Re: Databrowse: Loading a large number of records

2009-11-09 Thread

On Nov 9, 2009, at 7:49 AM, Ismail Dhorat wrote:
> I also see there has been a ticket logged for this issue about 2  
> years ago.
> Has this been implemented? If not would would a simple paginate tag in
> the template suffice?

Have you tried applying the patch in the ticket to see whether it  
solves your specific case?


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Re: Thinking of making the switch from PHP to Django/Python

2009-11-08 Thread

On Nov 8, 2009, at 8:47 AM, Quenten Griffith wrote:

> All,
> I have developed a 1.0 version of a recipe management tool.  I wrote
> it in PHP using the symfony framework.  For the 2.0 version I want to
> switch to python.  The reason for the 1.0 version was I wanted to use
> it to learn PHP.  Now I really want to learn Python/Django.  The
> question I have though, is once an application is built, how hard is
> it for a normal end-user to install a Django web application?  From
> what I have seen thus far on django sites, you have to install the
> extra python lib's yourself, and edit a bunch of config files to make
> most applications work.  This may be to much for your normal end user
> who would download my software to use.  Has anyone made an "all in
> one" installer for their application that contains all the libs one
> would need or would that involve packaging python with your
> application too?

You can package the whole thing, Python interpreter and all libraries  
included, with

Here's a great tutorial 
, specific to Django, even!


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Re: PLEASE HELP ME! update python 2.5 to 2.6 and django doesnt work

2009-11-04 Thread

On Nov 4, 2009, at 4:01 AM, joker wrote:

> i update python 2.5.2 to 2.6 and setup changed directory
> /usr/lib/python2.5 to /usr/local/lib/python2.5/

That doesn't look right.  If you installed 2.6, the new directories  
should have 2.6 in them, not 2.5 and so should your tracebacks.


> and django doesnt working now
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 1537, in HandlerDispatch
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 1229, in _process_target
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 1128, in _execute_target
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/
>", line 228, in handler
>return ModPythonHandler()(req)
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/
>", line 191, in __call__
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/
>", line 42, in load_middleware
>raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured, 'Error importing middleware
> %s: "%s"' % (mw_module, e)
> ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware
> django.contrib.flatpages.middleware: "No module named mysql.base"
> >

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Re: Deploying Django to production environment

2009-11-04 Thread

On Nov 3, 2009, at 11:19 PM, JohnL wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just joined linode and followed there instructions in setting up
> Django at
> ServerAdmin
> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> DocumentRoot /srv/www/
> ErrorLog /srv/www/
> CustomLog /srv/www/ combined
> My question is where do I place my django application files?  How can
> I setup something like my development machine where I have a
> repository on where I can check in and out easily to
> deploy?

I use OS X and just use the pre-installed Apache server with  
mod_python, and set up the virtual host to point to the right place;  
wherever I want.

Is that what you mean?


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Re: install help please.

2009-11-03 Thread

On Nov 3, 2009, at 7:26 AM, paulmo wrote:

> thanks for the response but you're ahead of me already..."cd" as in
> put in a compact disc? where is the "untar directory"?

'cd' as in change directory

The 'untar' directory is wherever the `tar` command unarchived the  
contents of the .tar.gz file you downloaded.

This is all to be done from the command line.

The setup command is:

python install

you've got your period in the wrong place and didn't use python to run which is required.

It doesn't really seem to me that your experience level fits the  
solution you're trying to use to solve whatever problem prompted you  
to try to install Django in the first place.

What are you trying to accomplish -- leaving Django completely aside  
for the moment...


> On Nov 3, 2:07 am, Low Kian Seong  wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:28 PM, paulmo   
>> wrote:
>>> goal is to check out google appengine using python and django if
>>> possible. running xp, downloaded python 2.6 and django 1.1.1.tar.  
>>> i'm
>>> familiar with auto-installing apps and have no idea how to run  
>>> django.
>>> i've extracted the tar file to a folder in my downloads. tried  
>>> running
>>> cmd prompt < setup py.install > and that did nothing. windows told  
>>> me
>>> to add new prog in control panel (??) totally confused by django  
>>> site
>>> instructions on running from a cd directory, etc.
>> Open up a msdos terminal, cd into the untar directory and run the
>> command 'python install'. Make sure though before this you
>> can run the 'python' command from the command line.
>>> can i handle this?? thanks
>> --
>> Low Kian Seong
>> blog:
> >

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Re: Making the case for Django (vs. Drupal)

2009-10-31 Thread

On Oct 31, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Alexandru Nedelcu wrote:

> Another thing you could do is to implement your own CMS in Django that
> has most of the features managers are looking for ...

That's *exactly* what scares the crap out of managers; custom code vs.  
something "everyone" is using.  You're almost making Drupal's case,  
right there.


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Django + Twisted trunk, fresh virtualenv, simplest demo

2009-10-31 Thread


I was pulling my hair out yesterday, trying to get my Django  
application's forms working on both the development server, and  
running under Twisted trunk.

POST variables were not arriving in the REQUEST object where they  
belonged, but only under Twisted.

So, I did the only logical thing; I made a completely isolated test  
case, now available at:

Along the way, I finally decided to start over from scratch with a  
brand new --no-site-packages virtualenv, then installed only what was  
absolutely required.

The repository shows what I think may be the simplest way to run  
Django under Twisted WSGI which I pretty much stole wholesale from the  
Pinax WSGI setup.

I'll be writing a blog post with a blow-by-blow shortly which I'll  
post when it's done but, for now, this is a very clear, and dead  
simple way to run Django under Twisted WSGI.

Please note: you *must* be running a Twisted trunk checkout because  
some WSGI bugs have been fixed since the most recent release.


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Fwd: Twisted WSGI (trunk) + Django 1.1.1 + Pinax Twisted WSGI setup == broken forms?

2009-10-30 Thread
I've been pulling my hair out all day...

I have a Django 1.1.x project running under Twisted Trunk (27392)  
using WSGI.

I've been having mega-problems with forms not showing up in Django's  
REQUEST object so I decided to nail it down to the simplest case.  I  
thought I was only having problems with simple ... type  
submissions but, nope, as soon as I wrote the regular Django one, it  
also failed.  The form runs fine under ∂jango's development server.

The project's at:

I am using the WSGI method that is shown for use with Pinax which has  
worked for me in the past and is very simple.

I also included a newer, more complicated method that I stole from an  
earlier version of clemesha's hotdot at master - GitHub, from an  
article he wrote a little while ago that I'm too tired to find right  

I would love to get to the bottom of this as Twisted + Django +  
Orbited really is the foundation of an app I'm writing and this is a  
real showstopper.

Comments, suggestions, corrections, etc. always welcome.



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Re: SOLVED Is there a way to just submit a simple form? -- Mis-nested tags break things!

2009-10-30 Thread

On Oct 30, 2009, at 10:00 PM, Mike Ramirez wrote:

> On Friday 30 October 2009 18:44:02 wrote:
>> Normally validation is the first thing I check but the w3c validator
>> can't validate localhost addresses so I had to use the old "cut &
>> paste" method to submit my HTML.
> If it's important to you, you can install  the validator to run on  
> your
> machine, through a web server.  The validator itself is open  
> sourced, so you
> can make fixes to it, if you find any.  The link provide will take  
> you to the
> instructinons on dling the source and then leads you to the install  
> and
> developer information.

Yes, it still can't validate localhost addresses as far as I can tell,  
even when installed locally.



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RE-UN-SOLVED Is there a way to just submit a simple forms?

2009-10-30 Thread

It actually turns out that there is appears to be a bug serving the  
application under Twisted where normal forms are not being properly  
reflected in Django's REQUEST object.

When I 'solved' the problem, I was running under the development  
server (since it nicely restarts itself on code changes).

I had it all working and went back to my "production" setup using  
Twisted and normal posts are NOT reflected in Django's REQUEST object.



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SOLVED Is there a way to just submit a simple form? -- Mis-nested tags break things!

2009-10-30 Thread

On Oct 30, 2009, at 8:58 PM, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:30 PM, ssteinerX   
> wrote:
> Hi!
>  I'm trying to submit a simple:
> Subject: type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" />
>  type form but when I submit, it's nowhere to be found in the REQUEST
> object (GET or POST) that I've been able to find.
>  Where does it go?
> Using cut-and-paste of your form, fixing the missing closing quote,  
> and mapping the /my_action url to a test view function that breaks  
> into pdb, I see:
> (Pdb) request.method
> 'POST'
> (Pdb) request.POST
> (Pdb) request.POST['foo']
> u'foo_value'
> (Pdb) request.POST['subject']
> u'Subject here'
> (Pdb)
> (I had entered 'Subject here' in the Subject text box.)
> What are you doing, exactly, that you can't see 'it' in your view?

It appears that I had mis-nested tags and the ... was not  
being captured.

Once I fixed up the mis-nesting, my inputs showed up in the REQUEST  
object just like they're supposed to.

Normally validation is the first thing I check but the w3c validator  
can't validate localhost addresses so I had to use the old "cut &  
past" method to submit my HTML.



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Re: Developing on Apache w/ mod_python

2009-06-16 Thread

On Jun 16, 2009, at 2:00 PM, gte351s wrote:

> Gabriel - thanks for the quick response.
> Sorry for the delay in answering, I was away for a bit :)
> I had some issues with the setup, but I think I'll
> put it on hold for a bit and use the django built-in
> dev-server for now.

I tried that once and had a huge headache getting my app re-running  
under the production server when it had been running fine under the  
dev server.  I know it's supposed to be the "same" but only for some  
meanings of "same."

If I were you, I'd take the time now to get the production serving  
properly now, then test the production server at least at each  
milestone before you get too far down the road assuming that the  
production server's going to work the "same" as the dev server.

Just my experience, YMMV.


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