anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-17 Thread snfctech
If so, could you provide a bullet list of things you preferred in
Django?  Thanks.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-18 Thread Wiiboy
First of all, I'd like to say that I think Web2py, and its maintainer
Massimo, are awesome. =)

I tried Web2py for a little while a couple months ago, but the biggest
issue was poor documentation -- at the time, there was almost
nothing.  Now there's a whole book, online, but...

Also, it was missing a few basic features Django had (session-by-
session expiration for auto-logout, etc.), although I'm sure if I'd
mentioned them to Massimo, he probably would've implemented them
pretty quick.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-18 Thread Vasil Vangelovski
I've looked at it a couple of months ago. There are some great ideas behind it.

Web2Py cons:
1. The first and biggest issue at the time was that there was no
sufficient/accessible documentation available for free. The book was
only available on scribd for free which is horrible. Now the book is
available as a wiki and I applaud that.
2. It avoids explicit imports. Technically this might not be a bad
thing, but if you've been developing in Python for some time feels
very awkward (it doesn't feel right).
3. Coding convention. Uses all uppercase names all over the place,
even where they don't refer to constants.
4. This is a very subjective reason. It's marketed as an enterprise framework.

Django pros:
1. I'm familiar with it. I Know my way around it's documentation and
codebase. I've actually used it to build real, working software.
2. GIS, django.contrib.gis makes all aspects of GIS related web
development so trivial. Nothing can match that.
3. Admin, nothing can match that.
4. As a  framework It has a beautiful design that is constantly
improving. Where just writing code in web2py doesn't give me that
feeling, things like avoiding explicit imports worry me.
5. The galaxy of reusable django apps. Even if most of them don't
always apply to my problem I can take an idea and apply it to my
6. The culture in the django community of releasing django-related
code under permissive licences (BSD). And the whole culture in
7. Finding people to work with me on django projects is much easier
than for any other Python framework.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 9:48 PM, snfctech  wrote:
> If so, could you provide a bullet list of things you preferred in
> Django?  Thanks.
> --
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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-18 Thread snfctech
Thanks for the reply, Wiiboy.

I agree that web2py is cool and Massimo is a good guy.

I'm still comparing the two frameworks and don't have a lot of
preferences to list yet, but so far I prefer the way the online Django
tutorial is written to the Overview/tutorial chapter of the web2py
book.  I also don't like all the unnecessary fluff that comes with
web2py which I think is geared toward teaching students who don't know
how to use VIM or a shell - like the weak text-editor, or the useless
on-line designer.

I would be interested to hear if anybody else has gotten far enough
with web2py to discover any other idiosyncracies that made them go
back to Django.

On Feb 18, 7:26 am, Wiiboy  wrote:
> First of all, I'd like to say that I think Web2py, and its maintainer
> Massimo, are awesome. =)
> I tried Web2py for a little while a couple months ago, but the biggest
> issue was poor documentation -- at the time, there was almost
> nothing.  Now there's a whole book, online, but...
> Also, it was missing a few basic features Django had (session-by-
> session expiration for auto-logout, etc.), although I'm sure if I'd
> mentioned them to Massimo, he probably would've implemented them
> pretty quick.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-18 Thread snfctech
@Vasil: thanks for the enumerated points.

On Feb 18, 8:47 am, snfctech  wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Wiiboy.
> I agree that web2py is cool and Massimo is a good guy.
> I'm still comparing the two frameworks and don't have a lot of
> preferences to list yet, but so far I prefer the way the online Django
> tutorial is written to the Overview/tutorial chapter of the web2py
> book.  I also don't like all the unnecessary fluff that comes with
> web2py which I think is geared toward teaching students who don't know
> how to use VIM or a shell - like the weak text-editor, or the useless
> on-line designer.
> I would be interested to hear if anybody else has gotten far enough
> with web2py to discover any other idiosyncracies that made them go
> back to Django.
> On Feb 18, 7:26 am, Wiiboy  wrote:
> > First of all, I'd like to say that I think Web2py, and its maintainer
> > Massimo, are awesome. =)
> > I tried Web2py for a little while a couple months ago, but the biggest
> > issue was poor documentation -- at the time, there was almost
> > nothing.  Now there's a whole book, online, but...
> > Also, it was missing a few basic features Django had (session-by-
> > session expiration for auto-logout, etc.), although I'm sure if I'd
> > mentioned them to Massimo, he probably would've implemented them
> > pretty quick.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread mdipierro
I apologize for intruding and try not to be partisan. I will not list
pros and cons since this is not the place for me to do so.
I would just like to make clarifications about things being said:

1) web2py comes with a web based IDE but you do not have to use it.
You can disabled it or can even remove its source completely and
nothing breaks. web2py does not maintain any meta-data about apps and
you can write/edit them using vim or emacs in the bash shell as you do
for Django. Here ( is a video about that but
it is two years old. -h for command line options.

The internal folder structure is close to Django since took a lof of
inspiration from it. I used Django before developing web2py.

2) In web2py we try to follow PEP8. PEP8 says about Constants

   Constants are usually declared on a module level and written in
   capital letters with underscores separating words.

We treat two types of classes as constants: helpers and validators.
For various reasons: 1) changing class attribute may not be thread
safe and one app may affect another app so users should treat them as
constants; 2) make them easily recognizable (hour helpers are HTML,
DIV, A, SPAN, and they provide a server-side representation of the
DOM). 3) Avoid name conflict with classes and variables defined by the

3) web2py license is GPL but because web2py is not imported by apps,
instead it executes apps, we made is very clear in the license that we
make no claim or restriction on the license of the apps. Apps need
web2py to run but you can distribute them under any license you like
including closed source bundled with the official web2py binary. This
is more permissive than BSD. Almost all the example of apps are
released under BSD. The code itself is GPL to prevent developers from
creating a closed source derivative instead of supporting the main
branch (something that BSD would instead permit).

4) web2py has something called admin (not equivalent to Django's
admin, Django does not have something equivalent web2py's admin, the
closest think would be Django Ray) and something called appadmin (this
is the equivalent of Django's admin but does not compete, Dango's
admin is superior). Web2py's admin and appadmin are both designed for
administrator and not for users.

5) In web2py there is nothing like geodjango but there are two groups
working on it: a student is doing an MSc thesis about this at
GeoInformatics at ITC in Netherlands and there is a project on
launchpad. I am not involved so I do not know much.

6) The issue of executing vs importing is a complex one. It has pros
and cons. In Django templates are not "imported", but  are executed.
In web2py , we do the same with models and controllers (which you call
views) even if they are pure Python code because we believe that as
the templates need a context (the dict returned by the action) so do
the models and the actions (they need a request object, an
environment, and the security permissions implied by them). You CAN
still import any third party module as you do normally. This approach
allows us to edit any app file and never have to restart the server
(not even in production). This also allows programming patterns that I
do not think would be possible otherwise. Here is an example:


On Feb 18, 10:47 am, snfctech  wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Wiiboy.
> I agree that web2py is cool and Massimo is a good guy.
> I'm still comparing the two frameworks and don't have a lot of
> preferences to list yet, but so far I prefer the way the online Django
> tutorial is written to the Overview/tutorial chapter of the web2py
> book.  I also don't like all the unnecessary fluff that comes with
> web2py which I think is geared toward teaching students who don't know
> how to use VIM or a shell - like the weak text-editor, or the useless
> on-line designer.
> I would be interested to hear if anybody else has gotten far enough
> with web2py to discover any other idiosyncracies that made them go
> back to Django.
> On Feb 18, 7:26 am, Wiiboy  wrote:
> > First of all, I'd like to say that I think Web2py, and its maintainer
> > Massimo, are awesome. =)
> > I tried Web2py for a little while a couple months ago, but the biggest
> > issue was poor documentation -- at the time, there was almost
> > nothing.  Now there's a whole book, online, but...
> > Also, it was missing a few basic features Django had (session-by-
> > session expiration for auto-logout, etc.), although I'm sure if I'd
> > mentioned them to Massimo, he probably would've implemented them
> > pretty quick.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 1:37 PM, mdipierro  wrote:
> I apologize for intruding and try not to be partisan. I will not list
> pros and cons since this is not the place for me to do so.
> I would just like to make clarifications about things being said:

And I would like to clarify some of your clarifications:

> 2) In web2py we try to follow PEP8. PEP8 says about Constants

So does Django. I'm not sure why you present this as a point of
difference -- PEP8 compliance is a documented part of our
contributions procedure [1].


I'm sure you will be able to point at places where we slip in this
particular claim. However, I would also point out that PEP 8 starts
with the admonition that "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
little minds", and directs attention to PEP20 - specifically, the
directive that "Readability counts".

> 3) web2py license is GPL but because web2py is not imported by apps,
> instead it executes apps, we made is very clear in the license that we
> make no claim or restriction on the license of the apps. Apps need
> web2py to run but you can distribute them under any license you like
> including closed source bundled with the official web2py binary. This
> is more permissive than BSD. Almost all the example of apps are
> released under BSD. The code itself is GPL to prevent developers from
> creating a closed source derivative instead of supporting the main
> branch (something that BSD would instead permit).

Regarding licensing:  I have no desire to get into a "whose license is
better" flamewar. You writes the code, you picks the license.

That said: IANAL, but I would humbly suggest that the licensing
situation isn't anywhere near as simple as you think it is --
especially if you're "modifying" the GPL with explanatory statements.
You may claim that your annotated GPL is "more permissive" than the
BSD. I wish you all the luck in the world convincing the lawyers of a
VC company of your claim when they come to do due diligence on the IP
of the closed source product you have just developed.

Even if I am, in fact, completely wrong on this last point, the
*perception* that I *might* be right is an important consideration,
especially when dealing with corporate clients.

And while your concern for the sanctity of the Django codebase is most
welcome, I would also humbly suggest that the risks presented by a
commercial fork are *much* lower that you think they are. The value of
Django isn't just the source code - it's in a recognizable trademark
(and everything that trademark stands for), the reputation of the core
team in maintaining the project, and in the community surrounding the
project. In fact, Django has already survived a commercial forking
attempt, and that attempt failed spectacularly -- both because they
weren't able to offer any of the benefits of the existing Django
community, and because they made a pigs ear in their use of trademarks
(for which they were soundly slapped).

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread Eugene Wee

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> Regarding licensing:  I have no desire to get into a "whose license is
> better" flamewar. You writes the code, you picks the license.

The way I see it, Massimo was just addressing the point about Django
culture and permissive licenses by stating that the situation is
similiar for web2py, other than the fact that web2py itself is
licensed under the GPL (with annotations?). The only rather dubious
claim I see concerning this is the "more permissive than BSD" claim
since Django apps can also be distributed "under any license you like
including closed source".

Eugene Wee

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread NoviceSortOf
As a newbie of sorts I started by trying out both Web2Py and Django at
the same time.
I found Web2Py to somehow be more elegant, and in fact liked the
coding style in the
source better that what I found in Django, or can say at least I
preferred the structure
and format of the code I saw.

The documentation at the time for both frameworks at the time was not
that hot.

There was the first edition Django book which was outdated and very
to work with while Django was moving to another revision and there was
not a
Web2Py book out yet.

But one thing Django had going for it was more books about it on the
Addison Wesley's Python Web Development with Django was published
while I was in
the early stages of comparing Web2Py and Django and I bought it as
soon as it was published.
That book provided the needed clarity and overview I needed to

Also where I got cold feet with Web2Py was when it was time to apply
the framework to
a project with a legacy. The project twice before had been refactored/
ported to other platforms and
frameworks. We had problems in the past with products that fell out of
support or were
hard to outsource expertise in. So in the end going with Django was
more attractive at the
bargain table with the non-programming persons involved with this
project because of its
larger mind-share, market-share. There was a need to error on the side
of caution.  If
we would of had a senior Python programmer in-house perhaps the
decision would
of been different.

In retrospect its impossible to say if the gotcha's would been greater
with Django than Web2py.
Anyhow the future though I still am keeping Web2Py in mind. In my
opinion frameworks
should be considered on a project by project basis and Web2Py could be
better than Django
in some situations.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread NoviceSortOf
As a newbie of sorts I started by trying out both Web2Py and Django at
the same time. I found Web2Py to somehow be more elegant, and in fact
liked the coding style in the source better that what I found in
Django, or can say at least I preferred the structure and format of
the code I saw.

The documentation at the time for both frameworks at the time was not
that hot.

There was the first edition Django book which was outdated and very
frustrating to work with while Django was moving to another revision
and there was not a Web2Py book out yet.

But one thing Django had going for it was more books about it on the
horizion, Addison Wesley's Python Web Development with Django was
published while I was in the early stages of comparing Web2Py and
Django and I bought it as soon as it was published. That book provided
the needed clarity and overview I needed to continue.

Also where I got cold feet with Web2Py was when it was time to apply
the framework to  a project with a legacy. The project twice before
had been refactored/ ported to other platforms and  frameworks. We had
problems in the past with products that fell out of  support or were
hard to outsource expertise in. So in the end going with Django was
more attractive at the bargain table with the non-programming persons
involved with this project because of its larger mind-share, market-
share. There was a need to error on the side of caution.

If  we would of had a senior Python programmer in-house perhaps the
decision would of been different.

In retrospect its impossible to say if the gotcha's would been greater
with Django than Web2py. Anyhow the future though
I still am keeping Web2Py in mind.

In my opinion frameworks should be considered on a project by project
basis and Web2Py could be better than Django in some situations.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread mdipierro
Sorry Russ,

I did not say nor implied that any of the points above were
distinctive or unique. I just tried to clarify some issues raised by
other users here.

I was careful to only make comparison that were favorable to Django
(the admin for example). I realize I am a guest here.

I do not think that web2py is fully PEP8 compliant and probably Django
does a better job at that.

About the license. We do not annotate GPL we just clarify that the
license does not apply to applications that require web2py but only to
products that contain web2py source. Very much like FreeBSD is BSD
even if compiled with GCC which is GPL. If you bundle your app with
web2py you just have to state which files belong to your app and which
ones are web2py files. I did not mean say that the web2py license
(GPL) is more permissive than Django's license (BSD). I meant to say
that not enforcing any license on applications is more permissive then
BSD. For example, web2py users can release their apps under any
license they like and only need to say "requires web2py" while if they
were to be bound by the BSD they would have to include the BSD
copyright notice, the disclaimer, and comply with BSD advertisement
requirements (even if the app itself may not be BSD). Notice I am not
making any statement about Django here. These legal issue are beyond

web2py would not have existed without Django so thank you all.


On Feb 19, 2:41 am, Russell Keith-Magee 
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 1:37 PM, mdipierro  
> wrote:
> > I apologize for intruding and try not to be partisan. I will not list
> > pros and cons since this is not the place for me to do so.
> > I would just like to make clarifications about things being said:
> And I would like to clarify some of your clarifications:
> > 2) In web2py we try to follow PEP8. PEP8 says about Constants
> So does Django. I'm not sure why you present this as a point of
> difference -- PEP8 compliance is a documented part of our
> contributions procedure [1].
> [1]
> I'm sure you will be able to point at places where we slip in this
> particular claim. However, I would also point out that PEP 8 starts
> with the admonition that "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
> little minds", and directs attention to PEP20 - specifically, the
> directive that "Readability counts".
> > 3) web2py license is GPL but because web2py is not imported by apps,
> > instead it executes apps, we made is very clear in the license that we
> > make no claim or restriction on the license of the apps. Apps need
> > web2py to run but you can distribute them under any license you like
> > including closed source bundled with the official web2py binary. This
> > is more permissive than BSD. Almost all the example of apps are
> > released under BSD. The code itself is GPL to prevent developers from
> > creating a closed source derivative instead of supporting the main
> > branch (something that BSD would instead permit).
> Regarding licensing:  I have no desire to get into a "whose license is
> better" flamewar. You writes the code, you picks the license.
> That said: IANAL, but I would humbly suggest that the licensing
> situation isn't anywhere near as simple as you think it is --
> especially if you're "modifying" the GPL with explanatory statements.
> You may claim that your annotated GPL is "more permissive" than the
> BSD. I wish you all the luck in the world convincing the lawyers of a
> VC company of your claim when they come to do due diligence on the IP
> of the closed source product you have just developed.
> Even if I am, in fact, completely wrong on this last point, the
> *perception* that I *might* be right is an important consideration,
> especially when dealing with corporate clients.
> And while your concern for the sanctity of the Django codebase is most
> welcome, I would also humbly suggest that the risks presented by a
> commercial fork are *much* lower that you think they are. The value of
> Django isn't just the source code - it's in a recognizable trademark
> (and everything that trademark stands for), the reputation of the core
> team in maintaining the project, and in the community surrounding the
> project. In fact, Django has already survived a commercial forking
> attempt, and that attempt failed spectacularly -- both because they
> weren't able to offer any of the benefits of the existing Django
> community, and because they made a pigs ear in their use of trademarks
> (for which they were soundly slapped).
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread Wiiboy
I've noticed that there have been a lot of things in common:
Web2py _didn't_ have very good docs, at least relative to Django's
(which are spectacular), but now that the Web2py book is available
online, that issue is kind of moot.

Admin -- Web2py has two different Admins, one which doesn't have a
Django equivalent (lets you manage apps, etc. from it, pretty handy)
and a not-as-good-as-Django's-Admin appadmin.  Although it certainly
could do the job for my tiny site =)

And the explicit vs. implicit imports: Personally, I love the fact
that the request object is available all over the place, including
models, and that I don't have to do any importing.

My final complaint about Web2py is its templating engine: if I want my
Dad to do the HTML on my website, I'd rather not make him learn
"Python", per se, rather, I'd like him to learn a slightly different
but less strict of a syntax templating engine.

Ok, I'm done.  Feel free to comment on anything above (including you
Massimo =)

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread mdipierro
I'd rather stay out and limit myself to rectify incorrect statements
if any. For example I'll say the documentation is not new. It has been
there for 2 years, it's just that was not free and cost $12. It is
actually old now. It still does not describe lots of new functionality
and we are trying to catch up.

I really wish our communities were friendlier to each other, but I
take full responsibility for this.
I also think and stated many times that comparisons and discussions
like this are in my view positive because they can help both improve.
I strongly believe the future of python web framework is positively
correlated and not anti-correlated. We may as well try help each

Some differences like the template engine syntax are a matter of taste
and it is good that users have a choice. No size fits all.

I happy to have a similar discussion on the web2py since it can help
us improve.


On Feb 19, 8:38 am, Wiiboy  wrote:
> I've noticed that there have been a lot of things in common:
> Web2py _didn't_ have very good docs, at least relative to Django's
> (which are spectacular), but now that the Web2py book is available
> online, that issue is kind of moot.
> Admin -- Web2py has two different Admins, one which doesn't have a
> Django equivalent (lets you manage apps, etc. from it, pretty handy)
> and a not-as-good-as-Django's-Admin appadmin.  Although it certainly
> could do the job for my tiny site =)
> And the explicit vs. implicit imports: Personally, I love the fact
> that the request object is available all over the place, including
> models, and that I don't have to do any importing.
> My final complaint about Web2py is its templating engine: if I want my
> Dad to do the HTML on my website, I'd rather not make him learn
> "Python", per se, rather, I'd like him to learn a slightly different
> but less strict of a syntax templating engine.
> Ok, I'm done.  Feel free to comment on anything above (including you
> Massimo =)

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 19 fév, 15:38, Wiiboy  wrote:
> And the explicit vs. implicit imports: Personally, I love the fact
> that the request object is available all over the place, including
> models, and that I don't have to do any importing.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a definitive No-No. The request is only
meaningfull in the context of a request handler (whether you call it
'view' or 'controller'). The model part must *not* depend on it. And
it's not a dogmatic POV - it's based on working experience with
frameworks that happily mixed orthogonal concerns and ended being a
major PITA.

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread bruno desthuilliers

On 19 fév, 10:35, NoviceSortOf  wrote:


> In my opinion frameworks should be considered on a project by project
> basis

Well, if you have enough time to learn and master a dozen or more
different frameworks, that might be a sensible policy. As far as I'm
concerned, having to deal with Zope2, Plone (different versions
of...), Django, Drupal (different versions of), Spip (different
versions of...), a couple exotic PHP apps, raw PHP, jQuery, Prototype,
raw javascript, SQL (in at least 2 of it's variants), css, html, and
quite a few other programming / configuration / domain-specific /
whatever languages is enough to fill my brain.

While Django is possibly not the miracle solution that will cure
cancer and solve world hunger, it happens to be the most usable web
developpment environment I've worked with so far (ok, I've only been
doing web development for more than 7 years and didn't tried  more
than a dozen python framework so I may not have enough experience to
comment, but anyway...). And it's the only one I've worked with that
managed to consistenly improve release after release, since the 0.94?
(not sure of the exact version number) days.

To make a long story short, I now love Django for the very same
reasons I love Python : it might not be the most elegant or "pure"
solution, but from a practical POV, it mostly stays out of your way
and helps you get the job done. I whish I could say the same of some
other technos I have to work with :-/

My 2 cents...

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread mdipierro

On Feb 19, 2:14 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On 19 fév, 15:38, Wiiboy  wrote:
> > And the explicit vs. implicit imports: Personally, I love the fact
> > that the request object is available all over the place, including
> > models, and that I don't have to do any importing.
> As far as I'm concerned, it's a definitive No-No. The request is only
> meaningfull in the context of a request handler (whether you call it
> 'view' or 'controller'). The model part must *not* depend on it. And
> it's not a dogmatic POV - it's based on working experience with
> frameworks that happily mixed orthogonal concerns and ended being a
> major PITA.

Our definition of models is a little different than Django's and this
may lead to some confusion. We have two app sub-folders: models/ and
modules/.  Files in models/ are executed and they contain code that
prepares the environment seen by controllers and templates. Files in
modules/ can be imported normally. It is custom for web2py users to
put table definitions in models/ but you could very well put them in
modules/ and import them as you do in Django. The reason we normally
put we table definitions in models/ is because out tables contain meta
information relative to presentation of the information, validation,
access control and internationalization, and for these to work they
require a request object. Think for example of a table with a field
that is never displayed but always contain the ip address of the
client who updated the record. We would just do


If you were to put such code in a module/ as opposed to a model/ you
would have the problem of passing a request object to it and you'd
probably end up with more logic in controllers. Yet I do not know
Django that well so you probably have an equivalent way of achieving
the same.

Another reason to do what we do is that we support multiple database
connections. If we put table definition in a module we would have
somehow to specify which database connection to use (and this also may
depend on other request parameters).

Anyway putting table definitions in models has disadvantages too. The
major one is that if you want to run them in your own python code (not
the framework) you still need to use the framework API.

I am not saying web2py approach is better than Django's here. I am
just saying we tried Django's before implementing it this was. This
design was not an accident but a consequence of carefully considering
pros and cons. We took a pragmatic approach not a purist one.


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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-19 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:16 PM, mdipierro  wrote:
> Sorry Russ,
> I did not say nor implied that any of the points above were
> distinctive or unique. I just tried to clarify some issues raised by
> other users here.

No problems - I'm not trying to accuse you of anything nefarious. I
just wanted to counterclarify the same points.

> About the license. We do not annotate GPL we just clarify that the
> license does not apply to applications that require web2py but only to
> products that contain web2py source. Very much like FreeBSD is BSD
> even if compiled with GCC which is GPL. If you bundle your app with
> web2py you just have to state which files belong to your app and which
> ones are web2py files. I did not mean say that the web2py license
> (GPL) is more permissive than Django's license (BSD). I meant to say
> that not enforcing any license on applications is more permissive then
> BSD. For example, web2py users can release their apps under any
> license they like and only need to say "requires web2py" while if they
> were to be bound by the BSD they would have to include the BSD
> copyright notice, the disclaimer, and comply with BSD advertisement
> requirements (even if the app itself may not be BSD). Notice I am not
> making any statement about Django here. These legal issue are beyond
> me.

Again, I'm not sure the licensing situation is as simple as you seem
to think it is.

This licensing arrangement you describe is much closer to the
situation for Django than it is for Web2py. *Django* uses the BSD
license. If you download and redistribute *Django's* code, you are
bound by the BSD *for your redistribution of Django*. If you write
your own app or library that calls into Django's code, you are free to
use whatever license you want *for your own code*. Django's BSD
license makes no claim or restriction on the way you license your own
code - hence, you are able to distribute your own project under any
license you want. Under the terms of the BSD, you can even distribute
a modified version of Django (without source code) as long as you
retain and display the copyright notice.

However, This *isn't* a claim you can make unambiguously about the
GPL. The GPL is *specifically* designed to prevent people from
leveraging free software to produce proprietary software. Yes, I are
free to choose whatever license you want for your own code, but the
terms of the GPL mean that your own choice of license on your own
project *may* affect whether or not I can distribute Web2py along with
my code.

The comparison with GCC isn't valid, because we're talking about code
running in an interpreted language (Python). GCC is undeniably a
program that takes input, and provides output. There is no internal
linking of the subject code (FreeBSD) by the GPL licensed program

However, as soon as you say "import web2py" or "import django", you're
no longer talking about clean execution. You're potentially talking
about linking, and this is where a problem arises. GPL2 -- which is
what web2py uses -- is vague about what constitutes "linking" in an
interpreted language (for the record, GPL3 is less vague, but not in a
way that particularly helps your interpretation).

This vagueness is where the problem lies (and why I said "may" a
couple of paragraphs back). The GPL question came up in the Django
community about 6 months ago, which prompted Jacob to publish a set of
20 questions that points out the ambiguities that exists:

The ensuing discussion demonstrates the depth of the ambiguities. :-)
The comments from VanL (who I believe is Van Lindberg, who *is* a
lawyer) are particularly enlightening.

However, again:


 * He who writes the code gets to pick the license. I'm not trying to
convince anyone that they are wrong for choosing the GPL. The GPL is
very well designed for what it tries to achieve. If those goals are
compatible with your own goals, then by all means choose the GPL.
Whatever license you choose, I implore anyone to be fully aware of the
consequences of your choices before you make your selection.

 * If you intend to use code with a particular license (whatever that
license may be), you should seek whatever professional legal advice
you require to clarify the situation with your own projects.

> web2py would not have existed without Django so thank you all.

And thanks to you for keeping us honest. A software monoculture is
never a good thing. Having alternatives to Django means the Python
community as a whole is a richer.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-20 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> Yes, I are
> free to choose whatever license you want for your own code, but the
> terms of the GPL mean that your own choice of license on your own
> project *may* affect whether or not I can distribute Web2py along with
> my code.

Let's try that sentence again, this time without the pronoun dance:

Yes, I am free to choose whatever license I want for my own code, but
the terms of the GPL mean that my choice of license on my own project
*may* affect whether I can distribute Web2Py along with my code.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: anybody tried web2py and gone back to Django?

2010-02-22 Thread Richard
I tried web2py and haven't gone back, though sometimes it is tempting
when I see so much Django work available!

On Feb 18, 7:48 am, snfctech  wrote:
> If so, could you provide a bullet list of things you preferred in
> Django?  Thanks.

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