Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-02 Thread Rainer Weikusat
Hendrik Boom  writes:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:28:30AM +0100, Rainer Weikusat wrote:

[sudo/ PATH]

>> Also, the Debian default configuration
>> contains a
>> Defaults
>> secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
>> which means the user PATH won't be passed on unless someone explicitly
>> choses to enable it.
> So defining this secure_path means it's the PATH to be used for sudo?  
> and if it's not defined it defaults to PATH?  Is it the same for su?

According to the su man page,

The value of $PATH is reset to /bin:/usr/bin for normal users,
or /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin for the superuser. This may be
changed with the ENV_PATH and ENV_SUPATH definitions in
> And where is this defined?

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 1 Aug 2015 05:13:46 -0400
Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI  wrote:

> If I wanted my users to use sudo, I would install them *ubuntu...


Wait a minute. You can't do that.

* If I wanted my children to breath, I'd give them oxygen tanks.

* If I wanted to spend my money, I'd buy a Testerosa.



Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 18:59:31 +0200
tilt!  wrote:

> Hi Jaromil!
> Jaromil wrote on 29/07/2015 at 19:44 CEST:
> > [...]
> > how I do it now? hardcode every single binary
> > that sudo is aloud to execute, full path
> > and locations that are only root writable.
> > that's a sudoers feature...
> This is how I personally see it: In an ideal environment,
> there were *no* things done during regular use of a personal
> computing device that required administrative permissions.

It sounds to me like you guys are basically in agreement, becasuse
tilt! makes his point assuming, and I quote him:

"during regular use of a personal computing device"


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 09:18:16 -0400 (EDT)
Rob Owens  wrote:

> Another reason not to give users wholesale access to the mount
> command is that they could then 'mount -o remount,rw' any filesystem
> that the administrator has mounted read-only.  To protect against
> this, I think you probably need something a bit more complicated than
> just sudo.  Of course, for a single user system, this is not a
> problem.

Yes! I'd like to make clear that my advocacy, or even acceptance, of
automount, is for a system used as a *personal computer* by exactly one
person, and that person either has the brains to know about mounting,
or is ignorant enough that s/he's not going to use mount or umount for
anything beyond discs and thumb drives.

Automount on a server would be crazy.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 30/07/2015 11:28, Rainer Weikusat a écrit :

Didier Kryn  writes:

Le 29/07/2015 16:35, a écrit :

Every last problem of sudo is taken seriously? Did you know that if
someone has limited access, e.g. the right to install standard
packages, then it is easy to leverage that to get complete
access. Various packages run programs in $PATH as root, Firefox
comes to mind, so just prepare $PATH and sudo apt-get install

Sudo leaves the user's $PATH and the rest is just a matter of
finding the right exploit.

Was open for years, may still be open.


 I don't understand the preventions against sudo. It is just up to
the administrator to take care, like for everything.

 Wether execution of the command is allowed by sudo, by a setuid
bit or by policykit does not change the result. Sudo is simply the
most versatile method to allow/disallow actions, IMHO far easier to
configure than policykit. Don't forget that allowed commands may
(should) be specified with their absolute path, therefore bypassing

According to some tests I did yesterday, sudo (at least the Debian sudo)
won't allow specifying commands without a pathname so that's not an
issue. But according to the manpage, the upstream sudo default policy
wrt the PATH a user happens to be using when invoking sudo is "pass it
one to the command executed by sudo". Should this command, in turn,
execute some other command without an explicit pathname and use one of
the PATH-searching functions to do so, this will effectively allow the
invoking user to run any code 'as root' because he can use a PATH
containing a directory with a suitably named file in it whose contents
can be anything.

But that's no different from any other conceivable way to trick some
program running with elevated privileges on behalf of an unprivileged
user into running arbitrary code, it's just a simple and obvious way to
do so which doesn't require any programming (skills) and the
solution is "Well, don't do that". Also, the Debian default configuration
contains a


which means the user PATH won't be passed on unless someone explicitly
choses to enable it.

The upstream default PATH handling policy is not suitable for an
environment where certain users are supposed to be restricted to
performing specific actions with elevated privileges unless the
corresponding programs don't run other programs they found in PATH but
that's it.

I've always used sudo on Debian and I supposed it was the same on 
all distros. Maybe naive...

So there is this secure_path, plus a list of allowed editors (for 
visudo). Plus you can allow commands with absolute filenames, which 
discards the use of PATH, plus you can allow commands only with given 
arguments, and you can forbid commands with given arguments. That's a 
lot of possibilities.

Now, if I don't secure the PATH and I allow users to run a command 
of my own, which is itself insecure, because it allows the use of PATH, 
then, sorry, I cannot accuse sudo!


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 01/08/2015 17:49, Isaac Dunham a écrit :

Alternately, you could write a wrapper that*always*  mounts under
/media, and doesn't accept -t; it just takes a device name, creates an
equivalent name under /media, checks type and whether ntfs-3g is installed,
and passes a suitable type to mount (or uses mount.ntfs-3g).

I think that's exactly the thing which is needed: a tool dedicated 
to mount/umount removable medias on dynamically created/deleted 
mountpoints in /media, and nothing else. And this tool can be put in 
/usr/bin. sudo is fine to invoke it from the command line, but I'm not 
sure how to do when it is invoked from a mouse-click, unless the line in 
the sudoers file contains NOPASSWD. Of course this all is meant for a 
personal computer, not for a server; anyway it's useless on a server.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Isaac Dunham
On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 10:47:29AM +0100, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> A daemon process should only exist because it provides some important
> functionality with a real benefit for users of the system which cannot
> (reasonably) be provided in some other way, eg, by starting a program to
> perform a certain task on demand. Eg, there should be no daemon running
> permanently to monitor device creation events which never happen in
> order to create device nodes for hardware which was detected on boot and
> won't go away while the system is up. And it also shouldn't be running
> because every other millenium (as seen from the perspective of the
> computer), someone changes the configuration of the USB(-lan): This can
> perfectly well be handled with on-demand execution (and hadn't udev
> eaten hotplug, I certainly wouldn't be running it).

You could try mdev if you don't like udev.
Devuan/Debian packaging is available at

(builds with dpkg-buildpackage -b, no debs available yet though I'll
switch them on as soon as I find out how...)

Some warnings, though:
* I'd suggest trying it out on a test install before your main system,
for the present. If you like living dangerously and have a *plain*
disk layout (no RAID, encryption), perhapps you might get away with
dropping it in your main install.

* Right now, you'll need to manually configure xorg.conf or at least
disable input device hotplugging. Piotr Karbowski has some configuration
files to take care of that in the xorg.conf.d/ directory of

* That package has no hooks to handle LVM, encrypted partitions, or
anything else odd; if you need those, you'll have to poke around and
see what you can find (mdev-like-a-boss repo suggested as a starting

Isaac Dunham
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 07:12:05AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> Someone mentioned that we have too many daemons and this shouldn't be
> one. If you want the thing to be *auto*mount instead of just "mount
> when I tell you to, or "search for possible mounts and tell me about
> them", it has to be a background process having inotify or
> inotify-wait, and this would be started by the init program or process
> supervisor.   

I (I'm the rant author, if anyone remembers) would be completely 
happy with these two non-auto mount commands.  No need for a 
long-running daemon.  If you remember the rant, most of the automount 
methods I've been treated to so far have done it wrong.  I'd welcome 
something more explicit.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Rainer Weikusat
Laurent Bercot  writes:
> On 31/07/2015 11:47, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
>> [example of a completely useless daemon process]
>> But that's not a good reason for it being installed and running: A
>> daemon process should only exist because it provides some important
>> functionality with a real benefit for users of the system which cannot
>> (reasonably) be provided in some other way
>  Nobody contradicts that, and in particular I don't see how this
> disagrees with my point. It's the job of the distribution to make sure
> only useful daemons are started.
>  Giving the user the ability to gain privileges without opening a
> security hole fits my definition of "useful".

There were two points I was trying to make:

1) Users shouldn't be forced to research the origin and purpose
   of strange processes suddenly appearing on some system,
   followed by doing whatever is necessary to get rid of them in
   case they consider them useless for them. Eg, I meanwhile
   have an apt.conf file stating

   APT {
   Install-Recommends "false";

   because I grew tired of keeping to deinstall the avahi "LAN
   party" daemon whenever I was installing one of the bazillions
   of packages whose maintainers 'recommended' it to my
   attention. If I need this, I'll install it, and for as long
   as I don't, I don't want it to be running, documentation and
   frugal use of resources notwithstanding.

2) Something which can be implemented without a continuously
   running process should be implemented in this way.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Sat, Aug 01, 2015 at 08:49:55AM -0700, Isaac Dunham wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:39:22PM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:
> > Isaac, your comment suggests me two questions:
> > One: is it really possible to mount a Fuse filesystem with 'mount' ? I
> > thought it could only be done with 'fusermount'.
> Yes, it is possible.
> I've used sshfs in fstab, set up so I could "mount ~/remote-site".

Presumably the fstab entry specified sshfs.  Aren't the restrictions 
that sshfs itself imposes already enough?  It requires that 
~/remote_site be owned by the user executing sshfs, and also that the 
user have the correct password to log in to the remote system.

Not even root can access an sshfs file system that I've mounted as 

> > Two: if the idea is not to allow '/sbin/mount' in sudo, but to allow a
> > smart wrapper, is there still an issue?
> If the wrapper is smart enough, there isn't.
> Of course, that qualifier is a big one.
> If I were doing it, I would
> * disallow -t fuse (if it's set up in /etc/fstab so as to allow users,
>   that's OK)
>   Perhaps one could even disallow "-t" entirely, and rely on autodetection.
> * disallow mounting at any directory not owned by or writeable by the user.
>   Perhaps this could be moderated by ...except that any user can mount
>   under /media, if they're not overmounting.

sshfs does this itself.

At present, what defines which user file systems can be a fuser file 
system?  Perhaps it's the user file systems themselves that should 
enforce the security restrictions on their use, as I understand sshfs 
to do now.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:28:30AM +0100, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> Didier Kryn  writes:
> > Le 29/07/2015 16:35, a écrit :
> >> Every last problem of sudo is taken seriously? Did you know that if
> >> someone has limited access, e.g. the right to install standard
> >> packages, then it is easy to leverage that to get complete
> >> access. Various packages run programs in $PATH as root, Firefox
> >> comes to mind, so just prepare $PATH and sudo apt-get install
> >> firefox.
> >>
> >> Sudo leaves the user's $PATH and the rest is just a matter of
> >> finding the right exploit.
> >>
> >> Was open for years, may still be open.
> >>
> >> Arnt
> >
> > I don't understand the preventions against sudo. It is just up to
> > the administrator to take care, like for everything.
> >
> > Wether execution of the command is allowed by sudo, by a setuid
> > bit or by policykit does not change the result. Sudo is simply the
> > most versatile method to allow/disallow actions, IMHO far easier to
> > configure than policykit. Don't forget that allowed commands may
> > (should) be specified with their absolute path, therefore bypassing
> > PATH.
> According to some tests I did yesterday, sudo (at least the Debian sudo)
> won't allow specifying commands without a pathname so that's not an
> issue. But according to the manpage, the upstream sudo default policy
> wrt the PATH a user happens to be using when invoking sudo is "pass it
> one to the command executed by sudo". Should this command, in turn,
> execute some other command without an explicit pathname and use one of
> the PATH-searching functions to do so, this will effectively allow the
> invoking user to run any code 'as root' because he can use a PATH
> containing a directory with a suitably named file in it whose contents
> can be anything.
> But that's no different from any other conceivable way to trick some
> program running with elevated privileges on behalf of an unprivileged
> user into running arbitrary code, it's just a simple and obvious way to
> do so which doesn't require any programming (skills) and the 
> solution is "Well, don't do that". Also, the Debian default configuration
> contains a
> Defaults
> secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
> which means the user PATH won't be passed on unless someone explicitly
> choses to enable it.

So defining this secure_path means it's the PATH to be used for sudo?  
and if it's not defined it defaults to PATH?  Is it the same for su?
And where is this defined?

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Isaac Dunham
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:39:22PM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 30/07/2015 01:09, Isaac Dunham a écrit :
> >I'm not sure where in the discussion this fits, but I thought I'd mention
> >it here:
> >Permitting all mount invocations via sudo does have a potential security
> >hole if your mount implementation supports FUSE, as you can run an arbitrary
> >command by specifying the mount type.
> >I don't think that sudo does the necessary steps to block this.
> >
> >If you use a wrapper script, you can make it automatically determine the
> >type and run ntfs-3g if appropriate, then allow sudo to run that.
> >If you use a C wrapper, you can do that and make it suid.
> >
> Isaac, your comment suggests me two questions:
> One: is it really possible to mount a Fuse filesystem with 'mount' ? I
> thought it could only be done with 'fusermount'.

Yes, it is possible.
I've used sshfs in fstab, set up so I could "mount ~/remote-site".

> Two: if the idea is not to allow '/sbin/mount' in sudo, but to allow a
> smart wrapper, is there still an issue?

If the wrapper is smart enough, there isn't.
Of course, that qualifier is a big one.

If I were doing it, I would
* disallow -t fuse (if it's set up in /etc/fstab so as to allow users,
  that's OK)
  Perhaps one could even disallow "-t" entirely, and rely on autodetection.
* disallow mounting at any directory not owned by or writeable by the user.
  Perhaps this could be moderated by ...except that any user can mount
  under /media, if they're not overmounting.

I suppose that the second point forces use of a suid helper, rather than
the use of sudo.

Alternately, you could write a wrapper that *always* mounts under
/media, and doesn't accept -t; it just takes a device name, creates an
equivalent name under /media, checks type and whether ntfs-3g is installed,
and passes a suitable type to mount (or uses mount.ntfs-3g).

Isaac Dunham

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread poitr pogo
IMHO automount for desktop is a helper for a user running some X
session. Usually that means that a single person is using this system.
So make him a helper which can do automount/autorun etc which helps
him on a daily basis. Helps him not the admin of the system.  A simple
one which is a helper, not a policeman/guardian/supervisor who
monitors and authorizes user's actions.

I understand that sysadmin of a server  with many different users will
not install such thing on his system, cause this make be used to break

If the tool is simple enouth to do limited number of actions, it can
be audited and secured and maybe some day it will be accepted even on
multiuser systems.

There is also automount for a sysadmin on a multiuser server, with no
X sessions, which makes life of sysadmin easier.

Same name two different targets. Same tool might be used for both, but
I personally would prefer to have two different ones.

For my X session perfect tool is a panel application listing available
devices with it's current/future  mount point, disk size/usage,
allowing mount/unmount/eject by mouse click.
It may have a checkboxes to automount/autorun new devices. I will not
use it, but I do not care if it is there  if it is not turned on or it
can be easily turned off.
It may list entries from fstab, autodiscoverd devices or even also
from it's own config file for those who want to put more complicated
mount/umount scripts.

For anything more complex su/sudo is better (for me).

I understand that there is a closed list of actions every user will
have to perform on any system while running interactive graphic
session. As such user would expect to have helpers for such actions
easily available (perfectly on desktop or as visible panel applets).
Later one will learn and choose the tools one wants and the way one
want to use them. And a fixed set of simple helpers visible on
desktop/panel would make a life easier.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Rob Owens  wrote:
> - Original Message -
>> From: "Isaac Dunham" 
>> I'm not sure where in the discussion this fits, but I thought I'd mention
>> it here:
>> Permitting all mount invocations via sudo does have a potential security
>> hole if your mount implementation supports FUSE, as you can run an arbitrary
>> command by specifying the mount type.
>> I don't think that sudo does the necessary steps to block this.
>> If you use a wrapper script, you can make it automatically determine the
>> type and run ntfs-3g if appropriate, then allow sudo to run that.
>> If you use a C wrapper, you can do that and make it suid.
> Another reason not to give users wholesale access to the mount command is that
> they could then 'mount -o remount,rw' any filesystem that the administrator
> has mounted read-only.  To protect against this, I think you probably need
> something a bit more complicated than just sudo.  Of course, for a single
> user system, this is not a problem.
> -Rob
> ___
> Dng mailing list
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Ron
If I wanted my users to use sudo, I would install them *ubuntu...
 Schroedinger thought inside the box.

   -- --

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 31/07/2015 11:47, Rainer Weikusat wrote:

But that's not a good reason for it being installed and running: A
daemon process should only exist because it provides some important
functionality with a real benefit for users of the system which cannot
(reasonably) be provided in some other way

 Nobody contradicts that, and in particular I don't see how this
disagrees with my point. It's the job of the distribution to make sure
only useful daemons are started.

 Giving the user the ability to gain privileges without opening a
security hole fits my definition of "useful".


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 30/07/2015 01:30, Laurent Bercot a écrit :

 I think most people wouldn't mind a pandemonium on their machine IF
they knew exactly what daemon is doing what, how many resources a
daemon consumes, and how to disable the ones they don't need. 

Yes, it is mostly a question of book-keeping, and maybe supervision :-)

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread pp

If I was about to make a friendly for me Desktop, I would provide a
system service/library/daemon/whatever, where every application while
installing on the system could register (during installation) a set of
commands to be executed later with root privileges. And later ask for
execution of those commands, assuming that the service will take care
of communicating with the user and authorizing such request.
So during application installation I could do audit if I want.

This way every application designed for that framework could be programmed
standard way, and Iwould have to authenticate once a while (like sudo  

Having control what is executed with root privileges.

Gives freedom to everybody - developer to desing the set of privileged
commands/application flow/etc,  the admin/user to audit/use it.

Now, every application may solve this in its own different way.

Systemd in opposite, gives fixed set of commands, and forces all to us it.


On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 01:30:36 +0200, Laurent Bercot   

On 29/07/2015 19:44, Jaromil wrote:

IMHO the bigger barrier to this is not having
a string parsing code (or basic grammar)
that is security oriented, I mean hardened
to run as root and handle corner cases

  The tool I linked does no parsing at all. The user gives the end
of the command line she wants to run, but the start of the command
line is fixed at daemon start time. One daemon per start of
command line; you can have hundreds of those if needed, because
each instance uses very little memory (max 2 pages of private dirty
stack, no heap).

most code out there has too many features
and is too ambitions to fulfill such a simple task

  I have a lot of tools that fulfill simple tasks, specifically made
to address these kinds of problems. When you're done with your
priorities - releasing Devuan 1.0 -, let's talk.

I think I speak for most people here when I say we dislike
the quantity of undocumented daemons running
on on gnu/Linux desktop nowadays and
I hope we can trim that down with Devuan

  The real sticking point in what you just wrote is "undocumented".
  I think most people wouldn't mind a pandemonium on their machine IF
they knew exactly what daemon is doing what, how many resources a
daemon consumes, and how to disable the ones they don't need.

Using Opera's mail client:
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 19:44:44 +0200
Jaromil  wrote:

> I mean: what would you suggest using for the
> "check a FIFO" bit you mention?
> pcre? perhaps very clean simple code?
> most code out there has too many features
> and is too ambitions to fulfill such a simple task

The first word is parsed to be either mount or umount. Or even m or u.
The second word is a valid device name, and must be in the /dev tree.
There are no other words.

Someone mentioned that we have too many daemons and this shouldn't be
one. If you want the thing to be *auto*mount instead of just "mount
when I tell you to, or "search for possible mounts and tell me about
them", it has to be a background process having inotify or
inotify-wait, and this would be started by the init program or process


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 30/07/2015 01:09, Isaac Dunham a écrit :

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:40:33AM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:

 I don't understand the preventions against sudo. It is just up to the
administrator to take care, like for everything.

 Wether execution of the command is allowed by sudo, by a setuid bit or
by policykit does not change the result. Sudo is simply the most versatile
method to allow/disallow actions, IMHO far easier to configure than
policykit. Don't forget that allowed commands may (should) be specified with
their absolute path, therefore bypassing PATH. It is better than having a
specialized daemon for this and that, because it keeps everything configured
in one well known file.

 In the case of mounting usb sticks, this applies to a personal computer,
where the owner is also the administrator. For conveniency, a limited list
of actions may be allowed without password, like mounting a usb key.

I'm not sure where in the discussion this fits, but I thought I'd mention
it here:
Permitting all mount invocations via sudo does have a potential security
hole if your mount implementation supports FUSE, as you can run an arbitrary
command by specifying the mount type.
I don't think that sudo does the necessary steps to block this.

If you use a wrapper script, you can make it automatically determine the
type and run ntfs-3g if appropriate, then allow sudo to run that.
If you use a C wrapper, you can do that and make it suid.


Isaac, your comment suggests me two questions:
One: is it really possible to mount a Fuse filesystem with 'mount' 
? I thought it could only be done with 'fusermount'.
Two: if the idea is not to allow '/sbin/mount' in sudo, but to 
allow a smart wrapper, is there still an issue?


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Rainer Weikusat
Didier Kryn  writes:
> Le 29/07/2015 16:35, a écrit :
>> Every last problem of sudo is taken seriously? Did you know that if
>> someone has limited access, e.g. the right to install standard
>> packages, then it is easy to leverage that to get complete
>> access. Various packages run programs in $PATH as root, Firefox
>> comes to mind, so just prepare $PATH and sudo apt-get install
>> firefox.
>> Sudo leaves the user's $PATH and the rest is just a matter of
>> finding the right exploit.
>> Was open for years, may still be open.
>> Arnt
> I don't understand the preventions against sudo. It is just up to
> the administrator to take care, like for everything.
> Wether execution of the command is allowed by sudo, by a setuid
> bit or by policykit does not change the result. Sudo is simply the
> most versatile method to allow/disallow actions, IMHO far easier to
> configure than policykit. Don't forget that allowed commands may
> (should) be specified with their absolute path, therefore bypassing

According to some tests I did yesterday, sudo (at least the Debian sudo)
won't allow specifying commands without a pathname so that's not an
issue. But according to the manpage, the upstream sudo default policy
wrt the PATH a user happens to be using when invoking sudo is "pass it
one to the command executed by sudo". Should this command, in turn,
execute some other command without an explicit pathname and use one of
the PATH-searching functions to do so, this will effectively allow the
invoking user to run any code 'as root' because he can use a PATH
containing a directory with a suitably named file in it whose contents
can be anything.

But that's no different from any other conceivable way to trick some
program running with elevated privileges on behalf of an unprivileged
user into running arbitrary code, it's just a simple and obvious way to
do so which doesn't require any programming (skills) and the 
solution is "Well, don't do that". Also, the Debian default configuration
contains a


which means the user PATH won't be passed on unless someone explicitly
choses to enable it.

The upstream default PATH handling policy is not suitable for an
environment where certain users are supposed to be restricted to
performing specific actions with elevated privileges unless the
corresponding programs don't run other programs they found in PATH but
that's it.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread tilt!

Hi Jaromil!

Jaromil wrote on 29/07/2015 at 19:44 CEST:

how I do it now? hardcode every single binary
that sudo is aloud to execute, full path
and locations that are only root writable.
that's a sudoers feature...

This is how I personally see it: In an ideal environment,
there were *no* things done during regular use of a personal
computing device that required administrative permissions.

Inversion of argument: The more operations occurring during
regular operation of a system require administrative rights,
the more flawed the system is, be it, because it has a
wrong concept of what "administrative" is or because it fails
to secure its operation properly, and thus, to gain plausible
deniability, confronts the user with "this is dangerous, enter
a superuser password, abandon all hope" in trivial usage
scenarios (see also note [1] for an example).

Having said that, I agree that attaching ephemeral, untrusted
storage media into the filesystem hierarchy is a security-
critical operation. Doing so must be performed as consciously
as possible, security implications must have been considered
and precautions must have been taken.

In the light of this, isn't it preferable to have this system
behavior of "automounting" performed by a dedicated service
that manifests itself as an unmistakably perceivable process
instead of burying it in some cryptic XML or Javascript
configuration of a policy management subsystem?
And, you may disagree, but sudo to me is "a rootshell where
every commandline is prefixed with the string 'sudo '".
Is that a better solution?

Kind regards,

Note [1]: Example: Installing new software via "packages"
requires superuser permissions, because all those packages are
entangled into one big bulk of a system called the
"distribution", and messing with what's installed voids the
warranty. ;-)

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Rainer Weikusat
Laurent Bercot  writes:


>> I think I speak for most people here when I say we dislike
>> the quantity of undocumented daemons running
>> on on gnu/Linux desktop nowadays and
>> I hope we can trim that down with Devuan
>  The real sticking point in what you just wrote is "undocumented".
>  I think most people wouldn't mind a pandemonium on their machine IF
> they knew exactly what daemon is doing what, how many resources a
> daemon consumes, and how to disable the ones they don't need.

I beg to differ here. Assuming the following little program:


int main(void)
while (1) {
if (fork() != 0) exit(0);

return 0;

If this is running on some system, it will keep a purposeless process
available in a process listing which is somewhat difficult to kill. It
consumes basically no resources, however, and it could be documented as


This daemon reproduces itself in a controlled way, consuming
minimal resources. Keep one around and you'll never have to feel
alone in the wilderness.

Most people probably wouldn't care for something like this if it got
installed as side-effect of installing some package they wanted to use
and if the system started it automatically because the cost of getting
rid of it is much higher than any real damage it does. Should they
notice it, they'd probably have a short moment of "Incompetent
fuckers. They simply can't do this without an ever-increasing amount of
processes with silly names whose purpose I don't really understand!" and
then forget about it without ever bothering to look for corresponding
documentation, let alone read it.

But that's not a good reason for it being installed and running: A
daemon process should only exist because it provides some important
functionality with a real benefit for users of the system which cannot
(reasonably) be provided in some other way, eg, by starting a program to
perform a certain task on demand. Eg, there should be no daemon running
permanently to monitor device creation events which never happen in
order to create device nodes for hardware which was detected on boot and
won't go away while the system is up. And it also shouldn't be running
because every other millenium (as seen from the perspective of the
computer), someone changes the configuration of the USB(-lan): This can
perfectly well be handled with on-demand execution (and hadn't udev
eaten hotplug, I certainly wouldn't be running it).
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-08-01 Thread Rob Owens
- Original Message -
> From: "Isaac Dunham" 
> I'm not sure where in the discussion this fits, but I thought I'd mention
> it here:
> Permitting all mount invocations via sudo does have a potential security
> hole if your mount implementation supports FUSE, as you can run an arbitrary
> command by specifying the mount type.
> I don't think that sudo does the necessary steps to block this.
> If you use a wrapper script, you can make it automatically determine the
> type and run ntfs-3g if appropriate, then allow sudo to run that.
> If you use a C wrapper, you can do that and make it suid.
Another reason not to give users wholesale access to the mount command is that
they could then 'mount -o remount,rw' any filesystem that the administrator
has mounted read-only.  To protect against this, I think you probably need 
something a bit more complicated than just sudo.  Of course, for a single
user system, this is not a problem.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 29/07/2015 19:44, Jaromil wrote:

IMHO the bigger barrier to this is not having
a string parsing code (or basic grammar)
that is security oriented, I mean hardened
to run as root and handle corner cases

 The tool I linked does no parsing at all. The user gives the end
of the command line she wants to run, but the start of the command
line is fixed at daemon start time. One daemon per start of
command line; you can have hundreds of those if needed, because
each instance uses very little memory (max 2 pages of private dirty
stack, no heap).

most code out there has too many features
and is too ambitions to fulfill such a simple task

 I have a lot of tools that fulfill simple tasks, specifically made
to address these kinds of problems. When you're done with your
priorities - releasing Devuan 1.0 -, let's talk.

I think I speak for most people here when I say we dislike
the quantity of undocumented daemons running
on on gnu/Linux desktop nowadays and
I hope we can trim that down with Devuan

 The real sticking point in what you just wrote is "undocumented".
 I think most people wouldn't mind a pandemonium on their machine IF
they knew exactly what daemon is doing what, how many resources a
daemon consumes, and how to disable the ones they don't need.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Isaac Dunham
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:40:33AM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:
> I don't understand the preventions against sudo. It is just up to the
> administrator to take care, like for everything.
> Wether execution of the command is allowed by sudo, by a setuid bit or
> by policykit does not change the result. Sudo is simply the most versatile
> method to allow/disallow actions, IMHO far easier to configure than
> policykit. Don't forget that allowed commands may (should) be specified with
> their absolute path, therefore bypassing PATH. It is better than having a
> specialized daemon for this and that, because it keeps everything configured
> in one well known file.
> In the case of mounting usb sticks, this applies to a personal computer,
> where the owner is also the administrator. For conveniency, a limited list
> of actions may be allowed without password, like mounting a usb key.

I'm not sure where in the discussion this fits, but I thought I'd mention
it here:
Permitting all mount invocations via sudo does have a potential security
hole if your mount implementation supports FUSE, as you can run an arbitrary
command by specifying the mount type.
I don't think that sudo does the necessary steps to block this.

If you use a wrapper script, you can make it automatically determine the
type and run ntfs-3g if appropriate, then allow sudo to run that.
If you use a C wrapper, you can do that and make it suid.

Isaac Dunham
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 29/07/2015 16:35, a écrit :
Every last problem of sudo is taken seriously? Did you know that if 
someone has limited access, e.g. the right to install standard 
packages, then it is easy to leverage that to get complete access. 
Various packages run programs in $PATH as root, Firefox comes to mind, 
so just prepare $PATH and sudo apt-get install firefox.

Sudo leaves the user's $PATH and the rest is just a matter of finding 
the right exploit.

Was open for years, may still be open.


I don't understand the preventions against sudo. It is just up to 
the administrator to take care, like for everything.

Wether execution of the command is allowed by sudo, by a setuid bit 
or by policykit does not change the result. Sudo is simply the most 
versatile method to allow/disallow actions, IMHO far easier to configure 
than policykit. Don't forget that allowed commands may (should) be 
specified with their absolute path, therefore bypassing PATH. It is 
better than having a specialized daemon for this and that, because it 
keeps everything configured in one well known file.

In the case of mounting usb sticks, this applies to a personal 
computer, where the owner is also the administrator. For conveniency, a 
limited list of actions may be allowed without password, like mounting a 
usb key.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Jaromil

On July 29, 2015 7:17:23 PM GMT+02:00, Steve Litt  
>On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 17:07:32 +0200
>tilt!  wrote:
>> I am certain there is a way of solving this "automounting
>> problem" (if I may call it that) cleanly, without the use
>> of either of them. :-)
>Yes, a daemon running as root could do it. And if the daemon does
>nothing but observe inotify and dmesg, perhaps check a fifo for devices
>to be mounted/unmounted (with complete cleansing of that fifo's
>information) and perform a mount command, I imagine we could get a
>handle on security.

*very* interesting thread
sorry for stating the obvious I guess that's why you are all here

IMHO the bigger barrier to this is not having
a string parsing code (or basic grammar)
that is security oriented, I mean hardened
to run as root and handle corner cases

I mean: what would you suggest using for the
"check a FIFO" bit you mention?
pcre? perhaps very clean simple code?
most code out there has too many features
and is too ambitions to fulfill such a simple task

said that: yes, I do watch my process list
and think that smaller is better.
I think I speak for most people here when I say we dislike
the quantity of undocumented daemons running
on on gnu/Linux desktop nowadays and
I hope we can trim that down with Devuan

how I do it now? hardcode every single binary
that sudo is aloud to execute, full path
and locations that are only root writable.
that's a sudoers feature...

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread dr . klepp
> > I am certain there is a way of solving this "automounting
> > problem" (if I may call it that) cleanly, without the use
> > of either of them. :-)
> Yes, a daemon running as root could do it. And if the daemon does
> nothing but observe inotify and dmesg, perhaps check a fifo for devices
> to be mounted/unmounted (with complete cleansing of that fifo's
> information) and perform a mount command, I imagine we could get a
> handle on security.

Ther is still /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug


Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with 
the NSA.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 18:41:36 +0200
Laurent Bercot  wrote:

>   I know the advantages of the daemon approach, I use it myself and
> advocate it any chance I get. Unfortunately, I have found that many
> users are reluctant to add yet another daemon to their systems, no
> matter how few resources it takes, no matter how big a security hole
> it plugs.

And certainly there's a certain humor to the preceding paragraph, as
anyone who has performed:

systemctl list-dependencies

I don't remember the exact syntax of the command, but the list of
daemons rivals War and Peace in length. How a person using a system
like this could object to another daemon is beyond me.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread kpb
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 11:04:22 -0400 (EDT)
Rob Owens  wrote:

> Spacefm has the ability to use several different methods to
> mount removable media.  If you install either pmount or udevil,
> it can use them.  By default, I believe it automatically
> chooses which method it wants to use, based on what you have
> installed.
> On Jessie, I have noticed that some applications don't properly 
> detect the mounted removable media if it's mounted this way.  
> See

I shall do a base install of Devuan and add Xorg/window manager and have a play 
with this on Friday and see what I can find in the way of bugs.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 17:07:32 +0200
tilt!  wrote:

> I am certain there is a way of solving this "automounting
> problem" (if I may call it that) cleanly, without the use
> of either of them. :-)

Yes, a daemon running as root could do it. And if the daemon does
nothing but observe inotify and dmesg, perhaps check a fifo for devices
to be mounted/unmounted (with complete cleansing of that fifo's
information) and perform a mount command, I imagine we could get a
handle on security.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 29/07/2015 18:03, tilt! wrote:

My estimate is that such daemon was not resource hungry:

 Actually, I'm talking about a daemon consuming entirely negligible
resources, performing no polling at all, only reacting to an
external command performed either manually or via the hotplug helper.

 I know the advantages of the daemon approach, I use it myself and
advocate it any chance I get. Unfortunately, I have found that many
users are reluctant to add yet another daemon to their systems, no
matter how few resources it takes, no matter how big a security hole
it plugs.

 So I'm just putting the link to the mechanism up there, and mentioning
that sudo is a solved problem. Now, policy is up to you guys.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread tilt!


Laurent Bercot wrote on 29/07/2015 at 17:34 CEST:
> On 29/07/2015 17:07, tilt! wrote:
>> I am certain there is a way of solving this "automounting
>> problem" (if I may call it that) cleanly, without the use
>> of either of them. :-)
>   There is a way to solve (almost) every suid issue
> cleanly, but it requires running a small additional
> daemon for every command you might want to run with
> special privileges, so this is not a generic solution
> - but it can work for automounting.

The daemon-based solution has its upsides:

(1) One problem / One program => "do one thing right".

(2) Indirection via an entangled policy management
service or a possibly omnipotent commandline is

(3) System behavior of automounting was easily enabled
and disabled per "service automount start/stop".

My estimate is that such daemon was not resource hungry:
We are talking automounting on manual hotplug, with a
latency in the seconds, so a 1s polling interval was more
than sufficient. We are talking device changes maybe every
few minutes (on busy days), so it does not have to buffer
many requests either. We are talking single-user, so even
with management of an idle-umount policy there is not
much state to take care of.

That is, of course, unless someone finds it should also
do automounting of network file systems, possibly on a
mobile, roaming device, from flimsy "cloud services";
then things could get ugly fast ... but that is not what
we're talking about, right?

Kind regards,

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Rainer Weikusat
Arnt Gulbrandsen  writes:
> Steve Litt writes:
>> I repeat my question: Do you have first hand knowledge indicating that
>> polkit is any safer?
> No, I do not. But unlike sudo, I am not aware of any weaknesses in its
> core design either.

You wrote that sudo would keep the PATH environment variable of a user
when executing commands, hence, if these other commands in turn execute
programs found by searching in PATH, this would enable a user to run an
arbitrary programs which is correct. But this is a potentially
exploitable weakness in some other program, not in sudo itself, and if
'allow users to run arbitrary programs as root' is not what's intended,
they obviously mustn't be allowed to run programs as root which - in
turn - enable execution of arbitrary, other programs: That's no
different from any other kind of possible exploitable weakness in code
running with elevated privileges on behalf of some otherwise
unprivileged user.

And how to handle PATH is not a "core design property", it's a
configurable option and 'keep it' just the default policy.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 29/07/2015 16:02, kpb wrote:

That is a really interesting way of looing at things, thanks for the mental 

 It's an elementary design principle: separate the engine from the interface.
I very much hope people who design GUIs keep it in mind.

How would you deal with providing notifications to a GUI layer if present?

 Have a general notification mechanism present, such as a bus (and no, I'm
not advocating D-Bus). Then have your GUI clients register on the bus and
subscribe to the events they're interested in, just like any other client

 But that's for the general case. In many other, specific cases, there will
be a communication stream from the command-line utility to its caller; if
the GUI is the caller, it can simply keep the command-line utility alive
and use the stream of information it's getting from it.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 29/07/2015 17:07, tilt! wrote:

I am certain there is a way of solving this "automounting
problem" (if I may call it that) cleanly, without the use
of either of them. :-)

 There is a way to solve (almost) every suid issue cleanly, but
it requires running a small additional daemon for every command you
might want to run with special privileges, so this is not a
generic solution - but it can work for automounting.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Arnt Gulbrandsen

Steve Litt writes:

I repeat my question: Do you have first hand knowledge indicating that
polkit is any safer?

No, I do not. But unlike sudo, I am not aware of any weaknesses in its core 
design either.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread tilt!

Hi Steve,

Steve Litt wrote on 29/07/2015 at 15:35 CEST:

On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 10:21:37 +0200

Steve Litt wrote on 29/07/2015 at 06:25 CEST:

Meanwhile, as far as I can see, their entanglement with
polkit does nothing more than my idea about sudo.
Does anyone see any reason why polkit should be assumed
more secure than sudo?

I don't know about polkit, but sudoers(5) is a mess,

This is exactly my point. Every last problem of sudo is taken
seriously, while everyone seems to give polkit a pass.

I am not everyone :-D and polkit gets no pass from me,
I just don't have it installed, because it more tends to
get in my way more than to solve problems I actually have.

I just fail to accept sudo as a superior alternative.

The trouble is not so much with the way sudo is configured
(I've seen worse), but with the fact that it privileges
users' *commandlines*, which, at least for this specific
application (to perform mounting) I consider a useless and
potentially harmful indirection.

I am certain there is a way of solving this "automounting
problem" (if I may call it that) cleanly, without the use
of either of them. :-)

Kind regards,
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Rob Owens
- Original Message -
> From: "kpb" 
> Rob Owens  wrote:
>> Before I stopped using Jessie, I had USB mounting working
>> with the spacefm file manager and either udevil or pmount to
>> handle the removable devices.  Let me know if anybody wants
>> instruction on that.
>> -Rob
> Hello Rob
> I'd appreciate an outline of the way you got pmount to talk to your file 
> manager
> if you have your notes written up already and it is not too onerous.

I'm not on a Jessie system now, but I have access to its config
files.  So some of this is from memory:

Spacefm has the ability to use several different methods to
mount removable media.  If you install either pmount or udevil,
it can use them.  By default, I believe it automatically
chooses which method it wants to use, based on what you have

If you want to force it to use pmount, go to Spacefm's Devices
menu, Settings, Device Handlers.  Click on the Default device
handler, and uncomment the pmount lines in the Mount and Unmount

pmount and udevil have their own differing conventions for where
to mount the removable media.  For udevil, at least, that can be 
configured (allowed_media_dirs in udevil.conf).

On Jessie, I have noticed that some applications don't properly 
detect the mounted removable media if it's mounted this way.  

By the way, I just discovered there is something called 
pmount-gui, which is not available in Debian.  It provides
a very basic gui for pmount.  In my quick testing, I was
able to mount a usb stick, but I see no option to unmount.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 16:35:56 +0200 wrote:

> Every last problem of sudo is taken seriously? Did you know that if 
> someone has limited access, e.g. the right to install standard 
> packages, then it is easy to leverage that to get complete access. 
> Various packages run programs in $PATH as root, Firefox comes to
> mind, so just prepare $PATH and sudo apt-get install firefox.
> Sudo leaves 
> the user's $PATH and the rest is just a matter of finding the right 
> exploit.
> Was open for years, may still be open.

I repeat my question: Do you have first hand knowledge indicating that
polkit is any safer?


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread arnt
Every last problem of sudo is taken seriously? Did you know that if 
someone has limited access, e.g. the right to install standard 
packages, then it is easy to leverage that to get complete access. 
Various packages run programs in $PATH as root, Firefox comes to mind, 
so just prepare $PATH and sudo apt-get install firefox.

Sudo leaves 
the user's $PATH and the rest is just a matter of finding the right 

Was open for years, may still be open.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread kpb
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 09:46:18 -0400
Steve Litt  wrote:

> Just speaking for myself, I'd feel better if, to the extent possible,
> every GUI action is mapped through commands capable of being run on the
> command line.
> SteveT

That is a really interesting way of looing at things, thanks for the mental 

How would you deal with providing notifications to a GUI layer if present?

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 08:18:33 +0100
kpb  wrote:

> and being able to add *GUI initiated* mount/unmount (say by clicking
> on a volume name in the file manager) would be a real advance over
> pmount in a terminal window. 

The preceding is a matter of opinion and dependent on one's philosophy.
I'd say performing an action on the command line is a real advance over
doing it in a gui:

* You can do it without X running.

* You can do it over no-X ssh.

* It's simpler.

* You don't lose access to it if you change window managers or file

* You can put it in shellscripts.

* You can *always* put a button or window in a GUI somewhere that calls
  the command with the right parameters, but it's very difficult to go
  the other direction.

The preceding points are relevant not only for mounting, but for pretty
much anything. Do you view the OS as commands, and the GUI as a layer
over that OS, or do you view the OS as a GUI?

I think Devuan needs to decide on this philosophical question, because
it completely determines how things are coded.

Just speaking for myself, I'd feel better if, to the extent possible,
every GUI action is mapped through commands capable of being run on the
command line.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 10:21:37 +0200
tilt!  wrote:

> Hi,
> Steve Litt wrote on 29/07/2015 at 06:25 CEST:
> > [...]
> > Meanwhile, as far as I can see, their entanglement with
>  > polkit does nothing more than my idea about sudo.
>  > Does anyone see any reason why polkit should be assumed
>  > more secure than sudo?
> I don't know about polkit, but sudoers(5) is a mess, 

This is exactly my point. Every last problem of sudo is taken
seriously, while everyone seems to give polkit a pass.

Maybe there's another way around this: A daemon, running as root, that
senses something being plugged in, and mounts it. Since it's running as
root, no sudo or polkit needed. And, a facility by which a normal user
can tell this daemon to mount or unmount some specific thing.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 29/07/2015 14:15, Hendrik Boom a écrit :

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 10:08:56AM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:

Le 28/07/2015 21:17, Hendrik Boom a écrit :

Once, an icon for the device would appear on my screen that I
could click to mount.

 This feature is working very well with xfce4 on Debian Wheezy.
If the partitions on the USB disk are labelled, they get mountpoints
by the label, on /media. This is exactly the behaviour I like.

Yes.  On wheezy.  Which does suggest that we should be able to
resurrect old code and make it work on devual jessie.

But I see that people are already discussing how this should happen
using new code such as vdev.

I understand from other posts that libudev-compat, which comes with 
vdev, will suffice.

However I think it would be better for this application to be 
triggered by inotify and find information on the partitions from 
libblkid. I don't really know what libudev provides; my understanding is 
that it is second hand information and services, just for the sake to 
provide yet another interface. Instead both inotify and libblkid are 
plain Linux tools.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 10:08:56AM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 28/07/2015 21:17, Hendrik Boom a écrit :
> >Once, an icon for the device would appear on my screen that I
> >could click to mount.
> This feature is working very well with xfce4 on Debian Wheezy.
> If the partitions on the USB disk are labelled, they get mountpoints
> by the label, on /media. This is exactly the behaviour I like.

Yes.  On wheezy.  Which does suggest that we should be able to 
resurrect old code and make it work on devual jessie.

But I see that people are already discussing how this should happen 
using new code such as vdev.

U have no idea which method is better.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread tilt!


Steve Litt wrote on 29/07/2015 at 06:25 CEST:

Meanwhile, as far as I can see, their entanglement with

> polkit does nothing more than my idea about sudo.
> Does anyone see any reason why polkit should be assumed
> more secure than sudo?

I don't know about polkit, but sudoers(5) is a mess, and for
something else than a quickhack (I know, they last longest!),
I would not entrust sudo(8) with a mount(8) invocation before
serious consideration.

Commandline executables' option surfaces are so convoluted
and the programs have so many "features" that, for example,
I can not immediately tell if it is possible to launch a shell
via invocation of mount(8) or not.

> [...]

Kind regards,

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 28/07/2015 21:17, Hendrik Boom a écrit :

Once, an icon for the device would appear on my screen that I
could click to mount.
This feature is working very well with xfce4 on Debian Wheezy. If 
the partitions on the USB disk are labelled, they get mountpoints by the 
label, on /media. This is exactly the behaviour I like.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-29 Thread kpb
On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:26:22 -0400 (EDT)
Rob Owens  wrote:

> Before I stopped using Jessie, I had USB mounting working 
> with the spacefm file manager and either udevil or pmount to
> handle the removable devices.  Let me know if anybody wants
> instruction on that.
> -Rob

Hello Rob

I'd appreciate an outline of the way you got pmount to talk to your file 
manager if you have your notes written up already and it is not too onerous.

My 'hobby' project is at

and being able to add *GUI initiated* mount/unmount (say by clicking on a 
volume name in the file manager) would be a real advance over pmount in a 
terminal window. 

I recollect that SpaceFM also comes with an image viewer and other additional 
programs so might be a good choice for a light system.

Everyone: On the general subject of mounting there is the xfce4-mount-plugin 
package that I recollect using on an OpenBSD install before I turned to the 
toad daemon with all the dbus gubbins on that platform. I could use it to 
mount/unmount sticks I recollect but it was very abrupt (little confirmation of 
actions and no back out).

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Jude Nelson
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 11:09 PM, James Powell 

>  Eventually, and I kinda realized this, work may be needed to write a
> udisks replacement for vdev that can work off vdev without loosing
> functionality to udisks using applications and file managers, especially
> for non-Linux systems.
> Nothing fancy, but as long as it works and allows for some level of
> control for admins, I don't have a problem with it.
> Thoughts?

If all udisks2 needs from the device manager is libudev (or libgudev), then
we should be good to go as-is.  Libgudev should work unmodified with

However, replacing udisks[2] with a suite of simple setuid or setgid
programs that implement the equivalent functionality might be a better
long-term solution.  It would be much easier to hook into a GUI, for
example, and if done right, it would remove the need for polkit and dbus


> From: Hendrik Boom 
> Sent: ‎7/‎28/‎2015 7:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks
>  On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 01:08:26PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 03:17:11PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > > Of course I have to guess whether the device has
> > > been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever.  In case of
> > > (frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1 and a
> > > login, unplug the device, and plug it in again.  It will the tell me
> > > after a while, that a new device has been inserted, and tell me what
> > > /dev/sd* name it has dynamically installed.  I end up, as root,
> > > mounting the device with root as the owner.  It's usually a USB stick
> > > with one of the ubiquitous Microsoft file systems used on USB sticks,
> > > and all the files can be read or writen by root only.
> >
> > There is a much easier way. Instead of switching consoles and
> > guessing, just plug the device in, and look at the last screen full of
> > the output from dmesg.
> Yes, that would have been easier.
> > Also, if you're mounting on your own laptop, it
> > will usually have one hd, /dev/sda. When you plug in a usb device, it
> > will probably have /dev/sdb. If you unplug it, and plug in the same
> > device, or plug in another stick, it will probably have /dev/sdb
> > still.
> For whatever reason, there was a time when it kept picking new letters
> if I umounted the stick, took it ouot, and put another in.  Maybe there
> was a bug somewhere then?  But I could not rely on it always being
> /dev/sdb.
> > So, you could just put a line in /etc/fstab which will allow a
> > normal user to mount /dev/sdb1 for example to whatever directory you
> > want. All you would have to do as a normal user is to type:
> > mount /dev/sdb1
> > after plugging in the drive, and you should be able to find its'
> > contents under whatever directory you specified in fstab.
> Truth is, I no longer trust it to be consistent.
> -- hendrik
> >
> > Greg
> >
> >
> > --
> > web site:
> > gpg public key:
> > skype: gregn1
> > (authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
> > If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your
> contacts.
> >
> > --
> > Free domains: or mail
> > ___
> > Dng mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Dng mailing list
> ___
> Dng mailing list
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 20:09:06 -0700
James Powell  wrote:

> From: Hendrik Boom<>
> Sent: ‎7/‎28/‎2015 7:45 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 01:08:26PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 03:17:11PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > > Of course I have to guess whether the device has
> > > been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever.  In case of
> > > (frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1
> > > and a login, unplug the device, and plug it in again.  It will
> > > the tell me after a while, that a new device has been inserted,
> > > and tell me what /dev/sd* name it has dynamically installed.  I
> > > end up, as root, mounting the device with root as the owner.
> > > It's usually a USB stick with one of the ubiquitous Microsoft
> > > file systems used on USB sticks, and all the files can be read or
> > > writen by root only.
> >
> > There is a much easier way. Instead of switching consoles and
> > guessing, just plug the device in, and look at the last screen full
> > of the output from dmesg.
> Yes, that would have been easier.
> > Also, if you're mounting on your own laptop, it
> > will usually have one hd, /dev/sda. When you plug in a usb device,
> > it will probably have /dev/sdb. If you unplug it, and plug in the
> > same device, or plug in another stick, it will probably
> > have /dev/sdb still.
> For whatever reason, there was a time when it kept picking new letters
> if I umounted the stick, took it ouot, and put another in.  Maybe
> there was a bug somewhere then?  But I could not rely on it always
> being /dev/sdb.
> > So, you could just put a line in /etc/fstab which will allow a
> > normal user to mount /dev/sdb1 for example to whatever directory you
> > want. All you would have to do as a normal user is to type:
> > mount /dev/sdb1
> > after plugging in the drive, and you should be able to find its'
> > contents under whatever directory you specified in fstab.
> Truth is, I no longer trust it to be consistent.
> -- hendrik
> >
> > Greg

> Eventually, and I kinda realized this, work may be needed to write a
> udisks replacement for vdev that can work off vdev without loosing
> functionality to udisks using applications and file managers,
> especially for non-Linux systems.
> Nothing fancy, but as long as it works and allows for some level of
> control for admins, I don't have a problem with it.
> Thoughts?

A glimpse at shows this
udisks thing to be so thoroughly entangled with programs subsumed by
systemd that it's just too much work. dbus, polkit, you have to enmesh
it with how much stuff just to mount something.

Just to inject some humor into it, see this section:

Yeah, that's right: Arch is recommending that the actual plug-in
detection be done with inotify, the isolated-from-systemd that I was
going to use for my automounter if I got 20 people and Jude is using to
replace part of udev.

Meanwhile, as far as I can see, their entanglement with polkit does
nothing more than my idea about sudo. Does anyone see any reason why
polkit should be assumed more secure than sudo?

And dbus? The only reason I can think of for dbus is so our good
friends at Freedesktop.Org can have their desktop environment can phone
in the request to unmount. About those phone-in requests via dbus: Is
there any reason we can't have a program called Devuan Control Center
that becomes the *real* place the user goes in order to tell the
computer to unmount, reboot, poweroff, log out, etc. Seriously, why
should mounting and unmounting, manually or automatically, have
*anything* to do with a GUI? They're OS functions.

I think rewriting udisks is a snipe hunt: we need to make a clean
break, in my opinion. Otherwise we'll be forever chasing Lennart's
latest great idea of the week.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread James Powell
Eventually, and I kinda realized this, work may be needed to write a udisks 
replacement for vdev that can work off vdev without loosing functionality to 
udisks using applications and file managers, especially for non-Linux systems.

Nothing fancy, but as long as it works and allows for some level of control for 
admins, I don't have a problem with it.


From: Hendrik Boom<>
Sent: ‎7/‎28/‎2015 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 01:08:26PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 03:17:11PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > Of course I have to guess whether the device has
> > been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever.  In case of
> > (frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1 and a
> > login, unplug the device, and plug it in again.  It will the tell me
> > after a while, that a new device has been inserted, and tell me what
> > /dev/sd* name it has dynamically installed.  I end up, as root,
> > mounting the device with root as the owner.  It's usually a USB stick
> > with one of the ubiquitous Microsoft file systems used on USB sticks,
> > and all the files can be read or writen by root only.
> There is a much easier way. Instead of switching consoles and
> guessing, just plug the device in, and look at the last screen full of
> the output from dmesg.

Yes, that would have been easier.

> Also, if you're mounting on your own laptop, it
> will usually have one hd, /dev/sda. When you plug in a usb device, it
> will probably have /dev/sdb. If you unplug it, and plug in the same
> device, or plug in another stick, it will probably have /dev/sdb
> still.

For whatever reason, there was a time when it kept picking new letters
if I umounted the stick, took it ouot, and put another in.  Maybe there
was a bug somewhere then?  But I could not rely on it always being

> So, you could just put a line in /etc/fstab which will allow a
> normal user to mount /dev/sdb1 for example to whatever directory you
> want. All you would have to do as a normal user is to type:
> mount /dev/sdb1
> after plugging in the drive, and you should be able to find its'
> contents under whatever directory you specified in fstab.

Truth is, I no longer trust it to be consistent.

-- hendrik

> Greg
> --
> web site:
> gpg public key:
> skype: gregn1
> (authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
> If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your 
> contacts.
> --
> Free domains: or mail
> ___
> Dng mailing list
Dng mailing list
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 01:08:26PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 03:17:11PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > Of course I have to guess whether the device has 
> > been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever.  In case of 
> > (frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1 and a 
> > login, unplug the device, and plug it in again.  It will the tell me 
> > after a while, that a new device has been inserted, and tell me what 
> > /dev/sd* name it has dynamically installed.  I end up, as root, 
> > mounting the device with root as the owner.  It's usually a USB stick 
> > with one of the ubiquitous Microsoft file systems used on USB sticks, 
> > and all the files can be read or writen by root only.
> There is a much easier way. Instead of switching consoles and
> guessing, just plug the device in, and look at the last screen full of
> the output from dmesg.

Yes, that would have been easier.

> Also, if you're mounting on your own laptop, it
> will usually have one hd, /dev/sda. When you plug in a usb device, it
> will probably have /dev/sdb. If you unplug it, and plug in the same
> device, or plug in another stick, it will probably have /dev/sdb
> still.

For whatever reason, there was a time when it kept picking new letters 
if I umounted the stick, took it ouot, and put another in.  Maybe there 
was a bug somewhere then?  But I could not rely on it always being 

> So, you could just put a line in /etc/fstab which will allow a
> normal user to mount /dev/sdb1 for example to whatever directory you
> want. All you would have to do as a normal user is to type:
> mount /dev/sdb1
> after plugging in the drive, and you should be able to find its'
> contents under whatever directory you specified in fstab.

Truth is, I no longer trust it to be consistent.

-- hendrik

> Greg
> -- 
> web site:
> gpg public key:
> skype: gregn1
> (authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
> If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your 
> contacts.
> --
> Free domains: or mail
> ___
> Dng mailing list
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Rob Owens
- Original Message -
> From: "Hendrik Boom" 

> Over the years the state of mounting USB drives has steadily
> deteriorated on my Debian Jessie laptop.
As far as I can tell, that was caused by the introduction of 
systemd as a requirement for mounting removable media (at least
the "standard" way of mounting removable media).

Before I stopped using Jessie, I had USB mounting working 
with the spacefm file manager and either udevil or pmount to
handle the removable devices.  Let me know if anybody wants
instruction on that.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 03:17:11PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> Of course I have to guess whether the device has 
> been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever.  In case of 
> (frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1 and a 
> login, unplug the device, and plug it in again.  It will the tell me 
> after a while, that a new device has been inserted, and tell me what 
> /dev/sd* name it has dynamically installed.  I end up, as root, 
> mounting the device with root as the owner.  It's usually a USB stick 
> with one of the ubiquitous Microsoft file systems used on USB sticks, 
> and all the files can be read or writen by root only.

There is a much easier way. Instead of switching consoles and
guessing, just plug the device in, and look at the last screen full of
the output from dmesg. Also, if you're mounting on your own laptop, it
will usually have one hd, /dev/sda. When you plug in a usb device, it
will probably have /dev/sdb. If you unplug it, and plug in the same
device, or plug in another stick, it will probably have /dev/sdb
still. So, you could just put a line in /etc/fstab which will allow a
normal user to mount /dev/sdb1 for example to whatever directory you
want. All you would have to do as a normal user is to type:
mount /dev/sdb1
after plugging in the drive, and you should be able to find its'
contents under whatever directory you specified in fstab.


web site:
gpg public key:
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.

Free domains: or mail
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] automount, mount, and USB sticks

2015-07-28 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 09:29:09AM +0100, kpb wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 00:09:45 -0400
> Steve Litt  wrote:
> > Cheer up Svante. This isn't for your corporation's web servers, it's
> > for the guy with a desktop, the system's only user, a guy who already
> > has root but just doesn't want to do su all the time, who just wants
> > automounting to happen.
> > 
> That guy would be me. 
> I think that xfce4 with automounting enabled will cover most of us 
> desktop/laptop users as a (suggested) default. xfce4 works with 2d or even 
> VESA video and so can work on older machines. 

Over the years the state of mounting USB drives has steadily 
deteriorated on my Debian Jessie laptop.

I have done regular upgrades, have dumped gnome3 and KDE4, have removed 
systemd, but mostly it has been the regular updates that seem to have 
made things worse.  Perhaps the Debian developers have managed to 
wrangle systemd into a form that would have worked better recently, 
but if so I have no knowledge of it. I have my doubts.

I now use xfce.

Automounting has never been satisfactory, but the the ability to mount 
has gone from bad to worse, auto or not.

Once, it would automount, but as the wrong user.  I would have to 
become root and unmount it, then mount it as myself.

Once, an icon for the device would appear on my screen that I 
could click to mount.

Later, I wowld have to open the file manager to get the icon on which I 
could open a menu that allowed me to mount.  But the system would think 
of a place to mount it and add it to /dev.  Great if I wanted to go on 
using the file manager to manipulate it.  Not so great of I had to 
guess the mount point.

Later, I was told I did not have the privileges needed to do 
the mount, but it would let me mount it anyway if I entered the root 

Nowadays, it won't even let me enter the root password to identify 
myself as privileged.

I can only mount by opening a terminal, becoming root, and typing in a 
mount command.  Of course I have to guess whether the device has 
been plugged in as /dev/sdb, or /dev/sde, or whatever.  In case of 
(frequent) doubt, I switch to a root console with control-alt-F1 and a 
login, unplug the device, and plug it in again.  It will the tell me 
after a while, that a new device has been inserted, and tell me what 
/dev/sd* name it has dynamically installed.  I end up, as root, 
mounting the device with root as the owner.  It's usually a USB stick 
with one of the ubiquitous Microsoft file systems used on USB sticks, 
and all the files can be read or writen by root only.

Now I also use the sshfs file system on my laptop, to access most of my 
files, which are kept on a server at home.  I mount it as myself.  
Then the ssh file systtem won't allow anyone other than me to read 
or write it.

In particular, I can't execute cp from the usb stick to my home server, 
either as myself or as root.  I end up cp'ing it to my laptop as 
root, chown'ing it to be mine as root, and then copyying it to the 
server as myself.  Woe be to me if the laptop doesn't have enough 
temporary disk space.

Of course, I suppose I could establish a second sshfs connection as 
root, but I really think it's getting too complicated by now.

Now I realize that there are circumstances where all this is necessary 
for security reasons.  But when it's my laptop and a USB stick my 
friend (one of them who uses Windows, another uses Mac, by the way) 
hands to me, 
it is 
crazy that I can just stick the thing into almost anybody's 
machine in the coffee shop and they can read and write it, but not my 
Jessie laptop.

Now I don't need automounting.  But I do  need to be able to read and 
write ordinary unencrypted USB sticks withoug haveing to become root 
and guess a device names, and then still have trouble.

Please make this easier.  My friends see me struggling with this and 
thank God they are not using Linux.  Poor PR, if nothing else.
I get asked why I use Linux if it gives me such trouble.

-- hendrik
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