Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-29 Thread S Moonesamy

Hi Doug,
At 17:07 23-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
I have been asked nearly the same question by others.  A section 
will be added to explain the how and why and its impact on 
privacy.  Senders and receivers desire a scheme that improves 
protection of the From header field.  The business aspects of this 
became extremely clear to PayPal by effects on their customers then 
obligated to sift through massive amounts of email abuse.  The 
benefit of timely out-of-band notification instead caused an exodus 
of customers.  To staunch customer loss, direct appeals to major 
ESPs to reject non-aligned PayPal messages helped, and helped 
everyone.  Unfortunately, direct appeal does not scale.  Hence we 
have a limited stop-gap scheme.

I was not thinking about privacy in that comment.  Some time back I 
looked into why abuse occurred in different systems.  I was not 
trying to understand the matter instead of trying to resolve 
it.  Note that I have read the relevant papers.  Anyway, you did not 
answer the question I asked. :-)

PayPal is the not really a good case in my opinion.  I do not get 
money by solving PayPal's problem.  I might put it some effort as 
encouraging abuse is not a good idea.  A problem, which you 
identified, is that a scheme would have to scale or else be workable 
at some scale.

As has become extremely clear, although there was early evidence, 
DMARC did not fully consider important corner cases.  It seemed 
okay to leave these issues for receivers to sort out.  Now AOL and 
Yahoo! have made it evident receiver cooperation is in jeopardy.  If 
you are like most others, you have had malicious and socially 
engineered messages from someone you know prompting you to click a 
link or call a number, etc. Resorting to the only functional policy 
scheme able to reject messages is understandable, but this came at a 
dear cost.  As John Levine describes, a death by a thousand cuts.

If you push things too strongly I (as a receiver) would be no longer 
be inclined to be cooperative.

Asserting whether all messages must have From/Source domain 
alignment is somewhat analogous to the type of federation supporting 
single-sign-on schemes.  A federation has the purpose of protecting 
identifiers. In other words using laissez faire protocols where the 
strategy of block on event is inverted to become accept on 
event.  In the case of DMARC + TPA,  accept on event is derived 
from DMARC feedback/log review accurately determining which domains 
require exception.  Further review can even characterize how domains 
authenticate and which header elements confirm or narrow authorization.

I'll say ok to the above.

Cute comic.  It is not really the information protected by a 
federation scheme.  It is not even the exclusion of bad stuff.  It 
is protection of federated identities by receivers implementing 
DMARC + TPA.  By using this scheme, associated identities can be 
protected while also avoiding disruption of legitimate 
messages.  Even Eliot Lear's mother becomes safer.  (I hope this is 
the right example as it was discussed many years ago.)

The problem might be one of trust.  I won't even try to analyze that 
as it is going to end up being a lot of work.

Unfortunately, that approach now only works for authenticated 
domains. :^(  Dane anyone?

You'll have other problems then. :-(

S. Moonesamy 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-23 Thread S Moonesamy

Hi Doug,
At 14:32 22-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
The goal of federated services is to prevent inclusion of unknown 
servers.  It does not in itself exclude bad stuff.  When bad stuff 
is noted, federation enables blocking future exchanges. Direct 
tweets are possible, although messaging constrained to 140 
characters is difficult to take seriously since it is nearly 
impossible to know whether a tweet is being auto-generated.  Much of 
it is.  The way this would relate to DMARC is in the handling of 
non-aligned messages. When sources are identified, and feedback is 
generated for all known exceptions, it should not be difficult to 
then invert block logic into accept logic.

The question I asked was: is federation effective in excluding bad 
stuff?  The reason I asked that question is to be able to form an 
opinion about the idea of an email federation.  The above explains 
that the email federation is about preventing the inclusion of 
unknown servers.  That does not help me in forming an opinion about 
the idea (see the question I asked).  I used tweeter as an example of 
a closed system.  The argument was that bad stuff can happen in a 
system in which the owner has full control.

Imagine your domain supporting millions of users had their accounts 
exposed along with their address-books.  This can easily get ugly in 
respect to the harm this would allow.

I read that information security and customer data protection are of 
paramount importance.  My interpretation of that is that the 
importance is ranked higher than money.  My interpretation would be 
incorrect if my domain had millions of accounts exposed.  Someone 
might also point me to

I supported a system that reported on _all_ identified bad IPv4 
addresses.  To do this, it required careful exclusion of those 
randomly assigned addresses.  We would then apply about 15 million 
updates every 5 minutes for the entire IPv4 address space 
orchestrated by two redundant servers.  This information then 
supported several very large ISPs.  The larger ISPs wanted to do 
zone transfers, but a DMARC exception rate for an Author Domain will 
be several orders of magnitude lower in scale. I'll admit this was 
all done using C code that avoided SQL or Hadoop.  Judy is your friend. :^).

I'll make this a little complicated for you.  Could that system also 
be used for IPv6 addresses?

S. Moonesamy 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-23 Thread Douglas Otis
Dear SM,

Thank you for your thoughtful questions.  See comments inline:

On May 22, 2014, at 11:19 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:

 Hi Doug,
 At 14:32 22-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
 The goal of federated services is to prevent inclusion of unknown servers.  
 It does not in itself exclude bad stuff.  When bad stuff is noted, 
 federation enables blocking future exchanges. Direct tweets are possible, 
 although messaging constrained to 140 characters is difficult to take 
 seriously since it is nearly impossible to know whether a tweet is being 
 auto-generated.  Much of it is.  The way this would relate to DMARC is in 
 the handling of non-aligned messages. When sources are identified, and 
 feedback is generated for all known exceptions, it should not be difficult 
 to then invert block logic into accept logic.
 The question I asked was: is federation effective in excluding bad stuff?  
 The reason I asked that question is to be able to form an opinion about the 
 idea of an email federation.  The above explains that the email federation is 
 about preventing the inclusion of unknown servers.  That does not help me in 
 forming an opinion about the idea (see the question I asked).  I used tweeter 
 as an example of a closed system.  The argument was that bad stuff can happen 
 in a system in which the owner has full control.

I have been asked nearly the same question by others.  A section will be added 
to explain the how and why and its impact on privacy.  Senders and receivers 
desire a scheme that improves protection of the From header field.  The 
business aspects of this became extremely clear to PayPal by effects on their 
customers then obligated to sift through massive amounts of email abuse.  The 
benefit of timely out-of-band notification instead caused an exodus of 
customers.  To staunch customer loss, direct appeals to major ESPs to reject 
non-aligned PayPal messages helped, and helped everyone.  Unfortunately, direct 
appeal does not scale.  Hence we have a limited stop-gap scheme.

As has become extremely clear, although there was early evidence, DMARC did not 
fully consider important corner cases.  It seemed okay to leave these issues 
for receivers to sort out.  Now AOL and Yahoo! have made it evident receiver 
cooperation is in jeopardy.  If you are like most others, you have had 
malicious and socially engineered messages from someone you know prompting you 
to click a link or call a number, etc. Resorting to the only functional policy 
scheme able to reject messages is understandable, but this came at a dear cost. 
 As John Levine describes, a death by a thousand cuts.

Asserting whether all messages must have From/Source domain alignment is 
somewhat analogous to the type of federation supporting single-sign-on schemes. 
 A federation has the purpose of protecting identifiers. In other words using 
laissez faire protocols where the strategy of block on event is inverted to 
become accept on event.  In the case of DMARC + TPA,  accept on event is 
derived from DMARC feedback/log review accurately determining which domains 
require exception.  Further review can even characterize how domains 
authenticate and which header elements confirm or narrow authorization.

TPA uses DNS to signal trust based on hash labels.  DNS is used because it is 
ubiquitously relied upon by MTAs, offers low latency and low overhead from 
legitimate domains. DNS is also able to handily support this scheme at massive 

 Imagine your domain supporting millions of users had their accounts exposed 
 along with their address-books.  This can easily get ugly in respect to the 
 harm this would allow.
 I read that information security and customer data protection are of 
 paramount importance.  My interpretation of that is that the importance is 
 ranked higher than money.  My interpretation would be incorrect if my domain 
 had millions of accounts exposed.  Someone might also point me to

Cute comic.  It is not really the information protected by a federation scheme. 
 It is not even the exclusion of bad stuff.  It is protection of federated 
identities by receivers implementing DMARC + TPA.  By using this scheme, 
associated identities can be protected while also avoiding disruption of 
legitimate messages.  Even Eliot Lear's mother becomes safer.  (I hope this is 
the right example as it was discussed many years ago.)

 I supported a system that reported on _all_ identified bad IPv4 addresses.  
 To do this, it required careful exclusion of those randomly assigned 
 addresses.  We would then apply about 15 million updates every 5 minutes for 
 the entire IPv4 address space orchestrated by two redundant servers.  This 
 information then supported several very large ISPs.  The larger ISPs wanted 
 to do zone transfers, but a DMARC exception rate for an Author Domain will 
 be several orders of magnitude lower in scale. I'll admit 

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-22 Thread Rolf E. Sonneveld

Hi, Doug,

On 05/22/2014 10:21 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:

Dear Brandon,
See comments inline:

On May 12, 2014, at 12:30 PM, Brandon Long wrote:

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:

On May 11, 2014, at 12:47 PM, Gabriel Iovino wrote:


 Last week I was having a conversation with a familiar person on
 mailing list and I was expressing my disappointment with the
 negativity towards Yahoo[1] and AOL[2] for breaking email. I was
 encouraged to share these thoughts on this list.

 I believe email is already broken[3][4][5][6] and DMARC p=reject
 moves us towards a position where email is less broken. Will
 be some bumps[7] along the road? Sure but a few bumps are no
reason to
 leave email in it's current state.

 I applaud Yahoo and AOL for taking the first few punches and I look
 forward to the day when Google and Microsoft follow their lead.

 Thank you for all the hard work you have done to improve the
state of

 Gabriel Iovino

Dear Gabriel,

While email is generally abused, DMARC's intent was to better
protect transactional email which Yahoo may put in jeopardy.
 There will be a forthcoming draft to allow Author-Domains a
means to request restrictive policies against normal user email
accounts without disrupting very legitimate communications.  The
draft places the burden of mitigating disruption on those making
the requests.  Otherwise, it won't be too much longer before even
DMARC is ignored when misapplied against user accounts.

Where can we learn more about this?

An update is pending recovery of You don't miss it until 
it is gone. :^(  I should have been more proactive about transferring 
reference content.

Yahoo has suffered from a lack of security permitting millions of
their users accounts to be compromised.  A better approach would
not use DMARC, but would federate third-party services they can
see their customers employ.  The federation of email, much like
that of XMPP, would be an effective means to exclude bad actors
without breaking mailing-list and other third-party email
services.  As it is now, it seems Yahoo only protects their own
mailing-list operations which really does not warrant a basis for
applauding such efforts.

I feel that there is a theory that has gone around as to why AOL and 
Yahoo! have done this, but I don't know as there has been any proof 
of that or acknowledgement.  For one, the level of hijacking we see, 
and the level of spam I personally receive that has at least a From 
name of someone I know, lead me to question that theory.

I have notified several friends that their accounts were compromised. 
 Most did not like having to change their password.

Also, unless you know otherwise, my understanding was that Yahoo 
Groups didn't have any mitigation of DMARC policies until recently, 
and they implemented the same (and only currently useful) mitigation 
of re-writing the From header, and did so well after went to REJECT.

Rewriting the From header field in itself is disruptive.  This 
prevents review of prior conversations from an individual.  Often you 
might remember who said something without recalling some of the details.

Also... federation across millions of servers?  That seems... unlikely.

Federation simply means sending servers authenticate their domain and 
allow receivers to decide whether they wish to disallow messaging from 
unknown domains.  That feature is sorely missing from SMTP.  In this 
case, it only comes into play for third-party servers used by users of 
the Author-Domain asserting a DMARC policy request.  The scale of this 
is likely to be in the area of about 30K.

This number of 30K has been first mentioned by Yahoo! and after that it 
has been mentioned a couple of times by various people, but I have yet 
to see any proof that this figure is correct. Apart from this, quoting 
your own mail, you mention [...] tens of thousands of legitimate 
services that might be sending on behalf of their client [...]. 
Although I think TPA may have its use for specific author/sender 
combinations [1], it definitely is not the answer to the current 
problems, introduced by Yahoo! and AOL, when they activated 'p=reject'. 
It simply will not scale enough and it remains to be seen that the 
too-big-to-ignore ESPs will spend time and money on the use of TPA, as 
they have their own mailing-list-like fora, which provide them revenues. 
Not to mention the privacy aspects of TPA...


[1] My company DKIM-signs mail on behalf of some customers, a proper TPA 

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-22 Thread Douglas Otis

On May 12, 2014, at 1:38 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:

 Hi Doug,
 At 12:16 12-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
 be compromised.  A better approach would not use DMARC, but would federate 
 third-party services they can see their customers employ.  The federation of 
 email, much like that of XMPP, would be an effective means to exclude bad 
 actors without breaking mailing-list and other third-party email services.  
 As it is now, it seems Yahoo only protects their own
 Is federation effective in excluding bad stuff?  Bad stuff also occurs in 
 closed systems (see
  ).  XMPP has been mentioned previously.  There wasn't any information 
 provided to assess whether it does exclude bad stuff.

Dear SM,

The goal of federated services is to prevent inclusion of unknown servers.  It 
does not in itself exclude bad stuff.  When bad stuff is noted, federation 
enables blocking future exchanges. Direct tweets are possible, although 
messaging constrained to 140 characters is difficult to take seriously since it 
is nearly impossible to know whether a tweet is being auto-generated.  Much of 
it is.  The way this would relate to DMARC is in the handling of non-aligned 
messages. When sources are identified, and feedback is generated for all known 
exceptions, it should not be difficult to then invert block logic into 
accept logic. 

Imagine your domain supporting millions of users had their accounts exposed 
along with their address-books.  This can easily get ugly in respect to the 
harm this would allow.  Yahoo likely considered DMARC the closest approximation 
of server federation that could be enabled.  After all, there are no other 
email policy layers reliably acted upon.   What is missing is a minor amount of 
feedback needed to communicate what the Author-Domain knows to be legitimate 
sources.  Doing so should represent a negligible amount of effort. 

I supported a system that reported on _all_ identified bad IPv4 addresses.  To 
do this, it required careful exclusion of those randomly assigned addresses.  
We would then apply about 15 million updates every 5 minutes for the entire 
IPv4 address space orchestrated by two redundant servers.  This information 
then supported several very large ISPs.  The larger ISPs wanted to do zone 
transfers, but a DMARC exception rate for an Author Domain will be several 
orders of magnitude lower in scale. I'll admit this was all done using C code 
that avoided SQL or Hadoop.  Judy is your friend. :^).

Douglas Otis


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-22 Thread Douglas Otis

On May 22, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Rolf E. Sonneveld 

 Hi, Doug,
 On 05/22/2014 10:21 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:
 Dear Brandon, 
 See comments inline:
 On May 12, 2014, at 12:30 PM, Brandon Long wrote:
 On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Douglas Otis 
 On May 11, 2014, at 12:47 PM, Gabriel Iovino 
  Last week I was having a conversation with a familiar person on this
  mailing list and I was expressing my disappointment with the
  negativity towards Yahoo[1] and AOL[2] for breaking email. I was
  encouraged to share these thoughts on this list.
  I believe email is already broken[3][4][5][6] and DMARC p=reject
  moves us towards a position where email is less broken. Will there
  be some bumps[7] along the road? Sure but a few bumps are no reason to
  leave email in it's current state.
  I applaud Yahoo and AOL for taking the first few punches and I look
  forward to the day when Google and Microsoft follow their lead.
  Thank you for all the hard work you have done to improve the state of
  Gabriel Iovino
 Dear Gabriel,
 While email is generally abused, DMARC's intent was to better protect 
 transactional email which Yahoo may put in jeopardy.  There will be a 
 forthcoming draft to allow Author-Domains a means to request restrictive 
 policies against normal user email accounts without disrupting very 
 legitimate communications.  The draft places the burden of mitigating 
 disruption on those making the requests.  Otherwise, it won't be too much 
 longer before even DMARC is ignored when misapplied against user accounts.
 Where can we learn more about this?
 An update is pending recovery of You 
 don't miss it until it is gone. :^(  I should have been more proactive about 
 transferring reference content.
 Yahoo has suffered from a lack of security permitting millions of their 
 users accounts to be compromised.  A better approach would not use DMARC, 
 but would federate third-party services they can see their customers 
 employ.  The federation of email, much like that of XMPP, would be an 
 effective means to exclude bad actors without breaking mailing-list and 
 other third-party email services.  As it is now, it seems Yahoo only 
 protects their own mailing-list operations which really does not warrant a 
 basis for applauding such efforts.
 I feel that there is a theory that has gone around as to why AOL and Yahoo! 
 have done this, but I don't know as there has been any proof of that or 
 acknowledgement.  For one, the level of hijacking we see, and the level of 
 spam I personally receive that has at least a From name of someone I know, 
 lead me to question that theory.
 I have notified several friends that their accounts were compromised.  Most 
 did not like having to change their password. 
 Also, unless you know otherwise, my understanding was that Yahoo Groups 
 didn't have any mitigation of DMARC policies until recently, and they 
 implemented the same (and only currently useful) mitigation of re-writing 
 the From header, and did so well after went to REJECT.
 Rewriting the From header field in itself is disruptive.  This prevents 
 review of prior conversations from an individual.  Often you might remember 
 who said something without recalling some of the details.
 Also... federation across millions of servers?  That seems... unlikely.
 Federation simply means sending servers authenticate their domain and allow 
 receivers to decide whether they wish to disallow messaging from unknown 
 domains.  That feature is sorely missing from SMTP.  In this case, it only 
 comes into play for third-party servers used by users of the Author-Domain 
 asserting a DMARC policy request.  The scale of this is likely to be in the 
 area of about 30K.
 This number of 30K has been first mentioned by Yahoo! and after that it has 
 been mentioned a couple of times by various people, but I have yet to see any 
 proof that this figure is correct. Apart from this, quoting your own mail, 
 you mention [...] tens of thousands of legitimate services that might be 
 sending on behalf of their client [...]. Although I think TPA may have its 
 use for specific author/sender combinations [1], it definitely is not the 
 answer to the current problems, introduced by Yahoo! and AOL, when they 
 activated 'p=reject'. It simply will not scale enough and it remains to be 
 seen that the too-big-to-ignore ESPs will spend time and money on the use of 
 TPA, as they have their own mailing-list-like fora, which provide them 
 revenues. Not to mention the privacy aspects of TPA...

Dear Rolf,

I strongly disagree with the assumption TPA does not scale to levels needed by 
AOL or Yahoo. Not having TPA declare the exceptions needed, both receiving and 
then offering feedback will likely to involve greater 

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-22 Thread Rolf E. Sonneveld

Hi, Doug,

On 05/22/2014 11:56 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:


This number of 30K has been first mentioned by Yahoo! and after that 
it has been mentioned a couple of times by various people, but I have 
yet to see any proof that this figure is correct. Apart from this, 
quoting your own mail, you mention [...] tens of thousands of 
legitimate services that might be sending on behalf of their client 
[...]. Although I think TPA may have its use for specific 
author/sender combinations [1], it definitely is not the answer to 
the current problems, introduced by Yahoo! and AOL, when they 
activated 'p=reject'. It simply will not scale enough and it remains 
to be seen that the too-big-to-ignore ESPs will spend time and money 
on the use of TPA, as they have their own mailing-list-like fora, 
which provide them revenues. Not to mention the privacy aspects of TPA...

Dear Rolf,

I strongly disagree with the assumption TPA does not scale to levels 
needed by AOL or Yahoo. Not having TPA declare the exceptions needed, 
both receiving and then offering feedback will likely to involve 
greater levels of network resources.  TPA is structured to ensure it 
can be supported by a single DNS transaction.  This allows for 
effective caching so perhaps only one out of 10 queries sees an 
authoritative response.  Can that be said for any other email protocol?

I'm not talking about that type of scaling. What I mean is, that it will 
take a massive amount of work to gather the right information about who 
is subscribed where to what list, to update this information on a 
continuous basis and to get this (changing information) in DNS. But 
maybe I misunderstand what will be in the draft, I'd better wait for the 


dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-13 Thread S Moonesamy

Hi Doug,
At 12:16 12-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
be compromised.  A better approach would not use DMARC, but would 
federate third-party services they can see their customers 
employ.  The federation of email, much like that of XMPP, would be 
an effective means to exclude bad actors without breaking 
mailing-list and other third-party email services.  As it is now, it 
seems Yahoo only protects their own

Is federation effective in excluding bad stuff?  Bad stuff also 
occurs in closed systems (see 
).  XMPP has been mentioned previously.  There wasn't any information 
provided to assess whether it does exclude bad stuff.

S. Moonesamy 

dmarc mailing list

[dmarc-ietf] Support for DMARC p=reject

2014-05-12 Thread Gabriel Iovino
Hash: SHA1


Last week I was having a conversation with a familiar person on this
mailing list and I was expressing my disappointment with the
negativity towards Yahoo[1] and AOL[2] for breaking email. I was
encouraged to share these thoughts on this list.

I believe email is already broken[3][4][5][6] and DMARC p=reject
moves us towards a position where email is less broken. Will there
be some bumps[7] along the road? Sure but a few bumps are no reason to
leave email in it's current state.

I applaud Yahoo and AOL for taking the first few punches and I look
forward to the day when Google and Microsoft follow their lead.

Thank you for all the hard work you have done to improve the state of

Gabriel Iovino

[1] Yahoo DMARC policy

[2] AOL Mail updates DMARC policy to 'reject'

[3] Identifying fraudulent phishing email

[4] How to Find Out Where a Link Will Take You in iPhone Mail

[5] Obtaining Email Headers for Spam/Phishing Notification

[6] Check It Before You Click It - Phishing, Malicious Links  Spoofed

[7] Mailman April 2014 Archives by thread
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