Security question: Can Django templates be used to execute arbitrary code on the server?

2020-05-05 Thread jrief
Is it safe to keep Django template strings inside a TextField of a Django 
model and allow users with staff privileges to edit them?

I'm asking because I'm unsure how safe/dangerous this could be. Would it be 
possible to abuse a built-in templatetag to execute arbitrary code on the 

What are possible attack scenarios? XSS for sure, but that's always 
possible to whom you allow to publish HTML on their servers.

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To view this discussion on the web visit dumpdata for FieldFile serializes payload of file

2013-07-29 Thread jrief
Yesterday, I added a useful feature to 
*, which allows to dump the payload of files together with their meta-data, 
when dumpdata > dumpfile.json. A dumpfile which is 
reimported using loaddata dumpfile.json then restores the file on 

This simplifies backups and migrations of projects using *django-filer* to 
manage their media data, since an administrator does not require additional 
tools such as zip or tar. It also makes backups less error prone, since 
everything is contained in one single file.

More details here:
 and here:

Stefan Foulis, the maintainer of *django-filer* considered: "But I'd really 
prefer a solution that works with django-filer and any other FileFields in 
the project."

So my question is, if such an additional feature would be accepted on the 
main Django project, rather than only in an external app, such as *

- Jacob

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Re: Django Shopping Cart

2013-03-10 Thread jrief
Have a look at

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Re: How to show list only in admin?

2013-03-10 Thread jrief

in your admin class, add

class MyModelAdmin(ModelAdmin): 

def has_add_permission(self, request): 

return False 

def has_change_permission(self, request): 

return False


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Re: Django's DecimalField represenation in admin as 0,00 values

2012-05-02 Thread jrief
Internally a price is always handled and stored as 0.00. Thats the way 
software and databases work.

What you can do is to change the representation of your Decimal in your 
frontend and backend. In Django, changing this in the frontend its easy, 
just add USE_L10N = True to your and add localized=True to all 
occurrences of form fields handling a Decimal (see

The problem is the backend, because you are not specifying these form 
field. What I do is to add a mixin class to my admin classes, as described 

For your "2.1" problem, set decimal_places to 2 DecimalField.

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Re: How to mix in class based views from pluggable apps?

2012-01-10 Thread jrief
OK, now I got it.
Coming from C++ I was stuck too much in static inheritance thinking. The 
diagram in helped me to understand this 
Thank you very much for your help!

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Re: How to mix in class based views from pluggable apps?

2012-01-10 Thread jrief
Thank You, Roland, this was a good point to start with. I now found an 
elegant solution:

I added a base DetailView class for this project:

from django.views.generic import DetailView

class PluggableDetailView(DetailView):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

context = super(PluggableDetailView, 
for plugin in self.__class__.__bases__:
if hasattr(plugin, 'get_extra_context') and
context.update(plugin.get_extra_context(self, **kwargs))
return context

def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
for plugin in self.__class__.__bases__:
if hasattr(plugin, 'handle_post_request') and
plugin.handle_post_request(self, *args, **kwargs)

now I can add plug-ins and add two methods 

get_extra_context shall return a dict of extra context data merged together 
with the default context.

handle_post_request shall extract the plug-in specific post data and update 
the database or whatever else it must do.

The DetailView of the main app then inherits from PluggableDetailView, 
additional plug-ins can be mixed in, but no extra code has to be written to 
extend the context or to handle post requests.

class MainAppDetailView(PluggableDetailView, PluginAMixin, PluginBMixin):
Does this approach make sense or did I reinvent the wheel?

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Re: How to mix in class based views from pluggable apps?

2012-01-10 Thread jrief
But the mixin plugins are not derived from django.views.generic.DetailView, 
otherwise the main app's DetailView would obtain a diamond shaped 

And django.views.generic.detail.BaseDetailView.get calls get_context_dataonly 
once, so I don't see how the plugins shall "deliver" their contexts.

BTW, I found another solution.

Cheers, J.

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How to mix in class based views from pluggable apps?

2012-01-09 Thread jrief
currently I am writing a Django applications built up from loosely coupled 
plug-ins. Each of these plug-ins shall offer a class based view to handle 
get and post requests. For get requests the context shall be populated with 
plug-in specific data. For post requests, the plug-in specific posted data 
shall be handled by the corresponding view class. 

This of course is not difficult to achieve. The view class of the final 
app, which combines all these plugins, can overload the methods 
get_context_data() and post() and dispatch the requests to functions 
offered by these plug-ins. But I do not like this approach because it does 
not separate concerns and the author of the final app has to remember, how 
to dispatch these requests manually to the plug-ins. 

My question is, if there is there a more elegant solution, say a pattern, 
which does not require to duplicate the dispatching code for the mixin 

Let me explain using some sample code:

class MainAppDetailView(SomeBaseDetailView, PluginAMixin, PluginBMixin):
model = MyModel
template_name = "my_detail.html"

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(FinalAppDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
return context

def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
post_request = self.request.POST
response = PluginAMixin(self).handle_post(post_request)
if issubclass(response, HTTPResponse):
return response
response = PluginBMixin(self).handle_post(post_request)
if issubclass(response, HTTPResponse):
return response
# handle post request for the main app
return response

For my point of view this example contains too much code duplication. Is 
there a pattern, so that I only have to modify the class declaration of my 
FinalAppDetailView or even better, only in my

Cheers, Jacob

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Re: Using filter for serialized model.Field's

2011-12-23 Thread jrief
as a workaround, I added an additional column (aka CharField) to store the 
hash of that JSON string. Then only the hashes have to be compared. Sure, 
this is not an elegant solution, as it adds redundant data to your database.

If I would write SQL by hand, I could compare the JSON-string using the 
build-in md5() function. But this is not portable, since it would use two 
different hashing implementations, one in Python and one in MySQL.

I did not test to restrict the query using '__contains', but I tested with 
'__exact' which in my opinion is more appropriate - but this did not help. 
So, the hashing field is probably the best workable solution.

Thanks for your answer.

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Re: Which IDE should I use for Django?

2011-12-22 Thread jrief
Eclipse + PyDev

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Using filter for serialized model.Field's

2011-12-22 Thread jrief
I have i weird problem when using model fields JSONField and
PickledObjectField together with the filter function.

from jsonfield.fields import JSONField
from picklefield.fields import PickledObjectField

class Item(models.Model):
picklefield = PickledObjectField(null=True, blank=True)
jsonfield = JSONField(null=True, blank=True)

if I store a dict in this model

mydict = {'description': 'Hello', }
item1 = Item.objects.create(picklefield=mydict)
item2 = Item.objects.filter(picklefield=mydict)
item2.exists() # returns True, as expected

if however my dict looks like this

mydict = {'description': None, 'name': u'Color', 'id': 1L,
'option': 'red'}
...same code as above...
item2.exists() # returns False

Then I tested the same with JSONField. There, I also expect that item2
shall exists, but this function also returns False.

Then I tested with mydict as

mydict = [ 2, 3, 4 ]
item1 = Item.objects.create(jsonfield=mydict)
item2 = Item.objects.filter(jsonfield=mydict)
item2.exists() # returns True, as expected

BTW, this example also works with PickledObjectField.

I don't think its a bug in both implementations of JSONField and
PickledObjectField, because they always serialize to the same string.

Is this undefined behavior intentional and I missed to read some
documentation? How can I solve this, without having to serialize the
objects manually?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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