Re: Date and Times

2009-02-18 Thread ReneMarxis

thanks koenb

i'll try that this evening.
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Re: Date and Times

2009-02-18 Thread koenb

H René,

This is what I use on all my forms (I use my own modelform subclass to
insert these for date fields, but that is not relevant):

as formfield:

class DateFormField(forms.DateField):
def __init__(self, input_formats=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(DateFormField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.input_formats = input_formats or

def clean(self, value):
super(forms.DateField, self).clean(value)
if value in forms.fields.EMPTY_VALUES:
return None
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
if isinstance(value,
return value
for format in self.input_formats:
y, m, d = time.strptime(value, format)[:3]
if y == 1900:
y =
return, m, d)
except ValueError:
raise forms.util.ValidationError(self.error_messages

and as widget:

# like admin date widget with proper date formatting
class DateWidget(forms.DateTimeInput):
class Media:
js = (settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "js/calendar.js",
  settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "js/admin/

def __init__(self, attrs={}):
super(DateWidget, self).__init__
(format=settings.DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, attrs={'class': 'vDateField',
'size': '10'})

and in settings:

'%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y',  # '25/10/2006', '25/10/06'
'%d/%m', # '25/10'
'%Y-%m-%d',  # '2006-10-25'


This way the field accepts all my formats (also the format the
calendar widget returns) and the output is rendered the way I want it.
Notice that the custom clean is there because I want to accept dates
like 18/02 without the year and use the current year for those.

Hope this helps somebody, and would appreciate to hear if there are
better ways,

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Re: Date and Times

2009-02-18 Thread ReneMarxis

> That was a whole 19 hours before you posted this! It's not as if it's
> been a week with no answer. For a question like this, where even
> understanding the problem requires wading through 40 lines of code, it
> might well take a while before somebody has time and motivation to get
> there.
> Regards,
> malcolm

I know this was very short but i can not belive i am the first one
having this problem. Nearly every german application should have to
deal with this.
I am sorry for this but it was very important to know if it's
solveable ...
Although i got the code from the official django tickeing system, so i
was pretty sure many peoples would have used the code before.

But i'll take some patience next time. Guaranteed
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Re: Date and Times

2009-02-18 Thread ReneMarxis

Would you say i am right?
I would past this on where i
got the original code from
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Re: Date and Times

2009-02-18 Thread ReneMarxis

Ok got this fixed. The problem comes if you enter invalid data. return
dateformat.format(value, self.format) would throw an exception and the
form would render to ""

class DateFormattedTextInput(FormattedTextInput):
"Renders formatted date."
def __init__(self, format=None, attrs=None):
super(DateFormattedTextInput, self).__init__(attrs)
self.format = format or settings.DATE_FORMAT

def format_value(self, value):
if value:
try: #here was the problem
 return dateformat.format(value, self.format)
 return value
return value

Solves this. If the value can not be formated the original one is

BTW: the problem only occured after calling form.isvalid().
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Re: Date and Times

2009-02-17 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 07:28 -0800, ReneMarxis wrote:
> Very sorry to bug you againe, but this is getting very critical 
> Please can someone tell me how to format output of one DateField in a
> way that form.is_valid() is not breaking?

What do you mean by breaking? When I use the example code you pasted
initially ( ), I see this:

In [12]: f = forms.SchuljahreAddFormMain({'Datum_Von': '31.15.2009'})

In [13]: f.errors
Out[13]: {'Datum_Von': [u'Enter a valid date.']}

In [14]: print f
Datum Von:Enter a valid date.

The erroneous value is being included when the form is redisplayed. What
are you seeing in a similar case? You haven't really described the error
you are experiencing.

> I allready posted this question some time before under
> but got no result.

That was a whole 19 hours before you posted this! It's not as if it's
been a week with no answer. For a question like this, where even
understanding the problem requires wading through 40 lines of code, it
might well take a while before somebody has time and motivation to get


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Re: Date and Times

2009-02-17 Thread ReneMarxis

What i basicly need:
Have one imput format and the same output format for modeled and
nonmodeld forms and all other functionalities should be present as
default (e.g. is.valid())

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Date and Times

2009-02-17 Thread ReneMarxis

Very sorry to bug you againe, but this is getting very critical 

Please can someone tell me how to format output of one DateField in a
way that form.is_valid() is not breaking?

I allready posted this question some time before under
but got no result.

This must be something, someone else allready steped over. I think
every e.g. german application must deal with this..

I also need this for modeled forms. On those i can get the initial
data showing up formated the right way, but after one failed .is_valid
() the form is empty againe.

Many thanks for your help.
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