PRG with View classes

2012-04-17 Thread dmitry b

Is there out of the box support for the PRG pattern with Django's new 
class-based views?  If not, what's a good/preferred way of implementing one?


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Re: anti-join query in Django

2011-11-21 Thread dmitry b
Hi Russ,

Thanks for a quick response.

I don't think Django needs to make the decision of whether or not to
do a join.  That can be done by the underlying database as long as
Django generates a query that the database can understand and optimize
properly.   In this case, it would imply that Django would still need
to generate a join, but check the null condition not on the primary
key field but on one of the fields the join condition.

Regardless, I'm going to file a ticket on this.

Thanks again.

On Nov 19, 2:36 am, Russell Keith-Magee <>
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:41 AM, dmitry b <> wrote:
> > Is there a recommended approach to anti-join queries?  Here's the
> > query I'm having an issue with:
> > Branch.objects.filter(branchgroup__isnull=True)[:1]
> > where branchgroup is a ManytoMany relationship to another model.  I
> > want to get a set of Branch objects that aren't mapped to any
> > BranchGroups.
> Hi Dmitry,
> There isn't any specific way to force the non-creation of a join
> condition; Django doesn't expose the internals of query construction,
> and should be choosing the optimal SQL for the ORM query.
> The sort of optimization you describe (i.e., don't do the join if you
> can just check the primary key value on the local model) is an
> optimization that Django is definitely capable of performing. If the
> ORM isn't performing this optimization in this case, it's possible
> you've found a bug.
> There are some cases where the optimization *isn't* possible, but
> without seeing the models for your test case, it's impossible to say
> for certain.
> If you think you've found a way that Django could optimize it's
> queries better, the best way forward is to open a ticket, with a set
> of sample models and the expected/actual query that is generated for
> those specific models.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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anti-join query in Django

2011-11-18 Thread dmitry b
Is there a recommended approach to anti-join queries?  Here's the
query I'm having an issue with:


where branchgroup is a ManytoMany relationship to another model.  I
want to get a set of Branch objects that aren't mapped to any
BranchGroups.  This query gets translated to the following (a
simplified equivalent):

SELECT "scm_branch"."id"
   FROM "scm_branch"
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup_branches"
 ON ("scm_branch"."id" =
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup"
 ON ("scm_branchgroup_branches"."branchgroup_id" =
   WHERE "scm_branchgroup"."id" IS NULL
   LIMIT 1

This query is very slow:  Limit  (cost=1072479.36..6256437.79 rows=1

However, a slightly modified, but functionally equivalent query:

SELECT "scm_branch"."id"
   FROM "scm_branch"
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup_branches"
 ON ("scm_branch"."id" =
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup"
 ON ("scm_branchgroup_branches"."branchgroup_id" =
   WHERE "scm_branchgroup_branches"."branch_id" IS NULL
   LIMIT 1

Is orders of magnitude faster:  Limit  (cost=1518.71..1533.35 rows=1

The difference is with the WHERE clause.  Django generates WHERE
"scm_branchgroup"."id" IS NULL, but a properly optimized query should
use  WHERE "scm_branchgroup_branches"."branch_id" IS NULL.  This is
because Postgres recognizes the second query as a anti-join query and
can do a lot of optimization.

The basic question is: How do I make Django generate a faster query?


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custom management command with multiple required parameters

2011-11-16 Thread dmitry b

I just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.

I'm writing a command that takes multiple required parameters and a
set of optional parameters and I there doesn't seem to be readily
available support for this use case.  LabelCommand can take multiple
labels, but the semantics of the labels are such that they are assumed
to be independent of each other and are really equivalent to two
invocations of the command each with its own label. At the moment, I'm
simply using BaseCommand and handling parameters manually in the
handle() method.  I want to know if there is something I'm missing
that would give me out-of-box support of multiple required parameters
(like validation, assignment to local variables, etc.).  E.g.

class Command(ParametrizedCommand):
help = 'Kick off a node analysis task for a given path in a
args = ' '

def handle_parameters(self, repo_name, path, **options):


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CAS and Django cache

2011-10-26 Thread dmitry b
Can I do check-and-set operations using Django's cache api?


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Re: direct query to Oracle db view doesn't work

2011-10-19 Thread dmitry b
I'm starting to doubt this is a Django issue.  Double check that you
are connecting to the database/schema you *think* you are connecting
to and you are using the use account you *think* you are using :)


On Oct 19, 11:46 am, msbuck <> wrote:
> I just tried it and it doesn't. If I try an aggregate query such as
> using COUNT(account_number) without the Where clause, I get a row with
> 0 in it (there are thousands of account_numbers).
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> On Oct 19, 1:30 pm, dmitry b <> wrote:
> > see if a pamaterized query works:
> >  cursor.execute('SELECT account_number FROM vw_billed_summary_fact
> > WHERE ippa=%s', ['col11-emnj00-1147'])
> > d.
> > On Oct 19, 8:25 am, msbuck <> wrote:
> > > I'm having another strange problem. I'm executing SQL statements
> > > directly rather than using the ORM and it is working fine except when
> > > I query one particular view. Then the query returns nothing. I can
> > > execute the same query from python by using the cx_Oracle module
> > > directly and it returns what I expect. Below is an example of what I'm
> > > doing in the Django code (within a view):
> > >     cursor = connection.cursor()
> > >     cursor.execute('SELECT account_number FROM vw_billed_summary_fact
> > > WHERE ippa=\'col11-emnj00-1147\'')
> > > This should produce a single row and instead produces no rows. I've
> > > tried using the COUNT aggregate to return the number of rows and this
> > > also returns zero. I don't get errors ... just no data.
> > > If I run a little python script that creates the connection directly
> > > using cx_Oracle and execute the query I get the expected result.
> > > Note that queries on other views and tables in the database work. Any
> > > thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?
> > > Thanks.

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Re: direct query to Oracle db view doesn't work

2011-10-19 Thread dmitry b
see if a pamaterized query works:

 cursor.execute('SELECT account_number FROM vw_billed_summary_fact
WHERE ippa=%s', ['col11-emnj00-1147'])


On Oct 19, 8:25 am, msbuck  wrote:
> I'm having another strange problem. I'm executing SQL statements
> directly rather than using the ORM and it is working fine except when
> I query one particular view. Then the query returns nothing. I can
> execute the same query from python by using the cx_Oracle module
> directly and it returns what I expect. Below is an example of what I'm
> doing in the Django code (within a view):
>     cursor = connection.cursor()
>     cursor.execute('SELECT account_number FROM vw_billed_summary_fact
> WHERE ippa=\'col11-emnj00-1147\'')
> This should produce a single row and instead produces no rows. I've
> tried using the COUNT aggregate to return the number of rows and this
> also returns zero. I don't get errors ... just no data.
> If I run a little python script that creates the connection directly
> using cx_Oracle and execute the query I get the expected result.
> Note that queries on other views and tables in the database work. Any
> thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks.

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collectstatic in RPM install

2011-10-18 Thread dmitry b

For deployment to production, I package my Django app into an RPM
package.  The install script is responsible for installing
dependencies, copying files, etc.  Now that I've switched to Django
1.3 I also want to run the collectstatic command as part of the
deployment script.  To do this, I've added the following to the spec:

# collect static files
%{__python} %{installpath}/src/scam/ collectstatic --noinput

The problem is that the command doesn't run from inside RPM.  Running
with -vv, I can see python being kicked off and I actually get a
couple of standard warning messages from Django.  That's it, though.
There is no list of files being copied and in the end, the static
directory isn't being created/populated.

Has anyone successfully tried incorporating collectstatic into an RPM-
based deployment?

RHEL 5.5
Python 2.6
Django 1.3.1


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name conflicts in static files

2011-10-17 Thread dmitry b

With the new way of handling static files in Django 1.3 what would
happen if two applications have identically named static files?  E.g.:

   |___ app1
   |  | static
   | |_ styles.css
   |___ app2
  | static
 |_ styles.css


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Re: check for existence in bulk

2011-03-31 Thread dmitry b
thanks, that's what I ended up using.

On Mar 30, 11:58 am, Jason Culverhouse  wrote:

> You could use values_list  and flat as in:
>    User.objects.filter(username__in =['jason', 'was', 
> 'here']).values_list('username', flat=True)
> returns a list:
>    [u'jason', u'was']
> After that you can figure out the best way to perform the lookup.

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check for existence in bulk

2011-03-30 Thread dmitry b

is there a way to check in bulk for record existence and get back a
map of results similar to what's returned by in_bulk().  In my case, I
need to look up records by a unique field which is not the primary key
and I don't want object instances back, just true or false.


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Re: Working with static media files, {{ MEDIA_URL }} shows up blank even with set

2010-12-28 Thread dmitry b
you need to be also using RequestContext in your view instead of the
regular Context.  What does your view method's return statement look

On Dec 28, 7:02 am, Lee Connell  wrote:
> I didn't have TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS at all, I copied the code
> and it did not help, MEDIA_URL is still blank. I am using django 1.2.1
> on windows.
> On Dec 28, 12:56 am, Kenneth Gonsalves  wrote:
> > On Mon, 2010-12-27 at 08:03 -0800, easylancer wrote:
> > >     'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth',
> > >     'django.core.context_processors.debug',
> > >     'django.core.context_processors.i18n',
> > >     '',
> > >     'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages',
> > >     'django.core.context_processors.request',
> > > )
> > actually only 'request' is not there - the others are present by default
> > --
> > regards
> > KG
> > Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: Suspending tasks in response to a systematic transient error

2010-12-21 Thread dmitry b
Woops, sorry, please ignore.  I posted this to a wrong group.

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Suspending tasks in response to a systematic transient error

2010-12-21 Thread dmitry b

Let's say I have several hundred instances of a task waiting in a
queue and this task needs a database connection to complete
successfully.  Somewhere along the way the database goes down, so
tasks are starting to fail one after another.  When this happens (say
when ), is there a way to suspend processing of the remaining tasks?


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Re: registering app level signal handlers

2010-12-18 Thread dmitry b
On Dec 18, 1:44 am, Łukasz Rekucki  wrote:
>[...]The problem with putting signal handlers
> in __init__, is that it isn't the place you would really expect Model
> related code to live (like post_save). It can also lead to non-obvious
> cyclic imports, 'cause your handler code will most likely need some
> models, etc.

Cyclic imports is exactly the problem I've run into.  I do currently
keep the signal handler registration code in because that
the only place  as far as I can tell is guaranteed to be executed at
Django's initialization.  But because of cyclic dependencies, I had to
move all other code out of   Sounds like Django needs an for every app that will be executed after all imports are

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Re: registering app level signal handlers

2010-12-17 Thread dmitry b
Aren't an app's models loaded lazily (upon the first use)?

On Dec 16, 7:16 pm, "W. Craig Trader"  wrote:
> I usually register the signals for a given application at the bottom of that
> app's file.
> - Craig -

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Re: registering app level signal handlers

2010-12-16 Thread dmitry b
On Dec 16, 3:28 pm, Graham Dumpleton <>
> On Friday, December 17, 2010 10:00:55 AM UTC+11, dmitry b wrote:
> Are you talking about UNIX process signals?

I'm sorry, I forgot there are two ways to interpret my question.  It
is about Django signals.

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registering app level signal handlers

2010-12-16 Thread dmitry b

What is the best place to register a signal handler so that the
registration happens when the app is first initialized into django?  I
have an app that needs to listen to signals generated by another app
and fire off celery tasks in response.  I've tried placing the
registration code into the app's, but since I have other
reusable code there, doing so created cyclical references when
importing modules.  Is there another location within the app's code
that is guaranteed to be picked up when django is being initialized
(like an django app level init rather than python level module init)?


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FileField and location and storage

2010-12-08 Thread dmitry b

I've written a custom Storage that uses WebDAV as its underlying
engine.  When I save a file '/foo/bar/file.ext', I want it to be saved
under /foo/bar in the webdav filesystem.  However, it seems that
FileField overrides the directory structure:

def generate_filename(self, instance, filename):
return os.path.join(self.get_directory_name(),

where get_directory_name() is defined as

def get_directory_name(self):

I'm not really sure why FileField finds it appropriate to impose its
own directory structure on the underlying storage engine.  But short
of creating a custom subclass of FileField and overriding
generate_filename and/or get_directory_name(), is there a different
way of preserving the original file location path?


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handling generated files

2010-12-07 Thread dmitry b

How do I use Django's FileField with autogenerated files?  That is,
these files aren't uploaded by a user, but rather are created on the
fly.  I've looked at ContentFile, but this class doesn't seem to have
a way to attach a file name (the name is also computed at run-time
based on some criteria).  Do I need to write my own implementation of
File for this or am I missing an existing class?


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disabling session management for certain requests

2010-08-17 Thread dmitry b

My application has both stateful and stateless (REST) views.  Stateful
views primarily back  browser-based GUI, while stateless are for
RESTful service requests.  Is there a way to disable session
management for the stateless requests?


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transactions in management commands

2010-08-17 Thread dmitry b

What's the default transaction mode for django management commands?


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expressions in values()

2010-06-30 Thread dmitry b

I have the following query:


In other words, the result is a list of AnalizedFile.scm.path values.
I'd like to change the query so that the returned value is a
combination of two fields: scm.path + "#" + scm.revision.  So far I
haven't been able to figure out how to do this.  I've looked at using

The problem with this approach is that I don't know how to refer to
the fields of the table representing the "scm" relationship.  Since
that table is part of a join and Django auto-generates table aliases,
I wouldn't now what to prefix the column names with.

Any thoughts?

BTW, this query is later used inside of another query (resulting in a
nested select), so I need to do the path/revision concatenation in
SQL.  Otherwise, I would've done it easily in python.


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Re: enumerating view functions

2010-06-19 Thread dmitry b
Oops.  Didn't see you reply.  Thanks, I'll take a look at the command

BTW, the second link you provided is my own snippet :)  I want to
improve it with auto documentation extracted from the actual view

On Jun 16, 11:40 am, Alexis Roda 
> En/na Dmitry Beransky ha escrit:
> > Hi,
> > Is there a way to enumerate view functions that are currently
> > associated with a url patern?  In the end, I'd like to get a list of
> > triples: pattern name, pattern, callback function.
> If you want to get a dump of the (regex, view, name) triples on the
> screen take a look at django-command-extensions[1], command 'show_urls'.
> If you want to get the list from your app in order to do some processing
> on it [2] provides a simple example on how to "introspect" the URLs.
> [1]
> [2]

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Re: db autoclobbering with automated tests

2010-05-27 Thread dmitry b
So, no one is running automated tests?

On May 24, 4:16 pm, dmitry b <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of setting up automated selenium tests for a django
> app using Hudson.  As part of the build script, I'm starting up a test
> server:
> $> python testserver --addrport ../../test/gui/
> seed_data.json
> However, when this line runs, I get the following message:
> ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL
>  Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'test_Tools' already exists.
> Choose a different database name. (1801) (SQLExecDirectW)")
> Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test database
> 'test_Tools',
>  or 'no' to cancel: Traceback (most recent call last):
> I see that the test apis have an option to autoclobber the database.
> However, I cannot find a way to tell django to just quietly recreate
> the database from the command line.  What am I missing?

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db autoclobbering with automated tests

2010-05-24 Thread dmitry b

I'm in the process of setting up automated selenium tests for a django
app using Hudson.  As part of the build script, I'm starting up a test

$> python testserver --addrport ../../test/gui/

However, when this line runs, I get the following message:

('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL
 Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'test_Tools' already exists.
Choose a different database name. (1801) (SQLExecDirectW)")
Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test database
 or 'no' to cancel: Traceback (most recent call last):

I see that the test apis have an option to autoclobber the database.
However, I cannot find a way to tell django to just quietly recreate
the database from the command line.  What am I missing?


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