  setting as well as your profile model class.
Also, what Django app name does this profile model live under?

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Re: site is built with django, but my server doesn't know that...

2007-11-07 Thread RajeshD

> Here is what I do and
> what it all looks like:
> log in as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# python
> Python 2.5.1, Ubuntu 4.1.2 etc. etc.
> So Python is installed and I've opened the interpreter, right?
> Then this:
> >>> import django [to verify that django is installed]
> and I get
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 1, in 
> ImportError: No module named django

This just means that django is not in your PYTHONPATH. If your server
is already running the original Django app, it means that Django is
installed. Take a look at the installation documentation to learn more
about setting up your PYTHONPATH and other environment.

Also, as an aside, try using some kind of source control (subversion,
for example) so that you avoid changing your production source code
directly on your production server. A better way to do this is to
change things on your development/test environment, test it there,
commit your stable changes to a source control repository and then
grab and install them on your production server from the repository.

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Re: Does anyone know a good method for creating one time pages with Django?

2007-11-07 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 7, 10:11 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Thanks, flat pages look really useful.
> Unfortunately I don't think they solve my problem here - the rest of
> the page needs to be dynamic and driven by custom content; it's only a
> subset of the page elements that I want to be static in this way.

Actually, you could use the flatpages model for this if not the whole
Flatpages application. Here's how:

Have your end users enter their text in a flatpage with the URL say '/
homepage_text/'. In your view that builds the full homepage (dynamic +
static), make an explicit query to get the flatpage text:

from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
static_text = FlatPage.objects.get(url='/homepage_text/')

Pass this text on to your template along with your dynamic parameters.

If your user entered text is really a bunch of properties and such,
you may be better off creating your model to capture them.

In short, you can treat the FlatPage model as a storage for elementary
key, value type properties with a key being FlatPage.url and a value
being FlatPage.content.

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Re: form_for_instance and form argument, empty form?

2007-11-07 Thread RajeshD

> > Paste here your FooForm and Foo model code that doesn't work for you.
> class Foo(models.Model):
> title = models.CharField(_("Title"), core=True, maxlength=100)
> class FooForm(forms.Form):
> title = forms.CharField(label = _("Title"))

Now, I am more confused about your actual problem. You say in the
original post that when you use FooForm as a base "form" parameter in
form_for_instance, you don't get fields from Foo. But in the code
above, both FooForm and Foo have the same field named 'title'. In such
a case, you wouldn't need to use the form=FooForm parameter at all.
Just form_for_instance(foo) and form_for_model(Foo), would work.

Here is an example of using a custom form base class that is intended
to add a new field to the set of fields that are created from the Foo
model. Notice how this adds the new field 'another_title' in the
__init__ method instead of adding it as a class field:

class FooForm(forms.BaseForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FooForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['another_title'] = forms.CharField(label =

More details here:

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Re: form_for_instance and form argument, empty form?

2007-11-07 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 7, 9:42 am, David Larlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought that it was more appropriated to post it on the devlist
> because it sounds like a bug but ok let's move it on the userlist, sorry
> for the noise here. I'll be glad to hear your solution.

Paste here your FooForm and Foo model code that doesn't work for you.

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Re: Does anyone know a good method for creating one time pages with Django?

2007-11-07 Thread RajeshD

> However this seems messy
> and I feel like I'm working against Django. Is there a better way of
> doing it?

Consider using "flatpages":

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Re: permissions on media files

2007-11-03 Thread RajeshD

> So is my only solution to read and serve the file
> using django ? Or is there a mod_python extension that can do this
> more efficiently ?

Perhaps Amazon S3 would serve your needs?

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Re: Newforms validation error not displayed:

2007-11-03 Thread RajeshD

> def clean_guess_the_number(self):
> if self.max_number > self.cleaned_data['guess_the_number']:

Change that to:
if self.max_number < self.cleaned_data['guess_the_number']:

> raise forms.ValidationError('Your Number have to be lower
> or equal to Max Number.')
> if self.min_number < self.cleaned_data['guess_the_number']:

And this one to:
if self.min_number > self.cleaned_data['guess_the_number']:

> raise forms.ValidationError('Your Number have to be higer
> or equal to Min Number.')
> return self.cleaned_data['guess_the_number']

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Re: encoding problem in instance signal / dispatcher?

2007-11-03 Thread RajeshD

Take a look at your Tag model's __unicode__ method (or paste your Tag
model here). I suspect that's where the problem is.

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Re: i18n and choices from database

2007-11-03 Thread RajeshD

> Question is how to show query from database on template with localized
> output

Try this in your template (assuming p is a person model instance
available to your template):

{{ p.get_gender_display }}


Also, another suggestion: consider using more intuitive keys for your
gender field instead of 0, 1. You could define it as a CharField and
change choices keys to M, F instead of 0, 1 (or even better "male",
"female"). If you're worried about performance, you can even set
db_index=True on the gender field.

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Re: Is there a simpler solution?

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

Disregard the overflow:hidden piece in my CSS above. It's not needed:

.article {width:32%;float:left;}
.clear_all {clear:both;}

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Re: Is there a simpler solution?

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 2, 4:05 pm, "Ramdas S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am sure there is something absolutely simple, but I guess I am missing it.
> I need to display some content/ news articles over 3 columns on a home page,
> where the order is latest stories coming in top rows from left to right. If
> you've seen web sites like or you will
> understand what I mean!
> I was searching for a solution that is a lot simple, like a template tag
> which will let me implement this easily. But I have not found one.

Have you considered using plain CSS floating boxes?

Here's some hastily put together snippet:

Your template:

{% for a in articles %}
  render article a here
  {% if forloop.counter1|divisibleby:"3" %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Your CSS:

.article {width:32%;float:left;overflow:hidden;}
.clear_all {clear:both;}

Experiment further to make things look nicer from here ;)

-Rajesh D

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Re: Limiting Foreign Key choices to members of a certain group using generic views

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

> # run with this form following the examples in the newforms
> documentations.

You can also change the domain "choices" after the form class is
created for you by modifying the form class's base_fields as I see you
have done in your post in another thread here:

The callback method pattern I mentioned above is still nice to know as
you can do many other customizations that way as the form class is
being created instead of later.

-Rajesh D

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Re: Limiting Foreign Key choices to members of a certain group using generic views

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 2, 4:02 pm, rm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 2, 3:54 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When you acquire a Customer newform instance in your view, you will be
> > able to modify the choices attribute of its domain field so that these
> > choices only contain the relevant domains that you mentioned you can
> > trivially derive knowing the request.user.
> Could you give an example of how to do this?  That sounds like what I
> am after as well.

Sure. But I will assume that you've read the newforms documentation or
will be reading it to continue with the starter code below:

# First create a form call back that will allow you
# to have our custom choice field on the domain field
class CustomDomains(object):
def __init__(self, queryset):
self.queryset = queryset

def __call__(field, **kwargs):
if == 'domain':
# the following single line is the whole point \
# of the solution we are building
return forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=self.queryset)
return field.formfield(**kwargs)

# The following goes into your view
# Scroll down to "def contact_edit(request, msg_id)" in the newforms
docs for
# the general idea of this view.

# create a queryset that contains
# your domain choices for the request.user

your_list_of_reseller_ids = [left for you to populate]
valid_domains =
custom_domains_callback = CustomDomains(queryset=valid_domains)

if your_customer_instance is not None: # we are in update mode
CustomerForm = forms.form_for_instance(your_customer_instance,
else: # we are creating a new customer
CustomerForm = forms.form_for_model(Customer,

form = CustomerForm()

# run with this form following the examples in the newforms

Note: I have not tested the above for errors but have used similar
patterns in my own code with no problems. Also, please mind the
indentation. If GoogleGroups screws it up, I hope you can put it back

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Re: Limiting Foreign Key choices to members of a certain group using generic views

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

> I'm after a way of limiting what choices are populated into a drop-down
> box from a foreign key field when I'm using the generic create/update views:

I would recommend not using the generic create/update views as those
views use old forms and manipulators which are going away in favor of

Take a look at the newforms documentation here:

In particular, read the sub-sections on "form_for_model" and
"form_for_instance" which will let you get handy newforms instances
that can respectively create and update a Customer record.

> What I am trying to achieve is to be able to limit the list of domains
> that a reseller can apply to their customer objects to domains that they
> have control of:

When you acquire a Customer newform instance in your view, you will be
able to modify the choices attribute of its domain field so that these
choices only contain the relevant domains that you mentioned you can
trivially derive knowing the request.user.

> I think I need to be able to resolve the logged in username into a list
> of groups (which I can do with request.user.groups) and then resolve
> that into the list of resellers and then resolve that into a list of
> domains. I don't think I can access the request object from the model can I?

Its possible to do this through a hack that  (
blog.php?id=1107301634) but it's not a good practice to closely couple
your view code (i.e. the request object) with your model code. You
won't need to resort to this anyway if you are willing to write your
own newforms based view suggested above.

-Rajesh D.

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Re: Displaying error messages if form data not valid

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 2, 12:08 pm, jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK. This approach works. Thanks.
> Would you have any link to a best practice where such a approach is
> detailed?

The very first simple view example in the New forms documentation
shows what Malcolm recommended to you.

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Re: template question

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 1, 9:56 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this code in my view, for example:
> a=['a','b','c'] # a list of row labels
> b=[1,2,3] # a list of col label
> c=tab # an array (list of list) with len(a) rows and len(b) cols.

If c[i, j] previously had a value of x, change it to have a tuple of
the form:

c[i, j] = (x, a[i], b[j])

Thus, each c element now has its own value as well as its 'a' and 'b'

> then on the template side, it's easy to print c
> {% for row in c %}
>   {% for col in row %}
> {{ col }}
>   {% endfor %}
> {% endfor %}

Change: {{ col }} to

{{ col.0 }}, {{ col.1 }}, {{ col.2}}

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Re: Standard place for signal processing code?

2007-11-02 Thread RajeshD

> I'm looking for a hint as to where put signal processing code. Various
> objects in many apps in my project emit one signal, that has to be
> processed in single place and is not directly related to any particular
> app nor object. I do not want it in any app, since apps can be turned on
> and off, eventually making the signal to go unprocessed. I know the
> module that contains signal processing code has to be already imported
> to be able to run the code. What is the standard practice in such case?
> Separate app? Or...?

I would create a module called 'common' under the project and have a there to hold your signal processing code.

This Python module doesn't need to be a Django app but if it is, you
could also keep your globally used templatetags and template files in
there (for example, in  /common/templatetags/ and /common/
templates/ respectively.)

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Re: Django newbie, URL resloving problem

2007-11-01 Thread RajeshD

On Nov 1, 7:26 am, gizmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I started learning about Django and I followed an example 
> at
> I've done:
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from gizmo_site.datetime import current_datetime

This suggests that you have a Django app called 'datetime'. I would
recommend renaming it as Python has a built-in 'datetime' module. It
may be possible for the two to co-exist, but the error you are seeing
(django.contrib.auth: 'module' object has no attribute 'timedelta') is
because Django is looking for the Python built-in datetime module's
timedelta function and it encounters your module of that name instead
which has no timedelta function (and even if it did, it would be the
wrong one.)

Jakub already explained why your URL match is failing.

Hope the above helps too.

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Re: using newforms, an uncommon case.

2007-10-30 Thread RajeshD

Here's a different approach:

You could serialize an incomplete form instance to another table
(could just be serialized to the user's session too.) Then, when the
user requests to continue filling out an incomplete form, just
deserialize the form instance and you have the form exactly as the
user last left it.

This allows you to have the right "required=True" values and other
validation rules on your core model keeping it clean and not having it
serve double duty.

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Re: bypassing reverse relation (related_name)

2007-10-17 Thread RajeshD

> Is there a way to express that I don't need the reverse relation?

No. Even if you don't need them, Django will want to dynamically endow
your Location objects with them. And, as you know, it can't do it if
two reverse relations have the same name.

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Re: Custom Managers and Model Methods

2007-10-17 Thread RajeshD

Hi Jason,

> Using the models below I'd like to be able to create Querysets such as:
> a = Treatment.objects.filter(total_dose__range=(4000,1))
> b = a.filter(tumor__patient__gender = 'M')
> Both of the above work, but then I'd like to have an additional filter:
> c = b.filter(tumor__patient__get_followup_length__gt = 5)

This is not possible because get_followup_length is not a field in the
DB table but a model class method and Django doesn't support that
(because it can't build a SQL statement out of this queryset

Here are some alternatives:

Option #1. Add a followup_length field to your Patient model. Rename
the method get_followup_length to compute_followup_length and change
it so that it stores its computed value into the new followup_length

Then, call compute_followup_length() from  delete() and save() methods
in Tumor. In other words, everytime Tumor is changed, its Patient's
followup_length gets computed. You can also achieve this via signals
if you don't want to override Tumor.delete() and See:

Option #2. Filter the result set in memory using standard Python:
c = [x for x in b if x.tumor.patient.get_followup_length() > 5]

Note that, if you expect c to have a lot of rows, this will load them
all in memory. And, obviously, c will be a list rather than a

Hope this helps.


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Re: newform: Why Doesn't This work

2007-10-17 Thread RajeshD

Aaargh...the indentation got screwed up. Here's another attempt:

class myForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.q_prime = [] # default choices here?
self.q_prime = kwargs.pop('q')
super(myForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['choice'] = forms.ChoiceField(label="My choice",
   choices=myChoice(self.q_prime).choices()) #I

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Re: newform: Why Doesn't This work

2007-10-17 Thread RajeshD

class myForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.q_prime = kwargs.pop('q')
super(myForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

choice = forms.ChoiceField(label="My choice",
   choices=myChoice(self.q_prime).choices()) #I

As Joe says above, the choice field is a class-level field whereas
"self.*" is instance level. So, this doesn't work.

Try this instead:

class myForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.q_prime = [] # default choices here?
self.q_prime = kwargs.pop('q')
super(myForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['choice'] = forms.ChoiceField(label="My choice",
   choices=myChoice(self.q_prime).choices()) #I

Note the indentation of that last line -- it now belongs to the
__init__ method and not to the class.

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Re: problem in uploading image

2007-10-16 Thread RajeshD

> if form.is_valid():
> clean_data = form.clean_data
> t = Image

If Image is a model class, the above should read:

t = Image()

> but it is showing an error saying  'module' object has no
> attribute 'save_photo_file'

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Re: Fastcgi always gives 301

2007-10-15 Thread RajeshD

On Oct 15, 10:23 am, maqr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY
> is the only response I can get out of my FCGI script?

Did you follow the official FCGI docs over here?

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Re: select choices

2007-10-15 Thread RajeshD

> Arn't stings slower against integers?

You can always set db_index=True on the type field if you'll be using
it a lot in your lookups and if the number of records in that table is
going to be huge.

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Re: Multiple app environments on the same machine - settings & more

2007-10-15 Thread RajeshD

> The idea is I would like to set up a production (prod) and pre-
> production (preprod) and have preprod updated and unit tests run
> everytime I commit changes to the SVN repo from my local machine (this
> can be easily done with svn-hooks).
> No problems so far, however what worries me is how to solve the
> settings riddle - I would like to have them dynamically imported
> depending of which environment (in this case it's simply another
> directory on my webserver) it is run on.
> So I had the concept to tag each environment with some marker file
> like "__DEV", "__PREPROD", "__PROD" and import specific settings from
> inside the main, depending on which tag-file exists in my
> cwd. Didn't succed, but wait, there's more. As I said, each
> environment is configured to different directory, so I have symlinks
> to site-packages/myapp for PROD (which is and site-
> packages/myapp_preprod for PREPROD (
> Then I realised, that even if I get the dynamic-import issue solved,
> the preprod app will work with hardcoded "myapp." module instead of
> "myapp_preprod." for views dispatching (
> Are there any hacks or, preferably, some simple and obvious
> solutions ;-) to accomplish my goal?

May be this is simple enough (if I understand your problem
correctly ;)

1. Don't add myapp_* to site-packages at all. Instead keep them in two
directory roots say /home/apps/prod and /home/apps/preprod. Similarly,
you can have two different settings files for the two environments.

2. In your Apache vhost config for, add /home/apps/prod
to the PYTHONPATH setting. And, for, add /home/apps/

See these two sections in the Django deployment documentation:

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Re: select choices

2007-10-15 Thread RajeshD

> Does anybody know a more easy way?

Any particular reason you have to have type as an IntegerField? If you
had it as a CharField, you could do:

TYPE = (('foo', 'foo'), ('BAR', 'BAR'))
type = models.CharField(choices=TYPE)

And, possibly add db_index=True to the type field.

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Re: newforms problems

2007-10-15 Thread RajeshD

> 1) pass_matched always return False
> how can i compare two fields in my class???

def pass_matched(self):
if self.fields['pass'] == self.fields['repass']:
return True
return False

1. use self.cleaned_data instead of self.fields

2. call pass_matched from a method called clean in your form or rename
the method pass_matched to clean_repass

See this for details:

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Re: Accessing many-to-many relations in save()

2007-10-12 Thread RajeshD

On Oct 12, 1:04 pm, Adam Endicott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How about something along these lines (a lazy initialization pattern):
> Well, the point of saving that boolean was so I could do database
> queries on it (MyModel.objects.filter(has_m2m_thing=True)). That
> wouldn't really work with this lazy initialization pattern, unless I'm
> missing something.

No, you're right -- that won't work.

> Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned that.

No problem. I had assumed that you needed the boolean in a template or
a view.

I don't think there's a clean solution to this (as far as making the
Admin work with it). I don't think the admin can make use of a custom
manipulator without hackish code.

If you are open to patching Django itself, you could add a custom
signal to to
transmit a "post_full_save" signal at the very end of that method
call. That would give you the appropriate hook you need.

Another idea is to use a database trigger on the m2m table to update
the count/boolean field on the parent table.

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Re: Accessing many-to-many relations in save()

2007-10-12 Thread RajeshD

> Sure. I'm trying to set a boolean property on the object based on the
> existence (or absence) of a ManyToMany relationship. So I originally
> thought something like:
> def save(self):
> self.has_m2m_thing = bool(self.m2m_relation.count())
> super(MyModel, self).save()
> This works fine if you save it twice, but that's not the behavior I
> was looking for :).


How about something along these lines (a lazy initialization pattern):

1. Change MyModel's has_m2m_thing to m2m_count and make it an integer
field and default it to -1.

2. Add a method and property to MyModel:
def _has_m2m_thing(self):
if self.m2m_count == -1:
# compute count
self.m2m_count = self.m2m_relation.count()
super(MyModel, self).save()
return self.m2m_count > 0
has_m2m_thing = property(_has_m2m_thing)

3. Add this to
def save(self):
self.m2m_count = -1 # reset count
super(MyModel, self).save()

Caveat: This doesn't work if you add or remove your m2m objects
outside of the Admin (because won't get called so the
m2m_count won't get reset.) You will have to explicitly reset
m2m_count in such cases by calling

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Re: Accessing many-to-many relations in save()

2007-10-12 Thread RajeshD

On Oct 11, 6:54 pm, Adam Endicott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got an app where I'd like to set some properties in an object's
> save method based on ManyToMany relationships.

Can you describe generally what you are trying to update in the parent
object when its ManyToMany relationships are changed. Perhaps there's
a way to solve your specific problem without requiring more general
purpose solutions (like Custom Manipulators).

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Re: Possible ifequal and/or ifnotequal bug

2007-10-12 Thread RajeshD

> The above code is NOT catching the first instance of an NAICS
> description which begins with "A".

The filter on the first parameter there won't work (as you've already

1. If you are using Django SVN trunk, try assigning that filtered
value first to a variable using the 'with' templatetag:

2. Another, probably simpler, solution is to use CSS to hide that
first "Back to the top" link like this:

Back to the topĀ 

Then, in your CSS add:

a.letter-A {display:none;}

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Re: Signals error - I can't do a import

2007-10-11 Thread RajeshD

Perhaps try the import this way:


def thesignal(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs):
 from mysite.plush.models import Photo
assert False, "It got here"


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Re: Random objects in view

2007-10-04 Thread RajeshD

Hi Alessandro,

Replace: items.filter(provincia__iexact=provincia)  with
items = items.filter(provincia__iexact=provincia)

Similarly, replace items.filter(tipo__iexact=tipo) with
items = items.filter(tipo__iexact=tipo)

Remember that whenever you filter an existing queryset in order to
progressively develop a query, you get a new queryset. So, you need to
assign it back to a variable otherwise it's lost in the ether :)


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Re: sharing django on production and dev

2007-09-28 Thread RajeshD


On Sep 28, 1:46 pm, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there some standard practice on a machine that has production code
> running in mod_python but also has developers running their django-
> python web server?  Is that discouraged?

Yes absolutely discouraged. The standard practice is to not have
development code and environment on the same machine that also happens
to be your production machine. Developers tend to do weird things on
their setups -- some which can crash your production app. Developers
also need to have an environment where they don't need to tip-toe
around their environment; they should be able to experiment with new
versions of libraries, Django, etc. Having a shared prod/dev setup
completely defeats that.

> I figure a regular user
> would not share the same django with mod_python because of .pyc files
> and permissions?  So developers would maintain separate django
> installs.  This makes it difficult because then they can't develop
> using the same python or need to override the library path?

- Have a separate development machine or have each developer use her
own workstation along with Django's built-in web server for
development. You could have a shared development machine too (but
don't mix it with production). Linux is great for that. Each developer
can setup their own Python path if they need to. They can also start
with a default Python path and override only those libraries that they
need a specific version of.

- Use subversion or another version control system to manage and share
code between the devs.

- Have a staging machine or a staging environment on one of the dev
machines. The staging should mimic the hardware and software on the
production server as closely as possible. When an app release is ready
for production, install it on staging first and make sure things work

- Of course, it's highly recommended to have a quality test plan for
your setup too.

> Seems like the appropriate configuration is for production to have a
> django and developers to each have their own django.  

Yes. And to be even clearer, the production should be on a machine
that's isolated from the development machine(s).

> Then the
> developers would just modify their python include path to include
> their copy of django?


>  Is there a simple way to do this or do most
> developers just choose to have their own dev environment running
> locally?  

Most developers doing serious amounts of work would want their own
environment, yes. They don't want to be tripping on another dev's work
on the same machine. Again, use version control to share code updates
between devs.

> Does this discourage sharing of a dev server and hence more
> admin work for everyone instead of one stable dev environment.

Not at all. Most open source successes come from each dev being able
to code away on their own favorite machine and when they feel they
have a worthy release, they check it into a common source repository.
That's a more established way of collaborative development.

> Looking for answers since I'm still pretty new to Django and python.

Most of this is standard stuff even for non-Django development, but I
hope this helps anyway.


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Re: Signals not working correctly

2007-09-13 Thread RajeshD

On Sep 13, 11:13 am, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use signals so that when a Publication gets deleted from
> within the Admin it will 'assert False, "Here"'  (This will obviously
> change at a later date).  Currently, when I delete a Publication (in
> the django admin) no assert statement is raised.  So I guess that
> means that my dispatcher.connect is not getting called.  Anybody know
> what I'm doing wrong?

Try moving the dispatcher.connect statement to your

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Re: form_for_instance + user profile

2007-09-12 Thread RajeshD

> Basic example:
> user = User.objects.get(id=1)
> user_profile = user.get_profile()

This should work if you have settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE pointing to
your UserProfile model. See:

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Re: django-voting question

2007-09-12 Thread RajeshD

> Problem is, I can't manage to do anything with posts in my template.

What exactly are you trying to do that's not working?

> When I view source, I see an object reference, so I know it's getting
> there, and I know this is probably a terribly dumb question, but how
> do I access posts?

How about something like this:

{% for p in posts %}
{{ p.headline }}
{{ p.body }}
{% endfor %}

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Re: Decoupling templates

2007-09-12 Thread RajeshD

> How can I decouple my templates to an app specific directoy? The way that my
> apps are self contained also regarding their templates?

That feature is built in to Django. Create a templates sub-directory
in your app directory and place your app specific templates in there.
Look at the the django.contrib.admin app directory for an example.

For this to work, you will need to make sure your TEMPLATE_LOADERS
setting includes:


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Re: data manipulation in templates or views?

2007-09-07 Thread RajeshD

> I hope I am not inviting a quasi-religious war
> on this issue, but I am wonder if people could provide some insight on
> when or why I should do this sort of thing within the template (via
> template tag or not) or if I should continue doing that within the
> view, which not only currently makes sense to me, but I think is what
> the official documentation suggests.

In real life, not all applications are created equal. Think about
categorizing your "data manipulation" needs:

- manipulations involving DB updates, traversing relations,
incremental query set build-up, and generally complex work. I would
most definitely not do these in a template.

- manipulations that don't make DB updates: translation of a field's
value to a different language, simple excel like calculations,
conversion of a queryset value to a logged-in user's currency, and
other "lightweight" work. These could be done either in a view or in a
template using custom templatetags. Generally, you can make a case for
a templatetag if you are going to be able to use it in several
independent templates (say, a currency conversion tag.) If your
manipulation consists of transforming a field purely for the sake of
rendering it on screen, consider doing it in a template.

There is no single correct answer to this. But there's usually a
natural way to make this decision for every individual case; a
solution that "feels" elegant (not-hackish), simplest, and most
maintanable. If in doubt, post a specific usecase here and get some
recommendations on what would be best.

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Re: User Administration

2007-09-07 Thread RajeshD

> please have a method to add one user to a specific group?

Try this:

grp = Group.objects.get(name='registered')

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Re: hidden fields

2007-09-07 Thread RajeshD

On Sep 7, 9:55 am, Ana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to have  "last modified by" and "owner" fields in my
> application. I'd like to set fields value automatically, and I want
> those  fields to be hidden. Is there any way I can do that?


Here's one way to do it:

Add those two fields to your model and set editable=False on them so
they don't show in the Admin.

Override your model's save method and set "last modified by" to
current time i.e. Also set the owner to the
request user. Here's an article on how to get request.user using a
custom middleware:

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Re: Storing Lookup Data

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

> It seems like the Choice table is easier on the user.  You tell them
> to go to the Choices table to enter all the look-up data, as opposed
> to giving them X tables to wade through.

As you said, it is probably a DB design question -- even within a
single project, you might need to use both approaches.

My $.02:

If you need special validation based on the type of the lookup data,
the separate tables option works better. You can still make them go to
one screen to manage all the lookup data (you're just going to have to
build that screen yourself ;)

Also, if you want foreign key relations to the choice data, separate
tables might work better.

I would personally never mix person name prefix data with a list of
states in the same table even if you have a "type" field to qualify
such data. To me, that kind of user convenience is not worth the loss
in data integrity because one can always unify those lookups in a user-
friendly UI.

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Re: using querysets to populate a form

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

> I have a requirement to use querysets as choices in various elements  
> of a form, and as the data grows this is clearly going to have a big  
> hit on the database every time this form is loaded.  Can anyone think  
> of a way around this?  Is there a way to cache the query set and only  
> update it every so often? Has anyone done anything similar?

You can always turn the queryset into a list and cache it with
Django's caching framework. However, that doesn't solve the usability
issue of a huge drop-down list. A few options:

1. Do what the Django raw_id_admin interface does (http://
It uses a popup-window in which the user sees the set of available
options (they could be paginated if it's a big list); clicking a row
results in its pk being fed back to the parent field being selected.

2. ExtJS (and possible other Javascript) libraries provide fancy AJAX
based interfaces that let you load a custom drop down list on demand
as the user scrolls down.

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Re: unique_true option of the fields works as case-sensitive, how can we make it case-insensitive?

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

On Sep 4, 9:28 am, parabol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I mark a field as unique_true is works as case-sensitive and does
> not catch something like "problem" and "Problem".  What is the correct
> way of making it case-insensitive? Thus it will catch even "problem"
> and "ProBLem".
> I tried to override the save() method, but this time the thrown
> exception (Integrity Error) is not catched by the admin form.
> What do you suggest?

1. Use a custom validator (you will need to make a DB call within your
validator to look for the existence of another record with the field
value in question)

2. Add a SlugField to your model, define it to be unique, and
prepopulate it from the field that's supposed to be case-insensitively
unique. Then, you will get the right validation errors in the admin
(but they will be shown against the slug field.)

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Re: overriding save, non-admin error

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

On Sep 4, 7:18 am, canburak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem on overriding the save() method.
> my new save is:
> class ClassName:
>   def save(self):
> self.title = self.title.title()
> super(ClassName, self).save()
> when admin site uses this save(), I get the non-unique exception at
> django/python level but I hope to see a red box in the admin.  How can
> I do that?

You will need to add a custom validator to the title field of your
Model to check for uniqueness of its titlecased version.

The admin will check for uniqueness of self.title but it doesn't know
that you are titlecasing it later in your So, it won't
know that the title "canburak" is not allowed even if you already have
a record with the title "Canburak" (before the Admin hits the save
method, those two strings look different to it.)

Another option is to add a slug field to your model, prepopulate it
from title, and make it unique (that will give you case-insensitive
uniqueness which you may or may not want.)

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Re: Custom template tags within a textarea field

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

On Sep 5, 12:03 pm, MichaelMartinides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> Just to be sure.
> If I have custom template tags within a TextAreafield of a model. I
> would do something like to following:
> def view(request, page):
>   p = Page.objects.get(name=page)
>   t = Template( p.content )
>   content = t.render()
>   return render_to_response('page.html', {content:content})
> right?

Right. Some gotchas to watch for:

- If your template needs a context, be sure to call t.render with the
context dictionary

- p.content would've to be a self-contained template i.e. it should
"load" the template tag libraries it needs like you would with a
standard html template. Alternatively, you could add your custom
templatetags to the built-in tag libraries using

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Re: Translating strings with placeholder in template

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

> I think this would work with Python code. However, can I do the
> translation in Django's Template language? If so, how?

See blocktrans:

In short, you would use:
{% blocktrans %} {{ login_url }}{%
endblocktrans %}

The .po file would be exactly what you have above:
msgid " %(login_url)s"
msgstr "Please Login before you proceed"

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Re: forms, views and foreign key

2007-09-06 Thread RajeshD

> --
> so.. the problem is:
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:
> Exception Type: AttributeError
> Exception Value:'Profile' object has no attribute 'get'
> what's wrong? :(

What line of code are you getting this error on? Can you paste the
stack trace as well?

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Re: Multi page article

2007-08-29 Thread RajeshD

I would second Michael's suggestion to use a page break marker. I have
used that in many instances with great succcess -- your content admins
will thank you :)

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Re: site/section/app

2007-08-29 Thread RajeshD

1. You could use a GenericForeignKey in your 'App' model:

Quote: "Generic relations let an object have a foreign key to any
object through a content-type/object-id field. A generic foreign key
can point to any object, be it animal, vegetable, or mineral."

2. App could have two nullable ForeignKeys (Site and Section). Then
you would need validators that require that one of the two must be not-
NULL for every record (and, if it makes sense, disallow both having a
NULL value.)

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Re: queryset cache

2007-08-22 Thread RajeshD

On Aug 22, 10:21 am, sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's the problem, I don't know how to cache the queryset.
> But for what it's worth, here's something i tried. I tried to take
> advantage of the default caching of querysets, but that doesn't work
> here.
> mediaform = CustomMediaForm
> # get the initial queryset fo a large table
> qs=mediaform.base_fields['somefield'].queryset

You could just evaluate this query set once and turn it into a list of

my_choices = [(, for o in qs]

Then use my_choices in all your forms in the below loop.

> forms = []
> for  i in requested_forms:
> form=mediaform(data, auto_id="some_generated_id")
> # assign the queryset to the choices
> form.base_fields['somefield'].queryset = qs

That would become:

form.base_fields['somefield'].choices = my_choices

> forms.append(form)
> And yes, I know it's hackish and not nice at all ;-)

Another option is to define your queryset outside this view method
rather than fetching it from form.field.queryset that you do above.
That way, the same instance of the queryset gets used in all the forms
you build in that loop.

How many choices does the queryset return on average? Is it a huge
drop down list?

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Re: queryset cache

2007-08-22 Thread RajeshD

On Aug 22, 8:08 am, sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm running into a performance problem with some pages i created. The
> page has multiple forms, which are all the same, with the exception of
> the initial data (it's a kind of batch insert functionality), but all
> foreign keys and such are identical (and as such lead to the same
> querysets, that populate the select fields).
> the view code looks like this:

The form code snippet doesn't show how you are caching the querysets.
Consider pasting in your form class in its entirety so we can help


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